HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-05-04, Page 54 H
Mr. Lloyd Hudson, of Forest, spent
the week-end at his home here.
Mr. Wm, Lemmon and family vis
ited friends in Monkton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson visit
ed friends in Stratford on Monday.
ed on
Mr. and Mrs, Mark Drysdale were
Sunday visitors with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. L. Mickle and family
are visiting with the former’s parents
in Ridgetown.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott, of
Cromarty, visited last week with
friends in town.
Mrs. Bertha Bell, of Toronto^ vis
ited with her mother, Mrs. Thomas
Dick last week.
Mrs. Lloyd Hudson has
home after a pleasant visit
atives in Toronto.
Mrs. Wm. Consitt has
home aftei’ a pleasant visit
friends in Toronto.
Miss Selma Rader and
Klumpp were Sunday visitors with
Miss Grace Pepper.
Mrs. Yungblut has returned to her
home in Waterloo after a pleasant
visit with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White are
moving this week into the residence
of the late Mrs. George Hess.
Mir. Wm. Simpson, accompanied
by his mother, of Detroit, spent the
week-end with relatives in town.
Mrs. Andrew Dougall and daugh
ter Miss Cassie spent the week-end
at the home of Mr. and Mfrs. D.
Mrs. John DlinsdaGe, I
Simmons, and Mrs. John
visited on Sunday
H. Petty.
The Oddfellows
Lodge will attend
vices in a body at the United church
on Sunday May 7.
Mrs. Vair has returned to her
home in Toronto after spending sev
eral months with her mother Mrs.
Robert Bonthron.
Mother’s Day will be observed in
our local churches on Sunday, May
14. Special sermon and music will
be prepared for the occasion.
Miss Grace Gibbings who under
went an operation at the Clinton
Hospital recently is getting
quite nicely and is expected
this week.
Mr. Roy McLaren was taken
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth
on Tuesday of last week to undergo
an operation for appendicitis. His
many friends hope for a speedy re
Council Meeting
The -regular monthly meeting of
the village council was held on Mon
day evening in the Council Cham
ber, all members being present ex
cept Councillor Mickle. The minutes
of the last meeting were read and
adopted on motion of Petty & Jones,
Colin Hudson, assessor of the vill
age, handed
roll which
council and
for Monday
number of accounts
and ordered paid on
and Spencer.
The Council then
Joseph Ashton, of Seaforth,
friends in town on Monday,
and Mrs, W> A. Young visit-
Monday with relatives at
with rel-
from the Health Almanac, Value of ■
sunshine; dry clothes pnd the world’s ■
meanest man and the Health Gnome :
says. Instrumental by Mrs. E. Fan- ■
ner; Mrs. T. M'awhinney gave a hu-
mourous paper: Some poor Husbands ;
after hearing this we each believe ;
we can do no better than keep our ;
pwn husbands; reading by Mrs. El- :
mer Lawson in costume of St, Johns :
Ambulance on health outlinging the’ :
work1 of the organization which came ■
into being during Queen Victoria’s •
Jubilee in 1877 and dates back until ■
it is the oldest organization of its ;
kind in the world. Meeting closed ■
with singing the Maple Leaf Forever ;
after which lunch was served by the •
hostesses Mrs. J. Schwartz, M'rs. C ■
Sims and Mrs. T. Mawhinney. ;
with her
Mrs; Fred
with Mrs. John
of the Hensall
the evening ser-
to the
in his 1933 assessment
was accepted by the
a court of revision- set
evening, June 5th. A
were presented
motion of Jones
I sell Stauntons, Boxers, and Em
pire Sunworthy Papers. Hees Window
Shades and Accessories. See Samples
Shop opposite Post Officse
L. E. JOHNSTON, Centralia
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, m
Zurich, last three days of week.
Mrs. J. Schroeder spent the week
end jn New Hamburg.
Mrs. T. Hopcroft is visiting her
father in C'hesley this week.
Mrs. Fulton and son Jack, of Tor
onto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Davis.
