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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-06-01, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * THURSDAY, JUNE 1st, 1033 CREDITON of Brucefield home of Mrs, has completed her house on Mr. Wm.* Fee visited friends in Exeter on Saturday. Miss Irene Hoggarth is visiting for several weeks with relatives in Toronto. ' Mr, and Mrs. Conrad Seamon, of Hillsgreen, visited friends in town last week. Mrs. Jas. Priest and Mrs. McAl pine McEjvan visited friends in Ex eter on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gram, of Lan sing, Mich., spent the week-end at their home here, | Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron and( son, Bobby, were recent visitors with friends in Varna. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Consitt are spending a few days visiting their son at Hillsgreen. Mrs. Harold Twitchell, of Detroit is visiting at the horn® of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell. Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Bonthron spent the week-end with friends in Kitchener and Waterloo. A number from here attended the graduation exercises at the Victoria Hospital, London on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hodgert are, spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Madge, of Grom- arty. Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat and daughter, Miss Lois, spent Sunday at the P. Fisher. Mrs. Harry Jacobi the remodelling of South Richmond Sit. and it now has a very excellent appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby, of Colling wood, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White, Mrs. Eby is remaining here for sev eral weeks. Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and family of the Beach o’ Pines and Mrs. Orville Beavers, of Grand Bend, visited ar the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt Hig gins on Tuesday. Last week the Hensail team de feated the New Hamburg team 10-0 and the Stratford team 12-4 and will no doubt, give a good account of themselves this season. The contractors for the gravelling of the Hensail streets’ are busy at the job this week. Two trucks bring in about 60 yards of gravel a day. Every street in town will be gravelled. Services in the Carmel Presbyter ian church were well attended on Sunday last with Rev. W- A. Young having charge of the services. At the morning service Holy Commun ion was observed. Commencing May 31st the business men of Hensail will observe the Wednesday half holiday during the months of June, July and August excepting the weeks in which there is a public holiday. The stores are open every Tuesday evening. Mrs. Hannah ITlaylor who has been spending the past 3 years at Filmore, Sask., returned home on Saturday evening. Her husband, Mr, Edward Taylor, who has been ser iously ill for quite a number of years is now in a hospital out there for treatment. The baseball park will be officia lly opened on Friday afternoon for this season. The Clinton Band will be in attendance and a parade will be formed on Main Street and march to the ’Fair Grounds headed by the Band. The grounds have, been great ly improved and the grand stands rebuilt. The St. Marys and Hensail teams will play. Anniversary services were obser- in the United Church on Sun last. The attendance was excel- especially so at the evening ser-' when the church was filled to ved day lent vice the doors. Splendid discourses were given by Rev. James A. Finlay, of London, at both services. His sub jects being, “A Firm Grasp on God” and “The Adventure of the Common Day”. Mr. Finlay proved to be a very interesting and inspiring speak er and his sermons were much en joyed. Special music was given by the choir. Besides two fine anthems a duet “The Lord is My Shepherd” was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Phile and a solo by Dr. iS/millie in the morning and in the evening a ladiee quartette “Jesus Knows and Under-1 stands” by Mrs. M. G. Drysdale, Mrs. G. Hess, Mrs. H. Phile and Miss F. Welsh and a duet “Hark. Hark, My Soul” by Mrs. L. Hedden and Dr. Smillie. A large crowd attended the con cert given in the United Church on Monday evening by the London Or pheus Choral Society. This is a choir of some 50 voices and come well recommended. They were assisted by 'the London Instrumental T(rio and Miss Hazel Tlaylor, reader. A fine program was given of choruses trios;, reading, solos and selections on violin and cello. ” the program: glees, and Chaunt It’S (b) join the Rottndelay”; reading, “The pudding”; (a) “Eatly one Morning’ Away’ part song, “Peat Fires Morning Prayer' “By the Brook’ Will Help’*; i “The Old, Woman’ “Cradle Stong’ , _ _ . Laurie, Robin Acfair, Drink to me Only With Thine Eyes”; reading, “Telephoning under Difficulties”; trio, “Cftuating”; part song, “WF A Hundred Pipers. 