The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-11-16, Page 5THEEXETER TJMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, NOYEMBER 16, 1633
Creeps pad Laughs at “Creepy
Crest” by Trivitt A. Y. P. A. play
ers, Opera House, Nov. 30 and Dec.
Mr. Cassidy spent the week,-end at
his home in Otterville.
Wedding bells will soon be mer
rily ringing in our village again.
Mr. Hutton was recently appoint
ed assistant at the C. N, R. Station.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird .Mickle and
children spent Thursday of last week
in London.
Dr. and Mrs. Colyer and children
visited with friends in London on
Thursday last.
Mr. Ed. ^enhale, of Exeter, vis
ited with relatives and friends in
town on'Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hutton have
got nicely settled in the Stewart'
house on King Street.
Mr. , and Mrs» Laira. Mickle and
children spent the week-end with
friends in Ridgetown.
Mr. Wm. Simpson, , of Detroit,
visited over the week-ehd with rela
tives and friends in town.
Mr. Wm. Luker has been confined
to his room for the past two weeks
suffering from a severe cold.
Mrs. David Workman, who
been confined to -her room
blood poisoning is improving.
Miss Elsie Hazlewood and
May Coward visited over the week
end at their homes near Farquhar.
Mrs, Mark Drysdale very pleasant
ly entertained the members of the
Bridge Club on Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon
don, visited over the week-end with
her parents,
Mrs. J. B. Campbell and little son
of Windsor,
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
A. Bell,
A numbei’ of the members of the
Canadian Legion went to Wingham
Sunday to attend special Armistice
The many friends of Mr. Alex
Smith will be sorry to heai* he has
been very ill and hope for a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of the
C.N.R. at Forest were here last week
visiting friends' and arranging to
move to Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Switzer and
children of Beech-0’-Pines* visited
for a few days last week with their
relatives and friends in town.
The W. M. S.-of Carmel Church
held their regular meeting in the
basement of the church on Thursday
afternoon with a good attendance.
Mrs. Robt. Cameron very pleasant
ly entertained the Arnold Circle of
Carmel Church on Wednesday even
ing they also held their regular meet
ing there.
The Mission Bdnd of Carmel Pres
byterian Church are holding a sale
of home made cooking in the base
ment o/f -the church on Saturd*ay af
ternoon, November 25th,,
Mr. John Bean is* opening up his
new bakery in the store recently oc
cupied by the McLaren hardware. A
number of improvements have been
made and Mr. Bean expects to be
ready by the end of this week.
The wedding of Miss Murifel Car
lisle, eldest- daughter of 'Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson Carlisle, of Hensall to
Mr. John W. Richardson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Richardson of the
Parr Line wil take- place the last
week of November.
The many friends of Mrs. T. C.
Joynt will be sorry td hear she is
not improving, as quickly as her
friends would wish, having suffered
a severe heart, attack on Sunday last.
Mrs. Joynt has been in Clinton Hos
pital for the past two weeks taking
Rev. ,W. A, Young, pastor of the
Carmel Church was able again to
take the service on' Sunday morning
and preached a splendid service on
Armistice Day. The service in the
evening was withdrawn. Mr. Young’s
many friends are pleased to see him
able to resume his duties after his
recent illness.
A Curio Tea and Sale of Work
will be held in the basement .of St.
Paul’s Anglican Church on Saturday
November 18th-at 3 o’clock. A very
interesting collection of curios about
100 articles will "be on- exhibition
representing India,, Ghina^ Japan
and Canada (both Indian and Es-
quimo.) 'Afternoon -tea will
The regular meeting of the Y.
S. of the United Church was held
Monday evening in the basement
-the church with a good attendance
and Dr. Smillie in the chair. Mrs.
Hugh McEwan gave a very interest
ing talk. Solo by Mr. Sam. Rannie
and a reading by Mrs. Anna McDon
The Mission Band'of the United
Church met on Thursday last in the
the basement of the church with a
good attendance. In the absence of
the president, Miss Ruth Coles took
charge of the opening exercises af
ter whcli the following program was
given with Mary Clark in charge:
Audrey Twitchell; guitar selection,
Kathryn Drysdale; reading, Elaine
Peck, recitation, Mary Clark. The
study was taken by Mrs. Peck.
