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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-12-21, Page 5
ST.iKm ; last except iteeye Consitt. The minutes of I was held on Friday eveningULM\ Al I with all members present <III I Councillor Mickle,i ivi I Im i« was in the chair. Subscriptions received at the Hen- the last meeting were read by the sail Post Office for all Daily and clork and P^sed on motion of Petty ------- __ ■ ” <and Spencer, Tax Collector, Fred Bonthron was present and reported that there were $376.21 of the 1932 taxes still unpaid and $16'55,30 or fn„o-------------ril,----------- 112.6 per cent, of the 1933 taxes un- n a S°od be«er thanfor hntb be.st last year’ Moved by Councillors nnvvAntiv d Postmaster to Petty and seconded by councillor 1 L,,y y' . Spencer that the arrears of the 193 2 The nominations for Reeve, 4 taxes be eent to the Coupty Treasur- councillors, 3 school trustees and er for collection. Carried. Jones, one member of the local hydro com- and Petty that we refund W. G. mission will be held here on Friday Thompson $3,3i0 error in tax roll, evening. Owen Geiger is again in Carried. Communications were read the field for Reeve and if the pres- from W. G. Thompson Ltd., and 1' . ent reeve, Wm. Consitt, withdraws Harding and filed. ................... from the contest; W---Jones will be in the field for reeve. I de^ed paid on motion of Mr. Jones has a great deal' of muni- and Jones and that the account ot cipal experience. Councillor Petty is Eolin Hudson be here: for further also willing to enter the contest^for examination; School Board, school the reeveship. He has had many rates $3 675.1'5; Public Library Bd., years of municipal experience and $193.63; Huron County Treasurer, was also a former county warden. I county rates $2014.;F. G. Bon- The election will be held on New thron, refund re Batten and Dur- lears Day.—Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ham $3.30; O. Geiger, refund dog tax Sweitzer of the Beach-o’XPines were $2.00; yy, q, Thompson Ltd., re Sunday visitors with relatives in the fund error in tax roll $3.30; John vRlage.—Mr. Robert Higgins return- pfaff remoyal of rubbish $1.00; to ed home Sunday after a pleasant $,5i893.1§. Reeve Consitt report, two weeks’ visit with his daughter, ed ^iat some of those who got relief Mrs. O. Beavers at Farquhar.—Mr. ]asf wjiiter had earned from the McLean of the staff of the Bank of town during the summer by labor •Montreal here is away on his holi- $12,.5O which was placed to their days.——Our merchants are having a credit. The reeve also reported splendid Christmas traae and have that so far this wintar no relief had their stores nicely decorated.—T'-" C. S. Hudson spent tne week-end vis- I sTents~7ed7 Spencer’and Petty iting her daughter and other friends we now adjOurn. Carnea. in London.—'Mr. Talbot and son, of London, were Sunday visitors with |------------------------ Dr, and Mrs. Collyer.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Corbett and little son spent Sun day with relatives in Dashwood.'—■ Mrs. John Bean was In London on Tuesday to see her sister Miss Ro- bena Hunkin, who underwent an op- x eration for appendicitis in_ the Lon don ing and on Mickle’s parents.—Mrs. 1 and son Douglas, who have been vis-I Mjsg Audrey Prance, or iting with Mrs. Dick’s parents, Mr. seaj aj. visiting and Mrs. Cochrane, of Hillsgreen, aild yrs> piaroid prance, has been visiting for a few days _ , with relatives in town.—Mrs. Mark ^f?„ei1Sren<, 19 Drysdale visited in London on Sat- a attack of pneumonia, urday.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howard,of Exeter, spent Saturday visiting ?ad P' T1®ma^ and tainily sPent Mr. Howard’s brother Mr. Harry ^I?nday ia London. The many Howard.—Mrs. D. Workman and friends of Mrs. Addison Tieman will daughter Miss Olive and Mabel spent b® leai31' 'sbo 1S con£1.u‘ Saturday in London.-— l'he Y.P.A. of ®d to ber room through iLness.—The the United Church and the Welfare J^g s Daughters Sunday School Youth Club of (’aven Presbyterian p-dass niotoied to Thedfoid on Sat- cliurcli have withdrawn their meet- ai.’day GVe^nig. wbe1’® Mrs. Gordon ings until after the Christmas holi- entertained the class to a days.__The services in the United Christmas party. The evening was Church on Sunday last were taken in. reading and discussing by Rev. Arthur Sinclair, who preach-pi^mas in modern times. Christmas ed two splendid sermons. In the ev- Silts were given among the girls ening there was a girls’ quartette, and a /ery pleasant evening was entitled ‘God Will Take Care of You’ «paat together.