HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-06-22, Page 5/
* . Y
1 car only tp be unloaded about
June 17th $1.20 cash (large
j bunch) off car.
Phone your order in and we will
advise when they arrive.
Metal Roofing In Stock
A gopd assortment of ltttnber
always on hand
Say! Did you see the ad’vt on the
front age regarding the Strawberry
Supper served by the men
United Church? Can the men
Come and see.
of the
do it?
NOTICE—Au old time
meeting will be held on the
at Crediton Saturday night, June 24,
at 8 p.m. by A, Fields, Evangelist
and friend from Parkhill (D. V.).
Old fashion singing.
AhSpencer & Son
' Rhone 102 Hensail
I '
Fisher visited friends
for several days last
Simpson, of Detroit
wit'h their
this week
Mr. A, L. Case is improving nice
ly after his recent severe -illness.
Miss Doreen Farquhar spent the
week-end at her home in Stanley.
Miss Mary Buchanan, R.N., of
London, is visiting at her home here
Miss Martha Carlile, of London
■spent the week-end at her home
Mr. Jack Corbett spent a few days
this week with her parents in Dash
Mrs. John
in Toronto
Mr. Wm.
spent the week-end with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. John Dick, of
lia, visited with friends in
last week.
Mrs. S. Merner is visiting
week with Mr., and Mrs. Isaac
son, of Seaforth,
Mr. Jas. Hogan left last week for
Vancouver, B.C., where he will visit
for some time,
Mr. and Mrs. David Cantelon are
spending a few weeks at their cot
tage at Pike Bay.
Mr. MUton Ortwein and Son,
Lloyd, spent the week-end with
relatives in town.
Miss Jessie Bell has returned
home after a pleasast visit with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. Stanley Walters has resumed
his duties at the Bank of Montreal
after his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dayman, of
Usborne, visited last week with Mr
and Mrs. H. O. Dayman.
Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, of Neil
are visiting at the home of Messrs
John and Wm. Craig.
Rev. and Mrs. G. M. Young, of
Nairn, visitbd on Monday
son, Rev. W. A. Young.
The village council are
having oil put on South
Street to settle the dust.
Mr. and Mrs. Moir, of Staples
Alta, are visiting friends and rela
tives in and around Hensall.
Mrs. Wm. Henry is visiting for
a few weeks with Mr and Mrs. John
G. Scott, of near Cromarty.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and
family, of the Beach o’ Pines spent
Saturday with friends in town.„
The many friends of Mr. T. C
Joynt are sorry to hear he is con
fined to his home through illness.
Mrs. Davidson, of North Morning
ton, is visiting this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. David
Misses Margaret and Lizzie Slavin
have returned home after a pleasant
Visit with their brother at Chisel
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stewart, of
Toronto, are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Stewart’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. Foss.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the graduation exercises at the
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth
on Wednesday.
Mrs. Walter Hobkirk and daugh
ter, Miss Margaret, left last week
for the West where they will visit
for some time.
The Huron County Council and
County officers held a picnic at
Port Albert on Tuesday. There was
a good attendance.
Rev. A. R. Gibson, of Mitchell,
will give an address at the prayer
meeting in the Carmel Prebyterian
Church Thursday evening.”
The Arnold Club of the Carmel
Presbyterian Church held their reg
ular meeting in the basement of the
church on Tuesday evening. A good
attendance was present.
The W.M.S. of the Carmel Pres
byterian Church will hold their an
nual birthday party in the church
On Thursday afternoon. Mrs. (Rev.)
Lane, of Goderich, will be the
Speaker for the day.
The, Strawberry1 Festival put on
by the Young People of the united
'Church was well attended. An ex
cellent* program was given on the
grounds and the supper was served
by the men of the congregation.
A good crowd attended the recep
tion in honour of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Bell, newly weds, on Mon
day evening in the Town HAIL The
young couple were presented with
two wicker chairs and a table,
many friends wish them
happiness In. married life.
