HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-10-12, Page 4THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1933 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE S' Phone 9 for Service and Satisfaction WINCHELSEA Miss Rhea Foster, of Granton, vis-‘REAL ESTATE BOOSTER SALE JUST THINK OF IT, THREE DAYS OF REAL BARGAINS AND A PREMIUM ON EVERY PURCHASE AMOUNTING TO ONE DOLLAR (OR CLOSE TO THE $) i Round Steak 14c- lb. 2 for 25c. Sirloin Steak 16c. lb. 2 for 30c. Porter House 18c. lb. 2 for 33c. Roast Beef (Meatty) 10c. lb. Rib Boil Beef 6c. a Ib. Prime Rib Roast Beef 12c* lb. No bone, 16c. lb. Pot Roast Beef No Bone, 11c. Ib. Neck Beef 7c. a lb. Fresh Shoulders 5-6 lbs. no shank 12c. lb. Shanks | 4c. a lb. Fresh Hams 13c. a lb. trim. 1-2 15c. lb. Flank Beef not trim’d, 6c lb. Fresh Bacon 13c. a lb. Shoulder Lamb 14c. a lb. Ited with Mr. and Mrs. n. Q. Foster for a few days last week.—-Mrs. J* E. Creery has moved to her new home in Kirkton this week. Quite a numbei' from around here attend­ ed Anniversary Services in Wood­ ham on Sunday.—Mr. ana Mrs. W, J. Veal and family visited with their friends in St, Thomas one day last week.—Miss Ina jaques R,N., of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns on Sunday.—r-Mr. A. Pearson spent the week-end with his brother in Kmoka.—Mr. and Mrs. C. Fletcher and family spent Thanks­ giving with Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Needham of London Township..—Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake and Genevieve spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Wm. Mills of Woodham.—Mr. and Mrs. E. Sprague, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and' Mrs. R. E. Pooley.—Rev. and Mrs. A. Duffeld and family, of Toronto,, visited with Mr. and Mrs, H. Foster on Thanksgiving Day.—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly and Evelyn, of Kirkton spent (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm.—Miss Gladys Weber, of Dashwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns last week __Mr .and Mrs. Newton Clarke and Berdene spent Sunday with friends in Woodham.—Mr. and Mrs. Georgy Davis and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten on Sunday. —Mrs. Fred Delbridge, of Exeter, and AUCTION SALE and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at the residence of the late Mrs. Wm. Creech, Carling St., Exeter, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1933 at one o’clock3 beds, springs and mattresses, 3 wash stands, dresser, rug 10x1.2, rug 6Jx9, six-piece parlor suite, dining room table, other tables, 6 dining room chairs, kitchen chairs, rocking chair, lounge, cupboard, flour box, clock, coal oil stoves, sewing ma­ chines, tubs, boiler, mats, rugs pic­ tures, sealers, etc, Also cross citt saw, wheelbarrow, step ladder, scy­ the and garden and carpenter tools, There will also be offered for sale (if not previously soia) the real es­ tate consisting of one quatrer acre of land, on which are situate a frame house and barn. Also the residence in which the late Mrs. Susan Atkinson resided on William Street will be offered for sale. TERMS—'Real Estate made known on day of sale; furniture, etc., cash. R. N. CREECH, Executor FRANK ^TAYLOR, Auctioneer “ The Insurance Man ” We Pay Cash! six-piece parlor suite, dining AUCTION SALE spent the week-end with Mr Mrs. H. Delbridge. We write every Line of Insurance AND THE HIGHEST MAR­ KET PRICE FOR NEW LAID EGGS No Policy too small No Policy to large Service is our Motto Bring your eggs to Hooper’s Old Store formerly owned by N. W. Trewartha. Thank you. Government Bonds Bought and Sold B. M. Francis FRESH HAMBURGER STEAK .. 10c. a lb. or 3 lbs. for 25c. FRESH PORK SAUSAGE...........15c. a lb., or 2 lbs. for 25c. BOLOGNA or WEINERS.............15c. a lb. or 2 lbs. for 25c. Pea Meal Cottage Rolls Cured Bacon (piece) 14c. a lb.18c. a lb. Picnics Hams 13c. a lb.Smoked Hams No shank 14c. a lb.1-2 or Whole 18c. Ib. COMMUNITY SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 at Dow’s Stable at two o’clock p.m. Pork Chop Roast Veol Stewing Lamb 15c. a lb.14c. a lb.or Veal 8c. a lb. 1 Surely the thrifty housewife will consider these prices before buying elsewhere, and remember every piece of meat guaranteed. 2-wheel trailer in good shape, good road horse, 1 pony, 3 years old 1 sow due in 6 weeks; 2 steers ris­ ing 3 years; 1 black sow due April 1st; boy’s overcoat; large box stove upright coal stove; bed springs, mat­ tress; dresser, Congoleum rug. Terms of Sale—CASH Rivers’ Quality Meat Market “WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS” AUCTION SALE Strathroy, Saturday, October 14, 19313, at Lambert & Burden’s Sale Yard at one o’clock sharp ‘10'0 choice mixed cattle Five horses Few young calves and pigs Few Milkers and Bpringers Cattle delivered for fifty miles the rate of 25c per head after this distance 2-0 c. per mile. TERMS—CASH M. A. McAlpine, Auctioneer at Phone 50Howey’s Specials W. S. HOWEYCHEMIST OPTICIAN 2 for 10c. 2 for 25c. 2 for 50c. 2 for 25c. 2 for 25c. LARGE MILK OF MAGNESIA, regular 50c............2 for 50c. NYAL ASPIRIN TABLETS, regular 25c.....................2 for 25c. NYAL EPSOM SALTS, 10c. size.................... NYSEPTOL TOOTH PASTE, regular 25c. . PYLORIA TOOTH POWDER, 50c................ TOOTH BRUSHES, regular 25c..................... NYAL HAND LOTION 25c.............................. FIRST AID SUPPLIES AT HALF PRICE NYAL COUGH SYRUPS AT HALF PRICE V8 SHAVING CREAM 29c. MURIEL ASTOR TOILETTRIES AT HALF PRICE NYAL MOUTH WASH AT HALF PRICE NU ERB 98c. BEEF, IRON & WINE 89c. WE APPRECIATE PHONE ORDERS Supertest Gas Station WE GIVE PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE. TIRES AND SUPPLIES ALWAYS ON HAND REST ROOM IN CONNECTION Jack e Sam Chambers Phone 247, Exeter, Ont. BAILIFF’S SALE An auction sale of the following effects will be held on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th at 4 p.m. at the home of James Dick corner Main St. and London Road, East, Hensail, Household Effects *— 'Sideboard, stove, writing desk, chairs, dining room table, rocker, sewing machine, pictures, coal oil stove, small table, couch, rocking chairs, sertee, carpet sweeper, hall stand, dishes, couch, garage, wood, chicken nouse pick, shovels, saw, scythe, nools, -’Ford truck serial No. CAA62961, 1932 license No. 573218; Ford truck part­ ly dismantled serial No. C60628; 1933 license No. 508180; movable building about 14x28. TERMS OF SALE—CASHF. E. WILLIS, Bailiff — of --- FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS . The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­lic auction, at Lot 38, N. B. Stephen Township 4 1-2 miles west of Dashwood, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1933 at 1 o’clock the following: HORSES—Bay mare, 7 years old; grey mare 7 years old. CATTLE—2 red cows in calf; cow with calf at foot; Hereford roan heifer; purebred Hereford bull, 2 years old; heifer rising 3 years; 2 ■steers rising 2 years, 4 spring calves. HOGS—1 York brood sow, 11 Pigs, 6 weeks old. « POULTRY—75 hens, naif pullets; 9 African geese. IMPLEMENTS— M-oCormick bind­ er, 6 ft.; McCormick mower, 5 ft.; M, H. spring tooth cultivator; 3-sec- tion harrows; riding plow, 12 hoe drill, McCormick-Deering; Fleury 21 walking plow; 3 drum steel roll­ er, wagon, steel rake, wagon box, stock rack, hay rack, fanning mill, 2,000 lb. capacity scales, wheel barrow, set double harness, feet single harness, new; rake, quantity of wood, horse scuffler, grindstone, Oliver bean scuffler with puller and extra wide points, iron kettle, cut­ ter, gravel box, pair of bob sleighs, shaving horse, set chimes, two scythes, whiffletrees, neckyokes, forks, wagon, crow bars, shovels sling ropes, gang plow, quantity of hay and other articles too numerous to mention. A quantity of household effects, stoves, chairs, tables, etc. TERMS OF SALE — GASH ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer GEORGE MERNER, Clerk PLACIDE DISJARD1NE, Executor for Adolphe Disjardine, Estate. Phone 24 Residence 164 Main Street, Exeter Phone 24, Res. 164, Main St. Exeter, Ontario North End Service Station " WHITE ROSE GASOLINE ENARCO MOTOR OIL SUPER LASTIC TIRES AND TUBES TOPPING MATERIAL AND BATTERIES HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR RAW FURS E. L. Gibson, Prop. Phone 220 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given to all creditors and others having claims against the estate of William White late of the Twp. of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or-^about the 27th day of May A. D., 1933, are- required to forward their claim's duly proven to H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or before the 21st day of October, A.D. 1933. And Notice is further given that after the said date the undersigned Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice.Dated this 10th day of October, A.D. 1933.Anthony (Sylvester White, Crediton, Ontario, and Joseph May, Exeter, Ont.Executors. Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter SPECIAL FOOD SALE with script for every dollar spent VERY SPECIAL. PRICES DURING THIS SALE = Mixed Cakes = The Best in Town EE All one price § 2 lbs. for 25c HUNT’S Pastry Flour 24 lbs. 49c Large Juicy ORANGES 29c a doz. == LAUNDRY SOAP EE 10 bars 25°. H Coates Spools EE: 200 yards 1 8c MATCHES 3 large boxes 25c. SHOE POLISH oru!siN i 1 Oc can Maple Buds All Fresh 1 Ik Goods ID. Shelled Walnuts S 39c lb. CLEARING AUCTION SALE — of --- FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND FEEDThe undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­lic auction, at Lot 16, N. B. Bid&ulph Township 3-4 mile East of Whalen, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1933 at one o’clock sharp HORSES—Grey mare 5 yrs. old; good farm team, carriage mare good single or double. ■CATTLE — 8 Durham-Holstein cows, 7 yearling steers and heifers, 7 calves. ISHEEP—9 young ^reeding ewes. HOGS—2 fat sows, 18 pigs from 140 to 170 lbs. each. 1 good cattle dog. POULTRY-—125 Rock hens, from blood tested stock, 5<o Kock pullets, 60 Rock Roosters. IMPLEMENTS—.M. H. binder 6 foot cut; Deering mower, '5' ft. cut; M. H. side rake and tedder, new; M. H. 12 hoe drill; oisc harrow, manure spreader, diamond harrow, roller, corn cultivator, stiff tooth cultivator, 2-furrow gang plow, one sulky rake, 10 ft.; corn binder, M.H. 1 4-wheeled hay loader; Deere Spring toothed cultivator, wagon witlx box & seat, 2 farm wagons, one man box, root mill, frew , , ... _ ___fork, slings, rope and pulley, 1 brass mounted harness; one set of farm harness, 2 set of single harness 7 horse collars, whiffle-trees, neck- yokes, forks, spades, shovels, chains and other articles, GRAINi—8 tons of hay, 250 bus. Empire seed oats, 10'0 bus. seed barley, 60 bus. peas, H5 0 bus. mixed grain. Stoves, beds and other household furniture. Positively no reserve as the pro­ prietor has rented^hls farm. TERMS Poultry, grain and hogs, cash; other articles $15.00 and under, ■cash; over that amount 8 npnths credit on notes approved by the manager of the Bank of Montreal, Lucan with 5 per cent/added. MILTOtN BROCK, Auctioneer, of Thorndale. ■ GEORGE KEITH, Clerk, Granton WM. A. BROOKS, Proprietor, of Granton. hay rack; stock rack, gravel good top buggy, surrey, cutter pulper, set of s?erghs, fanning re-cleaner, bag truck, set Ren- scales, 2,000 lbs. capacity, hay set We Deliver Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store; Exeter The store that gives you value?’ Phone 58 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll u Hill in NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE: ROBERT MACLAREN, late of the Village of Hensail, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, de­ ceased. CREDITORS and OTHERS having ■claims against the Estate of the said deceased ate required on or be­ fore the 14th day of October 19 3S to fyle with the undersigned Ad­ ministrator of particulars of Verified, after Administrator tribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED this day of Septfem* her, 1933* THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, Admihisttator, London, Ontario, . By its Solicitors, CARLING & MORLEY, Exetfet, Ont. the said estate full their claims duly which date the said will proceed ter dis* of said estate JONES & MAY SEED STORE We Offer WJHEN YOU ARE READY TO BUY YOUR SEED REQUIREMENTS THOROUGHLY RE-CLEANED AND GOVERNMENT TESTED SEEDS A READY MARKET FOR ALL YOUR FIELD SEEDS EFFICIENT CUSTOM-CLEANING IF YOU WANT YOUR OWN SEED FOR SOWING HH Ideal Meat Market “The Meat Market where you are sure of Quality?’ Finest PHONE 38 Meats at Low Prices WE DELIVER MAIN ST. SOUTH FOR transportation — CALL — Tuei^g Transport- FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED ANYTHING ANYTIME ANYWHERE Phone 25w, Exeter The Home of BETTER BREAD •if- OUR MOTTO — QUALITY, PURITY, CLEANLINESS ONLY THE BEST INGREDIENTS GOES INTO OUR BAKING BUNS CAKE - TARTS PIES WHEN IN TOWN TRY SOME.OF OUR “Smiles & Chuckles” Candy ‘ Middleton’s Bakery