HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-07-27, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1033
Miss Helen tSwan left Tuesday for
an extended trip to the coast.
Miss Minnie Reid spent the week
end with relatives in London,
Rev.iW. A. Young visited on Mon
day with his parents at Nairn,
Mrs, Wm. Davidson visited last
week with relatives in Wingham,
Miss Marlon Sinclair spent last
week visiting friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Harry Jacobi spent Thurs
day last visiting relatives in Sea
Mr. and Mrs. Fred
London, visited friends
,Mr. John Kaiser,
Mr. and Mrs. John
family are camping
Pike Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. J.
spent the week-end with
Mrs. Wm. Hldebrandt
cently visited by .two of her sons
from London.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ,McDonald
visited on Wednesday with friends
in Stratford.
Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair and fam
ily are enjoying a month’s
at different parts.
Mrs. Harry Harmen has
home after a pleasant visit
friends in Mimico.
Mr.’ and Mrs. Robt. Bengough, of
Midland, Mich., spent the week-end
with relatives in town.
Mrs. Robt. Eacrett, who under
went an operation at the London
Hospital is doing nicely.
A number of Iocm howlers took
in the bowling tournament at Strat
ford on Wednesday last.
Miss Margaret Bell, of Tucker
smith is visiting for a few days this
.week with friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Scott and
family, of Toronto, spent the
_end with relatives in town.
Miss Mildred and Mastei’
Deitz, of Kippen, visited last
with .their aunt, Mrs. Alice Kyle.
Mr. Thos. Farquhar has returned
home after a pleasant visit with his
friends and relatives in Hamilton.
Misses Mabel Workman and Hazel
Thompson have returned home af
ter a week’s camping at Kintail.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle have
returned home after a two week’s
vacation camping at Rondeau Park
f Master Clarence McNaughton, of
Hibbert, is visiting with his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Master Bobby .Cameron
ing his holidays visiting
grandmother, Mrs. Alex Foster, of
Miss Norah Petty
home after spending
in Seaforth nursing
Wm. Butts.
Jas. A. Paterson,
has the Hensall Voter’s List for
19'3 3 posted. All appeals must be in
by July 29th.
Mr. Wm. Fee and sisters, Misses
Sarah and Mary have '-returned to
their home after a very enjoyable
motor trip.
Mrs. Dr. Sweet and Mrs. Reid and
Miss Ola Reid and Miss Fanny Bis
sett, of Exeter, called on friends in
town on Monday.
Mrs. Bert North and daughter
Audrey, of Woodstock, are visiting
this week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Higgins.
Mr. C. B. Daniel,
Commissioner, was in
last week visiting his
R. L. Coles and Mr. Coles.
The machine
the Moore Bros,
season retiring
and other farm
Mr. and Mrs.
in town
with his sister, Mrs. John
Dorothy Daters is spending
weeks visiting relatives in
Passmore, and
this week at
friends in
was re-
with her
is spend-
with his
has returned
several weeks
her' uncle Mr
village Clerk
Sask Relief
the village
sister, Mrs.
shop conducted by
has had a very busy
threshing outfits
Fred Corbett mo
tored to Detroit to attend the funer
al of the former’s sjster, Mrs. Wm.
Callahan (nee Sarah Corbett).’
Mr. and Ms. P. H. Denlin of Strat
ford, and Mrs. Hannah Colvin and
son John, of Lobo, were Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett
Mrs. Edward Van de Iieere and
little son, Ronald, of Simcoe, are
visiting .for a few weeks with Mrs.
De Keere’s mother, Mrs. S. Smith.
Mrs. Jas. Sparks is returning to
her own home .in the village for the
balance of the summer months af
ter spending the winter with her
daughters in Brantford and Detroit
The Sunday School of the United
Church held a very successful pic
nic at Bayfield on Wednesday last
The day being an exceptionally fine
one every one enjoyed a good time.
A large gang of telephone men
are now in the village engaged on
the re-wiring and putting in new
telephones. Some of them are ac
companied by their wives and fam
ilies and are living in rolling homes
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and
son Howard; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Parlmer and Miss McDonnell,, of
Kitchener, were week-end visitors
with relatives in town. They are
now spending a week visitng frends
at the Beach-o’-PiheS.
