HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-08-24, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FOR SALE Butter 18. 21c. extras 14c. firsts 11c. seconds 8c. $6.25 HOUSE PLANTS' CUT FLOWERS CHINESE CABBAGE PLANTS For Sale—Invalid’s com­ bination tray and bed table. Vancouver, of her brother Miss Bernice Lingard, of St. Marys visiting with Miss Ina Jaques. Miss Betty Vincent, London, spent week with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. El- is visiting Gor- THURSDAY, AUGUST 24tli, 1933 LOCALS Peanut Butteris Let Joe Do It! 15cKELLOGS OR QUAKER large tin 17c MAGIC COFFEE 4 WWJW X’ ■ pts 97c per doz qts 1.13 VIXEGAK. PER GALLON SECOND QUALITYmight 39cPER GAM-OXa TOILET SOAP SPICESPalmolive5 c X J. A. FOLLICTC Care of Nelson Kestle I I or Lux > 5 CAKES TO A CUSTOMER During a recent thunderstorm NOTICE TO CREAM SEPARATOR USERS Put up by CHASE & SANDBORNE /U/* A real good Coffee. A lb. Wv VINEGAR BEST QUALITY XXX EXTRA Harness’ Greenhouse Phone 202 Exeter Markets Wheat 65c. Oats 34c. Barley 45 c. Manitoba’s Best, $3.00 Model Flour, $2.80 Welcome Flour, $-2.60 Low Grade Flour, $1.40 .Shorts, $*22.00 a ton Bran, $20.00- a ton Creamery Butter 24c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs We are concentrating on Groceries. Bargain Prices! Our prices cannot be beaten. These are extra savings for you. Buy here and save. 'M Maxwell House CoffeeSCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ontario FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. Sth Courses: Stenographic, Commercial. Secretarial, Special Courses Arranged Correspondence Courses to those who canno-t attend school. WRITE OR PHONE 19 8 M. A. Stone, Com.-Specialist, V.-Prin. B. F. Ward, B.A.. Prin. per lb. 39c Redpath Sugar CQp io lbs. for SALADA TEA n Black or mixed, alb. tuL a. liott. Miss Elaine Stanbury is the guest of Miss Helen Grieve at Grand Bend this week. Mrs. K. visiting at Mr. Tlios. Richard Salmon, Fancy Pink pound tins 9c. halves 2 for 15c. VANILLA I/ARGE BOTTLE 14c Fancy Mixed Cookies 2 lbs.' for 23c 2 pound glass barrel 29 Choice Quality Rice 3 lbs. for !4cLyne, of the home Dinney. Stanbury don Westlake on the Blue Water Highway this week. Mrs. G. Hockey returned home on Saturdy after holidaying with hei relatives in Lansing, Mich. Miss Mary Horney, of London and Miss Gertrude Francis are holiday­ ing with Miss Mildred Rowe Grand Bend. Mr. W. J Beer is this week install- :........ TT-r---::--—: Hng a $12u0 Kelvinator cream coolin Mr. and Mrs. Jno. R. McDonald.; equipment _in the Lucan creamer Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer i__ daughter Mavis, of Hensall, and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Davis and family ‘ iting with her sister Mrs. W. F. of Toronto, are spending a week at bott. Miss Seed is a teacher in Pike’s Bay. 1 of the city schools. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vincent, when the lightning struck the Exeter family spent the week-end with depot it also followed riie hydro wire anfl Mrs. s. j. Elliott. Miss Betty into the grain elevator of Mr. R. G returning with them. Seldon and damaged the switch box, which was attached to a post. Twc big holes were burned in the post It was a close call as a fire easily have started. He is prepared to do general re­ pair work such as pumps, piping roofing, furnaces, stoves and solder­ ing. Scissors and Shears sharpened. In fact we repair anything. and | for Mr. T. Willis. Miss Ethel Seed, of Chicago, is vis- I have arranged with the Anker- Holth Separator Company, to send their best repair man here on August 25 th. He will have a full line oi repairs with him. Anyone having trouble kindly get in touch with me or bring your machine in. Don’t forget the date. August 25th.—J Campbell, Exeter. Salvation Army sa4e of work at Beaver’s Hardware store on Saturday Aug. 26th, afternoon and evening. LOST—At the north end gas sta­ tion a gentleman’s ring set with a red stone. Finder rewarded by ing at Times-Advocate. leav- ltc bricxFOR SALE OR RENT—Fine residence, all modern conveniences. Apply R. E. Pickard Brick house and R. FOR SALE frame house in Exeter. Apply’ to N. Creech. The Exeter Public Library will open on Monday, August 28th. re- EOR SALE Hereford Bull, 2 years old, from purebred stock; will register sired, a snap for quick sale. International Harvester Co. Exeter, Ont. if de- Ltd. Mrs. Austin Bickle and daughter Dorothy Ann, of London, visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W Kuntz the past week. The Misses Matilda, Millie and Madeline Bertrand, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. Mr. Frank Johns and Mr. and Mrs, Morey, of Toronto, motored up for the week-end, Mrs. Morey remaining for a week on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Routledge and family, of Hamilton, spent part oi the holidays with Mrs. Routledge’s1 father Mr. Wm. Rivers. Mrs. Arthur- Rundle, Mrs. Arthur Ford, Mrs. Harding and Ina spent the latter part of last week at “Robin­ hood” cottage, Grand Bend. Miss Ann Turnbull, R.N., -of New York and Mr. W. G. Turnbull, of Toronto, are visiting their mother Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbull in town. Mrs. Wm. Edmunds and son Barry, who have been spending the past fe-w months in Exeter, left on Monday to visit with Mr. Edmunds at Flint, Mich. Mrs. T. O. Southcott and niece Miss June Gordon, returned Monday after visiting with the former’s sister Mrs. H. Hutton, at their summei home on Georgian Bay. Mr. T. S. Woods, manager .of "'the Bank of Montreal, is holidaying with his wife and family at their cottage at Grand Bend. Miss Kathryn, oi London, is also on vacation. Mr. William Newell, of Stratford was in town on Sunday and Newell and family who have visiting with Misses Ethel and ion Bissett returned home with Mrs. G. Saul and daughter Thelma and friend of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hockey last week. Thelma Hockey returned tc London with them to visit for a couple of weeks. Rev. Wardlaw Taylor, D.D., Clerk of the General Assembly, ^vho has been occupying Caven Presbyterian church pulpit during August so very acceptably, will conclude his servi­ ces next Sunday evening. Dr. M. C. G and Mrs. Fletcher and daughter, Mary, left the forepart ot the week for Jackson’s Point where they will spend their vacation. Dr Poole, of London, is in charge of Dr. Fletcher’s practice during his ab­ sence. Mrs been Mar- him OysterPoultry Feeds, Beef Meal, Schell, Grit, Cod Liver Oil, Alfalfa Meal, Cello Glass, Sil-lite. Bring us your market eggs and poultry. HOGARTH HATCHERY Exeter, Ont HOUSE FOR RENT—Two storey frame house in Hensall, one block south of United Church. Mrs. Rd. Blatchford, care of Harvey, Exeter. Apply tc Chas, tfe. ClubThe Thames Road Farmers are booking orders for fertilizer. Orders should be in on or before August 26th. Orders should be placed at once for coal before the advance in price which comes into- effect on Septem­ ber 1st.—ip. Passmore, Sec’y. Forest City Baking Powder Huron Toilet Paper Buy Here With Confidence! in these price cutting times We guarantee our prices and the quality. CORN FLAKES 3 Packages for 6 rolls for 19c Corona New Improved FRUIT JARS P and G or Pearl Naptha 7 BARS 23c CORN Standard Quality 4 cans for 25c Our spices are all fresh. You are sure of the best quality. Phone 16 Southcott Bros. phone16 lira FOR SALE—Massey Harris, fer­ tilizer seed drill, good as new. A snap for cash. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. ltp. The regular services will be held next -Sunday in Trivitt Memorial Church with the Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt in charge. Rev. Mr. Parker, of Hensall has been in charge of morning service while Mr. Hunt on vacation. the was CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A. Young, B. Sc. A. Interim Moderator Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Morning Service withdrawn 7 p.m.—Rev. Dr. Wardlaw Taylor. Clerk of the General Assembly. LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter . SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 “Quality Clothes" When a man wears our clothes—whether it is for sports or town wear—he at once looks better dressed—more impor­ tant. UNION SERVICES W. R. GOULDING Main Street and James Street United Churches REV. J. H. STAINTON, B.A. B.D James Street Minister and James Street Choir in Charge during August. 10 a.m.—Sunday Schools A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster Janies Street United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, 'Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. The secret of this lies in a perfect understanding of styl­ ing, combined with a rigid adherence to the selection of the finest fabrics.. . In the look and feel of our Clothes there is a! richness—a difference. Our clothes give as much rein to the young man’s fancy as they do to that of the maturer dresser, without diverging from the path of the strictly correct.. . Spirited designs are here linked with the finest workmanship & sound tailor­ ing. 11 a.m.—Main Street p.m.—James St. Subject—“The Green Eyed Mon­ ster 4 th in Sins. 7 Thursday vice in io the series of Seven Deadly 8 p.m.—Union prayer ser- James. St. Church. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M<. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middle«niss a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—-Morning Worship11 7 p.m.—-Evensong and Worship The Rector will be in charge. Miss Leila Stackhouse, has return­ ed to Exeter after holidaying for a couple of weeks on Manitoulin Is. Mr. John Cornish, who is one ot Exeter’s oldest residents being in his 87th year and who recently enjoyed his first trip in an airplane and who at that time expressed his desire tc ride -on a motorcycle enjoyed that privilege on Sunday when he had a ride for several miles in the country on a motorcycle driven by Mr. Hebei Hedden of London. Mr. Cornish’s life dates back to the days when oxen were used for transport. In his old age he has enjoyed the thrill of the modern methods of travel. WATCH FOR THE NEW NECKTIES THIS WEEK w. w. PHONE 81 A A N EXETER, ONT, The Ideal Meat Market STRAYED— From Fred Eller in g- ton’s swamp pasture, Bed steer, two years old with horns and white spot on face. A small punch hole in each ear, also a slit in right ear and ring in left. Finder please notify Arthur Day, R. R. 1, Centralia. ; ■-NORMALITES^Room and heat Normal School, private reasonable. 3 Windsor, Ave. don, Ont. hoard home , Lon- HOUSE TO RENT-— Comfortable brick house on Albert at North, clos­ ed In verandah, one block west of Main >St. Apply to Mrs. Alice Moon­ ey, of Hxeter* twcMr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and children have returned to Exeter af­ ter visiting with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis at Fort Erie Miss Ruby Davis and Miss Cqrinne Davis returned Visit for a few to Waterford. Mr. Norman magnificent display of Gladioli in his garden, He has several hundred var­ ieties, some of which are exception­ ally choice, Mr, Norry is also in­ terested, in fancy fowl and has num­ erous cages of fancy Bantams, high­ ly colored pheasants, wild ducks and the Canada goose. with them, days before Worry has They will returning a most Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Batson were in Hamilton on Sunday calling on friends. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Complin and Mrs. Com­ plin’s many friends here pleased to know that along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toronto, visited with Sanders and the former’s another Mrs. T. Sanders, Jack, who has been visiting here for the past two Weak^ returned home with tham. while In Dieter he has played the chimes in Trivitt Memorial church on several occasions. will be she is getting J. Sanders, of Mrs« C. H. Mr. G. A. D. Hurdon, and two daughters, of Buffalo, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cooper, -of Kippen. Mr Hurdon was a pleasant caller at the Times-Advocate. H'e states that things ate showing de­ finite signs of improvement in his city. Mr. Hurdon, while in the of­ fice, was reading the proof of our editorials and he stated that he did" not altogether agree with the senti­ ments expressed in the article head­ ed 1 the RA are smaller employers. He had no doubt that some of the smaller concern? Will fOel the 'burden but in other cases where sweat-shop conditions had sprung up these would be done away with and jobs created for maJnyj who are now out of employment. | 'NIRA and Coercion.” He believes benefits accrueing from the NI- far outweigh the hardships that being imposed on some of the CHOICE QUALITY MEATS Regardless of how small your meat wants are, you will find the IDEAL MEAT MARKET ready to serve you. PHONE 38 WE DELIVER MAIN ST. SOUTH Miss Ella B. Link spent Tuesday and Wednesday in London. Miss Lydia Kestle and Mr. George Broderick, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trevethick, of Credit* OH/ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Keetle. The holidays ate fast h close and school will Tuesday, September Sth, Rev-. M, A. Hunt and have .returned from their holidays spent at their summer cattage at Kingsville, drawing to re-open on Mrs. Hunt