HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-05-11, Page 5< V 1 % THE EXETER TIMES-APVOCATE THURSDAY, MAY XI, 1983 i ■ 'f' Mr. E. H. Marshall, of London, was in town on Friday. Mr. 4T. C. Joynt made a business trip to Toronto this week. Miss Dorothy Lawson spent Thurs­ day at her home in Exeter. Mrs, J. B. McLean visited last week with friends in Sit. Thomas. Mr. Roy Lammie has taken the position as assistant at the 'C.N.R Station here. Miss Bella Moir is visiting with her isister, Mrs. J. D. Stewart, of Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Smith, of Credi­ ton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. Mrs, E. Rennie visited over the week-end with relatives in Toronto and Montreal. Mrs. John Bolton, of Usborne, is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Thos. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron and son, Bobby, were recent visitors with friends in Varna. Rev. Arthur Sinclair was in God­ erich Wednesday attending a meet­ ing of the Huron Presbyterial. Mr. Fred BOnthron is improving the appearance of his dwelling by having a new front porch erected. Misses McAllister visited last week with relatives in Hillsgreen. Miss Thelma Hudson, of London, visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson. Miss Viola Lemmon, of Toronto spent the week-end at the home oi her father, Mr. Wm. Lemmon. Mrs. Lorne McNaughton, of Crom­ arty, is visiting for a few days with her father, Mr. Wm. L> McLaren. Mr, Jas. Robinson lias sold his farm, Lot 13, Con. 3, ‘Tuckersmith to Mr. Andrew Bell, a neighbour. Mr, and Mrs. L. McEwan and daughter, Donna, visited on Sunday with friends at the Beech-o’-Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett were in London on Monday attending the funeral ot their niece Betty Colvin. Mr, Orville Twitchell attended the funeral of his brother, Gael’s® Har­ old Twitchell at Seaforth on 'Satur­ day. Mra. Sam’l Rennie and Dr, Smillie ■ assisted with the Young People's services at Brucefield on Monday evening. Mrs. Siheere, Mrs. C. A. Soutlicott Miss Stella Southcott and Miss Fanny Bissett visited on Friday with Mrs John Murdock. Mother’s Day will be observed in Sunday will be be held Sunday our local churches on Special music and sermons prepared for the occasion. Anniversary services will in the United Church on May 28th. Rev. Mr. Finlay will be the special speaker for the day. Mrs. Alfred .Scruton is improving the appearance of her property on Queen St. by having her barn taken down and a neat garage erected. The Arnold Circle of the Carmel Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Verne Hedden on Tues­ day evening. A very enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. Nellie Detwerlu has taken tne position of matron of the Huron Springs Sanitarium taking the place of Mrs. Robt. Paterson, who moved back to Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer family, of the (Beach O’ Pines, Mrs. Orville Beavers, of Grand Bend spent the week-end at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins. M'r. Roy McLaren, who recently underwent an operation for appendi­ citis in the Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth, returned home Friday and is well on the road to recovery. The Welfare Youth Club of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting on Monday ev­ ening. After the opening exercises the Scripture Lesson was read by Douglas Sangster and the topic on was given by Hannah has. and and services will be held Presbyterian Churcn Oddfellows of the Hensall No. 223 attended the services United Church on Sunday ev- “Reformation” Murray*. Anniversary in the Carmel on Sunday, May 21st, Rev, Kenneth McLean, B.A., of Wingham, will be the speaker for the day. On Monday evening a musical will b'e given in the church consisting of choruses duets, solos, quartettes and instru­ mentals. Mrs. G. M. Young, of Nairn Elocutionist will also take part. The ■ Lodge in the enirig. Rev. Arthur-Sinclair deliver­ ed a splendid address on “The Three Links,” A mixed quartette was given by Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs. Hess and Messrs. Goodwin and Rennie, en­ titled “Fear not, ye, O, Israel”. Mr. Thos. Bherritt rendered a very pleas­ ing solo entitled, “ I heard the Voice and a duet ‘Spring Time of My Soul’ by Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. Hess. The W. M. S. of the United .church held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon in the school room of the church. The meeting opened by singing the Doxology af­ ter which Psalm 23 was repeated followed by silent prayers. & duet was given by Mrs, Drysdale and Mrs Hess and a violin solo by Miss Lam- mie. read ----- ------ B. sung after which a report of the Presbyterial meeting held at Thames Road was given by Mrs, 0. A. Mc­ Donnell and Mrs. Henry led in pray­ er, Hymn 18i& was dung after which McDonald. Hymn 158 was sung and the meeting closed with prayer. The Wohela Class of the United Church very pleasantly entertained three other classes of the Sabbath School on Friday evening. The fol­ lowing program was given: instru­ mental duet, Misses Irene Douglass and Helen Glenn; reading Alice Higgins; quartette, Mildred Follick Ruth Doles, Kathryn Drysdale and Mildred Ftollick; piano solo, Lome Elder; quartette, Gladys Passmore Dorothy McLean, Bob Passmore and Lome Elder; guitar solo, Katheryn Drysdale; duet, Alice Higgins and Gladys Passmore, Mr. Clarence Smillie acted as chairman and Joyce Scruton and Jas. McEwan received the prize for the best fancy costume Contests and games were indulged in and a dainty lunch vgas served. The late Mrs. J. C. Stoneman The funeral of the late Mys, John C. Stoneman, who died in Toronto on Thursday was held on Saturday The remains were brought to Clin­ ton on the C.N.R. noon express ana from there to the Hensall Union Cemetery where interment tool? place. Mrs. Stoneman was a former well known resident of Hensall, and was the wife of John (C. (Stoneman, a prominent business man and clerk of the village. The family moved from Hensall to Toronto some 25 years ago and have resided there ever since. On Thursday morning she was stricken with a severe heart attack from which she failed to rally, leaves to mourn her loss one Curtis Stoneman of Toronto, other son Bert being killed in Great War and Mr. Stoneman having died PARER HANGING AND painting, CAULKING AND UP- BOLSTERING AND SLIP COVERS I sell Stauntons, Boxers, and Em­ pire Sunworthy Papers. Hees Window Shades and Accessories. See Samples Shop opposite Post Officse L.. E. JOHNSTON, Centralia STORE She son Her the before they left Hensail. a reading King. was very collecting was busy the with Mrs- are of U,s- been quite ill is im- will, be observed at Church next Sunday At the CREDITON Next Sunday, May 14th, Mother’s Day services will be observed in the United Church Sunday School. A good program is being prepared. Everybody., come, and bring your friends. Last Sunday being Mission­ ary Sunday a Missionary program was provided and given by Miss Edith William Roeszler Monday afternoon scrap iron in the village. Miss Meleeta Wein had her tonsils removed at Dr. Taylor’s hospital Dashwood, on Monday morning. Mrs. Ezra Lamport was operated on at Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday. We wish her a speedy re­ covery. Miss Lulu Morlock and friend, of Windsor, spent the week-end the former’s parents, MX- and Edward Morlock. The masons and carpenters busy these days erecting an office for Dr. Misener adjoining his home Mr. James Etherington, borne, who has proving. Mother’s Day the Evangelical in an enthusiastic manner, morning service thirty-five mothers will furnish three selections of mu­ sic and in the evening thirty fathers will endeavour to give musical as­ sistance. There will also be a brief program in connection with the Si S. session. This is also the “Go-to- Church-and->S. S. Day.” We expect to see big audiences. The regular Christian Endeavour meeting was held last Friday even­ ing. Ruby Finkbeiner occupied the chair. Norma Finkbeinei’ read the Scripture Lesson; Elva Wuerth'gave the topic and a vocal solo by Chas. Hoffman. The guest speaker of the evening was Dr. Weekes, of Exeter who gave interesting experiences ot his practice in the Province of New-, foundland together with a descrip­ tion of that part of our country