Rev. Mr. Bremner, of Brucefield
preached very acceptably in the
United Church on Sunday last in
the merning and Rev. Mr, Chandler
of Kippen had charge of the even
ing service. Miss Annie Smith ren
dered a Very 'pleasing solo in the
The baseball game between St
Marys and Hensall played on our
local diamond on Monday evening
resulted 11-2 in favour of Hensall
The Hensall team have played a
great game of ball this summer
winning nearly every game they
Mr. and Mrs, James BonQion were
in Waterloo on Tuesday last at
tending the 80th birthday celebra
tion of Mrs. Bonthron’s mother, Mrs
Yungblut, Mrs. Yuugblut was a
former resident of Hensall and her
many friends heart ily congratulate
her on reaching her 80th biirthday
Mr. Wm. Pepper, Mr. Roland
Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pepper
of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pep
per, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Pepper, of London, visited over the
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Pepper east of the village
having motored over from Stratford
where they were attending the Pep
per reunion on Saturday.
Quite a number of our citizens
were on the dock on Sunday at
Grand Bend and witnessed the acci
dent when Carl Aitchison of Seaforth
broke his neck while diving off the
pier. Several young men from Sea
forth were with him at. the time. He
was totally paralyzed from his
sholuders. down and was rushed to
St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where
he died about 8 o’clock Sunday ev
Large crowds attended the ser
vices at the Carmel |Presbyterian
Church on Sunday afternoon last
when Dr. Margaret Strang of the
Peace River District delivered a
very interesting and inspiring ad
dress. Dr. Strang spoke chiefly of
her work in the north west; of the
many hardships and trials endured
in her missionary and medical work
A young people’s choir led in the
service of song and a quartette "My
Father Knows” by Misses Irene Da
ters, Mabel Workman, Irene
garth and Dorothy Daters.
Pepper Reunion
The annual Pepper reunion
held at Queens’ Park, Stratford
Saturday last and was enjoyed by a
large number-of the connection and
friends. IT'he day was ideal and be
fore noon a large number had gath
ered from Toronto, Sarnia, Guelph.
London, Mitchell, Seaforth, Clinton,
Brucefield, Goderich, Hensall, Kip
pen, Dublin and Trent River. The
following officers were elected for
next year: Mr. Chas. Pepper, Toron
to, chairman; Mrs. Wm. Pepper, of
Hensall; secretary treas., executive
George Pepper, Dublin, Fred Pep
per, Clinton and Wm. Pepper, Hen
, on
Celebrates 102nd Birthday
Mrs. Margaret Agur celebrated
her 102 birthday on Monday of this
week. Mrs. Agur was born in Prince
Edward County on July 24, 1831 and
has lived all her long life in Ontario
In 18‘5i5 she was married to Mr. Agur
and for a number of years lived in
Ingersoll where her husband was a
private banker. For one of her age
she is quite bright and active taking
a keen interest in everything.
Mrs. Agur was 6 years old when
Queen Victoria was crowned and
well remembers the time. Among
her most prized possessions are con
gratulatory letters from the Hon.
McKenzie King and the Hon. R. B
Bennett upon reaching her 100th
Mrs. Agur, with her daughter Miss
Mary, came to Hensall with Rev
Colin Fletcher and
since at the corner
Oxford Streets. Mrs.
ly the oldest person
and her many friends here-.heartily
congratulate her on her birthday.
have resided
of Allbert and
Agur is possib-
in the province
Dr.H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office,
Zurich, last three days of week.
isMiss E. Lindenfield, of London,
visiting with Miss Verna Birk.
Mrs. Frank Beaver, of Saginaw
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win
Snell, also attending the funeral or
the late Mrs. E. Eckstein...
Mrs. Wm,. Snell is visiting rela
tives in Morriston this week.
Miss Lena Steinhagen, of Cleve-
-land spent a few days with her bro
ther, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S'teinhagen.