— Mr and Mrs. L. by Bella Smale, Ruth Coles, Mildred Restemeyer ot the 14th concession Follick, Kathryn Drysdale—At the h^erUined a number ;of their Carmel Church the pastor Rev. w. KnGnd& o* Thursday evening—The A. Young took the service and Evangelical Christmas Entertam- preached good sermons. In the ev- pnent will be held on Friday evening ening a ladies quartette consisting December 22nd and rae Lutheran of Airs. Harold Bell, Irene Daters, festiyal 5Liz1.111.be beld on Sanday Mabel Workman, Irene Hoggarth. eyeainK—William Hartman, who re- Tlie Carmel church will hold their sides on the Goshen Line in Stephen annual Sunday School entertainment Townsliip narrowly escaped death in the school room of the church on a peculiar accident on his farm. Friday evening. A splendid program £ thieshing machine owned.by E. G. is being prepared and a good crowd Kraft was being hauled into, the expected. Admission 15c. for adults. bafa by a Dvely team of 'horses when -.Miss Margaret Johnson is. assist- a line snapped, causing the horses ing in the postoffice tins week—Mr. Jo swerve and the large machine and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and little daugh- toppled over the side of the bank ter, of Delhi, were recent visitors falhng on its side Mr. Hartman was with their relatives in town—Miss pinned. underneath with only his Blanche Senior and Mrs. J. Senior le&svmijle and at first it was fear- of Exeter were Sunday visitors in pd that he was dead, but aftei sfaov- town—Mr. Jas. A. Bell has return- ellmg away the snow he wae able to ed home from London Hospital where crawl from under the machine. He he has been for several weeks. Mr. i?^es bis llfe to tbe. fact mat he fell Bell is improving slowly.-J-The Mis- Pnt0 deeP enow which prevented the :sion Band of the United C met on Thursday afternoon with a splendid attendance of mem bers’. After the opening exercises a Christmas program p _ Kathryn Drysdale, was given: a reading by Ronald Peck; instrumen tal by Mary Goodwin; 1 ” _ Marion Dougall; mouth-organ selec tion by George Pearce; U‘ story by Mrs, Audrey Cochrane, officers for the coming year took place at this meeting. The elec tion was in charge of Mrs. McQueen and Mrs. Peck, which resulted follows: Pres., Mary Clark. President, Edna Saundercock; Sec., Billie Coles; Treasurer, .McQueen; roll call Sec., Norma Cook SU1S song of hymns by the choir was Pianist, Kathryn Drysdale; 1....... tllA pminlfi- Monitors, Elaine Peck, Barbara Shep herd. The meeting closed 1 prayer by M'rs. McDonald.—<ln ~ ■ . . , -of the usual entertainment given by basement of the church with 2J the scholars of the United Church | -. ■ • -■--" Sunday School, a musical v ■ — nwill be given by the Carolina Jubilee f “snm,wJlct !l0,nbyU^ NouJer Sre. Singers, of Chicago, Who, are , at 1 Mr/present touring Canada entertaining Sehlunt and Mis. Weekly newspapers. Your patronage solicited. Post Office box rents are payable at the Hensail Post Office on or be- CREDITON Mr. Kenneth Sippell. who is at tending the Theological Seminary in Naperville, Ill,, is spending his Christmas vacation with his parents Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Sippell.—Mrs. William Fisher was taken tO' St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Mon day morning. We hope for a speedy recovery, — Mr. Arthur Amy, who was operated on foi' appendicitis at Victoria Hospital, London, was able to return home on Sunday and Mrs, Sylvester Wuerth, who had the mis fortune to fracture her skull a few weeks ago, is able to be up.-—The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held at the par sonage, Thursday, December 14th. with a good attendance and one new ----------a ---- -----The following' member added to the roll.. The meet councillor Wm. bills and accounts were read and or- ing opened with pres., Mrs. 1, Hill . , ., ... spencer j in the chair. After the business was ■Mrs. J t)een asked for and only a few tran- that DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., p.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Hospital last week. She is do- nicely.—Mr. and Mrs. L. Mickle children visited in Ridgetown Sunday with Mr. and M'rs.1 Mr. Sam Elsie, of Detroit, spent _I ^b® week-end with his friends here. WinC'liel- with Mr. suffering Church heavy weight from crushing him. last Dr. Taylor, who attended him found that he had suffered four fractured ribe.