HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-05-11, Page 8THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BUCKWHEAT SEED, White and Yellow Eye Beans to be let out on contract basis We also have a quantity of Feed Oats for sale. COOK BROS. MILL­ ING CO., Hensall, Ont. 5-ll-2tc FOR SALE—Velvetex rug, -size 7i x 9J. Price $10.00, Apply Times- Advocate, LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE—Yorks, Apply to Mr. John Bell, Exeter, Tel 17'5-r-3, ltp very bar- twc FOR SALE—Electric range, cheap. If you are looking for a gain,-look this one over. Also used vacuum cleaners. W. J. Beer’ Exeter. FOR SALE—Oliver typewriter, in good condition. Cheap for cash Apply Beaver’s Hardware. ltc FOR RENT—75 acres of pasture land on Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay or cat­ tle taken in.—-W. C. Pearce, Exeter FOR SALE OR RENT—Frame cottage on Main Street. Possession Immediately.—Apply to N. Ogden. Exeter. 5-11-tl'c FOR SALE—Gladioli Bulbs; mix­ ed lot at 35c. per dozen; choice lot at 75e. per dozen, named varieties. Mrs. Ella Heywood, Exeter. 5-4-2tp. FOR SALE—Willys Knight auto­ mobile in running condition. Will sell cheap for cash.—G. F. Roulston FOR SALE—Two bunches of York pigs in good shape, some almost fit to ship. Apply lot 8, con. 2, Stanley Townhip, phone 86r41 Hensall.— John B. Hyde. ltc Exeter Markets Wheat 77c. Oats, 34c. Barley 42c. Shorts $1.10 Bran $1.00 Low Grade Flour $1.25 Manitoba’s Best $2,50 Model Flour $2.30 Welcome flour $2,20 •Creamery butter 28, 27, 25. Dairy Eggs, ■ Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J, Bernard Rhodes,, M. A, Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m,—Mother’s Day Service Baptism admininstered, House Cleaning Specials butter 22c extras 13c. first lie. seconds 9c. $5.00 7 p.m.—The Minister. May 21—Communion Sunday. Mother’s Day will also be Family Day and 100 per cent, representa­ tion is desired. LINOLEUM RUGS IN ALL SIZES THESE ARE REGULAR QUALITY BUT DISCONTINUED PATTERNS AND THE PRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED $3.00 TO $4.00. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY. |fr| I— U— II I— »l IW II —<l — IN—OMH i i LOCALS L—.____-—I A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIV­ ING— Give mother a guaranteed singing canary or love birds. Grieve’e Drug Store. LOCALS JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA I GREEN BLINDS 5 Doz- only Green Blinds, 6 ft. length Special at Each 69c. CURTAIN RODS Kirsch Rods for windows and doors Each" 25c- Central the ap- a fresh will be Rev. J. II. Stainton, B.A.,B.D., Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.CJM. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—Mother's Day Service. Subject: “The adventure of Moth­ erhood.” Baptismal Service. p.m.—■Special S. S. service. Four young people will give five min­ ute talks on “Mother.” pm.-—Reception Service. Siubject; “What Must I do to be Saved?” Men’s Choir morning and evenin Wednesday—Prayer Meeting. Thursday—Y.P.S.—Main St. Youn people will visit James Sit. A> the young people are invited out to welcome them. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS 2 1-4 yards long by 33 inches wide a splendid low priced lace curtain SPECIAL AT PER PAIR 98c. FELTQL RUGS 7 1-2 ft. X 9ft. In six new* patterns beautiful sanitary rugs for bedrooms SPECIAL AT $4-49 11 3 7 Congoleum Rug Contest On May 13th we give away a beautiful Congoleum Rug, size 6 ft. by 9 ft- to the person guessing the lucky number enclosed in the envelope. Be sure to register a guess. Contest opens May 6th. Mr. Chas. Pearce is again confin­ ed to his bed for a few days. Mrs. Kaufman, of Detroit, is vis­ iting with Miss Isobel Turnbull. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was at Goder­ ich on Tuesday on legal business. Mr. W. H. Harness has resigned his position as clerk at the Hotel. Chainways are improving pearance of their store with coat of paint. Next Sunday, May 14tli, observed as Mother’s Day in many of the churches. Miss L. M. Jeckell was in the hos­ pital, at London, last week having her tonsils removed. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper and little daughter, Joan, spent Sunday and Monday in Toronto. Mr. Jerry Heaman, of Crediton visited for a few days last week with his brother, Mr. Thos. Heaman. Wear a flower on Mother’s Day a white one in remembrance of mother and a colored flower if she is living. Messrs. Cecil Stewart and James Morley were in Windsor Saturday and the latter brought home a new Dodge coupe. Miss M. J. O’Brien, of Sexsmith has been quite ill, but her many friends will he pleased to know she is improving. Mrs. Wm. Pollen has taken up -her Norway Spruce trees for sale, 3 \ residence in the apartments over ft. high; strawberry plants 75c. a ’ Dr. Fletcher’s office, formerly used 100 also Delphinium plants. Frank as a private Gollings, phone Exeter 17’3-2 or , Kirkton 33-2. i CATTLE WANTED—For pasture. Apply Mrs. John Penhale, Hay. FOR SALE OR RENT—Brisk house on Corner of Andrew and Hill Streets, east of Caven Church. Immediate possession. Apply to Mrs. Fred Hogarth, R. 1, Exeter, phone Crediton !Srl5. FOR SALE— Strawberry plants Senator Dunlap and Glen Mary, 75c. per 100, $2.00 per 300, $>5.00 per 1000. Delivered by mail. Nathan Doupe, Kirkton. 4-27-3tp FOR SALE OR RENT—Frame cot­ tage with brick' cellar. Apply Times-j Advocate. 4-27-2tpj Hogarth’s has had a . chicks. The FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine bricx been residence, all modern conveniences.; . Apply R. E. Pickard MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 3 7 a.m.—Mothers’ Day Service. p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—“The Book of Life.” First address of series on Book”. Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss MOTHERS’ MacFaul DAY a. m.--Holy Communion. ■Siunday school. FARM WANTED In exchange for 3 acres with good house, barn, garage, fruits, eac. Located at nice town on No. Highway near London. Quote your price and give particulars of your farm. Will pay cash difference. Box’280 J, Exeter hospital. Baby Chick Hatchery­ big demand for baby large incubators have going to capacity. Mr. and Mrs. Esli Heywood, of Crediton, have been visiting during the past week with Mr. Heywood’s sister, Mrs. Hy. Parsons. I A number of the members of the 2 I.O.O.F. were in Hensall on Sunday i evening and joined with the Hensall full'lodge ia attending Divine service. Mr. Harry Chipchase has movea with his family from town to hie community about ten London. BABY CHICKS 8c. CHICKS 7c. Large bodied White Leghorns After May 1st 7c. Hatching Eggs 10c. per dozen over market price. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM Kenneth Wein, Dashwood BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks under Govern­ ment Approval. Ail flacks are cull­ ed and banded by government In­ spectors. We hatch Barred Rocks White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Anconas, Jersey Black Giants, White Indian Runner Ducks. Write for free catalogue. Custom hatching .03c per egg, by the tray of 128 eggs. We guarantee your own chicks back.—A. H. Switzer, Gran­ ton, Ont. old home miles the other side of At the convocation in Huron Coll­ ege, London, Rev. M. H. Elston formerly of Centralia, was awarded first for the Haensal reading prize. Mrs. David' Parkinson, Mr. Allan Parkinson and Mr. Harvey Parkin­ son, of St. Marys, spent Sunday in town with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hern. “Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burns, ox Stratford and Mrs. Harry Green, of Marquette, Mich., visited with Mr and Mrs. Joe McDonalld, Exeter North last week. A considerable acreage has ter but for Ont. HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 184 Exeter, Barred Rocks 10c.; Leghorns 8c. Poultry Feeds, Beef Meal, Oyster Shell, Grit, Cod Liver Oil, Alfalfa Meal, Cello-Glass, [Sil-Lite, etc. Bring us your market eggs or poul­ try. Custom Hatching. of We have for Sale Used Machines taken in on New Equipment 1 Tudhope Anderson (Manure Spread­ er in Al shape, come in and look it over. 1 Practically New Massey-Harris 3- furrow tractor plow at a bargain. 