HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-10-19, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1933
Rexall One Cent Sale is now on
at Hemphill’s Drug Store, Hensail,
this week only.
with their son near
of this vicinity are
tliejr root crop and
that he was in and particularly so
in Great Britain.
The meeting of the Y.P.S. of the
Carmel Church took place on Monday
evening with a good attendance, The
meeting opened with a hymn after
which Rev, Mr. Young led jn prayer
The Bible study was taken 'by Mias
O, Workman, then roll call and the
business of the meeting. Miss Blan
che Mustard had charge of the pro
gram. Piano solo by Myrtle Thomp
son; 'current events was the topjc
given by different members of the
society; violin duet by Fred Daters
and James Bengough, accompanied
on the piano by Miss Irene Daters,
The. meeting closed with prayer.
left last week
she has secur-
has returned
pleasant visit
daughter, of
visiting with
of Toronto,
Mr. Alex Ingram is in Detoit,
visiting witli relatives there.
Mrs. Roy Palmer and little daugh
ter are visiting friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Alex McMurtrle js visiting
with her sons' in Stanley township
and Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Parsons were
recent visitors
The farmers
busy taking in
picking apples.
Mr. H. Doerr, of Aulburn, was a
recent visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Luker.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bean, of
St. Marys, visited over the week-end
with relatives here.
Miss Alice Higgins
for Woodstock where
ed a good position.
Mrs. John Fisher
home after a very
with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks, of
Centralia, visited on Sunday With
Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Consitt.
Mr. Wm. Moir and
the United States are
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mr. Mervyn Brown,
has been visiting with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and
children, of Beech-O’-Pines
Sunday with friends in town.
Mr. Fred Berry has returned
after spending several weeks
relatives and friends in Windsor.
Mr. William Beavers, of Kitchen
er, is spending a few weeks in town.
Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair
visited on Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Loff, of Goderich Twp.
Church entertainments will soon
be the order with our local churches
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Peppier, of
Hanover, visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron.
Mrs. Lome McNaughton, of Crom
arty. visited over the week-end at
the home of her father, Mr. W. L.
Miss Jean Bonthron, of Toronto,
spent the week-end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mrs. John Blatchford, of Shed-
den, and a former resident of Hen
sail, is visiting with relatives and
friends in town.
Mrs. Harry Jacobi has returned
home after visiting for three weeks
with relatives at Roxboro, Seaforth
and Chiselhurst.
Mrs. Herb Kercher has returned
from attending the funeral of her
uncle at Bowmanville and also’ vis
ited in Toronto.
Quite a number from Hensall at
tended the anniversary services in
the Presbyterian church at Exeter
on Sunday evening.
Mr. Donald McKaig and Herb
Hoggarth, who have spent the sum
mer at the Beech-O’-Pines are vis*
iting for a few days at their homes
Mrs. Gibbs, of Ireland and daugh
ter, Miss 'Minnie, of Toronto, have
been recent visitors with Mrs. Robt.
Bonthron and Mr. and Mrs. T. C.
On account of anniversary services
in the United Church at Chiselhurst
on Sunday the evening service in the
Hensall United Church was with
The painting of the. exterior of
the Town
and adds
The work
Mrs. James Sparks and daughter
Mrs. George McIntyre intend leaving
shortly for Mrs. McIntyre’s home in
Detroit, Mrs. /Sharks remaining with
her daughter for the winter.
Mrs. J. McConnell, of Toronto,
of Rev. J. A. McConnell,
Hall has been completed
greatly to Its appearance,
was done by Mr. Fred
of town.
former pastor of Carmel Church
here is
visiting with friends here.
The ladies of the United Church
met last Tuesday and decided not to
have a Fowl 'Supper or other enter
tainment but are making a canvas
of the congregation. The Society
thought as much money could be
raised in that way as well as1 any
Quite a number from here attend
ed the anniversary services at Chis
elhurst United Church on Sunday
afternoon and evening. Rev.
Gardner, of Londesboro, was
speaker for both services and
took the morning service in
Hensall United Church.
Anniversary services will be
in Carmel Presbyterian Church on
October 2'2nd. Rev. Simpson Black,
of Sarnia, will have charge of the
services. Special music will be fur
nished by a Young People’s choir.
Rev. Mr. Young will take Rev. Mr.
Black’s work at Sarnia.
