The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-11-23, Page 8THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1033 Exeter Markets . Wedding Bouquets Funeral Flowers Ferns HOUSE PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Harness’ Greenhouse Phone 202 Wheat, 68c. Oats 34c. Barley 40c. Buckwheat, 36c. Manitoba’s Best $2.60 Model Flour $2.40 Welcome Flour $2.10 / Low Grade Flour $1.25 Shorts $1.10 Bran $1.00 Vim Oat Feed $13.00 a toil Creamery Butter 25c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs $5.75 Butter 18. 21c. extras 40c, firsts 37 c. seconds 17c. MEN’S FINE WORSTED SUITS THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev< W. A. Young, B. Sc. A. Interim Moderator Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. A. D. Hamilton B.A., B.D., of Hanover 7 p.m.— Rev. Mr. Hamilton LOCALS Do not miss Opera. Thrills JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader KM*' W ll —HQ “Creepy Crest”— House—Nov, 30 and Dec. 1. and laughs. The regular meeting of the Cana­ dian Legion will be held on Friday, November 24tli at 8 p.m. A full at­ tendance is requested. The ter’s Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Jaques, Tuesday, November, Nov. 28th at 2.30 p.m. regulai' meeting of the Exe- NOTICE We are now agents for the Paris­ ian Laundry and want to make No­ vember a big month; so bring in youi* dresses, suits, overcoats, hats, also your laundry to us. guaranteed, and prices You can now get your for $1,00. WILSON'S Upstairs, over Gould’s Tea-Room All work are lower, suit cleaned Grocery & SHOOTING MATCH s on one at H. C. Rivers’ Slaughter House Saturday, November 25 th at 1 o'clock p.m.. Rifles and shotguns. Ammunition supplied. 40 Pekin Ducks. Prices 10 and White 15c. COOKING ONIONS 2c. lb.large pure yellow No. 1 grade SPANISH ONIONS very mild, large, 3c. per lb. in quantities GEO. HAYS ONION WAREHOUSE, EXETER VILLAGE taxes Payable at the Canadian Bank Commerce on or before November 30th, 1933 Taxpayers are hereby notified that the second instalment of taxes for the year 1933 is due and payable on or before November 30th, 1933. Five per cent, penalty will be add­ ed after the 14th day of December to all taxes unpaid after that date. JOS. SENIOR, Municipal Clerk & Treasurer of NOTICE Under and by virtue of the Reg­ istered Barber’s Act of Ontario the barbers of Exeter have agreed to close their places of business at 6 p.m. sharp on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 8 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday and H:l3i0 -on Satur­ day of each week except Christmas week or nights before holidays. This is take effect November 23rd., 1933. We solicit the kindness of" the public to cooperate with us by attending to their requirements be­ fore these hours. We thank you in advance. J. W. Hockey, Norman Hockey, Garnet Flynn and Elmore Harness. PEA ENSILAGE FOR SALE APPLY AT CANADIAN CANNERS STOP—Good cutter for sale. Ap­ ply Cook Bros, Garage, Hensail. Itc. FOR SALE—'Domestic cooking apples, Baldwins, Ben Davis, Sweets and Pippins, 45 c. a bus. A rew Spies at 65c.a bus.—Hogarth Hatchery FOR chine, cleaner •SALE—Used washing ma- Also a new Premier Vacuum for rent, at W. J. Beers. WANTED— Phonograph records, disc, that are past use wiljl be ap­ preciated by Mrs. Win. Laverty. They may be left at the Times-Advocate. STRAYED—Onto lot 3, concession. 2, Hay Township, a 2-year-old heif- ed. Owner may have same by prov­ ing property and paying expenses. Apply to Chester Rowe, R.R. 1, Exe­ ter. Phone Dashwood 3 6r6, STRAYED—From Lot 4, Con. 12, Blanshard on October 29th, a black heifer calf. Information gladly re­ ceived by John Hazelwood, 29-16 Granton, Ont. phone STRAYED—Onto Lot 10, Usborne, a Hereford calf, may have same by proving Con. 4, Owner property and paying expenses. V. Pincombe, phone 39rl6 Kirkton. ll-9-3tc. FOR SALE—Brick residence William street, lately occupied the late Mrs, Atkinson. Apply R. N. Creech. on by to FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, all modern conveniences. IL E. Pickard FOR SALE OR RENT—2-story brick house in the Village of Exeter. Apply to Carling & Morley 9-19-tfo The Main Street United Sunday School has engaged the Carolina Jubilee Singers for their Christmas Concert, Wednesday, December 20, These colored singers come with very high recommendations. ,m.—Courage. p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—“Battle of the Sexes.” At the close of the evening ser­ vice there will be an informal illus­ trated song service and the illustrat­ ed story of Job and his three friends Wednesday—Prayer Meeting Illustrated Address. Thursday — Y. P. S., illustrated dress on the Problems of Job his three friends. The second of the program will be in charge or the Willing Worker’s Mission Circle with Miss Griffith as the special speaker. ad- and half RECEPTION AND EUCHRE The Exeter Badminton Club will hold a reception and euchre in their new club rooms on the second stor­ ey of the Ford garage on Monday evening next, Nov. 27th. Refresh­ ments. served. Prizes given. Admis­ sion 25c. The public are cordially invited to be present. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH CANADA E. Elliott, Pastor Evelyn Huston and Choir-Leader OF Rev. A. Miss Organist 11 a.m.—Prayer and the Teaching of Jesus.” Second in the series on Prayer. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—“Martha” Second in series on Women of the Bible. Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday — Prayer Meeting and Bible Study, The Book of Jonah. 3 7 where she will spend the Gladys Penhale returned to last week after visiting for days at her home. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M,. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul! Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss The Sunday Next Before Advent Miss A. Toronto attend a Fed era- Mr. Thos. Kestle is confined to his home through illness. Mrs. W. J. Griffith ,of Blyth, is the guest of Mrs. Rose Russell and Patsy. Mrs. John Preszcatoi* has left for London winter. Miss London several Mr. and Mrs. Monalion, of Toron­ to, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Preszcator. Mrs. Thornton returned to Ham­ ilton on Thursday after spending a few days with her sister, Handford. Miss N. Keddy left for on Tuesday where she will meeting of the Provincial tion Board of the Women’s Institute. Jack Coates, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Alt. Coates underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on Wednesday. Freezing of the skating rink was started last week and a fairly gooa sheet of ice was secured. A ’couple more days of cold weather and there would have been good skating. The Main St. United Church Mis­ sion Circle held its annual bazaar and cooking sale in the Town Hall on Saturday afternoon. Members of the W. S. served afternoon tea. Miss Mabel McEwan, of Toronto, visited on Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones, retured home with Mrs. Jones. Mrs. E. week from was daughter, spent the week-nd here. Mrs. Hearts sang a solo in the Main St. Church Sunday evening. it is expected that something like 125 head of cattle will be shipped from this community to the Old Country market the beginning o>f the week. Space on the cattle boat is in charge of Mr. W. Colwill, Central­ ia. Several men from here will company the cattle. Messrs. Earl Allen, Gordon kinson and Bob Turnbull have turned home from a trip to Cobalt, North Bay and Kirkland Lake where they disposed of a car-load of apples. The apples were shipped by the Ho­ garth Hatchery and the young men followed them by auto and found a ready sale in the northern towns. The local Oddfellow’s Lodge held , an “At Home” for the members with their wives and friends on Friday evening of last week. There was a - splendid attendance and a most en­ joyable evening was spent at cards. During the course of the evening Mr, Edward Moyle was the recipient ot |a presentation and address notice of • and Mrs. Gordon Bender, who have which appears elsewhere. 1 jnst returned from their honeymoon During the past week this section ! After a sumputous fowl supper the experienced one of the coldest No­ vember snaps that has been record ed for many years with the mometer at times registering to the zero mark. The roads blocked for motor traffic for a The weather turned mild Tuesday with, rain and much of the snow has disappeared. The water will be wel­ come to the farmers as the water in many of the wells is lower than it lias been for years, farmers stock. R. Her mother with her after visiting Williams and’ Follick returned visit to Toronto, home by Mrs. Edna Hearts, A. a accompanied Mrs. ac- At­ a’e- 11 a.m.—'Morning Prayer & Sermon “Nothing Lost” p.m.—U-GO-I-GO Class. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Even Song and Sermon “The Cool of the Day” Duet—“In The Garden” 7.45 p.m., Thursday—Prayer Service “The Holy Spirit” 4.15 p.m., Friday—Junior Girls’ W. A. organization meeting 2 3 7 WANTED! Live or Dressed POULTRY Highest Prices Prices are firmer on all woollens. We were fortunate iri securing these at old prices that is why we can offer you such good cloths and styles at this Jow price. Plain Blues ft Blue, Brown and Grey Stripes $ 16a95 " * $16«95 MEN’S ALL WOOL SWEATERS In the new colored plaids. A good warm coat that gives real satisfaction. EACH $2.95 ALL WOOL, SHIRTS & DRAWERS Stanfield’s make. The price is low for this quality EACH $1.19 STANFIELD’S COM’TIONS FOR MEN They are tailored well and make satisfied customers. Two qualities $1.95 & $2.95 10 DOZ. COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS Tookes make cut full and roomy. Good patterns and fast colors SPECIAL AT $1.00 New Dolores Pattern in Dinnerware Start saving a few pieces of our New Open Stock Dolores Pattern Dinnerware. Per­ haps your friends will give ypu more at Christinas .It is a lovely pattern in the new cream ground with floral design. Bread & Butter Plate 12Y2C Fru[it Saucer ............ 12^20. Clip & Saucer ............ 25c. Tea Plate .................... 15c. Cereal Bowl ................. 15c. Vegetable Dish .......... 15c. Breakfast Plate .... 20c. Egg Cup . ................... 10c; Salad Bowl .................. 35c. Dinner Plate............... 25c. Soup Plate ................. 20c. Cold Meat Platter . . . 39c. ALL WOOL CASHMERE HOSE In the new winter shades, a warm all wool hose at. 49c. 36 IN. ENGLISH PYJAMA CLOTH A splendid colth for nightgowns and pyja­ mas. Good patterns and fast colors. PER YARD 29c. WH. FLANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS In three styles trimmed in white, pink or blue. We are making a special of these this week. EACH 98c. LADIES’ VESTS AND BLOOMERS Vests have strap or small sleeve. Comes in small, medium, and large sizes. These are real value. EACH 49c. New Patterns in Prints Hundreds of yards of New Spring Prints in new patterns and fast colors. Just the thing to make up little Christmas gifts. The se are now on display at per yd. 20c. and 25c. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Sat. FLOUR FLOUR More Housewives are Bak­ ing their own bread every day We have a good bread flour 98lb bags for only $2.10 A good Pastry Flour at 24 lb. bags for 47c. TEA TEA TEA COFFEE COFFEE Would you like to buy a good tea—Black or mixed Worth 45ca lb- We have this tea and only ask 34c per th Try a lb. with your next order Why pay so mulch money for your coffee When we can supply you with a real good coffee for less money Magic Coffee only 29c .lb. Selling more every day New Seedless Raisins...........2 lb for 25c. New Bleached Sultana Raisins 2 tb for 35c Mincemeat, very choice .... 2 lbs. for 25c. ■■EraESESEBoaEBBSBHHOBraKSHnBWBBMBBBEMB New Pitted Dates . . •.............2 lbs. for 25c. New Prunes large size.........2 lbs. for 25c. New Dates, very choice .... 3 lbs. for 25c. Southcott Bros on Swift Canadian Co. Phone 216 Keep It Up Exeter! The Tuckey Transport' bundles are getting heavier. Exeter appreciates splendid service. Monday bundles re­ turned Friday—Thursday bundles returned Tuesday. LET A REAL LAUNDRY DO IT FOREST CITY LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS LONDON,ONTARIO Christmas Cards at 75c. a dozen printed with name -and address. Our supply this year is better than ever and the prices are lower. We have some beautiful cards at $1.00 and $1.25 a dozen. Times-Advocate. The Kerslake connection held a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parkinson, of Blanshard on Wednesday evening in honor ■ of the bride and groom Mr. • oveniug was spent in cards and mu- i sic. ther- close were time. A number of are drawing water for their FOR SALE—-75c. a mate, for cel­ ery hearts. Elmer Thiel, R. R. 2r Hensalk L'xcfer has been having a variety : t * weather. By way of variety a ; flash of lightning, accompanied by a j f’“-h of thunder, visited the town i about Hunt, | to the above Cunningham, who was phoning at the time, hoard a most startling bang, and at the local C.N.R. tele­ graph office the instruments shot fire. No damage has been reported. At the time of this flash of lightning snow was falling heavily in the vill­ age. 4 o’clock. The Rev. M. A. who with Mrs. Hunt listened '■adio observed ft bright flash the instrument. Mrs. Walter who was phoning hoard a most Rev. Mr. Lane, of Seaforth, oc cupied the pulpit of James Street Street United church on Sunday and preached two very acceptable ser­ mons. He also spoke to the Sunday School in the afternoon. The pastor of the church, Rev. Mr. Stainton, conducted anniversary services at the United Church in Seaforth. RADIO SINGER FEATURED A recent issue of The Toronto Star Weekly contained an excellent photo of Douglas Stanbury with a. splendid article on “Toronto’s Very Own.” Douglas is well-known in Exeter and community, having sung here on a number of occasions when he was a boy and radio fans delight to tune in on New York when he with Roxy’s Gang. is singing BIRTHDAY DINNER On Friday evening of Miss Dorothy Sims was surprised when a number girl day was and. cake. The evening was spent in mu­ sic and games. Dorothy received many beautiful gifts. last week pleasantly of her friends were invited to a birth­ dinner in h- honor. The table bautifulJ> •' decorated with pink white, centred by a birthday ONCE MORE W. W. Taman welcomes the visit of Mr. Jones Special representative of TIP TOP TAILORS MJDJM) who will be at this store on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30 We welcome him on behalf of all the men in town who are interest­ ed in good clothes. He brings with him large samples and suit ends of the Fall and Win­ ter fabrics from famous mills of the British garments showing the latest style <trend. Tip Top clothes, hand cut and individually sonal measurements by the largest tailoring ada. offer you the greatest value in clothing Regardless of whether you .purchase or not, we would welcome the opportunity of showing yup. what we have to offer. Empire, also model tailored to your per- establishment in Can­ to-day. $21.do W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. If you want bargains in furniture, come to the the big store with the big stock, where you can get the best value your money Funeral IV <Jor R. N. ROWE AmUhlance Service day or night iPhone 20w *