The wedding of Mr. John Bean,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bean, of
the London Road South to Miss
Gladys Hunkin daughter of Mr. John
and the late Mrs. Hunkin, of Exeter
took place at London at eight o’clock
on Saturday evening. The bride was
attended by her sister, Miss Robena
Mr. and Mrs. R. Mjc'Lar-
is visiting at the home
. Hupkin and the groorp by Mr. Roy
Ljammie, of Hensall, After the cere
mony the young couple returned to
Hensall to the new apartments in the
Joynt Block. Their many friends wish
them every happiness.
The Fowl iSupper given by the
ladies of th® Cprmel Presbyterian
Church was held here in the Church
on Thursday evening last and was a
great success. The weather was very
unfavorable for the event but the
church was filled to capacity. The
waiters were kept busy until nine
o’clock before all had supper. An en
tertainment took place in the audi
torium of the church with the Rev.
W. A. Young, pastor of the church
presiding. The program was put on
by the choir of the New St. James
Presbyterian Church, London, under
the leadership of Mr. J. McDermid.
The different numbers given'delight
ed the large audience present. Rev.
Mr. Parker of St. Paul’s Anglican
Church expressed his pleasure at be-
ing^present. Mr. McDermid, the lead
er of the London choir in response to
the warm words of appreciation by
the chairman on behalf of the con
gregation expressed the pleasure it
had afforded the choir in being
present. A ten cent dinner was held
in the church on Friday, as there
was a great deal left over. The re
sults were very gratifying to the
The Memorial services held in the
United Church on Remembrance Day
Saturday, November 11 were largely
attended. The services were held un
der the auspices of the Exeter
Branch No. 167 of the Canadian Le
gion. The Church service was con
ducted by Rev. W. A. Young assist
ed by the Rev. Arthur Sinclair and
Rev. Mr. Parker. At the monument
Mr. Pryde, of Exeter, had charge
Rev. J. H. Stainton, of Exeter, made
an address, the Last Post was sound
ed and a two minute silence was ob
served,; Mr. Geo. Petty and Sidney
McArthur each placed a wreath on
the monument and the service was
closed by singing God Save the King
and the benedici'tion.
The following is the report of the
Hensall Public School for September
and October: Room I—Sr. lV--David
Sangster 77, Ruth Bell 76, Kenneth
Passmore 73, Herbert Drummond
73; Margaret Shepherd 72, Mona
Glenn 72, Irene Smale 70, Jack Sim
mons 7 0, Edna Saundercock 66, Nel
lie Fee 60, Erma Kipfer 60, Keith
Buchanan 58. Jr. IV—Mary Clark
77, Elva McQueen 74, Pearl Harpole
71,. Jack Coles 68, Alice Pfaff 67,
Barbara Shepherd 63, Douglas (Sangs
ter 61. iSr. Ill—Norma Cook 82,
Carey Joynt 81, Jim Campbell 81,
Russel Hedden 78, Elaine .Peck 7 8,
Marion Filshie 78, Gerald Passmore
76, Max Hudson 75, Lloyd Brock 67,
George Sangster 5 8, Blanche Thom
son .511. Number on roll, 30; aver
age attendance, 29.55.--C. H. Blowes
Intermediate Room — Jr. Ill A—
Shirley Twitchell 68, Ray Foster 67,
Audrey Twitchell 66, Laird Hudson
610, Cecil Kipfer 60, Herman Wolff
'59. Jr. Ill B—Mary Goodwin 77,
June 'Saundercock 75, Norris Mc
Ewen 73, Jack Shepherd 71, Howard
Love 71, Billy Coles 7.0, Ronald
Parker 70, Harold Koehler 70, Pres
ton Lemmon 47, Carl Daters 41. Sr.
II—Marion Drummond 8<5., Donald
Joynt 81, Emily Hoskins 79, Robert
Cameron 77, .Margaret Sangster 77,
Robert Sangster 68, Bobbie Hess 6i5,
Lois MacLaren 63, Reta Bell 53, R.
Higgins 42.—M. A. Ellis,. teacher
Junior Room—ill .Class: Jas. Clark
72, Ross Kennedy 71, Bobby Nicol
71, John Beer 66, Joe Marks 63, Mil
dred Brock 62, Donald Willard 60,
Howard Smale 45. I Class*—Gordon
Campbell 70, James (Sangster 57. Sr.
Pr.—Jackie Drysdale 77, George
Otterbein 75, Alpine McEWen 63,
Alvin Smale 62. Primer (A)—El
aine Hoskins -67, Marian McLaren
68. primer (B)—(Donald Shepherd
70, Mona Hedden 70, Helen Wolff
69, Bobby Cook 68, .Shirley Wolff
67; Ronald Stephen 66; Gloria
Twitchell 60; Annie Van Landge-
ham 60.Annie Consitt, teacher
Miss Lizzie - Dietrich, of London,
spent the week-end at her home.
Mr. John Harhan, who has been
working for John A. Ryan for ’ the
past two years left for New York
last week where he intends to re
main for a time.
Mr. Joseph Regan, of iSimcoe,
spent the week-end at his home here
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan-at
tended the fuperal of the late-Mi
chael Maloney at London last week.
Miss Elizabeth Houlahan R. N. of
Detroit, is-spending a few weeks at
her home.
'A number from hero attended the
play at Parkhill on Tuesday even
ing. ,. ■ , ■
Mrs. William Rowland, of London
is the guest of hei* .sister Mrs. Tresa
Mrs. Joseph McKeever js visiting
friends in Detroit for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrisey,
and Jack Morrisey spent a few, days
last week with friends- at Detroit.
iMrs. Morrisey remained in the city
where she will visit for a few weeks,
. (3-act comedy)
Will be presented by the Y.
Society of Thedford United Church
in Mount Carmel Hall
Admission 215c,
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood. first three days of
at office over the Post
Zurich, last three days of
Mr. and Mrs. G. Calfas,
spent a few days with trends last
. week.
, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman
and Mrs. L. Kellerman visited friends
in Exeter on Sunday.
Misses Elda and Verna Kraft, of
London, sipent the week-end at their
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Guenther, of
Windsor, spent a few days with his
parents Mr, and 'Mrs. Chas. Guenther
Dr. Lame S. Tieman, of Dublin,
spent Sunday with his parents Mr,
and Mrs. D. Tieman.
Rev. and Mrs. Graupner and their
daughters Claira and Martha, Farm
ington, Mich., visited friends over
the week-end. Rev. Graupner was
the guest speaker at the Anniversary
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mirs. G. WHdrong, Mrs. E.
Tieman attended the Tieman-Cornell
nuptials in Waterloo on Saturday.
Mr. Eugene Tieman, who has been
sick in London hospital for the past
two weeks is recuperating at his
home here.
Don’t forget the Ham Supper to be
given in the basement of the Evan
gelical Ghurch on Wednesday even
ing November 22nd under the aus
pices of the Ladies’ aiu. Following
the supper a play will be given as
sisted by other musical numbers.
A report of the Jubilee of the Lu
theran Church Dashwood has been
held over until next week.
The Ladies’ Aid of Zion Lutheran
Church, Dashwood, enjoyed a bring-
a-firiend social evening in the church
basement recently. Mrs. R. Hayter
presided for the program. The Scrip
ture lesson and prayer were given by
Rev. T. Luft after which a ladies’
quartette composed of Mrs. J. Rader
Mrs. T. Luft, Mrs. F. Preeter and
Muis. A. Kuntz sang. Rev. T. Luft
then gave an interesting address on
“The Life of Martin Luther.” 'Mrs.
T. Preeter and Mirs. A. Kuntz gave a
piano duet after which a humorous
reading was given by Mrs. J. Rader.
The president Mrs. H. S. Wein then
took change of the business session
during which the roll was responded
to by 27 members and 3 3 visitors.
The various' committees reported af
ter which the new committees were
appointed as follows: social, Mrs. T.
Kraft, Mrs. E. Restemeyer, Mrs. F.
Sclilundt; Entertainment, Mrs. R.
Hayter, Mirs. A. Kuntz, Mrs. F. Preet
er; Work, Mrs. W. Nadiger and Mrs.
M. Daub; Flower, Mrs. L. Hamacher,
Mirs. H. Kraft, Mrs. F. Gu'ettner; Vis
iting, Mrs. E. Restemeyer, Mrs. Fas-
sold.’ After the business session all
present participated in a “touch and
take” sale of parcels. A danity lunch
was served at the close. Tne next
nieeting is to be in charge of Mt;s.
Schlundt Mrs. W. Nadigr, Mrs. H.
Restemeyer and Mrs. T. Guettner.
week and
Office, in
ot Sarnia,
■Something different'—a mystery
comedy—not a dull moment—Triv-
itt A.Y.P.A.x.piayers—Opera House
Nov. 30 and Dec. 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Waltei* England, of
Grand Bend, visited with friends in
Crediton for a few days last week.
Mrs. Newton and her son Kenneth,
and daughter Irene, .of London, vis
ited Mrs. Cockwell on Sunday.
iMiss Bernice Eilber and Miss
Florence Coutts, of Neepawa, Man.,
who are attending MacDonald Hall
in Guelph, spent the week-end with
the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs.
H. K. Eilber.
.Miss Nola Faist visited for a few
days with her brother Rev. Fred and
Mrs. Faist at Chippawa.
A quiet wedding took place at the
Robinson Memorial United Church
London on Saturday evening when
Dorothy Marie Kenney, daughter of
Mr. and ,Mrs. Thos. Kenney of Cred
iton, was united in marriage with
Mr. William Henry Bender, son o.f
Mr. and Mrs. John Bender of Dash
wood; Rev. J. M. Finlay officiated.
The young couple will reside west
of Crediton.
The death took place in St. Jo
seph’s Hospital/ London . ,early on
years, 7
with in
Tuesday morning of Mr.
Charles Roeszler, agec 47
months- and 4 days. Mr.
was taken ill on Saturday
ternal trouble and early
morning was taken to .St.
Hospital where he passed
shortly after he was admitted. The.
deceased was a lifelong resident of
Stephen Township being a son of Mr.
John* Roeszler of the 6th concession.
His mother predeceased him 16 years
He is survived by his father, two
sisters and two brothers, Mrs. .Albert
Wolfe, Mrs. Moses Faist, William, of
Crediton and Emerson at home. The
funeral, private, will take place from
his father's home Thursday at two.
o’clock with interment in the Cred
iton ' Evangelical cepietery.
Mr. Jack Appleton, or parkhill,
spent a day visiting friends and
neighbors here the past week.
Miss Clara Lewis has gone to Lon
don where she has secured a
Mr. Dan Truemner returned
last week after a few weeks
with relatives in the States,
Mr. Walter McPherson spent the
week-end with his son Donald and
his’parents Mr. and Mrs. McPherson
at Gfeenway.
The Coroner’s jury which investi
gated the death of Henry Cook, of
Clinton, wild was killed in an auto
accident November 1st when a caff
owned and driven by Joseph Red
mond. was struck by a .cat driven by
Dr. Shaw returned a verdict of acci
dental death.
KI Ills
Sweet White Com
Per tin 9c.
No. 4 Peas
Sweet and tender tin 10c. |
Perfection Tomatoes «■
Good Quality 3 tins for 25c. s
PORK & BEANS, Aylmer, Libby’s or Clarke’s............... 2 large tins 23c. =
New Crop Dates
3 lb. for 25c.
Singapore Sliced Pineapple
per tin 10c,
Beehive Table Syrup =
2 lb, tin each 14c. =
DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, assorted flavors..............................6 for 25c. =
Ready Cut Macaroni
per lb. 5c.
Golden Spray Cheese
1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c.
Fresh Broken Sodas =
3 lbs for 25c. ?
FREE—I fancy China Plate with 1 lb. Tasty Pineapple Cookies per lb. 25c. 2
Large Meaty Prunes
2 lbs. for 25c.
Fry’s Cocoa
Large tin 19c.
Peanut Butter in Bulk =
2 lbs. for 25c. =
Vanilla, large bottle.......................each 15c.
Chipso, large pkg..............................each 19c.
Molasses Snaps •......................2 lbs. for 25c.
Wenderful Soap pure laundry soap 10 25c„
Handpicked White Beans .... 10 lb. 25c.
No. 1 Cooking Onions .... 10 lb. for 25c.
Choice California Grapes . . 2 lbs. for 25c.
Rich Peanut Brittle....................per lb. 19c.
Sweet Juicy Grapefruit..................5 for 25c.
Fresh Fillets of Haddie .... 2 lbs. for 25c.
Fresh Select Oysters........................qt. $1.00
Choice Snow Apples, large basket . . . 25c.
Phone 102
“Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver
Miss Mabel Kenxp, of Kirkton, is
spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Roy Switzer.
Mrs. Wes. Shier, of Woodham, vis
ited over the week-end with Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Squire were Sun
day visitors of Mrs. John Morley, of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, of Zion,
visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Gunning re
Mr. Howard Morley took in the
Turkey Supper at Lucan Anglican
Church on Wednesday evening.
Y. P. S.
The regular family night meeting
was held in the basement of the
church on Thursday November 9th.
The meeting opened with the vice
president Mr. Will Hodgson in the
chair. Hymns 92 and 84 were sung
followed by prayer by Mr. Stewart.
