HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-05-25, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TIIUBSDAY, MAY S3, 1033 B BROS I I I < z * IS Our entire stock of Men’s and Young Men’s Suits, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Women’s Dresses, Coats, Hosiery, Lingerie, Underwear, Dry Goods, Linoleums, Wallpapers and Groceries thrown on the bargain block for spot cash. <5 /■ Look over these bargains and phone your order to 16 You can save $ $ Prices are at rock bottom. Many lines of merchandise are advancing in price. It will be to your advantage to get in your season’s supply. Mens and Young Men’s Suits A tremendous saving awaits you at this great sale. This is a real value- In this group see these fine tweeds at ■ $8.95 Mens’ Felt Hats VALUES TO $2.50 All sizes Sale price 1.49 CHILDREN’S Running Shoes At the very time they need them. Per pair 49c 25 Silk and Crepe Dresses To be sure its a cheap price. Values to $18.50 The material alone is worth double we ask. » Your choice $2.98 and $3.98 Regular to $18.50 Suits Men’s Work Shirts Men’s Fine Shirts Ladies’ Spring Coats Men’s and Young Men’s Fine Worsted Suits in Blue Full and roomy Sizes 143 to 17 with attached 1 Rack of Ladies’ Spring Coats; many of them are new Stripes, Browns and Fancy Greys.Fast dyes in dark blue collars, regular $1.00 value this spring. Take your choice $13.95 79c 79c $6.95 Regular to $25.00 Men’s All Wool Hose.Men’s Fine Oxfords Children’s & Misses Spring Coats Men’s and young Men’s fancy striped greys, blues also blue serge. The last word in style and value going. Limited quantity, while they last, per pair In good fitting lasts and smart looking Not this season’s make. Splendid for making over. $16.95 15c 2.25 Out they go at $3.98 15 only Boys’ Bloomer Suits Men’s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers Men’s Work Shoes Reduced during this sale Ladies’ Rain Coats Sizes 32-33-34; values to $12.00. Sale Price.Get your share, per garment to AT ABOUT ONE THIRD OF THEIR VALUE. $1.98 49c 1.98 $1.98 and $3.98 Men’s Cottonade Pants Blue Denim Pants Our regular $1.50 quality, all sizes 1.29 Children’s Ribbed Hose Black or sand. Regular 25c. pair 19c. Ladies’ Cotton Hose 25c. quality. Colors—Sand, Grey and Black pair 19c. S3 » Reg- 25c. l Reg. 18c. r Reg- 20c. f Reg. 25c. [ Reg. 25c. F Reg. 25c. ► Reg. 60c- F Reg. 45c. TURKISH BATH TOWELS ► TURKISH BATH TOWELS L PILLOW CASES Dry Goods AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS Varnished Wallpapers Splendid for bathrooms or pantries. Regular 35c. a roll 15c. Ladies’ Bloomers Peach and Pink, our regular 39c- Special at 29c. Ladies’ Canvas Slippers Cool and comfortable with leather soles per pair 85c. PURE LINEN TOWELING.......................... PURE LINEN TOWELING ........................ FAST COLOR PRINTS................................. CHINTZ.............................. per yd. CURTAIN NETS ............................ per yd. FANCY GINGHAMS ............ per yd. TABLE OILCLOTH, iy2 yds. wide........... TABLE OILCLOTH, 1% yds- wide ...... .. Special .. Special 29c» . per pair 39c.¥ ’« 'M Iffl KOTEX per pgk. 21c. SILK GLOVES Values to $1.50 59c. LADIES’ SLIPS Angel Skin 98c. Frilled Curtains Colored Borders 50c. EXTRA SPECIAL!! One rack of Ladies’ House dresses. Take your pick. 10 doz. Ladies’ Silk Hose Full fashioned sub-standards, regular $1 quality for 49c Clover Leaf Odd Cups- each 6c. Bleached Sheets 81 in. by 90 in. Fine even weave, good weight. Regular $1.25 for 98c. BUY NOW AND SAVE GROCERIES 59C. 10 doz. Ladies’ Silk Hose Values as high as $1.00—SPECIAL 49c. Boys’ School Shoes Out they go. Boys sturdy school shoes, Reg 2.50 value for 9.98 18c. 13c. 17c. 20c. 15c- 13c. 49c. 39c. 22c. Children’s Sox All sizes, values to 75cr—-1- 29c. CURTAIN NETS Valued to 40c- yd. 223c. KELLOG’S CORN FLAKES.....................................2 for 15c SHREDDED WHEAT,.........................................per pkg. 11c BULK SOAP FLAKES .......................................4 lbs. for25c. CHOICE RICE......................................................3 lbs. for 14c. P and G or WONDERFUL SOAP..........................per bar 3c. LARGE BOTTLE VANILLA, 8 . ....................................... 14c. RICE CRISPIES ........................>.........................- 2 pkgs. 19c. FRESH PINES..............................................SPECIAL 2 for 25c. 1 LB. TIN PINK SALMON .....................................2 for 19c. CLOTHES PINS ............................................ 5 doz. for 11c. FANCY CAKES, MIXED....................................21bs. for 25c. CORN BEEF .................................per tin 12c- LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS .......................................per tin Sc. CLARKE’S CHICKEN WITH RICE SOUPS .... 3 for 25c. OUR SPECIAL BLEND TEA ........................ per lb. 27c- — SPECIAL DURING THIS SALE — 10 LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR .... 10 LBS. YELLOW SUGAR ........... IS Wonderful Savings in Floor Coverings LINOLEUM RUGS Size 9 ft. x 10 ft., regular $10.50 for ........... $7.75 Size 9 ft. x 12 ft- regular $12.45 for . ..................... $10-90 Size 10 ft. x 12 ft., regular $14.95 for ............... $11.45 Size 9 ft. x 13 ft., .. .regular $13-95 for .................... $10.90 Size 12 ft- x 12 ft, regular $16.95 for .................... $13.45 Size 12 ft. x 15 ft regular $19.95 for .................... $15.95 BORDERLESS RUGS 9 ft. x 9 ft., $4.50; 9 ft- x 10% ft, $5.25;9 ft. x 12 ft $6.00 Room Lots of WallpaperAm 98c. $1.29 $1.49 .... 65c. , . . 65c. WINDOW BLINDS Regular size 36x72 Special at 69c. t (