HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-07-20, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
of Delhi
home here
quite a
on h.s
Mr. Ferris Cantelon, of
is holidaying at his home
Mr. Lloyd Passmore,
spent the week-end at his
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt were
recent visitors with relatives in Kin
Miss Margaret Buchanan, of Tor
onto, visited last week with
in town.
Mr C. Cook is making
number of improvements
Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron
to, is spending two weeks vacation
at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, ol
Forest, spent the week-end with
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith, of De
troit, visited this week at the home
of Mr. Alex Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher,
Windsor, spent the wdek-end at the
former’s home here.
Mrs. A. McDonald has returned
home after a pleasant visit with
friends in St. Thomas.
Mr. Ray Paterson left this week
for the West and will also attend
the World’s Fair at Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smillie, of Tor
onto, are visiting this week with
friends and relatives in town.
Misses Maribelle and Jean Carnie
of Blake, are spending a few days
visiting with’ friends in town.
Mrs. R. Thompson, of Toronto
is visiting at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher.
• Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Hart and daugh
ter, of Toronto, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster.
Mr. Lloyd Hedden and family have
moved out to their new home just
ea-st of Chiselhurst owned by Mr
Mrs. Wm. McLean and daughter
Geraldine, of Hamilton, are visiting
at the home of Mr. and
Master Ronald Parker
an operation on Tuesday
moval of his tonsils and
ing nicely. *
The big rain
Sunday did not
was very severe
Mr. and Mrs. Archie
son, Gordon, are visiting
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Madge
near Chiselhurst.
Mr. and Mrs. Mealey, of St. Johns
N.B. visited last week with the lat
ter’s sisters, Mrs. J. W. Peck and
Mrs. S. McArthur.
Misses Mabel'workman and Haze]
Thompson left this week for Kintal]
where they will spend a week at the
girl’s camp there.
Messrs. John Drummond,
Farquhar and Roy Brock spent
week-end camping at Bayfield
the for(mer’s rolling home.
The Public Library is closed
two weeks commencing Saturday
July 15tli. The Librarian, Mrs. Robt
Cameron is taking her holiday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Griffith, Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Southeran and son, Jack
of London, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Southeran’s mother, Mrs. John Pope
Mrs. Wm. Southcott, Miss Stella
Soutlicott, Mrs. G. Hooper, Mrs. Es-
sery and Miss Vera Essery, of Exeter
were recent visitors with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty and
daughter, Miss Bertha and Miss Liz
zie Harvey, of Seaforth, visited with
Mrs. Harry Jacobi on Thursday of
last week.
Mr. Frank Coleman, of Hensail
and Mr. David Stephenson, of Stan
ley Twp. returned home after a
pleasant visit with
friends in the West.
The Sunday School
Church held a very
nic at Bayfield on Wednesday. A
good attendance was present and a
very enjoyable time was spent.
Dr. Margaret Strang, of the Peace
River District, will speak in the Car
mel Presbyterian Church on Sunday
July 23rd at 2.30 p.m. A children’s
choir will lead in the service of song
The many friends here of Mr. C.
of Hen-
is lying
of his
and Mrs. Chas. A. Buck, of Moosin
in. After a short honeymoon Mr. and
Mrs. Broadfoot will reside on the
groom’s farm in Tuckersmith.
On Thursday last, Audrey Dick
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Dick
of the London Road was going to
the field with her father. The horse
which they were driving became
frightened and in turning around
knocked the child down injuring her
severely. She was immediately taken
to Dr. Moir’s Hospital for medical
tz atment and is. now doing nicely.
The Rev. M. B. Parker, rector of
St. Paul’s Anglican Church is away
on his holidays and his pupit will
be taken for, the remainder of the
month by the Rev. M. A. Hunt, of
Exeter. Services at 9.45 in the morn
ing and in the evening services will
be withdrawn. During the month of
August the Rev. Mr. Parker will oc
cupy the pulpit of Trivitt Memorial
Church in Exeter at 9.45 a.m. and
i i 11 a.m. in his own pulpit in Hen-
of; sail. Open air services will be held
at Staffa Sunday afternoon.
