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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-11-23, Page 6
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1033 In the governor's garden, below •the towering walls of the Castle of iSt, Louis, the heart of Old Quebec, the moonlight made silver magic among the leaves of rhe tall maples, and the foses, the pinks and carna tions that grew there were moon flowers. some pale, some dark, some a luminous color that has no name. .Moon magic—one gray stone wall and flagged walk, in roof-top and spire; moon-magic in the dark and gleaming hair of the girl who leaned upon the wall and gazed out on the vast St. Lawrence, the river that was a hard silver shield on which the stars dropped little bombs of light shattered Governor’s loved it— ' bastion a. man stepped forth. He was taller than Paul, broader than Simon Girard. He looked like one who had fought hard in war, not merely played at fighting as Paul and so many others here had done. “I regret to disturb you, straightening from Ms “But I could not longer announcing niy presence, ting there on that stone the corner when you came. I must confess that the beauty of the night, that first I had thought supreme, took at once a lower place. Why, youi’ hair has the dark bloom of night and your eyes tne mystic light of stars—’’ “You do flatter me,” said Yvonne gazing up at him. "I do not know your face." “But do^ you know every one in New France?” “Ah, no! Of course not.” She liked his face. It was lean and would be brown in the daylight, and there would be fine wrinkles about his eye-comers when he laugh ed. She could see the whiteness of •his teeth now as he smiled whimsi cally at her. “You are Yvonne Caron—I could not help but hear some of youi’ con versation with your brother and' the other man. You must forgive me. I coughed once or twice, but none of you heeded me. Indeed, I wished to come forth, take this fellow who annoyed you by the scuff of the neck and drop him over the parapet. I heard also your condemnation Jean Pierre Martel, who came Quebec today. You are not kind such as he.” “I am not. He is a libertine, a rogue, would you defend him, mon sieur?” “I would oe the last to defend him, Mademoiselle—you see, I hap pen to know him slightly. -He is not, however, all bad—I there is a thousandeth good in him—” “Yes,” agreed Yvonne, be perfect—even in evil, you do not defend him. said of him I meant and while it was not intended for other ears than my brother’s, I am glad it reached those of one who did not disagree with my estimate.” The stranger smiled wryly. “You are very small and sweet— and frank,” he said, not dislike me?” “You—why should know you, but, faith, honest and open I do not dislike would be as well name before—” “Now, now I beg of you. spoil He ed it leave ecstasy, a tingling all through her as if there were in this man some power that, as the magnet with the steel, did attract and hold. His lips lingered on her hand as she slowly withdrew it. “Why—why—” The stranger raised his own clenched hand to his lips, tapping the crooked knuckle of his forefinger against them lightly, nervously, his eyes appraisingly upon her. “Perhaps I should not have,” he said slowly. “You most certainly will dislike me more “Martel! Monsieur Voices seemed to ernor’s Garden, and trampling feet—feet even so, on Yvonne’s heart—tramp led out that sweetness that had just hath birth there—trampled it down as if it were a young flower before is bloom. The ashen, ed. Buck That ,” he said, obeisance, postpone I was sit bench in or With Buckley's It coAt* only * few cents to knock out a cough ot cold with BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE, be cause Buckley’s is so supremely good that only a few (loses are needed (o subdue (he toughest eough or cold, And Buckley’s can be diluted with three times its volume of water making it go still furthec. Will not upset your stomach. Just safe, sure, instant relief from coughs, colds, ’flu or bronchitis. Play safe. Refuse substitutes. Buckley’s is sold everywhere. QJimea-Aduaratr Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday mornlns at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year Id advance, RATES—Farm or Real Estate fo> sale 50c. each insertion for first four insertions. 