HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-07-06, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY Cth, 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Free Service... Beginning Juue 1, 1933, we are going to give absolutely free service on all Farm Machinery and Equip­ ment bought front our warerooms since January 1, 1932- This will apply to all future sales. See dis­ play of trade-in machines. We have Side-Rakes & Tedders, Plows, Tractor Plows, Lever Har­ rows, Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Cream Separators and numerous ar­ ticles all in good condition and at Bargain prices. Give us a call if you need New Ma­ chinery for our prices are right and our goods unexecelled. Phone 231w. International Harvester Co. Ltd EXETER, ONTARIO Laird Bros. Specials BEAUTY SHOPPE SPECIALS. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY SATURDAY OUR MASTER n OIL WAVE With Shampoo and Finger wave LONDON 425*4 Richmond Met. 4646 LOCAL NEWS son, Keith, accompanied by C. A. Batson and Mrs. T'. Har- enjoyed a lovely motor trip the week-end. They stopped at Falls, Midland, Orillia Rev. D, McTavish, of Port Hope former pastor of the James St, Unit­ ed Church, accompanied by Mrs. Mc­ Tavish and two sons, John and Ernest, called on friends in Exeter Tuesday while on their way to their summer cottage at Pt. Clarke near Kincardine. Their many friends were pleased to see them again. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Batson and little Mrs. vey, over Eugenia Barrie, Guelph, Stratford and other places and called on friends along the way. Among those who visited on day at the home or Mr. and George W. Lawson were Mr. Mrs. Eli Lawson and Mrs. John Law- son, of Crediton; Mrs. Arthur Trails of Artland, Sask; Mrs. Thomas Ed­ wards, who arrived Friday last from Windfall, Sask.; Mrs. Oldham, oi Toronto; Mrs. Somners and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and son, of Mitchell Mrs. Arthur Halls left the same day for her home in the West. Exeter Markets Wheat 70 c. Oats 34c. Barley 45c. Manitoba’s Best $2.80 Model Fiour $2.60 Welcome Flour $2.40 Low Grade Fleur $1.35 Shorts $1.15 Bran $1.05 Creamery Butter 22, 24c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes,, M, A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School. If 11 a.m.—Service in charge of Rev W. A. Young, of Hensall. No evening service Butter 18, 21c. extras 15 c. firsts 12c. seconds 10c. $5.50 LOCALS ■Sunday UNION SERVICES Main Street and James Street United Churches , REV. A. E. ELLIOTT Main St. Miiiister and Main St. Choir during’ Julyin. charge Misses’ and Womens’ Voile Dresses In some very smart styles for the hot weather. In small as well as the large sizes. You will want one when the price is SUB STANDARDS IN SILK HOSE They come in most of the wanted shades. Are the regular $1,00 quality. Special while they last PER PAIR 59c. $2.95 " HOUSE DRESSES Six smart styles in fast color prints. Cheaper than you can buy the material and make them yourself. 79c. Qi MW II II M— l> i i i MHW.I — II — II — I Keep July 14th open rasp­ berry supper to be held on the Triv- itt Memorial church lawn, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rivers spent the First of July with relatives in Clinton. Mrs. Rd. Murphy and Miss Mildred Murphy visited in Strathroy during the past week. Mr. W. W. Lawrence, of Blen­ heim, spent the holidays with friends in town. Don’t forget the baseball tourna­ ment next Wednesday. See ad on an­ other page. Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve and family, of Forest, spent the week­ end with relatives. Mrs. Luther Reynolds is confined to her bed through illness and is under the doctor’s care. Mr. H. E. Huston and family have moved to their summer cottage “Outside Inn” at Grand Bend. Mr. Charles Northcott has return­ ed to his home in Melfort Sask., af­ ter visiting his mother and relatives Miss Nettie Pryde, of Windsor spent the holiday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pryde. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McClellan, of Stratford spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrsgun. the latter’s parents, C. Aidworth. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomson and grandson, Ross Sutnerland, are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Northcott and friends. Misses Gertrude Francis, Ruble Creech, Pearl Wood, Jean Sheere Enola Buswell and Celia Christie spent the week-end at Grand Bend. I Mrs. Rd. Murphy, Miss Mildred Murphy, Mrs. Harold White and two The regular meeting of the W. sons recently returned from a pleas- M. S. of Caven Presbyterian church ant motor trip to Ot:ar,-a and Hull was held Tuesday afternoon, Julyt 4th, at the home of Mrs Strang.' The business part was presided over by Miss Jeckell and the devotion was taken by Mrs. Campbell. The topic “Our Indian work in Presby­ terian residence” was given by Mrs J Sillery after which Dr. 1___ Strang gave an interesting talk on her work in the Peace mver District Afternoon tea was served and all enjoyed a social half hour. > Mr. and Mrs. Orby Kestle, Misses Mary and Reta Elworthy and Mr. J Parlmer, of Detroit, visited at the home of Mrs. Hy. Elworthy over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris, of Margaret Sarnia, visited with their cousins Hannigan and other vicinity Mr. and Mrs. N. relatives in the holiday. • The Sunday I Presbyterian church will services over the in Caven alternate Dr. Atkinson wishes to announce with the services in Carmel Pres- that his 10th. the Schools as usual. WHIJE ANKLE SOX Lovely white mesh ankle spx that sells regularly for 35c. Sizes 8 1-2 to 10 SPECIAL THIS WEEK PER PAIR 25c. KOTEX We offer a special price on Kotex for this week. REGULAR 25c.; SPECIAL 21c. -James- of an Eagle.” .Street—“The Way 7 p.m.-•Main Street—“Courage.’’ Ii Thursday.—Union Prayer Meeting at Main Street. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M>. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 10 a.m.—Sunday Sichool a.m.—Morning prayer and sermon 7 p.m.—Evensong and sermon. 11 FOR SALE HOUSE PLANTS CUT FLOWERS For Sale—Combination tray and bed table. Harness’ Greenhouse Phone 202 W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. New Styles and Colors in Bathing Suits Let’s go swimming! We have sizes for every member of the family. They are all wool and reasonably priced. $1.00 to $3.95 SMART STYLES, MEN’S STRAW HATS They come in four different shapes and are excellent value YOUR CHOICE FOR $1.50 WHITE DRILL PANTS Guarateed not to shrink, well made, sizes 28 to 36. PER PAIR $2.25 HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR The kind with no buttons to rip off and Is cool and comfortable. Sizes 34 to 44. PER GARMENT $1.00 CREAM FLANNEL TROUSERS You will want a pair for the holidays. A quality flannel at PER PAIR $5.00 New Patterns in English Dinnerware It is called the Dolores Pattern, comes in cream ground with lovely floral decoration ahd is open stock. Start saving now. Fruit Saucers . . . .... 10c.Dinner Plate ........... . . 25c Soup Plate.....................20c Bread and Butter Plate 10c.Cereal Bowl .'. . .. .. 15c.Cream Jug .......... ... 35c. Tea Plate ............... . tl5c.Cup & Saucer ..... .. 20c.Egg Cup .............. ... 10c. Breakfast Plate . .. . . 20c.Salad Bowl ...........Small Platter . . . ,.... 39c. GROCERY SPECIALS.SAVINGS FOR YOU QUALITY AND PRICE GUARANTEED. Maple Leaf Salmon 1-2 lb. tins 16c. each Certo for Jams and Jellies 29c. a bottle Fruit Jar Rubbers 14 cut white, per pkg. 5c. Olives 18 oz. jar 19c. each Gold Medal Prepared Mustard 32 oz. jar 25c. New Clover Honey qt. gems 35c. 5 lb. pails 45c. 10 lb. pails 85c. Coarse Salt 100 lb. bags 80e 1 Fine Salt 50 lb. bags . .55c. | Cheese, Real Tasty 15c. a lb. CHERRIES WILL BE AT THEIR BEST SOON. PHONE US YOUR ORDER k Southcott Bros. J LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education 'Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY • Phone 229 • Never Again office will reopen on July byterian Church, Hensall for ■ summer months. ---------------------- - , I Mr .and Mrs. Gordon Davis SALE Young Yorkshire family, of Toronto, visited at - — ---------• home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Donald. Mr.s. Davis and family spending their holidays with friends here. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Stainton and family left this week on their holi- dajjs and will be away for the month of July. They will spend the first part of their holidays at Chautauqua Lake, NeW York state. Members of the Canadian Bank of Compierce staff spent the holi­ days at their respective homes. Mr. R. Bourne was at Grimsby; Mr. V Burdeux at Kitchener and L. Jack- son at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kress and children have returned to Exeter after holidaying in Brantford. Kress is leaving the end of week to relieve the manager at Canadian Bank of Commerce Dublin. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Wildfong daughter, Miss Ruth, and Mr. Mrs. F. WUdfong visited with friends at Holmesville on Sunday. Wildfong is remaining to few days with her mother, Grassick, who is somewhat ed at present. Capt. and Mrs. S. Barrett, officers of the Exeter Salvation Army have been transferred to Ridgetown leav­ ing last week for their new field of labor. Capt. and Mrs. Barrett made many warm friends while in Exeter They have been succeeded by Silver of Wingham ana Ueut of Toronto Training Garrison. James Doolan and wife gave E. Huston, of Exeter, a flying visit on thei'r visit from the West. The Doolans conduct a general store and post office at Naco, Alta. While on their trip they left Wes. C. Huston, formerly of Exeter in charge, whom they .claim is hale and hearty. It is over twenty-five years ago since they left thie burg. The W. M. S. of New St. James Presbyterian Church, Landon, will hold a reception for Dr. Margaret Strang on the afternoon of Tuesday July llth and members of the Lon­ don Presbyterial ‘will have the op­ portunity of meeting Ur, Strang who will deliver an address. FOR hogs. Chas. Harvey, Exeter. 8-6-2tp LOST—On Sunday evening a la­ dies’ white gold wrist watch. Finder rewarded by leaving at Times-Advo- cate. It FOR. SALE—New choice clover honey at reasonable prices. Wesley Dearing, Phone 17-r-14 Crediton. HOUSE FOR RENT—Two storey frame house in Hensall, one block south of United Church. Apply to Mrs. Rd. Blatchford, care of Chas. Harvey, Exeter. FOR er hay, Hector iton. SALE—25 acres of red standing. Apply to Mitchell. Phone 29rl3 * tfc clov- Mrs. Cred- FARMERS us, and get reduced prices on twine and rope. New and old har­ vesting machinery all at reduced prices. Service on all old machinery at reasonable rates; also Beatty hay track equipment and repairs. Phone 91, Dashwood. International Har­ vester Co. Call FOR SALE—1'0 acres of mixed hay, lot 15 con. 10, Stephen twp. also 4 collie pups, good heelers and cheap. Phone George Hepburn, 26r2 Crediton. STRAYED — From the Regan farm, Stephen and McGillivary town line, Durham heifer one and a half years old, grey, ring in right ear short horns. Please notify Nelson St. Clair, Crediton, P. O. FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, all modern conveniences. Apply R. E. Pickard HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 184 Exeter, Poultry Feeds/Beef Meal, . Oyster Shell, Grit, Cod Liver Oil, Alfalfa Meal, Cello-GlasS, iSil-Lite, etc. Bring us your market eggs or poul­ try. Custom Hatching. Ont. and the Mc- are Mr the the at and and Mrs. F. spend a Mrs. Jas indispos- Capt Prior to H. relatives in this A. Dale and chil- are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. David Hall and Mrs. Rinshed, of Detroit, visited over the holiday with relatives.iI Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Doupe and | daughter, of Alr'thu'i^, visited with relatives and friends on Sunday. Miss Betty Peart, of Rockwood is spending her holidays with her cousin, Miss Ina Jaques, R. N. Mrs. Hugh O’Connor and two sons Hugh and Chum, of Detroit, are vis- itig with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Davis. Miss Frances Weekes, of London, visited over the week-end at the home of iMr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. .Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Coates, of De­ troit, arrived Saturday to visit for a few days with community. Mr. and Mrs. R. dren, of Toronto, Mrs. Dale’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Eastlake, of Ridge­ town, visited on Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Hugh Gould at the home of Mr. Walter Cutibush. A radish was brought into the Times-Advocate on Friday last that measured from the neck to the tip of the root 23 inches. Mr. and Mrs. Clare R. Smith, Mr. C. Hinsburg and Miss L. Derford,. of Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Smith Dominion Day. Mrs. Fred Witmer, of Kitchener, visited with friends in town. Mrs, Witmer attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Geiger, of Ann Arbor. Mich. Miss Margaret Martin, nurse-in­ training at the Hamilton Hospital, is holidaying for three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mar­ tin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Umberfield and Miss Fanny