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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-06-22, Page 8
THURSDAY, JUNE S3, 1033 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Petroleum Coke Orders now accepted R. G. Seldon Exeter Markets Wheat, 65c. Oats, 32c. Barley 42c. Seed Buckwheat 60c. Shorts $1.15 Bran $1.05 Low Grad© Flour $1,35 Manitoba’s Best $2.50 Model Flour* $2.40 Welcome Flour $2.40 Creamery Butter 21, 2'3, 24c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 18. 21c. extras 14c. first 11c. seconds 9c. . $5.25 warerooms This will See •dis Free Service... Beginning'? June 1, 1933, we are going to give absolutely free service on all .Farm Machinery and Equip ment bought from our since January 1, 1932. apply to all future sales, play of trade-in machines. We have Side-Rakes & Tedders, Plows, Tractor Plows, Lever Har rows, Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Cream Separators and numerous ar ticles all in good condition and at Bargain Prices. Give us a call if you need New Ma chinery for our prices are right and our goods unexecelled, phone 231w. International Harvester Co. Ltd EXETER, ONTARIO LOCALS i Dr, Atkinson wishes to announce that his office will be closed from July 1st to July 9th. The meeting of the Women’s In stitute -will be held at the home of Mrs. T. Harvey on Tuesday, June 27th at 2:30 p.m,. Subject for roll call "A good deed you have done to-day. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes,, M. A, • Minister | Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—“A Colony of Heaven’’ 7 p.m.—“Life’s Supreme Decision” With these services Mr. Rhodes' ministry in Cayen Church will be concluded. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A.,B.D„ Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 1 a.m.—'Sunday School a.m.—Sacrament of the Supper p.m.—The Minister Subject : “The Oxford Movement” At the close of the service basement of the church there wil* be a forum at which members of the Oxford Group will speak. Wednesday—Prayer Meeting. 10 11 7 Lord's Group in the FINE WORSTED SUITS for YOUNG MEN In shades of grey, brown stripe, blue stripe. These suits 1 4 are excellent all wool cloths, are modern, snappy styles, tp 1. rr TOOKE’S COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS The best value we have seen in years. Full cut and fast colors SPECIAL 98c, NAVY BLUE WORK SHIRTS Good full cut and excellent wearing shirt. EXTRA SPECIAL 79c. NEW STRAW HATS Showing the new shapes in light weight straws. $1.50—$1.95 BLUE DENIM PANTS In an extra good cloth. Well made and roomy. These Will be higher in price $1.29 Linoleum Rugs These are real savings Size 9ft. x lOi/g ft. Size 9 ft. x 12 ft. Size 10y2ft. x 12 ft. Size 12 ft. x 12ft. Size 12 ft. x 15 ft. regular $10.50; regular $12.45; regular $14.95; regular $16.95; regular $19.95; Sale Price .... $ 9.49 Sale Price . , . .10.90 Sale Price .,..11.45 Sale Price .... 13.45 Sale Price . . . .15.95 Eugene ..........;................... $5.50 Realistic Croquignole .... $4.50 Charmaine . . . Nu Beauty Oil Push Up or Finger Wave Style. LONDON 425^2 Richmond Met. 4646 $3.50 $2.50 Goderich on visiting with L. Roulston Jaques spent Mrs MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—Sunday School10 11 7 a.m.—■Communion Service In order to make room we have 500 yearling hens for sale to go in the next two weeks at 60c. each. These hens have all been culled and will make you more money than the average pullets. This is the record for a pen of our yearling hens made for the month of December last year: 'Average number of birds, for De cember 299; total number of eggs layed 5'355; average number of eggs per That’s do it for SUB-STANDARDS IN SILK HOSE The same quality as we sell for $1.00 only in sub-standards. , A fine lot of colors. SPECIAL PER PAIR 59c. NEW CREPE WOOL FOR KNITTING Made by Corticelli. Lovely shades for summer for sweaters, hats, etc. PER BALL 25c. NEW ANKLE SOX In new mercerized lisle in different shades with facy tops. Real value at per PAIR 25c. Cotton Voiles in Floral Patterns The patterns and colorings are very pleasing and the quality is excellent PER YARD 29c. New Patterns in English Dinnerware WE ARE STOCKING A NEW PATTERN IN -ENGLISH DINNERWARE. IT IS CALLED THE “DOLORES” IN THE NEW CREAM GROUND WITH VERY PRETTY FLORAL DECORATION. START SAVING A SET NOW. YOU CAN BUY THE COMPLETE SET FOR $17.75. GROCERY SPECIALS.SAVINGS FOR YOU. p.m.