HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-08-17, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, AUGUST X7, 1033
Mrs. John Pope visited last week
with friends in Bayfield,
Miss Martha Hunter, of Exeter
visited friends in town this week,
Mr. Wm. McKay, of Windsor, is
visiting friends and: relatives in
Miss Leona Lemmon has return
ed home after a pleasant visit with
friends in London.
Mrs. Harry Jacobi has returned
home after a pleasant visit with
her son near Chiselhurst.
Mr. and Mrs. Alt. Hunkin and
family, of Farquhar, were Sunday
visitors with friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Murch and family,
of Toronto, visited last week at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair.
Mrs. Shortt, of Windsor, visited
last week at the home of her sis
ters, Misses Mary and Emma John
ston. ‘
Miss Norma Douglas, of Hyde
Park is visiting this week at the
home of her grandmother, Mrs.
John Johnston.
Mrs. John Dinsdale is improving
the appearance of her dwelling on
South Richmond St. by having it
nicely painted.
Mrs. John Johnston and daugh
ter, Miss Margaret have
home after a pleasant ’
relatives at Hyde Park.
Mrs. John Workman
ters, Misses Olive and
this week for Penetangishe where
they will camp for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merner and son
Leonard, of Zurich, visited on Mon
day with Mr. and Mrs. S. Merner
and Mr. and Mrs. George Brock and
i returned
visit with
and daugh-
Mabel left
Services in our local church were
well attended on Sunday last. At the
United Church Rev. Arthur Sinclair
occupied his own pulpit and several
fine solos were rendered by Mr
Murch, of Toronto. At the Carmel
■law Taylor,
the services.
B. Kane, of
the pulpit.
Large crowds witnessed the ball
game here on Wednesday afternoon
at the semi-final play-off between
Hensall and Stratford when the lo
cal team won with a score 3-2. Hen
sall scored 2 runs in the fifth and
■one in the ninth inning while Strat
ford got 2 runs in the 7th inning
It was the final ball game of the
season, errorless baseball being
played from start to finish. Hensall
will play Hespeler on Wednesday af
ternoon, August 16 th.
Hensall Council
The regular meeting of the Vill
age Council was held on
evening at 8 p.m. in the
Chambers. All members of
being present.
The minutes of the
Church, Rev. T. Ward-
of Toronto, conducted
Next Sunday Rev. I
Seaforth, will occupy
meeting were read and adopted on
motion of Petty and Jones.
F. G. Bonthron, tax collector,, re
ported the arrears of taxes as be
ing $15,813.46 and was instructed tc
proceed with the collection in the
usual way.
Coun. Petty reported as to Fire
supply tank on Brock St. being on
J. W. Ortwein’s property and same
to be viewed by Council.
■Considerable discussion took
place as to painting the outside of
the Town Ha'll.
Communications from the Dept,
of Agriculture re Mil^ By-Law and
County Engineer re crack filler and
County Clerk re .County levy were
read and filed.
Bills and accounts were read as
follows; Judge T. M. Costello1, re ap
peal of O. Geiger $7.>5 O'; J. A. Pat
erson, postage $1.0'0; J. Priest, cut
ting weeds $21.40; J. Passmore, hy
dro $4.0'7; F. W. Hess, printing
$42.50; N. Blatchford, sanitary in
spection $18.50; A. W. E. Hemp
hill, postage and supplies $7.10; G.
M. Drysdale, grant-for band $10.00;
J. Pfaff, sanitary work 50c.; C.N.R.,
freight on crack filler, $5.74; Bon
thron & Drysdale, supplies, hall $9.-
30; total $127.62.
Petty and Jones That accounts as
read be paid. Carried. 1
Mickle and (Spencer; That the
council now adjourn to meet again
Sept. 5th or at the call of the Reeve.
J. A. Paterson, Clerk
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S,
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Mr. Henry Calfas, who has spent
the past year with his sons in Sarnia
and Detroit hp.s returned to his home
Misses Marie and Esther Allemang
Of St. Clements, are visiting Miss H
Mrs. M. Anderson,
dersen are spending
friends in London,
Mr, and Mrs. John
and Sigrid Pe-
a week with
Ogden, Saints-
bury, Mr, William Ogden. Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Ogden and children’Jean
and Billy, of Whalen, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Na
^Miss Leona Berenson, of Detroit
is visiting at the home of Mr. Wm.