Services in our local churches
were well attended on Sunday last.
At the United Church Rev. Mr.
Bremner, of Brucefield, had charge
of the services and in the evening
Rev- Mr. Chandler, of Kippen, de
livered very interesting discourses
Mr. Sam. Rennie rendered a very
pleasing solo in the morning and Mr.
W. O. Goodwin gave a solo in the
At the Carmel Presbyterian church
Rev. W. A. Young occupied the pul
pit and fine anthems were rendered
by the choir.
At the St. Paul’s Anglican church
Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Exeter had charge
of the morning service and the
ening service was withdrawn.
Mrs. John
for the re-
is now
and hail storm
a few
miles to
and Mrs. M. Dobson and chil-
of Kirkton, spent Sunday ev-
with Mrs.H. Kyle
and Mrs.
and Ross
Hern and
with Mr
Stephens, of Wood-
™ RED & WHITE store I
Miss Hilda Umbacli, of Kitchener
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Motz, of Elkton
Mich., spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John .Haist.
Mrs. Moses Faist and son Lewis
are visiting in Detroit this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Merner Eilber and
but Sons, of Detroit, spent the week-end
with the former’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Eilber.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Huxtable, of
Hamilton, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Beaver over the week
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koeltzeow
and grandson James Marshall, of
Detroit, rMich., motored here to at
tend the ibarn raising of Henry
Haist returning Friday morning.
Miss Helen Telfer is visiting in
Wingham, with her grandmother
Mrs. Rintoul.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Emery and family
of Parkhill, spent .Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. O. Lovie.
Miss Irene Fahner is visiting with
Mrs. Lloyd Fahner, of near Parkhill.
Rev. O. N. Braun and daughter
Mrs. Norman Ricker, of Owendale.
Mich., visited a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Eilber, Mrs. Eilber
and Esther accompanied them home
Mrs. Herbert K. Eilber visited
with her mother Mrs. Susan GriVen,
of Lucknow, a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oestricher, Mr
and Mrs. Charles Trietz and.Mrs. E.
Kuhn were in Hanover last week.
Mrs. Herbert Young.
Miss Margaret Kuhn spent the past
week at Limberlost cottage, Grand
Bend, the guest of
Mr. Henry Haist
cessful barn raising
last week1 when the framework for a
large double barn was put up to re
place the fine red barn destroyed in
the storm of * June 7th. '
barn will also be a red one.
one hundred men
the raising which
carried out under
Mr. Hy. Beaver,
children were present and for sup
per 2215 persons sat down to a sump
tuous repast.
About twenty-five members and
their friends of the United church
Mission Circle gathered together at
Khun’s Grove on July 14th, this be
ing the last meeting of the summer
and took the form of a picnic. An
enjoyable afternoon was spent in
playing games after which a dainty
lunch was served,
of thanks was given to Mrs. Hill
Mrs. Trevethick for arfanging
picnic for the girls.
daughter Jean spent Sunday with
friends in Kitchener.
daughters spent
and Mrs. Hector
Jack and Jean
ham, spent the week-end with their
cousins Laurene and Hazel Hern.’
The Sunday School held a success
ful picnic on Saturday of last week
in the Queen’s Park, Stratford. It
was an ideal day for a picnic ano
all seemed to thoroughly enjoy the
A sumptuous repast was served
about 100 persons being present
The afternoon was spent in sports
the sports committee being Ross
Hern, convenor, Mr. Milton Brock
Mrs. Melville Hern and Mrs. Harold
The races resulted as follows;
Children under 6 years, Harry Hern
Jack Hern. Children 6 to 8 years
Irene POoley, Bille Knox. Gordon
Johntson. Children 8 to 10, Hazel
Hern, Ethel Pooley. Children 10 to
12, Gerald Herb, Margaret Jaques
Young ladies’ race, Laurene
Thelma Jacques, Hazel Earl.
