HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-05-11, Page 1•v IS ESTABLISHED 1873 HR Z" • EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 11th 1933 r SIXTIETH YEAR, NO. 27’53 BOARD OF EDUCATION SUFFERED A STROKE Mr. Thos. Sanders, of Huron St suffered a paralytic stroke on Friday of last week and is at present cop- fined to his bed. He is in a critical condition but has shown some signs of improvement. MOTHER’S DAY—Remember her with towers, cut flowers, bouquets and plants at Grieve’s Drug Store. meeting for the of 231; It is the very latest color for summer and the material is extra good in quality. If you wish to be smartly dressed, get one of our light grey suits, with 2 pair of pants for $20.00 Men’s Dark Colored Suits BROWNS, NAVY, GREYS and all with 2 pairs of Pants- Made of good English worsteds, new stripe patterns, priced at $19.00, $20.00 and $22,00 with extra Pants. Women’s Shoes for Summer GREY, BIEGE, WHITE, BLUE, made with Louis heeli; also light colored sport oxfords in lower heels for all kinds of sport wear. Slater Oxfords for Men at $5.00 a pair For years Slater Oxfords have retailed at $8 a pair. Now they are $5. For men wanting better shoes try a pair of Slaters at $5-00. New Kitchen and Bedroom Wallpapers We will have several new patterns of Kitchen and Bedroom Papers in this week to retail at 10c. and 121/zc> a roll. We will be pleased to show them to you- A meeting of the Board of Educa- I tion was held in the Public Library on Monday evening, May 8th. Absent R. N. Creech. In the absence of the Secretary Mrs. Beavers acted. Minutes of the previous were read and adopted. Principal Howard reported Public School an enrolment average attendance 219.27; 117 days absence and 11 lates. Three pupils entered from outside schools ana four left. Some examination sup­ plies were needed. Principal Wethey’s report showed an enrolment of 16'5; aggregate at­ tendance 2182; average 156. As Miss Brain had been compelled tc withdraw on account of illness, Miss M. Parker, B.A., was filling her po­ sition. Graduation diplomas had been received and could be obtained from the secretary. A list of neces­ sary supplies had. been placed with the secretary. Reports had been is­ sued to the parents. One hundred and two candidates have applied for Middle and Upper School Examina­ tions. A special box for use in the Science Dept, was also needed. Per W. H. Dearing and W. H Penliale. Adoption of the two reports A special meeting of the County Boards will meet in Clinton on a date to be set by the Clinton Board. Per Mrs. Beavers and F. J. Del- bridge: That all accounts be paid including Oral Arithmetic for each room in Public School. Carried. Pupils to be informed ’caution fees must be paid next meeting. Per Mrs. Beavers and That a box for purposes be secured as suggested in Principal 'Wethey’s report. Carried. Per H. T. Rowe and W. H. Dear­ ing: That the necessary supplies for H. S. examinations be procured Carried. It was decided to send a letter of appreciation to Miss Brain for the Valuable services given while on the High School staff. R. E. Beavers, Sec’y. MRS. OLIVER DAVIS DIES Mr. Sidney Davis received the sad news on Tuesday evening of the death of his daughter-in-law, wife of Mr. Oliver Davis, of Fort Erie, who passed away in the prime of life following an attack of intestinal flu Mrs. Davis was formerly Miss Schaf­ er, daughter of Mr. John Schafer, of Parkhill. Besides her bereaved husband she is survived by two chil­ dren, Doreen and Bobby to whom the sympathy of many friends will be extended in this their hour of bereavement. l Remember Mother’s Day May 14th Give her a practical gift. She would appreciate a new hat. We have some nice New Matron hats