Zimmer and family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Neeb. of Pontiae
Mich, spent the week-end with hn>
mother, Mrs. M. Neeb, who returned
with them and will spend a week vis
iting there.
Miss Verna Kraft, of London, is
spending a few weeks at her home
here. '
Miss Antionette Zimmer, of De
troit, is spending her vacation at
her home here.
Miss Tillie Miller and Miss Mil
dred and Thelma Shore, of Wood
Miss Ruby Stone and Miss Gladys
Stone, of Exeter spent the week-end
with their cousin Mrs, Violet Walk
er, of Kirkton,Mrs, McKnight, of Welland, and
Mrs. Sgariglea and litt'le sons spent
the week-end with their parents Mr.
and Mrs.'Samuel Switzer,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wynn, of Wood
ham, spent Sunday with Mrs. M.
We are sorry to hear Mr. Clifton
Moore is under the doctor’s care. Dr.
Morphy is attending him.
Miss 'Procter, of Sarnia, is visit
ing at the home of Dr> C. A. Camp
Miss Mae Batten and little brother
Anderson, are visiting their grand
mother Mrs. Samuel Batten,
Miss Doris Blaekler is visiting
this week with her cousin Wilma
'Miss Thelma Marshall spent Sun
day at Woodstock.
called on friends in town this
Netta Pryde, of Windsor
spent last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Morlock.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Aidworth and
family, of Waterloo, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beaver.
Misses Lulu Morlock and friends
Phyllis Duckworth, of Windsor and
Kay Bell, of Ripley, are holidaying
at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hendrick and
family, of Dashwood, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney a
week ago Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fahrner, Melvin
Braun, of Kitchener and Mr., Sauer
of Stevensville, visited with relatives
in the village on Sunday.
Rev. J.. A. Kirkland and
Johnston, of London, spent a
days at the home of the latter’s sis
ter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trevethick.
Miss Marguerite Knight, of Stratih-
roy, is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Maclsaac and
daughter Sylvia and Mr. and
Smith, of Detroit; Miss Helen Mac-
Isaac, of London, and Mr. and
Alfred Melick, of Zurich, were
‘•day visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Maclsaac.
Mr. Herbert Fahrner and daugh
ter Shirley returned home on Sunday
from Detroit where they spent the
past two weeks with relatives.
Miss Cora Stahls, of London is vis
iting with her mother Mrs. Rosina
Messrs. Leo. Haist and Howard
Haist, of Pelham, spent the week-end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. Harry Dale, of Brantford, vis
ited for a few days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark.
Miss Helen Lovie has returned
to her home after spending the past
year in London. She intends leaving
this week for a trip to Detroit and
the Mississippi river.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lovegrove have
returned from their three weeks va
cation up near Georgian Bay and
report farming conditions up there
very backward. They have very
small farms, between five and six
acres; cut their grain with a scythe
and thresh it with a flail.
iFriends of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Rhynm regret the former’s illness.
Mr. Ira Shier, of Texas, is holi
daying at the home of his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaughton.
Our Sunday School keeps up a
good attandence, there being
present Hast Sunday.
Mr. and Mr.s. Harry Tyndall
daughter Violet, Mr. Broadfoot
Miss Hazel Earl, of Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson of Eden
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Squire.
Communion service will be ob
served here Sunday morning Aug
ust 27th.
The Woodham Band will attend
worship at St. Marys next Sunday
August 20th at 3 p.m.
The Misses Edith and Mary Earl
visited last week with their cousins
the Misses Alda and Violet Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd, Wood
ham, and Mr. and Mrs. E. ,:J. Wat-
terton, of London, have returned
from a holiday in the Central States
and the Century of Progress Exposi
tion at Chicago.
The Sunshine Mission Band held
their montly meeting Saturday af
ternoon of last week in the Church
Owing to the illness of Rev. Mi’
Peters there will be no service in
the chuYch next Synday. Sunday
School at 9.30. Mr. Peter’s condition
is improving.
Mr. and
family, of
Ross Hern
Mr. and
Hern and
a form
2nd ot
While her eyesight is
August meeting of the W.M.
held at Mrs. Hilton Ogden’s
The 2nd vice-president Mrs.
Meeting was
Mrs. Myron Culbert and
Lucan, visited with Mr
on Sunday.
Mrs. Eph. Hern, Mr. H
Mrs. H. Kyle called on
Mrs. Avery, of Mitchell on
evening. Mrs. Avery, who is
er resident, of Zion, will
her 10 0th birthday on the
failing her memory is clear and
was interested in hearing of the
friends in the community.
Miss Hazel Earl entertained
Sunday School class Tuesday after-
ternoon when an enjoyable time
was spent.
Mr. Hy. Hern and Mrs. John Hern
Sr. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rd
Scott on Monday.
Miss Thelma Jacques has secured
a position in St. Joseph’ hospital
Hensall Middle School Examination
Bell, Eleanor—C. Hist., '2; Lat. A
C; Lat. C. C.
Bell. Margaret—Alg. C.
Crerar, Stewart—Lit, 2; CH,
Ph, 3; Ch, 3. „Dinnin. Arthur—CH, C; Geom., 1;
LA, 2; LC. C; FC, C.Dinnin, Albert—Co, p; Lit, C; CH.
C; Alg, 2; Ph. 2; DC, 2, FA, C, FC 3.
Elder, Harold, Alg, 1; Geom, 2;
Co. C; FC, C.Elder, Lome—AH, C; Ph,
2.Fee, Mabel-—'Co. 2; Lit. C;
Geom, C.
Filsliie, Ian—Lit, 1; Co, 1;
Glehn. Helen-Lit, C; CH,
Passmore. Robert—Co-, 2j
CH, 1; Alg, 2; Geom. 2; L-,
2; FC, 2. •
Pepper. Nelson—Lit.
Ch, 2; LA, 3; LC, 3.
McEwen, JarnOs—AH.
Ph, 1; Ch, 1.'Sinclair, Norman—Lit. 1;
Alg. 1. . ~Thomson, Mrytle—Co, C;
Alg. 3; LC, 2; FA, 2; FC, 3.
2; FA,
CH, C;
CH. 1.
z; Lit, 2;
LC, 1; FA.
Choice Quality Pumpkin
2 tins for 15c.
Fancy Pink Salmon
Large tin each 10c.
Good Sweet Corn
3 tins for 25c.
FREE -1 Sherbert Glass or I Butter PIate with .... O
1 Tin Forest City Baking Powder ..................s
Brunswick Sardines Ideal Catsup | Lipton’s Tea SB
2 tins for 9c,Qutart bottle each 15c.1-2 package each 22c.EE
OXYDOL, Large package .................................................................... each 17c.S
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Fresh Dates Best Quality Prunes
2 pkgs, for 15c.4 lbs. for 25c.2 lbs. for 25c.sis
Assorted Fancy Biscuits .... 2 lbs. for 25c,
Fairsex Toilet Soap..................per cake 5c.
Sunkist Grape Fruit .......... 5 for 25c.
Choice Large Watermelon.........each 59c.
Fresh Salted Peanuts..................per lb. 15c.
Fancy Blue Rose Rice..................2 lbs. 13c.
HarryHorne’s Vanilla.........2 bottles 15c.
Pearl White Soap..................10 bars for 31c.
Zinc Se«ler Rings....................per doz. 23c.
Rubber Rings* best quality .... 4 doz. 25c.
Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver
S. was
(H. Squire presided.