12 years and over, Kenneth
Oliver Jaques. Young men’s
k|orris Hern, Clayton Cornish,
Hern. -
and Mary Hern, Norman Brock and
Mary Earl. Relay race in families
Hern, Earl Johnston and Pooley. 3-
legged race, Hazel Hern, Ethel Pool
ey, Myrtle Earl, Norman Brock, H
Earl, Well. Brock. Chasing the pea
nut man, the winners were the ones
who got the most peanuts, Margaret
Lewis, Verna Jaques, Marion Pooley
Hat on broom stick, captians Ward
and Harold Hern, the former’s team
won. Nail driving contest, captain
of the married men Mr. James Earl;
single men Ross Hern, the latter
team winning by one stroke.
The sports concluded with a soft-
ball game, Clarence Towle’s team
won over Ross Hern’s by 5 runs
Boating and bathing „followed the
sports after which supper was serv
Extra Special } 25c1 lb. tin R. & W. Baking Powder
1 Etched Tumbler ..........................
Good Quality Corn
3 tins for 25c.
Angler Salmon
Large tin each 10c.
Brqnswick Sardines
per tin 5c.
GOLD MEDAL ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz. jars....................each 29c.
Weston’s Cheese Crisps
per pkg. 10c.
Peanut Butter in Bulk
2 lbs. for 25c.
Fresh Dates
4 lbs. for 25c.
FALCON SWEET MIXED PICKLES, quart jar ..........................each 29c.
Big Five Cleanser
per pkg. 5c.
P. & G. Laundry Soap
10 bars for 33c.
Handy Ammonia
per pkg. 5c.
OXADE REFRESHING DRINK. Orange, Lemon & Raspberry per pkg. 5c.
Matchless Bleach, makes clothes whiter....................... 2 bottles for 15c.
PURE CLOVER HONEY 5 lb. pail 45c.; 10 lb. pail 85c.
relatives and
of the United
successful pic-
Redmond, a former resident
sell, will be sorry to hear he
seriously ill at the home
daughter, Mrs. Whitney, of
Mr. Ed. McBride opened his
threshing on Monday on the farm
of Mr. Archie Rowcliffe, stook
threshing the fall wheat. The sample
’ of wheat is good and turning out
The Sunday School of the Carmel
Presbtyerian Church held a very
successful picnic at Turnbull’s Grove
on Wednesday afternoon. Quite a
large number attended and
enjoyable time was spent.
At the ball game played
local diamond on Friday
gained a , firmer hold on the first,
place in the Intercounty B Group
when tliey defeated New Hamburg
4-1. The game was well attended and
the umpires were O’Brien and Bow
A great many friends and custom
ers Of Mr. and Mrs. G. Case accept
ed their invitation to visit their bak
ery on Saturday and enjoy a cup of
coffee and some of their honey-glaz
ed doughnuts. In the’ afternoon a
great many called and In the event
ing the store whs crowded.
Mr. Glenn Broadfoot left last
week for Moosinin Sask., where his
marriage is to take place to Miss
Annie Eliza Luck, daughter of Mr
a very
on our
Illa Gall, of Sarnia,
with her cousin Miss
is holi-
of Tav-Tuehl and daughter,
are visiting with her sister
Miss Gwenldoyn
had a very suc-
on Thursday of
The new
. Around
present for
direction of
women and
A hearty vote
andRev. J. R. and Mrs. Peters
daughter Catherine are holidaying
for a month at Muskoka. Next Sun
day a combined service by the W. M
S. of Zion and Ellmville will be held
at 10 |.m. The speaker will be
Mrs. (Rev.) Taylor, of Thames Rd.
who is
gram will be given in the Sunday
Anna Brook, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Brdck, underwent
an operation tor the removal of her
tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on
Mr. and Mrs. Warrdn Brock and
a returned missionary from
Special music by the ladies
Sunday being temperance
a special temperance pro-
HernMarried men, Ward
Hern, Earl Johnston, Ted
tie. Married ladies’, Mrs
Mrs. Mel. Hern, Mrs. Ward
Novelty race, Philip Hern, J
Leading the blind pig, N
and Hazel Earl, ward Hern
Mrs. J. Kellerman and daughter.
