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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-11-02, Page 5
WKMBMMWMMMlWMMMMt* < >' 4 Mr. Thos, Lavender spent Monday in London, Mr, Lyle Cassidy spent Sunday at his home in Otterville, Mrs. Harry Jacobi is visiting with her son Harry at Chislhurst, Mr. W. S. Lobb, of Goderich Tp., visited with friends in town on Fri day last. Mrs. Blowes, of Mitchell is visit ing at the home of her son Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes. Mr. and Mrs, Mark Drysdale and family visited over the week-end with friends in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty and Miss L. Harvey, of Seaforth, visited on Monday with Mrs. Harry Jacobi. The many friends of Mr. Charles Jinks are pleased to see him able to be out again after his recent illness. Mrs. Eliza Newell continues quite many friends hope to around and improved poofly. Her soon see her in health. Mrs. Roy THK EXRTER T1MES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1033 Palmer and little daughter returned home from Tor onto where they have been visiting friends for the past two weeks. Rev. Miller, of London, took, the services in Carmel Church on Sun day evening owing to . t lie-illness of the pastor, Rev>; W. A. Young. Rev. Arthur (Sinclair ..preached tn Goderich Church Sunday evening. Rev.| Mr. Morrom, of McKillop preached in the United Church here Mr. Owen Geiger is improving the appearance of the .property on Queen Street, occupied by Mr. Wm. Hildebrandt by having the roof -shingled and other improvements. The friends of Rev. W. A. Young pastor of Carmel Church will be glad to hear he has been able to re turn home after liis recent opera tion for appendicitis in -Seaforth Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutton and Mrs. David Alexander, Mrs. Hutton’s mother are this week moving into Mr. J. Stewart’s house on King St., Mr. Hutton is assisting on the C.N. R. station in Mr. ,Lloyd Hudson’s place. Miss Florence Welsh, Mrs. Geo. Hess, Mr. W. O. Goodwin and Dr. Smillie part of Supper evening also gave several splendid readings. The thankoffering meeting of the ladies of Carmel Church on Thurs day afternoon last was well attend ed. Mrs; Edwards took the chair. The Bible lesson was read by Mrs. C. S. Hudson; responsive reading was led by Mr. R. Y. McLaren and answered by the members, quartette, Misses Irene Daters, Irene Hoggarth Mrs. H. Bell and Mrs. W. M. Mc Laren. A splendid address was giv en by the guest speaker, Miss Mc Connell, a missionary on furlough from India. Chorus by the Mission Band. The Arnold 'Circle served lun ch. with the musicalassisted the program at the Fowl at Centralia on Thursday of last week. Miss M. Ellis CREDITON A chicken supper will be held in the Crediton United Church Wed nesday evening of next week, Nov, 8th, See advt* front page, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hunter and children Helen and Russell visited with Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Sims on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Naist and Mr. Noah Haist, of Pigeon, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill on Sunday. Miss Norma Finkbeiner visited in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. EIzra Webb and daughter Eileen, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. FinkbeineT. Miss Laura Clark visited in Guelph over the week-end. • Mr. and Mrs. F. Haberer and fam ily, of Zurich, visited with relatives in town on Sunday. Mrs. -Garnet Switzer has returned to New York, after spending weeks with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Wm. Gaiser and also with Switzer’s mother. Mrs. Albert King has returned to her home after spending two weeks with; her children in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and -Mrs. Roy Bennett accompanied her home and spent the week-end. Mr. Albert King is on the sick list, we hope for a speedy recovery. About fifty young people recently gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hirtzel for a Hallowe’en Social. After a parade of all the costumed, the following received prizes: Gladys Ratz, Clarence Fahr ner, Alvin Finkbeiner and Gordon Ratz. The judges were Mr. and Mrs. John Hirtzel and Mrs. M. Sippell. A program was also enacted consisting of the ’following numbers: four- hand piano duet, Elva Wuerth and Evelyn ISippell with a violin obliga- ta by M. Sippell; male quartette by Earl Haist, Lorenz and Lloyd Wein and Eldon Smith; humorous reading by Margaret Kuhn and Maurgrette McMaster; harmonica selection by Alvin Finkbeiner and a vocal solo by Nola Faist. The rest of the even ing was spent and contests. Eldon Smith, is cial committee. Haist called for a few moments of ceremony. A vote.of thanks was ten dered the host and hostess, sons, Harry