HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-10-12, Page 8THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1033 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Exeter Markets It will pay you to visit Our Store During the Community Sale October 12, 13, 14 Wheat 60c. Oats, 32c, Harley, 3 Sc. Buckwheat, 3 Sc, Manitoba’s Best $2.40 Model Flour $2.30 Welcome Flour, $2.00 Low Grade Flour $1.2|5 Shorts $1.10 Bran $1.00(Creamery Butter Z4c. Dairy Butter 18, 21c. Eggs extras 26c. Eggs,' firsts 23 c, Eggs, seconds 15c. Hogs, $5.25. Our Store will have Leaders 5 ft. Step Ladders 95c. 6 ft. Step Ladders 7 ft. Step Ladders Heavy 5-string Brooms Electric Toasters $1.45 $1.65 29c. $2.50 Here is your chance for a safety razor! Gillette, Auto Strop or Ever Ready 15c. Pal Blue Blades - 6 for 25c. Toilet Tissue Special white sterilized San toy, product 2 one thousand sheet rolls for 25c. 25c5 rolls Sunnyside for See the New Good Cheer Oven Heaters They have been leaders for years and are still ahead. How about a new Hecla Furnace? LOCAL NEWS Among the visitors in Exeter for Thanksgiving were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Merxely, of Lon­ don. Mr. Harry West, of Sarnia, at his home. Dr. Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, at his home. • . ,s ■ Mr. peter Robertson, of ptratfo’rd, with relatives. ‘‘ Mr. and Mrs. 'Clifton Davis and family, of London. Miss Margaret Penhale, Belmont, at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey and daughter, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London, with relatives. Mr. Hugh Creech, of Western Uni­versity, with his parents. Miss Alma McDowell, of Toronto, visited with Miss Pearl Love. Mr. Jack Pryde, of Windsor, with his brother Mr. Thos. Pryde..Miss Mabel Wightman, of kippen, with* Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowey. Miss Olive Wood, R. N., with her parents Mr. and- Mrs. W- H. Wood. Misse's Clarke, of Glencoe, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and two children-, of Waterford, with Mrs, Davis' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Morley family, of Brantford, with Mr. Mrs. Ewart Pym. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Treble three children, of Toronto, with and Mrs. E. Treble. Mrs. R. H. Sproat, of Seaforth is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quance and other friends. Mr. Chas. .Acheson and Miss Anne Bossenberry, of Forest, with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Mr. W. A. Patriqk, of Toronto and Miss Dorothy Snell, of St. Thomas, at the latter’s home here. Mr. and Mrs. John May and .two daughters Misses Carrie and Minnie, of Toronto with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gillies and son Bobby, of Hamilton, with Mrs. Gil­ lies’ mother Mrs. Martin. Mrs. A. E. Stewart, of Montreal, and Miss Woods, -of London, visited with Mrs. John T. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Perkins and daughter, Joanne, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Perkins. Misses Annie Simmons, and Mar­ garet Ellerington, of Victoria Hos­ pital, London, with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriani Hern and family and Mr. Henry Hern, of Zion with the former’s sister Mrs. Her. i Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. Westlake and daugh­ ters, Leona, Wilma and Helen, of Wyoming, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Whyte.Mr. John Humble and Miss Samp­son and Mr. and Mrs- Wm. Elenor. of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing. Mrs. Roy Thomas, of St. Thomas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Parsons. The latter who has been ill, is imporving. Mr. and Mrs, F. Irwn, of Water­ loo; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Newell, and family of iStratford, with Misses E. and Marion Bissett, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Batten, Mr. ■and Mrs. Clayton Ratten and two children, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuntz, Wind­ sor, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McDon­ ald, of Detroit, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. Mr. and Mrs. Sam’l Brunkard, Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. M. Brunkard, of Drayton, visited with Mrs. Amy and Mr. and Mrs. P. Coates. Mr. Joe Whetstone, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Whetstone, of Kintore, spent Tuesday with the former’s sis’ter Mrs. Albert Mitchell friends. Messrs. Bruce Medd and T. J. Moffatt, of Napanee; Miss Carrie Bossenberry, of Forest; Mr. F. J. Fallis and Miss Taylor, of Toronto, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd. Mr. Eugene Howey, and Mr. Marvin Howey with their parents; Mr. «uu u. A. Christie, of London and Mr. Earl Christie of Victoria University with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. and sis’ter othei’ of Toronto, of Aylmer and Mrs. J. and and and Mr. WE DO ALL KINDS OF PLUMBING AND HEATING TO YOUR ENTIRE SATISFACTION AND AT REASONABLE RATES HEADQUARTERS FOR SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS FALL GOODS Buy a New Fall Hat Now! See our display of Caps, Socks, Sweaters, Underwear etc. at Reduced Prices Smart Styles Fine Quality W. W. T A MAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. . . . WEEK-END SPECIALSJ . . . Cross Cut Saws .............. $4.‘215 Dry Dust Mops ......each 37cHandled Axes ............... $1.45 Granite Wash Boarcts No. S cast spiders .... ,...... 5 9c Axe Handles ................ 25c. up ......... 59cMouse Traps .............8 'for 25c Dutch Ovens .................. $1.79Clothes Pins ......... 122 for 25c.Bread Boxes ............... 99cClothes Baskets ..........^..... 25C Strainer Pails .......-.......7... 85cGalv. Wash Boilers ..A..... 98c White Water Pails ........... 59cCopper Wash Boners ...... $2.95 Saniflush .......................... 29c.Zinc Wash Boards ............ 29c Lemon Oil ........ 15 and 25cNo. 6 Dry Batteries ......... '35c Excell. Wax ................. 29c. lbSnap 'Powder ..................... 15 c Old English Wax ....... 59c. lbNo. 10 Meat Grinder ....... $3.5 0 Johnson Wax .............. 59c. lbSalt Petre ........,........'10c. a. lb Old English, No Run .... 9 Sc -qt.Epsom Salts .............6 lb.. 25 c Old English No- Rub ... 69c. ptGlauber Salts ...........6 lb. 25c Royal Purple Specific .. 15c. lb Sulphur ..................* 6 lb. 25c,Royal Purple Roup ....... 5 0c. lb No. 1 Oyster Shell ....$1.35 cwt Stable Brooms ..........80 c. each Cod Lilver Oil .......$1.15 gal Thumb Latches .......20c. each Sil-Lite ........:................ 50c. yd Nail Brushes ...........3 for 10c 1 Cell-o-Glass ..............$1.50 yd Clothes Wringers ......... $4.29 Granite Dish Pans ............. 25c Paper Towels, ....... 0 pkgs. 75c Ivory Dish Pans ............... 59c Johnson Gio-Coat ...... 69 c. pt1 Ivory Wash Basins ........... 25 c Liquid Veneer reg. 60c. now 49,cI Granite Sauce Pans ........ 15c Mop Sticks ................15 c. each 1 Granite Pudding Dishes .... 115©Electric Light Bulbs 15c. each Lunch Boxes, complete .... 9Sc Weather Strip ........... Be. a ft J 3 Auger Bits 1-4, 3-8,1-2 i3i 75 c Brass Weather Strip •3 l-2c. ft BOYD OIL BURNERS GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS REDUCED | TO $33.00 COMPLETELY INSTALLED . .For One Week ONLY Royal Purple Poultry Concentrate with.... Specific $4.00 a cwt. IT PAYS TO BUY AT TRAOUAIR & LINDENFIELD —................. Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Beer visited, with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. E. G. Lowry spent several days In Toronto and Cleveland. Mr. Bruce Rivers has been -confin­ ed to his home through illness.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood spent Monday with friends in Thorndale. Mrs. Geo-. Snell, Miss Windsor and Mrs. Ogden spent the week-end in Detroit.Mrs. E. J, Coultis, of Toronto, vis­ ited with friends during the past week.Mr. and Mrs. David Rowcliffe vis­ ited over the holiday with friends in Thorndale.Mr. Jas. Grieve is again able to be around after being ill at his home for a week. Mr. and Mrg. J. Senior and daugh­ ter Miss* Blanche visited with rela­ tives at Hamilton. Miss Caroline Ross, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her sis­ ter, Miss M. E. Ross. ■Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quance and Clifford, visited with Mrs. Quance’s brother near-Brucefield. Miss Pearl Wood was the soloist at the anniversary services in Kip­ pen United. Church on Sunday last. Mrs. ,T. S. Grant is again confined to her bed through illness and Miss Childs, of Glencoe, is caring for her. Reeve B. M. Francis was in God­ erich Tuesday attending a meeting of the committee for the Huron Home. Mr. Gordon Stonehouse has turned from Belle River where has been working for the Canadian Canners. Co. re- The Hardware With the Green Front” Bl Men’s Fleeced Combinations 1.35Hard to beat 98c Men’s Rubber Boots You will need a pair. 1.98 Women’s Silk & Crepe Dresses 12 only Lovely Fur Collared Coats FORMER PRICES FORGOTTENWITH FUR COLLARS AND GOOD CLOTHS 5.95 2.49Special at 13.95 n ISMBBKH ms Hl Children’s & Ladies’ Coats 2.25 Of exceptional quality, good weight and fine fleece All Sizes Ibex Flanelette Blankets, large size . . Factory Yarn, all shades...................... Knitting Yarns, very special............... Pure Linen Towelling .... ..... Colored Broadcloths............................... Striped Flanelette................................... Ladies’ and Children’s Cotton Hose . . ■ 25 prs Men’s' Heavy Boots These were never made to sell at the price We are making a special for the Big Sale, per pair 12 Men’s long-pant Suits. Sizes 34, 35, 36, 37. Values to $25.00. Take your pick. 2.98 200 Boy’s All Wool Sweaters In all wool with roll or V-neck. Values to $2.00 Sizes 24 to 34 6 only Boy’s Tweed Suits Values to $12.00; sizes 34 and 35 with bloomer, pants. Out they go for 1.98 Exeter, Ont October 12th, 13th, 14th All the merchants of the town are making a concentrated effort to put over a big week end sale Prices will be offered that will not be able to be repeated this season. See the money saving values Red. Hot Special Bargains in Linoleum Rugs and Linoleums 3 Dinner Sets VALUES TO $27.50 Sale price 18.95 Men’s Knitted Ties,................................... Men’s Felt Hats, latest,............. Men’s Shirts and Drawers, regular $1.00 Men’s Fleeced Shirts and Drawers Men’s All Wool Sox............. Men’s Military Flannel Shirts Men’s Heavy Sweaters......... . each 10c. . . . . $1.95 .........89c. .........79c. .........15c, .........89c. .... $1.29 Ladies’ Vest & Bloomers .... All Wool Sei*ge, regular $2.00 for Regular $1.00 Dress Goods at . . . Table Oilcloth................................. Colored Chintz................................. 30c. Pyjama Cloth at per yard . . . Turkish Toweling per yard........... ............. 49c. . . . 79c. yard . . . 39c. yard per yard 39c. per yard 21c. ..................26c. . ... 12 1-2 c. Laundry Soap P & G or Pearl 10 bars 29c. Aylmer Po?kj and Seans .... 16 oz. tin 5c. Flour, 98 lb. bag Dread Flour...........$2.19 Flour, 24 lb. bag Bread Flour...........57c. Flour, 24 lb. Pastry Flour................. 47c. Brunswick Sardines......................6 for 25c. Mixed Cakes................ 2 lbs. for 25c. Broken Sodas, Fresh ...... . . 2 lbs. 19c. Fancy Cookies............................... 18c. a lb. Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes .... 7c, per pkg. Good Cooking Rice.............3 lbs. for 14c. Clothes Pins........................5 dozen pr. lie. Choice Pink Sainton...............large tin 9c. Peanut Butter in bulk.................2 lbs. 25c. Magic Coffee,-You’ll like it...........29c. lb. WONDERFUL VALUES IN Men’s Winter Coats 13.95 14.95 16.95 Men’s Fine Oxfords AN OUTSTANDING VALUE 2.49 SOUTHCOTT BROS., EXETER <. ■