HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-05-25, Page 8THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE The Sunday School of the Janies Street United Church have decided to hold .Sunday School at 10 o’clock in the morning instead of in the af­ ternoon, commencing with the first Sunday in June. A number of young people spent a very pleasant week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd- They were Messrs. Bruce Medd and Wm. Moffatt, of Napanee; Miss Bos- enberry, of Forest; Miss Laura Clarke, of MacDonald Hall, Guelph and Mr. Raeman and Mr. Dale from the O. A. C., Guelph. Mr. R. E. Pickard has added an­ other twelve pairs of Belgian Car- neux squab pigeons to his already splendid flock. The latest addition are of imported stock. Mr. Pickard has already increased his flock to 63 pairs and will soon be in a position to place the young birds on the mar­ ket. Exeter Markets Wheat 77c. Oats, 34c. Barley 42c. Shorts $1.15 Bran $1.05 Low Grade Flour $1.35 Manitoba’s Best $2,50 Model Flour $2.40 Welcome Flour $2.40 Creamery Butter 2 3-2 5c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes,, M. A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist SACRAMENT SUNDAY 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m,—-“The Issue of an Impasse” Free Service... Beginning June 1, 1933, we are free service and Equip- warerooms This will See -dis- going to give absolutely on all Farm Machinery rnent bought from our since January 1, 1932. apply to all future sales, play of trade-in machines. We have Beet-Scufflers, Plows, 'Tractor Plows Lever Harrows, Tractors, Manure Spreaders, Cream Separators and numerous articles all in good con­ dition and at Bargain Prices. Give us a call if you need New Machinery for our prices are right and our goods unexcelled. Phone 231w. International Harvester Co. Ltd EXETER, ONTARIO Southcott Bros, are advertising a big stock adjustment sale extend­ ing for two weeks. See full page advt, elsewhere in this issue. The regular meeting of the Cana­ dian Legion will be held on Friday. May 26th at S p.m. Butter 19-22c. extras 13c, first 11c, seconds 9c. $5,25 LOCALS 7 T p.m.—“From an Unexpected Quar­ ter’’ Sunday, June 4th, Every‘Presby­ terian Go-to-Church Sunday. Preacher—Rev. John Pollock- B of Whitechurch. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA FOR THE BALANCE OF MAY. - USE ECONOMY and buy while this sale is on. Everything slaughtered Reserve May 3 0th for play, “Reception Day at Parsonage” to be put on in Main St. United Church. Adm. 15c., or 2 for 25c, Children 10c 'The W. M. S. of the Main Street church are holding their annual en­ tertainment on Friday evening, May 2 6tli, at 8 o’clock. A good program is being prepared. Lunch will be served. Everybody welcome, mission 25c. and 10c. Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A..B.D., Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader ,m.—The Minister p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—^‘Love, Marriage and Relig­ ion.” Wednesday—Prayer Service Ad- “SIGN OF THE CROSS” Leavitt’s Theatre, June 1, 2,3 theMr. and Mrs. C. Blowes spent 24th in Mitchell. Mr. Eber Hogarth, of Hamilton spent the week-end visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Neil, of ed on Mr. and Mrs. J. Tuesday. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston ' Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 7 p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—The Book of God Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayei’ Meeting London, call- H. Jones on Stainton and family spent the forepart week in Whitby. Mr. Jack Grant, of Fort is visiting with his cousins Mrs. N. Sheere. Miss Mildred Murphy returned to of the William Mr. andI COOKING SALE—The Main Street! Mission Circle will hold their spring' cooking sale in Mr. Beaver’s store ’ her home .Sunday after visiting for a from 3 to 6 o'clock on Saturday week in Strathroy. May 27th. WANTED—Housekeeper, middle aged lady, unincumbered preferred State age and salary expected. Box 12 6, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston, of Windsor, spent the holiday with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Edworthy, of WANTED FOR CASH—Slightly used piano. What have you to of­ fer?—S. Martin & Son. Mr Miss with I Stratford, spent Sunday with| and Mrs. H. Horton. I Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior and I Blanche Senior spent the 24th J relatives in Hamilton. CATTLE WANTED—Fifteen head Mr- aud Mrs- w\ Bradt and of young cattle and some cows. Ap- sons> London, visited over ply to John Moussou, Grand Bend, week-end with relatives here, phone Dashwood central. Choice Dairy Butter this week-end at 20c. a lb.