The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-06-15, Page 2THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1933 THE EXETER.TIMES-ADVOCATE 1'1 lllllllllllllllllll SYNOPSIS left. And quite naturally his fho’ts * turned along the other line; the lin^ ... ___________ ____I hinted that p0?tUlar j morning. Was She acting as a go- i between for the Queen? If it was so he was in deeper water I than ever. Impossible though it was i to arrive at any conclusion if it was | Mary herself involved, it was doubly i | impossible if it was the Queen. And Winy Carteret was a tree easy going ;7wMc;"Gril5OB ’haa young man extremely ' with both men and women and and with his income of five thous­ and a year enabled him to live in an up-todate apartment in the city of London. He received a letter one morning from a friend, Ron- aid Standish, which bore a post yej more he thought of it the mark Grand Hotel, at Territet, on the Lake of Geneva. Standish appealed to him to meet him at once as he needed someone who had steady nerve, could use a re­ volver and could use their fists if necessary. Gillson from the Home Office calls Tiny and he goes there before leaving. Here he is instructed by Gillson to appear at a certain restaurant in Paris and after receiving instructions there to proceed to Switzerland. Just as Tiny was about to leave word came that Jebson, a mem­ ber of the force had been mur­ dered, he being the fourth officer to be done away with in the same manner. Dexter came in and des­ cribed the facts. Tiny finds that his friend Lady Mary is connected with the case. CHAPTER III I more likely did it seem to him. In ■ the first place the mere fact that Gil­ son had suggested it as a likely so­ lution weighed withc’him. Never in his life had Tiny Carteret been so I impressed by a man’s personality as I he had been that morning. It wasn’t | only the fact that the fellow had seemed to know such an astounding amount abount one’s personal move­ ments, he reflected: it was the inde­ finable atmosphere of power about hifcn, . . . inscrutable to a certain extent, and yet quite prepared to throw all his suited him. man to bluff. But apart considered it a possibility, Tiny him-' I self was inclining towards the idea, i The difficulty of imagining Mary | herself to be the victim, necessitated finding another. And it was a sig­ nificant fact that the first time she had had supper with Felton Blake was immediately on her return from Bessonia. Odd remarks, to which he had attached no importance at the time, came back to him—remarks made casually during .the last few weeks by pals of both sexes. “Mary seems a bit off her oats.” “Mary doesn’t seem a bit herself these days.” And one in particular “My dear, l> believe you’ve love with a Bessonian.” Trifles: laughed off as made, but now taking on significance in Tiny’s brain. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli^ with a pink gin. Is it a bargain?” “Hullo! Tiny.” The other lounged over—i-a big loosely made man with a European reputation. “Don’t often see you here at this hour.” “Straker, I crave knowledge about Bessonia. Get on with it.” The other looked at him curiously “Rather a new departure for you, isn’t it? What do you want to know about it. If the shooting is good, or wihat?” “I want to know briefly, old man what the political situation is there. I have just read in this rag—oh,! | it’s one of yours, is it—that a clash. rumour was proved true the party would simply disintegrate.” “And do you think it is true?” asked Tiny slowly, The other shrugged his shoulders “The King is not a particularly prepossessing .specimen,’ he answer­ ed. “And Queens are no different to ordinary women except that consid­ erably more publicity surrounds their lives. No, Tiny; I can’t tell you—-I don’t know. All I can tell you is that if the rumour becomes currently believed, it doesn't matter whether it isn’t: same. It the end course, such a thing—spectacularly, which as far as I can see it SOURED WORLD?—THAT’S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel necessary Many people who foel sour, sluggish and generally wretched make the mistake of taking ■alts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or Showing gum, oy roughage which only move the bowels and ignore the liver, What you need is to wake up your liver bile. Start your liver pouring the daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels, Get your stomach and intestines working as they should, once more. Carter’s Little Liver Pills will soon fix you up. Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick. Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 25c. at all druggists. 51 THE Stye Exeter QJimea-Adtfcwate Established 187/3 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION— $2.00 per yeaT In advance. cards on the table if it And a damned hard from Gillson having it’s the truth or whether the result will be the may take longer—but in Berendosi will win. Ot were it possible to prove isn’t why then for certain. That information was of lie realized. It pro­ peg on wihich the RATES—Farm or Real Estate for salq 50c. each insertion for first four insertions. 25c. each subse­ quent insertion, .Miscellaneous ar­ ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c/per line of six worde. Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25c. 10c.per line. 50 c. Legal- ad- 8c. per line. In one verse 60o. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association f 't? I I his shoulders, Tiny. be a question Again he shrugged “Wliat then?” said “Well it wouuldn’t of in the end. The thing would be over in an hour, and one would never be surprised with people of the Bessonian temperament if the IL O WL JUULU A, AO XL---LXlttL <L AJAO.OU .is imminent between the Royalist 'punishment awarded the erring lady short and drastic. < Professional Cards in i HHHHH iAAAAAAAAiii GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ac. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL No, Tiny— serious mat- Berendosi in reasons into I was that would be a very ter. power there for many which I haven’t got time to go now. And as long as the matter remains in the region of rumour I don’t think we shall, have Berendosi in power. But if by some /unfortunate j chance that girl has been indiscreet X1 i and Berendosi holds proof of it— the *the'Proof which would carry conviction I to the masses—it’s all up. He is just amthe1 biding llis now and preparing ’ | the ground. Then when he’s readythan' We do not want b I E CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c LOANS, INVESTMENTS . INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Alain Street, EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday party and the Industrial group. Why,” Squire Straker sat down and be­ gan to fill an ancient pipe. “If you are really interested, Tiny I can give you the situation in anutshell. It is not at all complicated] it is a situation which has occurred1 innumerable times in those small' Latin states in the past and which will occur innumerable times in future, breath 'bound 11 matter | usual. You probably don’t remember I that when the old king died five I years ago, there was a very large1 I party in Bessonia who were in favor' I of the place becoming a republic.] j The party was led by a gentleman* i named Berendosi, who is an extre-| mely able man—i " \ they've got. And had that party had its way Berendosi would undoubted­ ly have been the first president. I Well—it didn’t have its way, and ] the present bloke Peter became king But Berendosi is not the type of man ' to let trifles of that sort deter him 1 and though he was defeated in the first Tound he was by no manner of means knocked out. He went on working and plotting behind the scenes until he got a severe jolt in was The is a’ and Political intrigue is as of life to them, though I to say that in this case is rather more serious i That it had been Lady Mary Ridge-1 way with Felton Blake the previous night he was convinced. True, she( had not actually admitted it, but her whole demeanour simply shouted the* fact. And as he walked moodily* back to his club he tried vainly to puzzle the thing out. Tiny Carteret knew probably as much about Lady Mary Ridgeway as any other man, and a good deal more than most. He knew all her friends they were both in the same set. xAnd' if anybody was likely to have heard of an undesirable entanglement in the past it was he. C it to himself if she was in Felton Blake’s power it must be due to his possession of something incriminat­ ing belonging to her. And that as far as he could see could only be letters . . . Love letters. Further, they must be letters written either to some married possibly nothing The question of me outsider he dismissed at once: the mere thought of such a thing in connection with preciably graver than it was twenty- Mary was laughable, ana tne mar-| ried man solution seemed almost as blank wall. He made of course, no are proceeding normally, pretence whatever to such an ex-] state of affairs exists only tremely intimate inside knowledge of surface, her life, and there might have been the Bessonian temperament it is ob- some man . . . might even be one]v’i°us that a clash must come soon now. And a letter might have got between the Royalist party and the mislaid, or been stolen by a valet and * International group, and what the is- sold to Blake. But othere—rightly or felt that if it had been so rumors of it would have got about, at any rate in her own immediate set. And there had never been such a rumour—not the suspicion or hint of one: that he knew. He tried another line—could it be money trouble? If possible—eveij more absurd. Mary was very off, and her father, me Duke, an extremely wealthy man adored her. Besides, Gillson said nothing about Blake being a moneylender. ,At which point in his reflections1 ed-^Squire Straker, foreign editor of way is an extremely able man—dis he realized tihat he didn’t seem to be th0, Planet> T>”* making much progress. Incriminating* Straker, old hearty, ’ letters and money trouble removed. ---- - . there didn’t seem to be a great deal( ?— ------- ---------- fallen in soon as i a new ( _______________ _ . . What 'As he argued’ ha(j happened fo Mary during her] l visit there? He would have given all he possessed to know. In the answer to that question lay the so­ lution. He ordered a gin and bitters and picked up an evening paper. One the headlines .caught his eye— CRITICAL SITUATION IN BEiSiSONIA. INCREASING TENSION His eye travelled down the column “The situation in Bessonia is ap- hopeless outsider, or to a] man. Otherwise, though injudicious, there would be,' incriminating about them, j of And the mar-J f°ur hours ago. As yet there are no visible signs of discontent and things But this on the To anyone acquainted with i he’ll strike. He finished his drink I “.So long, old boy: . hour when my chief labour com­ mences.” He shambled out of the room like a great bear, leaving Tiny staring r out of the window. And such is the constitution of the human mind that it was not prob­ lems of high politics in the Near East that occupied the latter’s thoughts, but something more per­ sonal. Why had not Gillson told him all this at lunch? That Squire Strak- ,ier should be in possession of infor- , mation unknown to Gillson was ab­ surb. Gillson must have known all , these rumours, but not a word had ’ he said. And Tiny began to feel irrl- ‘I lated. man’s I dark. 'proper least he could-expect was to be given full information. Why should he be used^ as a cat’s paw? And then as suddenly as his ir.ritation had arisen it evaporated. Gillson’s words in his office that morning recurred to him “Ther^ are certain occasions when real genuine ignorance is worth un­ told gold.” Presumably this had been one of them. Not only was he to be kept in the dark as to what was going to happen to himself on the other side,' a Tumour spread’and ’then contra-|but also as to what was happening dieted!—but by that time the damage! to other Pe°Ple- Yet> surelr would 1 have been better had he known the rumours before he went round to see Mary. He could have asked her point blank: he could have. . And what would have been the result? He lit a- cigarette thought­ fully, and a faint smile twitched round his lips. What would have ■ been the result? Nothing: a flat de- I nial. He knew Mary well enough for * that, and so apparently did that , WUU AQ O.U CAV1 C” I •possibily the ablest i tliouslltfu^ly i i the second round too. That i when the King got married. I Queen, as you probably know, most divinely pretty creature, she absolutely knocked the entire population endways. They raved about her, and Peter’s stock soared sky high. Never had he been so pop­ ular; had his position seemed more . secure. And Berendosi looked on, I smiling behind his hand. Only too' well did he know his own country-] men; only too well did he know the rapidity with which the pendulum swings with people of their tempera­ ment. He could afford to bide his time. A word here, a hint there: j was done. And so it went on, like drops of water wearing away a stone until a new and completely unex­ pected development took place about three months ago. Am I boring you? “Very far from it,” said Tiny. “Up to that time the hints and, innuendoes started by Berendosi and his group had been entirely political You now the sort of thing I mean— and this rose, is the He had all the independent dislike of being kept in the •Surely if he was a fit and person to play at all, the somehow cr* sue will be no one can say. At the wrongly__Tiny’momeiit the army remains loyal.” I He put down the paper, and lit a 1 cigarette. Like the majority of his I fellow-country-men, the internal af- * fairs of remote foreign states bored him to extinction. He dimly remem­ bered that he had heard a man. at dinner a few nights ago saying some-, that So-and-So was accepting bribes . , . „v x x<. J3x- a t, 11, x XI. i x | darned fellow Gillson. Had he gonething about the condition of Besson- that the King was grossly extrava- , x, .. x, „i. , x , x, ., xx x. * x xu x xx. 1 u ■ I round there evidently bursting withI ia, but he had paid no attention. And gant: that the people were being 1 It began to strike him now that if his overtaxed in order that corrupt min- , , , ’ I surmise over Lady Mary was right, lt.isters might line their pockets. And x . • , , . I was high time he ceased to pay no then, as I say, came the change. It t s0 * ,®on a e* era 6 y SG? i attention. He glanced round the was done very gradually, and at first* roun °.see u ° genu ne g- , - x1 j x x u *u xi : norance, in the hope that she wouldi room and saw the very man he want- our correspondent out—who by the x x , . , .1 I turn to him for help. The problem i that occupied Striker I son too. Was • there ! proof of the rumour I That is what he had find out, and that is well was who had! | regarded it. But after a time he | "Straker, old hearty,” he called could do so no longer: the rumours out, “in return for a few minutes of became so persistent. And though your valuable time I will donate you they varied in small details the main A Breaking Out of Boils An Evidence of Impure Blood Boils are one of the worst afflictions of the human race, for just as soon as you think you are rid of one another crops up to take its place, seemingly, just to prolong your agony. There is one way to eradicate these painful and misery causing pests from the system, and that is by giving the blood a thorough cleans­ ing. . ’There is no better blood cleanser than Burdock Blood Bitters. It removes the foul matter from the blood, and when this is done the boils soon disappear. Toronto, Ont. gist was the same: the Queen was being unfaithful to her husband.” Tiny Carteret sat up with a jerk: then sank back in his chair. “Go on,” he said quietly. “Now you can see at once,’ tinued Straker, “the vast importance of the move. The Industrial party— which is another name in that country for the Republican party— and Berendosi do not c'are the snap of a finger if she is unfaithful or if she isn’t. But the other party— Royalist party—would literally be split from top to bottom if it were proved that she whs. In fact Bereh- dosi would have obtained everything he wants, The cement binding the Royalist part together, is the beauty and the home life and all the rest of it of the Ring and Queen. Once that cement was removed; dnee thej occupied Gill- any definite in existence? been sent to What he had FLY PADS WILL KILL MOPE FLIES THAN SEVERAL DOLLARS WORTH/ OF ANY OTHER FLY KUltR/j / Packet of WILSONS 1 An ®e8t killers. Ul«>nn. nnloV. ■ . .... .....___ Clean, quick, sure, cheap. Ask your Drug­ gist, Grocer or General Store. WHY (PAY MORE THE WILSON FLY PAD IVlVAb COm HAMILTON. ONT. And yet. herself was not was even more possible conclu- not succeeded in finding out, At least, not Squire Sitraker's vital importance vided a central whole thing hung together connect­ edly. There was proof in existence, and Felton Blake held it. And Mary was^ acting on behalf of the Queen to get it back. The other difficulties —the private room in the Fifty- Nine, the motor drive which the two had taken together—seemed capable of explanation once that central fact was conceded. They were trifles compared with the main thing. He glanced at his watch: five min­ utes to eight. What was he going to say to Gillson over the telephone? He had no proof: only a strong in­ tuition, He might be wrong—wildly wrong. He might be jumping to the most absurd conclusion, once granted Mary the victim, which absurb, what other sion was there? He was still undecided as he call­ ed up Sloane 1234: still undecided when he heard Gillson’s deep voice from the other end. “Nothing for certain, Colonel,” he said. “We can’t always deal in certain­ ties, Carteret, in our trade. Did you find out anything at all?" “Do you know Squire Straker by any chance?” “Of course I do.” Gillson seemed surprised. “Why do you ask?” “I’ve just been having a long talk with him over the state of affairs in a certain country. Was it Tiny’s imagination, or did a very faint chuckle come from the other end of the wire? “Have you indeed? I hope you were interested.'”I I think you might have been a little more explicit, Colonel, at lunch to-day.” “Possibly, Carteret. But don’t forget it is still only in the rumor stage. The point, however, now is this. What opinion, if any, have you arrived at?” (Continued next week) ON VISIT TO SCOTLAND Mr. James Henderson, the post- mastef at Granton, has left on a vis­ it with his brother in Scotland. Miss Catherine Windus, of Bothwell, is in charge of the post office during Mr.Henderson’s absence. KIRKTON (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Audrey and Muriel, of spent Sunday with Mr. Chas Paul; also Mr. and Veitch spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paul. . , (Mrs. Danakin and two little chil­ dren spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Bibby. Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford and two children, of Detroit, spent the week­ end at Mr. and- Mrs. R. Dobson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery, of Centralia, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fletcher. Elimville Horseshoe club paid a visit with the Kirkton club and won by thirty-five pbints. Mrs. David Goulding’s flower gar­ den is a wonder. Quite a number of people from miles around called on Sunday to admire the flowers. The hunter’s from our district will not need to go to the northern country to hunt deer as there were two deer seen on the farm of Mr. Emerson Gunning last Friday after­ noon. Rev. and Mrs. R. sf. P. Bulteel and daughters, from Brantford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, R. Humphreys. Mr. B'Ulteel preached two very excellent sermons in the St. Paul’s Church and Mrs. Bulteel saing a s|olo in the evening which was very much enjoyed by all. Mrs. David Kirk and daughter, Mrs. Orth and twin sons, Glen and Gordon Orth, of March well, Sask., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. David Haziewood and other friends. Mr. Dudley, of Detroit, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott. p Paul, Miss St. Marys, and Mrs. Mrs. J. C. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.& DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the New Post Office Main St., Exeter Telephones Office 84w -- House *4J Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY, ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA­ VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 EXETERMAIN ST., , ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER ] For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction , . Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 188 OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc­ tion School. Special Course taken in Registered Live Stock (all breeds) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, Etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as­ sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President ANGUS SINCLAIR Vice-Pres. J. T. ALLISON DIRECTORS SAH’L NORRISi, , SIMON DOW WM. H. COATES, FRANK mcconnell AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph ALVIN L. HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Fullarton and Logan . THOMAS SCOTT, Cromarty, Agent for Hibbert W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer ’ Box 295, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter Ignorance must have some value or people wouldn’t treasure and pre­ serve it so stubbornly. Let us be thankful for health and competence, and, above all, for ' a quiet conscience.—izaak Walton. i ii i. I t r i I t J* I