HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-07-27, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1933 BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALS MONDAY," WEDNESDAY SATURDAY OUR MASTER 9 OIL WAVE With Shampoo and Fingerwave LONDON 4251/z Richmond Met. 4646 Exeter Markets Wheat 70c. Barley 45 e. Manitoba’s Best, $3.00 Model Flour, $3.80 Welcome Flour, $2.60 Low Grade Flour, $1.40 Shorts, $1.20 Bran $1.10 Creamery Butter 25c. Dairy Butter 18, 21c. Eggs, extras 15 c. Eggs, firsts 12c. Eggs, seconds 10c. Hogs $5.75 FOR SALE HOUSE PLANTS CUT FLOWERS CHINESE CABBAGE PLANTS For Sale—Invalid’s com­ bination tray and bed table. Harness’ Greenhouse Phone 202 Rabethge’s Jewelry Store Opened for Business In the South Half of Mr. Geo. Hawkins’ Hardware Store * THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J, Bernard Rhodes,, M. A. s Minister Miss Dena Coates, A.L.O.M, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Service in charge of Rev W. A. Young, of Hensail. No evening service MEN’S FINE WORSTED SUITS UNION SERVICES These fine all wool worsted suits come in brown and grey stripes. They are single breasted with peaked lapels and at today’s prices they would be worth $2.00 more. Special: 1 pant suit 14.75; 2 pant suit 17.50 LOCALS Main Street and James Street United Churches i IWWii Ml (I HB tl W r jg Reeve B. M. Francis is in Toron­ to on business. Mrs. John Eyre, of London, is visiting with Mrs. Eagan. Mr. James Francis is holidaying this week at his home in Bright. Messrs. W. T. Gillespie and Jack Pryde spent the week-end in 'Wind­ sor. Miss ing, is phy. Mrs. bury, is the guest of her sister, Mrs (Dr.) Dunlop. Miss Reta Rowe spent the week­ end with Miss Marjorie Jennison at Grand Bend. Mr. jack Coyle, Mrs. M. F. Salter and Miss Dpris Salter spent last • Friday in Detroit. Miss Florence Norry, KEY A. E. ELLIOTT Main St. Minister and Main St. Clxoir in charge during July a.in.—Sunday Schools10 11 7 Wilma Westlake, of Wyoni- visiting with Mrs. Rd. Mur- Robt. Sherman, of Hawkes- of London parents Mr New Stock of Clocks, Watches, Diaxnond and Wedding Rings, etc.'spent Sunday with her ' and Mrs. Jno. Norry. Mrs. A. J. Holloway, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Rowe last week. Mr. Ellis Tapp, of Wellesley, vis­ ited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Tapp on Sunday. Miss Edna Taylox’ of Cleveland Ohio, fe holidaying for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey Miss Carolyn Davis, of the Post Office staff is 011 vacation and is holidaying with Miss Ruby Davis at Ft. Erie. Mis3 Dorothea Ballantyne, of Ft William, is holidaying Tenie McCurdy and other in this community. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers Crediton on Sunday where e'r a temperance address Crediton United Sunday School. Mr. Grant Sanders, of Camden N.J., visited for a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sanders at their cottage at Grand Bend. , Mr. and Mrs. W. Ryckman, whe are camping at the Bend for weeks were lxom*e for one day. report a very enjoyable time. Miss Mildred Cudmore, of forth, and Miss Edith Horton, ot Gshawa, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Horney and Miss M. A. Horton. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey, Mrs Mabel McIntosh and daughter, Miss Mabel, of Preston, spent the past week holidaying at Turnbull’s Grove Mr. E. Tripp aand his grand­ daughter, Miss Lois Tripp, of Oil Springs are visiting with the form­ er’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. O Elliot. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blatchford, whe have been holidaying for a few weeks at Grand Bend are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Down and other relatives. Mrs. Robt. Elacrett has returned home after spending several weeks in Victoria Hospital where derwent an operation. She improved in health. Mr. Chas. Godbolt gave his Scotch selections between acts at the Thames Road^United church Friday evening when the play “Wild Ginger” was presented. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McNichol and family, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs W. J. Westlake and daughters and Miss Ruth Rice, of Wyoming, spent the week-end with Mrs. Rd. Murphy Rev. F. E. Clyesdale and family who are holidaying at Grand Bend visited with friends in town on Fri­ day bringing with them Miss Marion Powell, who spent a few days at the Bend. ■Miss Mary McKaig, operator at the Exeter Central of the Pell Tele­ phone, is on vacation and is visiting at Hensall for two weeks and her place is being taken by Lawson. Arriving Daily Repairing done promptly and Satisfactory Come in and see for yourself, will satisfy you . We of Clinton a.m.