HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-08-17, Page 8THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FOR SALE HOUSE PLANTS CUT FLOWERS CHINESE CABBAGE PLANTS For Sale—Invalid’s com­ bination tray and bed table. Harness’ Greenhouse Phone 202 Exeter Markets Wheat 65c. Oats .34c. Barley 45 c. Manitoba’s Best, $3.00 Model Flour, 82.80 Welcome Flour, $2.60 Low Qrade Flour, $1.40 Shorts, $1.20 Bran $1.10 Creamery Butter 25 c. Dairy Butter 18. 21c. Eggs, extras, 13c. Eggs, firsts, 10c. Eggs Seconds 8c. Hogs $6.00 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. A. Young, B, Sc. A. Interim Moderator Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M, Organist i r 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Morning Service withdrawn I 7 p.m.—Rev. I. B. Kane, of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. UNION SERVICES I SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, Clinton, Ontario FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. Sth Stenographic, Commercial. Arranged f i i LOCALS Main Street and James Street United Churches Courses: Secretarial, ^Special Courses — Correspondence Courses to those who cannot attend school. WRITE OR PHONE M. A. Stone, Com.-Specialist, V.-Prin. B. F. Ward, B.A., Priu. 19S EXETER SATURDAY EVENING An old time Gospel Meeting in front of the Town Hall, by A. Fiellds Evangelist. Come and hear the man that is persecuted for the truth. Don't miss this treat. Old time sing­ ing Saturday evening 8 p.m. The Times-Advocate copied a re­ port from the Stratford-Beacon Her­ ald to the effect that the crop of Mr. Chas. Northcott. of Melfort, Sask, had been infested with grasshoppers. Mr. Northcott informe us that the statement is not correct, but that he has a fairly good crop. Miss Mildred Rowe is occupying a cottage at Grand Bend and visit­ ing with her at present are Mrs Mrs. Windsor, of Brown City, Mich and her daughter, Mrs. Mann, of Pt. Huron, Mrs. Hoskin, Mrs. T. M Dinney and daughter Barbara and Miss Reta Rowe. The Mission Band of the James St. United church held a picnic at Riverside Park Tuesday afternoon. Games were enjoyed .followed by ■lunch. About 25 were present Mrs. J. H. Jones and Mrs. J. Southcott were in charge. 11 mi tj mi ti iimn " rr~~bttt ~i nrr r rnrr I I I II «■« Il — li — ■•<— ■ *«»»<■ — II —■ II — Ip Miss Eileen Lewis is visiting with friends in Delaware. Miss Etta May Bowey is holiday­ ing with friends in Toronto. “ Mrs. J. Head, of London,-spent Monday with her father, Mr. T Hatter. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, and children, of Zion, visited in town on Sunday. Mr. Jonathan Kydd has returned home from visiting with his sons in Toronto. Mrs. Nixon, of Wingham, is. vis­ iting her sister, Mrs. C. Birney for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Salters, of Lon­ don, called on Mr. and Mrs. M. F Salter on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Wells, of St. Marys, vis­ ited for a few days with her sister Mrs. W. G. Mrs. E. Caldwell, has been visiting with relatives in Exeter and vicinity. Miss Dorothy Traquair was the guest of Miss Elaine Stanbury at Bayfield 'last week. Miss May Jones is spending her holidays at the “Mayflower” cot­ tage at Grand Bend. Miss Ina Harding, of Middleton’s Bakery, is on her vacation and Miss Margaret Elierington is relieving her. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stewart and daughter, Joan, of Detroit, visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and. bara Dinney. Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Miss Susanne Bawden, of Goder-Mrs. Jonathan Kydd and Miss ’ ich, was the guest off Miss Patsy Mar- Ethel Kydd have returned to< their homes after s ing relatives Miss Olive visiting with Perkins and community. Mrs. C. L. Norma, « REV. J. H. STAINTON, B.A. B.D James Street Minister and Janies Street Choir in Charge during August. 10 a.m.—Sunday Schools 21 a.m.—James St. Reasons for be­ lieving in the Possibility of An-1 other Great War and Suggestions for the Prevention of the Same. 7 p.m.—Main St. Another Deadly sin, The Sin of Intemperance. 3rd in the series of Seven Deadly Sins. Thursday 8 p.m.—Union prayer ser­ vice in James St. Church. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 9 a.m.