Mrs. Hamacher and Mrs. Neus-
wanger spent a few days with their
sister in Parkhill last week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Anderson spent
the week end with friends in Lon
don and Sarnia.
Mr.*lra Tieman, of Hamilton, and
friend Miss G. Cornell, of Waterloo
were Sunday visitors with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan.
Miss Elda Kraft, of London, spent
the week end at her home here.
Miss E. Walper spent a few days
in Muskoka last week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank-Engel add Mr.
W. Schultz, of Detroit, spent a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader,
Mrs. Schultz and Ona
them after spending
with her parents,
Mrs. Jas. McNivin
Flora, of London, spent a week with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Oestreicher.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steele, of
London, were Sunday visitors with
Mr and Mrs. Louis Rader
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Armour, of
Dorchester, spent a few days With
returned with
a tew weeks
and daughter
iDDetroit visited
School Picnic
Picnic of the Dash-
with Mr. and Mrs. A, Oestreicher,
Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Schatz are
busy this week moving into their
new home tliey purchased from the
Baker' estate.
On Wednesday, Mrs. John Kuntz
was delightfully entertained by her
children and grandchildren in honor
of her birthday. The afternoon was
spent at Springbank Park.
■Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs
A. Kuntz of the 14th were Mr. and
Mrs. T, Mawhinney, Crediton; Mr.
and Mrs. O. Brown, Centralia;
and Mrs. A. Koessel, Lansing, Mich,
Mr, and’ Mrs. C. Pfile and Mr, and
Mrs. J. Kuntz and Miss Luella, of
Mrs. Adella Fisher, "Miss Margaret
Willert, of Ipperwash Beach
S'herriff and Mrs. Lumsenden
daughter from
town Saturday
The Annual
wood Evangelical Sunday School was
held at Grand Bend recently. The
splendid program of sports arrang
ed under the convenorship of Mrs. R.
H. Taylor was run off as follows:
Running races, girls 5 and under, R.
Cunnington; boys 5 and under, Glen
Haugh, Lome Haugh; girls 6-8, M
Guenther, Ada Willert, Ruth Guen
ther; boys 6-8 Glen Guenther, Ray
Guenther, George Wolfe; girls 9-12
Myrtle Gaiser, June Neeb; boys 9-12
R. Bender, Keith Wildfong, T. Neeb
girls' 13-1'5 Phyllis Reed,” Maida
Wein; boys 13-15 Murray Wolfe, D.
Schenk, Lloyd Guenther; girls over
15 Florence Guenther, Pearl Weig
and; boys over 15 Leonard Bender
Eugene Tieman, Eben Weigand;
penny scramble Ada Willert; stone
race Doris Willert, Mona Tetreau.
Jioyce England; Lock arm race M.
Wolfe and Lester Schenk, Douglas
Schenk and Roy Bender; broomstick
race Gertrude Hoffman’s team; but
ton race Donald Oestreicher, Mur
ray Wolfe, Douglas Schenk; paper
plate race, Pearl Weigand and Wes
ley Wolfe; blind pig race, Gertrude
Hoffman and Mervyn Tieman; straw
and bean race, Mrs. E. R. Guenther
Mrs. E. R. Witmer, Mrs. G. C. Wild
distance stepping, Mervyn Tie-
Mrs. Taylor, pf Lloydminister, Al
berta, and children are visiting with
her father Mr. G. K. Kienzle.
Mr. and Mrs. Abel, of Montreal
and Miss Clara Oestricher, of Wind
sor, visited last week with their par
ents Mr..and Mrs. Oestricher.
Dr. Carl Morlock, of Victoria Hos
pital, London, visited with
ents Mr. and Mrs. Ediward
on Bunday.
Mrs. Wm. H. Smith has
home from her recent
Mrs. Sparling at Walkerton.
Messrs. Cameron Geddes and Ted
Faust, of Chatham, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Telfer over
the week-end*
Miss Bernice Brown, of Centralia
and Miss Euoleen Kuntz, of Dash
wood, are visiting with their grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ma-
Mrs. J. Mallett, of
lting with her sister
Miss Lavina Smith
his par-
visit with
at Walk-
R.N., or
London, is vis-
Mrs. Edward
is visiting with
her sister Mrs. H. Sparing
Mrs. E. J. Miller and
Faith and Miss L. Bierry
Pandora, Ohio, spent the
at the home of Mr. Edward Morlock
Last Sunday, Temperance Day, was
observed in the United church Sun
day School. Mr. and Mrs. Beavers
of Exeter, were present and Mr
Beavers gave a most interesting ad
dress on “Temperance” which was
enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Watts and
family, of Hamilton, have returned
M. S.
having spent the past two
at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Gerald Smith had the misfor
tune of having his leg painfully
bruised by a rolling log at the J. F
Smith sawmill just north of town
We are pleased to know he is recov
ering slowly.
Crediton and Zurich L. A. and W. M.
S. Union Meeting’
Crediton Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S,
met in conjunction with the Zurich
Group last Wednesday afternoon. A
program was given in the auditor
ium of the Zurich Evangelical church
Mrs. E. Braun president of the lo
cal organization occupied the chair
and ‘'conducted a song service and de
votion, Words of welcome were
spoken by Rev. E. Burn; recitation
vocal solo and reading by the
"O’Briens” each number applauded
Vocal duett by Mrs, Harry Hess and
Mrs. Witmer. A Crediton group
contributed a missionary playlet en
titled "The Organization of a Dor
cas Missionary Band” the following
took part, Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney
Mrs. W. E. Wenzel, Mrs. Clayton
Sims, Mrs. Hugo Schenk and Mrs
Dan Finkbeiner. Games and contests
Were the amusements for the after
noon. A bounteous lunch was serv
ed, There were aibout 90 members
and friends present. A hearty vote
of thanks was tendered to the Zu
rich 'friends for the
tended through their
Mrs. Lee Hoffman to
organization and for
social functions of the day,
Art Amy moved Mrs. Thos. Mawhin
ney supported, W. M. Sippell added
remarks anj E. Burn responded.
invitation ox-
Cor. Sec’y.
the Crediton
the pleasant
R. & W. Matches ... .
Harry Horne’s Vanilla
Palmolive Toilet Soap
Large Watermelons . .
Extra Special 1 tin Forest City Baking P
1 Sherbert Glass or Butter
“wder ......... 1 OE-
Dish ........... J =
Fresh Dates | Falcon Sweet Pickles Ideal Catsup =H
4 lb. for 25c.| 35 oz. jar each 29c.21 oz. bottle 15c.
LIPTON’S TEA, BLACK OR MIXED.............................1-2 lb. pkg. each 22c.EE
Handy Ammonia Huron Toilet Tissue Pearl White Naptha Soap -------
3 er pkg. 5c.9 rolls for 25c.10 bars for 31c.s
REDPATH SUGAR .. 10 pounds for 72c.—-
Angler Salmon Hereford Corned Beef Maple Leaf Salmon
large tin each 10c.1 lb. tin 2 for 25c.1-2 lb. tin each 17c.
Good Quality Corn .... 3 tins for 25c.
Bulk Peanut Butter..........2 lbs. for 25c.
Muffets .................................. per pkg. 9c.
Best Quality Rubber Rings . 4 doz. 25c.
. . . . per pkg. 25c.
2 oz bot. 2 for 15c.
... 4 cakes 23c.
............. each 49c.
Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”
Miss Helen Bullock is holidaying
with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs
Isaac Gower at Elimville.
Master Ray Weido has returned to
his home after holidaying with his
aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Geo
Smith in Exeter.
Miss Shirley Schroeder, of Clande-
boye, is holidaying with her grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder.
Miss Ruth Drummond, of Aiilsa
Craig, is holidaying with her cou-j,
sns Mr. anj Mrs. Charles Hoffman.
Mr. Russell Baynliam, of Lucan
spent the week-end. with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. ,S. Baynham.
Mr. and Mrs. W,m. Heatherby and
daughter Thelma and Mr. Stanley
Kelly, of London and Mr. and Mrs
Roland Motz and children of Exeter
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz spent Sun
day at Turnbull’s Grove.