—-Southcott Bros. BARGAIN—Chrysler Six se­ dan in Al condition; gone 19,000 miles.—Apply to J. A Stewart, Exeter. Act quick. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFau] Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 10 11 7 p.m.- a.m.- a.rn.- —Siu nd ay school. -Morning prayer and sermon -Evensong and Sermon NEW AND OLDE TYME DANCE — in the — EXETER OPERA HOUSE, on Thursday, June 1st Admission: Gents 25c.; Ladies 10c. MUSIC BY MURDOCK ORCHESTRA BLOSSOM TEA Under the auspices of the U-Go-I- Go Class of Trivitt Memorial church at the home of Miss Amelia Acheson Mr. F. M. Boyle, who has been confined to his bed for a couple of weeks is improving splendidly. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brand, of Al- ] vinston, spent the holiday with the. on Friday May 2 6th from three to latter’s mother, Mrs. R. Mawhinney. | six o’clock p.m. Silver collection. All welcome.Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pomeroy, of London, were holiday visitors with the latter’s father, Mr. and Mrs. W D. Sanders. Mr. Ted Taman of the Seaforth branch of the Canadian Bank of Com­ merce, is holidaying for two- weeks at his home here. Miss Margaret Johns, R.N. has re- SHORTHORN BULL CALVES for SALE—Out of good beef-type cows with high R. O. P. milk records | Priced to sell.—W. D. Smith, Hay turned home from Hensall where she P. O., phone 13r2 Exeter 2tc. has been attending Mr. A. L. Case I for the past six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Linklater, Dorothy and Frank, of Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Linklater’s father Mr. Francis B-latchford. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hueston, Mrs. W Burke and two children, Geraldine and Bruce, of London, visited friends in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rodgers, A. E. Powles and daughter Dona, and Mrs. Manns, of St. Thom­ as, with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May spent a few days visiting with Peter, of Atwood. M. Southcott and Atwood with them In the list of names -of those clos­ ing for the Wednesday half holidays published last week the names of W. J. Beer and of Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store were omitted. Mrs. C. P. Harvey and family. Miss Lauretta Yellow, Mrs. E. Jory and Mr. Ray Cottle visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Amy of Burford and also visited Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Waddell, of Winnipeg, visited for a week with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard, the two ladies being sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Waddell are spending some time at Hamilton. ■Mr. Harold Wood, of London, ac­ companied by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wood left (Tuesday for Fort William where they will visit with the latter’s brother Dr, and Mrs. Frank Blatchford. Mr. Henry Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Al­ fred Clarke, of Brantford, visited with the former’s brother, ReV. A. E. Elliott, at the Main St. United parsonage on Sunday. ♦ Ah interesting meeting was held in the James St. church on Monday evfeniftg when Rev. Denny Bright, ef London? gave a moving picture pro­ gram ufidef the auspices „of the W M. S. ■Missionaries from many fields were shown tn action and described There was a fair attendance. The annual meeting of the Exeter Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. George Etherington on Tuesday, May 30th, at 2.30-p.m. An­ nual reports- and election of officers. Roll call, payment of fees. I FOUND—A sum of money ar Jones & May’s store on May 6th. FOR SALE—Velvetex rug, size 7i x 9£. Price $10.00. Apply Times- Advocate. FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, all modern conveniences. Apply R. E. Pickard FARM WANTED In exchange for 3 acres with house, barn, garage, fruits, eac. Located at nice town on No. Highway near London. Quote your price and give full particulars of your farm. Will pay cash difference. Box 280 J, Exeter good 2 BABY CHICKS 8c. CHICKS 7c. Large bodied White Leghorns After May 1st 7c. Hatching Eggs 10c. per dozen over market price. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM Kenneth Wein, Dashwood BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks under Govern­ ment Approval. All flecks are cull­ ed and banded by government In­ spectors. We hatch Barred Rocks White Leghorns-, Brown Leghorns, Anconas, Jersey Black Giants, White Indian Runner Ducks. Write for free catalogue. Custom hatching .03 c per egg, by the tray of 128 eggs. We guarantee your own chicks back.