HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-11-09, Page 8THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Oth, 1033 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE SPECIAL > I Commencing Nov, 1st, Grunt’s Bakery will give a number with each loaf purchased at their store. On Christmas Eve, three draws will be made and the holder of each lucky number will receive: 1st prize— 10 ib. Christmas cake 2nd prize— 5 ib. Christmas Cake 3rd prize—?! Bread Tickets. Those receiving prizes last year were so highly pleased that we have decided to conduct a slmiliar contest Saturday Special 9-inch Mincemeat Pies, 15c. Try one, you’ll like them. Our Specialty — Buns and Puff Pastry. Exeter Markets Wheat 65 c, Oats 30c. Barley 3 So. Buckwheat, ,36c. Manitoba’s Best $2.4(1 Model Flour $2,30 Welcome Flour, $2.00 Low Grade Flour $1.2:5 Shorts $1.10 Bran $1.00Creamery Buttei’ 25c, Dairy ” Eggs, Eggs,Eggs, Hogs, Butter IS. 21c. extras 37 c. firsts 3 4c. seconds 17c? $5.00 THE ANNUAL BAZAAR AND COOKING SAKE of the Main Street Missioii Circle will' be held 'in - the Town llall on SATURDAY, .NOV., 18,, at 3 p.m. na 1 j LOCALS I i________.1 J. S. Grant & Son Phone 8 Get your bundle to the TUCKEY TRANSPORT and they’ll get it to us FOREST CITY LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS Bundles left Thursday are back in Exeter Tuesday. Monday’s' bund- les are back Friday. MEETING TQ SELECT MINISTER On Wednesday evening of this ■week Caven Presbyterian congrega­ tion will hold a meeting to select a new minister. Four candidates have been heard. On Sunday next the pulpit will be occupied by Mr. Gor­ don Peddie, B.A., of Knox College, Toronto, who for the past four years has been the popular student minis­ ter of Knox Church Bayfield. I. O. O. F. Social Evening in the Rooms on Friday, November 17th. All Oddfellows with their wives or lady friends are invited. Ladies will kindly provide lunch. Lodge Special prices on repairing, c call­ ing $1.00; Main Spring $1.; Clocks repaired for 75c. Work guaranteed Rabethge’s Jewellery Store, Exeter A public meeting of all who are interested in relief "will be held in the basement of the Public Library a.t 4 o’clock on Friday afernoon. Saturday being Reme'hibramce Day the mill will be closed all day. Bring your chopping in on Friday.—Har­ vey Bros. STRAYED—-From the north boun­dary of Biddulph a yearling steer with horns and a two year-old heif­ er without horns, both Herefords. Finder please notify Chas. Fisher, R. R. No. 3, Exeter. FOR SALE—Table turnips. Apply to Chas. Harvey, Exeter. ONLY CRESS SALVE — removes corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, warts. Ask your druggist Grieve’s Drug Store. at NOTICE Mr. G. Lawson, manager of the cal Bell Telephone Co. wishes to form the public that the two minutes silence will be observed at the tele­ phone central on Armistice Day be­ ginning at eleven o’clock. All patrons will kindly govern themselves ac­ cordingly. lo­ in- Mr. Grant Sanders, of Camden, N .J-, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, of Zion, spent Sunday with the former’s aunt Mrs. H< Kyle. Mrs. E. J. Short, of London, visit­ ed for a few days last week with her friends in Exeter. Mrs. F. A. May visited over the week-end with her sister Mrs^ F. K. Matthews in Toronto. Mrs. L. St. Thomas, of Lindsay, visited recently with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hennessey. Mr. and Mrs. M. King and family of Stephen Twp. visited in Grain­ brook and Atvrood last week. Christmas Cards—One dozen as­ sorted cards for 29c. Others at 21 for $1.00.—S. B. Taylor, Jeweller Miss Bessie Welsh, of London, vis­ ited over the week-end with her brother Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Welsh. ,Mr. J. G. Cochrane is confined to Westminster Hospital where he has been for the past couple of months. Mr. and Mrs. Jokn Stonehouse and family, of Forest, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon .Stone­ house. The first real snow storm of the season visited this section Wednes­ day covering the ground for several inches. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Lowry, of Tor­ onto, visited over the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squires and Shirley visited in Listowel and Palmerston during the past -yveek. Mr. Chas. Godbolt was at St. Marys Tuesday evening taking part in a program at the Knox Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman and Marion sent the week-end at Lon­ don and attended the Centennary of St. Andrew’s Church. , Messrs. Calvert and Wm. Cham- i bers, Silas Reed, Charles Salter and ; Irwin Ford left Saturday for a shoot- • ing trip in Northern Ontairo. ! Miss Melba Turnbull, of Parkhill 1 and Messrs. Jack and Fred Stacey, of Detroit, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Grant on Sunday. Mr. Kenneth C. Stanbury, Barris­ ter, of Toronto, ’spent the week-end at his home here and took in the Toronto-Western ru-gby game at Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. Samson McFalls at­ tended the funeral of their aunt the late Mrs. Geo. Hodgins, of Biddulph on Tuesday. Interment took place in St. James cemetery, Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. family were in ening attending sary Services in Andrew's Church. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers gave an ad­ dress in the United Church St. Marys last Sunday evening. The laymen of the church had charge of both ser­ vices. Mr. John Elliott M.A., of London, gave the morning address. Mr. and Mrs, Noble Scott, accom­ panied by Mrs. Newton Baker and Mrs. Milo Snell visited in Detroit over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wright. Mrs. Wright is a sis­ ter of Mrs Scott. The strike of furniture workers at Stratford has been settled and the employees are again back to work in five factories after being out for seven’ weeks. The Swft-Canadian company has also resumed opera­tions. I Messrs. J. G. Stanbury and J. W. ! Morley attended the complimentary I dinner tendered by the Huron Bar Association to the new Supreme j Court Judge, Mr. Justice Hope, on i Wednesday evening of last week at ; the Hotel Bedford, Goderich. j Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowey were in Ilderton over the week-end owing to an accident which happened near London when a car driven by Mr. Bowey’s nephew, Mr. James S. Cal­ vert was run into by an American car and three occupants were killed immediately and two others I.....since died. Remembrance Day will be o’ in Exeter on Saturday next a places of business will be clos til 1.30 o’clock in the aftern- memorial service will be hold Hurondale monument at in a James St. United Church at followed by a service at the taph. See announcement on One. The regular meeting of the I. T. was held in the basement ......... church on Wednesday evening No­ vember 1st with the President Miss Jean pilon presiding, ’’•lie devotional part of the meeting was taken by­ Miss Grace Strange. Mrs. G. L. Wil­ son gave a splendid demonstration which was followed by a, piano in­ strumental by >Miss Laurene Beavers attd a reading by Miss Barbara Din- W and Miss Grace Strange. The meeting iclosed by repeating the Miz­ pah benediction. J. G. Stanbury and London Sunday ev- the 10 0th Anniver- connection with St. FOR SALE—Ten-year-old tweed overcoat, plush lined, at Times-Advocate. boys’ Apply STRAYED—Onto Lot 10, Con. 4, Usborne, a Hereford calf. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. V. Pincombe, phone 39rl6 Kirkton. ll-9-3tc. FOR SADE—-Brick residence on/ William street,lately occupied by the late Mrs.Atkinson. Apply to R. N. Creech. FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, all modern conveniences. Apply R. E. Pickard • 9 .... ..—- — .. . ■ T—■ n- ■ m POTATOES FOR SALE— $1.00 for 90 lb. bag. Bring your own con­ tainer. Canadian Canners.. Saturday Specials— 9-inch Mince­ meat pies, 15c. Try one, you’ll like them.—Grant’s Bakery. RESIDENCE FOR SALE—2 stor­ ey red brick house, well built and centrally located on East side of Andrew Street, Exeter, with garage and hen house. Apply Gladman & Stanbury, Solicitors for Executors, Walter Keddy Estate 9-26-4tc. APPLES FOR SALE—Fall and winter varieties in bushel or carload lots. WHITEWASHING Have your barn and hen-house whitewashed now, it will cost less if you have it done while machine is in your locality. Phone Exeter 184. Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery STRAYED—From Lot 14, Con. 6, Hay Township, a yearling steer. In­ formation gladly received by Orval Taylor, phone 88H5 Zurich, P. O. FOR SALE OR RENT—2-story brick house in the Village of Exeter. Apply to Carling & Morley 9-19-tfc Minister 11 s in the SNELL BLOCK '^BasaEsmsRs -RE-OPENED FOWL DINNERS 3 7 E. Elliott, Pastor Evelyn Huston and Choir-Leader Twenty-Second Sunday After Trinity Every Mon., Tues., Wed., Thui’s. Nights. From 6 to 8.30 p. m. 50c. 11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Tuesday—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting a.m.—The Dry Cleaning, Dyeing, and Repairing RUS. SNELL Plain Serge. Big Values! $24.95to • \ to. Men’s Fine Shirts per garment v v c - min on wit Vic 15c. THE PRICES $17.95 HI tl V' 35 in. Striped Flannellette Easily worth today 20c. We bought these last spring when prices were low Special per yard . $2.79 Gould’s Grocery and Tea Room SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY With attached or two seperate collars. They are cut full and roomy and colors are fast. Very special at each $1.00 Ladies’ Silk & Wool Hosiery We say they are good value. You will; when you see them at per pair 39c., 2 for 75c. Men’s All Wool Underwear Stanfield’s make. A well cut garment of all wool. Guaranteed unshrinkable at $1.19 WE PAY lc. per lb. EXTRA FOR TRADE. Men’s Fine Worsted Suits CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W- A. Young, R. Sc. A. Interim Moderator Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m,—Mr. Gordon reddle, B.A. of Knox College, formerly student Minister at Bayfield.* 7 p.m.—-Mr. Gordon Peddie Nov, Sth—Congregational Meeting at 8 p.m. Nov. 15 th—-Fowl Supper JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA . Rev. J. II. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—.Rev. J. R. Peters, of Elim- .3. p.qi.—Sunday Schqpl. 7„p.m.;—The Minister Siibject—Third in the series Modern sins “Profanity” Wednesday—Prayer* Meeting., “Illus­ trated address. Thursday—Y. P. S. Illustrated ad­ dress with the C. G. I. T.' in charge of the second half of the program MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. Miss Organist TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss . a.m.—-Moaning Prayer and mon. “Dare to be a Daniel” p.m.—Sunday (School p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “The Twenty Third Psalm” 7.45 p.m.—Thursday—-Prayer vice. Subject—“Faith” p.m.—Friday—A meeting of men of the congregation will be held in the Parish Hall. — NOTICE CLEANING — and — PRESSING CENTRAL HOTEL EXETER You Are Welcome. Mrs. Wm. Lankin, of Granton, visited with her sister Mrs. James Kyle on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Well Johns returned home Friday after visiting for che past four weeks in Toronto and Brant­ ford. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Blatchford have returned to their home in Fort William. Miss Olive Wood accom­ panied them as far as Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Sims, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sims and Mrs, C. L. Wil­ son were at St. Thomas on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late William Wadland. The deceased was Invo former resident of this conunun- iservo'l nd .ed un tat m.; 10' Ml a iI)e Brown, Blue, Grey Stripe, Ladies’ Fur-Collared Coats YOU WILL BE SURPRISED TO SEE WHAT LOVELY COATS WE ARE OFFERING AT THIS RANGE OF PRICES. STYLE AND CLOTHS ARE NEW WITH A LIBERAL AMOUNT OF FUR ON SLEEVES AND COLLARS. $13.95 Smart Overcoats for Young Men WE ARE SHOWING SOME SMART OVERCOATS FOR YOUNG MEN IN THE NEW TUBE STYLES WITH BELTED BACK ALSO A REAL GOOD GREY CHESTERFIELD FOR THE OLDER MAN. RANGE FROM $13.95 Men’s Fancy Plaid All Wool Sweater Coats, Special Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Sat. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR POULTRY. New Bulk Dates Very Choice 3 lbs. for 25c New Australian Raisins With seeds 2 lbs. for 25c New Pitted Dates Fancy Quality 2 lbs. for 25 TOASTED WHEAT FLAKES (My T Nice Brand) ........... New Prunes x Large Size 2 lbs. for 25c Choice Dairy Butter 19c a Ib. Wheen’s Carbolic Soap Finest English Soap per cake 5c. Southcott Bros FOR SALE Wedding Bouquets Funeral Flowers Ferns HOUSE PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Harness’ Greenhouse Phone 202 G. the LISTEN If you want bargains in furniture, come to the big store with the big stock, where you can get the best value for your money. R> N. ROWE, Funeral Director Ambulance Service day or night. Phone 20w ’ ity• lar In ai.d for many years was a regu- vNitor to the Exeter Fair where renewed old acquaintances. re monthly meeting of the James Wfmen’s Association was held Thu?-.day in the church parlours •i titty-five ladies present. The e-Presldent, Mrs. M. C. G. Fletch- presided over the meeting. A -plendid program was given by 3 with Mrs. Earl Shapton as nor with Mrs. Stainton in the Devotional part was taken ’s. H .Jones and Miss Alice A piano instrumental by by M Handl-rd Stanley Smith whs well rendered. A playette entitled “Our1 Aunt From Callifornia” was put on by Mrs. C. Godbolt, Mrs, R. Goulding, Mrs. 13, Shapton, Mrs. Gordon Hunter, Mrs. W. Waroing, Mrs. Arthur Rundle, and Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, The parts were well taken and the play was enjoyed by all, At the close of the meeting refreshments were served, Premier Baking Powder, 1 pound tin 20c. This product guaranteed equal to any bak­ ing powder you have ever used. Thistle Brand Baking Powder 1 lb. tin 13c. Bengal Coffee...............................per lb. 26c Try this good coffee Bengal Tea, blk............................per lb. 31c. * Remarkable Value De Luxe Matches, . . . large box 3 for 25c. Kayo Tea, blk,.............................per lb. 35c. This is Orange Pekoe Tea Horne’s Peanut Butter, 2 lb. jars 28. 1 lb 15 Horne’s Vanilla Extract Good Value, 5c. per bottle Vanilla Custard Powders...........2 for 25c. Shoe Polish......................................2 tins 25c. You will use no other polish if you once try this Staon Stove Paste,, real value . . 2 for 25c. Rubber Dubbin............................ . 12c. a tin Waterproof your shoes in wet weather. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Confectionery Assorted Chocolates and Creams, 296, a lb. Good Fudge (three flavours) .... 22c. lb. Boomer’s Chocolates ................ . . 45c. a lb. Patterkrisp Chocolates . ................25c. a lb. Fancy Cakes, all fresh stock .............................from 13c. to 30c. a lb. Good Quality No. 4 Peas,...........2 tins 25c Cereal Blend...............•.................20c. pkg. No Rivl Toilet Tissue................4 rolls 25c. Maple Leaf Soap Flakes- . . 5 lb. pkg. 48c. The flakes that contain 921/2 per cent, soap Palmolive Soap...........................3 cakes 21c. and trial package Princess Soap Flakes free Rose Brand Lard..........................15c. a lb. Open Kettle rendered leaf lard Salada Tea (blk or mixed) % lb. pkg. 23c. Heinz Pork and Beans, med. size 3 for 25c. Clix and Salad Educator Biscuits 2 boxes 15 Home Rendered Lard,..................2 lbs. 25c. Any package cheese 2 for 25c. Stainless Sewing Machine Oil per tin 18c. Old Windsor Floor Wax, large sizes tin 25c. Stove Pipe Enamel, with brush...........22c. Ideal Silver Cream, large size................22c. Oysters,............. . . . 10 oz. glass jars 35c. Specials — Red Skin Salted Peanuts...........2 lbs 25c. Macintosh's Toffee, De Luxe . . 49c. lb. tin Bluebird Marshmallows . . 39c. lb. canister Assorted nuts..........................30c. a 1-4 lb. THIS STORE IS OPEN DAILY FROM 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. We asure you of good merchandise and courteous service. WE SERVE FIRST CLASS DINNERS AND THE BEST LUNCHES Phone 44 Terms—CASH Immediate Delivery iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii