The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-11-16, Page 6THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1033 . .' .......... PAYS FOR ITSELF IN SAVINGS can use your Coleman for a and save from $5.00 to $7.00 the cost of using an old-styleModel 141 Coleman Sunshine Lamp. Use with or without globe aa illustrated. Price only $6.95; Shade $1.00 extra. Model 118B Instant- Lite. Beautiful ivory Kremelite shade. Built-in Putnp. Generous fuel capacity. Price $12.45 complete. You year over coal-oil lamp. In the meantime you are protecting your eyesight and keeping young and strong the vision of your children. 5 TO 20 TIMES MORE (LIGHT! The Coleman gives 5 to 20 times more light than any kerosene lamp. Fuel cost is only about 10 a night for the finest light. A safe, depend­ able lamp — can’t spill fuel even if tipped over ... no “crawling” flame. It’s a clean lamp... no soot or smoke. Makes and burns its own gas from regular, untreated motor gasoline. Save money; use a Coleman. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER —or write us THE COLEMAN LAMP & STOVE CO., Ltd. Toronto, 8, Ontario (SL-1X) Her BACKACHES have GONE! Quick, sure relief with Fruit-a-twes “Your splendid remedy acted like a tonic to my entire „ , , system. I can’t be­ gin to tell what I suffered from backaches due to kidney derangement. When I would bend down it seemed that I couldn’t straighten up again. I was continually awakened at night from the same cause. Dizzy, sick headaches and a weak stomach made me feel perfectly wretched. Now thanks to your wonderful *Fruit-a-tives*, I am enjoying life again.” Fruit-a-tives ... all drug stores FAMILY RETURNED Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston, who for a number of years were citizens of Clinton, have again returned to Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were formerly in the bakery business sell­ ing out and moving to Burford. The Burford Women’s Guild of Holy Trinity Church presented Mrs. John­ ston with a silver bread tray prior to her departure. BLYTH RESIDENT CAUGHT IN MACHINERY What might have been a very ser­ ious accident occurred at Bainton’s woolln mill, at Blyth, when Well­ ington McNall, one of the employees was caught in the shafting while oiling the box. tin some manner part of his clothing was caught in the shaft and he was swung around it several times, until all his cloth­ ing was literally tom from his. body, then finally throwing him to the floor, He was immediately taken to Dr. Kilpatrick’s office, who after an examination found one finger brok­ en and his body badly (bruised, with indications of being injured intern­ ally. Was a Nervous Wreck Had Bad Dizzy Spells Mrs. Adelard writes:—“I was spells and shortness of breath, could not stay alone, and would lie awake most of the night. I was not a bit better after consulting a doctor and taking his medicine. One day a friend told the to use Milburn’s H. & N. Pills which I did, and in a very short time they made a great difference in my health. I cannot speak too highly of them.” For sale at all drug and general stores; put up Only by Tho Ivlilbtitn Jjirnitcdj Ont, at LESS COST with a Coleman SUNSHINE LAMP Now it’s more econom­ ical to have and to enjoy good light.. . the clear, steady brilliance of a Coleman... than . to be without it. For small cost you can get a genuine Instant- Lighting Coleman SUNSHINE Lamp that produces 300 candle­ power of soft, natural light. Crediton W. I. The November meeting of the Crediton Women’s Institute was held at the hall with the president oc­ cupying the chair. After .singing the Ode all repeated the Lord’s Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Motto for today “an ear for music, a mind for books, an eye for pictures, these are ■the assets that make for happiness. The roll call was responded to by naming your favorite piece of music and its author. Mrs. Telfer and Mrs. Lawson, who were appointed delegates to the convention in Lon­ don gave interesting reports, which were enjoyed by all. Mrs. G. Mor- lock sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. E. Fahrner which was appre­ ciated by the convention. A number of the Institute members also attend­ ed the convention and the banquet at Hotel London. The program was as fellows: Mrs. Young, of Clande- boye Institute gave an interesting talk on the history of their institute, she was accompanied by several la­ dies of her institute and it was a pleasure to have them visit our in­ stitute. A hearty vote of thanks was moved and seconded for Mrs. Young. Miss Ru.by King accompan­ ied by Mrs. E. Brown sang sweetly “Blacksmith Little Boy.’’ A piper on “Education’’ was given by Miss A. Gaiser telling-of how parents can educate their children at hoime be­ fore they start to school. The ban­ quet that the Institute planned to have on November 22nd had been in­ definitely postponed owing to. the lack of a suitable place in the com­ munity to have it. Lunch was serv­ ed by the hostess Mrs. F. Clarke, (Mrs. E. Brown, Miss A. Smith, Miss B. Kenney. Mrs. T. Mawhinney moved and Mrs. Wright seconded a hearty vote of thanks to all who took part in the program and the lunch committee. Brabant, Blizzard Valley, Ont,, a nervous wreck, also had dizzy “I was so nervous I THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FARM NEWS LETTER FROM A MAN OF 90 Royal Winter Fair, Toronto- Nov. 22 to 30. Ontario Provincial Winter Fair, Guelph—December 5 to 7. “Royal” Prospects Good Advance information from the management of the Royal Winter Fair is to. the effect that .prospects are brighter for the coming fair than any in its 2-year history. It is expected that there will be' a .par­ ticularly heavy entry of all classes of live stock and farm products. For eight days, November 22 to 30, there will be on display some of the best products of the land. The small breeder or small land-owner will be found in competition with the pro­ ducts from some large holdings. The boys will have an opportunity to show their beef calves in a wide open competition. Formerly it was neces­ sary to be a member of a calf club in order to show, but this year any boy between. 14 and 20 years of age' who has a calf sired by a purebred bull born on or after September 1, 1932, which he has fed, cared for and fitted two months prior to1 fair dates, may enter the competition. British Markets Overloaded With Canadian Apples Writing from .the Ontario Gov­ ernment Offices in London, Andrew Fulton reports that excessive ship­ ments of Canadian cooking apples to the British markets are serious­ ly depressing prices for all kinds of apples, including English. In many cases prices slumped from 10s to 15s a barrel within two weeks. Good Nova Scotia No. 1 Blenheims are selling at 11s a barrel. Ontario Blenheims L3s to l'5s a barrel, Eng­ lish Blenheims 3s 6d a bushel, and wasty and indifferent fruit as low as 3s 6d a barrel, but mostly 7s 6d. At the same time, good quality Ontario red dessert apples are holding their own, as bright iScarlet Pippins are fetching from 2>2s to 25 s; Jonathans 2 4s to 26s, and firm McIntosh, free from bruises 22s to 24s. >Mr. Fulton considers that it is a mistake for Ontario shippers to ex­ port their apples immediately they are packed, without considering the large crops in Nova (Scotia and Eng­ land. The heavy supplies of Nova Scotia Gravensteins, Blenheims, Rib- stons,' and other fall varieties that are coming forward to all British ports in unpredecented quantities at this time of the year are setting the price for this-class of fruit. This situation is also having a depressing effect upon ithe English grown apples English growers are beginning to cry out for something further to- be done to protest their interest. 'This, time it is not the foreign, fruit that is causing the trouble, but apples from Canada and a severe overlap­ ping of New Zealand boxes. Present indications are that Ontario apple shippers who have put their apples into cold storage will find markets more satisfactory after Christinas. O. A. C. Team Second The Ontario Agricultural College dairy cattle judging team stood se­ cond with 18 teams competing in the International Inter - College Judging Competition at Dairy (Cattle Congress held at Waterloo, Iowa. Iowa team was first. 'Individual members of the Ontario team were high in judging Holsteins, Brown Swiss and Ayrshires and second in Guerneys. As a team they were first in the judging of Holsteins and Guerneys. The team was composed of J. W. Archibald, H. J. Hunter, A. B. Mc- Caugherty and D. A. Dalziel The boys were coached by Prof. J. E. Raithby. McCaugherty was high man in Holsteins, Archibald high in Brown. Swiss and second in Guerneys and Hunter first in Ayrshires. The team and their coach are to be congratulated upon their excel­ lent standing in competition with the best judges from 17 Agricultur­ al Colleges across the line. Takes Optimistic Attitude Towards Ontario Fall Fairs "Fo.r very definite reasons,” stat­ ed, J, A. Carroll, superintendent of Horticultural Societies, “I am con­ vinced that the near future will, once again, see the Fall Fair as an institution of real importance in the farming life of Ontario.” Mr. Carroll, in his official capa­ city. has visited some 28 fairs com­ mencing with the Canadian Nation­ al Exhibition. He points out that gate receipts are increasing general­ ly, and, in some cases, this increase is as much as thirty or forty per cent, over last year. “Crops in general being earlier this year,” he said, “has resulted in giving more' farmers time to attend the fairs. Then