1 2-furrow Gang Plow. Make us a reasonable offer. 1 2-furrow Oliver Tractor Plow. Gjood as new. 1 Fordson Tractor In Al shape. A real power plant for someone. 1 3-section set lever spring tooth Harrows 25’ tooth "repossessed.” 1 3-section Set Diamond Harrdwe practically new. A snap, 1 Rubber Tired Bug^y. A stylish carriage at a bargain.ci r William J. Smith International Harvester ,0b. Exeter, Ontario of peas been contracted for by the Exe- branch of the Canadian Canners there will be no corn contracted this year. Mr. Wm. Fraser, who recently lost his barn by fire, has purchased a similiar building from Mr. H. T, Rowe and is having it torn down and removed to his property. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Boyle return­ ed to Toronto on Sunday after visit­ ing for a week with Mrs. Susan At­ kinson, who has been confined to her home through illness. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Rowe, Galt, have been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar owing to the illness of Mr. Pedlar, who is confined to his bed. The Sunday school of the Trivitt Memorial church will commence next Sunday to hold their service at ten o’clock in the morning for the sum­ mer months instead of in the after­ noon. Mrs. R. Murphy returned Sunday from Strathroy where she has been visiting with her mother, .Mrs. Louisa Westlake, who has been seriously ill but we are pleased to state is im­ proving nicely, “Tillie the Toiler” presented ae an added attraction at Leavitt’s theatre on Friday evening by the Arlie Marks & Co. drew a A matinee was held in noon for the children. Mother’s Day at Caven ian Church on Sunday' next will be Family Day as well. Every family is asked for 100 per cent, representa­ tion. The Sunday School orchestra will assist and vocal numbers will be jjfoVided by1 some of the junior congregation, fair crowd the after- Presbyter­ 8 10 a.m.- 11 a.m.—Morning prayer and sermon “Mother” Special service women. Thank-offering for W. A. be received. p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “Remembrance” 7 CAVEN W.M.S. The regular monthly meeting ot the W.M.S., of Caven Presbyterian church was held in the Manse on Tuesday evening. In the absence or the President, Miss Jeckell, Mrs Rhodes was in charge. The devotion­ al exercises were led by Mrs. W. Sillery and the topic “Chinese work in Canada” was taken by Mrs. Stan- bu-ry. A well given recitation wae contributed by little Ethel Kydd as representative of the Mission Bana and a most interesting letter was read by Mrs. Blayney from Mrs. Dr. Graham, now of Formosa. Southcott Bros TABLE OIL CLOTHS In all the new patterns. 45 inches wide at per yard 39c. 54 inches wide at per yard 49c. NOTTINGHAM NETS Four good patterns to choose from. These nets make a very pretty curtain SPECIAL AT PER YARD 25c. SWISS NET CURTAINS Two dainty patterns in fine Swiss Net Curtains 2 1-4 yards long by 32 inches wide A SPECIAL AT PER PAIR $1.25 Wallpapers! Wallpapers! For any room in your home. A big range.of new patterns at very at­ tractive prices. Don’t fail to see our room lots at 99c, $1.29, $1.49 $1.99. Another Big Saving in Groceries for Wed., Thurs., & Friday W. R. goulding COLORED KRINLETTE QUILTS Size 80 inches by 100 inches in color of Rose or Green. A real value at each: $1.79 Peach Jam 4 Large Jar 24c. 1 pkg. Salted Wafers 1 pkg. Golden Spray Cheese 19c Maple Leaf Salmon 1-2 lb tin 16c. REMEMBER OUR PRICES GUARANTEED NOT TO BE BEATEN Aylmer Pumpkin 2 lb. tin 8c. Forest City Baking Powder Quart jar 33c. Ovaltine at Low Prices L. $1.09; M. 67c.; S. 45c. LET US SELL YOU YOUR GARDEN SEEDS. 