25c. each subse quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c, per line of six words Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25c. ing to Quebec, carrying a consider able sum of money—” “Blood-money, no doubt, which Bigot extorted shamelessly from the hungry peasants . . “Please, Yvonne!” Paul laid a warning hand on hers. “Do be care ful what you say about Bigot. You know his power here is absolute— greater than the Governor’s. Treas on is a serious charge to have laid against one. At any rate, Captain Midnight did rob them of every gold piece they had." “I cannot regret it. Nor does it concern me greatly. Was that all that brought you here, Paul?” “Little ingfcate!” W)ith /teasing finger he traced the dark, gently curving sweep of her brow. “There is much more. Who, think you, ar rived in Quebec this evening on the Dauphin, that vessel that swings at anchor in the stream below?” “How should I know!” “Jean Pierre Martel!” “Jean . . • Yvonne’s sudden start, the swift ■widening of her eyes and the mo mentary loss of speech rewarded Paul, who loved to create sensations. “Yes,” he nodded vigorously. “He who is reputed the greatest lover and the worst scoundrel in France— Jean. Pierre Martel. It is said that he has come under the Royal dis pleasure; that he was too much a favorite of La Pompadour and, oh, so many things. He is to remain in Quebec—an exile.” “The Old France could well spare •him, no doubt,” said Yvonne coldly. “But the New can ill afford to add another scoundrel to the many it has. Why, this man is notorious—a rake, a profligate of the worst or der. To be sure, that will be a very strong recommendation for him here —but it is a pity.” “They say he is, very charming, very handsome . . .” “So was Lucifer,” said Yvonne pertly.” He is reputed to have since -become so ugly that mothers awe their children with his name and that of Captain Midnight. Please, dear Paul, no more of your gossip. ’Twas a perfect night until you ar rived.” “Oh, very well!” Paul feigned an ger and bowed low to her. “I shall leave you to the moon, and stars and for you . . the song of the night wind, Made-! moiselle Yvonne.” “Paul—before you go, promise me there will be no gambling this night—not with Simon Girard; not with anyone. Tell me you come home early . . • Paul’s anger this time was ly feigned. He acted like the ish, spoiled youth he was. “You forget you are my sister— not my guardian. I shall gamble if I wish and if I finish not dawn, at dawn will I come Pish! Leading strings you keep upon me—” He turned abruptly, rudely, and left her. She started to follow him stretched forth a hand as if to re strain him, shrugged miserably and again resumed her communion with the night. Her thoughts were not so pleasant now. Paul had made her unhappy. Gossip ever disturb ed her. For Captain Midnight, his black masque and cloak, black tri cornered hat and menacing pistols, she cared little; but she despised such men as Jean Pierre Martel— royal lapdogs; and she feared for Paul when he played cards or dice with the young bloods of the colony, and with some not so young, like Simon Gerard. Paul usually lost money. He came home sodden with wine, unruly and unmanageable. Yvonne knew him better than he knew himself; he played with fire in this wild life he led. And it was Simon Girard’s influ ence that spoiled him—Simon Gir ard who whispered two words of evil to him for every one that she spoke of good. A man full fifteen years his senior and the one to whom, as his lawyer, their father had entrust- i trod the who lived blooms of dark' cav- reluctantly abandoned her straightened and turned to greet the slender, ex was his the the and agreed Paul Caron ab- “You were ever a dreamer, I have wondered often not go there to spend He gestured, hand, toward with his the gray ed the management of their fortune. Yvonne’s own quick temper flared against Girard. She disliked him— for the way he led Paul about from one excess to another; for the way his small slate-grey eyes sometimes looked at her, seeming to say, “You are weak, helpless as a dove; I strong, swift and merciless as a con. (Some day . . .” “That day will never come!’’ “I do not fear him am fal- she said hotly. “I do not fear him . 