Sutton, of5* Detroit, and Miss Bertha Babcock, of Niles, Mich, spent the forepart of the week visit­ ing with friends and relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Acheson and little daughter, Jane, and Mr. Bert Farrell’ and' Miss Audrey An­ derson, all of Toronto, motored up and spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Mr. and jytrs. Frank Johns and two sons and Mr .and Mrs. Cairns and son, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with the former’s mother, Mrs. W. Johns. At the morning service in James Street United Church Mr Johns sang a very acceptable solo Messrs. George Beavers and Alex Adam, of Toronto, and Reg. Beavers of Niagara Falls, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers Reg. is being transferred from Nia­ gara Falls to the St. Thomas branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce where he will be relieving for two months. Mrs. Rd. Davis has returned after spending a week in Detroit. Mrs. Annie J. J. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Manson, Jack and Marguerite, of Dundas, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard. Mr®. McDonald remained tor a few days. At Goderich on Dominion Day Wim. E. Quinn was a contender in a , three mile race winning 2nd place. Bill Barrow, of Goderich won the trophy for the 2nd time in succession Two years, ago the tropny was won by Quinn. Clinton track team the relay race from Goderich, team comprised Bill Joynt, Tom Bob Combe and Jack Sterling. Rev. A. E. Elliott assisted in the induction ceremonies of Rev. C. W. DeWitt Cousens, BA., M.A. formerly of Stratford into1 the pastorate of Wesley-Willis United Church, Clin­ ton, on Friday evening last. The in­ ducting minister was Rev. F. W. Craik, of Goderich. Mr. Elliott ad­ dressed the congregation and Rev. J. H. Herbert, of Holmesville ad­ dressed the minister. The many friends of Mr. Paul Madge, of Milk River, Alta., were delighted to renew old friendships over the week-end. Mr. Madge was a former resident of the Thames Road and left here for the west 23 years, ago. He motored down with Martin and some other They spent two days at the Fair and came to Hamilton the former’s daughter, Is an expression frequently heard these days. It icomes from men who have all their lives naa theln clothes made by some reliable tailor, vertisements of cheap so called made to clothes has tempted them to gamble on one suits. After a couple of months wear they ed their mistake and will never again be ain the same way. Glaring ad­ measure of these dicover-i tempted Your Opportunity is Here MAKE USE OF IT Have your clothes made here under our personal supervision by men who have been long trained in the art of Tailoring gar­ ments to one’s own individual requirements. We have prices to suit you.Come in and see us. wob The Ross his son friends. Chicago to visit Rev. and Mrs. Fred J'ohns, taking them by surprise. Accompanied by Mrs. Johns they came on to Exeter visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. Elford and other relatives and friends- Mr. Madge who is in hfs 80th year is hale and hearty and stood the long journey of 2200 mi'les remarkably well. It is 15 years since he was here last. On Saturday evening a family gathering was held at the home of Mr. Wm. Veal, of Winchelsea, and a pleasant evening was spent going over old times. The Madge’s and Mrs. Johns returned to Hamilton Monday and on their return jOuyney the two men ^will again take in the fair at Chicago PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. E""--1 ........... -1 Ideal Meat Market CHOICE QUALITY MEATS , During the hot weather for a quick meal try our electrically sliced Bacon Cooked Ham and Bologna. Also other Cooked Meats. Milk and Cream.Limburger Cheese. PHONE 38 WE DELIVER MAIN ST. SOUTH of rain visited this to an end the farmer’s, had anxious as a long been feW Early on Thursday morning a heavy’ downpour section bringing dry spell. The growing mighty more days of hot weather would have meant destraction to the crops. Ah additional shower fail Friday and the ground has been well soaked The Entrance examinations were held Monday, Tuesday and Wednes­ day of this week. Mr. E. J. Wethey presided. There are 35 pupils writ­ ing at Exeter. Nineteen pupils of Mr. Howard’s room have < been granted entrances certificates on their year’s standing. There are 105 pupils writ­ ing on middle' and upper school examinations.