opened by singing the Doxology, fol
lowed by the Lord’s Prayer in uni
son. A hymn was sung and^two
members offered prayer. The Scrip
ture lesson was read by Mrs. Wm
Hodgson, Romans 12 chapter; roll)
call and minutes of last meeting
were read and approved. A short
time was taken for business regard
ing our W. M. S. Bunday which is to
be the last Bunday in August,
and Gladys Squire "The Three Ques
tions”,; song by three little girls,
‘.The Summer Rain”; instrumental
by Dorothy Hazelwood, "Nearer My
God to Thee”; accordion solo by
Mary Morley. Hymn 115 was sung
and Mrs. Frank1 Gunning closed the
meeting. Refreshments
ed by the hostess and
ants. f
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
of appreciation was read from
Geo. Squire for the '.box of
she received during her ill-
Readings were given by
Morley, "T’other and Which’
were serv-
her assist-
Morley and
family visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Sutherby, of London, Sunday. Miss
Jean Sutherby returned to her home
after visiting Mrs. Morely during
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire and fam
ily spent 'Sunday at Ipperwash
Mrs. John Ashton and daughter
Mrs. Lewis, of London, Visited Mr
and Mrs. Frank Gunning during the
past week.
Mr, and Mrs. IS, Webb of Green
way, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs
Tlios. Gunning Sunday.
Miss F, Squire and Shirley are
holidaying in Exeter with Mr. and
Mrs, N. Ogden.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schaefer and
family, of Toronto, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lang
Mrs. Geo. Thompson and
spent last week with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham
recently visited with friends at
Marys,Mr.’George Hicks and family and
Mr, Lome Hicks motored to Wind
sor for the week-end, Mrs. Hicks
returning with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Huxtable, Mr.
Geoge Baynham, Jr., Mr.
Fred Bowden and famlies
week-end at Grand Bend.
Mr. Fred Huxtable, of
visited with Mr. Chas. Fairhall and
Mrs. C. Abbott over the week-end.
Mrs. Archie Robinson and
Glen, of London, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery.
Mr. and Mrs. L'loyd Baynham and
daughter, Betty, who have been
holidaying with the former’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham, Sr
have returned
Mr. Gordon
week-end with
Mr. Kenneth Hodgins
week-end at his home near Green
Mrs. Burgess and daughter June
of Windsor, visited with her sister
Mrs. Frank Lewis for a week.
Miss Marion Lewis is visiting this
week with Mrs. Hamilton of Brins
ley. ,Mr. Dick Parker spent Bunday at
the Beach o’ Pines,
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women’s Association was held
in the schoolroom of the church on
Thursday afternoon, August 3rd.
Mrs. John Essery had charge of the
devotional exorcises. The meeting
was opened by all repeating the
Lord’s prayer after which hymn 377
was sung and Mrs. Bowden led in
and Mrs.
and Mrs.
spent the
1 prayer. The 5 3rd chapter of Isaiah
was read responsively. Instrumental
duet by Mrs. Penwarden and Mrs
A. Essery. Mrs. J. Essery read a
paper entitled "Prairie Rain’’; duet
by Mrs. Skelton and Mrs. M. Elliott.
Hymn 262. Mrs. Essery then spoke a
few kind words in memory of Mrs.
Godbolt’s mother and a few minutes
of silent prayer after which every
one sang (very softly) that grand
old hymn "Safe in the Arms of
chair for the business session,
was decided that the Women’s
sociation and their families would
hold a picnic on the grounds of Mr.
Charles Isaac on Thursday afternoon
August 10 th. commencing at 5.30
p.m. Hymn 25 8"was sung and Mrs.
Bowden closed the meeting. A
dainty lunch was served by Mrs. G.
Hepburn Mrs. L. Hodgson Mrs. W.
Parsons and Flossie Davey.
W. A. Picnic
On Thursday evening of last week
August 10th, the members of the
Women’s Association with their hus
bands and families gathered at Mr.
Isaac’s picnic grounds north of the
village and held their first picnic.
After lunch was served a ball game
was very much enjoyed, then the
sports began, old and young partici
pated in the many races, the results
are as follows.