again, economic conditions have had much to do with increased attendance. Where in the past farmers would turn to- the city for relaxation, a less expensive en­ tertainment is now the order of the day. Fall fairs answer this need.” (More attractive prizes and the program of Junior Work were nam­ ed as two additional reasons for the increased interest in the fall fair. Junior work has been carried on for over twenty years now, and this pro­ gram is beginning to bear fruit, in­ asmuch as an entirely new genera­ tion is added to the attendance at these annual functions. “For these reasons,” he conclud­ ed. “I cannot take anything but an optimistic attitude towards the fu­ ture of the fall faip in Ontario.” Winter Fair at Guelph The Ontario Provincial Winter' Fair, to be held December |5' to 7 in­ clusive, will undoubtedly draw a particularly strong entry. At no show is there a more attractive dis­ play of draft horses than is seen in the single anef teams at Guelph. The classes for market cattle are always strong and there is usually a good showing in the three beef breeds. The sheep show is. outstanding, In the seed department there are good prizes and keen competition. The ev­ ening horse show is an attraction that always pleases. Write to W. 'R. Wade, Parliament Buildings, 'Toron­ to, for premium list, and remember that entries close on November 20. This is the fiftieth annual Ontario Provincial Winter Fair io be held at Guelph. Winners to Represent Ontario at The “Royal” Teams representing Boys’ Cattle, Swine, Grain and Potato Clubs in Ontario held their annual inter-club competitions at 'O. A. C. on Friday, October 27th. Teams were compos­ ed of two- club members between the ages of 16 and 20 years inclusive. In all, 2,111 club members are enrolled, in the 10'3 clubs organized in the four projects in Ontario during the past year. Fifty-five of these clubs sent their representatives to the College to compete in one of the four inter-club competitions conducted under the direction of R. S. Duncan, director of the Agricultural Repre­ sentatives for Ontario.. In the Cattle Club Competition, 21 teams competed. The Woodbridge Dairy Calf Club of York County composed of Norman Baggs and Wil­ bert Jennings, were winners. The Grain Club competition brot out teams representing 14 clubs. The winners were Kenneth Smith and Garwood Sparling of the Renfrew Grain Club. The iSwine Club Competition was keenly contested by 10 teams repre­ senting as many different 'clubs. First place was awarded to the Or- ono1 Boys’ Swine Club of Durham County, composed of Wesley Yellow­ lees and Newton Ashton. The Inter-Club Potato Competition also' brought out contenders from 10 different clubs. The winners were Gordon Armstrong and Lloyd Rawn of the Orangeville Potato Club, Duf­ ferin County. Following the keenly contested competition, the competitors, the coaches and officials were guests at a dinner in the O. A. C. cafeteria. Following the announcement of the results, Dr. George I. Christie, Pres­ ident of the O. A. C. delivered an in­ spiring address which climaxed an interesting and enjoyable day for the club members who had gathered from as far as Renfrew ip the east and Lambtbn in the west. Another pleasing feature at this function was the presentation of “The Farmer” trophies by Editor C. H. Hodge, to the teams from York and Durham Counties, winners in the Cattle and Swine Competitions respectively. 'The four winning teams from Duf­ ferin, Durham, Renfrew and York Will represent Ontario in the Inter­ Provincial Contests to be held at the Royal Winter Fair in November. The engagement is announced of Marguerite May, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Venner to Mr. Walter Roger Pepper, only son of Mr, hud Mrs. Fred Pepper, of Tuck- ersmlth, the wedding to take place soon. About His Rheumatism He ask's us to excuse his writing. We do more than that—W6 congrat­ ulate him on being able to write at all at his age, especially as he has been suffering from rheumatism. This is what he says in his letter:— “Three years ago I was in bed for three weeks with inflammatory; rheu­ matism. Since that time I have been taking Kruschen Salts, and have not had another attack. But my hands are still somewhat stiff. I take Kruschen every morning be­ fore breakfast, and shall continue to do so, because I am sure it has kept me in good shape for three years. Excuse this writing, as I am ninety years old, and use both hands to write.”