Our village council are sending
out the tax bills for the /present year
and which we are glad to see show
quite a good reduction in amount
owing to certain debentures for
cement pavement of Main Street
having been paid off, which lowers
the amount that was collected for
Mr, Hugh McEtvefl has returned
ffom an extended trip to the Old
Country and Europe and had a very
pleasant time. The weather was very
fovoraible for most of his trip. He re*
ports conditions as becoming more
favorable throughout the districts
spending a couple of weeks
Mr, D. Bleeker, of Trenton, is
lieving Mr. Murray Wilson, of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce while
he is on his vacation.
Misses Clara Gaiser and Agnes
Lamport are visiting in Detroit.
. Mrs. H. Sparling and son, of Walk
erton, visited with her parents Mr.
and vMrs. J. Bmith last. week.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holtzmann
and Eleanor, Junior and Delores, of
Bald Eagle Lake, visited with rela
tives last week.
. Miss Irene Newton, or London, is
visiting with Mrs. Violet iCockwill.
Miss Esther Eilber, of Detroit, vis
ited on Monday with her parents1 Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Eilber.
The regular meeting of the W. A.
of the United Church was held in the
S. S. rooms on Thursday, October 12,
The President, Mrs. B. Kestle presid
ed. Sixteen members and two visit
ors were present. The lesson was
read by Mrs. Jas. Mawhinney and
Mrs. F. W. Clark and Mrs. J. Woodall
favored the meeting with a vocal
duet. Plans were made for the Chick
en Supper to be served on Wednes
day, November 8th. Following the
business period a social time was
enjoyed and an elaborate lunch serv
ed by the following Hostesses, Mrs.
Ezra Lamport, Mrs. W. Wright
Mrs.R. Taylor.
Mrs. Ike Gower and daughter,
Alma, of Elimville, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock.
/ Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and
two sons and Miss Eva Sturgeon, o.f
Bayfield, .spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. David1 Sturgeon at Grand Bend.
Mr. Earl Webb, of Detroit, and
Mr. David Webb and daughter Mil
lie, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson’s.
Mr. Patterson and Mr. Delton Le
wis of (McGdlliviray, spent /Sunday
with the latter’s, brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Lewis.
Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor,
spent Saturday with ner parents Mr.
and Mrs. Lawson.
Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoffman
daughter, of Zurich, visited' Sunday
with Mr. and Mirs. Chas. Hoffman
and Mrs. H. Hoffman.
Miss- Verda Hoffman has returned
to Kerrwiood after holidaying
her mother Mrs. H. Hoffman
brother and sister-in-law .Mr.
Mrs. Chas, Hoffman.
• Mr. Gerald Schroeder, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, of Fair
field, was taken to Victoria Hospit
al, London, on Wednesday and un
derwent an operation for appendici
tis. He is getting alone fine.
Mrs. Wm. Motz is visiting her sister
Mrs. George Colwell in Cangill.
Mr. Walter McPherson spent Sat
urday at Greenway with his son
Donald, and parents Mr. and Mrs. J.
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. !
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash-!;
wood, first three days of week and J
at office over the Post Office, taj
Zurich, last three (lays of week,
Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Oestricher spent
a few days in London and Dorchester
last week.
Mrs. T. Hopcroft is visiting her
father in Clifford this week.
Miss Anna Tieman spent the week
end. in Toronto.
Harry Hoffman assisted in Anniv
ersary services in the United Church
Elmira on Sunday.
Miss Ella Martinson visited for
parents in Elmira on Sunday.
Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich, visited
in town on Thursday.
The annual election of officers of
the Anti-Can’t Club of the U.F.Y.P.O.
will be held in Dashwood Public
School on Monday evening, October
2rd. All members and others wish
ing to join are urged to attend.
The Sewing Circle held their 7th
annual re-organization at the home
of the retiring president, Mrs. Mer.
Tieman recently. The newly elected
officers are: Pres., Mrs. Garnet Wild-
fong; vice-pres., Miss Anna Tieman;
sec’y.-treas., Mrs. R. H. Taylor. Ar
rangements were made for a Hallow
e’en party on November 1st at the
home of Mrs. G. Wildfong with the
following committee in charge. Mrs.
Ella Martinson,'Miss Verna Birk and)
Miss A. Tieman. A motion that the
membership .fee remain unchanged
was carried.
Judge Coughlin and son, Windsor,
spent the week-end at the home of
his brother Frank Coughlin.
Mr. and Mrs. U. J. B.lundy, Sarnia,
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Carey over the week-end.