—A. H. Switzer, Gran­ ton, Ont. HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 184 Exeter, W. Leghorns- 7-c.; Barred & White Recks? and Black Minorcas 8cs; Jer­ sey Black Giants 10c. Poultry Feeds, Beef Meal, Oyster Shell? Grit, Cod Livef Oil? Alfalfa Meal, Cello-Glass, iSU-Lite, etc Bring us your market eggs or poul­ try. Custom Hatching. I ont with Mrs. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. family visited on Sunday. - H. J. in WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITES...................... WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITES.................... OAK DINING ROOM SUITES ............................. OAK DINING ROOM SUITES............................... DINING ROOM TABLES ..................................... ONE QUARTER CUT OAK TABLE, 8 CHAIRS CHESTERFIELD SUITES ...................................... BEDROOM SUITE, WALNUT.................................. BEDROOM SUITE, WALNUT............................... 4-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, WALNUT, ......... DRESSER AND BED, WALNUT.......................... WALNUT DRESSER................................................ ODD DRESSERS......................................................... A LOT OF ODD ROCKERS AND ARMCHAIRS ONE KITCHEN CABINET ENAMELLED......... ONE KITCHEN CABINET, OAK FINISH,......... A LOT OF LAMPS FELT MATTRESSES $3.60 UP; SPRING MATTRESSES $9.75 AND UP BED SPRINGS $4.25 UP; WALNUT FINISHED BEDS $4.50 UP; BED OUTFITS $11.00 AND UP; COUCHES $7.50 UP; DAY BEDS $8.75 $155.00 for $127.00 $110 00 for $93.00 $100.00 for $87.00 . $80.00 for $69.00 .. FROM $8.00 up , . $70.00 foi* $55,00 . $65.00 for $49.00 . $85.00 for $68-00 $75.00 for $63.00 . $80.00 for $6900 . $35.00 for $20.00 . $25.00 for $20.00 from $8.00 and up . . $10.00 for $6.00 . $37-00 for $32.00 . $35.00 for $29.00 From $1.75 and up to $12.00 THE STORE WITH BIG STOCK AT LOW PRICES. Phone 20J 1 R. IV. ROWE Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer W. R. GOULDING A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, 'Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 'HALF HOLIDAY i Southcott Bros, are advertising a big stock adjustment sale extend­ ing for two weeks. See full page aavt. elsewhere in this issue. HOMEMADE COOKING SALE on sale at Grigg’s Stationery Store SATURDAY, MAY 27th p.m. by Y. P. Guild of the Caven Church on from 3 Justice W. M. Martin, of Re­Hon. gina, Sask., and Mr. J. A. Martin, of Kitchener, called on Mr. and Mrs. F W. Gladman, on Wednesday of last week and renewed *a number of old acquaintances. They are sons of the Caven Presbyterian manse and spent their early life in Exeter when their father the late Rev. Wm. Martin was minister of the church. WILL PAY LESS Lower school students who have the misfortune to miss the term ex­ aminations, as set by the teacher, may take consolation this year in the fact that they will save fifty cents a paper. ’The Department of Ed­ ucation has announced that hereaf­ ter Lower School exmination fees will be $1.00. Pupils, it is expect­ ed, will be generally agreed that 50c is small enough compensation for the holidays that have been taken from them by the new time table, ^which, in some cases, calls for ex­ aminations up to July 11th.—Huron Expositor 26 GREAT GRANDCHILDREN Mrs. Elijah Jory, of town, has the pround distinction of being the great grandmother of twenty-six great-grandchildren. The latest one is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Snell, born at of last week. Dashwood on Friday SHOULDER FRACTURED Hewitt nad the mis­ Monday morning and her left You may not believe in astrology, but FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd IS YOUR LUCKY DAY With every “Clothes of Quality” order on that day we will give Free of charge—Extra Trousers We have made arrangements to have MR. PARK, Head Office representative of the Berger Tailoring Company at our store on the above date. Concurrent with his visit we are offering free, extra trousers with every “Clothes of Quality” suit ordered. “Clothes of Quality” are famous throughout the outstanding qual- The Berger Dominion. They have won their place through ity and value. We have the new Spring and Summer range play in readiness for his and your coming.of fabrics oil dis- $19.75 BERGER “CLOTHES OF QUALITY” Mrs. Sarah fortune to fall sustained a fracture of shouder, Mrs. Hewitt while house­ cleaning was endeavouring to remove a pair of ctirtaihs \ when she fell Striking her shou'lder against the head of a coudh. We, the undersigned merchants- or the Village of Exeter, agree to close our place of business every Wednes­ day at twelve o’clock noon, begin­ ning Wednesday, May 31st, and dur­ ing the ust hnd tember. Jones E. R. months of June, July, Aug- the first two weeks in Sep- & May Hopper Southcott Bros. Traquair & Lindenfield ■ Chainway Stores H. S. Walter F. L. Grieve Grigg Stationery C. E. Siverns Garnet Flynn Norman Hockey G. A. Hawkins S. Martin & Son W. W. Taman B. W. F. Beavers Jos. Senior Elmore Harness Wm. J. Hockey R. N. Rowe River’s Meat Market V. G. Essery G. M. Armstrong Ideal Meat Market H. Horton, Blacksmith W. J. Beer Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store LEASED ORCHARD Mr. L. V. Hogarth has leased the orchard of Mr. E. Guest on Highway No 4, south of Elginfield for a term of five years. The orchard (consists of about 20- acres of fine trees and will be put in splendid condition by pruning and cultivating as Mr. Ho­ garth is an expert orchardist, and has secured the services of Mr. John Caldwell to assit him. ‘PARERS’ NIGHT It was “Parents’ Night’’ at the Y. People’s meeting in Main Street United church on Monday evening. There was a good attendance with a splendid program of vocal and in­ strumental music. Mr. Wm. Balk­ will Jr, occupied, the chair. Mr. Jas. Francis delivered a very fine address on what our parents ought to be and What young folks expect of them, Mr. B. W. F. Beavers also gave ail excel­ lent address on What parents expect of their children and the young folks Exclusive Dealer w. PHONE 81 W. TAMAN EXETER, ONT. Mr. Howard Laverty has returned to his home here after a very pleas­ ant two weeks’ visit with his grand­ mother and other relatives and friends near Wallaceburg. LARGE CROWD AT PLAY There was a large crowd at the Opera House on Wednesday evening of last week when the three act com­ edy-drama “Arnold goes into Busi­ ness” was presented under the aus­ pices of the Young People’s Society of James- Street United Church. For over two hours the audience w&s well entertained as the parts were all well taken. The play at times was ex­ ceedingly funny .drawing roars of - laughter. Frank; Strang introduced the players and he and his brother, Cyril, played a couple of banjo and guitar selections between the acts. Mr. Chas. Godbolt also sang a couple of Scotch songs. The part of Arn­ old Miller, who belonged to one of the best families in town but who had a. weak heart, was -taken by Wm. Quinn. Miss Reta Rowe played the part of his doting aunt. While his 1 friends were expecting him to pass out before long he surprised them all by getting married. His wife (Miss Lulu Lindenfield) hasher own ideas and decided to make a man of her husband. She did and a rich one at that. The rest of the characters were Mrs. Kemp, a social climber and her rich, hen-pecked husband, taken by Miss Mabel Hay and H. O. Southcott; Marie, their daughter Miss Eileen Snell; Johnny Pringle, the local fish boy, Clarence Boyle; Kittridge, the butler, iSilas Reed; Ambrose Epps, the village -capitalist, P. Vahey; Larry, his son, Cyril Strange; Mrs. 'Lavina Flower, the charming widow ahd village gossip? Mrs. .Stainton Ruth Fiaser; Gerald Ford, Victor Henri beauty Specialist, iS, B. Taylor, The proceeds for the evening ivere over ISO/OC, ; Ruth, lifer daughter; Grogan, the policeman, and last but not least Antonihe Le Grande PICTURE OF NEW RIDINGS ‘ Changes proposed in the redistri­ bution bill which is now causing considerable controversy in the Fed- eraXhouse at Ottawa would result in a new set up for- the following ridings in Western Ontario: BRUCE—The present riding of North Bruce, with the townships of Huron, Kinloss, Curloss and the towns of Ripley, Lucknow and Tfees- water from South Bruce. . GREY SOUTHEAST—A combina­ tion of South Bruce and Southeast Grey. It will consist of the old rid­ ing of Southeast Grey less the town­ ships of Holland and Osprey, and, in addition, the four townships of Elderslie, Brant, Carrick and Green­ ock from South Bruce. NORfTiH GREY—The present rid­ ing with the townships of Holland and Osprey from Southeast Grey. NORTH HURON—The present rid­ ing with the township of Goderich and the town of Clinton from South Huron, SOUTH HUROM—A combination of South Perth and South Huron. It will consist of the remapped South Huron, Stanley, Hay, (Stephen, Hul- lett, Tjiiokersmith, Usborne and Mc- Killop townships with the addition of the townships of Hibbert and Ful- larton from South Perth. NORTH PERITH—The present rid­ ing with the addition of the town­ ship of Logan and the town of Mit­ chell from 'South Perth, but less the township of North Easthope. PERTH-OXFORD—A combination of South Perth less the townships of Hibbert, Fullarton. add Logan, but With the addition of North EhfethOpe from North Perth and the townships of East Nissottri, East Zorra, West Zorra, Blandford and Blenheim, and the towns of Embro and Tavistock from North Oxford. The town of St. Marys will be in this riding,