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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-12-21, Page 3
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1933 AFTER ACCIDENT SHE PUT ON WEIGHT Krnscheu Took it of Again A woman sends the following ac count of the consequences of an, au to accident in which she was involv ed:— *‘A year ago I had a very had au tomobile accident, which left me more or less a cripple. Having to lie in bed eo long, and being unable to move, I began putting on flesh. When I was able to walk a little again, I found I was 144 lbs, and being just under five feet you may guess how I was placed. So I thought I would try Kruschen Salts, and I must say they have done me a lot of good in every way—but chiefly in keeping my weight down, In three months I lost 6 lbs. Then I left off taking the Kruschen, and I soon went up to 142 lbs. again. So at once I got more Kruschen, and am again steadily reducing. My weight last month was 134 lbs.”—(Mrs.) W. H. M. Kruschen combats the cause of fat by assisting the internal organs to perform their funtcions properly— to throw off each day those waste products and poisons which, if al lowed to accumulate, will be con verted by the body’s chemistry into fatty tissue. Let him who scatters thorns not go barefoot. Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. REPORT S. J3. NO, 1, STEPHEN The following is the report of S. S. No. 1, Stephen, for the months of September, October and November. Sr. IV—Earl Schroeder 66, Marion Lovie 62, Ilene Walker 51, Jr. IV—'Alden Walker 72, Stanley Hicks 68.5; Clifford Hicks 6>5I; Har old Edwards 61.8; Orpha Hodgins 61.6; Audrey Powe i58; Adrian White 41. Sr. Ill—Jack Hepburn 83; ponald Penhale 59; Lloyd Heaman. 54. Jr, III—.Alma Richards 73, Jeanne Parker 55; Orville Mitchell 52; Har vey Lovie 45. 2nd—Jean Hepburn 72; Edith King 70'j Emerson Penhale 70; Russel Heaman 69; Elmer Powe 66; Orville Schroeder 65; Lloyd Walker 64; Eileen Keown 63; Helen Wilson1 62; Leslie Mitchell 60. 1st—Eleanor Schroeder 84; Audrey Mitchell 71; Russel King 71; Jim Schroeder 7'0'; Marjorie Richards 64; Raynold Robinson 5'0. Sr. Pf,—Wilbert Edwards, Donald Mitchell, Leslie Parker, Harry Wil son. Jr. Pr,—Dorothy Reeder. Warren Bamford, teacher DESPITE PRICE RISE TEA STILL MOST ECONOMICAL DRINK For the past two years people in Canada have been enjoying the low est prices for tea in a decade, but this has meant tremendous losses to growers, who, to eave their industry, has restricted tea exports and caus ed prices to advance. Tea packers, particularly those supplying very fine quality teas, have reluctantly been forced to increase prices. Not withstanding this, te* *s still the most economical drink next to plain water. USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the Township of the Usborne met at Ellmville on December l*5ith, pursu ant to statute with all the members present. The minutes of the meeting of De cember 2nd were read and approved on motion of Shier-Passmore, Correspondence—Letter from Mr, Gordon Davis stating that the dog for which he is charged on Lot 8, S.W.B. was assessed in Biddulph. Municipal World soliciting an early order for dog tags, Treasurer’s Report: penalties for 1932 taxes $18,41; taxes 193|3i, $2,- 500.00. Bills paid on motion of Moir and Westcott. Co. Treas. General County rates $9284.65; County Treas. Co. Highway rate, $2932.0'0; Co. Trea, Provincial Highway rate $24413.33; Treas. Blanshard Twp. Tel. rates, $1964.11; Treas. Usborne, coll fee, Blanshard telephone, $3.55; Collect or Usborne, coll, fee Blans. Tele phone $3.5'5'; Clerk, Usborne, coll. Blanshard telephone $7.10; T. N. Forsythe, Tuc’kersmith telephone rate, $382.00; Clerk Usborne, coll, fee, Tuckersmith telephone rate, $3. Dr. Fletcher, prof, services, hospi tal, Teddy Johns, $25.5.0'; Treas. Us borne, excise stamps, $12.32; John W. Stewart, gravel, $21.83; Russell Skinner, gravel,, $235.08; Warren Brock, gravel, $'5(7.61; Milton Greg ory, gravel, $24.60; Louis Fletcher grading, $4.03; Luther Reynolds, grading, $2.70; Wilbert Batten, grading, $4.7/3'; Wm. Elford, grad ing, $3.15'; Alf. Brooks, grading $3.6 8; John Brock,, grading, $3.68; George Harrah, grading, $4.03; J. M. Young, grading, $60.00; William Bradshaw, 75c.; George Ferguson, gravelling, $8.25; Jas. Fraser, weed cutting, $3,00; Henry Ford, super intendence, $22.20; Can. Ingot Iron Co., 2 culverts $49.2-5; J. Roy Pat terson Engineer, gravel, crushing, delivering, $9i58.34; G. N. Turner, Treas. Tuckersmith, Usborne Boun dary, share, $133.95; R. J. ©elves, filling washout, $3.20; Fred Kdrr, tile, $1'0.60'; J. M. Young, advance on c ontract, $135.50; James Ball- antyne, salary as Reeve, $5'5.; Geo. R. Westcott, salary as Councillor, $45.00; Peter Moir, salary as coun cillor, $45.00; Reuben Shier, salary as Councillor, $45.00; Percy Pass- more, salary as Councillor, $45.00; Henry Strang, salary as Clerk, $2-5'0. .00; Tonwship postage, $5.00; Mary Kellett, salary as caretaker, $12.00 Council adjourned to meet at close of nomination. Henry Strang, Clerk STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Friday, December 15th, 1933, at 1 p.m. All members were present. The minutes of the prev ious meeting were read and approv ed. Moved by Mr. Henry Beaver, sec onded by Mr. Roy Holt: That by-law to appoint Deputy Returning Offic ers, Poll Clerk and select Polling Booths, having been read three times be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Cor poration be attached thereto. Carried Moved by Mr. Edmund Shapton, seconded by Mr. Edward Lamport: That a motion passed on the 4th inst for the purpose of taking a vote of the Taxpayers (in the event of there being an election! about retaining the present Highway System, or to revert to the Statue Labor System, be rescinded and the following sub stituted therefore, viz: That in the event of a Municipal Election being held on Monday, Jan. 1st, 19/3'4, a plebiscite shall be taken as to the advisability of this mun icipality retaining the present High way Improvement Act System, or to revert to the Statute Labour 'System and that only such Municipal Elect ors as are assessed as owners of land for $100 or over shall be en titled to yote. The rollowing Muni cipal Electors shall not’ be entitled to vote, viz: Tenant, Farmer’s Son, Farmer’s Daughter, Farmer’s wife, Farmers Sister, Income Voter, and a person who is a Municipal Elector by reason of being the wife or hus band of the person rated or entitled to be rated for land as owner or ten ant as provided by clause (D) sub section 1 of Section 5 6 of the Muni cipal Act. Carried. Moved by Mr. Henry Beaver, sec onded by'Mr. Edward Lamport: That Freeman W. Morlock, Collector of Taxes for the year 1933, having re turned the Collector’s Roll pursuant to Section 118 of “The Assessment Act” and having failecr to collect all the taxes for the year 1933, the said, Freeman W. Morlock is hereby ap pointed and authorized to continue the levy and collection of the unpaid taxes in the manner and with the power provided by law for the gen eral levy and collection of taxes. The said Freeman W. Morlock shall finally return the collector’s roll to the Township Treasurer not later than the first day of February A.D. 19'34, as provided by the said Sec tion 118 of the said Act. Carried. Moved by Mr. Roy Holt, second ed Mr. Edward Lamport. That the Pay Sheets and Orders as submitted and which will be printed for distri bution on the 22nd inst., be passed. The council adjourned to meet again sine die. Henry Eilber, Township Clerk Township of Usborne Nomination & Election Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Usborne will be held in the Township Hall, Elimville, at the hour of 1 o’clock in the after noon on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22nd 19'33, for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for the offices of Reeve and four Councillors. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates be ing proposed for these offices than required to be elected, and they do not retire within the time specified, the proceeedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1934 when the polls will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the following places as fixed by Township by-law, viz: Div. 1, School House, No. 4, Eden, J. J. Hunter ,D.R.O.; John Luxton, Poll lerk. Div. 2, House of Lloyd Stewart, C. B. Allison, D.R.O., Chas. Jeffery P.C. Div. 3, House of Hec tor Rowcliffe, S. W. Dougall D.R.O. W. Jeffery P.C. Div. 4, Public Hall Farquhar, Albert Scott D.R.O., Leon ard Harris, P.O. Div. 5, Township Hall, Lloyd Johns, D.R.O., Weston Horne P.C. Div. .6, School House, No. 7, Zion, Earl Johnson, D.R.O., Ross Hern P.C. Div. 7, House of Russell Morrison, O. McCurdy, D.R.