'She had spoken aloud. The sound of her own voice aroused her to her surroundings. Instinctively aware of another’s presence, she turned. Even in the moonlight and shadow the newcomer saw hex* frown with dark displeasure, the proud stiffen ing of her slender form. With barely a nod she acknowledged his salua- tion. “Your servant, Mademoiselle Yvon ne,” murmured Simon Girard. “It seems a cloud has crossed the moon, throwing a shadow over youx* love ly face. I should not like to.think that I had made the shadow—on such a pleasnt evening as this.” Girard's face was thin, his lips tightdrawn, so that when he smiled there was something wotfish about him, something that made Yvonne shudder and draw back from him. “I would not detain you, m’sieu," said Yvonne. “It was a pleasant evening.” “It is still, I think,” he said ruf fled by her aloofness. “Yes, I insist it is—a night made for love, for the thrill of a kiss, of heart beating to heart—you*r heart and mine—” “Enough,” she said sharply. “I will not listen to such talk from you. Love would be a lie on your lips. You know I detest you, sir, for what you have tried to make of my brother. You have sought to de bauch him, to make him like your self and the Sybarites who rule here your tongue, 1 this ask tell “Careful!” interrupted Girard, in his voice a grating note of manace. “You are rash with Yvonne. It is I who shall talk, have loved you long and before have asked you in marriage. I you once more, but this time I you if you refuse you will regret it ____M will hard- peev- of to to should say particle of “None can I am glad What I Machinery Co., repairs to crusher $5,15; H. Steinbach, Z.P.V. $6.8*5'; J. Park, rd. 1, $10.40; U. A. Pfile, rd. 14, $72.00; S. Martin, rd. 6, $6; G. Surerus, rd. 9, $2.4:0'; S. McAr thur, rd. 1, $6.00; Johnson and Kalbfleisch, wire, rd. 9, $1,210.; W. J. Jarrott, express $3,68; G. Brock, repair account $1.00; Canada Cul vert Co., oorr. pipe rd. 8, $15'5.30; J. Sararas rd. 15, $168.1510; N, Foster, rd. 6 ,$42.40'; R. Miller, rd. 9, $149.- 40; T. Steinbach rd. 8, $9.'313; H. Bell rd. 3 $6.00; J. M. Ziler, road 10 $20'5.4'5; W, J. Harvey, power, etc. $306.96; Geo. Armstrong, rd. 2, $5; G. Tinney, rd, 8, $7.48. Telephone accounts, Zurich Hydro, lights two months $3.'5'7; B. Holt, error $10.00; Bell Tele. Co., tolls Aug. to Sept. $183.05; Northern Electric Co. ma terial $165.0'8; Zurich Central switch ing 5 weeks $8'5.00; Econom. Fire ■Ins. Co., insurance cenral office $24. H. G. Hess labor, etc. $l|5'5.'O6; E. R. Genther, cartage .65c. Township accounts—'Zurich lights town hall, 2 months $2.50; F. Uttley, repairs to town hall $2.5'5'; Ontario Hospital re C, Rupp, 3 months, $89.00; Perth Fire Ins. Co., insurance on hall $20; A. Melick selecing jurors $2.00; W. H. Edighoffer difto $2.00; A. F. Hess ditto $5.00; Waterloo Fire Ins. Co., insrance hall $*21.00; Exeter Ag- ricltural Society, grant $10.00; J. Galster, pay list Zurich Drain South $7'3.45; E. Datars Sr., Weed Inspect or $29.40; S. Hoffman, inspector Masse drain $1,010; C. Melick, bal ance Alerander Award Drains $23. The Council adjourned to meet again on Monday ,December 4, 193 3, at 1.30 o’clock, in the afternoon. A. F. Hess, Cierk COMPLETES PRACTICAL NURSING COURSE face you, to tell I I do not you have an and—and so, sir. But it me your Times-Advocate pleased to learn that Miss Balkwill has been successful practical General Nursing of the Royal College of iShe’ has displayed unusual 10c. per line 50c. Legal ad> 8c. per line. Id one verse 50c each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association .................................................. Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the New Post Offlct Main St., Exeter Telephones Office 34w House 84J Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S..D.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon which, bursting, made gleams of brighter silver. It was peaceful in the Garden: Yvonne Caron loved it particularly on such a night as this. There were soft, sighing voices in the trees and the moon flowers drooped and nodded their fairy heads. To her quick and vivid fancy these were the voices of dead, gallant lovers who had greensward there, lovers again in the fair, sweet summer. And from the erns and recesses* of shadow she felt the watchful eyes of the past. Que bec had been a fair, a mighty city in the days of Jean Talon, of Louis de Buade and the Marquis de Tracy; now it was ruled by rogues, weaken ed by treachery; the fleur-de-lys floated only feebly over its turreted battlements and the golden lilies seemed to fade*, to metamorphose in