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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-12-21, Page 7
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1933 GREETINGS GREETINGS— S. Martin & Son fl F. Rabethge ft ft M. W. PFAFF Postmaster and Staff SEASON’S GREETINGS These Firing extend to the Readers of the Times- Advocate their Expressions of Good Will I Chainway Store Our greatest asset is the good will of our cus tomers and we sincerely value the business we have been accorded dur ing the past year. May your Christmas be merry, and the New Year better and more prosper ous than ever before. We extend best wishes to our many friends with the hope that the year to come will hold a full share of happiness and prosperity to all. Best Christmas Wishes OUR CHRISTMAS WISH GREETINGS THE SEASON’S GREETINGS k It is with great pleasure J May this Christmas be S ‘“ke,th!s oppor: , ©L tumty to express our good 1the merriest you have g wishes to our friends and 1 ever had and the New & patrons. It . sin. ? Year we are now about g ^rest h a,is to enter contain more sup- w . .n u u • i ’cess, prosperity & health g Christmas will be a bright than you have ever before g and joyous one and that | been favored with. B ““ W ”ay be ? prosperous. • In the friendly spirit of this glad some season we desire to extend to our patrons and friends our cordial appre ciation of the good will they have shown us. We wish them one and all A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS & In thanking our good friends for p their splendid response to our efforts during the past year, we extend our # sincere wishes for a right Happy $ Christmas. May the New Year prove one in which your efforts are attended ff with success, and may good health x make that success enjoyable. & We take this opportunity to wish f you a Very Merry Christmas and a $ Happy and Prosperous New Year, and $ also to express our sincere apprecia- $ tion to our many customers and friends $ for their patronage during the past & year. 1933 1934 The Manager and Staff of the Bank of Montreal wish you a Happy Christmas J. H. GRIEVE fl ft Arthur Jones and ft Cunningham & Pryde ■* Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year To our many friends we extend the most cordial greeting for a Ver# Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. We also wish to extend our thanks for the splendid patronage that has been accorded us. B. M. Francis New Laid Eggs Agent for the Canada Life For hundreds of years the same phrase has been used, but it has never lost its ring of sincerity, and we can find no better way to greet you. “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We also wish to express oUr thanks for your patronage during the past year. Wrn. J. Smith Centralia and Exeter it ft Rivers’ Meat Market The Manager and Staff, The Canadian Bank of Commerce $ Extends to our Customers and Friends ft Best Wishes for A Merry, Merry Christmas and A Bright and Prosperous New Year ft ft ?<• fl Agent for Massey-Harris & Beatty Equipment A Prosperous New Year Greetings— We are happy to take this oppor tunity to extend to one and all our very best wishes for a Most Merry Christ mas and a Prosperous New Year. We also desire to express our sincere thanks for your valued patronage dur ing the year. At this Christmas Season we wel- come the opportunity to extend our thanks to our many customers for their generous patronage during the year. Kindly accept our Best Wishes for a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year II COOK’S Bros 'ft. iff Rock Bottom Cash Store » A Merry Christmas to All. May f the day abound with blessings and $ may the years to come be filled with £ Peace and Prosperity. We wish to ff express our appreciation of the patron- & age that has been afforded us during £ the year. It Expressing our appreciation for the splendid patrongae that has been accorded us during the year and ex tending to one and all our sincere wish for a Happy Christmas and may the New Year bring an increased measure of Happiness & Prosperity. Our Christmas Greetings are ex- m tended to our old friends—ou!r new eg, friends—and the many friends that we J? hope to make during the next year. W Exeter Creamery Co. Limited h Creameries at Exeter and Winchelsea ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft It ft Tuckey Transport Coates’ Grocery Phone 194 ft ft We welcome this opportunity to thank our many friends for their co operation during the year now closing. Please accept our cordial wishes for a Happy Christmas and a New Year of Health, Happiness and Pros perity. ft fl ft |Merry Christmas! I H. T. Rowe Coal, Coke and Produce j: r r r r r r r ff May your Christmas Day hold happier moments, brighter hours, sweeter memories than ever it did be fore. May the New Year find you in good health and good spirits. We ap preciate the business relations we have enjoyed and hope to merit a contin- uace of your patroage. B. W. F. Beavers tf Your loyal support during the few months we have been in business prompts us to express oUr appreciation W and to wish to one and all a Very W Merry Christmas and a New Year rich W with Happiness, Good Health and in- W creased Prosperity. w GOULD’S Grocery and Tea Room When shopping come in and have a hot cup of tea ft M