Mr. Aaron Wein met with a very
unfortunate accident on Thursday
While cranking his truck he broke
his wrist. He was at once taken to
London 'by Dr. Misener where the
fracture was reduce J and Mr. Wein
returned home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson
and family spent Sunday at Grana
Bend with Mr. S. Webb, who had the
misfortune to have three'bones brok
en in his foot.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry .Pfaff Sr. and
Mr. H. Lewis spent Sunday at Dash
Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and
baby and Mr. S. Merner spent Sun
day at Grand Bend-
- A very delightful time was spent
at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. John
Edwards on Tuesday evening last
when the relatives and neighbor
gathered there to present their
daughtei* and son-in-law Mr. and, Mrs
Thomas Smith ‘with a miscellaneous
shower. The following address was
Dear Cora and Tom:
~~j?,‘“your relatives and neighors
fathered’"here to-night to con-
■ptulate you on the occasion of your
We sincerely wish
of health
are g
re :ent marriage,
you an abundant share
wealth and prosperity in future years
As* a slight remembrance we cordially
ask you to accept these gifts which
sve hope you can make much use of.
Signed 011 behalf of the relative^,
Mr. and Mrs. Smith made a suit
able reply thanking them for
many useful gifts.
hereQuite a number from around
spent Sunday at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher
and Miss Greta visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hodgins at Saintsbury
on Sunday.
Miss Marjorie Fletcher spent a
few days last week with her grand
mother Mrs. E. Stone at Exeter.
Rev. and Mrs. M. Elston and son
Allen, of St. Thomas, visited at the
home of Mrs. J. E. Creery on
Mrs. Kyle, of Exeter, visited with
Mrs. Wes. Heywood one day
Mu. and Mrs. Walter Kerslake and
Miss Genevieve visited with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Kerslake at Lumley, Sunday.
Mr. and Mfrs. George Frayne, of
Exeter, spent Sunday with the lat
ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs, Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. George Parkinson
and family, of Blanshard visited with
Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster
mend, of
Mrs. J.
sister, Mrs. Geo. Davis on Friday of
last week.
on Sunday,
Mrs. M,
Harald Davis
with Mr. and
E. Creery visited with
We Deliver
Mrs. Alice Gunning is visiting in
Lucan with her daughter Mrs. Wm.
Miss Alma Parkinson spent Sun
day at Grand Bend.
Miss Marion Tookey, of Lucan, Is
holidaying with her cousin Maida
Mr. and Mrs. F. Squires visited
Mrs. H. Whetstone, of Anderson, on
Miss Grace Duffield has returned
to London having spent her holidays
with her parents.
Mrs. Geo. Squire is quite ill. We
hope for a speedy recovery.
on ac-
Quite a number of young
attended the softball games
at Stratford last Friday and
count of rain play two more
next Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gunning and
family, of Granton, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. anj Mrs. Ira Mar
Rev. and Mrs. Bulteel and family,
of Brantford, arrived on Saturday to
spend a couple of weeks’ vacation.
Those that spent Sunday at Grand
Bend from our little village were Mr.
anj Mrs. Chas. Paul, Reg., Gerald
and Leon; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Crago;
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gregory and
Carman, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCul
lough and family.
Dr. G. J. Jose and Dr. C. A. Camp
bell motored to Chicago on Saturday
where they will attend the
Fair for a couple of days.
(Rev.) Taylor, of ThamesMrs.
Road, was the special speaker on
Sunday morning
day. Her subject
of China” which
ing. Mrs. Taylor
ing manner on the platform______
/address was much enjoyed by the
large crowd ..present.
* The service next Sunday
at 9.30 a.m. taken by the Brother
hood. Mr. McArthur of London, will
die the speaker. A men’s choir will
niirnish the music,
1 MisS Darling,
/pending a few
’ Mr. and Mrs.
son, Grant, of Exeter, spent Sunday
with Mr. Ross Hern.
Miss Flossie Hunter,
T. Hern.
Mr. and Mrs. Montague
of Kirkton, spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hern.
