HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-09-07, Page 4THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE m - ■ .... - 1111 illlllillllllllllffllllllM I - BUY AT - | 1 Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter 1 1 WE SLASH PRICES ! | | SOAP CHIPS I 3 pounds 2 3 C> Edwardsburg Corn Syrup | 5 pound Cans 32c> | | MATCHES | 3 Large Boxes 25c. FINEST BAKING POWDER | Quart Sealers 29c. | J FINEST COCOA | Rowntrees’ Special 1OC« per lb. 10 BARS | LAUNDRY SOAP 25c. | j SATURDAY LARGE PIES | SPECIAL They are good. Try one 15 c. 1 | CANADA VINEGAR 1 Z 1 Nothing Better 10 c. P er Gallon j | HUNT’S PASTRY FLOUR | No Better Flour Made 24 lb. bags 53c. 1 I “The Store that Gives You Value” i I COOK’S ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORE, EXETER | i WE DELIVER PHONE 58 | aniiNiiniuioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmnooinniiiWHHmiiiiiimiiiiiN .... FLITTON—LEWIS, N UPTIALS The marriage of Lena Vera daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lewis, of Biddulph Township tc Henry Fljtton, also of Biddulph township took place quietly Satur­ day morning September 2nd at 11 o’clock at the parsonage of the United Church, Centralia, Rev. R, N. Stewart officiating. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs, Flitton left for Hamilton and on their return will reside on Number 4 Highway in the township of Biddulph. McGREGOR—ANDERSON A very quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, Septem­ ber 2nd, at the United Church manse. Kippen, when Elva Florence, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson, of Stanley Twp,, was unit­ ed in marriage to Alexander Duncan McGregor, only son of Mr. and Mrs John A. McGregor, Kippen, with Rev Chandler officiating. The bride, who was the popular young teacher of Sodom School for four years, looked charming in a gown of pink silk net fashioned ^on fitted lines to the knee continuing tc the tips of white kid shoes in grace­ ful ruffles. Sre wore a brooch from Scotland, a gift of an uncle. She wore a pink velvet turban with nose veil Her gloves were elbow length of white kid. She 'carried a shower bouquet oi Rapture roses and lily or the valley. Following the wedding breakfast ■the happy young couple left on a camping trip to Rosseau Lake dis­ trict the bride travelling in a navy French crepe suit with, all accessor­ ies to match. Out Go The Shoes 98c, 75c,. 50c, 25c. ARE PREVAILING PRICES LADIES—Sizes up to 4 CHILDREN’S Sizes up to 3 If your size is here, you get a bar­ gain. Try them on. 0 7-Drawer Chests $5.00; 3 Phono­ graphs $5 and $8; 8-ft Show Case $35.00; Bedroom Chest $7; Side­ board $5; Dresser $6; 2 Sewing Ma­ chines $6 and $-12; Dressed $6; Sev­ eral chairs 60 c.; Tables $1.00' up; Carpet rugs $3; Steel Range $10; 2 Commodore Chairs, Child’s Rocker 2 Baby Buggies, 2 heaters, walnut Table 50c.—J. W. POWELL ........... Powell’s Exchange IBllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllN I EYFTFR FAIR I g| CsZkEL I ChIoL I || I SEPTEMBER 19 and 20 | H Wednesday Afternoon Attractions Better than Ever == | RELAY RACE GREEN RACE j -EE 2 horses half mile each $8, $5, $2 One mile, $15, $10, $5 zs as For horses that have not started before Sept 1st. == = HALF MILE BICYCLE RACES TWO MILES = | GIRLS’ SOFTBALL GAME * 1 = LUCAN VS. EXETER $10 AND $5 EE 1 Special attraction in front of the grandstand g | MUSIC BY THE DASHWOOD BAND | | -DANCE■ | = In the Evening - In the Opera House - Good Music || BASEBALL LOCALS WIN FIRST GAME In a well played ball game at the local diamond on Friday last, the home team defeated the Crediton team by the score of 3 to 2. This was the first game of the play off and turned out to be one of the best games of the season. (Hum) Willard returned to the mound and pitched an excellent game for the winners holding the hard slugging Crediton batters at bay during the entire con­ test. K. Trick was in the box for Crediton. Both teams played a good game with the infield making some excellent play and the outfield hold­ ing up their end in a very satisfac­ tory manner. Fahner, playing short for Crediton made a number of good plays, 'while N. Dearing made a nice catch in the field for Exeter. Bill Balkwill did the umpiring. The teams were: Crediton, Lewis, e; Trick, p; Merner, 1st; Haist, 2nd; Fahner, ss L. Fahner, 3rd; Schenk, If; Bayn- ham cf; Bowman rf. Exeter, Hockey ss; Boyle, 2nd; Taylor, cf; Creech, c; Skinner, 1st; Forth, 3rd; H. Will­ ard, p.; N. Dearing, If; Cornish rf LOCAL NEWS Mr. Hugh Creech spent the holi­ days visiting in Leamington. Mr. C. Tanton was in Toronto over the holiday and Mr. F. Wood assisted in the butcher shop while Mr. Tanton was away. A well has been sunk on the farm of Mr. Arthur Robinson, south of Exeter, by Mr. Chas. Triebner. After digging for 29 feet and boring 4 feet a splendid spring was struck and over 14 feet of water is reported The spring was switched with a cherry rod by Ed. Walker. Mr. Howard Dignan, who recently underwent an operation for appendi­ citis in Toronto was able to leave the hospital on Monday but it will be another week or so before he re­ sumes his duties as teacher on the staff of the Collegiate Institute at Port Hope. ADMINISTRATOR’S AUCTION SALE --- of --- VALUABLE farm property There will be offered for -sale at the offices of Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1033 at 2 o'clock p.m. the following farm property; PARCEL NO. 1—Lot Nine (9) Concession Ten (10) Usborne Town­ ship containing 100 acres more or less, On this property is a frame barn some good bush and well—a desir­ able pasture farm. PARCEL NO. 2—’Lots Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13) Concession Ten (10) Usborne Township, con­ taining 200 acres more or less. On this property are good sub­ stantial farm buildings. The soil is fertile and the fences, drains and buildings are in a fair state of re­ pair. These farms are the properties oi the late Josias E. Creery. TERMS 10 per cent, of the purchase price at the time of sale, and. the balance within fifteen days thereafter, For further particulars and con­ ditions of sale apply to HUGH BERRY, Administrator, R. R Woodham, Ont. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter & Hensall, Solicitors for the Estate == Prize List for Exhibitors may be had on appyling to the Sec'y. EE = Wm. Coates, Pres.; T. S. Woods, Treas.; R. G, Seldon, Sec'y == BIRTHS BACK TO SCHOOL I I Big Values in School Supplies 11 Scribblers, ruled for Pen or Pencil, regular size 25 cents Work Scribblers large size, plain or ruled .......... 4 cents Leatherette Exercise Books Small size, ruled with margin ............................... 5 cents Medium size, ruled with margin three for .......... 25 cents Large size, ruled, with margin, regular 25c......... 20 cents Inks Parker’s Blue, large 4 oz. size ................................... 5 cents Waterman’s Blue, large 4 oz- size .......................... 10 cents Schaffers Script, all colors ......... 15 & 25 cents Fountain Pens Parkerette Mfg. by Parker, best buy in the market $1.00 Waterman Pens, new designs $2.75 Text Books We carry a full stock of Text Books for the Public School Dept. Free Cover with each Book Eberhard-Faber H. B. Pencils, regular 5c. .... 2 for 5 cents Loose Leaf note Book with filler 15 cents Drawing Books, Crayons, Rulers, Erasers, Paints and School Bags In fact everything you will require for school at bargain prices. MoFALLS — In Victoria Hospital London, on ^Tuesday, September ;5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet M.c- Falls, a son. SNYDER—At Victoria Hospital, on August 23, 1933, to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Snyder (nee Myrtle Flynn) of Clandeboye, a daughter (Anna Eleanor Marie.) EXETER PUTS OUT CREDITON NOWS MEETS LUCAN The local ball team put the Cred­ iton tea,m out of the running on Wednesday afternoon when they an­ nexed a 9 to 2 victory over the home­ sters. The game was pjayed on the Crediton diamond and witnessed by only a handful of spectators. This was the second straight win for the Exeter team and gives them the right to meet the Lucan Irish nine in the finals, Lucan having defeated Cen­ tralia in two straight games. Joe Creech did mound duty for the win­ ners and pitched an excellent gam© He was given good support with the infield making three double plays K. Trick was again in the box for the losers and although nicked for a number of good solid singles was given erratic support at times. Bayn- ham in the Crediton outfield .made a number of good catches. The win­ ners got away to a good start scor­ ing three times in the opening in­ ning never to be headed. Bill Balk­ will umpired behind the plate. Watch for the bills for the Lucan game. The local ball team are playing excel­ lent 'ball and merit your patronage Let’s help the ball team win the pen­ nant! Now that the Hensail team have been put out why not turn your support, to the local team! What about it! The batteries were: Exeter, Frank Creech and Joe Creech; Crediton, E. Lewis and K. Trick. Persons are warned against the taking of ribbon from the wreaths on graves at the Exeter cemetery. DEATHS KYDD—In Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, on Saturday, September, 2nd. 133,'“William Kydd, aged 90 years and 9 months. CARD OF THANKS Mr. James Shapton and sons wish to express their sincere thanks to al' who have assisted in fighting the pasture fires in Hay Township. Martin's Music Store Store Open Evenings CARD OF THANKS Mrs. C. Baskerville and sister, oi Centralia, wish to express their sin­ cere thahks to the many neighbours and friends for their many kindness­ es during Mr. Baskerville’s illness and at the tijne of his death; also for floral tributes and to the friends who loaned cars. SEAFORTH WINS In a sudden death sol’tabll game played on tjie Exeter diamond Sat- uray afternoon between Seaforth and Knollwood Park team of London Seaforth nosed out a win by the score of 8 to 7. The games was.tjie O S.B.A. semi-finals and as each team had won one game .the play-off took place here. Both teams had a good following of rooters. The game was close all the way and was almost tied in the last innings when Lon­ don had two men on bases, the run­ ner getting out between third and home. FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN CALIFORNIA News has just come to hand of the passing on August 18th at his home in Los Angeles, California, of Robert Hicks in his 84th year, following a brief illness. Citizens of Exeter or twenty-five or thirty years back will readily recall the late Mr. Hicks who conducted a. jewellry business in this town for many years, acting also as local superintendent of the Bell Tele­ phone Company. Some twenty years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks moved tc the State of Washington where they resided for four or five years, then going to Southern California where they settled in Los Angeles. Never of rugged type, the mild semi-tropical Climate, no doubt, prolonged his years of life and kindly service- to his friends. For some years he has not been actively engaged, but his enthusiasm as a horticulturist and the pleasure and satisfaction that was his with shrubs and flowers in the sunny hours of the whole year through explains, in some measure, how a rather frail physique attained to so great an age. From his home and garden, located on one of the many hilltops along the northerly part of Los Angeles, there was full view of the great city spread out below,, of the ocean beyond, of Holly wood, Beverley Hills and to the north Mt. Wilson and other snow covered peaks, all of which must have been to this nature lover, that he was, a never-ending joy. His quiet kindly disposition sur­ rounded him with friends wherever he made his home, many of whom gathered to pay their tribute of re­ spect and reverently laid to rest in Inglewood cemetery in Los Amgeles. He is survived by his widow and one daughter Mrs. Landwehr (Maude) whose home has been with her par­ ents for the past few years; also two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Essery of Chi­ cago and Mrs. John Greenway, of British Columbia. ST. MARYS FAIR Wednesday and Thursday, SEPTEMBER 27 and 28 Races, Thursday, 28th • 2.17 Trot or Pace.......................Purse $100.00 2.28 Trot or Pace ............ Purse $100.00 TUG-OF WAR BETWEEN TOWNSHIPS OF DOWN1E AND LONDON E. J. HENDERSON, Pres. J. A. McMASTER, Sec’y BANKRUPT AUCTION SALE of Fann Stock, Implements & Grain The undersigned has been in­ structed to sell by public auction on Lot 20, L. R. W., Stanley Township — on — ' , MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1933 At 1 o’clock p.m. All the farm stock, implements and grain of John Badour, of the said Township, Farmer, authorized assignor in bankruptcy. TERMS: CASH For further particulars see bills. OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer. C. G. MIDDLETON, Trustee. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors for estate. ADMINISTRATOR’S AUCTION SALE HARM STOCK AND IMPLE3£ENTS? The undersigned has been instruct­ ed to sell by public auction on Lots 12 and 13, Con. 10, Usborne the property of the late Josias E Creery — on — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933 at 2 o’clock p.m. the following val­ uable chattels: 1 Yorkshire hog, 1 pair sleigh,s 1 fertilizer drill, 2 cutters, 1 stock rack 1 high wagon with box, 1 threshing separtor, truck wagon with hay rack flat rack, 2 sets heavy harness, 1 hay loader, 1 shoe-drill, 1 Delaval cream separator, 1 fanning mill, 1 grinder.. 1 buggy, 1 cultivator, 1 corn cultiva­ tor, a number of hens and other ar­ ticles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE—OAISH No goods to be removed from the premises until paid for. For further particulars and condi­ tions o*f sale apply to McNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers HUGH BERRY—Administrator GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter & Hensall, Solicitors for Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others hav­ ing claims against the Estate of ROBERT M. BELL, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, who died on the Thirtieth day of March, A.D. 1933, are re­ quired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Eighteenth day of September, A. D. 193131. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Ad­ ministrator will proceed to distrib­ ute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont. this 24th day of August, A.D. 1933. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, Administrators’s Solicitiors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the- estate of ANN HODGINiS, late of the Township of Stephen, (formerly of the Township of Biddulph), in the County of Hur­ on, Widow, who died on the ninth day of July, A.D. 1933, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Eleventh day of September, A. D. 1933. x AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that after the said date the Exe­ cutors will proceed to distribute the. estate having regard only to, the claims of which they then shall have notice. DATED .at Exeter, Ont., this 22nd day of August, A.O, 19313; GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall Executors’ Solicitors 5 >