Mr. John Moir, of London and
son M. Moir, of Chicago, called on
friends here last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Tealing and family
of Detroit, spent the week-end at the
home of Mrs. Tealing’s uncle Mr. J.
Hogan and other’ friends here.
Mrs. Thomas Glenn, of Detroit, Is
visiting at the home of her daughter
Mrs. Peter Doupe.
James Hall, of Clandeboye, spent
Sunday with his mother Mrs. E. Hall
A number from here attended the
dance in Lucan on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Clande
boye, spent Sunday witn the latter’s
'■ mother Mrs. R. O’Rourke.
of Toron-
his father
™ RED & WHITe"1"""
EXTRA MAPLE LEAF SALMON......................
OXYDOL, large package......................
<? «
V2 lb. tin 16c, =
9 • .* ,. ..17c» s
REDPATH SUGAR ...............................
....... per tin 10c =
.., 10 lbs. for 72c. s
NO. I CREAMERY BUTTER............................2 lbs. 43c. =
, each 46c.
Pearl White Naptha Soap
10 bars for 31c.
Pure Castile Soap
10 for 25c.
Huron Toilet Tissue
6 for 19c.
CROSSE & BLACKWELL or CLARK’S SOUPS, assorted.............3 tins 25c.
Fresh Dates
4 lbs. for 25c.
Peantit Butter
in bulk 2 lbs. for 25c.
Golden Spray Cheese
1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c.
I 1 Glass Butter Plate )
Fresh Soda Biscuits
1 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c.
De Luxe Jelly Powders
(assorted) 5 for 25c.
Fresh Broken Sodas
3 lbs. for 25c.
==Highliner Cod Fish .. .
Carnation Milk small . .
Pure DutchsCocoa ....
. . . . per pkg. 15c.
...............per tin 5c.
.............per lb. 9c.
California Grapes...........
Florida Seedless Grapefruit . .
Cocoanuts .................................
. per lb. 15c.
. . 5 for 25c.
............... 5c.
—Schneider Picnic Hams ...........per lb. 13c.Large Juicy Oranges.............per doz. 29c.
==Phone 102 "Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver
The anniversary services on Sun
day, October 15th, were a splendlid
success, the church being filled to
capacity 'both morning and evening.
It was beautifully decorated with
flowers and fruits on a back ground
of asparagus. Special music was
rendered by the choir, assisted by
Mr. Harry Horton, of Hensail and
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore, of
Exeter. Mr. Cudmore s«ng a solo
in the evening “One Sweetly Solemn
Thought’. The speaker for the day
was Rev. W. Gardiner, of Londes
boro, who delivered two splendid
discourses. The offering amounted
to over $200.00.
Visitors in the community from
a distance were: Mr. and'Mrs. Will
Ryckman, of Exeter; Mrs. Cluff, of
Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and
Harold of Munro; Miss Isalbelle
Brintnell and friend, of Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. Webster, of Seaforth;
Mr. and, Mrs. Joe Dayman, of Kip
pen; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cudmore
and family, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs.
A. Ryckman and Mr. Thos. Venner,
of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of Carnduff,
Sask., are spending the winter with
their son Allan Millar.
Mr. Silas Johns returned home on
Friday Jast after spending several
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Py
The services on Sunday will go
back to the regular hours, Sunday
School 2 p.m.; regular* church ser
vice Sr pm. commencing on Sunday,
October. 22nd.
•British Guide showing Insurance
Agent place of interest: "It was in
this room, sir. that Lord Wellington
received his first commission!"
Agent (suddenly interested)-—
“How much was it?"
(Intended for last week.)
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook, Toronto,
called ion Mr. Newton Hayter one
[ day last week.
j Mrs. L. Ridley spent Wednesday
1 with Mrs. iStanlake at Grand Bend.
| Mr. Byron Bro'wn B.A.,
. to, spent the holiday with
' Mr. W. J. Brown.
| iMe&srs. Hugh Love and Cecil Gill
spent Friday in London. (
| Mrs. Box, of Exeter, spent a few
j days with her daughter Mrs. Leon
> Mrs. Fred MoLinchey and Eleanor,
who have been visiting in Detroit,
returned ihome on Saturday.
I Don’t forget the Harvest Dinner
? at Grace Church, Greenway, on Oc-
■tober 18th.
Mrs. J. J. Carruthers Sr. lias' mov
ed into her new home again. Mrs.
Reckborn, of Greenway, is staying
with her.
Mr. Mervyn Love, of
spent the week-end with Mr.
Mrs.Ross Love.
Shettler’s house,
and Mrs.
into Fred'
used to be Miss Emma Moll-
ard’s home for the winter.
Mr. Joseph Ravelle, Jr., spent
last week with his daughters1 in De
Mr. Earl Craig and Mrs. Bert
Craig visited Mr. Craig’s father and
mother in Blyth Sunday. Mr.
'bur Lovie went with them.
Little Charles Atchinson
rushed to St. Joseph Hospital,
don, suffering with a ruptured
appendix. He was operated on by
Dr’s. Peever and Fletcher, of Exeter
Last report he was holding his own.
M:r. Sol. Pollock visited Mr. and
Mrs. Abner Mollard Sunday evening
Miss Beulah Holt spent the week
end with
Mir. A.
Louisia visited1 Mrs. Gordon Turn
bull Sunday.
Mrs. Rev. S. J. Maithers is im
proving slowly. Miss Margaret Johns
R.N., of Exeter has been in attend
Mrs. Cyrus Green, who has been
for some
out around
her aunt, Mrs. Gordon
of the Blue Water High-
Hendrick and sister, Miss
confined to her (home
months is able to be
Mrs. Eccleston left last week
for the Sunny South, sailing from
New York Friday,
We pay. cash for all kinds
of Poultry.
Grand Bend, Ont.
Plione 5Or 13 Baslnvopd
Miss Alice Hackney is spending
some time with relatives in Detroit
and Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Coward and Will
with Mrs. D. Coward spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Coward
at Grimsby.
Mrs. Robt. Kydd is visiting at
Shallow Lake.
Mrs. Passmore, of Exeter, was a
visitor with her daughter Mrs. J. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin, of Cro
marty, were visitors with friends
here on Sunday.
Mrs. J. Gardiner, of Kirkton, was
a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. James
Ballantyne the past week.
Beautiful weather and good
crowds greeted anniversary services
here Sunday morning. Rev. Mathers
of Grand Bend gave two splendid
addresses. The choir gave special
music assisted by Mrs. Morgan and
Mrs. Rev. Taylor. Mrs. John Hod
gert salig a solo in the morning en
titled “Some Day We’ll Understand”
the choir rendered “Not Unto Us”
by Hall and in the evening a quar
tette composed of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Gardiner, Mrs. Wm. Camm and Mrs.
J. Hodgert gave “Calvary.” The I
choir sang “Sunset Glories” by Hall.1 children from near ISeaforth, Mr. and
Mr. Jack Gollings left on Monday
for England where he will visit with
Mr. C. Brown arrived from the
West on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne at
tended the Plowing Match at'Owen
Sound and visited friends, returning
Thursday. <
Miss Marjorie Stewart and Bernice
Gollings attended Field Day at Mit
chell on Friday.
Mrs. Wm. Green, of Tuckersmith,
is visiting her mother Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Hoggarth, of Cro
marty spent Sunday with her father
Mr. John Duncan.
Have You Tried Our Meats?
Phone your order or'notify us and we will call for same.
Messrs. Wib. Batten, R. E. Pooley,
John Brock, Jackson Woods and
Leon O’Reilly were on a hunting
trip up north the first of the week.
The latter also visited his parents
and other relatives near Shelfoourne.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodgert and
Mr. /John Ewen, of Brussels call
ed on Mrs. Nelson Hunkin on Sat
urday last, After having seen her,
daughter Audrey, he told n-er he had
met six generations the first being
Mrs, Fairley, who resided in Farqu
har at the store. Then Mrs. Gardin
er, who lived all her life in this lo
cality. The next in line was Mrs.
Jas. Ballantyne ,Sr., who resides with
her son John. Mrs. Wm. Hamilton,
of Cromarty, mother of Mrs. Hunkin.
Mr. Ewen is in his 78th year and be
lieved having met six generations to
be a unique occurrence in a lifetime..
A splendid fowl supper was serv
ed to a large number on Tuesday
evening at Thames Road Church by
the young men and ladies of the con
gregation followed by a play en
titled, “Only a Step-Child” presented
by the young people of Londesboro
United Church. Miss Scott played
a pleasing pianoforte between the
first and second acts and Miss Little
and Miss Manning sang a duett ac-
compaied by guitars during the se
cond and third. The program
much enjoyed by everyone.
introduced by Gilbert Johns. The
Scripture lesson was read by Miss
Lillian Murch from Acts 1:4-8. The
discussion on the lesson was read by
Miss Laura Ford. Mrs. O’Rielly read
a poem “The life that counts.” Miss
Marjorie Delbridge led in prayer.