—J. R. G. Kruschen dissolves away those needle-like crystals of uric acid which are the cause of all rheuma­ tic troubles. It will also flush these dissolved crystals clean out of the system. Then if you keep up “the little daily dose,” excess uric acid will never form again. ZURICH Mr. George Volland, of Detroit, visited with friends here the past week. Mrs. Leonard Birk, of Guelph, was a visitor with her parents the past week. Rev. Roy M. Gieger, of Welland, was a visitor with friends here the past week. Mr. Milford Uttley while working at a rip saw in the Kalbfleisch plan­ ing mills on Monday had the mis­ fortune to get his hand in contact with a saw with the result that a piece was taken off the second fin­ ger and the thumb. .Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cann, of Cry­ stal City, Man., are visiting relatives and friends in these parts It is some thirty years since they left On­ tario for the West. Mr. Austin Hey and friend, of De­ troit, spent the week-end in town. ■Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trevethick', of Brinsley, spent Sunday with iMr. and Mrs. Albert Hess. Mr. and Mrs; Andrew Thiel motor­ ed to Waterloo on Tuesday to visit with the former’s brother Mr. Dan Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger and family Mrs. L. Pfile and daughter Pearl were week-end visitors with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. Jacob Ortwein has sold his 100-acre farm on the 9th concession of Stephen to Mr. Henry Pfaff, who gets immediate possession. Mrs. C. H. Kalbfleisch, of Detroit, has been visiting Mrs. Cathern Kalb­ fleisch who has not been enjoying good health. A number of young people gather­ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Thiel and surprised their eldest son Earl, on the occasion of his 2.1st birthday. ,Mt. John Turkheim read an address when the gifts were pre­ sented. Mr. William O’Brien, of Zurich, has received .word of the passing of his mother, Mrs. Catherine O’Brien of iSouris, Man. About two months previous Mrs. O’Brien had celebrat­ ed her 90th birthday. Deceased was born in England and 82 years ago the family came to this country set­ tling on the shores of Lake Huron 25 miles south of Goderich. About thirty years ago Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien went west where the former passed away 15 years ago and since that time Mrs. O’Brien has lived with her son John. Surviving are two sons and one daughter in the West; John and Roswell O’Brien and Mrs. D. .McPhail; also two sons in Ontario, Mr. Frank O’Brien, of Staffs and Mr. Wm. O’Brien, Zurich. Shingles! No. 1 B. C. XXXXX EDGE GRAIN The best grade made at a low price No. 1 Dry Hemlock barn siding ?0 in. wide, any length Matched 2 in. barn flooring at $30.00 per M A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone No. 12, GRANTON Exptrr ®tmw-A&uorstr Established 187.3 and 1887 Published every Thursday mornipg at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year in advance. RATES—Farin or Rea J Estate feu sale 50c, each‘insertion for first four insertions, 25c, each subse­ quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar­ ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c. per line of six words. Reading notices 10c. per line. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal ad­ vertising 12 and 8c. per line. In Memoriam, with one verse 50o. extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Professional Cards Ai H i i j j GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HE NS ALL CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.& DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the New Post Office Main St., Exeter Telephones Office 84w House 84J Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY, ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA­ VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST., EXETER ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES.A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfactlnn Guaranteed EXETER p. O. or RING 188 OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc­ tion School. Special Course taken in Registered Live Stock (all breeds) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, Etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as­ sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. ' U8BORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President ANGUS SINCLAIR Vice-Pres. J. t. ALLISON DIRECTORS SAH’L NORRIS', SIMON DOW WM. H. COATES, FRANK McCONNELL AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Blddulph ALVIN L. HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Fullarton and Logan THOMAS SCOTT; Cromarty, Agent for Hibbert W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 295, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter The engagement is announced of Helen Irene, second daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper, Of Clinton, to Mi1, John Stewart Fraser, son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Fraser, Blyth, the marriage to take place tho lat- I tor of November.