— About 20 mcmoers of the nrenai-ed Tv I Dashwood Evangelical choir met at P given- a tb® home of Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried liiSti amen- Oestriecher on Thursday evening to reading1 Ty b°n®r Mr. Oestricher, for many years organ selec- leader of the choir. An address ex- Christmas Prying appreciation of his services .Peck; instrumental by pn tins capacity was read by Mrs. The election of Mervyn Tieman, the present leader, also while the president, Miss Catherine 1 Finkbeiner presented! Mr. Oestreich er with a beautiful scarf and Mrs. as i Oestreicher with a box of fruit. Mr. Vice- Oestreicher pleasantly thanked the Rec. I choir on behalf of himself and his Elva wife for their kind remembrance. A Book I much enjoyed by the elderly couple. —The Ladies-’ Aid of Zion Lutheran with Church, Dashwood held their annual nincp meeting Wednesday evening in the * - I t. a wi I +1^ zibuMhi'i ’tir44-Ti D CJ ajuuivi. - . - • Mrs. Wm. Nadi-concm't I ger occupied the chair for the pro- nV I Lesson, a trio by Mrs. Nadiger, Mrs. -----J G. Guenther, a „ i reading by Mrs. Nadiger which was followed by a shorr talk by Rev. Luft. Mrs. H. Wein then presided for the business session and election of officers as follows: pres. Mrs. H. Wein; vice ©res., Mrs. T. Kraft, re porter; Mrs. J. Schroeder; librarian Mrs. Neuswanger. Mrs- Schumacher; social com. Mrs. I-Iopcraft, Mrs. Eve- land, Mrs. L. Rader; entertaining com., Mrs. Luft, Mrs .Preeter, Mrs-. L. Restemeyer; work com., Mrs. G. Guenther, Mrs. C. Rinker, Mrs. Nad? iger; visiting com., Mrs. H. Reste meyer, Mrs. T. Schlundt; auditors, Mrs. E. Walper, Mrs. Luft. The treasurer’s reports- showed a nice balance on hand. Mr. and Mrs. John Prance, of Us borne, visited wi.th Mr. and Mrs. H. Prance.on Monday. to crowded houses wherever they ap pear. These artists will appear L. the United Church, herq, on Thurs day evening, December 21st.—The W. M. S. of 'Carmel Presbyterian Church held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon of last week. There was a splendid attendance and the meeting was pre sided over by the president. Follow ing a short devotional period and program election of officers took place with the following officere elected: Hon. Pres., Mrs. H. Arnold; Pres., Mrs. W. A. Young; 1st Vice- Pres., Mrs. R. Y. McLean; 2nd Vice- Pres. Pres Mrs. __- C’. S. Hudson; Supply MbOregor; Mrs. J. W. Mrs. W. R. etfs, Mrs. T, Irene Hoggarth Datere. if Mrs. Basil Edwards; 3rd Vice Mrs. John Dallas; Treasurer, Dave Nichol; Secretary, Mrs. sec., MisS. M. and Welfare Glad Tidings Home Help pianist, MieS Miss Irene Welcome Bonthron; Davidson , Hudson; assist Datere. iMrs. C. S. Hudson was pre sented with-a life membership cer tificate, Mrs. Edwards reading the address, presentation by Mrs-. R.. Y, McLaren.— Council Mooting-*- The last meeting of the village council K.< G BANTING, B. A., M. D, Physiciah andburgeon, Lucan, Ont. Office in Centralia Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m, or by appointment Telephone the hotel in Centralia at any time. Phono Crediton 30r25 : dealt with Rev. Johnston presided ' for the election of officers, which are as follows: pres., Mrs. I. I-Iill; 1st vice, Mrs. A, King; 2nd vice, Mrs, B. Kestle; 3rd vree, Mrs. M. Finkbeiner; treasurer, Mrs. A. Bak er; rec. sec., Mrs1. F. W. Clark; cor. sec., Mrs. Zwickler; Pianist, Mrs. Johnston; Assist. Pianist, Mrs. Bak er; Supt. Mite Boxes, Mrs. Lovie, Mrs. B. Kestle; Christian Steward ship, Mrs. Trevethick; Assoc. Strang er, Mrs. Johnston. The president then took the chair and a Christmas program was rendered after which a lunch was. served by the hostess, Mrs. Johnston and a wocral half hour spent. The Evangelical Christmas Con cert will be held Monday evening, December 25th. An excellent miscel laneous program will be presented by the beginners, primaries and jun iors followed by a captivating Christ mas drama given by young people. A White Gift will also be brought to the platform by representations of each class. Everyone1 cordially in vited. The L. A. and W. M. S. will con duct a Watch-night service from 8 to 10 p.m. on December 31. A mis cellaneous program of music, song and readings together’ with a mis sionary pageant will occupy the two hours. The community is cordially invited to attend