'Following is (a) “Sing we “Come let ue trio, “Minuet; folk songs ; (b) “Far violin solo, “Schon Rosmar- (Women’s voices). tyio. reading “Mothqr part song (men’s voices, cello, ” solo, part song (a) ,Annie *‘W>. Mr. Goridpn Blake, pf Flint, Ont., is yigiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney fox’ a few weeks, Mrs. French and babe, of Toron to, returned home on Sunday hav ing spent the past few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Herman Oestricher. » Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Orme, of onto, are visiting with Mr. and Everett Fahrner, A Strawberry Social under auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Evangelical Church will be held on June 29th. Mrs. G. E. Wenzel and Miss Nor ma Finkbeiner as delegates are at tending the W. the Evangelical this week. Mr. and Mrs. iting in Detroit There will be no preaching ser vice in the United Church Sunday evening owing to conference. Sun day School as usual. Tor- Mrs, the M. Si. Convention of church in Tavistock Chas. Eilber are vis- with their children. Enjoy Motor Trip Last Saturday the Star Class ot the Evangelical Sunday School mo tored to Niagara Falls. There were 15 boys which composed three car loads. Some places of interest that were visited were: The Hydro Power Plant at Queenston, Brock’s Monu ment. The illumination of the Falls was very fascinating. On Sunday the class attended church and Sun day School at Willoughby where Rev. Fred Faist, a former member of the class is pastor, and graced the ser vice with several sspecial numbers vocal duet, by Lorance and Lloyd Wein; Eldon Smith and Earl Haist. Chester Mawhinney the popular teacher of the class gave a short ad dress to the Bunday 'School which was much appreciated. All reported a very interesting and profitable trip. Mother and Daughter Banquet A Mother and Daughter Banquet will be held Wednesday evening June 7th in the S. iS. auditorium of the Evangelical Church, Crediton, sponsored by the Dorcas S. Si. class. Banquet begins at 7.00. A splendid program has been arranged. A play will be given by a number of mo thers and daughters. A capable Ex eter lady will give an address and excellent music rendered throughout. Mothers and daughters of the con gregation, community and even the surrounding districts are cordially invited. The price is very meagre Come and enjoy an excellent banquet and see a well planned arrangement Phone Crediton 3 8 for any further information. This will be their fifth annual banquet A special Christian Endeavor meeting was held last Friday even ing in the Sunday School room of the Evangelical church. Irene Fahrner occupied the chair and conducted song service and devotion. The Scrip ture Lesson was read by Gladys Ratz vocal duet by Norma Finkbeiner and Marguerite Amy, the topic was pre sented by Thelma Weber, a mission ary reading by Lavina Smith, four- hand piano selection by Elva Wuerth and Evelyn iSippell. At this junc ture Rev. J. Johnston, pastor of the United Church, who had been invit ed gave an interesting address. A bass solo by Kenneth Sippell closed an interesting meeting. WOODHAM Our annual twenty-fourth of May entertainment was a decided suc cess. The evening was fine and crowds came from all directions and filled the Orange Hall to capacity. The tables looked lovely with the beautiful bouquets of tulips of all colors, and all did ample justice to ■the good things provided by the ladies of the congregation. The audience was well entertained with the play “Wild Ginger” which was ■put on by the Young People of the Thames Road church and was ex ceedingly funny and brought roars of laughter, all taking their parts well. Mrs. Wm. Sinclair continues to improve after her recent illness with pneumonia. Mrs, Adrian-' Pringle has be'en quite ill in bed and under the doc tor’s care. Her many friends are hoping for an early improvement. Mrs. John Routley is improving, having been in bed for several weeks All are pleased to know that Mr. James Swallow is improving after his recent severe illness. ■Mrs. James Routley hag been laid up with an attacx of bronchitis We hope she will soon be able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. J. McCullough and children, of Farquhar, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Shfer’s. HARPLEY Gilbert Carter and son,OfMr, Clandeboye, called on Mr. M. Heft- gins oh Friday. Mr. and Mts. C. Pfild, of Zurich spent Sunday at Mr. H, Lome’s, j Mr* and .Mrs. R,.Murray;and,Shit- 14y spent Bunday ’ evening vyitli their friends at Oreditori; '■ Mr. and Mtb.