The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-06-01, Page 1fl •f I fl ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1st 1933 SIXTIETH YEAR, NO 27-56 This store will be closed each Wednesday at noon from May 31st to September 13th I j 3 Big Dollar Day Sale J < t Thurs., Friday, Saturday-June 1, 2, 3 t BARGAINS!BARGAINS! BARGAINS! THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WILL BE DOLLAR DAYS AT THIS STORE GREAT BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. SPACE WILL PERMIT US TO MENTION ONLY A FEW * COTTON STAPLES 36 inches Print, hundreds of yards at 15c. a yard. ' 36 inches White Flannelette, regular 25c. a yard at 19c. per yard. 36 inches White Flannelette, regular 20c. a yard at 15c. a yard. 36 inches Chintz, good patterns and colors at 19c. a yard. Extra Heavy Bleached Sheeting, 81 inches wide, our regular 65c. quality for 49c. a yard. Heavy Circular Pillow Cotton 29c. a yard. All Linen Roller Towelling 10c. a yard. All Linen Tea Towelling 22 inches wide, colored borders, regular 25c. a yd., at 19c. a yard. 10 dozen Big B Brand Men’s Work Shirts, large full sizes, in Khaki, Navy and Light Blue. A real bargain at 69c. each. Men’s Balbriggan & Athletic Combination Underwear, long' sleeve and leg, short sleeve and sleeveless at 89c. a su'it. Bal. Shirts and Drawers, Penman’s heavy quality 49c. a garment. Men’s Fine Socks 15c. a pair or 2 pair 25c. Men’s Work Socks 18c. a pair or 2 pairs for 35c. Boys’ All Wool Pullover Sweaters 89c. each. BOARD OF EDUCATION Ladies’ and Misses’ Spring Coats at Bargain Prices 10 dozen Ladies’ Silk Hosiery at 29c. a pair. Girls’ Summer Dresses on sale at 50c. each. Dress Voiles at 29c. and 39c. a yard. Ladies’ Silk Bloomers at 39c. a pair. FULL-FASHIONED SILK HOSIERY 59c. A PAIR Extra Special—10 dozen Ladies’ Full-Fashioned Silk Hosiery at 59c. pr. A special meeting of the Board of Education was held Monday evening May 29th, in the Public Library. All members were present. The following was -the order of ■.business carried out: * Per L. Day and Mrs. Beavers: That Principal E. J. Wethey be re-engag­ ed at a salary of $2,200. (With­ drawn) Per W. H. Dearing and L. Day: 'That the salaries of Principal Wetli- ’ey, G. C. Koch and Miss Ross be re­ duced by one hundred dollars and. ,Miss Bonis by fifty dollars; re-en- 'gagement to be offered on these terms. Carried (Mrs. Beavers not .voting.) Per S. M. Sanders and T. Jones; That Principal G. S. Howard’s sal­ ary be reduced $100.00 and that of each assistant, fifty dollars; re-en­ gagement to be offered accordingly. Carried. Per Mrs. Beavers and R. N. Creech Amendment — that Public School teachers be re-engaged at the same salary. (Lost.) Per W. H. Penhale and W. H. Dearing: That each Public School teachers’ salary be reduced one hun­ dred dollars. (Lost.) . Per L. Day and S. M. Sanders: That the caretaker’s salary be re­ duced one hundred dollars. Carried. Per F. J. Delbridge and R. N. Creech: That W. R. Goulding be re­ engaged at the same salary. (Lost). Per L. Day and W. H. Dearing: That the salary of W. R. Goulding fee reduced $25. Carried. The matter of vacancy -caused by Miss Brain's resignation to be left over for the. June meeting. A committee of Rev. J. W. Down, Messrs. W. G. Medd and J. M'. South- pott waited on the Board asking that the school be closed at 3.30' on the afternoons of June 13, 14, and 15, giving any pupils desiring to do so, an opportunity to attend the Chau­ tauqua held on those days. In the event of this, school could be called at one o’clock Per F. J. Beavers: That ed. Carried. Adjournment—F. J. Delbridge K. MacFaul. Secretary instead of 1.30. Delbridge and Mrs. the request be grant- $ $ SHOE BARGAINS Men’s Farm Boots, Williams & Sisman’s $2.00 pair, glen’s and Boy’s Oxfords $2.00 a pair. Women’s Kid and Satin Slippers, $2.00 a pair. * Women’s Work Shoes $1.00 a