—Sunday School M. The Thames Road Farmers Club are booking orders Orders August for fertilizer, should be in on or before 26th. P. Passmore, Sec’y. SALE OR RENT—Fine brickFOR residence, all modern conveniences. Apply R. E. Pickard FOR SALE — Brick house and frame house in Exeter. Apply to R. N. Creech. BARN FOR SALE—Timber frame 24 by 32 with 2 6 foot post. Will sell complete or any part.—R. E. will. Balk- ltp Medd. of Cromarty 9.45 a.m.—Service in charge of Rev ! Mr. Parker, of Hensail. EVENING SERVICE WITHDRAWN ______________________________I LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Dickson, of London, is visit­ ing with Mrs. John Snell. Miss Violet Jewell, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. I Shapton. I Mr. Robt. 'Wilcox of the Jones May staff is holidaying at his home at Elimville. Miss Muriel Rowe, of Hay tp, vis­ ited for a few days with Miss Bar- spending a week visit­ in London. Prior, of Toronto, is Mr. and Mrs. Harvey other relatives in this tin this week. Rev. A. E. Elliott and family vis­ ited with friends at Kintore during ‘ the past week. | | Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ingram, of De-! troit, are holidaying with the lat- ‘ I ter’s mother, Mrs. S. Hardy. I Mr. Norman Hern, of Norwich spent a few days last week visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hail by the. from Opening dance at Cromarty Friday, August 2;5th, Music Harrison 5-piece orchestra Montcreath. Gents 25c.; ladies 10c Everybody welcome. FOUND—In Exeter on Thursday, a ladies green’ hat trimmed with felt. Owner may have same by prov­ ing property and paying for advt Apply to Mrs. J. W. Taylor, Corner Carling and Gidley Streets. The Exeter Public Library will re­ open on Monday, August 28th, the librarian, Mrs. Gidley, is at present on vacation. NOTICE—Anyone desiring trans­ portation to the Century of Prog­ ress, Chicago1, about the first week in September, kindly communicate with Times-Advocate. FOR SALE Hereford Bull, 2 years old, purebred stock; will register sired, a snap for quick sale. International Harvester Co. Exeter, Ont. from if de- Ltd. ODDFELLOW’S PICNIC Members of the I.O.O.F. lOf District will picnic at Jowett’s Grove Bayfield, on Wednesday, August 23. All members with their families and friends are invited. E. R. Hopper, N. G. Huron HOUSE FOR RENT — Comfort­ able brick house in good location on Albert Street, modern conven­ iences. Apply to R. D. Hunter R 3, Exeter. 8-8-2tc. Poultry Feeds, Beef Meal, Oyster Schell, Grit, Cod Liver Oil, Alfalfa Meal, Cello Glass, Sil-lite. Bring us your market eggs and poiHtry, * HOGARTH HATCHERY Exeter, Ont NOTICE I am prepared to do threshing by, the day at reasonable prices. Satis­ faction guaranteed. Wes Hackney Centralia, ont. ?-27-3tp HOUSE FOR RENT-^-Two storey frame house in Hensall, one block south of United Church, Apply to Mrs. Rd. Blatchford, care of Chas. Harvey, Exeter, tfe. Wilson, and three chil­ dren, Norma, Hugh and Jim, have returned home after spending two Hern, weeks visiting in Atwood and Guelph Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wi’llert, Grand' Windor, spent the Bend; Mrs. Mary Willard, Master T. I Mrs. McDonald’s mother, Mrs. John Willard and Mr^. Jack Kydd spent Sunday with relatives in Tavistock. Mrs. Milton Kydd and Master . Billy, of Toronto, called on relatives on their way home where they were friends. Mrs. Thomas forth, aged 85, from injuries received when she fell while on her way to church the pre­ vious Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders and son Aljoe spent Sunday in Strat­ ford. Mrs. Sanders is remaining on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Pe­ ter Robertson. / Misses Adeline Stone and Gladys Ryckman, -$310- left last week for London, to take a .course at the Wes­ tervelt Business College^ were home for the week-end. Mrs. Isabel, of Winnipeg, and Miss Una Canton, of Windsor, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Birney -on Monday of this week. Mr. Lome Cann and daughter, or Winnipeg, visited with his uncle Mr. Jas. O’Brien recently days. They left to visit friends east of Toronto. Mr. Walter Cutbush were the guests of the Misses at Bayfield on Sunday and Mr. Cut­ bush sang a solo at the., morning service at Knox Presbyterian church 1 Miss Marguerite Bloomfield and 1 Mr. Rae Clark called on friends on 1 'Sunday on their way to Ches'ley. Mr Jonathan Kydd accompanied them and spent the day with Mr. and ’ Mrs. Dan Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westlake and two daughters, of Wyoming, visited 1 at the home of Mrs. Rd. Murphy over the week-end and were accom­ panied horfg by their daughter, Wil- • ma w$o kas been visiting here. MissAKvelyti Orleman, R.N. and Miss /Jatharine Orleman, of Pitts- 1 burg, Penn., motored over and are 1 visiting with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lawson and other relatives in this community. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and two children, of Waterford, vsho have been holidaying with Mrs. Davis’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher left Tuesday to visit with the form­ er's parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Davis at Fort Erie., The Scots Guaras Band from of Great Britain's famous old regiments dating back to 1674 be heard in daily free concerts year. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. McDonald, of week-end with from Detroit visiting with their McQuaid, of Sea- died on Saturday week-end. T. Kermahan and daughter, his for a few with their and wife Reid one line will this Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Johnson and son Teddy, of 'Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Webber and two sons, of Warsaw, N.Y., are Holi­ daying with Mrs. Webber’s mother Mrs. S. Hardy. Mrs. I. W. Kingswood, of don, visited with Rev. J. H. Mrs. Stainton at the Jambs St. sonage on Monday. Mrs. Frank Claydon and son of Vancouver B C., are visiting with the former’s parents, Mr. ana Mrs. W. H. Penhale. Mr. T. O. Southcott and Rev. R E. Southcott motored to Chicago the forepart of the week where they are taking in the Century of Progress. Mr. George Chittick, of the Chain­ way Stores, is on .holidays visiting in London this week. Mr. Montgom­ ery of St. Marys is relieving here. Rev. I. B. Kane, of the First Presbyterian Chuch, Seaforth, will occupy the pulpit of Caven Presby­ terian church next Sunday evening Misses Francis and Irno Brwin, 'of Putnam, are visiting .with their grandmother, Mrs. D. Davis. Mrs. Davis returned home last week after visiting in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry two sons, of Cornwall, Robinson, of Toronto, days with .the former’s mother, F. Triebner. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Rowe daughters, Misses Vera and have returned from a motor to Ottawa. Miss Vera Rowe stayed over in Toronto and will visit with friends there and at Newmarket. Mrs. Alex Lloyd and two children of Toronto, are visiting for two weeks at the home of Mr. L. Day. Mr. Lloyd motored up With them on Sunday. Mrs. Wilfred Miler, of London, also visited here Sund-ay. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son Gordon accompanied by the former’s sister Mrs. (Dr.) Hall, of Mitchell, have returned after a pleasant mo­ tor trip tb Ottawa and Quebec city, The> also visited at Saint Anne de Beaupre. The engagement is announced oi Miss Gertrtttde, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Miller, of Dr, Wm, Elvey Pridham, Annetta Pridham and Fnanklin Pridham, of the marriage to take place early in September, J. Lon- and par- i Geo. and Jas. Triebner and Mr. spent a few Mrs- and Reta trip London, tc son of Mrs the late Russeldale All Voile Dresses at Half Price We are clearing any voile dress in stock at just half price. Here is your chance to get a nice voile dress at a bargain. Your choice of any dress $1.49 BATHING SUITS All wool, and in a variety of styles and colorings. PRICED AT $1.95 to $3.50 PURE SILK HOSIERY Circle Bar Pure Silk Hosiery, full fashioned and in the best wanted shades Sub-Standards, Each 59c. NEW DESIGNS IN FANCY CHINA New and dainty designs in China very suitable for gifts. PRICED AT 50c., 75c. 85c and $1.00 NEW WHITE ANKLE SOX A splendid quality white lisle ankle six. These are having a big sale. Sizes SVs to 10 ;per pair 25c. Attached Collar Shirts made by Tooke. 