- MihMt Milter, of && ttoit, visited'with ilte Utter’s sister Mrs. Fred MtLlncliey on Saturday. Miss Jeari Hodgins, Of Detroit spent the past week with her father Mr, J. O. Hodgins. SHIPKA Ladles’ Aid will meet Wed- afternoon, June 7th> at two at the home of Miss Pearl The nesday o’clock Keyes. Mr. Thos. Ti’evethick, of Crediton, visited our Sunday School on ’Sun day last and taught the Bible Class. He also gave a temperance talk. There will be no preaching service In the United church on Sunday as the pastor is attending conference. Sunday School will be as usual with a special missionary program, Misses Evelyn Sweitzer, Edith Ball, and Virginia Moore, of Lon don, spent the 24th at their homes here. KIRKTQN Randles, of Hamilton, spentMr. last week with friends in the village, Miss Lizzie Collie has left for the beach where she will be for the next couple of months. Mrs. Paud and daughter, from England, is visiting Mrs. R. Hum phreys for a month. Miss Thelma Marshall spent the week-end with her grandmother Mrs. Wm. Lankin of Granton. The Y. P. have started to soft ball. We wish them every cess. The Kirkton Sunday School busy practising for the Anniversary which will be the third Sunday in Quite a number from this com munity attended the supper and en tertainment in Woodham on 24th. play suc- are ELIMVILLE and Mrs. Walter Hern, the Mrs. and vis- this Rev. M.S. last Mr. Walters, Miss Constance Thompson of Goderich and Miss Hartford, R. N., of Toronto, were Victoria Day visitors at Mr. Chas. Johns. Mrs. Thos. Bell visited relatives at Kingsville on the 24th, Communion service will be held in this church next Sunday morning Miss Ruby Johns, of Lucan, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Bell little son, Leo, of Detroit, are iting .relatives here this week. The anniversary services of church will be held on June 25th The speaker for the day will be Agnew, of St. Marys. A special meeting of the W. was held on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wilcox, it be ing arranged as a surprise for her. Eighteen ladies were present and a nice program was given. Mrs. Elford president, opened with the singing of a hymn and then gave a reading Mrs. Wellington iSkinner played a piano solo, “Jerusalem, the Golden?’. Mrs. Murch gave a reading and Mrs. Rev. Peters and Mrs. Skinner fav oured with a piano duet. Mrs. Chas Johns read an article; Mrs. Ed Johns and Mrs. Wellington Skinner sang a pleasing duet: The reason for the meeting was made evident when Mrs. Wm. Skinner arose and read an address to Mrs. Wilcox and Mrs. Elford presented her with a Life Membership Certificate. ; Dear Mrs. Wilcox: We thank God 'that your life has been spared and that in a measure of good health you are with us today Your presence at our meetings is an incentive to us to be faithful in all our endeavour. As a token of appreciation and esteem we beg you to accept this Life Membership Certificate with the best wishes of each and every member of Elimville Auxiliary of Women’s Missionary Society. signed, Mrs. W. Elford, President. Mrs. T. W. Horne, Sec. Mrs. Wilcox made a fitting reply expressing her appreciation. AB joined in singing “Blest be the Tie that Binds” and while lunch was being prepared Mrs. Peters and Mrs A. Skinner played another piano duet. A pleasant time was spent dur ing the luncheon time. The Y.P.S. had a special meeting on Monday evening it being Parents Night and quite a few availed them selves of the opportunity. Mr. Hor ace Delbridge opened the meeting with hymn 293. Minutes were read and adopted. After the business session Mr. Kenneth Johns took charge, the program being supplied by the parents; hymn 276 was next sung and Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs, Ed. Johns. The discussion on the lesson was given by Bell. Mrs. W. Elford gave a “Lesson Time”; Mrs. Chas, introduced the topic. Rev. Mr. Chas. Johns and Mr. W. Johns led in prayer. A piano duet was given by Mrs. Rev. Peters arid Mrs. Wellington Skinner; a vocal duet was given by Rev. and Mfrs. Peters. A reading was given by Rev. Peters “Father’s Problems.” Hymri 11)3> was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Hannigan, of Exeter Visited at Mr. John Cornish’s on Vic toria Day. Quite a number in the neighbor flood went a-fishing on May 24th. W6 ai*e pleased to report that Mi’s. Heywood Str. is improving. . Messrs, ,M®rtiri and Harold Johns' oi Hamilton came Up on Monday ev ening arid Will .spend the summer- lAonths at farm work,, ... Mrs. T. reading Johns Peters Otte Of the rtto^t perplexing things ©Very married woman has to put up With is a husband. II llllllllllllll ™E RED & WHITE store I . , , 1 i Red & White Anniversary Sale ONE 20-POUND SACK OF REDPATH SUGAR GIVEN AWAY EACH DAY DURING THIS SALE. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TO PERSON HOLDING THE LUCKY NUMBER. Combination Special No 1 1 heavy Enamelled Dustpan ft Combination Special No 2 25c Combination Special No 3 ! “J.T..g: With each pound we give 1 etched glass fancy tumbler FREE Maple Leaf Salmon , , 1-2 lb. tin, 2 for 29c Peas, Corn or Tomatoes .. 