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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-11-02, Page 8
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FOR SALE Wedding Bouquets Funeral Flowers „ • Ferns HOUSE PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Harness’ Greenhouse Phone 202 Exeter Markets Wheat 60c, Oats 30c. Barley 38c. Buckwheat, 36c. Manitoba’s Best $2:40 Model Flour $2.30 ■ Welcome Flpur* $2.00 . Low Grade Flour $l,.gi5 Shorts. $1.10 Bran $1.00 Creamery Butter-24c. Dairy Eggs, ’ Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, Butter 18. 21c. extras, 32c. firsts, 29c. - seconds 18ck $'5.00 ' ’ r CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH < Rey. W. A. young, B. Sc. A. ’ Jbtcriin Moderator .. ‘ Miss Bena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday .School Church services both morning and evening withdrawn in favor of Main St. Anniversary Nov. Sth—Congregational Meeting postponed from November 1st. Nov. 15 th—-Fowl Supper BOOKS ■M RM Men’s Fine Worsted Suits Brown, Blue/Grey Stripe,Plain Serge, Big Values! *3 SPECIAL II Commencing Nov. 1st, Grant’s Bakery will give a number with each loaf purchased at their store. On Christinas Eve, three draws will be made and the holder of lucky number will receive: 1st prize— 10 lb. Christmas 2nd prize— 5 lb Christmas 1 3rd prize—$1 Bread Tickets. Those receiving prizes last year were so highly pleased that we have decided to conduct a similiar contest each cake Cake Saturday Special 9-inch Mincemeat Pies, 15c. Try one, you’ll like them. Our Specialty — Buns and Puff Pastry. J. S. Grant & Son Phone 8 Miss Maida Hern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, of Norwich, who has been ill in the Brantford Hospital, is slowly improving. Miss Hern's condition has been critical for some time and her many friends will be ing. glad to know she is improv- Steiner's group of the W. A. James Street United church a Hallowe’en social in the Mrs. of the held church parlours on Monday evening Those present were greeted at the door by a ghost. The room was dec orated with Hallowe’en decorations Jim Taylor gave several selections on the guitar. A reading was given by Mrs. F. Down. The special at traction of the evening which prov ed very amusing was the demonstra tion of Prof. Make-Her-New in the person of Mr. Frank Taylor, who transformed elderly ladies into their heart’s desire. A ghost walk was followed by a sing song and refresh ments. Thames Road Farmers’ Club need a feiv more orders to make up a car of coke; we are also- booking orders for Western Feed Oats.—P. Pass- more. Secretary. FOR SALE—s-Brick residence William street, lately occupied the late Mrs. Atkinson. Apply R. N. Creech. on by to FOR SALE OR RENT—-Fine brics residence, all modern conveniences. Apply R. E. Pickard POTATOES FOR SALE—$1.00 for 90 lb. bag. Bring your own con tainer. Canadian Canners.. ■Jersey Giant and W. Oliver Itp. FOR SALE- Leghorn pullets.—Apply to Rowcliffe, Hensall. Rock Smith, FOR SALE— 50 Barred Pullets. April hatch. W. D. Lake Rd. Phone 13-r-2, Exeter. ltc. Saturday Specials— 9-inch Mince meat pies, 15c. Try one, you’ll like them.—Grant’s Bakery. WARNING—-Any person trespass ing near our chicken house or gran ary do so at their own risk as the Shot gun will be used. Parties are known.—Sandford White, Crediton. FOUND—In Exeter, a sum of money, Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad. Apply at the home of B. W. F. Beavers. SPECIAL FOR TWO WEEKS 5'0c. per gallon for Alcohol, Freeze.