pair. Special prices on running shoes, etc. Men’s and Boys’ Suits % Men’s English Worsted Suits, good colors, including Navy at $12.00 Boys’ 2-pant Suits at $7.50 per suit. See our overalls, pants and smocks at $1.00. BARGAINS IN LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM RUGS, AXMINSTER RUGS, ETC. GET OUR DOLLAR DAY PRICES REGULAR $25.00 DINNER SETS 97-PIECES FOR $19.75 Super Values for Dolldr Days SPECIAL NOTICE DR. SCHOLL’S FOOT EXPERT AT THIS STORE ALL DAY FRIDAY, JUNE 9th. CONSULTATION ABSOLUTELY FREE. Maple Leaf <> Salmon Large 29c. Small 16c. Buy Now and Save! TODDY LARGE TIN....................51c. Free Puzzle and Game with every tin Rinso Large Package^ 19c. Kellogg’s Corn Flakes.............2 pkgs. 15c. Rice Crispies...............................2 pkgs. 19c. Bran Flakes ............................ 2 pkgs. 21c. Nature’s Suhkissed Food (the new cereal to cook) Free Premiums with ea. pkg. 25c. Blue Boy Coffee.................................25c. lb. Salada Tea................................. 1-2 lb. 21c. Corn Syrup (Will be Higher) 2 lb. 16c. 5 lb. 33c. 10 lb. 65c. Royal York Coffee 1 lb. tin 39c. Bulk Cocoa 1 lb. 13c. 2 lb. 25c.Sea King Lobster 1-4’s 13c. 1-2’s 25c.P & G, Pearl or OK Soap per bar 3c. Hillcrest Shortening 1 lb. pkg. 11c. Jones & May Phone 32 Read the Advertisements $ Thursday, Friday, Saturday c WESTERN STUDENTS HOME The students at sity, London, have course for this year ed to their homes. Messrs. Hugh Creech and Harry Jen­ nings, Misses Helen Penhale and Ruby Stone, of Exeter; Dorothy Thompson, KJippen; Margaret Mc­ Laren, of Hensall and Kathleen Wise­ man, of Usborne. Messrs. Gilbert Jarrott, of Kippen and Wilfred Turn­ bull, Of Grand Bend will graduate in medicine with their M, D. degree. Western Univer- completed their and have return- Among them are NURSES GRADUATE Western Ontario presented with pins: Misses Av- Annie Simmons, here the Ed. Mr. and At the graduation exercises of the Victoria Hospital Training School for nurses held Monday afternoon at the University of the following were their diplomas and is Lindenfield and of Exeter, Miss Marjorie Hunter, or Usborne, and Miss O. Walker, of Hensall. Among those from who were in London attending graduation were: Mr. and Mrs. Lindenfield, Lula and Lloyd, and Mrs. W. J. Simmons, Reba Fred and Mrs. Clarence Simmons Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hunter and Ho­ ward, Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter ana Miss Flossie, Mr. Neison Stanlake and Miss Isobelle, Misses Margaret Johns R. N., Miss Ina Jaques R. N.. and Mrs. (Dr.) Fletcher. 1 STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened at the Town Hall Crediton, on Friday, May 26th, 1933 at 2 o’clock p.m. All members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap­ proved. The Clerk reported that he had received a statement from the Chief Engineer of Public Highways stat­ ing that recommendation for the Government subsidy to the Town- Ship for the year 1932 amounting to $4896.70 had been made to the Pro­ vincial Treasurer and would paid in due order. The Clerk was instructed to for tenders to draw gravel on Boundary between McGillivray Stephen Townships to be received up to July 3rd, 1933. Moved by Mr. H. Beaver, second­ ed by ,Mr. E. Lamport: That the fol­ lowing orders and pay sheets be passed:— H. F. Young, account 25c.; Hydro Electric Power Commission, acct. $8.59; Provincial Treasurer, hall li­ cense 193V-34, $i3.. 00; Joseph Guinan equalization of 7 schools $35.00; Municipal World, supplies $11.54; •C. J. Murdy, funeral expenses for Mrs. J. White $30.00. Pay Sheets—- Wesley Mellin, road 17, $19.6'5; R. Ratz, road 13, $12.55; Gordon Wil­ son, road 1 S<B, $2.00; Gordon Wil­ son road 1, $1.60; John Dietrich, road 16, $141.68; John Dietrich, rd. 16, $1201.20; Thomas Trevethick, a new tongue for grader $3.00; M. C. Sweitzer, road 15, $2.00; Geo. Eil- ber, salary $3 0.00; Peter Eisenbach gravel $-51.60; total $387.29. The Council adjourned to meet again at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, July 3rd, 1933, at one o’clock p.m. Henry Eilber, iTwp. Clerk be call the and I _Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. Shepherd, Messrs. Chas, and Donald Gladman spent the week-end with their .par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman. Donald has Sohipleted his year at the University and is at home for a time. The London daily papers contain­ ed write-ups giving Mr. Arthur Ash­ brook, clairvoyant and crystal read* er, credit for tips that assisted in the arrest of four young meh charged ■with robberies at Lucan, Exeter ahd other places, A reporter from the Border . Cities Star visited Mr, Ash­ brook And . printed a picture df hiin together with a lehgthy wHtd-hp that was 'very interesting. Mr. Ashbrook has had several visits from members of the London police and detective force. The pulpit of Caven will be occu­ pied by Rev. John Pollock, White­ church, on Sunday, for whom Rev. J. B. Rhodes is taking Anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnstone, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Meyers and family, of Detroit, Spent the week-end with Miss Vosper and Misg Sanders. Miss Phyllis Meyers is re* malning for a while. iljhe Thomas McMillan Young Liberal Club, of SeafoHli, will hold a bi£ bahftuet and rally on Wednes­ day, Juiie 7th In CardhtP-S-Hali, Sea­ forth. ft. J. Dehchmati, a /Huron Old Boy' and well-known ’ Ottawa speaker will give an address as Will also Mr. Fred Ganderson ahd W. H. Golding M.P. A big dance and euchre will conclude the’ evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes and daughter Glenn-a, of Mt. Forest, Spent Sunday with Rev. M. A. and Mrs. Hunt at the Trivitt Rectory. McGillivray farmer IS AWARDED DIVORCE Naming a former hired man correspondent, Adolphus Allen, Mc­ Gillivray Township farmer, was awarded a divorce decree against Eu­ genie Allen by Mr, Justice King- stone at non-jury eburt in London. The hired mart is Wilfred Siftel, al­ so of -MbGillivi’ay. The Aliens, mar­ ried on btov. 25, 1004; at Grand Ddrid, had six children; Alien al­ leged that last January Mrs. Allen and iSeftei had been arrested on charges of immoral conduct and had pleaded gttilty in imlice court. CRITICALLY ILL Mr. T-hos. Sanders, who recently suffered a severe paralytic'stroke has not been as well and is at pres­ ent suffering from pneumonia. Among the members of the family who have arrived home owing to his serious illness are: -Mrs. Geo. Rus­ sell, of Hannah, Alta., Thomas, of Theodore, Sask., and Mrs. W. J. Mc­ Intyre, Chicago. ’Miss Alma Winer. R. N. is in attendance. as ATTEND O.A.C. GRADUATION Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stackhouse, Miss Eva, of Brucefield and Mis^ Leila Stackhouse, of town, attended the graduation exercises at the O. A. 0. Guelph, on Thursday, May 28th 'when their son Mr. J. Elwood Stack­ house received the degree of Bache­ lor of Science and- Agriculture. He was also winner of the Canadian Feed Manufacturers Prize. Among the other graduates were Gordon A. Wright, of Kippen and Kenneth Jackson, Of TuCkersmiih. Dr. Joseph ;S. Cook, retired minis­ ter of the United Church in Canada who held many pastorates in Can­ ada during his long ministry in the Methodist church before union, died Sunday after a long illness. He was 73 years old. The deceased was at one time pastor at Hensail, Clinton and Granton. Our tables at S. B. Taylor’s are with Dollar Specials, Thurs- Friday and Saturday of this filled day( week. Garden Party - - Wednesday, June 14th, held ait Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis’ Townline Biddulph, St. Patrick’s church Siaints- bury. Five miles from Lucan, six