for Moth­ er’s Day and reasonably priced. Come in and see them V. G. ESSERY Hat Shoppe Exeter Florist that before all the T. Joi/es: of botany SUPERIOR CHAIN. STORE SPECIAL VALUES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY P. & G. SOAP 10 Bars 29c. Five-String Brooms 22c. each Ginger Snaps per lb; 10c. Huron Toilet Paper 8 rolls 25c. Package of Home-Made Lard per lb 10c. Blueberries per tin 10c. or 3 for 25c. Sea King Lobster half lb* tin 23c. quarter lb. tin 14c. Fresh Graham Wafers 1 lb. pkg. 17c. King Oscar Sardines 2 tins 29c. Lux Toilet Soap 3 bars 19c. Natural Pea Soup 3 tins for 25c. 1 Clothes Line, 30 ft. each 15c. UNANIMOUS CALL Pro tern A. Y. P. A. BANQUET The A.Y.P.A. of Trivitt Memorial church held a very splendid banquet on Monday evening to wind up a very successful season. Tables were set in the parish hall where about 70 members partook of a very sump­ tuous banquet, provided aDkVlo ladies Guild. Following the banquet' nia> Verbena, Marigold, Geraniums, Q a nl nn rl 4 /I + 14^4- _1 | Tulips for Mother’s Day 25e. a dozen. 1000 Flowering Cannas •For Hanging Baskets and Boxes— Drecena, 3 kinds of Ferns, - Be­ gonias, Petunias, Ageratum, Snap­ dragon, Black Eyed Susan, 2 kinds of Wandering Jew, Phlox (Silver Leaf) 10 kinds of Foliage, Geraniums all colors, Vinca Nicotine, colored Nasturtiums, Alyssum. All kinds of hanging baskets and window boxes filled to order ■< We are commencing our thirteith year. Our experience should be of value to you. All plants will be ready when season opens We will have from now on all kinds of plants for sale including plants for the garden. 6 kinds of Tomatoes Early, medium and late Cabbage. Celery, Cauliflower, Pepper For the garden all the leading by the kinds of Asters, Stocks, Salvia, Zin- Phone 32 Phone 32 It was announced at the of Huron Presbytery held ton on Tuesday that Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M.A., of Caven Presbyter­ ian Church, had received a unani­ mous invitation from the congrega­ tion of St. Andrews Church, Cobourg to become their minister. Although Mr. Rhodes has not definitely an­ nounced his acceptance it is believed the transfer will be made before July. While it is greatly regretted that Exeter and especially Ctaven brilliant j oin in on meeting at Clin- a splendid toast list was given with ‘ Mr. Edward Moyle in the chair. A toast to “the King’’ was proposed by Mr. Wm. Davis and responded tc by singing of the National Anthem. Mrs. N. J. Dore and Miss Mary Wells sang a vocal duet. A toast to “The Qhurch” was proposed by Miss Rosa Dearing and was responded to by singing one verse of the hymn “The Church has one Foundation.” Mr. Francis Abbott gave a splendid read­ ing. A toast to “The A.Y.P.A.” was proposed by Miss Amelia Acheson, the newly elected president and re­ sponded to by Mr. Ed. Moyle, the retiring president. A piano duet was played by Miss McFaul and Mrs Dore. A solo was sung by Mr. Arthur Middlemiss. The address of the even­ ing was delivered by Rev. W. R. Sproule, Curate of St. Paul’S Cathedral, London, and ex-president of the Dominion A.Y.P.A., who de­ livered a most interesting and in­ structive address. A vote of thanks to Mr. Sproule was ..moved by Mr E. J. Wethey also a vote of thanks was tendered to the ladies and those taking ■ part in the program. The A.Y.P.A. is closing for the summer months. L. DAY & SON DANCING EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT EXETER OPERA HOUSE Admission 25c. A 3 ACT COMEDY Church is to lose this young preacher all will hearty congratulations to him the honour which this call implies'. iArnold Goes into Business’ Refinish that old piece of furniture with Bright New Neptolac Colors OLD TIME DANCE DEATH OF REV. W. MARTIN — Will be presented in the — / $ 5 EXETER OPERA HOUSE------- at KIPPEN on Garden Needs— Royal Purple Seeds, ......................... 