—Main Street “The Gentleness of Jesus” p.m.—James Street Rev. C. W.* Down, Saskatchewan Conference Thursday—Union prayer Meeting at Main Street. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M>. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middleoiise 10 11 a.m—.Sunday School a.m.—Morning prayer and sermon EVENING SERVICE WITHDRAWN visited Grand of De- Mrs. L. Rabethge Jeweller Exeter, Ont. Mr. William Jansen, of Windsor, is visiting Mr. Nelson Dearing. | Mrs. James Lutton, of London, is visiting her cousin Miss Mary Tapp. Miss Gladys Penhale, of London spent the -week-end at her home here with Miss relatives NOTICE was at he deliv- at the I am prepared to do threshing by the day at reasonable prices. Satis­ faction guaranteed. Wes Hackney Centralia, Out. 7-27-3tp LOST—On Saturday between Cen­ tralia and Exeter a purse containing a sum of money together with the loser’s name and a1 picture. Finder rewarded by leaving at Times-Advo- cate. NOTTCE I wish to announce that my office will be closed from July 31st to Au­ gust 13 th inclusive while on vaca­ tion.—J. WARD 7-27-2tc NOTICE—AU accounts for flow­ ers at the Exeter cemetery are now due and should be. settled for once.—John Ford. at i AGENTS WANTED fruitMake money selling our trees, small-fruit bushes, shrubs evergreens, hedges, roses. Outfit fur­ nished. Cash commission paid weekly WTrxte today. Maple Grove Nurseries Winona, Ontario. 7-20-3tc. McCormick binder, years, in Al shape, 2 port truck and bundle quick, it’s a snap. International Harvester Co., Exeter only used 3 knives, trans­ carrier. Come ROOMS FOR RENT—Over Grant’s bakeshop. Apply to Jno. Rowe or B. W- F. Beavers. 20-7-3tc. FOR SALE—New choice clover honey at reasonable prices. Wesley Dearing, phone 17-r-14 Crediton. HOUSE FOR RENT—Two storey frame house in Hensail, one block south of United Church. Apply to Mrs. Rd. Blatchford, care of Chas. Harvey, Exeter. tfe. FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, all modern conveniences, Apply R, E. Pickard HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 184 Exeter, Ont. Poultry Feeds, Beef Meal, Oyster Shell, Grit, Cod Liver Oil, Alfalfa Meal, Cello-Glass, iSil-Lite, etc Bring us your market eggs or poul­ try. NOTICE To the Ratepayers of the Township of Usb^orne To save expense and lessen the. tax rate, the Municipal Council of Usborne Township requests each ratepayer to ent the weeds oh the concession fronting his own land and the Council will cut thein on the sideroads, 7-13-4tc Henry Strang, Clerk twc They Sea- she un­ is much some ot Miss Olive Miss Margaret Martin, been holidaying for the ■ weeks with hex’ parents, has Returned to her Hamilton Genera Mrs. W. Martin duties at the Hospital. Miss Lillian who has past three , Mr. and Huston, who been making her home with brother at Ashcroft, B. C., will for a few months with her father Mr. H, E. Huston and is at present at Grand Bend, Word has been received from Chas Northcott, since returning home tc Melfort, Saak,, that his six-hundred acres of wheat is infested with grasshoppers and if there is no let up his harvest will amount to almost nothing, While down here recently he said that his crop was one of the most promising in years and that he had never had a crop failure. has her visit LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Thornton, of town, with Mrs. T. Handford at Bend over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis, troit, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Geo. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Chatham, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Miss Gertrude Gladys McLean, Monday for a motor trip to Mont­ real. Mrs. I. Harvey, of London, has returned to her home after visiting fox’ several town. Mr. and son Keith, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O’Connor and soxi John and Mr. Peter O’Connor, ol Detroit, are visiting with Mrs. Rd Davis. Mr. and Mrs. F. don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. days last week. Mr. Reg Beavers, at the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff in ,St. Thomas, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilson and two children, of Dresden, visited over the week-end at the home of Mrs. Wilson’s grandmother Mrs. W Walker. Messrs Grafton Creech, Kenneth Lawson and Bill day to camp for at Grand Bend. Miss Margaret guest of Miss Elaine Stanbu’ry last week and Miss Geraldine Armstrong is the guest of Miss Jean Stanbury this week at Bayfield. Mr. and. Mrs. Hy. Willis, of Sarnia spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton. They were ac­ companied home by their grandson, Master Jack Northcott, who has been visiting his cousins here. Miss Violet Hyde and Jean Stan­ bury have returned from the Pres­ byterian Summer School at Kintail camp. Almost one hundred young people were in training and a de­ lightful time is reported. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, of Toronto, motored up last week and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates They were accompanied home by Miss Ila Westcott, who has been vis­ iting here for a couple of weeks. Visitors Lowry on Mrs. E. F. Lowry, Mr. and Mrs. H. Williamson and daughter, Cora, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. McGill, of Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fell, of Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Philips, of Goderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs Johntson on their way camping by the lake for over a week. They carry their own tent and all necessities and report a very fine time. Mr Philips is an old schoolmate and al­ so went to Blake’s church with them. Mr. and Mrs. John McAndrew and son and daughter, of Calif., visited with Mr. and Mi’s. George Layton one day recently. Mr. McAndrew’S, father was at one time a teacher at the Shapton and he was acquaintance boy chums. Mrs. J. G. tis, Mrs. Rd, cis returnee^ home Saturday visiting for a week1' in Detroit, were accompanied home by (Dr,) J, W» Harrison, who will re­ turn to Detroit the latter part oi this week accompanied by Mrs CoUltiS, Chas. Austin, of on Sunday with W. Fotherby. Francis and Miss of Kippen, left on weeks with relatives in Mrs. Alex Coliborne and of Goderich, visited on J. W H. Neil, of Lon- their daughter Jones for a few who is relieving Cochrane, Joe Hockey, Orval Penhale left Mon- a couple of weeks Campbell was the with Mr. and Mrs. E. G Sunday were: Mr. and School in Stephen Tiwp delighted to renew the of many of his school- Jones, Mrs. Ellen Tapp and Mrs. a. Coul- Fran- after They Mrs Tookes Collar Attached Shirts, Special at $1,00 We positively cannot buy these shirts now to retail at this low price. They are fast colors and are cut full and roomy. Get your summer’s supply 7 $1.00. Bring Your Friends in and Have Them See our New China. New Patterns in Englis^Dinnerware It is called the Dolores Pattern, conies in cream ground with lovely floral decoration and is open stock. Start saving now., Fruit Saucers ............. 10c. Bread and Butter Plate 10c. Tea Plate .................... 15c. Breakfast Plate ......... 20c. Dinner Plate . . . .Soup Plate .....................20c Cereal Bowl . . . . .. . . . 15c.Cream Jug .......... ... 35c. Cup & Saucer . . .. . . . 20c.Egg Cup .............. . . . 10c. Salad Bowl .............. 35c.Small Platter . . . .. ... 39c. Sub Standards in Circle Bar Pure Silk Hose We were fortunate in securing 10 dozen of these beautiful full fashion­ ed hose. They are the same quality as we sell for $1.00. You cannot de­ tect any flaws in them. While they last. per pair 59c. Unbleached & Bleached Sheeting at Big Savings * Raw Cottons have doubled in price since May 1st. We are offering all Pillow Cottons and Sheetings at old prices and would advise buying at special prices we offer this week. Specials in Groceries Rice 3 lbs. for 14c. Forest City Baking Powder . . 1 lb. tin 19c. Clarke’s Chicken Soup with Rice . . 9cs tin Corned Beef per tin 12c. 29c.Large 32 oz. Jar Peanut Butter Catsup Crosse & Blackwell Chef brand 12c Fresh Fancy Mixed Cakes .... 15c. a lb. Rice Krispies.................................2 for 21c. Kallogg’s Corn Flakes...............2 for 15c. Hy. Horne’s Prepared Custard Powder 29c Sun Dryed Coffee “You’ll like it a lot”...........Special 45c. Pumpkin, Aylmer’s 17 oz. can..................9c. Flour is steadily advancing in price While present stock lasts we will supply at old prices. Stock is now carried at this store. Get our prices. Southcott Bros. Mrs. Claire Smith and Miss Aud­ rey Kesselsing, of Kitchener, are vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith and family. Mr. C. Smith and Miss Emily Kesselsing also spent Sunday eve here returning Monday accom­ panied by Miss Ethel Smith and Miss Velma Bartow who are spending a few days with Miss Emily Kesselsing at Kitchener. SENN FAMILY REUNION Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers were in Brantford last Thusrday at­ tending the Senn reunion at Mow­ hawk Park. Others attending from Blanshard were, Mr .and Mrs. J. M. Beavers, Mr. G. S. Beavers, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Switzer, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Hookway, Mr. Chas. Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kirk'by’. Mr. Phil­ ip Senn, who is uncle and Switzers was the there, his sister Mrs. was also present. Mr. the Fenian raids. six years old and in splendid health. Beaversto the oldest person Mary Senn fought in He is now eighty Foster MAIN STREET PICNIC Main Street United .Sunday School' picnic .was held at Grand Bend on Wednesday afternoon last. There was the largest attendance ever wit­ nessed. The children and grown­ ups were transported iby the genial Harry Hoffman with his motor bus and by friends who generously filled their ears. Everyone arrived in good spirits and from the start to the finish the picnic was a grand suc­ cess in every way, and was enjoyed by everyone. . The committee wishes to thank all those who helped to make the picnic a success, especially those loaning cars. The following is the list of win­ ners in the sports: Girls race, six and under, Alma Ryckman, Donna Cor­ nish. Boys, six and under, Jimmie Wilson, Ted Milliken. Girls 8 and under, Betty Eliott, Doris Elliott, Mary Caldwell. Boys 8 and under, Melvin Kestle, Hugh Wilson, Harolq Hockey. Girls 11 and under, Lil­ lian Kestle, Audrey Davis, Eleanor Abbott. Boys 11 and under, Mur­ ray Moore, Buddy Sims, Ellis Pearce, Lloyd Weber. Girls 14 and undei’, Olive Caldwell, Eleanor Abbott, Lil­ lian McDonald. Boys 14 and under, Ted Wilson, Jack Jehnings, Lelland Webber. Girls any age, Ethel Kydd, Mddelene Abbott, Dorene Caldwell. Boy's any age, Clifford Quance, Ted Wilson, Max Harness, Men^s race, ,,W. F. Abbott, A. Ryckman, Norman Hockey. » • •Never A&ain • • Is an expression frequently heard these days. It comes from men whg. have all their 'lives naa their . clothes made by some reliable tailor. Glaring ad­ vertisements of cheap so sailed made to measure clothes has tempted them to gamble on one of these suits. After a couple of months wear they dicover-1 ed their mistake and will never again be tempted in the same way. Your Opportunity is Here MAKE USE OF IT Have your clothes made here under our personal supervision by men who have been long trained in the art of Tailoring gar­ ments to one’s own individual requirements. Come in and see us. We .have prices to suit you. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. X JAMES STREET PICNIC The James Street Sunday School picnic held on Wednesday of last week was spoken of by many as the best to be held in a number of years. In spite of the fact that the wheat harvest was in full swing there was an exceptionally large crowd pres­ ent. The weather was warm; the lake was very calm and a. great many enjoyed bathing in the water. A soft ■ball game was held between Main Street and James Street girls and re­ sulted in a victory for the latter, This was the first time this season the Main Street girls have been de­ feated, The game took place be­ fore a large crowd of spectators. At four o’clock sports were held on the grounds adjoining the United church, The scholars entered heartily into the various events which were keen-, ly contested and there was not a dul] moment. Following the sports the picnlcers sat on the hillside and a picnic luncheon was passed with lots of eats and plenty of lemonade for all. The results of the races were as follbws: Girls 10 and Under, Ruby Presz- catof, Grace Beckler, June McAlis­ ter, Girls 11 and^under, Iva WHIis Marjorie Coyle, Grace Beckler. Girls 13 and under, Ruby Preazcator, G. Beckler, Iva Willis. Boys 10 and under, Norman Hannigan, Bartie Motz, Gordon Kleinfeldt. (Girls 1'5 and under, Laurene Beavers, Ethel Smith, Grace Penhale. Boys 11 and under, Laverne Heywood, Bartie Motz, Leonard Harvey. Boys 13 and under, Ray Jones, Laverne Hey­ wood, Dalton McAlister. Intermed­ iate b'oys, Laverne Heywood,. Bartie Motz, Grant Taylor. 2nd race boys, intermediate, Roylance Westcott, L. Harvey, Allan Westcott. Intermed­ iate girls, Josie Kerslake, Grace Strange, Ila Willis. Bun eating, ,S. Preszcator, Raymond HeywOod, La­ verne Heyiwood. Girls throwing the softball, Ethel Smith, Grace Strange Ila Willis. 100 yds. H. Frayne, -A. Fraser, Fred Schroeder. Young la­ dies’ race, Margaret Ellerngton, Ei­ leen Snell, Hazel Elliott. Married men’s race, W. Shapton, J. M. iSouth- cott, Lloyd Parsons. Stepping off 50 yards, F. Coates, Arthur Ford, E. Westcott. Ladies ^mystery race Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Stone, Mrs. "A. J, Penhale. Girls’ three-legged race Eileen Smell and Margaret Ellet- ington; Ruby and Gladys Stone; Mrs. G. Grant and' Grace Strange, Driving blind horse, Eileen Snell & Clarence Boyle; Grace Penhale .and Dr. Steiner; Gladys Stone and Earl Christie,