HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-04-27, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1938 Miss Mary Little, of Hanover, is visiting with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ’Willard of Exe­ ter visited friends in town last week! Mr. John Carmichael visited his friends ip Exeter and the Bend on Sunday. ’Mtr, and Mrs, Gordon Parker vis­ ited friends at the Beach-o’-Pine,s on Sunday, Mrs. Ed. McQueen and daughter Miss E„ visited friends in London on Saturday. Mr. Thos. Simpson, of .Stratonville a former Hensall boy, is visiting friends in Hensall, Miss Youwell has returned to her home in Toronto after a pleasant visit with friends here. The Public and Continuation Schools reopened on Monday morn­ ing after the Easter Holidays. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Buchanan, of Toronto are spending a few days vis­ iting relatives in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins have returned home after a pleasant vis­ it with relatives at the Beach-o’- Pines. Mr. Wm. White has rented the house on South Richmond street which was owned by the late Mrs Geo. Case. Misses Madeline and Corinne Ho- them, of Seaforth, spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G> Brock and family. Quite a number of the members of the Carmel Presbyterian church attended the Synod held at London Tuesday and' Wednesday. Messrs. Donald McKaig and Herb Hoggarth left last week for the Beach-o’-Pines where they are en­ gaged on construction work for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paterson and son Ray are moving into the village from Huron Springs Sanitorium and will again occupy their home on King street. Miss Grace Gibbings of the Bank of Montreal staff was taken to the Clinton hospital to undergo an op­ eration. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Nelson Blatchford, who has been in the Huron Springs Sanitor­ ium for several weeks following an operation has sufficiently recovered to be brought home. The Welfare Youth Club of the Presbyterian church held their regular meeting on Monday evening After the opening exercises the scrip­ ture Lesson was read by Mr. Roy McLaren after which some vefy In­ teresting lantern slides were given on "Flowers” followed by a read­ ing by Miss Mabel Workman and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. A large crowd attended the re­ ception given in honour of Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Corbett, who were mar­ ried last week. The young couple were presented with a handsome dining-room table and six chairs The address was read by Mr. Ray Lammie. The Young People of the United church held their last meeting oi the year on Monday evening with an excellent attendance present. Af­ ter the opening exercises a selection was given by the Kippen Quartette which was very much enjoyed. A very interesting feature was a mus­ ical romance which told how the love affairs of Annie Laurie and Ro­ bin Adair. Those taking part were Mrs. G. Hess, Mrs. Maude Hedden. Misses Florence Welsh, Greta Lam­ mie and Eleanor Fisher and Messrs. Rennie and Smillie. The romance opened with the wedding march of Annie Laurie and Robin Adair after which they were sung, respectively by Mrs. Geo. Hess and Mr. S. Ren­ nie and the following songs were rendered: "My Old Kentucky Home” chorus, “Aunt Dinah’s Quilting Party ”; chorus "Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms”; solo, S. Rennie; "Jingle Bells” chor­ us; 'Promise Me” solo, M. Hedden; "Love’s Old Sweet Song” chorus; ‘Darling I am Growing Older” duet; M. Hedden and A. Hess; "Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet” chorus; "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp” chorus; ‘Listen to the Mocking Bird” duet Carry Joynt and Bobby Hess; "Yan­ kee Doddle” solo, S. Rennie; "Dixie Land” chorus; ‘Old Black Joe” solo F. Welsh; "Thereis a Long, Long Trial” chorus; "Home Sweet Home” chorus; "Good-Night, Ladies” chor­ us. A short address was given by Rev. Mr. S’inclair and the meeting closed by singing the National An­ them. Death of Mrs. Robt. Bell Mrs. Robert B. Bell a well-known resident of Hensall passed away at the home of her sister Mrs. Gordon Bolton on Friday last, She had been in poor health for a number or years and about a year ago sold her residence on King street to Mr. J. W. Ortwein and has since mdde her home with her sister Mrs. Gordon Boltbn. About a week ago she suf­ fered a stroke which hastened her death. She was a daughter of the late Mbr. and Mrs. John Ford, of Tuckersinith and was in Jher 66th year. After her marriage to the late R Bell they lived for some time on the farm now occupied by Mr. George Walker on the 2nd concession of Tuckersmith. After disposing oi their farm they moved to Hensall where Mr. Bell died shortly afteis wards. Mrs. Thos. Berry, of Hensall; Mrs Gordon