7 packages 25c. Wizard Sheep Manure ....................... $2.50 per 100 lbs. C.I.L. plant food 50c. pkg Garden Hoes ............. 60c. Garden Rakes ........... 50c. Garden Trowels ....... 15c. Grass Sheers, Pruners etc. ea. ea. ea. House Cleaning Needs Johnson’s Wax .......... 59c. lb» Excell-All Wax ........ 25c. Ib. Old English No Rub ....98c. qt ■Lemon Oil .... 15 & 25c. bottle Liquid Veneer 10 & 50c. bot. O’Cedar Polish 25 & 50c. bot. Saniflush ........... 29c. per tin Scrub Mops ............... 15c. ea. Polishing Mops .... 50c. & $2. BRIGHTEN UP THE KITCHEN WOODWORK AND FURNITURE WITH BRIGHT NEW NEPTOLAC COLOURS. For the Farmer— Royal Purple or Steele Briggs Mangel Seed ......... 30c. lb. Gravel Shovels 75c. ea. Ditching Spades ........... $1.40 McCloskey Wire Grips 75c ea. 10 inch fence pliers 75C. Barbed Wire and Staples Clevises, whiffle tree Irons etc For the Home— Tudhope Electric Rangettes and Hot Plates, all prices New Perfection Oil Stoves & Ovens Lawn Mowers, all prices See our Window Screens, made to order to fit your window; 50c. up according to size USE THE NEW ENGLISH INSECTICIDE “KATAKIIzLA” FOR ROSE BUSHES, VEGETABLES, ETC. 15c. PKG. MAKES GALS. OF SPRAY. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD l NEW SERIAL STORY Our new serial story 'Tiny teret” by Sapper begins the instalment in this issue. Car- first of them broke away, knocking Mr. Shapton down, trampling upon him and'causing severe injuries. He will be confined to his bed for some time A Miss Helen Bartow was taken tc St. Joseph’s hospital, London, on Wednesday last week. where she un­ derwent an operation for appendici­ tis. She is getting along nicely. Mr. George Hay has purpchased the residence of Mr. Ernest Davis Albert Street, North, and gets pos­ session on July 1st. Mervin Wright, son of Mrs. Isabella Wright, Of Chiselhurst, was thrown off a horse one day last week with the result that his left elbow wae badly smashed. H6 was attended by Dr. Dunlop. Mr. Hiram Sihaptoii met with quite a serious accident Saturday morning While loading steers on a truck one FLOWER SHOW A joint spring flower show of Fullarton and Kirkton Horticultural Societies will Hall, Klrkton, 1933. Special and musical direction of Mrs, McHardy-Smith, of London at 8.30. Refreshmehts at small charge. Admission 15 and 10c. be held in Aberdeen on Thursday, May 18 speaker, lantern slides program under the FRIDAY, MAY 12th 1st and 2nd prize orchestra pro­ viding mUsic with continuous dancing from 9.30 to 2 a.m. ADM: Gents., 25c* Ladies 10c. LEAVITT’S THEATRE NOAV SHOWING ZANE GREY1S story “SMOKE LIGHTNING” with GEO. O’BRIEN MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY May 15th, 16tli and 17th Metro Goldwyn Meyer Picture WALLACE BEERY in "FLESH” See Beery as the Funny Faced, Big Hearted, Giant, German Wrestler THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY May 18, 19th and 20th Metro Goldwyn Meyer Picture NORMA SHEARER & CLARK GABLE in their screen triumph ‘THE STRANGE INTERLUDE’ — (WING — "BRING ’EM BACK ALIVE” Greatest animal picture of the 'age The many friends of Mr. Robert E. Pate, who has been a patient at the private hospital of Dr. J. Harry Browning for some time, will be pleased greatly be able Blyth. For 26 Years Minister of Caven Presbyterian Church Rev. W. M. Martin, who for 2 b years was the beloved pastor of the Caven Presbyterian church in Exe­ ter, died at the home of his son-in- law Rev. R. H. Cranston, of Well­ and on Sunday May 7th, in his 83 rd year. M.r. Martin had been ill for about six weeks. The deceased was widely known in the