—The Minister Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting Mrs. John Morley is confined to her home through illness. Mr. W. J. Northcott, of London Spent a few days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wells and ; two children visited in Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Howald is her daughter, Mrs. V. in Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. George the week-end with Mr. and Fowler at Chesley. The fifth annual England re-union wil 1 be held at Grand Bend on Thursday, July 6th. Mrs. Geo. Geddes, of London, vis ited with her daughter Mrs. William B. Snell, Saturday. Mr. Wm. Bowden, of Centralia, is Again able to be out following his recent accident. Mr. Chas. Northcott, of Melfort Sask., is visiting with his mother Mrs. Roger Northcott. Dr. Victor Johnston, of Lucknow called on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. John ston on Friday afternoon. Miss Pearl Sanders and friend, of London, spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winegarden • and family, of Parkhill, visited with SpecialpIr- an^ Mrs. Basil Preszcator on. I 10 11 average number day 172. good production. If they’ll us they’ll do it for you. Culling do your culling.Let us — „— ____ _ , course taken in this line. Now is the Sunday, time to take out the poor and non- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Statham and producing hens. Lois, of London, visited with friends ' here and at Hensall on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hind visited with friends at Kincardine and Walkerton on Monday and Tuesday of this week. i Mr. J. Huckins and Miss Constance A Japanese Tea will be held on jenningSj Goderich, spent Sunday the lawn of Miss Stella Southcott on jatter’s parents, Mr. Thursday, June 29th, under the aus-.[Mrs Harry jennings pices or the Mission Circle. j Mr. p j Delbrldge lbst a dark greyhound pup when ---- stantly killed by being struck by a motorist Monday evening. Mr. Wm. Kress, who has been the Canadian Bank branch at Wellesley, at his home here. A. Patrick, of Toronto Dorothy Snell, of St. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM . KENNETH WEIN Dashwood, Ont. I and it was in-The regular monthly meeting of Legion will be held on Friday, June 23rd instead of on the 30th. j ’ lieving at Commerce holidaying Mr. W. and Miss Thomas, are holidaying at the home of the latter’s mother, Mrs. J. Snell, Several of the Masonic brethren from Exeter attended the past mas ters’ and wardens’ picnic at Strat ford on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klambach, of Cleveland, Sweet on Klambach .bermory. Mr. and in London attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Hudd whjch took place on Monday. Reeve B. M. and Mrs. Francis and Ex-warden B. W. F. and Mrs. Beavers attended the county coun cillors’ pinic at Pt. Albert on Tues day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Hatherwill, of Owosso, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowcliffe over the week end. They attended the Bell reun ion in Usborne on Saturday. Mrs. Twitchell and daughter, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Taite, of Granton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Preszcator, of London, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. John Presz cator. Mr. F. Lewis, of Toronto, repre senting the Prohibition Union oc cupied the pulpit of James Street United Church on Sunday morning and of Main St. United church in the evening. Mr. Mose Mawson, Visited With his. neice, Sims over the week-end itfr, Harold Appleton, of London, is spending a few days with Mr, Mrs, Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey, Bdgar