J. C. Reid & Co. will give a fine
display of ready-made dresses In
their store in Friday night. The la
dies are all cordially invited to at
Mrs. J. Raschfke, of Detroit; is vis
iting’ her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. Harry Hoffman attended the
Perth County Musical Festival In
Stratford last week and was suc
cessful in obtaining the silver medal
as 2nd prize in Pt. 1 Basso compe
Mrs. Ennis, of Detroit, and Mrs.
Cargill, of Minnesota, were visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Pfile.
Robt. Hopcroft spent a few days
in Toronto.
Mrs. Goetz Sr., had the misfortune to’fall injtfrini hdr knee from which
she "will b&'laid tip for several wriekS.
Ret. Schute) of Logan, will be the
speaker ’irirtha Lutheran' Church oh
Stirtday• e'verini^, ‘ May 7th.’ ■' ’ t
Mr. and M’rs. R.t Koessel and fam
ily, of Larisln£, Mich., are spending
a week with*’ her parents Mr, and
Mrs, J. Kuntz.
Inspector Beacom, of Goderich,
visited our school last Wednesday.
Mrs. Sandford Lawson visited a
few days last week with relatives m
Mrs. Ross »Taylor and children has
returned home having spent the past
few weeks with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Gower of Elimville.
Miss Edna Gaiser, who has been
working in Kitchener has returned
Mr. Clarence Holtzman is visiting
with relatives at Bald Eagle Lake.
Mich. *
Mr. and Mrs. F W. Clark spent the
week-end in Detroit with Mr. and
M!rs. Russell Clark.
Dr. W. E. Weekes, of Exeter, will
speak: at the E. L. C. E, meeting of
the Evangelical Church next Friday
Miss Esther Eilber returned to
troit on Sunday having spent
past few weeks with her parents
and Mrs. H. F. Eilber.
The. town trustees have proclaim
ed Monday, M<ay 8 .as Arbor Day for
the town. Mr. Wm. Roessler will
call every house and all waste
boxes so
paid for
Kuhn’s farm,
village wishing to
must make arrangements with Mr.
Kuhn. The trustees are asking for
the co-operation of every citizen in
cleaning up and beautifying the
Presentation and Address1
About thirty members of the Young
People’s Society of the United church
gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Richard on Thursday ev
ening, April 27th to tender a recep
tion in, honor of Mr. and M'rs. Ar
thur Lightfoot on their recent mar
riage. The program consisted ot
several readings and sing songs. An
address was read Mrs. Lightfoot by
Melvin Lamport, the president of the
Society. Miss Edna Wright and Miss
Helen Mathers then presented them
with a lovely china set of dishes. Mr.
Lightfoot thanked the society in a
very appropriate manner,
of the
ed in
of the
members of the society.
Following is the address,—
Dear Jean,—
It is with unusual feelings of joy
and delight that we, the members of
the Young People’s Society have met
here to-night to offer you our heart
iest congratulations and good wishes
upon the occasion of your marriage
and to wish you many years of wed
ded life.
■Marriage stands as an honorable
estate instituted by God in the time
of man’s innocency, confirmed by
His teachings and made sacred by
His presence as the foundation and
bond of family life.
We also rejoice that your marriage
is not taking you out of our midst
and we trust we shall still have
your help in our meetings and also
that of your husband. As a token
of our appreciation of your past ser
vices we ask you to accept this small
gift with the prayer that the com
mon tasks, trials and joys of the
years may only serve to bind you
evermore closely to each other.
Signed on 'behalf of
The Young People’s Society
Crediton Women’s Institute
The regular meeting of Crediton
Women’s Institute was held on May
2nd with the president occupying
the chair. ■ After singing the Ode
repeating the Lord’s Prayer, “O
Canada” was sung. The minutes ot
the previous meeting were read and
adopted. Roll call was answered 'by
paying the dues. 24 members re
sponded and one visitor was present.
The rnilk will be supplied to the
children at school until summer holi
days. The reports of standing com
mittees were received also social and
Good Cheer committees and the sec.-
treasurer’s report for the year. Mrs.
Telfer occupied the chair for electiori
of officers which was as follows:
Hon. Pres., M'rs. C. Zwicker; Pres.
Mrs. M., Ewald; 1st vice-pres., Mrs.
M> Telfer; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. A.
Amy; Sec. Treas., Mrs. L. England;
Ass’t. sec’y-treas., M'rs. E. Fahner;
pianist, Miss Lavina Smith;
pianist, Mrs. E. Lawson;
Mrs. C. Morlock; ass’t.
Mrs. F. Clark; Directors,
Ewald, Mrs. L. England;
Young, Mrs. C. Sims, Mrs. H. Eilber.
Mrs. W. Oestricher; reporters, Mrs.
R. Finkbeiner, Mrs. E. Brown; aud
itors, Mrs. C. Haist, Mrs. H. Beaver;
District Director, Mrs. M. Telfer;
Agricultural Representative, M’rs. T.
Mawhinney; District Representative
Mrs. M. Ewald; Mi’s. M. Telfer, M’rs.
G. Morlock, Miss Lizzie Brown;
Convenors of Committees, Ways and
Means, Mrs. H. Young; Social, Mrs.
J. Wein; Decorating, M. E. Fahner;
Good Cheer, Mi’s. T. Trevethick.
Mrs. J. Schwartz occupied the
chair for the following program,
song, “Drink to me only with thine
eyes”; reading by ■ Mrs. H. Beaver
under health- “How - to Keep . Well,
The*- lack of exercise during the wim
ter months,-scarcity of fresh.air and
continued heavy-eating ^hlle-less ac
tive'resulted in”'illness which?" is bf-
ten the penalty of neglect to our
bridles, Eat wisely but not
last December, is
months’ course in
Johns,who has
Orange Pekoe Tea ................. per lb. 29c.
Freshly Ground Coffee...........per ib* 29c.
Favorite Cocoa................1 lb. tin each 29c.
o • 1 / PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP ............... 10 bars for 29c.
nnPCl A K (1 palm olive toilet soap .....................4 cakes for 21c.vpvviuiu DERBY SOAP FLAKES...............3 lbs. for 21c.
Choice Sweet Corn No. 4 Peas Tomatoes
3 tins for 25c.3 tins for 25c.3 tins for 25c.
NO. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER ...... ♦ » , . ..................................per lb. 25c.
Choicest Peanut Butter Pure Lard Vanilla
in Bulk 2 lb. for 25c.Per lb. 11c.2 oz. bottle each 7c.
Wagstaffe pure Apple Jelly .. . . each 25c.Gold Medal Pliant or Cherry Jam .. 25c.
Fresh Dates R. & W* Baking Powder - Keta Salmon
4 lbs. for 25c.1 lb. tin each 23c.1 lb. tin each 10c.
Kellogg’s Cornflakes.............. 2 pkg. 15c.Magic White for Washing . . per bottle 9c.
Seedless Grapefruit ......................5 for 25c.
Choc. Mallow Biscuits ...... 2 lb. for 25c.
Fresh Assorted Chocolates....... lb. 29c.
must be either in bags or
there will be no delay,
space has been rented and
by the town on Mr. H.
Anyone outside the
use the same
The rest
evening was very much enjoy
games and contests. A very
lunch was served at the close
reception by the hostess and
Miss Marjorie Hunter, who com
pleted her training for a nurse in
Victoria Hospital
now taking a six
Master Teddie
been in Exeter for about two weeks
receiving treatment is
The Brotherhood intend present
ing the Biblical Drama “Where are
the Nine” in Main St. Church, Exe
ter on Friday evening. The male
quartette will also assist in the pro
Mr. Frank Routly, Mrs. M. Rout
ly, Misses I. Rogers and Ella Routly
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Routly.