this service at< the Evangelical Church. In an exciting game of hockey packed with many thrills, the Cred iton Leafs marked their first game of the season when they outscored Grand Bend 7-5 at the Brenner ar ena on Thursday night. Christian Finkbciner Christian Finkbeiner was August son of and his Stephen 1877 he Gaiser. to them: Warner, who died two years ago, at Bengal. Sask; Clara, who is Mrs. G. : Cotten, of Regina, Sask.; Lydia, who is Mrs. R. H. Guest, of Weyburn, .Sask,; Leah, who is Mrs. Ernest ; Keyes, of Shipka; Lome, of Shipka; (Milton, of Sweaton, Sack.; Minnie, who is Mrs. Francis Lafaune, of Sar- | nia and Erma, at home. The depart- i ed was a member of the Evangelical Church more than fifty years and during the time held a number of important church offices and he will be greatly missed in his neighbor hood and among the large circle of church friends. His brothers, and sis ters are: Rev.- Chas. Finkbeiner, of Hannah, Alta.; Rev. Geo. Finkbein er, of Donner’s Grove, Ill.; Rev. S. Finkbeiner, of South Dakota; Prof. Thos. Finkbeiner, of North Central College, Ill., Two sisters Mrs. Levi Stahl, of Stephen and Mrs. Minnick, of Lockport, N.Y.; of these brothers the professor was present, took charge of the ceremony at the grave and also gave a brief address at the church in which he gave many sac red reminescences of his brother’s life. The memorial was conducted by the pAstor M. Sippell assisted by Rev. A. W. Sauer, Rev. E. Burn and Rev. J. Johnson. Flora? contribu tions were prevalent and the entire service was one of high tribute to the excellent character of this in dustrious and sturdy pioneer. He died December 12, aged 81 years. Interment at the Crediton Evangel ical cemetery. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1033THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE Mrs. 1, Hill 2 lbs. 25c. FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS 2 lbs. 25c. PURE CANE SUGAR 10 lbs. for 69c. 6 lbs. 25c. 2 tins 21c. ALSO FULL LINE CANDIES, MIXED NUTS, ORANGES, OYSTERS ETC ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 We Deliver GOOD QUALITY RICE . GOLDEN BANTAM CORN EXTRA SPECIAL ORANGES, PER DOZEN .................................................. SATIN MIXED CANDY....................................................... “Quality always higher than price.” RED & WHITE ....Season’s Greetings MAY THIS FRIENDLY GREETING CONVEY TO YOU OUR BEST WISHES FOR YOUR HAPPINESS AT THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON AND AT THE SAME TIME MAY WE EXPRESS OUR APPRECIATION OF THE LOYAL SUP PORT ACCORDED US BY THE PUBLIC born 10 185 2 near Crediton, a the late Jacob Finkbeiner wife Rosina, pioneers of township. On November 4, was married to Magdalena Eight children were born Nelson of Redverse, Sask.; Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets in Sterling, Onyx, Enamel and Pearl- Tone from $4.50 up.—S. B. Taylor. CREDITON EAST and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff andMr. daughter. Dolores, have returned to their home near Woodham after vis iting for a week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Sr. — iMrs. Joseph Bullock and daughter, Helen, spent the week end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gower near Elimville. —Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and two sons and Mrs. John Baird spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi’s. E. Stur geon at Bayfield.— Mr. and Mrs. I-Ienry Pfaff and three sons, of near Sharon, spent Thursday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Pfaff, Sr.— Mr. John Gardiner, of Parkhill, is visiting his sister, Mrs. John Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. Eli ■Lawson. — Mr. Walter McPherson was called to Greenway last Tues day owing to the illness of mother, Mrs. <J. McPherson. THAMES ROAD his theChristmas is almost here and elements so variable, that whether it will be green or white, we can not tell. We have experienced some Sharp changes lately. — The "wee folk are looking forward to Friday when they will entertain us for an hour or so in concert form.^—-The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller was the centre of a jolly gathering of friends, from their former home and neighbours here to spend a so cial evening with them recently.— On Wednesday last a large number of neighbours and relatives met at Mr. and Mrs. James Modgert’s for a few hours jollity, the evening be ing spent in dancing and games.— Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jeffery and family spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Brown, of Staffa.— Miss J. Drake is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. James McKellar.—Messrs. Ivan and Will Stewart attended the Carlyle- Richardson reception at Hensail on Wednesday.—Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Whitlock and Miss Joy and Evelyn all of St. Thomas, visited their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whitlock. • Come to Sunday School Christ mas morning, the teachers and officers have arrange^ ror something different during the school hour.—■ The Usborne and Hibnert are holding their last meeting today for 193/3. WINCHELSEA ancl day Mrs. Fred Stewart, Lydia Charlie, of Exeter, spent one last week with the former’s brother Mr. Walker Mrs. Clarence spent Sunday Fred Mrs. Mrs. from day and Friday of last week.- are glad to report that Mr. Bailey is recovering nicely.—• Mr. R. E. Pooley is busy this week with his Christmas poultry. — Mr .and Mi‘6. George Godbolt, of Centralia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. Kerelake.— Mr. and Fletcher and family with Mr. and Mrs. Saintsnury.—Mr. and i Fletcher, Mr. and Fletcher and friends Davis at Trueman W. E. 1 Ingersoll visited them Thurs- -We KIRKTON Miss Ella Routly. ot Rannoch, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. M. Routly. •—■ Our village skating rink opened Tuesday night and we ^hope the young people will enjoy some good times.—Mr. Wm. Hazle- wood, of Detroit, spent the _ past week in our village and on his re turn took his mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazlewood to spend the winter with him in De troit.—Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rout ly and little son, Floyd, or St. Marys spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. M. Routly. — We are pleased to see Mr. John Lilley is much improved in health and is back to our village again. — Miss Marian Tufts visited Sunday with her friend Madeline Gilfillan— Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morrison visited the former’s mother at Moncton. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bell and son Lowell Thomas, of Detroit and Miss Florence Bell, of Woodslee^vis- ited relatives in the village on day.—-Miss Maizie O’Reilly, of nia, is spending a few weeks days at her home here.—-Mr. Mrs. Rolland Williams visited friends near Mitchell on Sunday— Mrs. Whiteford, of Exeter, is visit ing with her daughter Mrs. Wesley Horne.—The Junior Bible Class of the Sunday School elected their new officere last Sunday for 1934 as fol lows: Pres., Gilbert Johns; Vice- Pres., Squire Herdman; Secretary, Lome Elford; Assist. Secretary, Au- drew Prance; Treasurer, Amos Herd- man; Assist. Treasurer, Bernice March. The teachers are Messrs. Harry Cole and Wm. Prouty.—A combined Christmas service will be held next Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. —The Y. P. S. held their meeting on Monday evening. The Citizenship Convenor, Mr. Delmar Skinner had charge of the meeting. The topic "Citizenship of the Future’’ was given by Rev. Peters. The (Scripture Lesson from Duet. 15:11, Proverbs 30:8, John 12:1-8 was read by Miss Laura —’ le&bon was given by ----- Cooper. Short prayers were, offered by Mrs. Jno. Brock, Miss Marjorie Eelbridge, Messrs. Gilbert Johns and Horace Eelbridge. After sing- a hymn tile meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Sun- Sar- holi- and with Ford, Discussion on the Miss Lavona KHIVA attended the Hoffman of morning.'—• and Anna A number from here funeral of the late M. Zurich on Saturday Misses Evelyn McCann Dietrich of Chatham are spending their Christmas holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs .B. McCann and Mr. and Mrs. N. Dietrich.'—-Miss Ila Mason entertained a few of her friends on Wednesday evening to a progressive euchre party. The high est prize was won by Mrs. Art Wil- lert and the consolation prize by Miss Amelia Willert.—Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and Misses Ruth Huch- inson and Jean Wallace spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Eagleson. —A number of the young people at tended Sharon school concert on Tuesday evening. All report a good time.