Bolton, of Hibert; Mrs. J Bolton, of Usborne and Miss Ellen Ford are sisters of the deceased, The funeral took place on Sunday after­ noon from the home of Mr. and Mrs Gordon Bolton on the Boundary Interment was made in the Hensall Union cemetery. DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mrs. Humble, of Sarnia, spent a few days with her mother Mrs. Fink- beiner last week. Mr. and Mrs. J: Preeter, of Kit­ chener, visited with Mr. and Mrs Hy. Hoffman on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. R. Sttade, of Zurich were Sunday visitors with friends in town. Quite a number from here attend­ ed Conference in Crediton last week. We are pleased to report that Rev. Sauer will be with us for another year. Miss Fanny Preeter, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. Stacey. Mrs. P. Fassold and daughter Reta spent a few days in London last week visiting her son Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold. Rev. Pollex, of Seebach’s Hill will be the speaker in the Lutheran Church next Sunday evening. Miss Edna Fisher and Elda Kraft spent a day in Thedford and Ipperwash Beach last week. The congregation of Dashwood Lutheran church met last Tuesday evening in the church basement In honor of the departure of their pas­ tor Rev. W. Ness A short program consisting of a quartette by the Misses Helen Nadiger and Reta Hay- ter, Alvin and Norman Walper, a guitar and organ duet by Mrs. W. Stade and Miss Selma Rader, and recitations by Miss Ella Eveland and Master Ward Kraft. Mrs. Arn­ old Kuntz then read an address or appreciation expressing the sincere regret of the congregation in losing their pastor while Mr. Ed. Willert made the presentation of a gift of money. Mrs. H. S. Wein also pre­ sented them with a handsome um­ brella on behalf of the Ladies’ Aid. Lunch was then served by the ladies after which M'r. E. J. Walper gave a short address. The meeting closed by singing "Blest be the Tie that Binds” after which Rev. and Mrs Ness bade farewell at the door to each one present. They will make their home in Rockwood and will be succeeded by Rev. T. Luft of Pem­ broke. Death of Miss Christina Allendorf Miss Christina Allendorf died on Friday afternoon at the home of her niece Mrs. Henry Weigand of the 14th concession. About six weeks ago she suffered a paralytic stroke and Friday a second one proved fa­ tal. She was in her 82nd year and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Balthazer Allendorf, She was born in Kitchener but for the past 35 years had lived with her niece Mrs. Henry Weigand. IShe is sur­ vived by two nieces Mrs. A. B. Snyder of Preston and Mrs. Henry Weigand, of Dashwood and a nephew Mr. Aaron Weber, of Zurich. Fun­ eral services were held on Monday afternoon at the home and Evan­ gelical Church with Rev. A. W. Sauer officiating. Death of Mrs. Isaiah Tetreau Mrs. Isaiah Tetreau nee Mary De­ vine died at her home on the 14 con. Stephen on Monday, April 24th in her 57th year. She had been in poor health for the past three years but on Wednesday last suffered a paralytic stroke which proved fatal She was born in Brackston Falls, Quebec, and came to Huron County when but four years old. She is survived by her husband, one daugh­ ter, Mrs. Peter Eisenbach, of Grand Bend and two sons Ira and Emery and three grand children. Two sis­ ters Mrs. De Fore, of Ravenswood and Mrs. A. Gratton, of Grand Bend three brothers George, of the B. Line, Theodore Of Parkhill and Wm of the 14th concession also survive. Funeral service were held on Wed­ nesday afternoon from the residence of her daughter Mrs. P. Eisenbach and at Grand Bend United Church with Rev. & J. Mathers officiating CREDITON The Easter meeting of the Mission Circle met at the home of Mrs. I. Hill on Friday evening. Ten mem­ bers responded to roll call answer­ ing with a favorite book and author. The Easter program was used. Read­ ings were given by Dorene Baker and Rhena Yearley and recitation by Mary Waghorn. The meeting was closed with the benediction. A very dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Rev. and Mrs. O. N. Brown and Mrs. Norman Ricker and 'son Ricn- ard, of Owendale, Michigan, visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Eilber. Mrs. Almeda Daffner, Herbert and Mrs. M. Foster and daughter, of Lansing, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brayn and family, of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawm, of Ches- ley, were in town last week. Mrs. John Hey and daughter, Mar­ garet, of Zurich, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hey last week. Mrs. Jas. Dambra and daughter Rosa, Miss Roslee Furanna and Mrs. T. Furanna, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Haist on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtzman of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schwantz, of Benmiller, spent the week-end with Mrs. Leah Holtzman. Miss Lulu Morlock, of Windsor and Miss Ella Morlock, of Toronto, spent their Easter vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morlock. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Schwantz, of Elmira, spent last week With Mr John Gaiser. A large number from Dashwood and Zurich attended the sessions of the Annual Conference held in the Evangelical Church last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fahrner, of Kit­ chener, spent Sunday with the form­ er’s father Mr. Christian Fahrner and relatives. Mrs. C. Eilber, of Zurich, visited with Mrs. MUry Wenzel last week. Miss Ella Link, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H Eilber. Mrs. Charles Zwicker is visiting with her mother Mrs. Ratz in New Hamburg. Miss Gertrude Haist was visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Haist. Since the evening services began at 7.30 p.m. last Sunday we will continue with that time at the Evan­ gelical Church for a period of five months. Among the display of flowers that graced the pulpit rostrum at the Evangelical church over Conference Sunday was a large bouquet of 5 0 roses in honor of 5 0 years of ser­ vice given his church by Rev. S. R. Knechtel and another was a large blooming hydrangea given by the "Holtzmans” of Cleveland in mem­ ory of their father, the late Jacob Holtzman who was the local Sunday School superintendent for a period of 25 years. CREDITON EAST Mr. Jake Brown, of Zurich, spent the week-end with Mr. Dan Truem- ner and Mr., and Mrs. Aaron Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and family, of Detroit, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn. Mr. Reuben Goetz and Miss Cath­ erine Finkbeiner, of Dashwood spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Eli Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mrs. Wilson Anderson is visiting with Mr. and Mr. Wm. Schroeder at Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor have moved to Crediton to part of Mr. G. Nicolson’s home. Misses Ila and Norma Schroeder, of Clandeboye, spent the Easter holidays with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll THE RED & WHITE store ; PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP I PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP ... \ CHIPSO—LARGE PACKAGE .. 10 bars for 29c. 4 bars for 21c. .. .. . Each 17c. No. 4 Peas Good Quality 3 tins for 25c. Sweet Corn 3 tins for 25c. Tomatoes 3 tins for 25c. AYLMER SOUPS, ASSORTED, ALSO CHICKEN WITH RICE 3 for 25c. Keta Salmon 1 lb. tin each 10c. Quick Quaker Oats per pkg. 21- Fancy Blue Rose Rice 2 lbs. for 13c. GOLD MEDAL PURE ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz- jar .... each 27c. Extra'Choice Apricots per lb. 21c. Large Prunes 2 lbs. for 21c. Fresh Dates 4 lbs. for 25c. Huron Toilet Tissue...........9 rolls for 25c. Rex Coffee, freshly ground . . per lb. 37c. De Luxe Jelly Powder assorted 6 for 25c. Horne’s Vanilla, 8 oz. bottle .... each 19c. Garden Seeds......................per pkg. 5 & 10c Choc. Marshmallow Biscuits 2 lb. for 25c- Pure Maple Syrup......................per qt. 40c. Fresh Chocolates, assorted . . . per lb. 29c. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—HEAD AND LEAF LETTUCE, TOMATOES, NEW CARROTS, SPINACH, PARSNIPS, CELERY HEARTS CUKES, CABBAGE, ONIONS, POTATOES, BANANAS, ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” EXETER, ONT. We Deliver Ik? WHALEN M'r. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exeter and Mrs. Allen Pond and son James of Toronto, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire. Mr. add Mrs. Arnold Hern, of Woodham, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Anderson, of Thames Road, were ’Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs H. Squire./ Mrs. J. Hewson, of Woodham, vis- ited her sister Mrs. Geo, Parkinson for several days lat week, Miss Ruth Morley spent the Week­ end at Kirkton. Shirley Squire returned home on Sunday from Exeter where she spent the Easter vacation with her grand­ parents Mr, and Mrs. N. Ogden. Miss Jean Morley whs holidaying With her cousin Mrs. Arnold Hern Of Woodham last week. Miss Violet Elliott, of London spent the week-end at het home here. WINCHELSEA School reported again Monday morning with another .class of be­ ginners. Mr. R. W. Batten is wearing quite a broad smile these days— it’s a girl. Miss Eileen Andrew, of Exeter, spent a few days last week with the Misses Pooley. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. E. Fletcher, of Exetei- visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fletcher one day last week. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollen and fam­ ily, of Thames Road spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Coward. Mr. Hy. Godbolt, of Centralia spent Sunday with his aunt Mrs. C ■Fletcher. Mrs. George Parkinson, Miss E Parkinson, of Blanshard, spent a couple of days last week with her daughter Mrs. Hermon Foster. Mr. and Mrs. K. Hutton, Thames Road, spent a couple of days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Davis. Misses Audrey and Marjorie Flet­ cher spent a few days last week with their grandmother Mrs. (Jno. E. Fletcher, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman spent the week-end with friends In Clifford. Mr. Frank Davis spent Saturday In London. Mr, and Mrs. Lome E,. Sholdice and family, of Centralia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke Sun­ day. GRAND BEND Miss Comia, who spent the holi­ day at her home, returned Saturday Miss Nora Webb, of London, is home for a few days. Mrs. Peter Ravelie returned home with her girls after a week’s visit with friends in Zurich. Mr. Newt. Hayter has moved tc his father’s farm which he has rent­ ed for a few years, his father mov­ ing to Parkhill. Mr. Sam. Baynham, of Crediton visited Mrs. Wm. Baker for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Dewey, of St Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ravelie. Mr. and Mrs. Matt England, or Crediton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter England last Wednesday. The fishermen are busy getting their nets ready and the gill net- fers have some nets in and getting fair lifts. Mr. and Mrs. Giles, of Royal Oak Mich., have moved into their cot­ tage for the summer. We welcome them back. They are amongst the first to .come and the last to leave in the fall. Mr. and M*rs. Joe. Oliver visited friends in St. Marys on Sunday. Mr. Bert Holt is getting the cement wall in for his new garage. Mr. Alf. Tiederman has rented Mr New’t Hayter’s place for a year moving in on Saturday. Mr. Ross. Desjardine is improving his house with a coat of paint. A surprise was tendered to Mrs John Holt ,Sr., .Sunday last, it being her 76th birthday. On her return from church in the morning the ' family had a table laden with all the goodies in which with a birth­ day cake which Mrs. W. A. Mollard her daughter, of Sarnia, had brought with seventy-six candles on. It was carried into the dining room by Mrs. Holt’s granddaughter Miss Mar­ garet Mollard, of Windsor for Mrs. Holt to blow the candles out which took three blows to do the trick. Mrs. Holt is hale and hearty for her years. All wished her many more years of enjoyment to come. couple of weeks. A meeting of the Kirkton baseball club was held on Friday, April 21 with the following officers elected: Manager, Dr. G. J. Jose; secretary Russell Brock; treasurer, Carmen Gregory; captain, Ross Marshall. It was decided to enter a team in the Cyclone League. Miss Ella Routly is working at Mrs. Emerson Gunnings for a few weeks. The Kirkton Young People’s Lea­ gue visited Granton Young People on Monday night, April 24. The Kirkton Young People put on the program which consisted of solos duets and readings. The topic was taken by Mr. Gerald Godbolt and Mr. Carmen Hazelwooc, after which an hour of games were enjoyed by all. Everyone reported a wonder­ ful time. WOODHAM Mrs. Mountain from the other side of St. Marys, spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Mervin Copeland. Mrs. Ralph Denham, of Bridge­ burg is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shier Miss Margaret Rutherford leaves Monday morning of this week to re­ sume her studies at Stratford Nor­ mal School. Mr. Roy Kirk, who recently un­ derwent an operation for appendi­ citis at Victoria Hospital, London was exepected home last week, but was not able to return owing to hav­ ing developed pleurisy. We hope for his speedy recovery. Mother’s Day services w»l be ob­ served here on Sunday, Mary 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. squire and fam­ ily attended the reception given Mr and Mrs. Ward Hern and Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson at the form­ er’s home at Zion. Miss Netta Shier, of London, spent Sunday at her home here. The Y. P. Society had a box social on Wednesday evening of last week and all report a nice time. The box­ es were not to exceed 35c. but they went all the way from 30c. to 75c. and brought in a nice little sum for the Society. HARPLEY Mr. Hector Murray went to Fbrt William last week. Misses Chrystal Hayter and Mar­ ion Sherritt spent a few days last week with Mr. Clifford Siherritt. We regret very much the depart­ ure of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lovie and family from our vicinity, but we wish them every success in their new home near Shipka. Misses Ila and Beulah Hodgins spent Friday afternoon with their grandmother Mrs. J. J. Carruthers Sr. A number from around here were out fishing one night last week and report a good catch. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. New­ ton Hayter and family to this vicin­ ity. They are occupying the home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayter who we will miss very greatly. _ . ( J KIRKTON Miss Dorothy Lanken spent a few days last week with her cousin Thel­ ma Marshall. Violet Rustin, of Mt. Pleasant, Is Visiting her aunt Miss Lizzie Collie ’School started on Monday with all the children starting back feeling fine after the measles and the holi­ day. We are glad to see Miss Isabelle Johnson out again after being absent from the telephone office for a few weeks with the measles. Miss Helen Bickell relieved her. Miss Verna Brock spent the holi­ day with her sister Mrs. Eric Hum­ phreys. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Doupe and twe little sons, of St Marys, spent Sat­ urday with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Doupe. We are glad to have Mrs. S. Ma- haffy back in our village after spending the winter months with her daughter Mrs. Parrish, of Avonton Mr. and Mrs. Alex Howarth and two little sons of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Cluff. Master Ross Tufts and Miss Mar­ ion Tufts spent Easter week with their uncle Mr. Harold Tufts, of Tor­ onto, Miss Thelma O’Reilly, of Elim- Ville spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. MorriSbn. Mr. Clifton Moore spent the week­ end in the village, Miss Ruth Morley, of Whalen is Visiting with Mr. Harry White for a KHIVA An attractive miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kraft on Friday evening when about 75 neighbors and friends gathered in honor or Miss Florence Hanover, bride-elect of this week. The gifts were brought into the liv­ ing room on a gaily decorated wag­ on drawn by little Reta Willert and Gordon Kraft dressed as bride and groom which held many pretty and useful gifts for the bride. After the gifts had been opened and admired the bride expressed her rnanks and appreciation. The evening was spent in dancing after which a dain­ ty lunch was served. Mr. and iM’rs. Alvin Sararas and Miss Meta Sararas, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, O. Willert, Miss M. Lippert, of Melbourne spent last week with friends in this neighborhood. Mr, Arthur Hutchinson, of, Park­ hill, visited last week with iMk. G Mason. Mr. Ed. Kraft was in London last week on business. MAYBE THEY PLUCKED HIM "Mother, are chickens hard to pick?” "No, Willie, if Well scalded first Why do you ask?” "Rapa told Uncle Henry that he picked up two of the hardest chick­ ens he ever saw last night,” GREENWAY Next Sunday Rev. Dr. Bruce Hunt­ er, President of London Conference will preach especially to the young people in the United Church. Don’t miss hearing this popular minister, A play entitled "Mollie Brown” will be given by Beechwood talent in the United Church on Thursday. April 27th. It was postponed from the previous date owing to the ill­ ness of some of the caste. Come and help the A. Y. P. A. Admission 25 and 15c. Miss Verna Rock nas returned from a visit with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Curts and Miss Evelyn Curts attended the con­ ference in Crediton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hayter mov­ ed to Parkhill last week. They will be missed in the community and in Grace church where they have taken an active interest all their life. Several from here attended the play and dance in West McGillivray last week. The music was provided by the Romphf orchestra. Mrs. Sherritt spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs. H. Harlton. Mr. Harlton and .Misses Evelyn and Dor­ othy motored to Wheatley for a few days. The W. M. S. and W. A. held their regular meeting last Wednesday. Master Keith Toll, of London and Lorraine and Roy Eagleson of Sar­ nia spent Easter week with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E. Ma­ son. Miss Mary Moore and Miss Lor- een Moon, of Londesboro, visited Miss Lois Brown last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning, of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Webb spent last Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pollock. Miss Edith Taylor and Miss Mar­ jorie Jennison, of Grand Bend, spent the week-end with Mrs. Lloyd Bro- phey. Misses Grace and Elsie Shepperd are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. David Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Toll, of London, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. R, L. Pol­ lock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Mason and Miss D. Mason motored to Sarnia on Sun­ day. Mr. Wm. Haley, Exeter, is train­ ing Mr, Seibourne English’s horses again this year. Mrs. Archie McIntosh, of Port Hu­ ron, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs, Jas, William visited Mr. and Mrs. R, English on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Rob Pollock and Mr. Cecil Smithers spent Sunday in London. Mrs. De&n Brown is on the sick list.