The Y. P. S. met for their regular
service on M'onday evening. Mr
Squire Herdman occupied the chair
and opened in the usual way. Min
utes were read and adopted and Miss
Marjorie Delbridge took! charge
Rev. J. Peters introduced the topic
“Some reasons for my belief in
future life.” Miss Mary Herdman
read the Scripture lesson. M'Isa
Florence Bell read comments on the
lesson. A poem “Life” was read by
Miss Margaret Johns. Prayer was
offered by Miss Lavona Cooper. At;
ter singing another hymn the meet
ing closed after all repeated the
pah benediction. ,
Mrs. Mary Richardson, of
Marys, visited at the home of
and Mrs. M. Gregory on Sunday.
Mrs. C. Clark, of London, is visit-
Mrs. M.
Mrs. H.
Phone 102
“Quality always higher than price.”
We Deliver
Mrs. Ruben Wilson, of Arkona,
who visited with Mrs. Arthur Baker
returned home on Tuesday.
Mr. Ross Desjardine visited
friends in St Thomas on Siunday.
Mr. Bert Holt has his new garage
rapidly nearly completion.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Atchison spent
the week-end in London.
Mr. Thomas Webb and Mr. David
Webb have each got the cellar wall
in for new houses they are building
this summer.
The depression has lifted but the
latest mode of travel is to bring your
lady friend to the summer resort on
a bicycle.
Mrs. Wm. Baker, who is helping
of Forest.,
her home
ing her sister Mrs Wm. Hazelwood I Mrs Bruce Bossenberry,
who is ill at present. spent the week-end at
Mrs. Wm. Lankin visited
with her daughters Mrs.
It being good weather
week some of the farmers are
seeding around this vicinity.
Mr,. and Mrs. Wm. Bibby
■Sunday with their daughter M’rs.
Heywood of Elimville.
. H.
, 'Woodham lost an esteemed resi
dent on Monday in the person of Mr.
John A. Routly who passed away
early in the day at Victoria Hospital
London, where he had been taken
the day previous. The deceased was
in his 64th year. He was born on
the 10th concession of Usborne and
resided there for many years, mov-'
ing to Woodham only a few years
ago. He was united in marriage with'
Minnie Stevens, Hay Tp., who sur
vives him. He is also survived by
a sister, Mrs. Jas. Routly, of Wood
The funeral,'.private, is being
this (Wednesday) afternoon,
interment in the Exeter cemet-
Rev. Mr. Rutherford, pastor of
the Woodham United church is
officiating clergyman.
very pretty wedding took
in the R. C. Church, Mt. Carmel on
Wednesday morning, April 26th a(
9 o’clock
united in
and Mrs.
bins, son
bins, of Grand Bend. The bride who
was given in marriage -by her brother
John, of Buffalo, looked very at
tractive in a gown of white satin",
trimmed with silk radium lace with
white kid shoes and hose to match,
wearing the customary bridal veil
caught up with orange blossoms and
carried a beautiful bouquet of Red
Roses with white satin streamers.
She was attended by her sister Mar
garet (Mrs. L, Held, of Waterloo)
who was gowned in a light tan silk
crepe with hat and shoes to match
and carried a bouquet of pink car
nations. Mr. Louis Held brother-in-
law of the bride acted as grooms
man. After the wedding ceremony
the happy couple returned to tlm
home of the bride’s parents where a
bountiful dinner was served to a few
of the intimate relatives and friends
of the birde and groom. In the ev
ening a reception was held at the
home of the bride and groom where
a large crowd of friends gathered to
wish the young Couple a long and
happynwedded life the remainder of
;the eVeri'ing ^aS'speftt in cards and
dancing/ ’ *
'inspect^? 'Readom, of ’Goderich’
ViSitdd the Schriril on Thursday. /
Mr. John Hanover hid sister An
ne, of Buffalo, arid Ml4. Arid Mrs. L
Field, of “Waterloo attended the Steb-
when Rev. Fr. Corcoran
marriage Miss Florence
youngest daughter of Mr.
J. Hanover, to Earl Steb-
of Mr. and M'rs. R. Steb-
Wfell- W A’ fitting* dcmdusion. Mrs. j blns-Hanover wedding on Wednesr*
Teif&r ispoke on current events taken day.