and a characterization of its people, A hearty vote of thanks was tendered. Boom­ at THE SWEETEST GIFT er’s and Neilson’s box chocolates Grieve’s Dru,g Store, Exeter. WINCHELSEA and Mrs. Roy Francis and vis- Mr. Miss Jean Hocking of Kirkton, ited with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley on Sunday. Sunday visitors with MX. and Mrs R. W. Batten were Mr. and Mrs. Jas Mr. Srcott Whaley and Whaley, of St M'arys Mrs. Garnet McFalls, of Robinson, Miss Mabel and Mr, and Exeter. \ M’r. and Mrs. George McGavin and family, of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis on Sun­ day, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Garfield Needham, London Township. Mr. and Mrs, Georg© Parkinson of Blanshard, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Horman Foster one day last week. Mr. and Mrs, Alf. Collier and baby of Kirkton, spent (Sunday with the latter’,s patents, Mr, and Mrs. H Bailey. Miss Inea OXeery, of Forest, spent the week-end with, her parents, tind Mrs. X C. Oreery. Mr. Albert Berry, of Toronto, Mrs, Robt, Berry, of Blanshard. ited With Mr. and Mrs. X U. Creery. One day last week, Mrs, Ed, Stone of Exeter, spent last week with her daughters, Mrs, the Study was given by .Mrs, Coles, | H. E, Fletcher and Mrs. Truman Mrs. Peck, Mrs, Hemphill and Mfs, Pletcher. anti a violin solo by Miss Lam- “The woman of Sacrifice*’ was foy Mrs. Coles. Hymn 131 was Mr and v Is­ / SHIPKA The regular meeting of the ladies Aid was held on Wednesday, May 3 at the home of Mrs. E. Keyes. Nine members and one visitor were pres­ ent, Meeting was opened by singing hymn “There shall be showers of blessing” and the Lord’s (Prayer was repeated in unison. Scripture lesson 21st Psalm, was read by Mrs, Lome Finkbeiner. Two letters were read thanking the Aid for treats sent to them during their illness. Readings were given by Mr.s. Wm. SWeitzer and Mrs. E. Keyes. It was decided to have a strawberry social on Wed­ nesday, June 21st. Meeting was clos­ ed by singing “J love to tell the story and prayer.” Lunch was served by the hostess Miss Millie Disjardine has re­ turned to her home after spending two weeks with Miss Irma Finkbein­ er. Miss O. Moore and Miss E. Ball have returned to London having spent two weeks vacation at their homes here. Arnold Gaiser, of Grand Bend, is staying at Mir. Ira Tetreau’s time. for »a DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, P, Fassold. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Nadiger on Sunday. Mrs. Nicholson and Miss Simith, of London, visited relatives in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader and Miss Selma Rader and Maurice Klumpp spent the week-end in De­ troit. Miss Fipps and Miss Lawrence Miss Allemang and Miss Helen Na­ diger, all of Stratford Normal School, spent the week-end with Mr. and- Mrs. Ed. Nadiger. Mrs. T. Hopcroft returned home on Sunday after spending a week with her father in Clifford. Mr. Verne Schatz is busy rebuild­ ing his house he recently purchased from the Baker estate and when completed will be a very comfort­ able house. Mrs. Jane Guenther and daughters Mrs. L. Ediglioffer, of Mitchell and Miss Gladys, of Kitcherier, spent last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Guenther. Mrs. Milton Ratz, of Shipka, Is confined to her bed at the home oi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fassold being suddenly stricken with a heart attack last week. Rev. Killinger, of have charge of the Lutheran Church on ing when their new Luft, of Pembroke, will be inducted. Service will commence at 10.30 and will be in the English language. Mr. Sandy Moore and Mrs, Rose Cummings, of Chicago, called on Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wild on Tues­ day. Sandy is a former Dashwood boy being a son of Mr. and Mrs. An­ gus Moore now of Seaforth. * Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lindenfield and family, of Parkhill, Miss Ai- mina Cann and friend, M.r. Jack Munroe, of London, and Mrs. John Fuss and Mr. D. Fuss and Mr, H. Adkins, all of Zurich, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Chas. Steinhagen. Ladies’ Aid and W. M S. Meeting