and M’aurice and daughter, Lorene in giving rooms of their commodious two and Mr. pleasantly in games Lunch was served, convenor of the so- The president Earl their their the home for the pleasure of the evening. A prayei' by Ella Morlock and the so- ■cial function ended. Young People’s Mission Circle was held last Friday evening with Mrs. Hugo Schenk, the supt. in the chair. Austin Fahrner read the scripture; reading lesson by Grace Lotter; pihno solo by Shirley Fahrner, read ing by Evelyn Sippell, vocal solo by Ruth England; Eldona Wuerth play ed for the songz service. Minutes were read and approved. The treas urer, Wallace Fahrner reported that the Y. P. M. C. bake-sale netted $10. for Missions. The pastor M. Sip pell add interesting remarks .on one of the phases of the World’s Fair. Mr. H. A. Blank, of Capac, Mich., spent Sunday at the Evangelical par sonage. The late Frank Blank, was an old time friend of the pastor’s. Mr. and Mrs. Tridmore and Mrs. Canadice, of London, vrsited Mrs. W. Cockwell and Irene Newton recently,. DASHWOOD Dr. H.‘ H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At, office in Harfleib Block, Dash wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, ip Zurich, last three days of week. ' Permanent Waving and Hair Dress ing by Hilda Beryl Drummond, re gistered Hail* Dresser at Walper’s Baber shop every Monday. Make all appointments with Mr. John Walper -Anniversary Services will be held in the Evangelical church on Sunday November i5th. At the morning ser vice Rev. A. W. Sauer will be the speaker and the junior ciioir will render two anthems. A duet by Dor is Willert and Ray Guenther will also be given. The congregation has been very fortunate in securing Rev. J. H. Stainton, of James Street United Church, Exeter, as speaker for the evening service. Special mu sic will be rendered by the senior choir, who will be as-isted by Mr. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M., of. EXeter. Special offerings both services. Mr. and Brucefield, -the home Zimmer, Mrs. G. Elliott, of Thedford, spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. W-m. Daniels, Mr. Wm. Bell and Miss Ida Link, Brant ford, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Link. Wedding bells will be ringing soon. The King’s Daughters S. School class entertained the Princess Pats class to a Hallowe’en party on Tues day evening at tlfe home of Miss Florence Baker. The evening was spent in games and contests after which a dainty lunce was served. Mr. and Mrs. Stadelbauer and family, of London ana Mr. and Mrs. Heywood, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kraft. Mr. Ira Tieman, of Hamilton, vis ited his parents on Sunday. Mr. Harry Cook, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Miss Anna Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bald and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Bald, of Kitchenei-, were Sunday visitors- with Rev. .and Mrs. Luft. Mr. and Mrs. A. Weber and fam ily and Mr. David Schwartzentruber visited friends in Goderich on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wildfong and Mr. and Mrs. G. Wildfong visited friends in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Plyley, of Chippawa, were week-end guests with Rev. and" Mrs. Sauer. Mrs. Taylor has returned home af ter spending a week-end with her brother in Windsor. Mrs.’ H. Smith and son of Strat ford and Mr. and Mrs. L. Ireland and family, of Guelph, spent Sun day with Mrs. Ireland and Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman. Mr. G. Keeler and Miss E. Martin son spent the week-end in Elmira. The monthly 'tea given by the Bethany Sisters class of the Dash wood Evangelical Sunday School was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. Tieman with- t Mrs. Tieman as hostess. Mrs. Tay lor presided at the prettily appointed tea table. The proceed? are be used for missionary purposs. A.T.C.M., will be received at Mrs. were of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Basil O’Rourke, Sunday visitors of at to EXPERIMENT no longer—it’s costly Use Cress -Corn -Salve. Sold Grieve’s Drug Store. CROMARTY by the Buchanan; recitation solo, Bobby Hess; Cook and a very in- on China was given The Mission Band of the United church held its opening meeting for the fall and winter, on Thursday af ternoon last in the basement of the church with a splendid attendance and a good program, which was in charge of Dorothy McQueen. After the opening exercises# me following program was given: recitation June Saundercoc-k; solo, Minnie Sangster with Mildred Follick at the piano. Reading Keith Howard Love; reading Norma terestihg story by Mrs. Peck. A special feature of the meeting was the presentation of three Life Membership 'Certificates and pins to Norma cook, Elaine