from Exeter. Sports 6.30. Music, LEAVITT’S THEATRE MINISTERIAL CHANGES The first draft of stations in London Conference of the United Church of Canada was completed by the stationing committee early on Tuesday evening. The schedule af charges are as follows: Huron Presbytery — Blue­ vale, Rev. T. E. Sawyer; Centralia, Rev. Robert N. Stewart, B.A., B.D.; Ethel, Rev. J. B. Champion; Kippen Rev. A. E. Mann; McKillop, Rev. G. Edwin Morrow, B.A.; Thames Road ahd Roy’s, Rev. Neil M. Leckie,rB.D. D.D. Perth Presbytery—Kirkton, Charles W. Lewis, B.A., B.D.; therwell, Rev. James Anthony, Staffa, Rev. I. W. J. Kilpatrick Rev. A. V. Robb, of Centralia, is down for Florence in Lambton Pres­ bytery; Rev. Stanley Johnston B.A. is down for Lucan. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY June 1, 2, 3 “SIGN OF THE CROSS” Frederick March, Elissa Landi, Clau- dette,,.Colbert and Charles Laughton, Paramount’s Super Special MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY June 5, 6, 7 “AIR HOSTESS” A sensational novelty. Speed, thrills, areo stunts such as have seldom swept the talking screen with Thelma Todd and James Murray the Rev. Mo- M.A. B.A. Wednesday afternoon was the be­ ginning of the weekly half-holidays when practically all of the places of business in town were closed, medical doctors are observing holiday but arrangements have made for one of them to be on each half-holiday. z The the been duty Mr. Edward French and Mrs. Ed­ na Hearts, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick. Mrs. Hearts sang a solo very acceptably in the Main Street United church on Sun­ day evening. Mrs. Baker and two children, of London, -spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Follick. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY June 8, 9, 10 TOM 3HX AND TONY IN “TEXAS BAD MAN” COMING—LEE TRACY in “CLEAR ALL WIRES” Exeter Florist We will have from now on all kinds of plants for sale including plants for the garden. 6 kinds of Tomatoes Early, medium and late Cabbage. Celery, Cauliflower, Pepper For the garden all the leading kinds of Asters, Stocks, Salvia, Zin­ nia, Verbena, Marigold, Geraniums, Phlox. 1000 Flowering Cannas For Hanging Baskets and Boxes— Drecena, 3 .’kinds of Ferns, Be­ gonias, Petunias, Ageratum, Snap­ dragon, Black Eyed Susan, 2 kinds of Wandering Jew, Phlox (Silver Leaf) 10 kinds of Foliage, Geraniums all colors, Vinca Nicotine, colored Nasturtiums, Alyssum. All kinds of hanging baskets and window boxes filled to order We are commencing our thirteith year. Our experience should be of value to you. All plants will be ready when season opens L. DAY & SON $ Dollar Da Ivory & Green Dish Pans 59c Iv. & Gr. Wash Basins 25c. Grey Wash Basins . . .. 10c. Aluminum Coffee Perc’s 69c. No. 32 Pres. Kettles ... 69c* Grey Granite Dish Pans 25c. Alum. Pres. Kettles large 89c Grey Granite Pud’s . .. 15c. No. 2 Galvanized Tubs 89c. y Specials $ Old English No-Rub 98c. qt. Johnson’s Gio-Coat 69c a pt. Excell-All Wax .... 25c. Ib. 16 in. Dust Mops, special 49c No. 14, Milk Pails .... 69c.. Clothes Pins . . . 100 for 19c. Mop Sticks ............. 15c. ea. 14 in. cut Lawn Mowers 6.50 Pint Size Vac. Bottles 35c. NO. 12 GALVANIZED PAILS...................................20c. each Tin Wash Boiler .... $1.49 Glass Wash Boards ... 49c. Window Screens..............39c. 50 ft. C. L. Wire.............17c. Copper Tea Kettles .. $1.98 Bread Boxes .................. 98c. Alum. Double Boilers . .69c. Bottle Caps.........25c. gross Nail Brushes .... 3 for 10c. Flashlights, complete .. ,65c. 10 lb. White Wash Lime 25c. 50 ft. Rubber Hose .. .$3.95 9 in. Eng. Hedgeshears 90c. Zinc Wash Boards .... 29c. USE CLIMAX BUG KILLER FOR POTATOES, BERRY­ BUSHES, SHRUBS, ROSE BUSHES, CARROTS, ETC. SPRAYIDE, PARIS GREEN, ARSENATE OF LEAD AND .........LIME TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD