HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-09-07, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, JOBS sail used 3 pitchers, Welsh starting ( Chicago; of Seaforth with- friends in of London, visited home of Mr, Levi was relieved in the third by Carrick who only lasted one inking and was relieved by Kerslake. Carrick was the outstanding player for Hensall hitting 2 triples with 2 men on and made several sensational catches in centre, Hensall ........... 062000101 Sarnia ........... 12 <3 40110 x Hensall, 10 runs, 13 Hits, 5 errors Sarnia 12 runs, 13 hits, 6 errors. Batteries: Carrick, Kerslake Joynt; Schaefer, and Parsons.. Mr. Stanley Smith, Strut- Mr. George Cairns, Toron- all week-end visitors with Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver ana 'I. and Frank Woods, last week Spellman, of the holiday oi with Kit- with Smith, of iSt Maryf Mr. G, C. Petty is visiting this week with friends in Toronto. Miss Florence Welsh is visiting this week with friends in Toronto- Miss Mary Stewart, visited last week town. Mr. Wm. Jones, last week at the Rands. Mi*, and Mrs. G. W. White are spending this week camping at Pick­ le Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick of Toron­ to, spent the holiday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Exeter, visited friends in town. Dr. and Mrs. chener, spent friends in town. Dr. and Mrs. were holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. George Petty. Master Lloyd Brock has returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith, of De­ troit, were holiday visitors with Mr Alex Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hudson, ol Chicago are visiting at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson. " The merchants of Hensall will observe the Wednesday half holiday during the month of September. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Scott and family, of Toronto, vsited last week with relatives and friends in town Mrs. A. Filshie and sons, Alex and Ian have returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Tor­ onto. Mr. Talbot has returned to his home in London after a pleasant vis­ it with his daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Coll- ye’r. Mrs. George Lawton, visited last week parents, Mr. and nell. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, were ' the home of Mr. Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. have returned to their home in Tor­ onto after a pleasant fives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Alex little daughter have to Toronto after a with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and son Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Parlmer, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with friends in town. Labor Day passed off quietly In the village on Monday. Quite a num­ ber from here attended the game in Strathroy. Hensall council are calling tenders for the painting of Town Hall, same to be in the hands of the clerk by September 11th 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holmes, Tillbury, Mr. and Mrs. Forrester, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar, Thedford, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Day­ man and Miss Sarah Dayman, of Kippen, and Mrs. John Murdock, of Hensall, held a, re-union at Grand Bend on Sunday afternoon. A very enjoyable time was spent. A large crowd attended the lec­ ture given in the United Church on Friday evening when Mr. Stephen Haboush with Madame Haboush de­ livered a very inspiring address il­ lustrated by moving pictures and elides. Mr. Haboush is a very fluent speaker and his address was very much enjoyed by the large audience He is a native Galilean Shepherd and appeared in his native costume Hensall Wins Second Game Hensall won a decision over the Sarnia Red Sox on our local diamond on Wednesday afternoon in a thrill­ ing game that was tied twice and won in the ninth inning, before a capacity crowd of over 1'500 fans Both teams put up a good brand of ball although Hensall made more errors, some of which were costly Kerslake went the route in the box “• for the winners and was touched if or 11 softers. Mulligan started for Sar­ nia but was replaced in the third by Elliott after-’the former had been nicked for 5 hits which coupled with two errors at short netted the Hen- and they scored 8 th and 9th. in the third big inning in men crossed of Toronto at the home of her Mrs. C. A. McDon- Wm. holiday and McLean, 01 visitors at Mrs. John Thompson visit with rela- McMurtrie and returned home pleasant visit ball for the at oi of of Sar- and the the .sallites 5 runs again in the 4th, ilia tallied once fifth and had a sixth when four plate on 3 hits and 2 errors and a fly getting still another in the eighth. Schaefer started for the vis­ itors getting four hits in 5 tries for 4 runs, his work on the paths being a feature. Creech and Rannie for Hensall each had 3 hits in four tries the latter driving in Carrick with the winning run in the ninth. Bat­ teries: for Sarnia, Mulligan, Elliott and Reeves; Hensall, Kersake, Joy- nt. Umpires, Dinsmall and Bonk Summary RHE Sarnia 001 014010, 711 4 Hensail 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 1, 8 12 looses to Sarnia in Final The largest crowd of the season witnessed the ball gajne at Strathroy on Monday afternoon when the Sar­ nia Rdd .Sox, Middlesex, Lambtbn Champions defeated Black Caps by1 a score shll’s six runs in the were the result of combined with errors. down before a run was scored. Hen- the HehsaD Of 15-10. Men- second inning heavy hitting , 2 men being DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. I Monday with their cottage H. Taylor and Mr absence Dr. have charge of left on Friday will attend the Lon- herc Ken- Sheldon few last and few and Dashwood Cider mill will be run­ ning every day.—A. Zimmer, Prop. 9-7-4tp Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thiel and family of near Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Dale and son Melvin, of Wilton Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Russe) Pitt and daughter Alma, of Thorn­ dale; Mr. Clarence Tucker, Milford Koch, A'lma Koch, Artie Jarvis, all of Detroit and Rosella, of Windsor., spent Sunday and George Koch at Grand Bend. Dr. and Mrs. R. and Mrs Mervyn Tieman are leaving Thursday, September 7th on an ex­ tended trip through the Maritime Provinces and Prince Edward Islano During Dr. Taylor’s Lome S. Tieman will his practice. Rev. A. W. Sauer for Chicago where he Century of Progress Exposition and also visit his sons. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher and family spent the week-end in don. A number of relatives from attended the funeral of the late neth Tieman, 14-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Tieman at Stratford on Thursday. Messrs. Kenneth and Wein and Robt. Hopcroft spent a days at Toronto Exhibition week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac family, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs Ervin Mclsaac and family, of Wind­ sor, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac and other relatives. Mr. Victor Edighoffer, of Biggar Sask., is visiting his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kleinstiver. Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Fassold, oi London, spent ’the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. z Mrs. E. Oesch underwent’ an'•op­ eration in St. Joseph’s hospital, Lon­ don, on Friday and we are pleased to say is getting along nicely. Willis Mclsaac, who spent a weeks in Detroit has returned. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stire daughter, of Elmira, spent the holi­ days with his parents Mr. and Mrs Geo. Stire. Mr. and Mrs. L. Birk, of Guelph spent the holidays here and at Zu­ rich. Mr. Ira Tieman, of Hamilton and Miss G. Cornell, of Waterloo’, spent the week-end with his parents Mr and Mrs. E. Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft and fam­ ily spent Sunday with friends in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kleinstiver oi Chicago, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. William Kleinstiver. Master Lome Klein­ stiver who spent his holidays in Chi­ cago returned with them. Master Theodore Luft has return­ ed after spending his holidays on the farm with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Preeter Miss Rose Zimmer, of Detroit, is spending her vacation at her home here. Miss Cathern Finkbeiner has re­ turned after spending a week witl) friends at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble, of Sar­ nia, were Sunday visitors with her mother Mrs. Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. G. Chesna, of Birm­ ingham, Mich., were week-end visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willert Mr. and Mrs. H. Roth and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pfeifer, of Tavistock, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Jacob Schroeder. Mr. Maurice Anderson attended Toronto Exhibition last Week. Miss Alma Ratz, of Shipka, spent the week-end with Miss Zeta Nadiger ■School re-opened on Tuesday with the same staff of teachers, Mr. G Keeler, principal; Miss Martinson and Miss Papper in charge. Miss Elda Kraft, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Zeta Nadiger left on Tuesday for Victoria hospital, London, where she will be a nurse-in-training. Miss Alice Willert returned Fort Wayne after spending a weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile spent the week-end with relatives in El­ mira. Miss Ruth Kleinstiver has com­ menced her duties as teacher in S.S. Ho. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Wpn Musser and family Mr. and Mrs. K. Smith, of Ip- perwash Beach, motored to Sarnia On (Sunday. Miss Nelda Fhssold spent the week end with friends in London. Mf. and Mrs. Percy Kleinstiver and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smeyba, of tc few ford and to, were Mr. and family. Miss Edna Fisher and Mr. Harold Weber spent the week-end at Ipper- wash Beach, Fire Destroys Barn During the electrical stoiyn about 1.30 Monday morning lightning struck a barn on the farm of William Devine about 3 miles south-,west 01 here. Although an immediate alarm was spread and helpers rushed tc the scene, the barn was completely destroyed and with it the entire crop of the season of hay and grain, one calf and harness, A ne'arby shed and hen house were saved 'by neigh­ bors who carried barrels of water on the bumpers of cars. (The Dash­ wood fire brigade was unable to help owing to lack of water which had to be carried some distance. The loss is partially covered by insurance. Dqath of Mrs. Henry Staubus k Mrs. Henry Stau'bus (nee Anna Flaxbord) died on Thursday morn­ ing at her home here. She was in her >5i7th year and has been in fail­ ing health for some time. She is sur­ vived by her husband, one son Oliver and one daughter Louise, both at home; also two sons and a daughter of a former marriage, Edward Grigg of Dashwood; Roy Grigg, of Thed­ ford and Mrs. Haycock, of London Three sisters also survive, Mrs. L Kraft, Mrs. Fred Kalbfleisch and Mrs. Heideman, all of Zurich. Funer­ al service was held on Saturday af­ ternoon with Rev. T. Luft officiating Interment took place in the Bron­ son Line Lutheran cemetery. Mi's. J. C. Reid Entertains for her Daughter Miss Laura Mae Reid Bride-Elect C. Reid entertained at a tea at her home here re­ honor of her daughter marriage to Gor- of Thedford took About 140 guests Mrs. J. trousseau cently in Laura Mae whose don A. E. Elliott, place on Tuesday. called during the afternoon and ev­ ening. Mrs. J. C. Moloy, Thedford received the guests at the door. Dur­ ing the afternoon the gifts were dis­ played by Miss Elelen Nadiger and in the evening by Miss Anna Tieman in the linen and silver room, Miss Rhena Avery, of Mitchell, had charge in the afternoon and Mrs. J. M. Tie­ man in the evening. Miss Verna Birk showed the bed furnishings both af­ ternoon and evening and the lovely trousseau was displayed by Mrs. R H. Taylor. Miss Bertha Elliott, oi Thedford, presided at the prettily appointed tea table while Miss Phyl­ lis Reid and Gertrude Hoffman as­ sisted in serving during the after­ noon and Miss Helen Nadiger ana Phyllis Reid were tea attendants in the evening. Among the many gifts was a large and elaborately'decorated wedding cake the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charters, of Arkona. The flow­ ers used in the dining room and liv­ ing room were the gift of Mr. Mrs. Bass, of Thedford. Mrs. E. iger and Mrs. H. Neuswanger assisted. Guests were present London, Exeter, Mitchell, Goderich Grand Bend, Parkhill, Bayfield, Zu­ rich and Hensall. and Nad- alsc from KIRKTON little our sympathy to Mrs in the Joseph death of her Shipley, who Tuesday. Mrs to attend the Mrs. Eric Humphreys and daughter Jean spent part of last week with their aunt Mrs. G. Gram of Exeter. We extend John O’Brien twin brother died at Cilnton last O’Brien was not able funeral as she had the misfortune tc fall and is confined to her bed. Those that attended Toronto Ex last week were: Lome Marshall, Mr and Mrs. Roy Francis and son Lome Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Colquhoun from Glendale, C'alif., visited this past week with the latter’s brother I. N Marshall. The young people o£ the church are' resuming their, meetings again and will hold their meetings on Mon­ day nights. We wish them every success in their efforts. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hazelwood of Detroit, visited the former’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazelwood this past week and on their return took their son Edison home after spending the past two months with his grandparents. Miss Ella Routly spent the week­ end with her brother Mr. Wm. Rout­ ly of/-Elimville. A large number from oui village attended the ball game at Hensal. last Wednesday afternoon. Those who visited at the home oi Mrs. David Rogers on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger and Mr. and Mrs. E Doupe. Miss Jean .Hocking spent Sunday with friends at Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Dawning, of Wind­ sor, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. Swit­ zer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stanley of St. Catherines, spent the holiday at the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beckell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts and son Norman have returned .home to Tor­ onto after spending the past two months with Mrs. Annie Tufts. Mr, Russell Brock and Miss Ruth Morley spent Sunday at Whalen with Mr. and Mrs. Morley, Mrs. R. DavfS, Miss Mary Davis Mr. Walter Ketsematry and Mr. C Bolton motored to Toronto on Sun­ day where they will attend the EX for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphreys and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNaughton and family spent Sunday at Formosa s» R E D & white..IHJ Pickling Season is now at it’s best. Let us fill your orders with the best quality vinegars, pickling spices, sealers, zinc rings, rubber rings, etc. LOOK—SODA BISCUITS, 1 tb pkg......................................;............ 2 for 25c, PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb. sack.................................. each 49c. NO. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER ................................. . per. lb 21c. CROWN CORN SYRUP, 2 ,1b tin..................................................each 13c, KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES..............................................2 pkgs, for 15c. PEANUT BUTTER IN BULK........................................... 2 lbs. for 25c. SCHNEIDER’S PICNIC HAMS...............................................per lb. 14c. LARGE TIN FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER, WITH I ROSE SHERBET GLASS .................................. 1 LB. RED & WHITE COFFEE WITH GLASS TUMBLER * # < s ■t 25c. 45c. Carnation Milk small Fancy Pink Salmon . Sweet White Corn . . Fresh Dates............... Fresh Salted Peanuts ..................each 5c. ..............each 10c. ... 3 tins for 25c. ... 4 lbs. for 25c. ...........per lb. 15c. Large Rinso............... . Fairsex Toilet Soap . . Flip Flap Coils........... Huron Toilet Tissue . . Fresh Maple Buds . . . O’ per pkg. 21c. . . . each 5c. ... 6 for 10c. . . 6 for 19c. . per lb. 25c. FRESH SHIPMENT OF CHOCOLATES JUST IN per IB 29c. ALL FRUITS ARE RIPENING EARLY. BEST PRESERVING PEACHES ARE NOW IN. LET US FILL YOUR ORDER. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN CREDITON •SEEDS FOR SALE—No. 1 Purity Timothy $2.75 a bus.; No. 2 Timothy at $2.5 0 a bus.; No. 3 Timothy at $2.00 a bus. All government tested grades. We are also buyers of Red Clover Alfalfa, Alsike, Beans, Onion Setts Cooking Onions, Eggs, &c. Highest market prices paid.—O. ZWICKER •Mrs. Daniel Schwartz, of near Go­ derich and children visited last week with her mother Mrs. Leah Holtz­ man. A number of the “Haists” attend­ ed the reunion held in the Niagara district on Labor Day. Mr. Elgin Woodall and girl friend of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Woodall. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mclsaac ana daughter, of Detroit, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mac- Isaac. The Lamport reunion was held at Grand Bend on Labor Day. Mrs. S. Goodwin and two children of Columbus Grove, Ohio, are visit­ ing with her mother Mrs. L. Holtz­ mann. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wenzel, Mr. Mrs. Alfred Wuerth and family, and Mrs. H. M. Faist and Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schenk and ward camped at Grand Bend ovetf the week-end. Miss Esther Eilber R. N., of De­ troit, visited with her parents Mr and Mrs. H. F. Eilber on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Slark and son of Deroit and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle and daughter of guests of Mr. and Mrs. over the week-end. Visitors at the home Chambers over the holiday were Mr and Mrs. Albert potter and two child­ ren, of London; Mr. and Mrs. John Holmberg and two children of Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. Edward Fahrner received the sad news on Saturday evening, of the death of her friend of Sarnia. The September meeting of the Crediton Women’s postponed until further notice. Mr. C. Zwicker was in Toronto last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber and Mr and Mrs. C. Zwicker spent the week­ end at their summer cottages at Grand Bend. Mrs. Harold Pickering, formerly Marion Richard, was operated on for appendicitis in Victoria Hospital one day recently, and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schroeder, ol Ettrick, and Mrs. Clarence Shoebot­ tom, of Ilderton, visited with Mr and Mrs. John Klurnp on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Boland and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bo­ land and three children, from Tim­ mins, have returned home after spending two weeks with Messrs Jos. and Sam’l Wein. and Mr and Ed- Exeter were F. W. Clark of Mr .Tbos Mrs. C. Urquhart Institute will be CENTRALIA Mr.George Thompson spending this week at Brantford and and Mrs. and Jean are with relatives Smith Falls. Miss Verne j visited with Mrs. Fred during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Maltby, spent Sunday and Monday their son, Mr. and Mrs. D. Maltby. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, with Rev. and Mrs. A. Bluevale on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Stewart and baby returned home on Thursday after visiting with relatives in Chatham. Miss Thelma Cook who has been visiting for the past couple of weeks with her cousin, Miss Margaret Cook returned to her home in St. Thomas Mrs. cook and Margaret aceompan- roilock,of Ripley Penwarden of Galt With Brooks, Mr* were guests V. Robb at EXETER, ONT. We Deliver CREDITON EAST Torontc Mr. Joe spent a Willis ana at their cot­ of Philadel- after visiting Wilson And- Kelly and holi- and wlic with Mrs McQuiil- from the in Port ied her home and ’ visited with friends over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sleamon and June, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Webe> and Greta spent the week-end in Toronto and attended the Exhibition on Labour Day. Mrs. Brokenshire and son Brokenshire, of Windsor, few days last week at Niagara Falls Mr. and Mrs. Thos. family spent last week tage at Grand Bend. Mr. Wesley Jackson, phia, visited at the home of Mr. N Baker on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Motz, of Se- bewaig, Mich., and the former’s mother, Mrs. J. Motz, of Elkton called on Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skin­ ner on Saturday. Miss- Ada Mitchell, R.N., is daying with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Norman Mitchell. Master Richard Richardson, has spent his summer holidays tils aunt and uncle, Mr. and George Baynham, Jr., returned tc his home in Toronto, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bailey and daughter, Mavis, of Royal Oak Michigan were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowden. A number from the tyillage motor­ ed to Strathroy on Labour Day tc see the ball game between Hensall and Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, of Mentkon visited on .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Nelson Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith, ot Toronto, called on Mrs. Armstrong one day last week. Mr. Samuel Essery received word last week that his son, Mr. James Essery had been seriously injured in a horse race at Oshawa. Mr. Es­ sery is in the Oshawa Hospital. School re-opened on Tuesday of this week with Mr. Chas, an in charge. A number of young men village spent the holiday Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Motz, of Lon­ don, and their daughter Miss *'Vera of Detroit, and Mry L. Hall visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner on Sunday. Mrs. Skinner and family spent a few days last week with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Motz in London. On Wednesday evening of last week the Truth Seekers Sunday School class held a weiner roast at Grand Bend. All report a grand ev­ ening. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hill and twe children Gerald and Donald, spent the holiday at the home of Mi', and Mrs. Nelson Baker. Funeral of the Late Mr. Christopher Baskerville The funeral of the late Christo­ pher Baskerville was held from the United Church on Thursday of last week with interment in the Exeter cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. R. N. Stewart, pastor of the church. The pallbearers were Lome Baskerville, of London; Melvin and Frank King, of Crediton; Mervin Brokenshire, of'Guelph; Arva Brok­ enshire, of London and Joe Brok­ enshire of Windsor. Those who at- tened the funeral from a distance were, Mr. Sam. Baskerville, of don, brother of the deceased; friends from Brussels, Forest, tiac, Icon a. ford, from and Denfield Mich., Brown City, Mich. Nissouri, Chatham London and Windsor, Exeter, Crediton, Grand Lon- and Pon- Ar- Thames- aisc Bend We live in the richest world that has ever existed, still, hundreds of millions of people are nearly starv* ing?—Gustav,,, Cassel. Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and son and Mrs. John Baird and Mrs. Sam 1 Sims and children spent Sunday with relatives in Bayfield. Master Jack Anderson has return- *ed to his home in Sarnia after holi­ daying with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. E. Sturgeon at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and child­ ren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schenk near Mt. Carmel. Mrs. C. R. Young has returned to her home in Cleveland her sister-in-law Mrs. erson for a week. Mr. Cater and Mrs. daughter and gentleman friend, all of London, visited 'Sunday with Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Brokenshire. of Guelph, spent Thursday with the latter’s mother Mrs. Wilson Ander­ son and also attended the funeral of the former’s uncle the late Mr. C. Baskerville of Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brokenshire and two children, of Windsor, visit­ ed last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ell Lawson and also attended the fu­ neral of the former’s uncle t'he late Mr. C. Baskerville, of Centralia. Mrs. Schenk and little daughter has returned to their home in Park­ hill after the former waiting upon her sister-in-law Mrs. Robert Car­ ruthers, who, we are pleased to re­ port is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benedict and daughter Al.meda and son Gordon, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mrs. H. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoffman. Mr. Aaron Wein took a truck load of baseball fans to Strathroy to take in the Sarnia-Hensall playoff on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hedden, Brant­ ford and Mr. and Mrs. T. Pace, Lon­ don, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Motz. ZION Zion United church of the Elim- ville circuit which was wrecked by the storm in June, will hold re-open­ ing services on Sept. 17th. Rev. A. G. Lloyd, of Granton, will preach at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. On Tuesday ev­ ening following supper will be serv­ ed in the shed followed by a gooa program in the church. Further par­ ticulars will be announced later. HARPLEY De- his and and Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Hayter of troit, spent the week-end with mother Mrs. A. Hayter. Mrs. K. Patterson, of Uderton Mr. and Mrs. Bru-ce Patterson Jack, of Toronto visited with Mrs ■Catherine Hodgins on Tuesday. Mrs. A. Ridley, who has been vis­ iting in Burlington has returned to her home. Mrs. Hugh Love attended the trousseau tea of Miss Laura Mae Reid qf Dashwood on Thursday. Mrs. J. J. Carruthers Sr., is stay­ ing with her son Mr. J, J. Carruthers at present. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harlton, oj Shipka, visited with Mr. and Mrs, JOS. Hickel on Sunday. Mr. Raymond Eagleson has been holidaying at Springbank and Lon­ don. Mr. Mansell Hodgins, Miss Maud Hodgins and Ila and. Beulah attend­ ed the Decoration Services at Saint James’ cemetery, Clandeboye, On Sunday. S. S. No. 1'0 opened on Tuesday With Miss Ruth Kleinstiver, Dasli* wood in charge. Miss Addie Hiceky, of Detroit, vis* visited, friends in this community.