Mr. and Ml’s. Dave Sturgeon, of
Crediton, moved into Mr. Mark
Wild’s new house last Monday.
Mrs. Walter England spent a few
clays in Parkhill helping to take care
Of Mrs. Nickles who is quite ill ar
A few took a go at the golf links
Sunday it being a nice day for the
start out.
Mr. and M'rs. McElroy (nee Ella
Eccleston) of Toronto, spent a week
with Mrs. Eccleston returning home
Rev. Bruce Hunter, of Metropoll-
ton Church, London, preached anni
versary services for the-Y. P. S. on
Sunday evening. A good crowd was
present to enjoy his splendid ser
mon. Special numbers by the choir
were much appreciated.
Next Wednesday night will be the
closing meeting of the Y. P. St for
the season when they will entertain
the Evangelical Young People
holidays at her home
Glavin purchased the
and residence former
The death occurred on Tuesday.
April 2l5ith, of Mrs. B. Ryan an old
and esteemed resident of Stephen
Township, aged 85 years. Mrs. Ryan
had been in poor health for the past
six months. She is survived by
one son Thomas Ryan and three
grandsons with whom she had been
living with and also several relatives
The funeral took place on Thursday
at 10 a.m. to the R.-C. church here
with requiem Mass celebrated by Fr
Miss K. Morrissey, of London, is
spending her
near here.
Mr. Joseph
general store
ly owned by T. J. Hall last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, of Royal
Oak, Mich., is visiting the latter’s
brothers Carrott’s Bros. •
Miss Alice Deitrich, of London, is
spending a few days at her home
Mirs. William Ryan, of McGillivray
is seriously ill the result of a para
lytic stroke.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mathen and small
son, of Simcoe, spent Saturday at
the home of the latter’s parents Mr.
and Mrs. Jiames Carey.
Miss O’Neil, of London, spent a
few days last week with her sister
Mrs. John Rowland.
iMliss Evelyn Regan, of London, is
spending a few days at her home
Miss Maizie O’Reilly, of Elimville,
visited with Miss Audrey Prance on
; Miss M.. McGugan visited over the
week-end with ijStiss Lila MteGliloCh
qt Cromarty.
• ..--------. . ........ ..................
There little bachelors
Doti’t you cry,
You’ll get married
And-4—Buy AUd buy.
Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and
son Russell have moved to Grand
Bend for the summer where Mr.
Sturgeon is engaged in the fishing
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson and
daughter Birdie, of Sarnia, spent
Sunday with M*r. and Mrs. W. Motz.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson
and children have moved back here
again from near Greenway.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes and
two daughters Mr. James Taylor and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor and
the latter’s sister Miss Elsie Robins,
all of Exeter visited Sunday with
Mrs. Wilson Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and
daughter Thelma, of London and
Mr. C. Heatherley, of Detroit, visit
ed Mr. and M'rs. Henry Motz on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
son Marvin have moved
home owned by Mrs. R.
recently occupied by Mr.
they did not get
for their efforts,
about six dollars in
•County Constable
J. Flynn.
Geetfing is in fu.Hl /swing these
Considerable excitement was caus
ed in the village on Saturday morn
ing when it was discovered that
thieves had broken into the cream
ery some time during the night and
broken open the safe by means of
breaking off the lock and combina
tion, fortunately
much of a haul
there being only
the cash box.
McCoy was called and made an in
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Atkinson and
family, of Lucan, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Newton Clarke on Sunday.
Mir. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch, of
Elimville’, on Sunday.
Mr. R. W. Batten has purchased
the hundred-acre farm of Mr. A.
Camni on the Sunshine Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Collier and baby
of Kirkton, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. H. Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Camm, of St.
Catherines, visited with friends in
this community the past week.
Mr. Phin. Dickens, of Lucan,
ited with Mr. George Davis on
. J
Rev. Carriere. They then moved
the Bee Line and lived there for
years and 28 years on 14th con.
Stephen. She is survived by her
daughter, Mirs. Peter
Grand Bend and two
Emery and 3 grand
mourn the loss of a
mother. Mrs. Tet-
and quiet disposl-
willing to help in
IShe was a mem-
Parkhfll and
concession. The
on Wednesday
home of her
Death of Mrs. Isaiah Tetreau
Mrs. Mary Adile Devine, wife of<
Isaiah Tetreau, died at her home on
the 14 con. Stephen on Monday,
April 24, aged 56 years and 9 days.
She had been in poor health for the
past three years. Wednesday last she
suffered a stroke from which she
failed to recover., fithe was born in
the Province of Quebec and came to
Huron County with her parents when
she was two years old. In the year
1894 she was married to Isaiah Tet
reau.' They were married in the
Presbyterian Church at Grand Bend
husband, one
Eisenbach, of
sons Ira and
children, who
loving wife and
reau was a kind
■tion and always
time of trouble.
ber of the United Church at Grand
Bend. She is also survived by two
sisters, Mrs. A. Gratton, of Grand
Bend; Mrs. De Fore, of Ravenwood
and three brother George of the Bee
Line; Theodore, of
William of the 14th
funeral took place
afternoon from the
daughter Mrs. P. Eisenbach with in
terment in the Grand Bend cemetery
with the pastor Rev. Mathers having
■charge of the services. The church
choir had charge of the singing. The
many beautiful floral offerings tes
tified to the esteem in which she
was held. The pallbearers were six
nephews Messrs. Henry Devine, C-
Disja-rdine, Norman Devine, Lesum
La Fond, Elmbr Disjardine and Leo
Deviine. Friends were present at
the funeral from Chatham, Pt.
Stanley, London, Ravenwood and
A pleasant evening was spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Sweitzer on Thursday evening last
when the young people of the com
munity gave them a surprise party
in honor of their daughter and niece
who have been home on a two week
vacation. The evening whs spent in
games and music after which, a dain
ty lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Webb
Elaine, of Grand Bend Visited
iSimday School on Sunday last.
Webb taught ‘the'Sibls class and was
interesting to all.*4
— — ..■—.—■1 .. (.i f i f .
When you stop growing St both
etods and start in the miridUy'oft’ate
an adult.
Mary McGregor
B. Goodhand, of
week-end with his
Mrs. I. C. Good
Our Mother’s Day, May 14th
the United Church. There will
a special service in keeping with that
day; also a., baptismal service.
Next Sunday afternoon Rev. S. J.
Mathers will: preach on the subject:
“A Three-tiered Structure”.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Luther and
daughter Miss Fern Luther have
moved to Mr. Jas. Geromette’s farm
We welcome them back to the com
rMr. Bruce Romphf has gone to
London to learn the barber trade.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner, Ship-
ka, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Brophey
on Sunday.
The Y. P. S. met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Romphf on Monday
iMUss' Dorothy Luther was a
visitor with friends at Grand
Misses Adah McGregor,
Turnbull and Grace Mark, of
hill, visited Miss
last week.
IM|r. and Mrs.
Detroit, spent the
parents Mr. and
Mr. W. Whiteside visited Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Hodgson, of Brinsley last
A deputation from the Ilderton
United Church attended the service
here on Sunday afternoon.
The play by Beechwood talent in
the United Church last Thursday ev
ening was much enjoyed by those
attending. The actors were well suit
ed to their parts and portrayed hu
mor and pathos in a splendid way,
The local Y. P. S. served lunch to
the caste at the close of the play.
Proceeds $25.30.
On Sunday afternoon last Rev. Dr.
Hunter, President of the London
■Conference preached a very inspir
ing sermon to the Y P,
the beautiful WeAther added to the
success of the service.
Our village took1 a’ri advance steW
labt^tybrik Wheh th rise in charge or.
the/Ontjiijiri highways put up stop
signs. One rin main street at th^i
cornet of 21st avenue and the other
tm Odmtas street at the corner or
Richmond street, if these sighs hrSf
observed we shall not have any mord
accidents here.
'S. of the
Church. He praised the
men’s chioiir who rendered
music for the occasion. The
the large congregation and