Mrs, J. McDonald, of Detroit, is
visiting with her mother, Mrs, Mary
Mr, Harry Dale, of Brampton, was
a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. F.
W\ Clarke./ Mr. and Mrs, Walter Dearing, of
'London, spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. R. Hill.
Mrs. Lloyd England attended the
funeral of her uncle Wes. Sadler, of
Sarnia on Wednesday.
■ Miss Ella Morlock, of Toronto, Is
spending'her vacation with her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. E, Morlock.
Mt. and Mrs. Emmery Fahner
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Haist were in Zurich on Sunday.
Mr. Gordon Watson, of Treesbank.
Man., is visiting with Mr, and Mrs.
Albert Morlock and Mrs, Magdalena
'Mrs. Charles Braun and family, of
Detroit, are visiting with her father
Mr. Charles Kienzle, who is occupy
ing his house for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner and
Mr. and Mrs. William Finkbeiner
and Mrs. Mabel Ewald were in
Niagara Falls over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wagner and
family, and Mr. Moses Gaiser, of
Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Braun, of Bright, spent (Sunday at
the home of Mrs, Wilhelmina Gais
Union service will be held in the
United church Sunday evening when
Rev. Denny Bright, of London,
presenting the Bible Society
Western Ontario, win occupy
Neil Sweet, of Keyes, Man., visit
ed last week with his uncle and aunt
Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hill and other
friends. He is on his way home,
having spent several months with
relatives near. Chesley.
The annual strawberry social giv
en by the Ladies’ Aid of the Evan
gelical Church will be held on the
church lawn June 29th. The choir
will again have charge of the pro
gram to follow. In case of rainy
weather other provisions will be
made. We expect a large crowd and
an enjoyable evening. Everybody
knows the reputation of an Evan
gelical table.
The annual decoration service
will be held next Sunday at the
Crediton Evangelical cemetery. It is
expected that all the graves will be
in proper ordei’ and besides this,
also present a decorated appearance
Service begins promptly at 2:30'
The entire community is cordially
invited to come„a,nd show their re
spects in n^emGry of the departed
friends, fellow citizens and pioneers
Special ,m\isic will accompany the
exercises. The pastor of- the church
Will deliver a memoriar aadress and
briefly^ review the names, of some of the earliest settlers '"’who are still
remembered an^pAg us.H^
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. blark accom
panied by Mrs. Emma Lewis, of
Toronto, Mrs. H. E. Rapley, of Mar
ietta, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Kestle and daughter, Janet, of Exe
ter, motored to Guelph Friday, June
16th to attend the graduation exer
cises of MacDonald Institute from
which Miss Laura Clark was grad-,
uated on that day. The beautiful
Memorial Hall from which 107
young ladies were graduated was
made lovely with flowers and ferns
The class in caps and gowns and
carrying beautiful bouquets of flow
ers walked up the aisle between the
celebrated daisy chain. The diplomas
were presented by Dr. G. I. Christie
president of the O.A.C. Added.dig
nity was lent the occasion by the
presence of His Honor, Dr. Herbert,
A. Bruce, Lieutenant Governor or
Ontario, who delivered the address
to the graduates. The MacDonald
Institute is indeed something or
rich Town Hall on June 13th.
members of the Crediton institute
were present. A goodly number of
the Zurich members attended. Mrs.
Hy. Hess occupied the chair. After
singing the Ode and repeating the
Lord’s Prayer, Mrs. jGordon Mor
lock, of Crediton, sang a solo. Re
ports from each institutes were giv
en by1 the secretaries, Mrs. Kalb-
fleisch, of Zurich and Mrs. L. Eng
land, Crediton. Both gave splen
did reports Of the year’s Work. Miss
Best, speaker, of Toronto, congrat
ulated the societies oh the good
work they are doing. Miss Pest, who
is a capable speaker, spoke on dif
ferent subjects such as housekeeping
and health and told Of her expdt-
iOficeg ih orgAhizing diftOreiii insltl-
itutes ih th& Old Cbtihtry, Mrs. Harry
Hestf ami Mrs. (Dr.) O’pwyer, of
Zurich, DlAydd a pihbo duett and
Mirs. Emmery Fahrner of Oreditori
gave A readihg, Zurich ladles serv
ed a dainty ltinch in the basement
the tAbles being attractively decorAt-
ed in pink And white. Mrs. Teller
and Mrs. ZWicker moved A vote of
thanks to the Zurich ladieb.
the people of Ontario may be
summer meeting of the Wo-
Institute was held in the Zu-
radioAfter listening to some
broadcasts one discovers what be-
tomes of ail the old tracked phono
graph records.
Obituary of Uonrgd Kuhn
Conrad Kuhn was born March 19
1849 at Morriston, Ont. a son of the
late John Kuhn and his wife
Johanna, pioneers of Stephen town
ship. The family moved to our vi
cinity when Conrad was a child and
they settled just north of the vill
age of Crediton. In 1874 he married
Miss Elizabeth Schweitzer and mov
ed to East Crediton where they be
gan the profitable project of tile
making. Three sons and three
daughters were born to them. The
beloved wife and mother of these
children died in 1902 and one son
died in 1924. In the course of time
Mr. Kuhn erected his residence in
Crediton and moved thence with his
two daughters, In 1918 he was
again married to Miss Elizabeth
Oestreicher and lived in congenial
and happy fellowship until his death
on Thursday morning, June 15th at
the advanced age of 84. Mr. Kuhn
was an active member of the Evan
gelical Church, for many yfears a
trustee, also a member of the build
ing committee in the erection of the
present stately building and he was
one of the first to give a large sub
scription for that purpose. The re
maining family besides the bereaved
of Detroit; seven grandchildren and
two great grandchildren. Largely
attended memorial services were
held 'Saturday afternoon conducted
by the pastor, Rev. M. Sippell,
sisted by Rev. A. W. Sauer.
Harry Kuhn and Sam. Kuhn
of the vicinity of East Credi-
•Susan, the wife of Mr. L. Car-
Miss Carrie, registered nurse
Bessie Bell, R.N., of London
at her home here recently.
Beer, Sr., of London, is vislt-
ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. C
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly visited
relatives in Kirton also attended the
anniversary services.
Mrs. Heywood Sr., suffered with
a bad attack on Monday night, the
doctor was called for her relief.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McFalls a^nd
daughters, of Biddulph, visited at
Mr. Wm. Bradshaw’s last Sunday.
Miss Jean O’Rielly, of Toronto
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard
O’Rielly and family here last week
Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Johns, Paul.
Edward and Ruth, of Hamilton,
were week-end visitors in this com
Mr. Sam’l Andrew, of Winnipeg
is visiting his sister, Mrs.
Johns and other relatives. He
ed on Monday.
Kirkton and Thames Road
versary services were attractions
which drew quite a number from
here last Sunday.
Miss Lena Moore, of London
returned to her home on Monday
after spending some time with
cousin, Mrs. Chas. Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns
family attended the Passmore
McDonald picnic at Grand Bend on
Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hawkins, of
Seaforth, were visitors in the village
on Sunday.
•A large proportion of the Johns
connection attended the Johns and
Cudmore re-union held at Mrs. A.
Cudmore’s near Hurondale last Sat
Bear in mind the Elimville Sun
day School Anniversary services tc
be held next Sunday, June 25th at
10.3 0 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Agnew
of Sit. Marys will preach at both the
The Women’s Association are hold
ing a Garden Party at the church on
Wednesday, June 28th. A Straw
berry supper will be served follow
ed by a program by the Huronia
Male Concert company. Come and
have a pleasant evening.
A large numbei’ of Young People
motored to Clinton to the County
Home on Monday evening and gave
an interesting program composed of
musical numbers on guitar, violin
vocal selections and readings. A
oranges was also provided by them
for the inmates. The Y.P.S. have
a practise of visiting the Home
each yeai’ and always report a very
enjoyable evening. They speak
highly also of the hospitality of
and Mrs. Jacobs.
Phone 102
mouthorgan and j&wsharp,
of home-made candy and
Jolms-Cudmoro Reunion
Last Saturday was an ideal
for an out-door gathering and
one hundred members of the Johns
and Cudmore connections who met
at the home of Mrs. Alice Cudmore
on Con. 4 had a most enjoyable
time. This year the two families
decided to meet together. Enter
tainment was provided for both
young And old. Ball games were in
progress for the greater, part of the
afternoon And several races were
enjoyed, peanut chase, peanut
■scramble, hanging clothes on a line
filling bottles with water, etc. Sev
eral had a dip
it was A little
momadO and’A
SCrVCd 6h the
sing song was
were present from Hdmiltbn, Lam
beth, London, Stratford, Seafdrth..
Exeter, Elimville and 1 jChiselhufst.
The oldest people present were Mf.
And Mrs. John Johns, of Exeter, and
Mr. Silas Johns, Of Elimville, the
youngest was little Grant Cudmore
in the river although
cool, Ice crdam, le-
delicious lunch were
lawn After which a
enjoyed. Member*!
Brooms, good quality . .
Yum-Yum Snaps .. . ..
Fancy Blue Rose Rice .
SPECIAL—LIPTON’S TEA, black or mixed.................. 1-2 |b. pkg. 23c.' EE
Combination Special 25c .ESS
Standard Peas 1 Good Quality Corn i Tomatoes
No. 4, 3 tins for 25c.| 3 tins for 25c.3 tins for 25c.Ba
RED STAR SALMON , fancy red Cohoe ................. , ,1-2 lb. tins, 2 for 25c.sss
Palmolive Soap Huron Toilet Tissues Pearl or P & G Soap EEs
4 cakes for 21c.9 rolls for 25c.per box 3c.L._~"
LIBBY’S OR AYLMER’S PORK AND BEANS, large tin .. , 2 for 19c.w
Weston’s Cheese Crisps X R. & W. Vanilla Schneider’s Pure Lard
per pkg. 10c.8 oz. bottle each 15c.In bulk, J? lbs. for 21c.m
CROSSE & BLACKWELL CATSUP, 14 oz. bottle ........................2 for 25c.
.........each 23c.
2 lbs. for 25c.
.... 2 lb. 13c.
New Australian Raisins .... 2 lb, for 25c.
New Cabbage ................ each 10c.
Chocolate Mallow Biscuits .... per lb. 15c.
“Quality always higher than price.”
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Cudmore, of Exeter. A committee of
three was appointed to prepare for
next year’s gathering; Messrs,
son Coultis and Wm, Elford
Gordon Cudmore,
The Bell Reunion
We Deliver
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
The annual reunion of the
family was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Pym on Saturday
June 17. A softball game was in
I progress most of the afternoon ana
the score was a trifle one-sided. The
races were then held in the orchard
with a few spills. Results were as
follows: Children under 6 years, R.
• Miller, Howard Pym and Ross Mc
Lean. Boys under 10 years—Bruce
McLean,. Jack McLean, Laurie Ste-
•pliens. Young ladies’ race—Lillian ! Murch, Bernice Murch, Florence
■•Bell. Boys under twenty—Lloyd
Bell, Cliff. Moore, Earl Watson.
Young married ladies, Mrs. Chas.
Stephens, Mrs. Wilbur Dilling, Mrs.
Harry Murch. Young men’s race—
Harold Bell, Andrew Houston, Wil
liam Brintnell. Fat women’s
Mrs, P. Murch, Mrs. T. Bell,
race—'Harold Bell and
Murch, John Befl and Mrs.
■phens, Clayton Watson and Florence
Bell, Bruce McLean, Laurie Ste
phens. Dress up race—William
Bell, Lloyd Bell, Bernice Murch. .‘3
legged race—Laurie Stephens and
Graham Bell, Bruce McLean and J
Hetherall, Jac.k McLean and Char
lotte Hetherall. Supper was served
by the ladies. Mr. Wilbur Dilling
invited the gathering to hold the
reunion at his home next year on
the third Saturday in June.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lindenfield
and Mr. Tait, of Parkhill called on
friends in town on Sunday.
Harry Hoffman attended the Tele
phone Convention in London on
Misses Helen Nadiger and Ruth
Kleinstiver who. have been attending
Normal School in Stratford have re
turned home for their vacation.
Miss Marie Allemang, of St. Cle
ments, spent the week-end with her
Mr. and Mrs. S. Kiff, Mr. Bill Kiff
Miss Beatrice Bridle, of London
Miss Reta Cartlidge, of Dorches-
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
Mrs. M. Anderson.
C. Ste-
A grand Strawberry Social will be
held at Zion Lutheran Church Dash
wood, on Monday evening, June 26
Supper served from 5.30 to 8 o’clock
Following the supper a good program
will be given by local talent. Every
body is cordially invited.
The combined summer meeting of
the Hurondale and Exeter branches
of the Women’s Institute was held
in Thames Road United church on
Wednesday, June 14, with a fair
representation from each Institute
present. Mrs. Rufus Kestle, presid
ed over the meeting in her usual ef
ficient manner, and conducted a
short business period at the begin
ning of the meeting. The ladies from
Hurondale responded to the Roll
Call by giving the names of a guest
whom they had brought. Community
singing was enjoyed.
The speaker for the afternoon was
Miss Edna Guest who gave a very
delightful and enlightening talk on
many of our present day problems,
her chief topic being “health.” Miss
Kathleen Strang contributed a solo
and the meeting closed with the
National Anthem.
Refreshments were served by the
Hurondale ladies and,
Geust was the
Keddy for the
Miss Jean Hodgins, of Detroit, Is
visiting with her father, Mr. James
E. Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Love were guests at
the Gill-Turnbull wedding on Satur
Mr. Harry Givens is attending
the World’s Fair in Chicago.
iMrs. A. Campbell, of London
Mrs. Will Hardy, Winnifred and
Kenneth spent Sunday afternoon
■With Mrs. Catherine Hodgins.
The Ladies’ Guild, of Grace
church, Greenway, are holding their
.annual picnic at Ipperwash Beach on
Saturday, Juiie 24th.
Mr. Mansell Hodgins, Miss Maud
Hodgins, Ila and Beulah went to
Petrolia last Sunday to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodgins.
Centralia Wins From Crediton
The Centralia boys journeyed
Crediton on Thursday evening of last
week and took a decisive victory
from Crediton on their own diamond
Centralia drove Lillow from the
mound in the third innings and he
was relieved by Bill MOtz. 'Three
men were on bases when Bill took
the mound and the first ball pitch
ed was taken for a two-bagger scor
ing two more runs for Centralia..
Who kept oil hammering away until
seven men had crossed the plate.
This was Creditors first defeat. The
Centralia boys are playing a line
brand of ball and expect! to be heard
from before the series closes. Harry
BoWdeh did the pitching for Cen
tralia and Thompson the catching
for Contaflia. (Hook) Schenk
called the bails and strikes While
W; J. Smith and c. M. Mitchell, um
pired the bases. Centralia boys Are
to be congratulated on the fine
showing they have tnnde in the last
two games away from their home
The annual picnic of S. S. No. 8,
Hay, was held at Grand Bend on
Friday with a good attendance, fair
weather and keen competition in all
sport events. The results of the
races were:
Girls, and boys under 7—Rosaline
Miller, Howard Finkbeiner. Girls
under 10—Martha Miller, Eileen
Miller. Boys under 10—Ernest Mas
se, Jack Weber. Girls under 14—
Eunice Oestricher, Freda Becker,
j Reta Masse. Boys under 14—G-len
i Walper, Elmore Rader, Carl
tricher. Small boys—Howard
I Eldon Daters, Gordon Price.
: girls—Dorothy Weber, Violet
Euoleen Kuntz. Girls out of
—Jean Weber, Dorothy Rader,
Masse. Boys under 16—Lome Rader
Herbert Miller, Elmore Gackstetter.
Young men—Albert Miller, Edwin
Miller. Girls there legged race—E.
Oestricher and Freda Becker; Esther
Price and Reta Masse. Boys three
legged race-—Gerald Masse and El
more Rader; Glen Walper and Carl
Oestricher. Wheelbarrow race — G
Walper and Elmore Rader; Jack
Weber and Ernest Masse. Girls
egg race—Reta Masse, Freda Beck
er, Martha Miller, Boys egg race—
Glen Walper, Elmore Rader, Gerald
Masse. Potato race—Glen Walper
Eunice 'Oestricher, Freda Becker.
Elephant’s walk—Glen Walper and
Elmore Rader; Carl Oestricher and
Gerald Masse. Sack race — Glen
Walper, Elmore Rader, Reta Masse.
B.6ot race—•Elmore Rader, Glen Walper. Coat race—(Albert Miller
John Hartman, Edwin Miller. Needle
race—Edwin Miller, Ted Miller
Harrison Finkbeiner. Graceful walk
ing—Mrs. A. Kuntz, Mrs. L. H. Ra
der, Married couples — Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Price. Kicking slipper —- Esther
Price, Eunice Oestricher. Laughing
race—Edwin Miller, George Grenier
Paper sack race—-Elmore Rad eV, E.
Masse, Louise Masse.
Wives—-Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. A. Weber and Mr
Clothespin race—Mrs.
Shot Theodore
ing high j um‘p—Theodore
Standing high jump, Ed-Win
Hop', step and jump—Edwin
An interesting game of softball
was played with Theodore ahd Hein-
hold Millet, as captains which re
sulted in the score IB to 7 in favor
Of the latter’s side.
Trustees and
Ted Miller
H. Weigand.
a social time
guest of the
Khiva School held its annual pic
nic at Grand Bend on Friday, June
16th. The weather was ideal and a
large crowd was present. Both old
and young joined in the sports with
great enthusiasm. After the sports
a rousing game of dodge ball was
played, Mr. Wm. Ratz’s side win
ning. Eating then became the chief
feature to which all did justice.
After another game of baseball and
a farewell look at lake Huron all
returned to their home feeling they
all had a good time.
Miss Dortohy Dietrich, of London
spent a few days last week at her
home here.
Mrs. D. Lippert and Miss Mane
of Melbourne, visited a few days
last week with their son Harry.
Miss Kathleen Wilds spent fiun-
with Miss Lucille Dietrich.day
Miss Maude Brown is spending her
vacation with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Brown.
Miss Ellen Hicks spent last week
in Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Selves (nee
Mabel PUrdy) of Kippen, spent the
week-end with Mrs. C. Riokhorn.
Mrs. Geo. Saunders, of Saskatche
wan, is spending a month with herw
parents Mr. and Mrs. E. McPherson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Amos, of Brins
ley, called on friends here recently.
Mrs. Thos. Bullock visited her
daughter Mrs. Gardner, of Shipka,
last week.
Mr. W. J. Brown and family visit
ed relatives in Kirkton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shettler and
Mr. Robt. McPherson, of Buffalo,
have been guests with their parents
Mr, and Mrs. E.< McPherson.
Mr. Arthur Curtis has returned
from the hospital anrt is doing as
well as can be expected.
,Luther hibtored
■ Mr. JjhWdn. Woedbnrii, of Toron
to, whs home for the week-end,
Mr. and Mrs. IL Eaglbson And
family, of SarniA, visited Mr. And
Mrs. E. Mason.
The annual union picnic at Grand
Bend was a success in every why.
Well perhaps, we would have Appre
ciated a little warmer weather.
and Mrs. Frank Turner were
visitors with Mr. W. White-
Geo, Luther and Mr. „JoWn
•ttt London