Sweitzer visited friends in Kitchener
on Sunday.
Mr. Tom Lamport, Ben Tinney
and Miss Mildred Lamport, all of
Hensail, 'accompianied hy Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell Eyre, of Chiselhurst
spent Sunday in Springbank.
Mr. Sandy McEachan, his mother
and sisters and Mr. Green, of Pt
Huron called on friends here on
Sunday. Their many friends were
pleased to see them.
The Ladies’ Aid held a picnic te
Turnbull’s Grove on Monday even-
ng last. All enjoyed a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer and
family spent Sunday in Kitchener.
Rev. and Mrs. Down, of Strasburg
Sask., visited Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Sharpe.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sheppard, of
Parkhill, and Miss Olive of London
visited relatives here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott spent
Sunday with Triends in Parkhill.
Next Sunday will be Temperance
day in the Sunday School. A special
program will be given.
•are spending a
and Detroit,
and Mrs. Wm.
and Misses L.
few days in
Sweitzer and
Ball and Ida
Wheat cutting is about finished
around here.
Mrs. J. Knox and family, oif St.
Marys spent last week visiting with
her sister Mrs. Frank Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym, of Elim-
ville, visited with the latter’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. .Prance on Sun
Master Freeman Shouldice,
Centralia, spent last week with
cousin Harold Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Small,
Hiram Davis, Mrs. Bishop and Miss
Olive Bishop, of London, visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Davis on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Whaley, of
St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs
R. W. Batten one evening last week.
Miss Ethel Pooley spent a couple
of ddys last week with Miss Marjory
MrS. J. E. Creery and Master Har
old Davis spent Thursday last with
Mrs. M. Lamond of Cromarty.
Mrs. Hiram Copeland, of Wood
ham, spent one day last week with
Mrs. A. S. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher ahd
family Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerslake
and Genevieve attended the Kirkton
Sunday School picnic held at Strat
Mrs. M. Routly and Frank Routly
of Kirkton, called on Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Fletchet one day last week
Mrs. John Fletcher, of
spent one -day day last wee with
soil Clarence Fletcher.
Following the lines of least
slstahce Is what makes rivers
men crooked.
Croice Quality Pumpkin...........per tin 8c.
Ideal Catsup, qiiart bottle...........each 15c.
Muiffets...................................3 pkgs, for 25c.
Flip Flop Fly Coils........................6 for 10c.
Best Quality Rubber Jar Rings 4 doz. 25c.
Large Watermelons......................each 49c.
Phone 102
“Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver
These are the days of picnics and
family reunions. The Chalmers’
family picnic was held at Stratford.
Tuesday and the Hodgert family on
Wednesday. Roy’s congregation held
their picnic at “The Bend” Thurs
July 12th was the 50th Anniver
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Browne’s
wedding day. They visited in Exe
ter and took in the ball tournament.
Mr. John Hodgert, Mr. T. Bell and
Mr. Tom Hodgert mad§ an enjoyable
trip to Muskoka recently.
Master Jack Anderson is holiday
ing with his aunt and uncle Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Baird, of Grand Bend.
Mrs. John Baird is visiting rela
tives and friends in Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. George Carr, iSarnia
and Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon
and son Russell, of Grand Bend, vis*
ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dav
id Baird and Mr. Sam. Merner.