—-Sandy Elliot at the Garage. Anti Ford stor-RESIDENCE FOR SALE—2 ey red brick house, well built and centrally located on East side of Andrew Street, Exeter, with garage and hen house. Apply Gladman & Btanbury, Solicitors for Executors, Walter Keddy Estate 9-26-4tc. Free Marcelling by student. Phone 245 for appointment. Miss L, Stack house. APPLES FOR SALE—Fall and winter varieties in bushel or carload lots. WHITEWASHINGHave your barn and hen-house .whitewashed now, it will cost less if you have it done while machine is in your locality. Phone Exeter 184. Hogarth Baby Cluck Hatchery STRAYED—Prom Lot 14, Con. 6, Hay Township, a yearling steer. In formation gladly received by Orval Taylor, phone 88rl5 Zurich, P. O. FOR SALE OR RENT—2-story brick house in the Village of Exeter, Apply to carling & Morley 9-19-tfc i ' “ i LOCALS i i .............. i i fi wjb t> —u dawniwati w— t1 — ■. If n wm i>—w twarnQ Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe, of Usborne is confined to her home through ill ness. Mr. William Balkwill Jr,, who has been seriousy ill at his home is slowly improving. Mr. Henry Hunkin, of Mitchell, visited on Sunday with his brother Mr. Fred Hunkin. Mr. a’nd Mrs. Myers, of Mitchell, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell on Sunday. Mrs. Hy. Elworthy and daughters Misses Mary and Reta have return ed after visiting in Detroit. The many friends of Mr. John Willis, Sr., will regret to know that he is seriously ill at his home. Mrs. Thos, Harvey, wrho lias been confined to her bed for several weeks is able to be up a little each day. Mr. and Mrs. M. Culbert and child ren, of Lucan, visited at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor on Sun day. Miss Ruby Christensen R.N., of Chicago, is visiting at the home of her former classmate Mrs. John Hind. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers were in St. Marys Sunday with Mr. Beavers’ sister Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirkby. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hicks and fam ily, of Grand Blanc, Mich., holidaying with relatives in community. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer and Walter and Miss Farquhar, of Hen sail, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Statham. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Myers and two sons Allan and Billy, of Detrot, visit ed over the week-end with Miss Vos- per and Miss Sanders. The Bishop of Huron will hold a Confirmation service in the Trivitt Memorial Church on Friday evening of this week at 7.3tO p.m. This section was visited with heavy frosts and a slight fall of snow’ during the past week but the weather at present is ideal. Mrs. N. Sheere, who has been con fined to her bed for the past three weeks suffering from pleurisy, is again able to be up and a"rouna. Mrs. Edward Treble, who recently underwent an operation in St. Jo- seh’s Hospital, London, returned to her home on Sunday ing nicely. Mr. Reg. Beavers, Mr. W. Rigden, of Bank of Commerce at Ilderton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keddy, of Detroit, returned to their home on Monday after visiting for a few days with Mr. W. C. Keddy and Misses Keddy, of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Penhale, of Tor onto, visited over the week-end with Mrs. Penhale’s mother, Mrs. Hannah Sanders at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'George Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillery visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris at Kingsville, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harris left Wednesday for Florida where they will spend the winter. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Blatchford, of Fort Wiliam, Mrs. C. Ogden and Dr. Geo. Blatchford, of Clinton, Mich., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Blatchford and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Lampman ac companied by Mt. and Mrs. H. Hart ley, of Norwich, . visited with the former’s son, Mr. K. J. and Mrs. Lampman on (Sunday. Miss S. McDonnell, who for many months has made her home at the Central Hotel in care of Mrs. Hew- litt, has taken rooms at the home of Mrs. W. J. Melville. Mr, and Mi’S. Wm. Statham, of London, were in town on Friday of last week. Mrs. Statham remained here until Sunday owing to the ill->. ness of her sister Mrs. Jno. Hind. | Dr. J. E. Thomson, who has been i with the Ontario Department of Mines at Wabigoon for the summer, spent the week-end at his home heie and left