Hrinkifi, Mrs, T. Hunkiri. Mrs. Pollen visited With Mr, Mrs, Ed„ Bollen at Farquhar on Suh* day and attended the Thames Road Sunday school anniversary, STRAYED— From the Regan farm, Stephen and McGillivary town line, Durham heifer one and a half years old, grey, ring in Tight ear short horns. Please notify Nelson St. Clair, Crediton, P. O. STRAYED—From Lot 6, Con. 6 Hay Tp., two yearling cattle, one black and one red with good-size hole in the left ear. Finder please comunicate with E. Kestle,Exeter. of for re ef is WANTED—Boy 14 years wants position on the farm summer months. Apply Harold liott, Ford Garage. age the El- visited with Miss Hettie Monday. Mr. and Mrs. were on their way to To- STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE- Apply to F. Gollings, Farquhar. suite oak, 6 diners, table and buf- good condition. Price $25.00. at Times-Advocate FOR 'SALE—Dining-room fumed fet, in Apply NOTICE—Having disposed of my business I wish to thank my many customers for their splendid patron age. All accounts are now due and must be settled before the first of July.—Sid. Davis FOR SALE OR RENT—'Fine brick residence, all modern conveniences. Apply R. E. Pickard Large barn for sale—Compara tively new, timbers in good condition Apply to Shipley Stewart, Ailsa Craig. 15-6-3tc. BARN FOR SALE—<316x1514; 16 ft. siding in good repain, Apply to El mer J. Webster, 1 mile east Varna. HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 184 Eketer, W. Leghorn^ 7-c.; Barred & White Rockk, and Black Mindrcas 80s; Jer sey Black- Giants 10c* Poultry Peeds, Beef Meal, Oyster Shell, Grit, God Livnroll, Alfalfa Meal, Gallo-Glass, iSil-Xdte, etc. Bring us your market eggs or j?ouB tty* Custom Hatching. Ont Mrs. George Hunter were the forepart of the week of of Parkhill Mrs. K. J . A nephew and Mr. and and TRIVITT MEMORIAL. CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, >Lr. Middlemlss ■Sunday Schoola.m.- a.m.—Morning prayer and sermon 7 p.m.-—Evensong and sermon. FOR SALE HOUSE PLANTS STRAWBERRIES CUT FLOWERS For Decoration Day (Order Early) Harness’ Greenhouse Phone 202 W. R. Goulding A. T. C, M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and daughter Thelma, of London, called on former friends in Exeter on Sunday. Dr. W. E. Weekes has been award ed second prize by the Canadian National Railway Magazine in a short true story contest. Mr. Eber Anderson and daughter of Gull Lake, Sask, who have been visiting at Crediton, are spending this week with the ^ormer’s sister. Mrs. G. Hays. Mr. -S. McCoy, of Loneon, visited in town Sunday and attended Divine service with the Masonic order Sun day evening. Mr. Geo. Hays has moved into the residence he recently purchased from Mr. E. Davis. Mr. Davis has moved into the old Gidley property on William street. Mr. and Mrs. Downie and two children; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and Mr. H. Amy, o.f Drayton, visited on Fri day last with Mr. and Mrs. P. Coates and Mrs. E. A. Amy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Northcott, of Alvinston, spent the week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs Roger Northcott. They attended the Moon family reunion at Grand Bend on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson and daughter Miss Edna, and Miss Ila Westcott, of Toronto; Miss V. Fish er, of Hamilton and Mr. Fred West cott, of Douglas, Man., visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coates called on relatives Tuesday. ■Mr. Harry Jennings, Jr., has with and Puffed Rice Per pkg. 15c. Nature’s Best Tomato Juice Per tin 5c. Lifebuoy Soap | 3 cakes 22c. SPECIAL—LIBBY’S HAPPY VALE DILL PICKLES,’ qt. jar ......................................15c. ea. Brunswick Sardines Sani-Fiush 1 Puffed Wheat 4 tins 19c.Per tin 23c. |2 pkgs 25c. PHONE YOUR ORDERS FOR STRAWBERRIES (fresh each day) Pure Castile Soap Choice Quality Rice 1 Sweet Mixed Pickles 10 cakes for 25c.3 lbs. 14c.Large jar 29c. ALWAYS IN STOCK—(FRESH)—LEMONS, ORANGES, BANANAS, TOMATOES. CARROTS, CUKES, POTATOES, LETTUCE Southcott Bros LOCAL NEWS Satur- 200 from Thed- Miss Ella Jones, or Stratford, vis ited on Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Thos. Jones. The annual Moon family re-union was held at Grand Bend on day last. There were about present, persons being there Toronto, Chatham, Detroit, ford, Londesboro, Exeter, Alvinston. and London. Sport* and amuse ments were held in the afternoon. Miss Muriel Kerr, who has been visiting relatives in this commun ity, left Tuesday morning with and Mrs. Louis Rader and Mr. Mrs. Henry Rader to visit for a days in Detroit. Miss Kerr will it the World’s Fair at 'Chicago fore returning to her home at Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Passmore, E. J. Mr. and few vis- be- Los Mrs Passmore and Mrs. Clayton Frayne motored to Bowmanv'iRe and visited with Mrs. Spargo and Mrs. Kestle. About two weeks ago Mrs. Kestle had the misfortune to dislocate her hip and she is now in the Bowmanville hospital where she is getting along nicely. The C.. N. R. band of Stratford gave an outdoor concert in Victoria park Sunday evening and drew a very large crowd. They gave a very fine musical program that was much appreciated. The band is a splen did musical organization and was one of the competitors at the Cana dian National Exhibition. Mr. W. D. Sanders moved a vote of thanks. A collection was ta-ken up. The Boy Scouts enjoyed a pleas ant outing at Grand Bend on evening last. They arrived lake in time to enjoy a dip supper and after partaking hearty picnic meal chose sides for a game of softball. During the even ing, while seated around a camp fire Rev. Mr. Mathers, or Grand .Bend gave an excellent talk on some of his experiences while a student mis sionary in the West. A sing song and a short program «?ns carried out. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. William Creech were; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart and daughter, Florence, Mr. John Bissett, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London; Mrs, James Bissbtt, Mrs. Gilling and son, Frank, of Korman Creech, Chester Creech, daughter, Joyce, Jos. LaMnntia, Friday at the before of a been appointed student-in-charge of the Tara Anglican Church for the months of July, August and Septem ber. He will re-open the church at Sullivan near Chefeley which has been closed for several years. Mrs. Harty Elston and daughter Barbary, of San Bruno, Calif., visit ed with Mr. ElSten’g relatives in this community during tub past week, Mr. Elston is publisher Of the San Bruno Herald, The TimAs-Advodate Was favored with a pleasant call i Mrs, HatVey Hill and daughter, of from Mrs, Ellston. Birr, the late St, Thomas; of Brantford; Mrs, Cooper of Toronto; qf (Strathroy; Mrs. Mr, and Mr. and I r Featherweight Hats for the hot weather Specially priced at 2.50 & 3.49 Linen Caps at 35c. Shirts All the latest in attached and unattached collars. Socks Plain and fancy. Reduced to 25 & 50c. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. a Ideal Meat Market CHOICE QUALITY MEATS Possibly at times you are at a loss to choose the meats you need for your meals May we suggest that you call at the IDEAL MEAT MARKET personally or phone 38 as it is our business to help you to decide. We would be glad to do so not only from the viewpoint of selling you your meats but also to give you satis factory service. \ FRESH FISH BEGINNING OF EACH WEEK PHONE 38 MAIN ST. SOUTH The weather has been exceeding ly hot the past few days. Rainjs badly needed, Mr, arid Mrs, I. Lindenfield, Eleanor Lindenfield, R.K, Margaret McNabb, ofi London Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Parker sou. Ronald, of Hensail, were day visitors With Mr, And Mrs. E Lindenfield, x Miss. Miss and and Sun- Mr. Harry We?t, of Sarnia, visit ed at his home here Sunday. The Huronla Male Concert Co. or Exeter, under the leadership of W, R, GdUlding, A.T.C.M., are furnish ing the programed at Moncton, Hlimvllle and AVonbahk , Where Strawberry festivals afe being hold The programs are of ii varied nature with readings, solos, comedians and choruses continuous for two hour,s,