- O., Wm. Mills, P.C. All Electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. HENRY STRANG, Clerk Usborne, December 12th, 1933. Send the Times-Advocate as a Christmas Gift. It will be appreciat ed every week of the year. GREETINGS FROM The Christmas Spirit • prompts us to express our thanks for the splendid patronage that has been accorded us during the year and to wish for one and all a Very Happy Christmas with Good Health and increased Prosperity in 1934. Hogarth Hatchery We welcome this op portunity to express our appreciation of the loyal support that has been given us during the year and to wish for one and all a Christmas filled with Good Cheer and a New Year full of Happiness. Flynn’s Black and White Barber Shop G. FlynnH. Carey The Spirit of this holi day season linked with our appreciation of the splendid patronage that has been afforded us, prompts us to express our sincere thanks and to wish for all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Prosperous New Year. S. B. Taylor The Manager and Staff of the Bell Telephone Co Take great pleasure in extending best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a New Year of Health and Happiness. We wish also to express our appreciation for the splendid co - operation afforded to this office by the public. The Swift Canadian Co And best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Kindly thanks for patronage since we have been in business in Exeter. Phone 216 accept our the splendid accorded us Christmas comes to us again bringing with it the spirit of fellowship. In extending our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year We wish also to thank our many customers for the splendid patronage afforded us. Wm. Hatter CHRISTMAS GREETINGS We hope that Christ mas will bring you a full share of joy and happi ness and that the New Year will usher in a sue- We our will us greater measure of cess and progress, wish you to accept thanks for the good you have accorded during the year. The Hydro Commission of Ontario Exeter Rural Power District At this Season of Yule- tide Cheer, may every one of your fondest wishes be realized, and may the New Year bring you an increased measure of Health, Happiness and Prosperity. This isn’t just a wish for Christmas, For a day or week of Good Cheer; But a wish that the choic est of blessings Be with you through out the whole year. Chevrolet Garage A Happy Yuletide and thanks for yoUr past patronage Ideal Meat Market “All Glory be to God on high And to the earth be peace Goodwill henceforth from heaven to men, Begin and never cease” Grigg’s Stationery GREETINGS May this Christmas be a happy one and may the coming year bring pros perity to the ever widen ing circle of those whom we are privileged to serve. Huron Garage C. J. STEWART Phone 155w At this Christmas Seas on it is my great pleasure to wish our many custom ers and friends a Very Merry Yuletide and a Most Happy New Year. Hillary Horton Blacksmithing & Acetylene Welding A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Think of all the best wishes you can make for youVself this Christmas— then double them—and youl will have some idea of what a Very, Very Merry Christmas we wish you. Coal and Coke In appreciation of your splendid patronage, at .this season of the year it is our pleasure to wish for you the joys of the Christ mas Season together with a Happy and Prosperous 1934. L. Stackhouse Be it proclaimed at this season of the year and in the Spirit of Friendship and Good Fel lowship, we do extend to all our old friends and to the new friends, Greet ings. May the Christ mas Season be Happy and that the New Year overfloweth with abun dant health and prosper ity. We take this oppor tunity to thank our Many Customers for their gen erous Patronage during 1933 and wish one and all A Very Merry Christ mas and a New Year rich with Happiness, Good Health and Prosperity. Miss V. G. Essery Hat Shoppe Your patronage and friendship have meant much to us. It is with a good deal of appreciation therefore, that we wish you a Very Merry Christ mas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. W. J. Beer Radios & Electrical Supplies