Peck and Ronald Peck. This waa fol lowed by singing the Emblem of the Mission Band and the Benediction after which a 'dainty lunch was ser ved which was enjoyed by all. The members of the Welfare Youth -Club of Carmel church at- the Young People’s -rally of the Presbytery Church, Goderich on Monday even ing. There was - a splendid^ attend ance. Devotional .exercises,. Hensall» Scripture lesson,' Hensall,' read by Miss Olive Workman, Hensall. Min utes of 1932 rally. Appointment of Nomination -Committee. Music by choir of Knox Church, Goderich. A letter read from Rev. W. A. Young Hensall, sending greetings. Camp Kintail, Miss Milne, Goderich. Hymn 54'5. Report of Y. P. Societies and C.GI.T. groups. Report of Presbyter- ial treasurer. Offering; music Choir of Knox Church; address Rev. Jas. McKay, D.D.; report or nomin ation committee; hymn 5 82; clos ing prayer, Rev. D. J, Lane, Goder ich. ‘ ~ .............. Weir, Jos. 1 Miss urer, venor Schools and Y. P. Societies, Rev. A. Young, B.A., Hensall. of Huron. in Knox Officers: President, Mr. Fred Goderich; Vice President, Mr. Taylor, Goderich; .Secretary, Beryl Pfaff, Hensail; Treas- Mr. Ray. Pryde, Exeter. Con of Presbytery of Sabbath W. KIRKTON vis- 116T Mrs. Lewis, of -Port Huron, is iting for a couple of weeks with son the Rev. Mr. Lewis. Mrs. PfddeT, of Sarnia, spent week at the home of Dr. 0. A. Camp bell.Mrs. M. Routly is moving into the homo of Mrs. A. Brethoiir this week. Mr. L. Ranalds, of Hamilton, spent the week-end in the village. last ™b red.J'^hitE STORE per lb. 13c. Good Quality Tomatoes Large tin, 2 for 19c. Sweet Corn | large tin, 2 for 19c. 1 Choice Pumpkin 2 tins for 17c. P. & G. or PEARL NAPTHA SOAP................................ 10 bars for 29c. Fresh Dates 4 lbs. for 25c. New Cooking Figs 3 lbs. for 25c. Broken Soda Biscuits 3 lbs. for 25c. BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP ...........................................................2 tins each 14c. ■ Aylmer or Libby’s Pork & Beans large tin, 2 for 19c. ^Kellogg’s Cornflakes 2 pkgs, for 15c. Fresh Soda Biscuits 1 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c. SCHNEIDER’S PIC NIC HAMS, Shankless, Peanut Butter, in bulk, .... 2 lbs. for 25c. R. & W. Coffee, with tumbler, per lb. 45c. Pure Dutch Cocoa........................per lb. 9c. No. 1 Creamery Butter .... 2 lbs. for 45c. HuVon Toilet Tissue...........6 rolls for 19c. Limburger Cheese............... per pkg. 25c. Choc. Mallow Biscuits...........per lb. 15c. Red Emperor Grapes...........2 lbs. for 25c. Smoked Fillets of Haddie . . 2 lbs. for 25c. Select Oysters now in stock . . per qt. 55c. Cocoanuts . . •.......... each 5c. Fresh Juicy Grapefruit..................5 for 25c. FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS ICE CREAM IN BRIX AND BULK ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT.=c Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver “W CREDITON EAST Mrs. John Baird met with a pain ful accident at the home of her son Mr. David Baird on Friday last. As she was going down the steps she slipped and fell tearing the liga ments in her knee and will be laid up for.some time. Mrs Henry Pfaff visited last week at the home of her daughter Mrs. N. Schenk, Mt. Carmel and Mrs. H. Clark near -Shipka. Mr. Frederick, Rawlings, of Ailsa Craig, is visiting at the home of cou sins Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis and other relatives. Mr. and M'rs. Wm, Heatherley, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. R. anck children, of Exeter, spent day with Mr. and Mrs. ,H. Motz. Mr. Dan Truemner is visiting fives in the States. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Morlock son Roy, of Sharon, spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman. Unusual cold has marked weather of the past week unpresi- dented since the October of 1925 when the apple crop suffered with the heavy frost. The day on largely er. Miss week visiting her mother Mrs. Col- will of the village. Mrs. George iStacey, of Toronto, spent the past week visiting with and the plowing match held on Fri- the farm of 'Otto Walker was attended despite cold weath- Ada Squire spent the past Motz Sun- rela- and GRAND BEND Miss Irene Ravelie who has Woodstock visited her parents been in over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Craig, of Blyth’ visit ed their son Mr. -Bert Craig over the week-end. Mr Ivan Green moved into his new house this week, Mr. and Mrs. Williams returned from Oklahoma, where they visited Mr. Williams’ parents. They report a good trip. Mr. and Mrs. Willidm Fairbairn, of Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Green. Next Sunday will be anniversary services at the United Church when the Rev. Mr. Beaton, of Toronto, will preach, Come and hear this out standing minister. Mr. and Mrs, ROg. Chilton, Wood- stock, visited Mrs. Chiltons father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. tlennie Ra- velle Over the week-end. Mrs. Gordon Turnbull visited her mother Mrs. Frank Geromette, on Saturday. Mrs. S. A. Miller. Also Mr. Mrs. Alf. Dow of Grimsby at home of Mrs. Miller. Miss Mary Gorle, of Toronto, ited last 'week with friends in village. ZION vis- the THAMES ROAD Mrs. James Simpson and babe are visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Elizabeth Thompson has re turned after spending a month, in the west. Miss Agnes Greason R.N., of Kirk ton, was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. James McCullough. Mr. Vivan Cooper and Mr. Thos. Allen Jr. left on Saturday for the North. Mrs. Walker, of Cromarty, visited during the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Parker. Rev. Turn, of Staffa, conducted the services at Thames Road church on Sunday morning while Rev. Tay lor took the anniversary services at the Zion church on the Staffa cir cuit. Miss Edith Sparling returned mis sionary was a guest at the manse on Thursday, returning to St. Marys on Friday. On Thursday * afternoon Miss .Sparling addressee the W. M. S. in the church. Mrs. Gunning, of Whalen, was a viisiton during the week-end wtith her daughter Mrs. Percy Passmore and (Mr. Passmore. Mrs. Robert Kydd after a very enjoyable .and Mrs. W. Kydd, of Mrs. J. Wilkes, of visitor with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gollings The W. M. 'S. held theii* annual thankoffering meeting in the church on -October 26th, quite a number of the ladies from Roy’s church being present. The Rev. Mr. Taylor open ed the meeting by reading from the Scriptures and prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The roll was called to which a goodly number responded. A committee was appointed to pack the clothing given for relief in the West. A duet given by the Roy’s ladies was much enjoyed. Miss Sparl ing then gave a very interesting ad dress on China. The collection was taken up and the meeting was closed by singing and prayer. A social time was spent over the tea-cups. * 4 are TRY OUR SAUSAGE !! They are in Great Demand. You will like them. WE USE THE THE BEST OF PORK. We can give you a good roast at various Prices. CHUCK OR SHOULDER ROAST, BONELESS POT ROAST, RUMP ROAST OR SIRLOIN ROAST CURED MEATS OF ALL KINDS PHONE 114 ■ Phone your order or notify us and we will call for same. Phone a Trial Order HERB’S MEAT MARKET WHALEN has .returned visit with Mr. Shallow Lake. London, is a ELIMVILLE and Mrs. Garnet Miners were in Guelph last Wednes- and Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and family are moving to Lucan this week to make their future home. M'rs. Wm. Morley is holidaying in London this week with her sisters, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Sherville. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore of Thames Road. Mr. Milne Pullen and bride have returned from their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster visit ed with their aunt Mrs. Hartfick at Bryanston recently. Mrs. Jas. Anderson, of Thames Road spent Wednesday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Squire. program will be given. Mrs. J. Gaiser has returned to her home after spending a week with relatives near Zurich. Some of the young people from the community are working in the celery gardens near Thedford. GREENWAY MT. CARMEL Carey on Goderich, week. Chatham, Dean and last The Sunshine Mission Band preparing for an entertainment some time this month. Mrs. ’Well. Brock is again able to be around and Mrs. Hunter, who has been caring for her, has return ed to her home in Exeter. Mrs, Ephriam Horn visited her mother, Mrs. J. Stephens at Kirk ton on Friday. The many friends of Mr. Robert Taylor will regret to know that he is seriously ill at his- home in Gran toil. On Saturday, October 28th a trousseau tea was held at the home of Mrs. George Earl for her daugh ter, Miss Hazel. Mrs. Earl and daughter, Miss Myrtle received the guests while the handsome trousseau was displayed by Mrs. W. J. Brock. A dainty lunch was served, tea be ing poured by Mrs. Harold Hern and Mrs. James Earl. POULTRY WANTED Wo pay cash M* all kinds of Poultry J. WESLEY NICHOLS Grand Bend, Ont. « Phone 5Crl3 Dashwood Mr. family day. The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pyne last Thurs day leaving a baby girl. Mr. Leonard O’Reilly and family have moved into their new home re-1 cently purchased from Mr. Jackson Woods. The building was formerly owned' and used by the C. O. C. F. and Mr. O’Reilly had it comfortably remodelled for a dwelling. Everyone is enjoying the beauti ful Indian summer weather we are having especially when we read so much about snow and cold in places. Mr, and Mrs. Alden Jones Miss May Jones, of London, Sunday visitors with Mr, and Harry Johns. 'Several from here attended the S. S. Convention held at Crediton last Friday night, Several of the men presented the Biblical “Barrabas.” Mr, Jno. Francis and Mrs. Heywood, of London, were visitors in the neighborhood last Friday. Miss El'la Sanders, of Exeter, spoilt a few days recently with her friend Mrs. Harry Murch. Mr, and Mrs, Sam Hanna, of Sea forth, visited with the- former's sis ter Mrs, Thos, Bell recently, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Routly, of St, Marys, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Will Routly. Mrs, Wes. Horne has returned to her home after visiting at Ripley and Brussels for a few weeks. The Young Peopie held a Hallow e’en party at Miss Gladys Johns’ on Tuesday evoking, other and wefe Mrs. young drama Maud Miss Mabel Donahue, of Sarnia, was a guest of the Misses Sunday. Mr. John J. Hayes, of called on friends here last Miss Mary McCann, of spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. T. J. Hall, of London, was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Joseph McCarty on Sunday. Miss Winnie Madden accompanied by her friend Miss Flo Tucker, of Toronto, spent the week-end with th© former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Madden. Miss R. Moir, of London, spent the week-end with her hunt Miss K. Mad den and other relatives here. Miss Susie Keogh, of Detroit, spent the week-end at thd home of her father Mr. ’Thomas Keogh. Mrs. Pfaff, of Crediton, spent a few days last week with her daugh ter Mrs. Nelson Schenk. Muriel Fallis guests of Mr. spent a few SHIPKA and Mrs. Norman Parr,of on her father. Fassold and visited over Mr. Centralia, visited friends here Sunday. Mr. I. Tetreau has been confined to his home the past week with an attack of blood poison in his hand. He is improving. Miss Beatrice Baynham, of London spent Sunday visiting Mr. Thos. Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. Walter little son, of -London, the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ratz. A. number from here attended the S. S. convention held in Crediton United CliUrch on Friday last. The Y. P. IS. held a Hallowe’en pdMy on Wednesday evening at the home of the president, MlSs Dorothy Ratz. Mr. Walter Neil, of Leufy And Mr. Clifford Neil, of Windsor*, visited on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'George iSCott. Next Sunday will be Missionary day in the Sunday School. Special There will be no Sunday School or preaching service in the United Church next Sunday owing to the Anniversary services at Grand Bend when Rev. K. J. Beaton, of the Home Mission Board will preach. Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Cecil Gill at Grand Bend last Tuesday and all ex tend sympathy to the bereaved fam ily. Miss Maude Brown, -of London, vis ited., her parents Mr. and Mrs. Brown over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prance family, of Winchelsea, spent Wednesday with her parents Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Bullock. Several of the ladies here sent greetings to Mrs. W. J. Wilson, of Minneapolis, when she celebrated her eightieth birthday recently. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard, of Grand Bend, and Miss of Sarnia, were recent and Mrs. L. Brophey. Mr. and Mrs. Ulens days in Windsor with their daughter Miss Lillian Ulens and while there celebrated their fortieth wedding an niversary. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Goodhand, of Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Goodhand over the week-end. Mrs. Goodhand assisted the choir in the United Church on Sunday afternoon and sang a pleasing solo. Miss -Olive Armstrong is visiting her cousin Mrs. B. Selves of Kippen. Mrs. Frank Steeper and Mr. McGregor Sr. visited Mr. and Stewart McGregor in Windsor week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Maines, kist, Sask., were guests of Eggert on Sunday. Several attended the S. S. tion in Crediton on Friday ported a good time. Our young folk are working at the ■celery gardens again this fall. We hope the weather keeps fine. Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Foote, Of Leam ington, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Thompson, of Brampton, were guests of relatives here last Week. Billie Bertram had the misfortune to break his right arm last week. He was uf> in an apple tree and the limb he was standing on broke and he fell to the ground. Dr. Bateson set the arm and later Rev. S. J. Mathers took him to Strathroy where an X- ray showed both bones were broken but were back in perfect position. Billie is able to be out and we hope he will soon bo as well as ever. John Mrs. last Sun-of Mrs. H. Conven- and re-