15 dozen attached collared shirts. These are well tailored, fit full and roomy, and come in a "fine rage of patterns. We bought these before the price advanced. These are special value at each $1.00. HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR For Men and Boys. The kind with no buttons to button or come off. BOY’S 75c. MEN’S $1.00 NAVY BLUE WORK SHIRTS Made by Deacon. The best value in Work Shirts that we know of. Sizes 14 1-2 to 17 1-2, each 79c. WHITE V-NEC& SWEATERS With V-Neck and no sleeve in plain white and white with blue or white trim. EACH $1.50 and $1.75 WHITE DUCK PANTS The cloth is sanforized which make them absolutely non-shrinkable, cool com­ fortable and smart looking. EACH $2.25 Heel Hugger Shoes for Women We are showing a new last in this popular make of shoes. It is a wide roomy fitter and gives wonderfid comfort and satisfaction. Ask to see this new number* 1 Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday SPECIAL Canned Pumpkin 2 lb. tins 2 for 15c. SPECIAL Redpath Sugar 10 lbs. for 69c. SPECIAL Fancy Mixed Cookies 2 lbs for 25c. PLUMS ARE SCARCE—-LEAVE US YOUR ORDER FOR PLUMS AND PEARS Challenge Corn Starch 2 pkgs. 17c. Best Quality RaSpberry or Strawberry Jam 4 lb. tin 49c. Carnation Milk Large tin 10c. Small Tin 5c. each TRY OUR SPECIAL TEA ................................................BLACK OR MIXED, PER LB. 34c. Sliced Pineapple ' 2 cans 23c. Lard 1 lb. prints 10c. lb. - Good Quality Rice 3 lbs. 14c. Southcott Bros LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your1 Children’s Education Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 U’ W. R. Goulding ,A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Supervisor of Music in Studio, Main St. Box 123, EXETER. ONT. Theory :SchooIs Phone 193 LOCAL NEWS have visit- their Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert returned to their home after ing for three weeks with daughter, Mrs. Whitney Coates. Mr. and Mrs. S. Duncan, Mrs. M. A. Moyle and Miss Shergold, of Tor­ onto; and Mrs. G. Robertson, of Aberdeen, Scotland, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Jennings on Sun­ day. Mrs? Moyle and Miss Sher­gold are remaining for a few dayi. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carter and daughter, Shirley, of Detroit, visit­ ed with their aunt, Mrs. J. J. O’Brien last week. Mrs. O’Brien has not been well for some time but she was able to go out for a drive with them and* enjoyed it greatly. • Never A<Jain • • Is an expression frequently heard these days. It ■comes from men who have all their lives naa their clothes made by some reliable tailor. Glaring ad­ vertisements of cheap so called made to measure clothes has tempted them to gamble on one of these suits. After a couple of months wear they dicover-' ed their* mistake and will never again be tempted in the same way. Your Opportunity is Here MAKE USE OF IT Have your clothes made here under our personal supervision by men who have been long trained in the art of Tailoring gar­ ments to one’s own individual requirements. Come in and see us. We have prices to suit you. W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. The Ideal Meat Market CHOICE QUALITY MEATS TENNIS X.The Exeter Tennis team visited the Clinton team on Wednesday August 9th. The Clinton team were successful in winning three, out of five of the singles events and one event of the doubles which was com­ pleted before darkness set in. All the games were good exhibitions./ with hard driving predominating at’ all times. The following are the scores arranged by rank and with the Clinton players named first: Gibbings-Creech,- Brien-BerduX, 4-6, Goun-'Latig, 6-2, 7-5', 6-2; Douglas-Jackson, 0-6,4-6; Doubles: Gibbings, MiCiBrien- Creech, Berfoux, 11*9 (unfinished); Ball, McGoun-Lang, Bourne, 6-3, 6-4.yTThe ladies Of iSt.‘Paul’s A.Y.P. .A. served a very excellent lunch at the conclusion .of the games.^ 6-4, 10-8; Me 6-4, 5-7; MC- 6-3; Ball-BoUrne Regardless of how small your meat wants are, you will find the IDEAL MEAT MARKET ready to serve you. PHONE 38 WE DELIVER MAIN ST. SOUTH Mr. and Mrs". F. A. May and fam­ ily have returned after holiaying at Grand Betid. At the evening service in James St. church on Sunday Mr Harry Hoff­ man, of Dash'wood, sang a very ac­ ceptable solo. Miss Ella Link sang a solo at the morning service in Main St, chtireh. Many have had the pleasure of visiting Mr. Jas. O’Brien*® fine gar­ den during the last two months and have been delighted with what they saw. Just now they enjoy a gab diolus Of the Mrs, Leon Douglas variety that is 65 inches tall and is bearing 19 blooms,