Miss Elizabeth Robinson, of Tor
onto, and Mrs. Ike Gower and Alma
Elimville, spent Sunday with Mr and
Mrs. Joseph Bullock and Mr. and
Mrs. H. Pfaff Sr.
Miss Dorothy .Smith has returned
to her home in Exeter after holiday
ing with her aunt and uncle Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Weido.
Mr. Elmers Weido has
home after a few days stay in
camp services will begin at
seven-thirty on Sunday evening
stead of 6.45 as the United church
has installed a lighting system on
the grounds.
Miss Isabelle Webb, of Toronto, Is
visiting her parents Mr. and
Stephen Webb.
Miss Muxworthy and Peggie
lard, of Windsor, are visiting
Abner Mollard for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Dewey, of St
Marys, visited Mrs. Dewey’s mother
Mrs. L. Ravelie over the week-end.
Mrs. T. F. Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Taylor and daughter, who
took advantage of the trip to the
West returned this week.
Mrs. Joseph Geromette, of Green
way, is visiting her sister-in-law
Frank Geromette.
Next Sunday our congregation
is invited to join with Zion con
gregation in a combined service to
be held at 10 p.m. Mrs. (Rev.) Tay
lor, of Thames Road, is to be the
speaker. S. S. here will be held at
10 p.m. for those who do not go to
Rev. and Mr. Peters and Miss
Catherine are leaving this week for
their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig and Mrs.
G. Young, of London, were
in the community last week.
Miss Marion Pym, of St.
has been holidaying in the
Mr. and Mrs. A. McFalls,
and BOnnie, of Biddulph, were
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Master David Cruikshank, of
onto, who has spent the last
Weeks at Mr. C. John’s, fell from a
fence tearing his leg on some barb
wire one day last week. Dr. Weekes
dressed the wound putting in three
The “Fresh Air” children, from
Toronto, who have been spending the
last two weeks in our neighbourhood
are returning this week.
Mrs. A. Hayter and granddaughter
Marion iSherritt, who have been vis
iting in Detroit returned home on
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hodgins, of
Centralia, sent last Sunday with his
mothei' Mrs. Catherine Hodgins.
Miss Marjorie Jennison,
Bend, spent 'Sunday with
Mrs. Ross Love.
• We extend our sincere
to the bereaved family of
Mrs. P. McGregor.
Miss Doreen Hayter returned to
her home in Detroit after visiting
with Miss Crystal Hayter.
Mr. B. J. Hodgins, Oif Oxdrift, is
holidaying with his brother Mr. M.
Mr. Piartisbuk, of London, called
on Mr. B. J. Hodgins on Saturday.
of Grand
Mr. and
the late
Miss Evelyn Wynn is holidaying at
her home here.
Miss Violet .Squire spent the week
end at the home of her parents.
The Mission Circle will meet on
the lawn of Miss Ethel Copeland on
Thursday afternoon of this week.
Lunch will be served.
The friends of Mrs. Geo, Hern will
be pleased to know, she is improving
nicely after her recent attack of
Quite a number from here
ed the barn raising at Mr.
Parkinson on Friday of last
open air service was held on
grounds on
Miss Rose Dietrich, of London, is
spending her holidays at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade and son
Melvin spent last Sunday at Ipper- {
wash Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchinson and
Ruth, of London, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eagleson and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. O. Willert and
family spent Sunday with friends at
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Lippert, of Mel
bourne, spent Sunday with their son
Mr. and Mrs. N. Turnbull, Grand
Bend, and Mr.' and Mrs. N. Sinclair,
of Crediton, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Mason.
Master Gordon Eagleson is spend
ing his holidays with friends in Lon
the Anglican church
Sunday. Rev. Mr. Hunt and the choir
from the Anglican Church Exeter
took charge of the service. Rev. Mr.
Hunt delivered a very fine address
and the music was enjoyed.
Miss Verna Drake, Stratford
spent the week-end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Drake.
| Mrs. M. McGill and two sons of1 Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
A. Luxton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dalton, of
Galt, called on Mr. and Mrs. William
Dinnin on Sunday.
Mrs. Cecil Stewart, of Exeter, spent
the week-end with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. G. G. Wilson.
Rev. and Mrs. Turner entertained
about forty young people on Tuesday
evening. Games were enjoyed which
were followed by a dainty lunch.
Mr. Jas. Wallace, of Seaforth
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Sinclair, catcher; H
Alvin Crago, 1st;
Alex Crago, 3rd;
W. Mills,
R. Me-
Mr. and Mrs. Lunn and family
Miss iScott and Mr. Bert Gordon all
of London, spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. W?n. Scott.
Mrs. Gordon Hazlewood, of Strat
ford, spent part of last week at the
home of Mr .and Mrs. R. Hazlewood
Mr. Carman McPherson is spend
ing his vacation with his grand
mother, Mrs. Ed. Switzer.
Miss Winnifred Kirk, of Windsor,
is spending the holiday with Mrs.
Henry White.
Quite a number attended the big
ball game played between the single
men and the married men, the mar
ried men winning with the score
sixteen to eight. Line up for married
men were: G.
Shier, pitcher;
McCurdy 2nd;
Mills, ss; E.
Naughton and
Line-up for single men was:
Brock, catcher; C. Gregory, pitcher
G. Atkinson, 1st; R. Marshall, 2nd;
W. Cluff, »3rd; B. Rundle, ss; F
Pridham, Dr. Jose and Reg Paul
Mr, and Mrs. Ira Marshall Ross
and Thqtyna spent Sunday with Mr
and Mrs. S. N. Shier, of Brynston.
Mrs. Heard, of St. Thomas, and
Mrs. Searle, of Keewatin, Ont. spent
part Of last week with their sister
Mrs. Thomas Washburn.
Kirkfnn iS'.iS. had a very successful
picftic last
and thirty
park where
of all kinds
five thirty all gathered for supper
after which they had a good old
chat thus departing and going home
the Anglican Sunday School held
their annual picnic hi Orand Bend
on Saturday,
Tuesday. Two hundred
motored to Stratford
they all enjoyed races
ahd soft hall games. At
Mr. and Mrs. Will Morley, Miss R
Morley and Mr. Russell Brock spent
the week-end at Leamington.
Miss Mary Brooks returned to
Stratford, Saturday after spending
the past two weeks with Mrs. Mel
ville Gunning.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morley and
Laverne also Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Gunning were at Kettle Point, Sun
Mr. and Mrs. H. Squire and Jean
Morley spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Anderson, Thames
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning were
Sunday visitors at Greenway with
Mr. and Mrs. S. Webb.
Mrs. Stanley Orchard, of Thorn
dale, visited for a few days last week
with her aunt Mrs. Frank Parkinson,
Master Andrew Arksey is holiday
ing in St. Marys with her grandpar
ents Mr. and Mrs. A. Arksey.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arksey visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John
Earl, of Seaforth. They were accom
panied home by Gladys Earl who
will visit them for a while.
Whalen W. M. 8.
Th July meeting of the W.,M. S.
was held at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Duffield at Granton. 'The fist vice-
president, Mrs. Wm. Morley, was In
the chair. The meeting opened with
the Doxolo'gy followed by the Lord’s
Prayer in unison. A hymn was sung
and Rev. Stewart led in prayer . The
Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. A.
Gunning. The Devotional Leaflet
“The Woman of decision” was read
by MfS. E< Squire. Readings were
glien by Dorothy Hazeiw'odd, “The
Doing Without”; Mary Morley
“Among so Many”; Ruth Hodgson.
‘The Little African Castaway”;
Gladys Squire gate a instrumental
and Mrs. F. Squire sang & solo. Hymn
§21 was sung and Mrs. John Hod
gson closed the meeting. Lunch was