HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-10-12, Page 5r*« THE EXETER TIMES,ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1933 Hensail Mrs. George pee spent a few days last week visiting with her mother at Zurich, Mrs. (Dr.) (Smith, of St, Marys, visited last week wicn ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, C. Petty. Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Case have re­ turned home after a pleasant visit with relatives at Detroit Mrs. Thos, Pearson and daughter Miss Anna, of St. Marys, called on friends in town on Friday. Mrs, Jas. Hoggarth has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in. St. Hyacinth, Que. The many friends of Mr. Charles Jenks will be glad to hear he is im­ proving after his recent illness. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. O’Brien at Exeter on Tuesday. Quite a number of our ’Continua­ tion School students attended the Field Meet at Clinton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. All’. Hunkin, of the Thames Road, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. L. McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman and Miss Mona Miller spent the holiday with friends in Sarnia ana Port Hur­on. Mr, and Mrs. Roy McLaren, spent the holiday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Otis Miner, of Port Huron. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas and daugh­ ter, Miss Norma, of Hyde Park, spent the holiday at the home of Mrs. John Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Case and Mr. and. Mrs. Archie Rowcliffe spent the holi­ day at Tobermory. Thanksgiving Day passed off quietly in the village. A number from town visited friends at other points while others entertained rela- tivos llOFG K The A.YjP.A. of the St. Paul’s An­ glican Church will begin their meet­ ings on Monday evening when a so­ cial evening will be held. ’Lantern slides will be given in charge of Captain Morris. The W.M.S. of the United Church was held in the school room on Thursday afternoon last with the president, Mrs. C. A. McDonnell in the chair. The devotional resson was read, by Mrs. Sinclair and leaflets on "The Living Issues of China” by Mrs. Coles, Mrs. Anna McDonald, Mrs. Hemphill, Mrs. Elder Agues McDonald. Among those i,vho spent day 4n Hensail were: Mr. Alex McMurtrie, of Toronto, at the home of the former’s mother, Mrs. A. McMurtrie. Miss Mae McNaughton of Toronto, at her home. Mr. Ferris Cantelou, of Stromberg, at his home Miss Laura Bell Wright, of Brant­ ford with friends. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell anad family, of Toronto, at the home of Mrs T. iMurdock. Miss Mary Huiser, of Clinton, at her home Miss Madeline Hotham, of .Seaforth, at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. George Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLean of Hamilton, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and daughter, Miss Norma, of Hyde Park, at tht home of Mrs. John Johnston. Mr. Milton Ortwein and the and I i Mrs. holi- Mrs. and son, Lloyd, of London, with relatives. Thanksgiving services were obser­ ved iu our local churches on Sxinday last with a good attendance at each. At the United Church Rev, Mr, Oli­ ver, of Blyth, occupied the pulpit at both services. In the morning a trio was given by Miss Florence Welsh, Mr, W. O. 'Goodwin and Dr, Smillie T. At the Carmel Presbyterian Rev, W. A. Young had ot the services and in the was assisted by his brother and in the evening a solo by Mr Sherrit. ‘ ‘ ' ' Church charge evening . . ... Mr. Malcolm Young, An the morning a quartette was rendered, by Mrs, W, A, McLaren, Mrs. a- Dougall and Messrs. W, A. McLaren and R. Mc­ Laren and in the evening a quartette by Miss Irene Hoggarth, Mrs. James Paterson and Messrs. R. Y. McLaren and James Bengough. At the St. Paul’s Anglican Church Rev. Mr. Stone, of Dorchester, delivered very inspirng sermons and the choir was very ably assisted by the members of the Stal’fa choir. f ............... Witzel.—-Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliot of Thedford—Mr, anti Mrs, Yates and Evelyn, of Sarnia, and (Mr. and Mrs, B. Kitchen and family, of Tor onto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kraft during the week.—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and Shirley ancl Mrs, Black” well, of Kincardine, with Mr. J. Hartleib and Lavada on Wednesday. •—Mr. and. Mrs. E. Cook, of Toronto, Mr. J. Mose and Mrs. Furdov and son Everett, of Walton, witn Mr, and Mrs, R. Hayter, Wednesday.— Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Windsor, with Mr, and Mrs. R. Baker, Mrs. Baker returned with them Monday to visit for a. few weeks. DASHWOOD The Ladies Aid of the Lutheran church held a successful quilting bee Thursday afternoon__Kev. and Mrs, T. Luft attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Malinsky in Elmira, last week.—Miss Ruth Kleinstiver spent the week-end iu Toronto.—iMr. Keel­ er, Miss Martinson, Miss Pepper and Miss Ruth Kleinstiver attended the Teachers’ Convention in Goderich.’— Miss Lavada Hartleib vistied friends in Atwood Sunday.—Mrs. P. Fassold and daughter Reta visited in London and Ingersoll__Mr. L. Bender, spent > Sunday in New Hamburg.—’Harvest Home services will be conducted in ’ the Lutheran church Sunday.,—Z.L. and Mrs. Arthur Weuer and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodgins near Parkhill.—Mrs. G.j Destreicher celebrated her eightieth | birthday on iSaturday and on Sunday : a chicken dinner was prepared in her , home. Covers were laid for 14. The guests included Mr. and Mfrs. Kellerman, Mr. G. Kellerman and Rev, and Mrs. A. W. Sauer. The monthly tea given by the Bethany Sisters class of the Evangel­ ical S. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Hy. Kraft with Mrs. E. Guen­ ther and Mrs. Kraft as joint hostesses The .proceeds are for missions. Holiday Visitors —■ Mr. Ervin Mclsaac and family, sor—’Mr. Czar Steinhagen, took—T' ' Crystal City, Man.—Mr. and Mrs. L. Birk, of Guelph.—Mr. and Mrs. L. Schroeder, of Windsor—Mrs, H.Wil- lert and sons, Messrs Ed. and Will Willert, of Centralia, and Mrs. H. Zimmer of Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter__Misses Theda and Grace Hayter and friend, M,r. Bruce of Windsor. — Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener.—Mr. Ira Tie­ man, of Hamilton, Miss G. Cornell, and Mrs. of Wind- of Tavis- ELIMVILLE The Y. P, S. met on Monday ev­ ening . The president Mr. Horace Delhridge was in charge of the whole .meeting. Mr. Delmar .SRinner introduced the topic "What have we to thank God for?” The first script­ ure lesson was read by Miss Ber­ nice Murch from Ps. 103, 1-5. The discourse on the lesson was given by Mrs. Jno. Brock. A poem on on Thanksgiving was read by Miss Lavona Cooper. .Second Scripture lesson was read by Mr. Allen Johns Col. 3, 5 to 17. Prayer was offered by Mrs, Gibert Johns and Miss C. Peters. Meeting was closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. —Mr. and Mrs. Motz, of London, visited the latter’s mother Mrs, Hey­ wood Sr. on Sunday.—Mrs. Leon ’O’Reilly returned home last week after, spending the past month in Sarnia visiting relatives.—Miss Ber­ nice Bell R.N. of London, and Dr. O. Wilson, of Toronto visited at Mr. Chas. Stephen’ and Mr. Thos. Bell’s ..—-Mrs. Alice Reihm, of , Toronto, spent the week-end and Mr1 i holiday with her sister, Mrs. Ed. ’ i Johns.—Elimville choir supplied the 'special music for Woodham anniveT- i sary service on Sunday night. Quite a. number of others from here also attended the service.—Mrs. ’ Peter McEwen, of Toronto, is visiting her niece Mrs. R. Williams. Mr. Frank McEwen, Misses Hazel and Mabel McEwen, of Toronto, also spent the week-end with their cousin Mirs. Williams.—Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne visited in Exeter last Sunday.—We are sorry to report that Master Ted­ dy Johns is worse again ancL is in Exeter receiving treatment.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Johns and Miss Hazel also Mrs. Reihm were Sunday visit­ ors with realtives in Mitchell---The W. M. S. held a very successful sew­ ing bee in the basement of theand Mrs. Chas. Cann, of churcli last Friday. Over twenty five 1 fi t rtr 7\/l it iifl ■», n yi H l\/l T . - - . > m • t i . _ladies were present. Two quilts were quilted and a layette made, other garments made.—Mr. also and Mrs. Alec Johns and children, Lu­ can, and Miss Lorena Johns, of Tor­ onto, were visitors over the holiday with Mrs. John Johns.’—Mr. Enos Herdman, of Toronto, is spending a few days with relatives here.—-Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Whitlock, Mrs. Hor­ton, Misses Joy and Evelyn Whit-Of Waterloo and Eugene Tieman of loc£( ‘of st. Thomas, were callers in —’Mr. Merrill, of Toronto-— tliis community over the week-end. ,Iccr„urg H MurcI1) London, ■Mrs. John Boyce and Miss Mabel Allison and Miss Violet son Gordon, of Sebringville and Mrs. Johnson, of Toronto, were holiday John Snider, of Stratford, with Mrs. j visitors at Mr, Philip Murch’s. London.—U . ___ . _ Mr. and Mrs. Meerburg and family, of Pt. Frank.—T" - - - JU I STANDARD QUALITY PEAS............................... CASCADE SALMON.................................................. PURE DUTCH COCOA............................................ FRESH SODA BISCUITS, 1 POUND PACKAGE KELLOGG’S CORNFLAKES......... GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE ....... BLUE BELL COFFEE...................... PEANUT BUTTER IN BULK......... FRESH DATES................................... ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER RED & WHITE VANILLA............. NO. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER......... BEST GRADE PASTRY FLOUR, 24 pound sack, , BREAp FLOUR (MANITOBA’S BEST) 48 pound sacks CHOCOLATE MALLOW BISCUITS......... FRESH MINCEMENT IN BULK.................. SCHNEIDER’S PICNIC HAMS.................... BROOMS, GOOD QUALITY 5-STRING .. NO. 1 COOKING ONIONS............................ PEARL WHITE OR P. & G. SOAP ...... PURE CASTILE SOAP................................... < HURON TOILET TISSUE............................ ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 Large tin 10c. Large tin 10c. per pound 9c. ,,., 2 for 25c. 2 packages 15c. 1-2 pound package, 2 for 25c. ... 1 pound package each 25c. .... 2 pounds for 25c. ... 4 pounds for 25c. 1 pound tin each 15c. . 8 oz bottle each 15c. .........per pound 22c. .........each 49c. ... each $1.19 per pound 15c. .... 2 pounds for 25c. ...........per pound 13c. ..................... each 25c. ... 10 pounds for 25c. ..................per cake 3c. .... 10 cakes for 25c. ...........6 rolls for 19c, EXETER, ONT “Quality always higher than price.” CENTRALIA Mr. Celcil Hodgson and Miss Rob­ inson, of Toronto, visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. D. Hodgson. CROMARTY A hot fowl supper will be served in the basement of the Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Monday ev­ ening, October 23rd. a good pro­ gram will follow tne supper.—Miss Gladys Hamilton, of Toronto, visited under the parental roof. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family, of London, spent Thanksgiv­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. T. Gunning— Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster visited Mrs. Hartwick at Bryanston recently.— Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gunning at­ tended the Greenway anniversary services on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson were at the services of Centralia United Church on Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Marley and family, of Brantford, spent the week­ end with relatives. We Deliver ....New Butcher Shop Try Our Sausage 1 • ••• ORDER A CHOICE ROAST OF BEEF, VEAL OR PORK ALL LINES OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR ORDER NO MATTER HOW SMALL HERB’S MEAT MARKET PHONE 114 Phone your order or notify us and we will call for same. Bargains for Exeter’s three - day Sale Space will only permit a partial list of the many bargains offered during this sale Our store will be full of special values. IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Large Size MEN’S HEAVY RIBBED UNDERSHIRTS & DRAWERS Nearly all Wool 89c. a garment LADIES’ SILK HOSIERY All $1.00 lines of Chiffon and Service Weights 85c. pair HEAVY CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON 40 and 42 inches wide on sale at 29c. a yard hi torn ia MEN’S HEAVY FLEECED 1 LINED COMBINATIONS | All sizes $1.29 a suit 1 MEN’S FLEECED LINED | Undershirts and Drawers 69c. a garment STANFIELD’S GOLD LABEL ALL $1.00 *All Wool WORK SHIRTS SHIRTS AND DRAWERS For Men on Sale at $1.19 a garment85c. 36 IN. WHITE FLANNELETTE GIRLS’ WINTER COATS 25c. quality 19c.; 20c. quality Small Sizes 17c. and 27 inch width for $5.00 each 12 l-2c. yd. LARGE ALL WOOL BEDJ-COMFORTER CHINTZ BLANKETS 36 inches wide, good patterns, .Real Bargains at.regular 25c. for ’$3.49 each 19c. a yard MEN’S RUBBER BOOTS 30 pairs. All new in this Fall, cut rate price for cash .50 MEN’S OVERCOATS New Winter Overcoats priced at $12.$19. BOYS’ FLEECE COMBINATIONS BOYS’ FLEECE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS anab Dinner Sets Any 97 piece set, values Superior Chain Store Special Values for Thursday, and Saturday PHONE 32 89c. a suit 49c. each 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT On al! Women’s Fine Slippers, priced at $2.00 and Up, 10 per cet. discount for cash, during this sale. MEN’S SMOCKS Red Back Smocks 1 - oo Lined Smocks............... $2.00 RINSO, LARGE PACKAGE................................. AYLMER SOUP, VEGETABLE OR TOMATO DE LUXE MATCHES CORN FLAKES .. TOMATO JUICE .. RAYNO CLEANSER 81 MEN’S FINE SHIRTS Separate Collars and Collars attached 85c. each LADIES’ AND MISSES’ SILK CREPE DRESSES Dozens to choose from at $5.95 each LADIES’ AND MISSES’ RAINCOATS $8.00 Values for 30 PAIRS MEN’S WORK BOOTS Heavy Fall Weight Leather Soles, Williams’ Make. Cash Price for this sale $2.50 SNAG PROOF OVERALLS Heavy 8 oz. Red Back Overalls Extra special $1.35 a pair Bargains in Rugs. ................ 19c. ........ 2 tins 15c. ,,. 3 boxes for 25c. 2 packages for 15c. .... 5 tins for 25c. ........ per tin 5c. ins ALL TABLE OILCLOTHS 54 inches wide at 43c. a yard CELLO-NAPS Sanitary Napkins . 2 boxes for 25c BOYS’ ALL WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS 24 to 34 89c. each Trunks and Club Bags As we are discontinuing these lines we offer 2 only trunks good size, metal bound. Regular price $7.7'5i for $4.95 each. 2 all leather black club bags, regular price $8.7/5 for .95 Window Blinds 4 doz cream and green substandards 69c.ea. FANCY BISCUITS—Cocoanut Wafers or Chocolate Squares SURPRISE SOAP ............................................................................ FRESH BROKEN SODAS ........................................................... FRESH SODAS, 1 lb. wax-lined packages................................. McCORMICK’S WAXT1TE SODAS ROYAL YORK COFFEE.................* » Y « « W . 2 lbs 25c. .. 10 bars 47c. . 3 lbs for 25c. .........2 for 25c. per package 17c. .. .. per tin 39c JONES & MAYv ■ w ■■■ WMl ■ w ■ ■PHONE 32 mpi My