The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. or Dashwood Evangelical church held s church Mrs. The by Mrs. J. Mrs. Wm London, will service in the Sunday morn­ pastor Rev. their May meeting in the basement recently with : Wildfong in the chair. gram consisted of a solo M. Tieman, readings by Snell and Mrs. G. Wildfong and a piano duet by Miss Anna Tieman and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher. Tieman presided for session. reported and the visiting committee for next month is Mrs. J. Wildfong and Mrs. W. Wolfe, the new Flow­ ver Committee is Mrs. E Bender ano Mrs. D. Tieman while the following committee was appointed to arrange the flower bed, Mrs R. Willert, Mi's. D. Haugh and Mrs, H. England. It was decided to hold a .Strawberry Stcial on June 21st and the commit­ tee in charge are Mrs. A* E, Oes­ tricher convenor; Mrs. E. Bender Mrs. R. H. Taylor, Mrs. E. Gaiser and Mrs. W. Wolfe. The program will be arranged by the choir, a motion to contribute $25 to the Gen­ eral Church treasury Was * carried Mrs. D. Tieman and Mrs. A. W. Sauer were appointed delegates to the W. M. S. convehtion to be hold in Tavistock the latter part of May The next meeting will be in charge of Mrs. R. H. Taylor and Mrs. Wm. Wolfe. A report of the United Farmer’ Young People’s Ahti-Cah’t Cliib oi Ontario will be found on page. ^ Specials ((NFW r.HF.F.SF. AYLMER PORK & BEANS, large AYLMER SOUPS, ASSORTED .. .. ................2 lbs- for 25c. tin each 10c. ................. 3 for 25c. Handy Ammonia Red & White Toilet Tissue Palmolive Soap per pkg. 5c,3 for 23c.4 cakes for 21c. GOLP MEDAL ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz. jar .......... each 27c, Choice Sweet Corn No. 4 Peas .. Tomatoes 3 tins for 25p.3 tins for 25c.3 tins fpr 25c. DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, ASSORTED FLAVORS................6 for 25c. Fresh Dates Glass Jar Peanut Better Pure Maple Syrup 4 lbs. for 25 c.2 lbs- for 29c.Per qt. 40c. Freshly Ground Coffee...........per lb. 29c. Keta Salmon, large tin..................each 10c. Herrings in Tomata Sauce .... per tin 15c. Chocolate ’Mallow Biscuits . . 2 lbs for 25c ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 KIRKTON Schneider’s Picnic Hams .. per lb. 12 l-2c Fresh Pineapples .............................each 19c* Seedless Grapefruit............... .. . 5 for 25c. Jumbo Salted Peanuts...............per lb. 15c “Quality always higher than price.” has Mr. A. GRAND BEND moved into the Win. Bibby in Gunning,oi or Mr. Ira Marshall spent a couple of days last week with his brother Mr. Fred Marshall, of Hamilton. Mr. S. Pearson house owned by the village. My. and Mrs. Granton, and their son, Ernie, Detroit, spent Saturday with Mr. ana Mrs. Emerson Gunning. A number of people around at­ tended the funeral of the late Mr Jack Routly, of Woodham. Mrs. Wm. Cjlarke, of Eflimville spent a couple of days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Emerson Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Routly and baby son, of St. Marys, visited with Mrs. M. Routly on Sunday. Mr. Clifton Moore, of Elimville spent the week-end in the village. Miss Agnes Stratford, who the past couple to Stratforded Greason, R. N., of has been home for of weeks has return- again. CREDITON EAST and Mrs. Ike Gower andMr. daughter, Alma, of Elimville, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon, oi Grand Bend, spent Monday with Mr. Si. Merner and Mr. and Mrs. D. Baird, Mrs. John Baird, who has been visiting in Grand Bend for a few weeks, is now visiting and son here. Mr. Garfield Neil, spent Sunday at the and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherly, oi London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. and Mirs. Wes. Wein and fam­ ily, of Sharon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein. Mr. and Mirs. Gordon Hunter and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, and Mr. K. J. Sims, all spent Sunday with My. and her daughters of Centralia .home of Mr Mrs. Jonah Sims. Isaac Sims of Exeter, and Mrs. THAMES ROAD Robert Coward has returned EXETER, ONT. We Deliver ELIMVILLE IK Garnet Statton and Forest, visited Mr Holt on Sunday. Cecil Atchinson and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Capes, of and Mrs. J. W. Mr, and Mrs. family visited friends in Arkona on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard and Miss .Mary Yoe, of Sarnia, visited Mrs. Mollard’s mother, Mirs. John Holt. Sr,, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wild were in Windsor on Thursday on business. Mr. Walter England is laid up in bed for a few days. He was knocked down by a car on Friday night, re­ ceiving severe cuts in the head and several bruises. He is under the care of Dr. Misener. of Crediton. Rev. S. J. Mothers, Mrs. Mathers Miss Marjorie Gill and MX. J. Convention in United Church May 3rd. Mr. Jacob Walper received a real shaking up on Saturday night when Mr.-Gordon Turnull struck his bug­ gy. While passing another car his view was obstructed by the glare of the lights. 'M'r. Walper’s buggy was a complete wreck. Mr. John Rau cream parlour Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. ited Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter Sunday. M'r. Hayter has been ill for a few days. Mr. Ed. Strathmier, of London, was taken suddenly ill Sunday and had to remain at for a few days. Miss Ball, of been visiting for Lakeview Hotel has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. William Cliff, of London, visited Mr. John Luther on Sunday. Miss Geraldine Sararas, of Zurich is -visiting Mr. peter Ravelie’s for a few days. Jennison, Mr. John W. Holt attended the connection of the held in Goderich on has rented his ice to Mr. Gould, of Frank Sitatton vls- Mrs. I. Eccleston’s Shipka, who has a few days at the CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rae and son Robert, Mrs. Helen Wenzel and son Jack Wenzel, of Stratford, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams on Sunday last. Mr. S. Whaley, of St Marys, call­ ed in the vicinity one lay last wees Mr. and Mrs. Bert Francis, of Ex­ eter, visited in the neighbourhood on Sunday. Next Friday night the Mission Circle are having a special program given in the* church. A one-act play “Money arid Mud” will be present­ ed by a numbei* of young people there will also be vocal duets, read­ ings and other musical numbers which we expect will make an inter­ esting entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch and Miss Willa Bowers, of London, were visitors in the village on Sunday. Mr. Biias Johns, who has been laid up for a couple of weeks as a result of a kick from a horse, is able to be around again. The Y. P. S. met as usual on Monday evening. Miss Lavona Coop­ er occupied the chair and opened with hymn and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of last meeting were read and adoptea After singing another hymn Mrs Peters gave a report on the Confer­ ence in Goderich. Laura Ford intro­ duced the topic, “Making the Prair­ ies.” Another hymn was sung and Miss Thelma Jacques read the Scrip­ ture lesson. Mrs. John Brock gave comments on the lesson. Miss Gladys Johns read a poem, “My Church.” Rev. Peters led in prayer after which hymn 329 was sung and the benediction repeated in unison. ZION The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of Zion United church was held at the home of Mrs. Wil­ bur Batten on Thursday afternoon of last week with a good attendance The president had charge of the meeting, meeting “Prayer.” hour of Prayer1 with prayer by several of the mem­ bers. The minutes of the last meet­ ing were read and approved. It was i decided to pack a bale at the June meeting and to have an annual tea the second week in June. The De­ votional leaflet “The woman of quiet” was read by Mrs. Melville Hern. Hymn, “Shine on our souls” Prayers was offered by Mrs. Peters. Mrs. Warren Brock, watch Tower Herald, gave a short reading on China. Mrs. -Pooley gave a re­ port of the morning session of the W.M.S. Convention which was held in the Thames Road United Churcn and Mrs. Warren Brock gave a re­ port of the afternoon session. Mrs Wilbui’ Batten gave an interesting talk on the 4th chapter of the study book. A piano solo by Miss Lena Dufton was enjoyed very much Mrs. Peters gave a reading entitled “Not Comfortless”. Aftei’ singing “What a friend we have in Jesus’ the president dismissed the meeting with the benediction. Mrs. J. Sitevens, of Kirkton, spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Ephriam Hern. Rev. Mr. Smith, a former pastor with Mrs. Smith and family called on friends in the community recent* iy. Mrs. David Stevens and daughters, of Woodham, Mrs. Pooley opened the by reciting a poem on One verse .of “Sweet was sung followed Mr, and Mrs. Laurene Weaver, of London, visited on Sunday with MX. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson. Miss Harlton, of Ailsa Craig, is vis iting Mrs. Jane Armstrong. Mr, and Mrs. M'iles McCabe and son Mac, of Clinton, called on friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. , Thompson and daughter and MX. and Mrs. Sam’l Davis, of London, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Parsons. Mr. and Mr,s. Wm. ’Bird, of Lon­ don, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Willis, on Sunday. iSpecial Mothers Day services will be held in the church here on Sun­ day, May 14th. Music will be pro­ vided by a mothers’ choir. In the morning the pastor, Rev. A. V. Robb will conduct the annual baptismal service. On Thursday afternoon of last week the regular monthly meeting of the Woman’s Association was held in the schoolroom of the church Mrs. H. McFalls took charge of the devotional part of the meeting.Hymn 381 was sung after which Mrs Ar­ thur McFalls led in prayer. The les­ son, Psalm 51, Was read by Mrs. A. Mitchell. Hymn 347. Mrs. Frank Langford gave a reading entitled “What Home Stands For” Mrs. Bowden took the chair and Had a short business session. The meeting was closed by Mitchell. Lunch was served W. Essery, Mrs. C. McFalls, Hicks, Mrs. John Thompson. Mrs. Alex McGowan and son Orval of Blyth, visited for a few days last week with MX. and Mrs. A. Brooks. Miss Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. arid Mrs. C. O’Brieii. Mr. John Kent, who spent the win­ ter with his daughter, Mxs. Mitchell in Stratford, has returned -to his home here. Mr* and Mr,s. Mitchell have moved from Stratford arid will make their home with Mr. Kent. Mr. after visiting the past week with his mother, Mrs. D. Coward. Rev. J. Anthony gave a stirring address on .Sunday morning to a large congregation his subject being .‘Of what practical value is your religion to you?” Friends from Stratford and Wrox- eter were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell. •Seeding is well under way in this locality; the warmth is needed to promote the growth. Mr. and Mrs. Russeldale, time when their friends (about 50) gathered at their home to celebrate their thirty-fourth wedding anniversary recently. Lunch was served and a happy time spent in games,and reminiscences. Mr. J. T. Allison and Mr. William Moody were appointed from this con­ gregation and Mr. Robt. Graham and Mr. 'Simon Dow from Roy’s to at­ tend services Sunday at Formosa and Atwood in the interests of their respective pulpits. I W. M. S. Present Surprise Patty A very fine surprise was extended to Mrs. Jas. Walker last Thursday When the members and neighbours of the Anderson Auxiliary of the W M. S', presented her with a silver basket of roses. The occasion being her birthday and as an appreciation of the long and successful presidency Over a number of years, of the So­ ciety. Lunch was served when a lovely cake, lighted by seventy can­ dles# was brought in by two small Children and Which she was asked to cut. Mrs. Walker graciously ex­ tended her deep appreciation of such khidhosb On the part of al! the friends and hoped the work would continue to forge ahead. G. pro- 'ieman Mrs. D. the business' There were ‘52 sick visits Gleason Gill, of spent a happy social neighbours and Hymn 247. Mrs. A. by Mrs. Mrs. A. another twin spent Thursday of last week with Mrs Ephriam Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery anti family spent Sunday with the latter's sister Mrs. Eari Johhston. Ross Sunday Mrs* C. Mrs. the doctor’s care. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. There is a proud modesty itt mor* it.—-Dryden. Hern and Mrs, H. Kyle spent with the latter’s cousin Baker in London. Wellington. Brock is under