HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-08-03, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, AUGUST «> J9SS
Monday, August 7 th, will "be olb*
served a Civic Holiday.
Mrs. iS, Stacey, of Detroit, visited
friends in town this week.
Mr. Ed. Berry, of Windsor, is vis
iting with his brother here.
Miss Eleanor Mcponal,d of Pres
ton, visited friends in town on Sun
Miss Dolly Carling, of London, is
visiting for a few days with friends
in town. (
Mr. Joe Hagan has returned home
after a pleasant visit with friends in
the West.
Master Billie Higgins is spending
several weeks visiting with his sis
ter at Farquhar.
Rev. W. A. Young left this week
for Ottawa where he will spend part
of his vacation.
'Miss Patsy Smith, of Kincardine
is visiting at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Consitt.
Mr. Edward Shiffer has returned
home after a pleasant visit with
friends in Marlette Mich.
Miss Edith McEwan, of Kitchener
is visiting at the home of hei' broth
er, Mr. John E. McEwan.
Onion pulling has started in this
district but owing to the dry weath
er the crop is not much good.
Master Ronald and Mervyn Stev
ens are spending the holidays with
their grandmother at Hillsgreen.
Miss Mary Hemphill has returned
home after a pleasant motor trip
with friends down through Quebec
Mrs. (Dr.) Reid has returned to
her home in Port Rowan after sev
eral weeks visit with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Beaver, of
Farquhar, visited on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hig
Mrs. Sam. Merner is spending sev
eral weeks visiting at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Isaac Hudson”, of
Messrs. Sidney Parlmer and Les
lie Knight, of Kitchener, spent the
week-end with Hensail and Beech O’
pines friends.
Miss Martha Carlyle, of London
is visiting at the home of her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson 'Carlyle.
Misses Audrey and (Shirley
Twitchell underwent an operation
for the removal of their tonsils and
adenoids at Dr. Collyer’s on Thurs
Miss Isabelle Moir, who has been
in very poor health for some time
is now improving and her many
friends will be glad to see her out
again soon.
The intense heat wave that has
passed over the country the last few
days is drying up the gardens and
lawns and unless rain comes soon H
Will have a bad effect on the root
Mrs. Bertram North and daughter
Audrey, of Woodstock and Mrs. Les
lie Knight and son, Howard, of Kit
chener, are visiting this week at the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs
Robert Higgins.
On Wednesday, August 2nd <Su-
garfan’s baseball team of London,
will play against Hensall on our
local diamond here. The Sugarman
team are the winners of the London
League and an interesting game is
to be looked forward to.
Rev. Mr. Bremner, of Brucefield
preached very acceptably in the
United Church on Sunday last at
the morning service and in the ev
ening Rev. Mr. Chandler of Happen
A solo was given by Mrs. Geo. Hess
in the morning and a duet by Mrs.
Drysdale and W. O< Goodwin in the
Rev. Wardlaw Taylor, M. A., Ph
D., Clerk of the General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Church in Can
ada will be the preacher at the Car
mel Presbyterian Church for the
month of August. Services during
the month will be held at 11 a.m,
only. The Sabbath School will meet
at 10 o’cock. Dr. Taylor will preach
at Caven Church, Exeter, every
Sunday evening. Dr. Taylor is one
of the best known ministers in the
Canadian Chuffeh and we are for
tunate in this community to have an
opportunity of hearing him for four
Arrangements for the Intermed
iate B. semi-final play offs in the
Inter County Bjaseball Association
have been completed. The semi-play
off in the western group will be
played in Stratford on August 5th
The Stratford team lining up against
the Hensall nine. A return game
will be played at Hensall and if a
third game is necessary it will be
played on the Hensal diamond. If
Hensall wins in the semi-final they
will play the winner of the Eastern
group on Wednesday, August 12th
with a return match on the follow
ing Saturday and if necessary a
third game will be played on Satur
day, August 23.
Death Of Mrs. 3>. F. Anderson
There passed away at her home in
Chicago oh July 23rd, Margaret Bell
Anderson, wife of the late D. F. An
derson. Mrs. Anderson’s maiden
name was Margaret Bell, a daughter
of the late Wm. Bell, of Hensall. She
was born 75 years ago, just south of
Hensall oh the farjn now owned by
her brother, James A. Bell and spent
her early life there. She taught
school fof some time before her
marriage to the late Mr, Anderson.