—Miss Clara spent the -week-end with friends Exeter. concert report Douglas in GRAND BEND theThe Christmas concert in United Church will be neiti Friday of this week. A good program is being prepared. — Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Green visited friends m Point Ed ward over the week-end—Mr. Geo. Oliver, of St. Marys, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver on Bunday.—The new skating rink drew good crowds while in shape but the mild weath er has made a difference.—Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake returned home on Friday after a week’s visit at St. Marys and Lakeside. — Miss Betty Craig is> on the sick list but is somewhat improved.'—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Noonan, of Windsor, are spending a week with Mrs. Noonan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Gill. —Mr. and Mrs. Sim Ireland visited friends in Hamilton and Toronto last week.— Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Snider, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Turnbull. The Brenner boys have equipped a first class rink, perfect ice and kept that way. The first game to open the rink was played on Tues day night with a score of Grand Bend. There will hockey events during the the surrounding teams. A mission of 10c. will be charged to 6 to 3 for be many season by small ad- cover lighting. Come and have a good time. GREENWAY There will be a special Christmas service in the United church next Sunday. Special music by the choir and a candle lighting service by the junior school.—On Christmas night the annual Christmas concert in the United church.—Last Sunday two members of the Oxford group con ducted the service m tne Anglican church.—Mrs. Jas. Geromette has been suffering from a severe attack of sciatica.—Mr. W. Hicks, Mrs. A. Hicks, Misses Ellen and Ruby mot ored to London on Saturday.—Mr. W. Young spent a few days in Lon don last week with Mrs. Gordon Young and Roy who had an opera tion.—All who attended the Christ mas concert at Grace church parish * hall last Wednesday night reported a splendid program.—-Mr. Charles M. Wilson of Niagara Falls and Mr. Reuben Welsh of Aizona, called on friends here last Thursday afternoon —At the annual business meeting of the United church school the fol lowing officers -were elected: Supt. Mr. S. W. Webb; ass. supt. Mr. J H McGregor; Secretary, Ross Brown; Assist. Secretary, Miss Olive English; Treasurer, Dorothy Belling; Sr. D. Organist, Luella Curts; St. Assist. Organist, Muriel Steeper; Supt. of Cradle Roll, Mrs. Fred Steeper; Supt. Home Dept. Mrs. Goodahnd; Supt. Temperance, Mr. Goodhand; Supt. Missions, Mrs. Dean Brown; Associate Teachers ,Adult Class Mrs. Sherritt, W. Young; Harmony class, Mrs. McIntosh, Mrs. Frank Steeper; Adanacas Class, Ivan Sharpe, Harry •Steeper; Unity Class, Mac Wilson,. Mrs. English; Superintendents, Jr. Dept., Erma Goodhand, Lois Brown; Teachers Jr. Dept., Boys’ Intermed iate, Manuel Curts, Kenneth Smith ers; Girls’ Intermediate B, Mrsr. F. Steeper, Mrs. McGregor; Girls’ In termediate A, Mrs. E. Stewardson, Mrs. J. W. Jones; Jr. Boys', Mrs. W. Young, Mrs. L. Brophey; . Battram Miss S. Young, organist, Evelyn Ulens; Auditors, Girls’, Mrs. Ross Brown; Beginners, Mrs. A. Bropliey; Curts; Assist., Ula J. H. M'cGregor, Fred Steepei' Primary ,01ive To One and All we Extend Best Wishes for A iHrrry ©Ijrwtmas We have a large stock of Cedar and Solid Walnut CHESTS in 42, 45 and 46 inches Priced at $9.00 to $29.00 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Make a lasting gift. We have a large stock of Chairs in good coverings this Christmas Priced at $5.00 and $13.50 We have Rockers,’ Tables and ■Chairs and Doll Carriages for the Children in the newest styles and colors Priced at $1.00 to $5.00 Come in and see our stock of FANCY CUSHIONS mae of Sun-Fast Rayon and Satin almost any color to choose from Priced at $1.50 to $2.35 We just received a new shipment of Console and Fancy Mirrors in all the new fancy shapes Priced at 99c. to $12.00 If you are looking for a gift for Mothei’ and D>ad Spring-filled Mattress will make a gift worth while. We have a large stock on hand Priced at $10.00 to $29.75 A PHONE CALL WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE Come in and see our stock of lamps, novelty tables, end tables spinet desks, smokers, bookcas es, card tables, ferneries, foot stools, dining room, bedroom, or living room furniture. We have gifts for the entire family. E R- HOPPER’S Phone 99, - FURNITURE STORE Exeter ft