Presbyterian church having been minister at Nor­ wich for eight years. In April 1883 Mr. Martin was called from Nor­ wich and inducted as the first pas­ tor of Caven congregation as a sep­ arate charge, previous to that time, it had been associated with Rogei*- ville. Two years after Mr. Martin came to Exeter vthe Presbyterian, manse was built.'In April 1893 a wind storm blew the roof from the old Caven church and wrecked'the building badly. It was under the strong courage and faith of Mr. Mar­ tin that the new church was built in its present form and the indebted­ ness was met almost immediately He resigned the pastorate here on Feb. 6th, 1909 to retire to London after faithful service of 26 years Mr. Martin was elected to the Mod­ erator’s chair of the Synod in Chat­ ham in 1907. He was also clerk, of the London Presbytery for a number of years, a son of Martin, Forest. College, from Princeton Theological Semin­ ary, Princeton, N. J. in 181713. Fol­ lowing the death of his wife in 1922 Mr. Martin made his home with Mrs Cranston and family in Trenton and he went to Welland when Rev. Mr. Cranston moved to the city to be­ come minister of St. Andrew’s Pres­ byterian Church. The survivors are two daughters, Mi'S. R. A. 'Cranston Welland and Mrs. J. Calgary; three sons, W. M. Martin, Regina; Kitchener and Dr Regina; Stroitli, Martin, funeral Mount Forest Cemetery, He was born in Fergus, the late Mr. and Mrs. John of Martin’s Mills, Mount He was educated at Knox Toronto, and graduated WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th at 8 o’clock p.m. Under the auspices of the Young People’s Society of James Street United Church — Caste of Characters — Arnold Miller .......................................... Irma, his wife .......................................... Mrs. Marie Anna Kemp, Irma’s mother, John Kemp, her father .......................... Marie, her sister ...................................... Johnny Pringle, a friend of Arnold’s ..... Mattie Miller ............................................ Kittredge, the butler ............................... Ambrose ,Fpps, the village capitalist .... Larry, h/rson .......................................... Mrs. La$ Violet, her daughter, ................................ Grogan, the policeman ........................... Victor Henri Antonoine Le Grande, beauty specialist . Over two hours of Real Enjoyment. POPULAR PRICE, ALL SEATS 25c. ’Y-'on ............................................. ine Flower, the ©harming widow ......... Bill Quinn Lulu Lindenfield .........Mabel Hay H. O. Southcott ....... Eileen Snell .. Clarence Boyle .......... Reta Rowe ........... Silas Rela .......... P. Vahey .... Cyril Strange .... Mrs. Sitainron Ruth Fraser Gerald Ford S. B. Taylor *■ NOTICE!! Spring Plants for Sale to know his condition is improved and he will soon to return to his home / in MOVING TO EXETER Mr. George Flynn, the new tion foreman for Exeter on the L. H. & B. is moving to Exeter from Clandeboye and has rented the resi­ dence on Carling St. ^recently va­ cated by Mr, Weslhy Simmons. Mr .Simmons Is moving into the resi­ dence of Miss Mabel Rollick, Main St sec- 11 ,»•. .1 N. Gunn, of Hon. Justice J. A. Martin B Martin, of Mrs. Janet and Robert The R. one s|ster, Victoria R. C. of Regina, a brother, will bo held Thursday to - Now Ready — TOMATOES, CAULIFLOWERS, CABBAGE, PEPPERS, ONIONS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS ALL KINDS OF FLOWERING PLANTS NURSERY STOCK, STRAWBERRY PLANTS, GLADIOLI BULBS, CANNA BULBS, TULIP BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING Harness’ Green House Phone One Block West of Main St. Church 202 One block South of Exeter Creamery NOTHING BUT THE BEST SEED USED >■