She has . Been 'in poor health for
some time suffering severely from
heart trouble. Mrs, Anderson was
the mother of eight children, but all
but two predeceased her. Mrs. Geo
Dick, of Hay twp being a daughter
and one son, Wilfred J. at home;
two sisters, Mrs, Alfred Taylor, of
Hensall and Mrs, J. R, Hopkirk, of
Seaforth and one brother James A
Bell, of the London Road survives
her. Her husband, the late D, F
Anderson, died just a few weeks ago
The funeral took place from her
late home on Tuesday, July 2'5th
Interment in the Mount Rose ceme
tery Chicago,
St. Mary’s Church, Kitchener, was
the scene of a lovely wedding .Sat-
i urday morning when Miss Ida Elva
Bolton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Bolton, of Hensall, became
the bride of Dr. J, Alex Spellman
son of Mrs. A. iSpellman, of Kitchen
er,and the late A. B. Spellman. Rev
Father Waechter officiated. The
bride was attended to her place by
, her sister, Miss Victoria Bolton, oi Toronto. The bridesmaid\nd the
groom was assisted by his brother
William A. Spellman. The bride
chose for her costupie a white angel
skin lace gown with a long train
and with it she wore a picture hat
and carried a prayer book with
white streamers caught with clusters
of lillies of the valley. The brides
maid wore a dainty pale green triple
chiffon gown in princess style with
beige hat and accessories and car
ried a bouquet of roses. After the
wedding a reception was arranged
at the home of the bridegroom’s
mother, Mrs. A. Spellman, after
which a wedding breakfast was ser
ved. Immediately afterwards Dr.
Spellman and Mrs. Spellman left on
a honeymoon trip to Sioux Lookout
travelling by boat from Sarnia to
Fort William. Mrs. Spellman donned
for travelling a costume of French
blue bucle cloth with felt hat and
accessories to match. On their re
turn they will take up residence in
Kitchener where Dr. Spellman has
an excellent dental practice.
Lower School Report of HcnsaHl
Continuation School
Honours, I, 7'5% or over; II, 66
to 75%; III, 60 to 66%; C, 50 to
60%. Subjects tn which pupils fail
ed are in brackets after their names
Bell, Stewart: Bot. I; Alg. I; Geog
I; B. Hist. I; Eng Lit. Ill; E. Comp
C. Art, II.
Bonthron, Harold: Bot. C; Geog.
C; Art C; Br. Hist C; Eng. Lit C;
Eng. Comp, C (Alg, Lat Fr.)
Brock, Olive: Bot C; Alg C; Geog
II; Art III; Eng, Comp, C (Br. Hist.
Lat., Eng. Lit.)
Carlile, Annie: Bot II; Alg I;
Geog. II; Art II; Br. Hist II;’Eng
Lit. Ill; Eng. Comp. II; Lat I; Fr. I.
Coleman, Mary: Bot. II; Alg. I;
Art III; Br. Hist. II; Eng. Lit. I;
Eng. Comp, II; Lat; I Fr. I; CQeo.)
Davidson, Allen: Bot. C; Alg. C;
Geog. II; Art III; Eng. Lit C; Eng.
Comp. C; Br. Hist. II (Fr., Lat.)
Dick, Jessie: Bot. C; Alg. C; Art
III; Geog. C; Br. Hist. C; Eng.
Corap. C; Fr. Ill (Eng. Lit, Lat,)
Drysdale, Kathryn; Bot II; Alg.
II; Geog. Ill; Art III; Br. Hist. C;
Eng. Lit. Ill Eng. Comp. Ill; Lat
II; Fr. I.
Dinnin, Harry: Bot. Ill; Alg. C;
Geog. C; Art C; Br. Hist. Ill; Eng.
Lit. Ill; Eng. Comp. Ill; Lat. C; Fr.
Elder, Kenneth: Bot. II; Alg I;
Geog. II; Art II; Br. Hist. II; Eng.
Lit. Ill; Eng. Co.mp. Ill; Lat II;
Fr. I.
Filshie, Alexander: Bot. I; Alg. I
Geog. I; Art II; Br. Hist. I; Eng.
Lit. I; Eng. Comp. II; Lat. I; Fr.I
Arith. III.
Glenn, William: Bot. II; Alg. II;
Geog. II; Art II; Br. Hist. II; Eng.
Lit. II; Eng. Comp. Ill; Lat. C;
Fr. C.
Hoggarth, Ross: Bot. II; Alg. C;
Geog. I; Art III; Br. Hist. C; Eng.
Lit. C; Eng. Comp. Ill; (Lat., Fr.)
. Manns, Kenneth: Bot. Ill; Alg. C
Geog. C; Art III; Br. Hist. II; Eng.
Lit. II; Eng, Comp. Ill; Fr. C (Lat).
McQueen, Dorothy: Bot. II; Alg.
I; Geog. II; Art II; Br. Hist II; Eng.
Lit. Ill; Eng. Comp. C; Lat. C; Fr,
Pearce, George: Bot. I; Alg. I;
Geog. C; Art II; Br. Hist. I; Eng,
Lit. I; Eng. Comp. HI; Lat. I; Fr. I
Pfaff, Ruby: Alg. C; Geog. C;
Art. C; Eng, Comp. C; Lat. C; Fr. C
(Bot., Br. Hist, Eng. Lit.)
‘ iSmale, Irene: Bot. C; Alg. C;
Geog. Ill; Art IM; Br. Hist. C; Eng.
Comp. Ill; Lat. C; Fr. Ill; (Eng.
Traquair, John: Geog. C; Art II;
Eng, Comp. C; (Bot., Br. Hist., Eng
Lit., Lat., Fr.)
Walker, Helen: Alg. II; Geog. C;
Art. C; Eng. Lit. Ill; Eng. Comp.
Ill; Fr. C; (Bot,, BL Hist., Lat.)
Coles, Ruth: Bot. I; Phys. II;
Arith. II; GOom. II; Grap. II; Eng.
Lit. I; Eng. Comp, II; Lat. II; Fr. II
Drummond, Dorothy; Bot. II;
Phys. Ill; Arith, C; Geom. II; Gram
'II; Eng, Lit. Ill; Eng. Comp. II;
Lat. II; Fr. II.
FOllick, Mildred: Bot. I; Phys. II
Arith. C; Geom. II; Gram. If; Eng.
Lit. I; Eng. Comp. II; Lat. II; Fr. I
’ FdrqUhar, John: Bot. I; Phys. II
Arith. ii; Geom. C; Gram. c.
Filshie, Ian? Phys. I; Arith. I;
Geom. I; Gram. II; Fr, IL
Fortest,’Edison: Bot. I; Phys. II
Arith. I; Geom. I; Gram. II; Eng.
Lit. I; Eng. Comp. II; Lat. Ill; Fr..
Higgins, Harold: Bot. HI; Alg, I
Geog. C; Arith. C; Eng. Lit. C; Eng.
Comp. C; (Gram.)
Huiser, Annie: Bot. C.; Geom, C;
Gram. C; Eng. Lit. C; Eng. Comp.
C; (Phys., Arith., Lat., Fr.)
Koehler, Shirley: Bot. I; Phys. C
Arith. II; Geom. C; Gram. Ill; Eng.
Lit. II; Eng. Comp. Ill; Lat. C;‘ Fr.
McAllister, Jeanette,: Bot. I; Phys
C; Arith. II; Geom. II; Gram. Ill;
Eng. Lit. C; Eng. Comp, ill; Lat. II
Fr. II.
McKenzie, Andrew: Bot. I; Phys.
Ill; Arith.. I; Geom. II; Gram. Ill;
Eng. Lit. II; Eng. Comp. II; Lat, H
Fr. HI.
.Sangster, Minnie; Bot, II; Phys.
C; Geom, C; Gram. II; Eng. Lit. II
Eng. Comp. III; Lat. ill; Fr. Ill;
(Sinclair, Norman; Bot. I; Phys. I
Arith. I; Geom. I; Gram, I; Lat. I;
Fr. I.
Smale, Isabel: Bot. C; Phys. C;
Gram. C; Arith. C.
Wright, Laurabel: Gram. C; Fr
C; Lat, III; Geom. I.
The Trustees of the village pro
claim Monday, August 7th as Civic
Mrs. Taylor and daughters, Bar
bara and Geraldine, of Haileybury
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Miss Evelyn Sippell and Miss E.
Grenzebach, of Kitchener, were vis
iting in Chesley last week.
Miss Eunice Schwartz, of Detroit
visited with Miss Elva Wuerth last
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark and
daughter Laura were in Detroit over
the week end visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Clark.
Mr. and Mrs, E. Fahrner, of Kit
chener, visited at the home of Mr.
Christian Fahrner on Sunday.
On Monday evening the St. Marys
baseball team played our boys on
the local diamond, the score being
8-2 in our favour,
Mrs. Jack Mallett and daughter
Dorothy and Mr. Arthur Hind, of
London and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Mallett visited at the Central Hotel
last Friday.
Mrs. J. Marr and Miss Lily Eilber
of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Miss Pearl Gaiser, of Toledo, O.
spent her vacation with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gaiser .last
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Buckley and.
son, of Toronto, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fahrner at
the Central Hotel.
Miss Tillie Wein is in St. Joseph’s
Hospital, London, where she under
went an operation for appendicitis
She is getting along nicely and is
expected home this week.
Last Friday evening an ice cream
party was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. . Albert Morlock, where
"The Beavers” were entertained in
cluding Mr. Fred Beaver, of New
York City, Mr. Wm. Beaver, of Ott
awa, and Mr. and Mrs .Vernon Beav
er and son, of Pittsburgh.
Miss Bernice Schroeder, of Clan-
deboye, is holidaying with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J
Miss Shirley Motz, of Exeter is
holidaying with her aunt and uncle
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz.
Mr. Frederick Rawlings, of Ailsa
Craig, is visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis.
Mrs. Wilson Anderson and grand
daughter, Doris Hayes, of Exeter
spent the week-end at the former's
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz spent
Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. Jake
Messner, near Dashwood.
Miss Lottie Waghorn, of London
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Fred Waghorn.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Drummond
of Ailsa Craig, who were recently
married, spent Sunday with Mrs. H
Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoff
man. *
Miss Ruth Drummond has return
ed to her home in Ailsa Craig after
holidaying with her aunt and cous
ins, Mrs. J|. Hoffman and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hoffman.
Miss Evelyn Heaman is holiday
ing with Miss Ruth Drumornnd In
Ailsa Craig.
Mr, David Baird is confined to
his home through illness.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Palmer and
three children and Mr. .and Mrs.
W. Rockey, all of Stratfordjr; spent
Sunday with the latter’s daughter-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner.
&RAND bend
Rev. Dr/ Peever, ex-president of
the London Conference of the Unit
ed church preached a very able ser-
mon at the camp service on Sunday
morning. Previous to the sermon
Mr. Henry Huston, who has been
connected with the camp services
for 36 years made a few reminis
cence remarks stating that the
church was situated within 200
yards of an old Indian ^burying
ground and meeting place, Dr.
Peever, who has been spending the
month of July nt Grand Bend stated
that he had summered on Ldke Erie
Lake Ontario and the Ottawa River
and believed it difficult to beat the
tone and tonic of the waters of
Lake Huron for which he will al
ways have splendid praise.
— —r . ..... _ - -1 ( . ... .. ; ... ..f. .
T* . a * I J MAPLE LEAF SALMON, large tin,
CXtra Opeciai 1 large juicy watermelon .each 29c
each 49c.
Combination Special ( ’ SXiS )
Pearl White Laundry Soap
8 bars for 25c.
Big Five Cleanser
Large Tins each 5c,
Palmtree Toilet Soap
9 cakes for 25c.
FALCON SWEET MIXED PICKLES................35 oz. jar..............each 29c
Golden Spray Cheese i
Vzlb. pkg,, 2 for 25c. |
Pyre Lard
lib. Carton each 10c.
R, & W Vanilla
8 oz. bottle, each 17c.
HURON TOILET TISSUE................................................*. . 6 rolls for 19c.
Rice Krispies, ...........................per pkg. 10c.
Falcon Peaches,..............No. 2 tin each 17c.
Angler Salmon ........ 1 lb tin each 10c.
Ideal Catsup............quart bottle, each 15c.
Good Quality Corn.............3 tins for 25c.
Large Fresh Prunes ...........2 lbs. for 25c.
Fresh Dates ..........................4 lbs. for 25c.
Picnic Plates ................. per doz. 9c.
Good Five-String Brooms..............each 25c.
Fresh Jumbo Salted Peanuts . , per lb 15c.
Good Fresh Cookies...........2 lbs. for 25c.
Fresh Pineapple Sandwich Cookies 15c lb.
“Quality always higher than price.”
We DeliverPhone 102
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes and daughter
Mabel, of Brantford, are holidaying
with friends in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, of
Winchelsea, Miss L. Spearin and
Mr. Ralph Parkinson spent the
week-end at Niagara.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson and fam
ily, of Lucan, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. George Millson
and Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire.
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Squire and
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, of Brantford
visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Anderson
Thames Road on Sunday.
Miss Maida Morley is holidaying
in Lucan.
Mrs. Alice Gunning has returned
home from Lucan where she spent
the past two weeks.
Miss Evelyn Cann has returned
home, after holidaying with friends
at Toronto and Hamilton.
Miss Blight, of Thorndale Is
spending a few days at the home or
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Swallow. ’
Mr. and Mrs. Art. Rundle spent
Sunday with friends in St. Marys.
Mrs. Sam. Stevenson, -of Thorn
dale, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs
Wesley Shier’s.
Miss Viofla Squire, of London, is
holidaying at her home here.
The W. M. S. meets this week in
the basement of the church. The
meeting was in charge of Group No
5, folder the leadershiii of Mrs
Wesley Shier.
Some of the farmers around here
have stook threshed and report
splendid yields.
Mr. Clayton Hern, of London
sent Sunday with friends here.
Death of Gertrude Kenney
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Kenney and
family have the sympathy of this
community in the loss of their lit
tle daughter, Gertrude, who died in
Victoria Hospital, London, -on Wed
nesday morning, July 2 6th at the
early age of 9 years, 4 months and
18 days. On Saturday evening Ger
trude was rushed to the hospital
where she underwent an operation
for appendicitis and* from the first
her condition was serious. On Wed
nesday morning her sweet little lite
passed to God and Gertrude had
gone to her Maker where pain and
sickness shall be no more. She
leaves to mourn her loss her sor
rowing parents and 6 sisters, Mrs
Eli Sims, of Crediton; Dorothy
Gladys, Pearl, Jean and Ruth; 4
brothers, Clifford, Milton, Roy and
Gordon. The funeral was held on
Thursday afternoon, July 27th and
was conducted by Rev. J. W. John
ston. Interment was in Parkhill
The children of Heaven were robed
in white,
And happy at play in the City of
When Jesus came smiling and said
to His band,
"Here’s another little playmate;
Give Gertrude your hand.”
Miss Dorothy Dietrich, of London
is spending her vacation at her
Miss Anne Hanover, of Buffalo
is spending a few weeks with her
parents. ,
Misses Bernice and Mildred Neeb
of Goderich are visiting in this
Mr, and Mrs. J. Hutchinson and
family, of London, spent Snnday
with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eagleson.
Miss Anne Hanover accompanied
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J
Hanover and her sister, Mrs. E
Stebbins, spent Thursday with
friends in Goderich.
rf; M. Hammond p; R. Marshall
2ndb; R. Paul ss; C. Gregory If.
Little Dawson Goulding, of Exe
ter, favoured our Sunday school
with a solo, his father, W. R. Gould
ing accompanied him.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Clarke and son;
of London, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Hazlewood on Sunday.
Next Sunday Col. Wm. R. Dalziel
of Toronto, who is second in comm
and of the Salvation Army, will
preach in the United Church here
and at the camp services at Grand
Rev. J. S. Mathers and family are
on vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curtis visited
Aylmer friends on Sunday,
Jack Hutchinson has returned
from a holiday spent with relatives
in Detroit.
Mrs. J, Hickey, Mr. Nelson Hickey
and Miss Evelyn Harlton spent last
Tuesday with Mrs. R. McLinchey.
Miss A. Schenk has returned from
Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hodgson, of Brin
sley, visited Mr. Wm. "Whiteside on
Mr. and Mrs. R. English and Mr,
S. English motored to London last
week. *
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hotsoh and Mar
ion visited in London last week.
Mr, and Mrs. H. Detloff and Miss
Frances Detloff, of Detroit, are vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pollock.
Mr. Arnold Gratton, of London
•and Miss Anna, Taylor, of Grand
Bend Spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. J. Hotson.
Mr. Donald McGregor is a patient
in St. Joseph’s Hospital where he
was operated on for appendicitis
last Wednesday and Mr. Harry
Steeper is in Victoria Hospital
where he had a similar operation on
Monday. We are glad to report they
ate both doing as well as can be ex
. Miss Viola Curts, of London, is
spending her vacation with her pat
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Curts,,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville McLinchey
of Bayfield, visited Mr, and Mrs.
W. Hicks on Sunday.. »
Miss Mary Veitch, of London,
called on friends in the village last
Mr. Cliff Moore spent the week
end in the village.
Mr. Carman Hazlewood spent the
week-end in Guelph.
Mrs. J. C. Veitch, of London
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr ahd Mrs R. Humphreys, also Mr,
Hilton Veitch spent the week-end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Miss Maude Harrison, of Toronto
spent part -of last week with Mrs ,
Ira N. Marshall.
Mr. Eldon Copeland, of Toronto
spent last week with his niece, Mrs
Eric Humphreys.
‘Miss Viola Moore, Miss Ruth Mor
ley, Mr. Russell Brock and Mr.
Floyd Pridliam spent Sunday at
Ipperwash Beach.
The Kirkton soft ball 'team have
been competing in the Rotary Pic
nic softball tournament which was
held on July 21st and have finally
won the cup donated by the County
Council. On July 21st Kirkton won
from Millbank by default. They
then won from Milverton by the
score of 14-7 and oh July 29th they
went back again and beat Monkton
who had put Mitchell out of the
running by the score of 34-8. This
last game was featured by smaVt
playing on the part of Mr. Robert
Rundle as catcher and the pitching-
of Mr. Maitland I-Iamimond, Who
struck out eight batters on. seven
innings. The batting hdiiors Went to
Reg, Paul, with a perfect day at
bat. We wish to congratulate the
beys on their good playing. Like tip
F. Pridham, ef; R, Bundle 6; G
Cluff lstb; W. Cluff 3rdb; H. Shier
Rev. and Mrs. ciysdale, who have
been spending their vacation at
Grand Bend, visited the latter’s-
neice, Mrs. John Brock last Thurs
Miss Helen Dyson, of London
was a visitor with Miss Lulu Hun
ter on Sunday.
Miss Birdine Mc-Falls, of Biddul-
ph, is visiting this week with Mrs.
Wm. Bradshaw.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johns, of Ex
eter, spent last Wednesday with
relatives in this community.
Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman
called at Mr. George Squires at
Granton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, Miss
Mary Jones, of London, and Mrs.
Haskett, of Bermuda, were visitors
at Mr. Harry Johns last Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Reeve, of Ilder-
ton, Mrs. Langford, of Lucan, Mr.
Chester Reeve and daughter, Miss
Norma Reeve, of Toronto, were vis
itors with their cousin, Mrs. Chas.
Johns one day last week.
Mr, McArthur, of Colborne Street
Church, London, gave a fine ad
dress at the morning service last
Sunday. His subject “Universal
Brotherhood” was well presented to
a good congregation. Mr. Alvin Pym
conducted the Devotional part. Mr.
Gilbert Johns read the Scripture
lesson. A choir of thirteen men sang
two numbers which were well ren
dered. Mr. Lome Elford very capa
bly presided at the piano.
Next Sunday Rev. Cooper, of Lon
don, a former pastor o*f this circuit
will have charge of this service
commencing at 11 a.m.
Mr. Lewis Woods and several boys-
from London, visited at his home
here last Sunday.
Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Johns, of
Hamilton, motored up Saturday
night .then to London on Sunday ta
see the former’s mother. Mrs. John
Francis, who is in St. Joseph’s Hos
pital since receiving injuries in a
motor accident last week. We are
very glad to report that at time ot
writing she is making satisfactory
progress. •
Mr. Walter Johns, Mrs. Richard
Johns, Master Philip and Miss Bess
ie Johns and Mrs. Chas. Johns were
in St. Marys last Saturday. Mrs. C
Johns visited her brother-in-law,
Mr. Scott Whaley, who has been in
disposed for several weeks, Two lit
tle girls from Toronto, who spent
the past two weeks at Mr. Richard
Johns returned home on Saturday
taking the train from St. Marys.
The Mission Circle met on Wed
nesday afternoon of last week at the
home of Miss Mary Johns with twel
ve members present. Miss Audrey
Prance presided over the meeting.
After the opening exercises roll call
was answered by a quotation on
"Sunshine.” The minutes of the last
meeting were read. Business was-
dealt with and Miss Gladys John&
read the Devotional Leaflet, "The
Woman of Business.” Miss Lillian
Mni'tih read the Scripture lesson
fibril Romans 12th chap. Beading
was given by Miss Laura Ford, Miss
Thelma O’Bielly read "Behind the
scenes in an Indian Reservation.’* Heralds gave readings "Christian
Stewardship and Finance.” by Miss
Margaret Johns; " China,” by Missfe
Wilhelmine Ferguson. After singing;
a hymn the meeting closed with tbe
Miz-pah Benediction.