to the Cross of St. George. “Yyonne! What, dreaming again! Have you forgotten there is a ball? Deaf to the music, blind by the lights—my faith, you are a strange girl!” Yvonne musings, smilingly quisitely dressed youth who hasten ed towards her. His wig was pow dered and tied with a dark riband at the nape of the neck; his coat silver blue and the lace of sleeves was as gossamer in strange light; the jewels set in hilt of his smallsword sparkel gaily. “Yes, my brother,” Yvonne said gently. “I was—deaf and blind to those sounds and lights. The minu ets of Lully weary me and the lights annoy my eyes; while here, in the rush of the river, in the voice of the night wind is a symphony that other ears* have heard and other ears will hear— an eternal symphony; the light of moon and stars—” “Ah, yes," sently. little sister, that you did your days." slender white convent of the Ussulines. Yvonne shook her head, but she ■ did not tell him that her fears for . him, her concern for his wildness | and reckless escapades, would keep j her always near him. The two had ben orphans since childhood. “No matter," laughed Paul, look ing for a moment with appreciation rare in a brother, into her great blue black eyes; her face that was a pale sweet oval, the red lips vague—so much like one of the mystic moon-' flowers she loved, her race. I “You miss much of what goes on,” . said Paul. "There is a regular hub bub within the castle.” I “More than usual? What, have they at last come to realize there xs danger from the English? That the fortifications are strong only in their own fatuous thinking; that—” I “No! No! Not that. You exag gerate those things, Yvonne. The English will never take Quebec. It is Captain Midnight, of course, and before home, would _ . “Again! What has our knight of the road been about now?” “He has surely overstepped him self this time,” said Paul. “On the St. Foye Road it was. Two of the Intendent’s gentlemen were return- Troubled With Her Liver Coated Tongue Every Morning Mrs. A. J. .Lansky, Alberton, 8o.sk I y writes:-—“I had trouble with my liver, and every morning I would wake up with a thickly coated tongue, and would feel so tired I found it hard to do my housework. One day I read about Milburn’s Laxa-Livcr Pills. I got two vials and am now feeling well again, and am able to attend to my household duties without any trouble.” put up only by The T. Milburn Cd„ Limited, r’MILBURNST For sale at all drug and general stores; Toronto, Ont. Yvonne himself vultures place to i i Do not this perfect moment, please!” took her hand in his and rais- to his lips, his eyes did not hers. She felt a new, unknown Readers of the will be Ruth I. in the Course ■Science, ability and secured a very high per centage in her examination work, which places her name on the Hon or Roll of the institution. Practical nursing is an absorbing study and a great humanitarian work, which brings help, relief and comfort to the 'sick in scattered por tions of the Province. We feel con fident that Miss BalkWill’s unusal talent in this direction will win ifor her a very enviable place of esteem in the community in which she re sides. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY, ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST., EXETER ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD “How regret it?” I don’t care f “But for Paul—petit Paul—Your dear young brother—you care—even more than for yourself. I shall not mince matters—he is many thou sands in debt------” “We can pay,”’ returned bitterly. So Paul had let fall into the talons of these “We are not poor.” “As your lawyer it is my advise that your money is in trust. So much each year, you may from it. But that is beside the point, which is this: Your brother has stolen, in order to pay his debts, from the Ro yal 'Treasury. He has taken advan tage of his position to play the thief >> “You lie!” “What use to lie?” he demanded reasonably, in a tone that convinced her he spoke the truth. “You could hardly disprove it, if I lied. It is the truth. Paul thinks to make up the amount stolen. He does not know he has been found out. If the story reaches the Intendant’s ears”—Girard made with outstretch ed, upturned hands, finality: “Disgrace haps imprisonment, Ask Paul if this is ponder in the meantime how advan tageous it would be for you to marry me. As Paul Caron, he means little to me; as