Boys and girls six years and un
der, Marie, Douglas, Fletcher and Is
abelle Blair. Boys nine yeans and
under, Harold Penwarden. Girls 9
years and under, Hazel Buswell
Boys from 10 to 113, Stanley Smith
Girls from 10 to 13, Parker Shoe
maker. Single men’s race, Andrew
Blair.. Single ladies’ race, Florence
Mitchell. Married men’s race, Har
old Lightfoot. Married ladies’ race
Mrs. Harold Lightfoot. Ladies kick
ing the slipper, Mildred Mitchell and
Mrs. Wm. Skelton. 'Finding man’s
shoe, Mrs. H. Lightfoot, luggage race
Mr. T. Willis’ group. Necktie race
Donald Blair and Stanley Smith;
Mrs. Blair and Hazel Smith. Blind
fold race, Doris McFalls and William
Elliott. Men eating crackers, Wm
Elliott, Harvey Godbolt. Blind fold
ladies’ race, Mrs. Harold Lightfoot
evening came to a close
one wished that this be
Centralia. Wins from
A few of the Exeter Junior soft-
ball team wheeled to Centralia last
Wednesday afternoon and
feated by the score of 29
Exeter boys went all to
the first half, while the
'boys played a steady game. Heavy
hitters for Exeter were: C. Cornish
and C. /Smith, and for Centralia C.
Baynham, J. Brintnell and J. Shoe
maker. K. Simpson did the umpiring
in a very satisfactory manner. The
batteries were: Centralia, C. Bayn-
haf, R. McDonald, J. Brintnell and
C. Hicks; Exeter, E. Lindenfield, C.
Smith and C. Cornish.
Mrs. Bowden then took the
Lightfoot. Ladies eating
Florence Mitchell, Mildred
Ladies’ Aid race, Mrs. R
and Flossie Davey. The
and every-
an annual
were de-
to 9. The
pieces in
to their home in Ber-
friends in
spent the
spent the Harlton, of Shipka, is
her aunt Mrs. James
dmiple of weeks.
of Detroit, who has
Miss Eleanor McClin-
Miss Marjorie Oliphant, of
mington, is visiting with her grand
mother Mrs. W. Ridley.
Miss’" Mabel
visiting with
Hickey, for a
Miss Dunn,
been visiting
chey returned home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brothers, of
Stratford, called on friends in this
vicinty last week.
We congratulate Mr. Byron Brown
on his success in obtaining his B.A.
We are glad to report that Miss
Ruby Brown, who was operated on
is improving.
Miss West, of London, is visiting
with Miss Lois Brown.
Miss Ruth Love visited with her
grandmother Mrs. Ed. Gill last
home with
be held at
Circle will
of Miss Lois
sons, Carmen
Grand Bend
are the
Next Sunday Rev. Canon S. Key
of the Anglican church, Toronto, will
preach in the United church.
Miss Jean Hodgins, of Detroit
spent last week with her father Mr.
J. E. Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Battram and
Mrs. H. Battram spent last week-end
with relatives in Port Huron.
Misses Mary and Olive Moon, Lon-
desboro, were guests
Brown last week.
Mrs. S. Ireland and
and Ray Ireland, of
visited Miss Sarah Hodgins.
Miss Edith Vincent and
Gerald England, of Crediton
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Isaac.
Mr. and Mrs. Benner, of Aylmer
visited Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts.
Miss H. West, of London, is spend
ing her vacation with Miss Lois
Mrs. Geo. Luther returned home
after spending last week at Niagara
Falls with her cousins Mrs. N. W
Mr. J. E. Hodgins and family vis
ited relatives in Granton last week.
Mrs. G. Curts and Mr. and Mrs
Murphy, of Cass City, "‘Mich., were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Curts.
Mrs. Geo. Robertson, of Wheatley
is a visitor with Mrs. Sherritt.
Mrs. Pressey and three
Sarnia, spent a few days
and Mrs. Elton Curts.
Rev. Davis, a former
Birdine McFalls returned
Next Sunday S. S. will
10 a.m, and the Mission
hold a special service in the evening
at 7 p.m. Rev. A. E. Johns, Hamil
ton, will preach. Special music will
be given by a Young Peoples’ choir.
Rev. J. R. Peters, who was expected
home this week has been quite ill
with pleurisy and pneumonia while
on his vacation in Muskoko. He is
making a good recovery.
Miss Florence Bell has returned
home aftei’ spending a few weeks
at Woodslee and Detroit.
Mrs. F. Smithers and son, of De
troit, visited with the former’s
and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
this week.