The Missionary Convenor, Miss Mar-
zette Sadler presideci over the, fol
lowing program which was much en
joyed. A recitation “One to Carry”
by Clare Hazelwood: Scripture les
son read by Mr. Will French; duet
“I Belong to the King” by Miss Mary
and Howard Morley; topic, Mission
Work Among the Indians given by
Mrs. John Hazelwood; Missionary
Exercise given by Jean Ogden, Jean
Morley, Merle Squire and Maida
Morley: song “Who is the Stranger”
by Ruth Hodgson. Gladys Squire and
Mary Morley; recitation “What the
Sun iS’ays” by Roy Hodgson. Hymn
120 was sung and Mrs. John Hazel
wood pronounced the benediction
which closed the meeting.
Mrs. Andrew Pollock, Harold Pol
lock and Miss Ruby Pollock, Ham
ilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R.
Pollock on Sunday.
Miss Adah McGregor, who
'been in Parkhill for some time
returned to her home here.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Eggart and Miss Mary Pollock are
not so well.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Young visited
her sister in Strathroy last .Sunday.
■ Mrs. R. McIntosh of Windsor, vis
ited relatives here last week.
Mr, Maxwell Baynham, of Toron
to, is visiting with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. George Baynham Sr.
Miss Jean Thompson visited oveT
the week-end with Miss Patsy Rus
sel in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and daugh
ter Marilyn, of Wyoming recently
visited with the former’s parents
Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Mills.
Mr. Herman Hodgson, of Guelph,
spent the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson.
Miss Mary O’Brien, Miss Margaret
Cook and Mr. Trueman Mills, of
London, and Miss Hazel Smith, of
Ljstowel, spent the week-end at
their homes here.-
'Mrs. Spencer and daughter .Miss
Joel, of St. Thomas, were week-end
visitors with the former’s sister M-r.
and Mrs. H. Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Maltby and
young sou.spent the week-end with
relatives in Galt.
Mr. Gordon McDonald spent the
week-end at his home in Glencoe.
On Friday evening of last week
the Young People’s Society and the
Sunday School members paid their
.annual visit to the Huron County
Home in Clinton and put on a splen
did evening of entertainment for the
inmates there. The visitors took a
treat along with them and a very
enjoyable time was spent by all.
On Friday evening December 1st
the Women’s Missionary Society of
the church here will hold a bazaar
and- chicken supper in the school
room . of the church. The program
will be put on by the gentlemen of
the congregation. If you want a real
evening of entertainment for a small
admission be sure and keep
date in mind.
Quite a number from here attend
ed Anniversary services at Mount
Pleasant on Sunday and also the
oyster supper on Tuesday night.
Miss Reta Mollard spent the week
end with Miss Thelma Marshall.
’ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burgin spent
Sunday with the latter’s mother Mrs
• The
winter is just around the corner.
Granton Young People Will visit
Kirkton Y. P. next Monday night and
will present the program.
11 1" .1 ’.............. 1 1 •" —
Pridham at Russeldale.
school children jhave been en-
the sleigh riding and the
of the bells makes us think
theRemember the pie social at
United Church on Friday evening
November 17th. A program of music
and readings including an edition of
the Greenway Times. Refreshments.
All for 16c. and 10c.
Next Sunday Rev. S. «T. Mathers
with preach on the subject “Being
Loyal to Jesus in Our Social Rela
At the S. S. Executive meeting
held at Mrs. .Sherritt’s on Friday ev
ening it was decided to hold the annual Christmas concert -on Christ
mas night.
iMrs. Lawrence Curts and babe
visited her sister Mrs. W. Curts in
London last week.
Mr. Carl Zeigler and Mrs. Mary
Voigt, of Trenton, Mich, and Ken
neth Luther, of Sarnia, were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. ‘Belling.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith, Mrs. Douglas
McLaren and Irving and Mrs. Au
gust Bielir, of Capac, Mich., visited
with iMr. and Mrs. C. H. Curts last
Miss Evelyn Steeper, of Corbett,
is staying with her aunt Mrs. J. Car
Mrs. Catherine Hodgins went to
Toronto to spend the winter with
her .daughter.
. Mr. Nelson Hickey went to De
troit on Tuesday to visit his sister
Mrs. Hurnn.
Miss M. Steeper spent Sunday ev
ening with Miss Pe'arl Carruthers.
■ Miss Crystal Hayter is on the sick
list and was unable to attend school
this week.
Miss V. May Hodgins spent the
week-end with her brother .M’r. Man
sell Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bro'phey Visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H.
Miss Marjorie Stewart has return
ed after visiting a week with rela
tives in Toronto.
Mrs. Ray Fletcher and children,
of 'Centralia, spent the week-end at
her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Moody.
Mr. Roy Ballantyne underwent an
operation for appendictis on Friday
His- many friends wish him a speedy
Mrs. E. Pollen and Mrs. W. Faw
cett, of Mitchell, attended the trous
seau at the home of Mrs. Ed. West
cott on Fri'day afternoon in honor
of her daughter Miss Marjorie West
cott whose marriage takes
shortly. .
Miss Blackall, of Lumley,
the week-end at her home
Qn Wednesday afternoon the young
men of this community held a rab
bit hunt but with smart success but
on Friday a few hunters gathered
striking out north‘and securing 23
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sears and fam
ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Keyes, of Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harburn, of
-Cromarty, and Mr. Earl Dick, of
Hensall, were Sunday visitors- with
Mr. and Mrs. Ken. McNicol.-
. On Thursday evening the Thames
Road choir met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. F, Gollings, and after pre
parations for Sunday were made the
evening was spent in games and
musical numbers, after which, lunch
was served. A hearty vote of thanks
was tendered to the host and hostess'
and so closed the pleasant evening.
The Boundary Group of the W. A.
held a “10 cent tea” on Thursday
at the home of Mrs. John Selves Jr.
The afternoon was spent in quilting.
The Young People’s Society- of
Thames Road United Church at its
regular meeting oh Tuesday evening
November 7th reorganized for the
ensuing year. -The new executive
is as follows: Hon. Pres., Miss Black
hall; Pres., Mr. Will Lamport; Se
cretary-Treasurer, Miss- Lillie Miller;
Assist. Sec’y.-Treas., Mr. Ivan Ste
wart; Vice Pres., Christian Fellow
ship, Mr. James Miller; Missions,
Mr. Lloyd Ballantyne; Christian Cit
izenship, Miss Blackhall; Literary &
Recreation, Miss Elizabeth Thomp
Elimville congregation held their
annual fall anniversary services last
(Sunday with good attendances al
though the condition of the roads, no
doubt, kept many visitors away, who
usually make a practise of being
present. Rev. Stainton, of Exeter,
occupied the pulpit in the morning
and his address was both interesting
and instructive and given the best of
attention. The choir saiig two num
bers, ‘Rejoice in the Lord” by Ash
ford and “I Will Give Thanks Unto
Thee, O Lord” by Danks. The male
quartette sang a number also “On
ward and Upward” by Dr, Palmer.
Rev. 'Stanley Johnson, of Lucan was
the speaker for the evening service
and preached a splendid sermon,
choir gave two antheins at this
vice “What Reward Shall I Give*
Danks and “Praise Ye the Lord*
McAfee; a ladies’ trio sang.“I Can
not Trace the Way” by Noyes. The
fowl supper was held on Tuesday
nigh followed by the play “Quare
Naybors” by local talent.
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Harris and
family, of Farquhar, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Morgan.
Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock,
of St. Thomas, were week-end visit
ors In this community,
’ by
* by
in Windsor
busy on his
Mr. Gordon Turnbull and family
have moved into the village for the
A wild dash for liberty was made
by Wilbur Lovie’s driver when turn
ing out of Roy Holt’s gate when it
became frightened by a dog. It up
set the cutter and the occupants fell
out. The horse ran a mile down
through *the village and got tangled
up in the park hurting neither the
horse nor the cutter.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geromette
have left to spend the winter with
■their daughter Mrs. Melvin Dodds.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Mollard are vis
iting theii* son Russell
for a week or so.
Mr.. John Mou-sso is
farm near Hensall this
Mr. Glen Brenner shot a wolf last
Saturday just close to the village.
It weighed 23 pounds.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Baker
was conducted by Rev. S. J. Mathers
on Tuesday last. Mrs. Baker died
in Port Huron at the home of her
daughter, the remains being brought
to the Grand Bend cemetery. Mrs,
Baker was in her 81st year. She
was formerly- Miss Orvilla. Green.
She was married twice, her first
husband Mr. William Wilson died
many years ago. She married
Mr. Phillip Baker about thirty years
ago and he predeceased her eleven,
years. She leaves a family of
wot girls and two boys to mourn her
loss Also three brothers, Mr, Jonah
Green, of .Hensall; Mr. Isaiah Green
of Thedford and Mr. Cyrus Green of
this village.