Mr. and Mrs. George Earl visited
Mr. and Mrs. John Earl in Seaforth
on Sunday.
The W.M.S. will hold their meet
ing on Thursday, August 3rd when
it being W. M. S
was “The Women
was very interest-
has a very pleas
and her
will be
of St. Marys, is
days with Mrs. E
Hector Taylor and
of Exeter
with her cousin, Mrs
Anderson, of
with Mr. and
Mrs. J
will entertain the Mission
Mrs. Ross Love, Mrs. Robt. Mur
ray, Mrs. C. Brent aild Mrs. J. J.
Carruthers attended the quilting ai
the home of Mrs. R. Hutchinson on
■■ Mr, Newton Hayter started wheat
threshing in this community on
Sunday visitors at the home ol
Mr. Mansell Hodgins were; Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Warner, of Detroit, Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Hodgiiis, of Petrolia
Miss V. May Hodgins, of Toronto
Mr. B. J. Hodgins, of Oxdrift and Mr
and Mrs. Ross Love of this commun
Mr. Ben Yeo, of London, visited
his sister, Miss Mary Yeo, Sunday.
Master Don Stewart, of London,
visited Mrs. Jos. Oliver for a week
Miss Reta Rowe, of Exeter, visited
over the week-end with Miss Edith
Mrs. Frank Geromette, who un
derwent an operation on her arm to
remove the bullet which had lodged
near the bone in the accident several
weeks ago when she was struck by
a stray bullet, is doing nicely now.
It was a remarkable sight in the
old camp grounds to see
tage occupied this week,
largest crowd for years.
Brenner’s Garage will
aviation day on Saturday, August
'5 th.
every cot-
It was the
hold an
Story assisted Rev. Mr.
the service on Sunday
very interesting talk on
Mrs. Leslie Adams and
Rev. Mr.
Johnson in
and gave a
Mr. and
babe,- of Hyde Park, visited relatives
here over the week-end.
D. W. and Mrs. Williams,
and Ruth,., of Mt. Brydges,
friends here on Friday.
Francis Lafond and family,
of Sarnia, is at present visiting at
the home of her father Mr. C. Fink-’
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Galt, Mr.
anj Mrs. Scott and Mr. Holland, of
Thorndale, visited on Thursday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steep
Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDougal and
family, of London, spent the week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
L. Schroeder.
and Jean Corbett, or
guests with Mrs. R.
and Pauline Morley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock
and family visited Mr. and Mrs,
Westcott, of London, last week.
Billy Bertram is holidaying in
Norris Webb, Granj Bend, spent
a few days with his grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. McPherson.
Misses Mary
Fordwich, are
Misses Doris
of St. Thomas, are visiting Mrs. Fred
Rev. Melvin Lempke, o.f Nebraska
and Mr. Fred Lempke, of Pontiac
Mich., visitej their aunt Mrs. C. H.
Curts last week.
Miss Betty Dunn, of Detroit, is a
guest of Miss Eleanor McLinchey.
Misses Marion and Gladys McLean
of Kippen, were guests of Miss
Divina Mason last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nichols, of
Parkhill, spent last Wednesday with
Mrs. I. C. Goodhand.
Last Wednesday afternoon the W.
M. S. met in the United church with
Miss L. Leask presiding,
devotional, exercises Mrs.
read the scripture lesson
items of business were
Then Miss S. Young gave
on Home Missions; Miss
reading entitled “A Plea”
Sherritt gave, a chapter of
book. Miss Olive English and Miss
Ula Ulens sang a duet accompanied
by Miss Erma Goodhand. The meet
ing was closed by singing anj prayer
by Mrs. Sherritt.
Mrs. J. Brown then took cliargg of
the Women’s Association. Plans
were made for a union meeting in
August with Mrs. Fallis as the speak
er. Roll call payment of dues and
transacting of routine
eluded the meeting.
Mrs. Fallis and Mr.
motored to Toronto
Falls last week.
The- rains last week were very
welcome to the folk in this comfnun*
After the
J. Brown
and so,me
a reading
Leasfc a
an J Mrs.
the Study
business con-
Claude Fallin
and Niagara