the ’forepart of the weer. for Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Roulston attended on Saturday the funeral of the form er's brother, Mr. Jas. Roulston, of Winnipeg, who passed away at the home of another brother at Milver ton after an illness of several months. The auction sale of the household effects of Mr, on Friday las- as auctioneer were realized, his home in Mrs, Arthur Jones, LOCALS are this and is improv- of Sarnia, and the 'Canadian J. J. O’Brien was held it with Mr- F- Taylor , Fairly good priced Mr. O’Brien will make future with Mr, and JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. II. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist • and Choir-Lea der a.m..—-The Minister. -Sunday School. ^Service withdrawn in favor 11 3 p.m.- 7 P.m.- of Main Street Anniversary Wednesday, Temperance Mass ing in Town Hall- Prayer meeting at 7.50 ar an illustrated lecture ’’From to the Promise Land” will be Thursday, Y.P.S. meet at the church at 7 o’clock to proceed to the County Home at Clinton Meet- which Egypt given. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF- CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott; Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader ANNIVERSARY SERVICES II a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Archer Wallace,’ M.A. Toronto Mrs. A. Clark and Mr. Frank Elliott, of Brantford will assist the choir. 3 p.m.—Open Sunday School. Speaker—Rev. Archer Wallace Mrs. Clark and Mr. Frank Elliott ' will sing Tuesday—Y. P. S. Thursday—-Prayer Meeting I < IV li ?■ TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaui Choir-Leader, RD'. Middlexniss Twenty-First Sunday After Trinity 11 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser mon “The Means of Grace’’ Rev. 22 1-2 Corporate Communion for th© Newly Confirmed and A. Y. P. A. j Anthem: “Nearer My God to Thee’’ j 3 p.m.—Sunday School j Evening service withdrawn for ■ Main St. Church Anniversary 7.30 p.m. — Friday, Confirmation— The Bishop of Huron The annual A.Y.P.A. Hallowe’en social was held at the Parish Hall on Monday night. A good crowd was present, many arrayed in costume. The prizes for costumes were won by Mr. Walter Matthews and Miss Bernice Gollings. Miss Mary Wells sang a solo and Mr. Francis Abbott gave a reading. After a number of interesting games a pork and bean lunch was served. Several members of James Street Willing Workers’ Auxiliary and Mam Street Mission Circle attended a ban quet n North Street United Ohurch, Goderich, on Friday evening. Mrs. Childs, of London, was the guest speaker 'and delivered a most inspir ing address to the large number present. Miss Reta Rowe sang a- so lo accompanied by Miss Flossie Hunter; a duet by Misses Helen Dig- nan and Violet -Gambrill and a piano trio by Mrs. Frank Wildfong, Misses Helen Dignan and Violet Gambrill, were among the numbers on the gram. The James Street Y .P. held a cessful Hallowe’en Masquerade Thursday evening in the church in which ghosts, graveyard and falling stairs were features. The guests entered by way of the east vestry door where they were received by a. ghost, after which ghosts escorted them down through the graveyard where monuments were erected in memory of several young people. The guests were then blindfolded and went for a ride down sliding stairs and finally were escorted to the basement. Prizes for costume were awarded to: Laurene Beavers and -Olive Parsons, Roylance and Alan Westcott, Clarence Down, Don ald Siverns. Games were heartily entered into after which lunch was served. pro- suc- on LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS; P. BOWEY Exeter LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , Phone 229 ii w. r. Goulding A. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in Vocal Organ Theory T. C< M. Plano Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St, Box 123, Rhone 193 EXETER. ONT. Ladies’ Fur-Collared Coats YOU WILL BE SURPRISED TO SEE WHAT LOVELY COATS WE ARE OFFERING AT THIS RANGE OF PRICES. STYLE AND CLOTHS ARE NEW WITH A LIBERAL AMOUNT OF FUR ON SLEEVES AND $13.95 to $24.95COLLARS. Smart Overcoats for Young Men WE ARE SHOWING SOME SMART OVERCOATS FOR YOUNG MEN’IN THE NEW TUBE STYLES WITH BELTED BACK ALSO A REAL GOOD GREY CHESTERFIELD FOR THE OLDER MAN; THE PRICES $13.95 to « $17.95RANGE FROM Men’s Fancy Plaid All Wool Sweater Coats, Special . $2.79 Men’s All Wool Underwear Stanfield’s make. A well cut garment of all wool.-’’Guaranteed unshrinkable at per garment . $1.19 35 in. Striped Flannelle+tte Easily* worth today 20c. « We bought These last spring when prices were low Special per yard , 15c. Men’s Fine Shirts With attached or two seperate collars. They are cut full and roomy and colors are fast. Very special at each $1.00 Ladies’ Silk & Wool Hosiery We say they are good value. You will when you see them at per pair 39c., 2 for 75c. ■ , Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Sat. Wonderful Soap A real good Laundry Soap 10 bars for 25c Cherry Jam Large 40 oz. jar, real choice 29c Bulk Soap Flakes ’ Good Quality 4 lbs. for 25c SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY : FIVE ROSES FLOU«, 98 lb. bag ................ $2.75 Bulk Dates Very Choice 4 lbs. for 25 Blueberries Good for Pies 2 cans for 25c New Australian Raisins With Seeds 2 lbs. for 25c CHEESE — Old White Cheese, very nice,23c. lb., Tasty New Cheese .... 15c. lb. Fresh Broken Sodas 3 lbs. for 25c Pure Dutch Cocoa Good Quality 1 lb. bags 10c Bee Hive Corn Syrup 2 lb. tins for 15c i- Mr. T. 0. Southcott was in Toron to the forepart of the week and was accompanied home by Mrs. South cott, who has been visiting in- the city since the death of her brother- in-law, the late Kenneth Gordon. The youth of Exeter paraded the streets on Hallowe’en in all manner of .comic costumes. The younger members paid visits to the homes where they were greeted and in many cases treated. Numerous Hal lowe’en pranks were committed and in a few cases resulted in the des truction of property. Mrs. C. V. Pickard and daughter Marguerite have returned to Exeter after spending the past month with her parents in Frobisher, Sask. Mrs. Melville F. Gladman, who has wait ed on her mother Mrs. R E. Pickard during that time has returned with her two children'to lfer home In London. ■51 EH GOULDS’ GROCERY and TEA ROOM Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday CHOICE CELERY ..................................... 5c. per bunch HEAD LETTUCE ..........................................10c. per head COOKING ONIONS . . . ........................ 10 pounds 25c. CHINESE LETTUCE.............................. 5c. CAULIFLOWERS (large)...........................................20c. TOKAY GRAPES...................................................15c. a lb. ORANGES (choice) .......................................39c. a dozen We have a complete line of cooked and cured meats Telephone 44 Terms—Cash Immediate Delivery i 450 LBS. OF at the IDEAL MEAT MARKET L We have been fortunate in securing this prize baby beef for sale at out meat mar ket.. This is an opportunity for the people of Exeter and district to purchase THE VERY BEST BEEF OBTAINABLE ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO at a price that considering its quality will be sold cheaper than any other town or city in Ontario. Our Window will display this high quality beef for your inspection on Friday even ing and orders will be taken the same evening up to 10 o’clock, delivery next morning. SIRLOIN .......................................20c BLADE ROASTS...................17c PORTER-HOUSE STEAK ...22c POT ROASTS .............15c* .. 19cROUND STEAK ........................ ROLLED ROASTS (uo bone) ....19c POT ROASTS ROLLED ...... 16c RUMP ROASTS*.......................... 18c RIB BOIL...................12c Phone 38. COMMENCING FRIDAY WE WILL HAVE FOR SALE PURE PORK SAUSAGE Guaranteed to contain all fresh pork, seasoning and salt with » no filler adulterant of color added. Price pef pound......... l/C lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIy