HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-06-08, Page 8THURSDAY, Jl’NB 8tb. 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Petroleum Coke Orders now accepted R. G. Seldon Free Service... Exeter Markets Wheat 77c. Oats, 34c, Barley 42c. Shorts 81.15 Bran 81.05 Low Grade Flour $1.35 Manitoba’s Best 82.50 Model Flour $2.40 Welcome Flour $2.40 Creamery Butter 21, 2'3, 24c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 18, 21c. extras 13c. first 11c. seconds 9c. 85.25 1933, we are free service and Equip- wa rerooms This will See dis- LOCALS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rov, J. Bernard Rhodes,, M, A, Minister Miss I.ena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.—Rev. Neil Mill­ er, B. A., late of Montreal. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 10 Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A..B.D,, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.iM. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—Sunday School Sale Prices on all Merchandise continue until Saturday, June 10 Beginning June 1, going to give absolutely on all Farm Machinery ment bought from oui' since January 1, 1932. apply to all future sales, play of trade-in machines. We have Side-Rakes & Tedders, Plows, Tractor Plows, Lever Har­ rows, Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Cream Separators and numerous ar­ ticles all in good condition and at Bargain Prices. Give us a call if you need New Ma­ chinery for our prices are right and our goods unexecelled. Phone 231w. >1 MM II 111 II W t M— ri I—I H ■MuU «MHQ I i i You can secure a Guaranteed As- bestoline Roofing Product to repair your damaged roof. Easily and quickly put on. The. cheapest in the long run. See us for quotations.— HARVEY BROS. Reserve the date, Thursday, June 22nd for James Street Strawberry Festival. Further particulars next week. International Harvester Co. Ltd EXETER, ONTARIO Laird Bros. Specials $5.50 $4.50 $3.50 $2.50 Eugene ..../?................. Realistic Croquignole . . . Charmaine........................ Nu Beauty Oil.................. Push Up or Finger Wave Style. LONDON 4251/2 Richmond Met. 4646 FLOWER AND BIRD SUNDAY'— will be observed in Main Street United Church on Sunday, June 11 under the auspices of the Women’s Association. At the morning service children will build a floral cross. At the evening service it will be a Seth Parker night. The cross will be il­ luminated. Special music at both services. Everyone cordially invited Rev. Jas. Anthony, M.A., will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday—Prayer Meeting. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader i a.m.—Sunday School ’ . a.m. and 7 p.m.—.Special flower and bird Sunday. Special music. Evening subject'—"The Book of the Cross.” Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting 10 11 Mr. Jas. Weekes, was able to be out the latter part of last week af­ ter having been confined to his home for several days through illness. the with with The Thames Road Farmer's Club are booking orders for June deliv­ ery of Chestnut coal, No. 4 coal and( coke; all orders to be in by June, near Granton. 17th. P. Passmore, sec’y. Miss Amelia Acheson 4pent the week-end in London. Miss Florence West spent week-end in London. Mrs. Wm. Johns is visiting her son, Clarence in Usborne. Mrs. T. McCurdy is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Cade, of Mt Brydges. Mrs. Ellen J. Coultis has return­ ed home after an extended visit in Detroit. Miss Ella Sanders is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mervin Johnston, 10 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Clioir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Whitsuncray The Birthday of the Church Bunday School ■Holy Communion and Ser- PLANTS AND FLOWERS We still have a splendid variety j of plants and flowers which we are selling off at reduced prices. Our trade has been bigger man last year I and we tomers wish to thank our many cus- for their patronage. L. DAY & SON BALE—Good used car Tires in good shape; with gone FOR license, less than 12,000 miles. Apply to Wm. Brickwood, Hay P.O. ltp. suite oak, 6 diners, table and buf- good condition. Price 82:5.00 Times-Advocate. FOR SALE— Dining-room fumed fet in Apply Air Dance ac cromarty on evening, June 9th. Adm. IOpen Friday 25c., ladies free. Music by McNicol’? orchestra. Everybody welcome. FOUND—Two keys on a key ring Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE,—Soda fountain cylinder. Apply C. L. Wilson. and FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine briCK residence, all modern conveniences. Apply R. E. Pickard FOR Beans. SALE—3 1-2 bus. A. 1 Soya Canadian Canners, Exeter. PIGS FOR SALE—24 chunks 40- 90 lbs. weight. Mervyn Cudmore, R. I. Hensall. Phone 171 r 3, Exeter FOR SALE— Chevrolet Cheap for quick sale. Times-Advocate. Sedan. Apply at SEALED TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be accepted by the Tuckersmith Telephone System for the position of Secretary-Treas. stating salary and qualifications and also for the position of experienced linemen, stating experience, wages per hour (travelling on own expens­ es). ‘The lowest or any tender not | necessarily accepted. Tenders wil’ close Saturday, June 17th at 6 p.m and duties will commence 'July 1st 1933. Address any of the Commissioners Thos. G. Shillimgworth, 4, Seaforth; Wm. McEwan, Clinton; Wm. ander, Hensail. Alex- BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks under Govern­ ment Approval. All floicks are cull­ ed and banded by government In­ spectors. We hatch Barred Rocks White Leghorns; Brown Leghorns, Ancohas, Jersey Black Giants, White Indian Runner Ducks. Write for free catalogue. Custom hatching .03c per egg, by the tray of 128 eggs. We guarantee your own chicks back.—A., H. Switzer, Gran­ ton, Ont. HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 184 Exeter, W. Leghorns 7c.; Barred & White Kocks, and Slack Minorcas 8cs; Jer­ sey Black Giants 10c, Poultry Feeds, Beef Meal, Oyster Shell, Grit, Cod Liver OIL Alfalfa Meal, OOllo-GlasS, iSil-Llte, etc. Bring us your market eggs or poul­ try, Custom Hatching, Ont, 4 Bargains in Floc ir Coverings I • 1 I) Size 9ft. x lOl/k ft. regular $10.50; Sale Price ,.. .$ 9.45LlUOlCUm KUffS Size 9 ft. x 12 ft. regular $12.45; Sale Price ....10.90 Size 10i/2ft. x 12 ft. regular $14.95; Sale Price . . . .11.45 These are real Size 12 ft. x 12ft. regular $16.95; Sale Price . . . .13.45 savings Size 12 ftF x 15 ft. regular $19.95; Sale Price . .. .15.95 FELTOL RUGS WITHOUT BORDERS 9 ft. x 9 ft. $4.50; 9 ft. x I01/2 ft $5.25; 9 ft. x 12 ft $6.00 1 ONLY WILTON RUG—9 ft. x 12ft., regular $42.50; SALE PRICE $34.95 MEN’S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Penman’s make; regular 59c. SALE PRICE 49c. MEN’S FINE SHIRTS (With Attached Collars) Good Full Fitters and excellent washers. - SALE PRICE 98c. MEN’S BLUE COTTONADE PANTS Blqe riveted red back pants; regular $1.50. SALE PRICE $1.29 MEN’S BLUE WORK SHIRTS The best value on the market; sizes 14 to 17. SALE PRICE 79c. WONDERFUL VALUES IN MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS WITH EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS — SALE PRICE $14.95 CHILDREN’S SANDALS Just the thing for hot weather. Sizes 5 to 10y2. SALE PRICE 59c. LADIES’ SILK HOSE Regular $1.00 quality in sub standards a real money saver. SALE PRICE PER PAIR 59c. WOMEN’S STRAP CANVAS SLIPPERS Cool and. comfortable. Limited quantity. PER PAIR 85c. CURTAIN NETS 10 Patterns to choose from values to 35c. a yard. SALE PRICE PER YARD lSc. Grocery Specials for 1 CARNATION MILK Large size 10c. a tin small size 5c. tin RED PLUM PITTED JAM very nice, large jar 27c. TEA—Try our Special tea, Black or Mixed Can’t be beat 27c. Bulk Soap Flakes ..................4 lbs. for 25c. 'Hurs., Friday and Sat. SALMON, CHOICE PINK Red Rose Brand, 2 large tins 19c. SHREDDED WHEAT .... 11c. per pkg. PEACH JAM........................large jar 24c. CORN FLAKES ...............2 pkgs. 15c. CHOICE QUALITY RICE .... 3 lbs. 14c. Aylmer Pork & Beans .... 16 oz. tins 5c. Southcott Bros I a.m.- . a.m.- mon. ‘‘The Mission of God the Holy Ghost” p.m.—Evensong and Sermon ‘‘The Wind and the Flame' Anthem—“Our Blest Nichol This is the birthday of the Church. The Rector would like every family to be present in honor of this great day. 7 Miss Doris Salter has been con­ fined to her home for the past week through illness. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey and Mrs. Gillies spent the week-end in Preston and Paris. Mrs. J. Si. Harvey is visiting for a few days with her daughter, Mrs Stacey at 'Willow Grove. Miss Janie Hogarth, of London spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. Bird, of London visited with the latter’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert on Sunday. Master Gerald Fitton underwent ter’s parents, an operation for the removal .of his tonsils Mrs. Sweet) latives day. Miss the week-end at her home in Sit. Marys and Miss Parker visited m Toronto. Messrs. Harold and John Kuntz of Windsor, spent the week-end vis­ iting their parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Kuntz. Mr. R. J. Campbell, of Walkerville , was the guest during the latter I part Of the week wita Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. | Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Collingwood and daughter, Ruth, visited with their daughter, .Mrs Roy Alderson, at Arkona. on Sunday. Mr. William Benton, of Morden. Man., has been calling on old friends here and is now gone to visit old friends east of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Peart and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Skinner daughter, Viola, .are visiting friends in Shallow Lake. Miss Helen Stevenson, has returned to her home iting with her uncle and and Mrs. George Jaques. Mr. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto and Miss Dorothy Snell, of St Thomas, visited at the home of Mrs J. Snell over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kress and two sons motored up from Wellesley on Saturday. Mrs. Kress and children are remaining here for the present. Mrs. Manford Belling and son Donald, have returned to their home after visiting with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis. Dr. W. Stuart Stanbury, patholo­ gist at the Mountain Sanitarium. Hamilton, with his wife and baby spent the weekr-end with his parents here. Mr. David Wilson and daughter. Mabel, of Wilton Grove, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. O’Brien and with Mr. and Mrs. Basil Preszcator on Sunday. Miss Viola Lemmon, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Volland, of Kippen and Miss Leona Lemmorl, of Hensall visited with friends in Exeter on Sunday. Mr. .and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers Were in London on Monday to meet the latter’s of Toronto, mer here, Mr. and and Mi's. on Wednesday of last week. S. A. McCallum (nee Sophia of London, visited with re- and friends in town on Sun- Bonis of the H.S. staff, spent and with Birr,of after vis- aunt, Mr. sister, Miss Allie Ehcrett who will spend the sum* Mrs, Ceonge Gdddes, Mr, Walter Geddes aifd son, Leonard, of London, in the home of Smell recently, Mr. and 'Mrs. companled their ling his wife and two Children John attd &uth, of London, on a motor trip to Hillier to visit their daugh­ ter, Mrs. W. Craig. Mrs. W. son were visiting and Mrs. Wm, J. Carling ac- Mr, Thos. Car- ,»> Redeemer”- Miss Amelia Acheson is engaged with Mr. J. Senior, photographer for the summer. Mr. Ed. French and Mrs. Edna Hearts have returned to Toronto af­ ter visiting for a week with the lat-. , Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Routledge and family of Hamilton visited with Mrs. Routledge’s father, Mr. Wm. Rivers of town and with Dr. and Mrs. Rout­ ledge of Zurich over the week-end. Mrs. Leon Dearing and little daughter, Norma, of Harpley, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs Frank Taylor and are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Chas. Box, of Stephen. The property known as the Sam’l Gidley property on William Street recently owned by the late Mrs. V. Mitchell 'has been sold to Mr. Dixon, of Chatham. Mr. E. Davis is mov­ ing into the residence. Rev. John Pollock, of White Church occupied the pulpit of Caven Presbyterian Church on Sunday last, having exchanged with Rev. J. B. Rhodes, who conducted the anniver­ sary services for him. Mr. and Mrs. IJios. Davis and two children, of Waterford, motored up on Saturday bringing with them the former’s mother, Mrs. Sidney Davis who has been spending some time with her son, Oliver at Fort Erie. Dr. Cecil iJiohnston, of Kerlioun- kson, N.Y., and Mr. A. W. Johnston of Toronto, Excelsior JLife, spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. -and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. Mrs. Johnston came as far as Rochester. N.Y., and remained with her moth­ er and sister. Mrs. Ed. J. Walker, of Exeter North, a former member of the Wes­ ley United church, London, where the London Conference is being held has been in London assisting the ladies during the past week. Mr. Walker spent the week-end there. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and Mrs. Shaw, of London, spent Monday with Miss Vosper and Miss Sanders They brought with them 'Allan Myers Jr., of Detroit, who will visit here Miss Phylis Myers, who has been vis­ iting here returned to London with them. Mr.-Arthur Jones, Mrs. Roland Williams, Mrs. Morley Cooper, of Kippen, Messrs. John and Angus Robertson, of Hensall, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. D. Drum­ mond, of the 7th concession McGil­ livray on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Drummond’s maiden name was Katherine McEwan. She was in her 74th year. Interment took place in Nairn cemetery. On Thursday, Friday and Satur­ day of last week Mr. Rollie Motz of the Red & White grocery store gave away each day a 2(Lpound sack of sugar to the person holding the lucky number. The winners were: Thursday, ticket No. 10, H. C Clark; Friday No. 119, Mrs. L. J Penhale and Saturday, No; 107 Mrs Bercy Simpson. Mrs. Simpson is un­ usually lucky as she was the winner In the Cohgoleum guessing contest conducted by Jones & May. W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 NEW AND OLDE TYME DANCE — in the — EXETER OPERA HOUSE, on Friday, June 9th Admission: Gents 25c.; Ladies 10c. MUSIC BY MURDOCK 6-PIECE ORCHESTRA Mr. Francis Abbott was in Tor­ onto last week on business. Members of the Parks Commit­ tees of the Exeter Horticultural So­ ciety met with a committee of the Women’s Institute at Riverview Park Monday evening and made some plans for the further beauti­ fication of the park. Members of the W. I. who are donating a red geranium will please leave the same with Mrs. J, W. Powell, Mrs. J. M Southcott, Mrs.- Thompson or Mrs Etherington before Friday at 6 p.m A geranium from care to contribute cepted. Members of the of the I. O. O. F, number of the brethren in seven cars motored to Wingham on Thurs­ day evening of last week where they exemplified the first degree in a manner that brought forth many compliments from me Wingham brethren. Following the degree lunch was setved by the members bf the Wingham lodge and Several ad­ dresses and a shbrt program follow­ ed. any others whc will be gladly ac- First Degree team together with a Featherweight Hats for the hot weather Specially priced at 2.50 & 3.49 Linen Caps at 35c. Shirts All the latest in attached and unattached collars. Socks Plain and fancy. Reduced to 25 & 50c. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Ideal Meat Market Choice Quality Meats By Selling only the highest quality meats at a price ofter^ paid for inferior quality the Ideal Meat Market is steadily progressing. You will be pleased with our courteous service whether you shop personally of by phone. FRESH FISH—THE BEGINNING OF EACH WEEK SUBJECT TO CATCH PHONE 38 »MAIN ST. SOUTH the in Saturday, June 3rd, was King’s birthday. The banks town Were closed. Mr. Harry Jennings conducted services in St. Paul’s Anglican church, Hensall, on Sunday. Mr. Edgar Fatnson is having the home on Huton Street which he re­ cently 'purchased from the Treble estate renovated and remodelled, . the Wednesday .afternoon of last tveek Wa-s the beginning of the weekly half holidays in Exeter for the sum­ mer months, A number from the country overlooked the fact and came to town only to be disappoint­ ed, Th© Weekly half-holiday will continue on into the month of Sep-* tember,