The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-06-15, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY* JUNE 15, 1033
1 car only to be unloaded about
June 17th $1.20 cash (large
bunch) off car.
Phone your order in and we will
advjse when they arrive.
Metal Roofing in Stock
A good assortment of lumber
always on hand
A. Spencer & Sen
Phone 102 Hensall
of London, is visit-
of Mr. and Mrs. H
has returned home
visit with friends
Miss Marie Bell, of London, spent
the week-end at her home here.
Miss Thelma Hudson, of London,
> visited on Tuesday at her home here.
Miss Merle Carlisle, of London
spent the week-end at hei’ home
Mrs. Jas. Dick, has returned after
a pleasant visit with friends in Tor
Mr. McArthur,
ing at the home
Mr. A. Filshie
after a pleasant
in Toronto.
Rev. A. Sinclair preached anniver
sary services at Elimville on Sunday
morning last.
Mrs. Woods, of Santa Barbara,
Calif., is visiting with friends and
relatives in town.
Mrs. T. C. Joynt has returned to
her home here after a pleasant visit
with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell,
borne, visited on Sunday with
and Mrs. Thos. Hudson.
Mrs. A. McMurtrie is visiting
week with her son, Mr. Hugh
Murtrie, West of Kippen.
Mrs. Lloyd Hudson left this week
for Forest where Mr. Hudson is
assistant at the C.N.R. station there.
Miss Hattie McQueen has return
ed to her home in Albany N.Y. after
a pleasant visit with relatives In
Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow and Mrs.
Darroch, of Paisley spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Mc
■ Mrs. P. Paterson, or Calgary, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. C. S. Hudson
and other relatives in and around
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Melliok, of Zur
ich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. S. Merner a'nfc Mr. and Mrs
George Brock.
A baseball game was played on
our local diamond on. Tuesday ev
ening between the Lucan and Hen
sall Junior teams.
Mrs. Harlold Twitchell has re
turned to her home in Detroit
visiting for several weeks
friends in town.The Zurich Masonic Lodge 223
will attend Divine service at the Car
mel Presbyterian Charon on Sunday
evening, June 2i5ith.
Miss Grace Gibbings, who under
went an operation some time ago is
now able to resume her duties at
the Bank of Montreal.
Rev. Mr. Peters, o.y Elimville, oc
cupied the pulpit of the United
Church on Sunday morning and de
livered very fine discourses.
Messrs. Geo. Todd, Armour Todd
and Fred Corbett motored to Bad
Axe Mich., on Sunday to attend the
funeral of a relative of Mr. Todd’.
Mrs. Thos. Simpson left Friday
for St. Marys where she will visit
for a time. She was accompanied
back by Mrs. G. C. Petty and Mrs.
Jas. Simpson.
The contractors for the gravelling
of our village streets are busy at
their work and hope, to complete
the job in a few days. Every street
in town is being gravelled.
The ball .game played on our local
diamond between Stratford and
Hensall on Friday evening resulted
in a score of 5 to 1 for Stratford.
The game was well attended.
The annual birthday of the W.
M. S. of the Carmel Presbyterian
Church will be held on Thursday
afternoon, June 22no.
Lane, of Goderich, will
On Sunday afternoon
ed Church the Deep River Plantation
Bingers of the Canadian Chautau-
uas rendered a short program of
negro music. Their numbers were all
very much enjoyed by the large
audience which attendee. The church
being filled to the doors.
The big wind storm on Wednesday
last did considerable damage in
Hensall although hot hitting us
as hard as the south and north. The
smoke stack on Geiger & Son’s flax
mill was blown down and quite a
number of trees on South Richmond
being strewn with limbs from one
end to the other but there were no
buildings unroofed or blown down in
town. The extent of the storm
through the country was shown al
most immediately by the large num”
her of trucks and cars that arrived
at Spencer’s lumber yards. Some
700 bunches of shingles and a large
amount Of lumber was taken out in
two hours, The storm on Sunday af
Mrs. (Rev)
be the guest
at the Unit-
ternoon was very severe, Quite a
number pf trees being blown down-
The Canadian Chautauqua opened
this year on Saturday evening in the
Town Hall. A good crowd attended
each of the seven entertainments
the hall being filled to capacity
during every program. The first
concert began with a spirited musi
cal program by the Deep River Plan
tation Singers. On Monday afternoon
a lecture on “Nuggets of Gold” was
given by Robert Hanscom and in the
evening a play, “Sun Up” was given
a modern drama of interest and var-'
ious emotions. On Tuesday after
noon the Lombard Entertainers gave
an excellent program of Classics
and Musical sketches and in the ev
ening a very inspiring lecture on
“The Bottom of the urea” by Mr.
Robert Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmeran
being a very capable speaker held
the interest of his audience from
start to finish. Wednesday afternoon
brought the return or the Sue Has-.I ting’s Marionettes. This program
I was a delight to the children as well
as the grown ups. The closing pro
gram was a play entitled “A Pair
of Sixes.” This was a farce comedy
of the difficulties of two business
associates which provided an. even
ing of fun and enjoyment. The
Chautauqua this year has been the?
best yet and we hope we shall have
the privilege of hearing
another year.
banquet hall as they wore ushered to'~
their respective places at the tables ~
while an appropriate march was be- -
ing played by Mrs. Chas. Hoffman E
and Miss Lavina Smith, Brief pray- E
erg were offered by Mrs. Art. Amy, E
Miss Addileen Gaiser, Mrs. W. M. E
Sippell and all joined in the song of E
Grace. The toast master, W. M. Sip-’ E
pell next announced the Dorcas cor- E
dial invitation for us to be seat- ■=
ed at the banquet tables. After an =
excellent repast of several courses
the evening’s program continued. An ~
appropriate sing-song
Toast to the mothers
Finkbe'iner, toast to
by Mrs. Jacob,Ratz,
King and Country by
S. S. Supt.; responsive ceremonies
followed, vocal solo by Miss Nola
Faist. At this juncture the guest
speaker was introduced in the per
son of Mrs. Layton, of Exeter; vio
lin solo by W. M. Sippell accompan
ied by Miss A. Gaiser, announce
ments, commendations and a hearty
vote of thanks to the guest speaker
for a most interesting and instruc
tive address. The vote was tender
ed by Mrs. Roy Finknelner add Mrs,
Mabel Ewald, four hand piano sel
ection by Miss Bernice Eilber and
Evelyn Sippell. The closing num
ber was a captivating play entitled.
“The Honor of Motherhood” -pre
sented by two mothers and a score
of daughters of varree ages. Mrs,’
Albert Gaiser and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser
took leading parts. The National'
Anthem closed an interesting and
profitable evening.
was conducted
by Miss Ruby
the daughters
toast to the
Mr. Art Amy,
Lewis, of Toronto, if
Mr. and Mrs. F. W
Wein, of Detroit, is
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in'
Zurich, last three days of week.
II Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
} 25c1 tin Forest City Baking Powder
1 Sherbet or Butter Dish...........♦
Sweet Com I
3 tins for 25c. |
No. 4 Peas
3 tins for 25c.
Good Quality Tomatoes
3 tins for 25c.
KELLOGG’S CORNFLAKES.......................................................2 pkgs, for 15c.
Brunswick Sardines
3 for 15c.
Queen Olives
18 oz. bottle 19c.
Aylmer Tomato Juice
2 for 11c.
DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, Assorted Flavors ........................5 for 25c.
Schneider’s Pure Lard
in bulk 2 lbs. for 21c.
....... IM '
Fancy Blue Rose Rice
2 lbs. for 13c.
Hereford Corn Beef
Per tin 10c.
P & G OR PEARL SOAP per bar 3c.
Palmtree Toilet Soap..................10 for 25c.
Weston’s Cheese Crisps .... per pkg. 10c.
Fresh Dates...............................4 lbs. for 25c.
Large Prunes....................... 2 lbs. for 21c.
Keta Salmon...........................2 tins for 19c.
Yum-Yum Snaps....................2 lbs. for 25c.
Sunkist Breakfast Cereal .... per pkg 25c.
Jumbo Salted Peanuts........... per lb. 15c.
Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver
Strawberry .Social by Ladies’
at Evangelical Church on Thursday,
June 29th. Supper at 5.30. Pro
gram given by the choir. Adm, 25c.
and 15c.
Mrs. Emma
visiting with
Mrs. Carrie
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wil
helmina Gaiser.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schwartz and
family, of Detroit, spent Sunday
with relatives.
Sacramental services will be held
next Sunday morning at the Evan
gelical church. In the evening a
representative of the Ontario Prohib
ition Union will have charge of the
The members of’the W. A. of the
United Church held their regular
monthly meeting at tne home of
Mrs. Elmer Lawson on the afternoon
of June 8. Mrs. B. Kestle presided
and twenty-three members respond
ed to the roll call. Six visitors were
also present. A letter of apprecia
tion was read from Mrs. E. Lam
port for remembrances sent her dur
ing her recent illness. The Associa
tion decided to hold a baking sale
at Grand Bend on Saturday, July 8.
Mrs. Johnson favoured the meeting
with a reading entitled, “Neighbor
ing”. A social time was then en
joyed and a dainty lunch served by
Mrs. J. Lovie, Mrs. M. King, Mrs. C.
Jones. A vote of appreciation was
tendered Mrs. Lawson for loaning
her beautiful home on This occasion
The annual Sunday School picnic
of the United Church, was held at
Grand Bend, on Saturday, June 10
which proved very successful. The
weather being favourable, a large
crowd assembled. Miss Kerr, of Los
Angeles, Cal., a former member of
the Sunday School, gave an inter
esting talk on her trip from Cal. by
aeroplane. A ball game was played
in the morning, between the Cardi
nals and Gangsters, the score being
6-7 in favour of the Gangsters. The
following is the report of the sports:
Races, girls 5 and under, Jean King
boys, 5 and under, Billy Robinson;
girls, 5 .to 8, Doris Wright, Phyllis
Hill; boys, 5 to 8, Allan Hill, Russ
ell King, Reynold Robinson; girls
8 to 10, Rhea Yearley, Jean Jones;
boys 8 to 10 Harvey Lovie, Brice
Mack; girls, 1'0’ to 14, Marion Lovie
Lorna Richard, Jean Baynham; boys
wheelbarrow race, Eddie Yearly and
William Woodall; kicking the slip
per, Hannah Mathers, Ila Lamport;
broad jump, Howard Johnson, Mel
vin Lapmort; coat race, Ed. Cham
bers, Helen Finkbeiner, Gordon
Mathers, Hannah Mathers; young
men’s relay, Ed. Chambers, I. Year
ly, J. Bullock, J. Mawhinney;
whistling race, Mrs. F. Kerr; sen
ior bible class, filling bottle with
saucer, Mrs. J. Lovie’s team. In the
evening a ball game was played be
tween the young men of Sharon and
Crediton, the score resulting 11-1 in
favour of Crediton.
Children’s Day at the Evangelical
Children’s day was observed last
Sunday at the Evangelical Church.
A choir of junior boys and girls fur
nished two excellent selections of
music in the morning srervice. The
regular program was presented in
the evening. Beginners, primaries
juniors, intermediates, young people
and adult classes each presented an
interesting number eithpr song, read
ing, exercise, piano ouett or panto
mine. Many of these were more
than ordinary. Splenetic! floral dec
orations added to the pleasure of the
evening. All considered, the pro
gram was one of th* nest, even tho*
the loss of hydro handicapped it tc
soipe extent.
Mother and Daughter Banquet
. Mother and Daughter Banquet
sponsored by the Dorcas Sunday
School class of the Evangelical
church was held recently in the neat
ly decorated g. & auditorium. One
hundred mothers and daughters hav
ing met in the church auditorium ----------- - . _ _ .
and halls began to move into thCa hew member. The Aid also decid-
Junior Musse, underwent an op
eration at the hopsital.
Miss Anna Tieman spent a few days
in Toronto last week.
Miss Verna Kraft, of London, is
spending a few weeks at
•Miss Fanny Preeter, of I
is spending a few weeks
Mr. Edgar Restemeyer
misfortune to get his leg
during the big storm we
Mr. and Mrs. Burns who _
past week with Mrs, Witzel returned
to Port Huron.
The Strawberry Social of the Evan
gelical church will be held on June'
21st. A good program is being pre-;
Miss Edna Fisher and Harold We
ber spent Sunday at Ipperwash
• Miss Selma Rader, of ‘London
spent the week-end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. L. Rader.
The Strawberry Socia ofi the Luth
eran church will be held on June 28
(Held over from last week.)
Rev. and Mrs. Sauer and Mrs. D.
Tieman attended the W. M. S. Con
vention in Tavistock last Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Callfas and
Mr. Hy. Callfas, of Sarnia, spent
last Thursday in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Hopcroft and
ily motored to Woodbridge on
day and visited with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Burns, of Port
on are visiting her metner Mrs. Wit
Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams, of Lon
don, were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Kraft.
Mr. Ira 'Tiernan, of Hamilton and
Miss G. Cornell, of Waterloo spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tie
Mr. Clarence Routledge, of Lon
don, was the guest of Miss Nelda
Fassold over the week-end.
Miss Mytra Taylor and brother
Jack, of London, spent the week-end
with Dr. and Mrs. Taylor.
The Dashwood U. F. Y. P. O. stag
ed their public entertainment recent
ly in the form of a Box Social in the
Evangelical church shed. Dr. R. H.
Taylor acted as chairman for the pro
gram which consisted of selections
by orchestra; short addresses by the
President Kenneth Weiri and Doctor
T'aylor. Alvin Rader delighted the
audience ’With a mouth organ selec
tion and a whistling solo. Two short
plays were given. The first “Corn
Fed Babies” was given by Misses El
la Martinson, Florence Baker and
Laura Witmer and Howard Klump
and Irvin Guenther. The
was a black face playlet entitled
“Axing her Father” was given by
Misses Agnes Robertson, Ella Wit
mer and Ella Eveland and Messrs.
(Gordon Keeler and Aaron Oestriclier
Three vocal selections were .given by
Alvin and Norman Walper. At the
close of the program Mr. A. Weber
auctioned off the lunch boxes.
The Ladies’ Aid of Zion Lutheran
Church met in the basement of the
church for their regular monthly
meeting. Mrs. Felix Wild opened
the meeting by singing , Scripture
Reading and prayer, rrio by Mrs
Wild, Mrs. Restomeyef and Mrs.
Messner. Solo ' by Mrs. Messner
Mrs. Herb Weiii, the president, then
read an address of welcome to the
new pastor and his wife.' Rev. Luft
responded in a few well chosen:
words. The president then took char*
ge of the business meeting. The var
ious committees gave reports and
new committees were appointed af
ter which Mrs. Luft was received as
her home
with rela-
had the
had last
spent the
ed to hold a Strawberry Social on
June 28th.
Dear Rev. and Mrs. Luft:
The Ladies’ Aid of this Zion
Lutheran Church extends to you a
most hearty welcome. We had
privilege of being introduced to
as members of the congregation
now we seek an introduction
members of the Ladies’ Aid.
This being the first ofHcial meet
ing of the Aid since your induction
it is therefore fitting at this time
to welcome you, Rev Luft, as a
leader, adviser and minister to the
many problems and needs that beset
us as an organization from time to
time. We welcome Mrs. Luft as a
valued member, co-worker and social
arbiter to whom we will look for
many things in common.
During the last pastorate the
Ladies’ Aid as an organization of the
church went forward in leaps and
bounds in comparison to its former
dormant position.
We have at times been criticized
and there have been dissensions
among the ranks, nevertheless the
main spirit of the Ladies’ Aid has al
lowed us to forge ahead to many
useful conclusions.
So now with our new pastorate 1
would ask from every member the
same co-operation and even more
diligence in a desire to work together
in harmony for the common cause of
church work.
’Every member has the ri'ght and
privilege to seek information and ad
vice from our pastor, his decisions
on matters of information should be
accepted as final.
Again I say that if we work to
gether in one happy unit our future
efforts can not help but to be crown
ed with success.
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard mov
ed from Sarnia Saturday up to their
home here for the summer. Mr. Mol
lard has the tourist camp ready for
his large crowds as he generally has
every summer. The crowds so far
this year are much better than form
er years.
Mr. Wes. Nickles has moved into
his new home this last week.
Everyone is looking forward tc
the Union picnic on Saturday, June
'Mrs. S. J. Mathers, who spent a
couple of weeks in 'Toronto returned
home Saturday.
The fishermen are
lifts of fish, the best
many years.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
daughter Anna and Mrs. G. F. Turn
bull, who went to the coast on the
excursion trip report having a good
Mrs. Bruce Bossenberry received
the sad and sudden news of the
death of her mother Mrs. Robt. Tay
lor, of Forest, who died Saturday
morning last. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor
lived on the Blue Water Highway
north of this village for a good many
years and was well 'known by a host
of friends.
getting large
fishing for
Taylor and
hast given.’’ The Scripture lesson
11 Peter 1 1-8 was reacr by Mrs.
O’Reilly and Mrs. Brock read the
discussion on it. Mr. Gilbert Johns,
Misses Marjorie Delbridge aha Mary
Herdman led in prayer. After sing
ing another hymn the meeting closed
with the Mizpah benediction.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wii’is and daugh
ter, of Stephen, 'visited in the village
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns and fam
ily and Mr. Silas Johns were visitor,?
with relatives near Tillsonburg on
Sunday last.
Mr. John Allison and daughters
Marjorie and Marion, of iSpringfield
Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock, of
St. Thomas were week-end visitors
in the community.
The Y. P. A. intend visiting the
Huron County Home on Monday;
evening, June 19th.
Mr. Young, of Fullarton, who was
awarded the contract for crushing
gravel for this Township is setting
up his crusher in Mr. Russell Skin
ner’s pit.
’ Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Cr.ago are vis
iting friends at Stainer this week.
Quite a -number from around
our’ village attended the services at
Anderson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R; Linmpnreys, Mrs
Paul and Mrs. Speed, of England
and Dr. C. A. Campbell motored to
Niagara on Monday for a couple of
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Burgon spent
Sunday with friends at Russeldale.
Miss Iva Sweitzer, of Blyth, spent
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Wm
Mr. and Mrs.
baby daughter,
and Miss Ruth
Grand Bend and Bayfield on Sunday
Don’t forget the Strawberry Social
to be held in .the United church
shed on Monday evening June 19th.
Supper served from 6 to 8. A good
program of side talent will be given
Everybody welcome.
The regular meeting of the Ladies’
Aid was held on Wednesday after
noon at the home of Miss P. Keys.
The president, Mrs. Sweitzer, presid
ed. Meeting was opened by song, af
ter which the Lord’s prayer was re
peated in unison. Scripture lesson
was read by Mrs. E. Keys after the
reports were given. A letter of
thanks was read by the secretary
for treats sent to the sick. The re
mainder of the afternoon was spent
in making plans for the social to
be held on Monday evening
Meeting was
Mrs. Scott
nipeg are at
home of Mrs. J. harpe and family.
Mrs. George Sheppard, of Parkhill
and Miss Olive, of London, visited
Saturday with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Amos, of Brin-
ley, called on relatives
Reeve Wm. Sweitzer
County Council meeting in
closed by Rev. John-
and daughter, of Win
present visiting at the
Erio Humphrey and
Mr, Russell Brock
Morley motored tc
and Mrs. Wm. Butler, Lon-
here on
don, spent 'Sunday wth the former’s
mother, Mrs. William Butler.
Mr. John McCurdy, of Sarnia, is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert Nor
Miss Scott, of Grenfell, Sask., is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Luxton.
'The Ladies’ Aid
Church met at the
Leslie Harburn on
were made for a Strawberry Festival
to be held on June 27th.
Mr. and Mrs. John Drake enter
tained a number of their friends and
relations on Saturday evening in
honor of Mrs. Drake’s mother’s birth
day, Mrs. Hugh Norris, of Mitchell.
This community was .shocked to
hear of the sudden death of Mr. Si
mon A. Miller, of Cromarty, who was
killed instantly while helping to
move a portion of a dance floor. The
funeral which was held on Monday
was very largely attended. The sym
pathy of the community goes to his
widow and son Lloyd,
of the United
home of Mrs.
Thursday. Plans
* The Zion congregation held
S. S. anniversary services in
church last Sunday owing to
windstorm of last week damaging
their church. Large congregations
were present at both services and our
congregation were very pleased tc
give them the use of the church. The
ministers who officiated were Rev.
Sinclair, of Hensall and Rev. Lloyd,
of Granton. Their discourses were of
high order, The choir also did splen
did work making the services very
enjoyable to all.
The Y. P. S. met as usual on Mon
day evening. The president opened
the meeting as per usual with a
hymn and Lord’s Prayer in. Unison.
Minutes were also read and approved
The business was dealt with and
Miss Lavona Cooper took charge of
the meeting. Miss Thelma O’Reilly
introduced the topic “Making the
Western Prairies”; Miss Laura Ford
read a poem “These whom Thou j
The annual strawberry social will
be held in the United Church on
Thursday, June 22na. -togram will
be a play entitled “Sophronias’
Wedding’’ and will be given by the
Ladies’ Aid, of Dashwood. Admis
sion 25c. and 10c.
Miss Dorothy Belling visited her
friends in Sarnia recently.
Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor,
spent last week-end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens.
Miss Mary Corbett, of Windsor
was the guest of her sister Mrs. Rus
sell Pollock for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Pollock visited
Mr. Ray Pollock, of Kenwood, who
has been il'l.
Mr. Laurie and Miss Leask visit
ed Mr. James Laurie, of Deleware
and found him somewhat improved
in health.
Mrs. Martelle, of Sit. Joseph’s
Mich., and Rev. Lewin called on
Mrs.-C. Rickhorn last Wednesday.
Mr. Ross Battram motored to Tor-
oronto last Wednesday.
Mr. Bruce Romphf, of London,
spent the week-end at home.
The members of the W. M. S. held
a succeeful quilting at the United
church and quilted three quilts for
the bale.
Mr. By.ron Brown, B.A., Toronto,
spent the week-end at his home here.
The Union IS. S. picnic will be held
at Grand Bend on June 17th. Sports
beginning at 2 p.m. Lunch served at
We extend sympathy to Mrs. J.
Romphf whose mother Mrs. W. Pick
ering passed away at her home in
Arkona last week.
Mr. and Mrs. .Springyette, of Hyde
Park, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Hot-
son last week.
A representative of the Prohibition
Union will speak in the United
Church next Sunday as it is Field
day in Huron County.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Webb visited
their daughter Mrs. Thos. Gunliing
of Whalen on Friday. Mr. and Mrs,
Gunning lost heavily in the storm
last week. Their barn, drive shed
and windmill and orchard are in
ruins and house badly damaged.
We have much to be thankful
for in this community that we es
caped much serious damage In the
Vloiefrt atotm. 'Trees Were tern out
Of the grduhd or blown, over but
apart from a, few shingles blown off
there was little damage to buildings
East of Corbett Mr. T. Ryans barn
was wrecked and south the bam of
Messrs. Cjardiner met a. similiar fate
and Mr. John Bullock’s fine now
barn was badly damaged.