3 tins for 2Sc. Red & White Vanilla, 8 oz. bottle each 15c. Fancy Alpha Rice...............2 lbs. for 11c. Rice Krispies............. 2 pkgs, for 17c. Aylmer Catsuip, 8 oz. bottle .... each 10c. Fresh Dates.............................4 lbs. for 25c. Keta Salmon, 1 lb. tin......................each Sc. Palmtree Toilet Soap .. 11 caeks for 25c. Pearl White Laundry Soap . .. 10 for 29c. Handy Ammonia per pkg. 5c. Oxydol, large pkg.,........................each 17c. Large Prunes................... 2 lbs. for 21c. Schneider’s Pure Lard, in bulk, per lb. 10c. Red & White Pastry Flour, 24 lb. each 49c Seedless Grapefruit............., . . 5 for 25c. f. * PINEAPPLES ARE NOW AT THEIR BEST WE HAVE THEM IN ALL SIZES. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, ALL KINDS .ALWAYS IN STOCK ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 DASHWOOD “Quality always higher than price.” EXETER, ONT. • We Deliver MT. CARMEL Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON1 At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three’ days of week and at office over the Post Office, m Zurich, last three days of week. of Guelph, his home Shirley vis- Mr. J. Raschkie, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Merner. Quite a number of the members of the Lutheran League attended the Rally at Tavistock on Sunday. Mr. Leonard Birk, Spent the week-end at here. Mrs. E. Guenther and ited in Kitchener on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid and. fam ily were Sunday visitors in Bayfield. ■■'Miss "Bertha Elliott, of Thedford, spent a few days with Miss Laura M. Reid last week. An afternoon tea was given in the basement of the Evangelical church by the “King’s Daughters” Sunday School Class on Friday afternoon. Miss Laura M. Reid attended the guests while Mrs. (Dr.) R. H. Tay lor presided at the tea table. About 35 ladies called during the after noon. A play entitled “The New Minister Arrives” will be given by the mem bers of the Lutheran Walther Leag ue on Wednesday evening, June 7th in the basement of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Etue and family ac companied by Mrs. Etue’s sister, Mrs. Rutland, Detroit, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. James Carey. Misses Clara Glavin, of London. Madeline Glavin, of Colgan, spent a few days at their home here last week. Miss Winifred Madden, of Toronto spent the week-end with her par ents here. Miss Hanna Carey, of Hamilton, is visiting her sisters the Misses Carey. Mrs. Corie O’Brien is confined to her house through illness. We hope for a speedy recovery. Dr. Racey, of Parkhill, rushed Mr. Arthur Curtis to London Hospital last week where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. A few of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hall, formerly of Mt. Car mel, called on them at tlieir new home in London and presented them with two chairs, a gift of their many friends. The kindly sentiment expressed in the beautifully decor ated address which was read to them will be cherished by them and by their children, as long and perhaps longer than parchment lasts. Mr and Mrs. Hall thanked their friends for their kind remembrance sentiments of friendship. Wednesday when the Wein family gathered there including Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wein and daughter Mel- eta and sons.. Emmerson, Lawrence and Lloyd, ctf iSharon; Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wein and family, .Mr. and Mrs, 9. Wuerth and Mr. .and Mrs. Roy Goulding and son, of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein and son. Mr. H. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Pfaff Jr., near Zu rich, and with relatives at Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daughter Helen spent Sunday near Shipka with Mr. and Mrs. James Gardiner. GREENWAY of the Exeter under Owing to June 4th being Confer ence Sunday, the service in the Unit ed Church will be in charge Y. P. S. with Mr. Christie, of as speaker. The service last Sunday the auspices of the W. M. St was well attended. The inspiring address given by Mrs. Omond, of London, a return-missionary from India, was Also the curios much ladies’ and interest, choir was that Miss KHIVA WINCHELSEA and Mrs. L. P. W'haley and days and with Sun- Mr. Judith, of St. Marys, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten on day. Miss Rhea Foster, of Granton vis ited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Foster. Master Gordon and Miss Grace Hocking, of Muroe, visited with their aunt Mrs. R. E. Pooley on Sat urday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Creery and Mrs. A. Davis, Mr. F. C. Davis at tended anniversary services at St Patrick’s church Saintsbury on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Collier, of Kirk ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey. Miss Mae Coward visited with her 'parents Mr. and Mrs. George Coward over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. McCann niece, of Detroit, visited a few last week with Mr. and Mrs, B. Mc Cann. Mrs. T. Mawhinney and Miss C. Douglas sbent last Saturday in Lon don. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchinson and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mellin, of Shipka, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eagleson Miss M. Musser, of Detroit, and girl friend called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Ziler Sunday evening. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Wm. White, Centralia on Monday. Mr. and .Mrs. T. Denomme, Detroit, called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mason, of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fisher, of Preston visited a few days with relatives the of of on It is im- doctor’s and little are visit- GRAND BEND of in ■Mr. and Mrs. Donalcl Webb, Grand Rapids, is visiting friends the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake spent the holiday at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Sitephen Webb returned home after visiting for a week in Michig an. Mr, and Mi’s. W. F. Love and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt, spent Sunday with Mrs. Robert Dann, of Granton. Miss charge to the Mrs. staying with her sister in Hespeler, returned to her home here on Fri day. A real treat was enjoyed by the congregation of the United church Who listened to Mrs. Ompnd,, a re- tufibed missionary from1 India/After ■tfte'sermon Mrs, OmOrid .showed very iniferesting curios. * The Service in the United Church next Sunday evening will be taken by Mr, Earl Christie, of Exeter, ROV. S. J. Mathers will be attending CotL- ferenee in London, Reta Rowe, of isxeter, Is in of the Jr. School room owing illness of Miss Edith Taylor. L. Rdvelle, who has been neighourhood last week. CREDITON EAST in and Mrs. Thomas EdwardsMr. and daughter Vera and son Herb, of Ingersoll, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joab Sims. Mrs. Ed wards and Herb remaining for a vis it. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn and daughter Margaret spent a few days the past week Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. family and the „ _ . of London, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waghorn. Mrs. H. Parsons, of Exeter, visit ed Wednesday with her sister Mrs. Eli Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schelding 'and Mr’. George Yhll,. and'Mr. T< JU- Yuli, all of London, spent Wodries^ day witii Mr, ail'd Mfs. h. Mot& Mrsf ^Wteon Anderson spent a few days the'past week with Mrs. George Hayes in Exeter. ■ , A jolly time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein on with relatives in Garnet Waghorn and Misses Waghorn, all much appreciated, she showed added The music by the much appreciated. We are sorry to report Weatherhead is under the doctor’s care. Miss Mae Wilson is slowly improv ing from her recent illness. Mr. Newton MacGregor is holiday ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. MacGregor. Mr. Selborne English, of Detroit, spent the week-end' with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. English. Mr. Dawson Woodburn accompan ied by two boy friends from Toron to, spent the week-end at the form er’s home. Mr. Russell Brown had the mis fortune to have a fork run into his hand one day last week. proving1 nicely under the care. Mr. and Mrs. Wellman daughter, of Port 'Huron, ing relatives here. (Too late for last week) The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held on Wednes day afternoon with the’ president Mrs. Goodhand presiding. After the business was conducted Mrs. Fred Sharpe gave ah excellent missionary reading. This was followed by a ladies’ quartette consisting of Mrs, W. T. ITlens, Mrs. E. Mason, Mrs. L. Pollock and Mrs. J. Brown with Miss Eiuna Goodhand as accompanist Both numbers were enjoyed by all This meeting was followed by the regular meeting of the W. A. with the president Mrs. J. Brown in the chair. Arrangements were made for a Garden Party to be held June 21st. We are sorry to report that Miss Mae Wilson is ill at time Of writing and hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson arid Nathalee spoht Bunday with Mrs. J. CarrutiiOfs St. Mr. W. Brown, Mrs. J. * Brown, Ross'and Elda spent Sunday even- and Mrs. D. Brown, y The committee for the annual « Srittday-’Sfeliobfl Tichic met in the < Parish'Jiall> Gteenway on Thursday * evening and made arrattgeinenis fob > the .ptente to be hold at Grand Bond on June 17th.