Mrs. Facey and two children
don and Elva, of Wellburn, and
E. Sparling, of St. Marys were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. Elford on Sun
day. Mrs. Baynes and son Dick, of
Wellburn, are spending this week
with them. Mrs. Facey and Mrs,
Baynes are sisters of Mrs. Elford.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delbridge, of
St. Marys, visited on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. Batten.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bosnell and
daughter, Roberta, of Toronto,
week-end visitors at Mr. Wes. Johns’
Miss Roberta is remaining this week
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, of Sea
forth, spent Sunday with the form
er’s sister Mrs. John Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Hary Muroh, of Lon
don, were visitors at Mr. P. Murch’s
on Sunday.
Miss Bessie Johns had her ton
sils and adenoids removed last Fri
day in Exeter. She is recovering
Mr. Anson Spiale, of Farquhar, re
newed acquaintances here last week.
rector of
Grace church conducted the service
here on Sunday. Rev. F. L. Luvin
and family are on vacation.
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, of First
Baptist Church, Ann Arbor, preach
ed a very helpful and thoughtful ser
mon in the United church last Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Webb visited
their daughter Mrs, Thos. Gunning
at Whalen on Sunday.
Miss Elda Mollard, of Windsor
has been visiting relatives here.
Miss Fallis, Miss Brainstock, Mr
Graham and Mr. Connell, of Fo-rd-
wich spent the week-end with Mr
and Mrs. Russell Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, Ross
and Elda Brown visited Miss Rubie
Brown in London Hospital on
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb and
ily spent Sunday with Mr. and
E. McPherson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wellman
Marliyn, of Port Huron, visited
tives here over the week-end.
Mrs. Jas. Wilson, who has been ill
for some time still continues
The W.M.S. special service
here on .Sunday evening was favored
with a large attendance. Miss Edith
Sparling a returned Missionary from
China on furlough, gave a splendid
address. She is a fluent speaker
and has a vast knowledge1 of mission
ary work having spent three terms
in China. The president Mrs. Will
Elford conducted the opening exer
cises, Mrs. Chas. Johns read the
scripture lesson and Mrs. Chas. God
bolt led in prayer. A ladies’ choir
led in singing and also gave two se
Mrs. Ed
Mrs. Wellington Skinner and Mrs
Newton Clarke were accompanists
A gratifying amount was received
from the collection for the W.M.S.
Rev. and Mrs. Barnard, Misses
Grace and Winnifred, of Innerltip
Were callers at Mr. Joshua Jiohns last
Saturday oh their way to Grand Bend
■Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Blair and daugh
ter IsObel, Mf. and MrS. A. McFalls
and Bonnie, of Biddulph, were visit
ors at Mr. W. Bradshaw’s on Sunday
A ladies’ quartette, Mrs
COultis, Mrs. Wellington
Mrs. Chas. Stephen “and
Johns also sang a number.
Mrs. Ed. Pollen spent a few days
last week at the Bend with her sis
ter, Mrs. B. Tuckey.
Miss Dorothy Johns, of Elimville
was a holiday visitor with her cous
in, Miss Mary Gardiner.
Miss Jean Tuffin returned Sun
day to Staffa after holidaying here
with her cousin, Miss Vera Pollen.
Mrs. J. W. Hackney and Mrs. T.
Ballantyne were visitors for a few
days last week with Mrs. Robinson,
of Detroit (Mrs. Hackney’s
who is holidaying at Grand
Mrs. Wm. Stone and Mrs.
exander and two children,
last week with their mother,
Rebecca Stewart, at Grand Bend.
Wednesday, August 23rd.
Ed. Al-
young people will present
play at E/limVfille on Labor
Sunday School will hold their
in Mr. Allison’s grove on
Miss Dorothy Vincent, who re
cently underwent an operation for
appendicitis in St. Joseph’s hospital
London, has returned home and is
getting along as well as can be ex
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, Miss
Evelyn Sweitzer and Mrs. A. ITilby
spent Tuesday in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hobart, of
London, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharpe.
Master Fred MacPherson, of Park
hill, is holidaying with relatives
Mr. Milton Ratz is ejecting a new
residence opposite the chopping mil)
and has started the foundation.
Miss Pearl Keyes entertained her
-Sunday School class to an ice cream
party on satturday afternoon,
Miss Sybil Keys, who has spent
the past week visiting relatives here
returned to her home in Varna on