the brother of my wife—’’ He saw by the fierce light in her eyes, the furious clencnrng of her hands and the rigidity of her body, that it were well to say no more. Mockingly, hurriedly, he took his leave, with these “Think well.” Yvonne knew now. Girard was many men in this "t v-p even lower a'cne 7 •ire a gesture of certainly; per perhaps worse, not so? And parting words— her helplessness Mmy one among place who would than he to gain on's. She could not fight him ; refuse him and Paul’s dis- would be certain. Paul—a ’-•o-VIng, a thief-—his life and career ruined and here too, perhaps; for : would go where he went—to ob- livion, to ignominy. Either that or— tl'.o r'.omory of Simon Girard's lu pine vi-age repelled her. To give herself to him, into his unclean em brace— Some sixth, sense warned her; there was someone. Sure, enough out of the deeper shadow flung by the REPORT OF S.S. NO. 7, STEPHEN the report of IS. S. ■for the months of October. when you—” ’Martel!” fill the Gov- the sound of that trampled, stranger’s face was He stood stiffly, head (To be continued) grim, bow- Hay Council regular monthly meeting ofThe the Council of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, November 6th, 1933, with all members present. After adopting the minutes of the Octobir meeting the communications disposed of: The following resolutions passed: That Kenneth Routledge be pointed Collector Of Taxes for the ■ Township of Hay, his remuneration I to be three per cent, of all arrears of I taxes that he collects and pays to the Treasurer and that a by-law be pre pared for passing council meting to pointment. That By-law No. ing for borrowing money to meet cur rent expenditures until taxes are paid be read three times and finally passed. That accounts covering payments on Township Roads, 'Telephone and General accounts be passel as per vouchees: Townships Roads—Oom .Roads were were re-ap- at the December confirm the ap- 11, 1933, provid Following is No. 7, Stephen September and Sr. IV—Ida Switzer, 75; Milton Sweitzer absent. Jr. IV—Roy Baynham- 72; Ada Gaiser 71; Mabel Harlton 70; Earl Pickering 66; Malieda Clarke 66; Emerson Lovie 60; absent. iSr. Ill— Harold Kenneth Baker 70; 69; Hazel Pickering Iva Pickering Finkbeiner 77; Robert Gower 66. Jr. Ill—Roy Clarke 70; Melvin Gaiser 67.2. II—Jack Ratz 82; Donald Ratz 72; Stuart Sweitzer 66. Sr. I—Lila Finkbeiner 76; Cath erine Keough 7*0; Ross Pickering 61. Pr. —• Joan Finkbeiner 7'5; Iva Gower 70; 69; Jack Pickering Dellow 88; Audrey Harvey Pickering 70 Lillian Thompson, Teacher S. S. NO. 12, USBORNE Re- for and are The following is the School port of S. S. No. 12, Usborne, the months of September October. Pupils, whose names marked with an asterisk were absent for one or more of the examinations 5th Class—Merle Squire 70; Rus sell Morley 6'5i*. •Sr. IV—Jean Morley 75; Andrew Arksey 71; Jack Switzer 66*. Jr. IV—©avid Hodgson aid Hern 58*. Sr. ITI—iMaida Morley Ogden 7'M Roy Hodgson Ogden 56*. Jr. Ill—Lorraine Dobbs 66; 80; 64; 67; Ger- Jean Billy Del- phine Charron 63; Clare Hazlewood 60; Joe Lamphier 60; Cecil Squire 47. iSr. II—-Eunice Parkinson 82; Bill Morley 53; Marie Dobbs 47; Betty Jones ;50*. First Class—John Rodd 67; Efl- ma Jaques 60; Bobby Jones 42. Primer — Glenn Dobbs, Harry Squire, Kenneth Hodgson, joe Dobbs Gladys Jones. M. Sad lor, Teacher. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 188 OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc tion School. Special Course taken in Registered Live Stock (all breed*) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, Etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing pribes. Satisfaction as sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President ANGUS SINCLAIR Vice-Pres. j. t. ALLISON DIRECTORS SAH’L NORRIS*, SIMON DOW WM. H. COATES, FRANK McConnell AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph ALVIN L. HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Fullarton and Logan THOMAS SCOTT, Cromarty, Agent for Hibbert W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 295, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter The engagement is announced of Jean Louise, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert McGill, of Mitchell, Ito Mr. Harry KfoypSmith, son of Mrs. and the late Joseph Kay-Smith, of Toronto, the wedding to tako place the latter part of November.