HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-05-04, Page 4THURSDAY, MAY 1th. 1033 T FLOUR is on an advancing market Buy Now at Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store Great Sale for one week only GET IN AT THE LOW PRICE For one week longer WE ARE GIVING YOU 5 lbs. Granulated Sugar Half lb. Special Tea 1-2 lb. best fresh ground Coffee Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter We Deliver The Store That Gives You Value Phone 58 j RECEPTION TO BRIDE iHUXTABLE—In Centralia on Tues­ day MUy 2nd, to and Mrs. Fred terian church, Bayfield, tendered a Huxtable a daughter, DBICHERT—In Hay Twp., on April °n Thursday evening of last week on . t r» r'Ariocin'n Lie' v»ri4- th-m +/■* T\ 4« BIRTHS The congregation of Knox Presby- reception to their student minister THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE EXETER SCHOOL REPORT ROOM VI Sir, IV, honors—Ray Jones 87;’ Stewart Fuke 85; Elaine Stanbury 85; Eileen Lewis 84; Ted Buswell 83; Orvai Snell 82; Laureen Beaver 80; Lloyd Jones 80; Gerald Fitz­ gerald 80; Marian, Gladman 78; Roy Campbell 77; Dorothy Traquair 77; Billy Kydd 76; Pauline Follick 7 6; Robert Brooks 75; Velma Bartow 75. Pass—Ethel Smith 74; Helen Grieve 74; Barbara Dinney-73; Jack Brintnell 73; Margaret Campbell 70; Bobbie Ellerington 69; Billy Penhale 69; Jack Jennings 68*; H. Elliot 67; Howard Elliot 66; Victor Lutman 66; Harry Kestle 64; Mar­ gery Heywood 64; Alvin Lindenfield 62. Below pass—Charlie Snell 57; Marion Walker 55; Almira Brint­ nell 3 6*. Jr. IV, Honours—Betty Hogarth 79; Margaret Melville 78; Grant Taylor 77; Josie Kerslake 76; Grace Snell 76; Clarence McDonald 75. Pass—Donald Winer 73; Browning 72; Hazel Snell 69; ’ aid MoFalls 67*. Below—Ruby Cutting 44. Number on roll 44; average tendance 43.6. G. S. Howard, Principal Pass- Welsh 74; : Moore 7|3; King 70.7; Hunter 62; ic Jennings 60. Below Pass—Irvine Armstrong 58; *Juue Bmitli 5'5.: Helen Pfaff 53; Mary Kirk absent. Number on roll 34; average at­ tendance 32. ■Richard Pilon 74.5; Ruby Isohel Snell 73.8; Robert Jimmie Willis 72; May Betty Harnjess 70; *Lois Archie Webber 6'0.7; Er- > 60.6; -Douglas Byintnell HURON PRESBYTERIAL The Huron Presbyterial met in the United Church, Thames Road on Tuesday, April 25th, with the President, Mrs, W- P. Lane in the chair. The Doxplogy the Invocation given dent. After singing help in Ages Past”, ROOM V M. E. Pridham PRIMARY 1st Class, Honours—Betty Elliott 87; Nancy Sterling 86. Pass—Mary Easton 74; Eric Hey­ wood 67; Jean Snell 65; Jean Stan­ lake 63. Primary—Total marks 720—Shir­ ley MU,son 678; Virla Jones Billie Weekes 6/55; Alex Ellis Marie Melville 645; Mae Snell Dorene Parsons 610; Mildred nigan 609; Donald Preszcator Shirley Motz 573; Norman Hackney 572; Keith Gordou 548; Mary Cald­ well 5.39; Hugh Wilson 498; M'elvin Kestle 386; Helen Brock 37)3; Pear) Cann 327. Jr. Pr.—Betty Payne 578; Mary Willis 561; Arnold Lindenfield 543; Bobbie Pryde 420; Leonard Number on tendance 28. 663; 652; 631; Han- 580; Gail Ger- at- Vernon 71; Lloyd Stanlake 69; Dorothy Armstrong 67; Morna Vahey 476; Billie Elliott Wells 410. roll 29; average Rubie Creech at- WINCHELSEA PUBLIC SCHOOL 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Deich- ert, a son. DEATHS ROUTLY — In Victoria Hospital. London, ou Monday, May 1, 1933, John A. Routly, of Usborne, in his 64th year. WINDSOR—In McGillivray Town­ ship on .Sunday, April 30, 1933, Sarah Freers, beloved wife of Hi­ ram Windsor aged 78 years. WINDSOR—-In McGillivray Town­ ship, on Mtonday, May 1st, 1933. Hiram Windsor, aged 79 years. CARB OF THANKS ex-Mr. Isaiah Tetreau wishes to press his sincere thanks to the neigh­ bors and friends for the many acts of kindness extended during Mrs. Tetreau’s illness and during their sad bereavement; also to the friends who assisted at the home of Mrs. Eisenbach and for t'he floral tributes and loan of cars. He desires espec­ ially to thanlk Rev. S. J. Mathers and the United Church choir of Grand Bend. IN MEMORIAM In MRS. loving memory of THOMAS HALTER who died May 3rd, 1913 ■ The Family CROMARTY jthe occasion of his return to his work for the summer season accom­ panied by his bride. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Peddie were married at Tor­ onto on April 15th and after a short visit to Detroit and other points came on to Bayfield. Rev. Dr. Dou­ gan, of Clinton, accompanied by his wife and Mr and Mrs. Ward, drove over for the occasion and the genial Doctor acted as master of ceremon­ ies while Mrs. Dougan sang in her usual charming manner. After a dainty luncheon had been served by the ladies of the congregation the health of the bride was proposed by Dr. Dougan in a felicitous speecn, warm with good wishes for the ru- ture of the young couple. iM!r. Ped­ die responded with words of earnest appreciation of the hearty welcome extended to him and his young wife and also of the loyalty of the Bay- field people to himself during the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury and son Jack, of Exeter, were invited guests, the former pro­ posing a toast to the groom and ex­ pressing on behalf of Knox congre­ gation, both the permanent and the summer season, their congratulation on his marriage and their pledge of hearty support in his fourth of service among them. Pass—Ethel Kydd 713; Heywood 73; Evelyn Lawson Ralph Delbridge 70; 70; Helen Bawden Smith 68; Lorraine Eileen Andrews 67; 66; Isohel Appleton 65; Eleanor Ab­ bott 65; Hilton Sanders 63; David Kestle 60*; June Clark missed all tests. ■Sr. IIII, Honors—'Marie Sterling 35; Patsy Russell 8'5; Labelle Sims 84; Margaret Clark 83; Robert Southcott 82; Richard Stanbury 81; Jean Appleton 81; Freda .M'oore 78;- Lillian McDonald 75; Leonard Har­ vey 75. Pass—Carl Stire 74; Helen Bus­ well 74; Irene Brooks 73; Andrew Bierling 73; Ted Wilson 71; Eric Morse 71; Clifford Quance 70; Jack Smith 70; Walter Davis 67; Thelma Hockey 67; Murray Moore 6’5; L. Hunter 60; Mahlon Ryckman 60. Below pass—Maxwell Harness 58; Olive Caldwell 57**; Bruce Cann 52; Elsie Robins missed all tests. Number on roll 42; average at­ tendance 39.53. Maude A. Horton 76; E. 64. Johnny Marion. O’Reilly 74; Audrey Fletcher Donald Murray 66; Ina Ford Harold Davis 60; Clifton Brock Harold Clgrke 5 9. ■Clarence Ford 82; Gladys ROOM IV Ill—Honours—Hazel Jones June Bartow WHALEN year of Zion, is Mrs. Frank Millson, of teacher Margar- 7'5; Al- Most of the farmers are pretty well through with the seeding. The recent dry weather has been, favor­ able toward getting in the crop. Quite a number from this district attended the provincial meeting of the W. M. S. held at Stratford on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last Mrs. trip to week. Rev. cupied the pulpit on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Rogers moved his house­ hold effects on Friday last, Mr. Ro­ gers is now stationed in a town not far from Pittsburg, Penn. week. Donald M'cKellar enjoyed a Niagara for a few days last Mr. Atchison, of Guelph, oc- Miss Minerva Brock, staying with her aunt Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb London, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Millson for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Squire and Eric visited MT. and Mrs. J. Ander­ son Thames Road on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arksey spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. Thom­ son, Usborne. Geo. Lewis and Russell Parkinson were in London Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, of Winchelsea, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym and chil­ dren, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley. iSr. 81; Billy Jones 78; 7'5.1; Gerray Lawson 75. Pass—Irene Kydd 72; Eldrid Sim­ mons 69; Elmer McDonald 68*; W. Ryckman 67; Gerald Lawson 66; Alva Elliott 64; Kathleen Kestle 6<3*. Below pass—Billy Chipchase 55 (3*). Jr. Ill—Honors—Lorraine Atkin­ son 91.7; Jean Grieve 91.5; Audrey Sims 8,5; Bessie Brooks 84; Harry Parsons 83; Alta Harvey 81; Tom Walter 80; Bartie Motz 79.5; Lloyd Hewitt 79.4; Catherine Armstrong 79.1; Florence Southcott 78*; Phyl­ lis Cooper 77.4; Doris Moore 77.2’; Marion Elliott 76; Willie Brown 75.- 7; D.oris Cutting 75. Pass—Phillippa Harness 73; Jean Cann 72; Stewart Cann 72; Anita Britnell 69; Mildred Beaver 67; An­ ne Gordon 66.6; Neil McDonald 66.5; Bert Pilon 66.2; Donald Sivern Doris Payne The following is the report of the Winchelsea Public Sehool for the months of March and April. The pupils were examined in all subjects. Senior Room V—James Greenlee 86; Gertrude Camm 84; Florence Bell 83; Gladys Johns 74; Ronald Eltord 68; Ken­ neth Hern 66; Ross Francis 63. Sr. IV—Marion Miners 88; Ear. Coultis 84; Dorothy Johns 84; Lil­ lian Murch 80; Alma Gower Herdman 71; Irwin O’Reilly Jr. IV—Hazej Johns 84; Johns 81; Elgin Skinner 80; Pooley 79; Gordon Prance 75; Thel­ ma 67; 65; 59; Sr. III- Skinner 80'; Clayton Herdman 63; Wilbert Coward 61; Philip Johns 61; Harvey Pfaff 60. No. on roll 32. L, M. McCulloch, Junior Room Jr. Ill—Ethel Pooley 81; et Miners 76; Billy Brock vin Murray 71; Ivan Brock 65; Jack Coward 65; John Miners 59; Lois Prance 51. 1 Sr. II—Graham Bell 83; Jean Davis 75; Doris Elf ord 713,; Edna Ford 72; Marjorie Fletcher 67; Bes-' sie Johns 66; Mildred Veal 60; Do­ reen Coultis 52; Donald Brock 3 6. Jr. II—Ethelene Johns 86; Eilene Johns 82; Irene Pooley 75; Launw Stephen 72. i 1st—Jean Coward and Leona Co­ Ward equal; Isabel Cooper, Myraline Murray, Burdene Clark. Primer A—Dennis Cornish, Geor- gie Kellett. • Pr. fnan, man, B.—Grace Brock, Bobby Cole- Shirley Coultis, Carman Herd- S’hirley Miurray. M. C- McGugan, teacher HURONDALE W. I. OVERHOLT—At the Blue Water Highway, on April 24th, to Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Overholt, a son. Zwicker’s General Store Crediton, Ontario WE ARE OFFERING GOVERNMENT GRADED SEEDS AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES Number 1 Red Clover........................ Number 2, Red Clover........................ Number 3 Red Clover . ...................... Highgrade Alsike Number 2........... Alsike Number 3 ..................*............. Timothy No. 2, No. 1 Purity............. Timothy Straight Number 2........... White Blossom Sweet Clover No. 1 . White Blossom Sweet Clover No. 2 * Bluegrass Number 1 .......................* We have a quantity of Soya Beans for sale. $8.00 a bushel 7.50 7.00 6.00 5.00 bushel bushel bushel bushel a a a a 3.50 a bushel 3-00 a bushel 2.10 a bushel 1.80 a bushel 2.50 a bushel WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING SHIPMENTS OF HIGH CLASS MILLINERY, LADIES’ COATS, DRESS GOODS AT PRICES UNEQUALLED. WE ARE SHOWING THE LATEST STYLES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT -•* ? -....... - - - -/■ ----- - ' A CALL SOLICITED C. ZWICKER 6)3'.5; Doreen Sims 63; 62. Below pass—Robert Ross Moore 50 (3*). Number on roll 41; tendance 39. Cutting average W. A. Frain ROOM III 52; at- Jr. Ill—Ila Willis 713; Dorothy Jennings 68; Coquoline Simmons 66; Iva Willis 63. Below pass,—Jack Chipchase 5.3*** John Collingwood 36; Jack Cutting 34; Sidney Stire absent. 2nd Honors—Marfon Smith 88; Margaret Fitzgerald 87; Britain Sanders 86; Dorothy Kydd 83; Neil Jones 83; Labelle Lutman 82; Nor­ ma Wilson 81; Shirley Penhale 81; .Annie Mason 80; Norman Hannigan 80; Doris Hay 80; Norma Stone­ house 78; Ellis Pearce 78; Freida Stire 77; Murry Stanlake Snell 75; Jean McDonald Pass—Frances King ' Walper 71; Lila Elliott mond Snell 70; .Marjorie Norma Parsons 65; Hazel Williams 64; Mae Willis 64; Calvin Heywood 62. Below pass- mie Triebner 55; Roy Kirk 5'5; val Hunter 54; Douglas Ross Greene absent. Number on roll 40; tendance 37. Mildred M. 76;Jean 75. 72;Billy 70;Ray- May 67; -Jack Harness 59; Jim- Or- 49; ROOM II Harness average Rowe at- ELJr. II—Ross Ward 71; Harold Ifott 70; Donald Traquair 67; Har­ old Hockey 66; Bobbie Burns 64,6; George Doerr 64; Lillian Kestle 61. Below pass—♦Jackie Cann 66; Walter Sims 54; Teddy McDonhld 53; Jean Elliot K2.3; Ethfel Stire 52; ♦Lois Clarke 20- * •> 1st Class—Douglas Pryde 82; E. Hunter 80; Gloria Morse 79; Lillian Hewitt 76.8; Mary McDonald 76; Walter Chipchase 7'5. The April meeting of the Huron­ dale W. I. was held at the home of M'r. and Mrs. „G. Ryckman with a fair attendance, several visitors were present also; we welcome vis­ itors. Mrs. R. Kestle presided. Meet­ ing opened with singing and prayer Roll call was answered- by “My favorite piece of art.” The minutes of the lastz meeting were read ana approved. There was some discussion about two meetings to be held in the near future, the District Annual and the Summer Speaker, both these meetings to be held by the Huron­ dale W. I. A motion was passed that we pay our federation fees. The pro­ gram followed: T” Mrs. Hess, of Hensail, sang twc beautiful duets, accompanied on the piano by Miss K. Strang; Miss N. Keddy, a member of the executive of the Provincial Board of the Fed­ erated Women’s Institute, gave a re­ port of the meeting which she at­ tended quite recently in Toronto wfiich was quite interesting and instructive. We as an Institute are quite proud to have one of our mem­ bers rising so magnificently. Mrs H. Perkins gave very spicey and amusing “Current Events.” Closed with the National Anthem. There was a “House Dress Parade” not many taking part but those that did were good sports. Three visiting ladies inspected the dresses. Mrs. B. Case made some candy as a demon­ stration, which all sampled and pro­ nounced as lovely. Mrs. Case gave the method also. Then all enjoyed a social time, when a sumptuous lunch was served by Mrs. G. Ryck­ man, Mrs. G. Bolton, Mrs. J. Selves and Mrs. S. McQueen around tables adorned with daffodils. A. splendla contest was thought' out while at lunch, convened iby Mrs. Case The Upx;t meeting which is the, annual meeting*, will be held at the. home *0f Mr.*.,,and Mrs* Luther Oke. .. ............... 4 e The flfrst permanent tooth to make its appearahde in the mouth is the six-year molar. support from the homeland. She reminded her audience that the doors were open, the workers ready to go but funds were lacking. We hope that her appeal will bear much fruit in Huron Presbyterial. The hymn ‘'Lord speak to me that I may speak” was sung after which Miss C. Rosamond Duff, Field Sec’y of the Provincial W.C-T.U., gave a very impressive address on Temper­ ance urging the women to assume their rightful responsibility in re­ moving the great obstacle of In­ temperance, the greatest hindrance tp the coming of God’s Kingdom up­ on the earth. Both speakers were listened tc with rapt attention and at the close received hearty applause. After singing "For all the Saints” a minute of silence was observed for those who had been called to Higher Service. The invitation from Wesley-Will­ is, Clinton, to hold the next Presby­ terial in their church was accepted. After singing hymn “Saviour Thy Dying Love” the President closed With prayer. was sung ana by the Presi- “O God, our The Slcripture Reading and Prayer were taken, by the Whalen Auxiliary. Mrs. Kydd extended a welcome from the Thames Road, the auxiliary who en­ tertained. The minutes of the Presbyteria: of 1932 and of the subsequent ex­ ecutive meeting were read by the Secretary, Miss M. M'ilne, after which two-minute reports were giv­ en. Miss A. Lawrence, Literature Secretary reported on her work. Mrs. C. A. McDonnell, reported a falling off in the number of Mission­ ary Monthlies. She spoke of the val­ ue of the magazine in helping wo­ men to maintain their interest and devotion to missions by its intelli­ gent study. She reminded her hear­ ers that women “set the pace” and that no country rose higher than the standard held by its women. Mrs. J. Colclough, Blyth, Supply Secretary, reported an ever increas­ ing amount of clothing and quilts sent. She valued at Miss J. Secretary, ou Temperance _____ ___ _ c __ Sunday Schools and asked fdr the co-operation of the women of the Missionary Auxiliaries. She gave tnu names of those winning Provincial prizes in Huron County and that Burn’s Sunday School, Londesboro had won the Shield presented by County WjC.T.U. for the second time. She urged her hearers not to be content to accept the privileges of Christianity but to take up its responsibilities as well. The women hold the key to the temperance sit­ uation. Hymn, “Onward Christian Sol­ diers was sung. Mrs. R. Connor re­ ported more encouraging reports and an increase of C.G.I.T.’s. Mrs. Layton reported one increase in Y. W. A.’s and four more Circles. This was the largest increase in the Conference Branch. She said many more could be organized but for the scarcity of leaders. Mrs. Wellwood reported for ion Bands. Mrs. Bands Bands. Mrs. of Senior Auxiliaries and gave her report. Mrs. Greer in her report spoke the value of giving systematically envelope and urged her hearers be more in prayer. That avenue open to all. Miss Ferguson, who had the office of Treasurership ruary, following the resignation 01 Mirs. McKenzie, presented a tabu­ lated statement of receipts aud ex­ penditures. The amount sent to the Branch Treasurer being $ 1|5 J3I7-01.71. The offering was made and the President offered the Dedicatory Prayer. 'Miss J. S. Murray, Convenor of Nominating Committee gave her re­ port and the following officers were elected for the year 1933-1934. Past President, Mrs. w. P. Lane- Seaforth; President, Mrs. C. A. Gardiner, Londesboro; vice pres., C S., Mrs. R. E. McKenzie, Egmond- ville; vice pres., N. S., Mrs. Strachan Brussels; vice pres., S.S., Mrs. C M'oDonell, Hensail; vice pres., W.S. Mrs. George Lane, Lucknow; recora- ing sec., Miss M. Milne, Blyth;1 cor­ responding sec., Mrs. W. J. Greer Wingham; treasurer, Miss Annie Ferguson, Seaforth; sec. Christian Stewardship and Finance, Mrs. W J. Andrew, Goderich; sec., Y.W.A/e and Circles, Mrs. G. Layton, Exeter; sec., Mission Bands, Mrs. B. Well­ wood, Wingham; sec., Affiliated C G.I.T., Mrs. R. Connor, Kippen; sec. Baby Bands, Mrs. F. G. Farrill Clintqn; Associate Helper’s sec. Mrs. J. Gowdy, Wroxeter; Supply __. J. Colclough, Blyth; Strangers’ Secretary, Mrs. William Laidlaw, Blyth; Literature Sec’y.. Miss A. Lawrence, Seaforth; Miss­ ionary Monthly and World Friends Sec’y, Mrs. Wightman, Blyth; Tem­ perance Sec’y, Mrs. C. J. Moorhouse Brussels; Press Sec’y, Miss J. S Murray, Exeter; Members of Execu­ tive without portfolio, Mrs. Hamil­ ton, Goderich, Mrs. Colborne, God­ erich, Mrs. Wilsou, Seaforth. The afternoon session began with singing “A charge to keep I have’* and Scripture Reading and Prayer by members of Elimville Auxiliary after which, Rev. Jas. Anthony brought greetings from the Presby­ tery assembled at Elimville and also conducted the dedication of officers After singing “Where cross the crowded ways of life” the President introduced Dr. Chone Oliver, medi­ cal missionary of India for thirty years. Dr. Oliver in her address spoke very convincingly of the need of trained hative workers for the solv­ ing of new problems to which they jliad’hot been accustomed.,’ The wo> men in their’secluhion and the men in the darkness of superstition had :been. emancipated .And wet© facing entirely! hew situations.?she gave a very interesting account, of, missions In Banswara showing the .great need of advance instead of retreat; closing her able address with anjaRpeal had sent 13,01i5> pounds $1140.7'5. S. Murray, Temperance spoke of the Study Course carried on in the Farrell’s report on boasted an increase of WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Miss­ Baby eight W. J. Andrew called the roll Mrs. Shenritt andgec,y> Mrs_ was or by tc an assumed in Feb- The April meeting of the Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Mitchell on Wednesday afternoon. Mirs. Geo. Etherington presided. Following the Institute Ode, and the Lord’s Prayer in unis­ on, the roll call was answered by nineteen members. There were three visitors present. On the request of Mrs. Batson three more Institute members were added to the Exeter Fair Board: Mrs. J, W. Powell, Mrs. Wm. Thompson and Miss Olive Law- sou. The president stated that the summer meeting was to be held with the Hurondale Institute at the Thames Road Church in June. Mrs. J. Batson gave a very interesting and instructive paper on Interior Home Beautification, stressing chief­ ly on hangings, wall decorations, co­ lor schemes, over which every one was enthusiastic and carried away many new ideas to be put into prac­ tice at a later date. Mrs. Bs- W. F. Beavers in hei' cheerful manner gave a splendid report of the O. E. A. convention held in Toronto dur­ ing Easter week. Several useful articles made from a yard of cotton were exhibited and proved of interest to all. Following the program all the ladies took part in an amusing contest “An old-fash­ ioned Dinner.” A delightful lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Misses Olive Lawson, Ruth Balk­ will, Lulu LindeAfield and Helen Dignan aud a pleasant half-hour spent. EXECUTORS’ AUCTION SALE — of — REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS ON THE PREMISES of the late JOHN McD. WILSON, in Hensall Ontario, on SATURDAY, MAY 2Oth, 1033 at 1.30 p.m. REAL ESTATE Lots Numbers 399, 400, 401 and 402 in the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron “Moir’s Survey”. On the premises are situate a frame house and two frame stables, in a fajr state of repair. CHATTELS 1 bed room suite; .1 bed with springs; 2 mattresses; I set of springs; 7 kitchen chairs; 1 sofa; 1 Perfection coal oil stove with oven; Banner cooking 'range; heater stove 3 bags of coal; small quantity of wood; 1 large chest; a number of window screens; 1 ..suitcase; 1 toilet set; 1 looking glass; 5 yards of linoleum, 4 yards wide; several pieces of linol­ eum; 2 coal oil lamps; 1 lantern; I wheel barrow; grindstone; carpen­ ter’s tools; garden tools; and other small tools; buck saw; hand saw; 1 crosscut saw; scythe; 1 drving rug’; 1 panel door new; 1 screen door; 1 Wjndow sash; 1 garden gate. TERMS OF SALE Real Estate 10 per cent, on day of sale and balance in 30 days will be put up subject to a reserved bid and other conditions made known on day of sale. Chattels—Cash For further particulars apply to: OSCAR KLOPP, ESQUIRE, Auction­ eer, Zurich, Ont. J?xeCul0T’ Hensall, Ont, forCARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors Exechtors, Exeter, Ontario. ——— _ . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that persons having claiins against estate, of Otto Ewald, luce 01 the Village of Crediton in the County of Huron, Butcher, who died on or about the 28th day of May A.D. 1932 intestate, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the un- dersigned on or before the l-5th day of May A.D., 1933. And Notice is further given that after(the said date the Administra­ tor Vill proceed to distribute the es­ tate having regard ojrlly to,{the claims of which he then shall <hqve .nopce, ^Ift^Oth day of AprljXjj^ 19 3 3. j g , estate, of Otto Ewald. all the late of the Herbert K. Eilber . Administrator Crediton, Ont