HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-12-21, Page 8THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * Greetings— May we extend to you along with our heartiest wishes for a Merry Xmas and a most Prosperous New Year our sincerest thanks for your past fa­ vors, ' Harness’ Greenhouse Phone 202 Exeter Markets Wheat, 7 Oc. Oats 34c. Barley 40c. Buckwheat, 40c. Manitoba’s Best, $2.50. Model Flour, $2.30. Welcome Flour $2.10 Low Grade Flour $1.25 Shorts $1.10Bran $1.00 Vim Oat Feed $13.00 a ton Creamery Butter 28c. Dairy Butter 19, 3ic Eggs, extras 30c. Eggs, firsts 2Sc. Eggs, seconds 15c. Hogs $6.00 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A. Young, B. Sc. A. Interim Moderator Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—-Mr. William weir of Knox College 7 p.m.—Mr. William Weir Friday 8 pan. Sunday School Entertainment a* £ FQeFFg Christmas to our many friends and customers Jt n WE SPECIALIZE IN LOCALS of various kinds I IN THE JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton,‘ B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader $GIFT SUGGESTIONS rt H STOVE BURNER LINE WE HANDLE THE “SILENT GLOW” Main St. United church are liold- 5 a concert in the church this (Wednesday) evening put on by the Carolina Jubilee Singers. On Thurs­ day evening the James St. Sunday Stliool will hold their annual Christ­ mas concert and on Friday evening Caven Sunday School will hold their Christmas concert. Our tables are filled with new goods suitable for gifts. Give p practical gifts this Christmas. They are sure to please. g Many persons are using these burners and save money and labor. Ask them about it. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY .GIVEN W. J. Melville, Exeter Phone 61w tHR1STMAS SERVICES a.m.—-“If Jesus had not Come” p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—"The Pageant of Bethlehem” by Mabel Burkholder, of Hamilton will be presented by a large group of young people. It contains, the •Christmas Story with a number of carols interspersed. Colorful cos­ tumes, An invitation is extended to all. Wednesday—8 p.m. Prayer Service. Tonight (Thursday) Christmas Con­ cert. Lon- with con- T-o-day Thursday is the shortest day of the year. Mrs. Harvey pollen visited in don over the week-end. Mrs. Wm. Kuntz is visiting her children in Windsor. Mrs. G. Pulleyplank is again fined to her bed through illness. Miss Ida Blatchford. of Detroit, is visiting with her father Mr. Francis Blatchford. Mr. Thoe. Bissett, of Usborne, has been confined to- his bed but is im­ proving. Mrs. Harry Jones, who has been ill for some time, is able to be up and around. Flowers are appreciated at Christ­ mas. Store. Mr. spent here. Send the Times-Advoca-te as a Christmas Gift. It will be appreciat­ ed every week of the year. Mr. and Mrs. E. Edworthy, Strat­ ford visited with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Horton on Sunday. Mr, John Gardiner, or near Park­ hill, is visiting for a few days with his nephew, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lawson. Mr. Walter H. Harness is ill at the Westminster Hospital, London. His friends will hope for his speedy re­ covery. Mr. Wm. Smith, of Hamilton, nep- : hew of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz, of i town has been seriously ill with per- ’ itnotis. WANTED—Live cockrels, highest1 Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Stewart, of prices paid for male birds. Reply, Moncton, N. B., are visiting with the stating'age, weight and breed. Box, former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J .A. 100, Exeter. Stewart. ------------------------ I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coates and Gould’s Grocery Christmas Specials See the • display at Grieve’s Candy .... Mixed Nuts 15c. to 50c. a lb. 18c. a lb. Oranges . . . 23c., 29c. 39c. doz. Tangerines ............... 40c. dozen Oysters Christmas Trees . . . 25c. to 75c. Phone 44 We Deliver RUMACAPS RELIEVE PAIN in Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, while removing the cause.— W. S. Cole’s Drugstore. WANTED TO BUY—•! Soft maple and Basswood logs. Ap­ ply to Harold Corbett, Lucan au­ thorized buyer for Hay & Co., Wood- stock. 12-21-2tp. Ted. Taman, of Seaforth, the week-end nc his home -Hard Maple PIis® Lena, of Usborne, have moved on Mir An- to their new home in Exeter. We FOR SALE OR RENT—Residence on the south side or Huron street west of the railway track. Apply to H. Bagshaw. Exeter, or Mrs. F. Hogarth. R.R .1, Exeter .phone 18 r 15 Crediton. 12-21-3tc. FOR SALE—Choice bronze gob­ blers. Price $4.00. Pat Sullivan, R. R. No. 3, Dashwood. FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine bricit residence, all modern conveniences. Apply R. E. Pickard is ill in following gradually hopes are MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader CHRISTMAS SERVICES a.m.—“The Wise Men”11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—"The Shepherds” Special Music Tuesday—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Fourth Sunday in Advent CHRISTMAS SERVICES 10.30 a.m.—Chimes 11 a.m..—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. Subject—“Joy in Christ” Solo—“Nazareth” by Gounod Anthem—“Hail. Holy Morn” by Lincoln Hall 2 3 p.m.—-U-Go-I-Go Class in Church p.m.-—‘Children’s Service in church Subject—"The Christmas Story” p.m.—-Chimes ‘Carol Singing p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Subject—"The First Christmas Eve” Solo—“The Virgins Lullaby” by Dudley Buck. Anthem—"Calm on the Night” by Parks 7.45 p.m., Thursday—-Prayer Service Subject—‘St. Thomas the Apostle’ 8 p.m., Friday—Christmas Concert Christmas Day Seiwice at .10 a.m. “Emmanuel—God With Us” Anthem — “Gesu Bamino” Pietro Yon 6 6.3 0 p.m.- 7 St st ttLADIES’ BATH ROBES In Eiderdown or All Wool 2.95 to 4.95 SILK HOSIERY Season’s Newest Shades 59c to 1.50 LADIES’ SILK SCARFS Beautiful Shades 79c to 2.95 BOX. HANDKERCHIEFS In dainty boxes 25c to 60c SILK LINGERIE Vest and Pantee Sets 98c BOUDOIR SLIPPERS 89c to 1.75 KID GLOVES Fully Guaranteed L25 to 2.95 LADIES’ HAND BAGS In fine leathers 1.95 to 2.95 MADERIA GUEST TOWELS very dainty 5Oc it LADIES’ FUR COLLARED COATS 8 ONLY LADIES ’CLOTH FUR-COLLARED COATS EVERY ONE NEW THIS SEASON. YOUR PICK FOR $13.95 _____i ALL WOOL BLANKETS New Colorings Special at 3.75 TURKISH TOWELS Special Values at 20c, 25c and 35c AERO PACKS AND OVER NIGHT BAGS $2.50 and $4.95 LADIES’ GOLOSHES Newest Styles 1.75 Beautiful BEDSPREADS Italian made Large size $5.50 AXMINSTER RUGS 27 in. by 54 in.—6 shades Special at $2.95 Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Sat Special Choice it I H CHOICE OATFS QUALITY MX I itw 4 I/BS-roR 25c MINCE MEAT 2 lbs for 23c. LARD in bulk or pkg.. per pound r.nr IF Try our Christmas Candies, Nuts, Figs and Granges. Best Quality at lowest Prices. RBI Southcott Bros. fez <1 FOR SALE OR RENT—2-story brick house in the Village of Exeter. Apply to Carling & Morley 9-19-tfc per annum payable half-yearly Huron. & Erie Debentures issued for $100 and over 1 to 5 years Huron & Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION Chartered 1864 Increase your interest return Carling & Morley Gladman & Stanbury welcome them to our midst. Little Misses Ola and Audrey Moir while playing in front of their home Monday lost their pet dog. Bonnie, it being run over by a passing mot­ orist. Give a Wrist Watch for Christmas while they last at very low prices, from $3.75 up. See the New Laval guaranteed by Elgin Watch Co. at S. B. Taylor’s. Mr. Thos. Kestle, who Victoria Hospital, London, his recent operation is growing weaker and little held for his recovery. Mrs. W. C. Cann, or Crystal City, and grandson Garth Classen, of Winnipeg, who have been visiting in Parkhill have joined Tvir. Cann and daughter in their new home here. Mrs. R. J. Fuke and daughter, Miss Cora Fuke, of Chicago, are ex­ pected here on Friday ro spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood. Dr. Moir, Messrs. J. Zuefle and J. Robinson, of Hensail, were in Ex­ eter Wednesday week playin, with Sweet and latter were up a little on the play. There have been no new develop­ ments in the Public Utilities situa­ tion last been been placed in the hands of the County Crown Attorney. The Ladies’ Guild of the Trivitt Memorial church servec a hot oyster supper in the dining-room of the Central Hotel on Saturday evening. Those not desiring oysters were serv­ ed with pressed chicken. The ladies received a liberal patronage and they served a splendid supper. Rev. A. E. Lloyd, Granton, oc­ cupied the pulpit of Main street United church on Sunday morning and preached a very acceptable ser­ mon. The pastor, Rev. A. E. Elliott took the services at Granton. He was accompanied by the Main St. male quartette who sang three sel­ ections. On Thursday of last week there was an extreme change of weather during the night. When the .citi­ zens retired to their slumbers the wind was bitter cold and biting. At two a. m. Friday lightning and thunder accompanied by rain woke many from a sound sleep. It was the beginning of the soft spell and practically all of the snow has disappeared. Miss Hazel Smith has returned from Listowel having completed her course in Beauty Culture at the Lu­ cille Jones Salon. In the final ex­ amination covering the full course which is necessary tw secure a Gov­ ernment Diploma, Miss Smith secur­ ed 98%. She will open an. up-to- date Beauty Parlor with the most modern equipment about January 2nd. Further announcement next week. To One And All We extend Our Very Best Wishes For A BRIGHT AND HAPPY CHRISTMAS We have a large assortment of Diamond Rings to suit every purse. Call and see our assortment.—S. B. Taylor. g a- Messrs. A. J. M. evening of last cnecrter tourney Brintnell, Jas. Southcott. The in Exeter since our report of week. Several rumors have in circulation but these have unfounded. The case lias been JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 The I.O.O.F will hold a euchre in the Lodge room on Thursday even­ ing December 28 th. The Oddfel­ lows with their wives, or members of their families are invited to be present and a. special invitation is extended to the widows and families of former Oddfellows. Ladies please provide lunch. Wm. Middleton N.G. Dressed Fowl—Choice turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens at Rivers’ Butcher Shop, drawn free. We carry a full line. No need to be dis­ appointed. Phone 9. Flowering Plants and cut flowers at Grieve’s Store. Order early. BADMINTON PLAYERS AT BAYFIELD Members of the Exeter Badmin­ ton Club motored to Bayfield Tues­ day evening and enjoyed a tourna­ ment with the Bayfield players, rhe Bayfield players were the win­ ners of all the events m the mixed doubles as well as in the ladies doubles. In the men’s doubles Bay- field won four and Exeter won three. The Exeter players, while defeated put up a very creditable exhibition. The Bayfield players were 0. Webster, J. Jowett, Mur­ ray and Russell Grainger, B. Hig­ gins, Don McKenzie, L. Elliott, Dr. Builds, Chas. M. Groves, M. Mrs. McEwen, M. Groves, M. I. Kirk!, G. Gale. ers were Misses II. Dignan, Eleanor and Marjorie Medd and Eileen Snell, Messrs. G .Cochrane, G. Lam­ port, Frank and Joe Creech, L. Jackson, S. West, C. Boyle ahd J. • M. Southcott. A dainty lunch was served by the Bayfield players and was very much enjoyed. and Fred Wallis, Douglas, E, Sturgeon, Mre .xdiwett, Misses Douglas, E. Sturgeon, The Exeter play- The regular meeting of the Main Street Mission Circle was held at the home of Misses Eva and Ruth Pearce. Tuesday evening, December 12th with twenty girls present. The devotional part of the meeting was taken by Helen Dignan and took the form of a Christmas story, through­ out which the group sang several Christmas hymns. The annual re­ ports of the secretary and the treas­ urer were given. The Circle have been very successful, having obtain­ ed very close to their allocation. The election of officers resulted in the 193 3 president being re-elected. Eleanor Medd as first vice president Miss Evelyn Howard as second vice president; Miss Olive Lawson, sec’y Marjorie Medd, ass’t sec’y; Eva Pearce, treasurer; Dorothy Sims, correspondence sec’y; Helen Dignan Christian Stewardship convenor; Marion Powell, Temperance sec’y; Ruth Balkwill, press .corres.; Hilda Sims, ass’t press corres.; Violet Gambrill, pianist; Marjorie Medd, ass’t pianist. Miss 'Cann favored us with a solo which was much enjoy­ ed. After the closing hymn and benediction a social hour was spent. A Christmas full of Joy and Happiness is Our Wish for All. Our Christmas stock of Furnishings is complete with the latest in all lines and we are offering some very attractive prices GLOVES WORTH $3.50 for $2.50; $2.50 for $2.00; $1.50 for $1.00 CAPS WORTH $2.00 for $1.50; $1.50 for $1.00 SOCKS WORTH $1.00 for 75c. 75c. for 50c. 50c. for 40c. SPATS WORTH $1.25 for $1.00 TIES WORTH $1.25 for $1.00; $1.00 for 75c.; 75c. for 50c. and 50c. for 25c. SHIRTS, GARTERS, BRACES ALL REDUCED PUT UP IN FANCY BOXES W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. tCKJ CHM Greetings....To One and All, We extend the Season’s Greetings. Why not give a piece of furniture for a Christmas gift—nothing more suitable. Drop in to see our stock. A full line to choose from. R. N. ROWE Funeral Director Ambulance Service day or night Phone 20w