7 PACKAGES FOR 25c. Glacier Sardines Good Quality 3 tins 25c. Fancy Cookies Slendid Assortment 2 lbs- for 24c. Sugar is very firm. Our present stock is selling below cost A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Chui-ch Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, iMain St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. Men’s Hats A SNAPPY LINE OF NEW SPRING HATS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY. PRICES ARE MUCH LOWER THIS SEASON MAIN STREET W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of Main Street was held at the home of Mrs. E. A. Follick on Thursday May 4th with a record attendance. The de­ votional period was in charge oi Miss Hogarth. Mrs. Doerr, the presi­ dent then conducted the business. Arrangements were made for flower Sunday in June. The visiting and flower committees for May were ap­ pointed. Mrs. Earl Russell’s group provided the program, beginning with a hymn, a reading by Mrs. Powell and a duet by Mrs. Martin and Miss Huston. At the close of the program lunch was served and a social time spent. LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 2.29 day. At the evening service Dr. Armstrong gave an illustrated ad­ dress on India that was very inter­ esting and instructive. Many of the pictures that -were thrown upon the screen were taken personally by Dr. Armstrong during a visit country about eleven years Armstrong addressed the School in the - afternoon. morning service Mr. E. Lindenfield sang a solo and in the evening a trio was sung by Misses Pearl Wood, Reta Rowe and Enola Buswell. to- that ago. Dr. Sunday At the $2.50 to $3.50 Men’s Shirts A FINE NEW LINE OF BROADCLOTH SHIRTS IN DIFFERENT SHADES FROM $1.50 up W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. The monthly meeting of the Main Street United Ohurch Men’s Union was held on Friday evening, May Sth A group of men from the Elimville district presented a biblical drama under the direction and authorship of Rev. J. R. Peter, B.A. The drama which was entitled, “Where are the Nine?” Was interesting and well played. A vote of thanks was tender­ ed the players after which refresh­ ments were served. Those taking part in the drama were as follows: Instructor, Rev. J. R. Peters, B. A.; Ten Lepers, Will Routley .Squire Herdman, Harry Murch, Jack Del- bridge, Harry Cole, Gilbert Johns Ivor Morgan, Amos Herdman, Del­ mar Skinner and Kenneth Johns; the Quartette, Alvin Pym, Will El­ ford, Bruce Cooler and Will Johns. Sunday was a special missionary day in connection with the James Street United Church when Rev. Dr. Armstrong, Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board, of Toronto, was the special speaker morning and even­ ing. Dr. Armstrong gave an Outline of the missionary work of the Mora­ vian church which he described as the leading missionary church of the The May meeting of the Willing Worker’s Auxiliary of the James 'St Church was held on Monday even­ ing May 1st at the home of Mrs. E. A. Amy. The president was in charge and conducted the business. Hymn 4 was sung and followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Twenty-six answer­ ed the roll call. An invitation to the home of Mrs. Stacey, Willow Grove for the June meeting was accepted. Miss Ella Link then took charge. Hymn 84 was sung. The Devotional Leaflet “T,he Woman of Quiet’’ was! given by Miss isobel Turnbull. Miss! Enola Buswell contributed a solo j A short sketch of two missionaries; "Miss Bolton and Miss McArthur, of; Pine River, Manitoba, was. given by Miss E. Link and followed by pray-: er by Mrs. Rowe in behalf of their work. Mrs. Rev, Anthony was the speaker of the evening and gave a very interesting and helpful talk on "Kagawa and the Kingdom of God Movement in Japan.” Meeting was closed with Hymn 91 and the Miz­ pah Benediction. A. social half hour was enjoyed with lunch .served by Group 2. Mother’s Day Sunday, May 14 th WE WILL HAVE OVER 1000 CUT FLOWERS FOR MOTHER’S DAY—-IN FOLLOWING VARIETY. Carnations, Roses Iris DaffodHs (White and yellow) FLOWERING PLANTS 25c. up Geraniums Cinneraria Calceolaria Fuscia Pansy Geranium Tuberous Begonias Hydrangea LOWER THAN CITY PRICES I THE IDEAL GIFT FOR MOTHER—A pair of Love Birds or a beautiful singing canary. Imported birds onlv and guaranteed singers. . Titlips Poeticus Poetas Snapdragon Flowers for all occasions DRUGGIST We specialize in futaeral flowers