Meeting closed with hymn and bene
diction. Delegates were appointed
to attend the Y.P.S. convention to
be held at Auburn on Friday, Messrs
' Mrs. Clarence Knight and family
were Sunday visitors at Mr. Bruce
Cooper’s last Sunday.
Several from our congregation at
tended the anniversary services at
Thames Road and Whalen .'Churches
last Sunday.
Messrs. Roland Williams, Richard
Johns, Sam. Johns, Allen /Johns and
Harold Jeffery motored to near
Owen Sound to attend the Provin
cial Plowing Match last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pybus, of Chis
elhurst, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E.
Johns last Friday. Mr. Silas Johns
returned home with them.
Mr. John Young moved his' crush
er and outfit from Mr. R. Skinner’s
gravel pit to Mrs. Brock’s pit last
week. He had a series of mishaps
enroute an axle broke in his truck
and his tractor took fiire but was
put out by prompt action of the men
in charge as a fiire extinguisher was
with the outfit.
Miss Mildred Bell has returned to
Detroit, after spending several
weeks at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie and
little granddaughter, Jean,
hen visited at the home of
Herdman on Sunday last.
We are glad to know that Mr.
Sam. Brock is recovering from an. at
tack of pleurisy.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Millar and
Children, of Dashwood, visited with
relatives in the village last Sunday.
Mr. Wes. Horne is visiting rela
tives in Brussels and Ripley.
Little Misses Eileen and Edith
Hunter, of Exeter, visited with their
cousin, Miss Gladys Skinner on Sun
Mrs. W. F. Long, of Milverton,
who spent a week with her brother
Rev. J. R. Peters, returned to her
home on Tuesday, Mr. Peters accom-
paying her.
Miss Ruth Desard, of London S.,
spent- the week-end with her friend
Miss, Catherine Peters.
The Y.P.S, met on Monday even
ing as usual and the president open
ed the meeting with hymn and the
Lord’s Prayer in unison, Minutes
were read and adopted and ibusiness
discussed; it was decided to have an
apple paring bee in the church shed
on Wednesday night, ’
to be dried and
Lavona Cooper
program which
lines. The topic
ionary purpose for every man"
of iStep-
Mr. Bert
Herdman and Allen Johns
Lavona Cooper and Margaret
of Blan-
Mr. and
home of
Mr. R. E. Pooley spent a few days
the fore part of the week near Grand
Valley, partridge shooting.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten and'
family visited with Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Coleman on Sunday.
•Mrs. Lome Schroeder, of Central
ia, visited with her sister, Mrs. N.
■Clarke one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parkinson
and family of the Sth line
shard spent Sunday with
Mrs. Walker Kerslake.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
and family visited at the
Mrs. J. E. Creery at Kirkton on Sun
Mr. Richard Cann spent the week
end visiting his sister, Mrs. Gray,
Croswell, Michigan.
Mr. Hal Brown and Miss Ethel
Brown, of Centralia, spent Wednes
day with their mother, Mrs. H.
Miss Kathryn Batten visited with
Miss Wilma Veal on Friday of last
/Mrs. Mervyn Pym and son Donald
of Elimville spent one day last week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs, George Davis and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Alexander at Lumley on Sunday.
Mr. and iMrs. Bilatchfiord and!
family, of Detroit, were week end
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Dobson.
iMrs. Annie Tufts has returned to
her home after spending the past
month with her son,
Tufts, of Toronto.
Mr. Ross Marshall
with his grandmother)
Lankin, of Granton.
Miss Dorothy Hockey, of ‘Fullar-
ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Russell Morrison,
Mrs. John Cluff is visiting
week with her sister, Mrs,
Ryckman, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Creery, of Detroit
is visiting the former’s mother, Mrs.
Joe Creery,
Mr, Harold
spent .Sunday
Mrs. Wm.R.Mrs.
at the
Mr. and Mrs, F, Lafond, of
and Mrs E. Keyes,
and son Gerald and
Firikbeiner vtisited .Sunday
home of
The tegftlar meeting or the Ladles'
Aid will he held at the home of Mrs.
Wm. Ratz on Wednesday aftertfooU)
November 1st,
and Sadie McPherson, of
spent Thanksgiving with:The apples are
out West, Miss
chfitge of the
on Missionary
"Has Christ a Miss*