HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-04-27, Page 1I < ( * < < 4 -V ■ !■ ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 27th 1933 PIONEER MINISTER DIES ' I Rev. John Hart, one of the Meth- ■ | odists pioneer ministers of western , Ontario died in St Marys on April 20th at the age of 84 years. He retired from the active, work of the ► ministry 20 years ago, At one , time he was stationed in Hensall. SIXTIETH YEAR, NO. 2751 * < » f We secured direct from the manufacturer a clearing line of silk rayon bed-spreads size 80” x 100”. Colors: ,rose, yellow, white and rainbow ef­ fects; good quality, on sale while they last at $3.95 each. Clearing Sale of Curtain Nets Hundreds of yards of curtain nets are being placed on sale this week at reduced prices to clear quickly. These are suitable for any room in the house, in popular colors and cream and ecru shades. Indian Blankets at $1.59 each We offer for sale while they last a nice range of Indian blankets, size 54 inches by 72 inches in gay Indian colours at $1.59 each* New Patterns in Congoleum Rugs The new patterns in Congoleum rugs are ready for your inspec­ tion at the lowest prices ever offered. We also have a large stock of lino­ leums, floor oilcloths, window blinds, curtain rods, draperies, etc., at very low prices. STAIR TREADS——Good Quality Red Rubber at 15c. each' Axminster and Wilton Rugs We are clearing out our stock of Axminster and Wilton Rugs in popular room sizes at real bargain prices. 3 only Tapestry Bedroom rugs 2 1-4 yards by 3 yards to clear at $9.85 each 1Turkish Towels—5 dozen good quality, white with colored borders. A real bargain at 25c. each. Ladies’, Misses’ & Children’s Spring Coats at very low prices Flannel Skirts For Summer—In light pastel shades, fine all wool flan­ nels at $2.50 and $2*95 each. Knitted Suits For Ladies—Good style 3-piece sujits for outing wear at $7.95 per suit. SUPERIOR CHAIIN STORE SPECIAL VALUES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Raspberry or Strawberry Jam 40 oz. 28c; Aylmer White Sweet Corn .... per tin 9c. Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn . . 2 tins 25c. Ingersoll Malted Cheese .... per pkg. 10c. Chipso ..................................... per pkg. 19c. Surprise Soap ...............................5 bars 23c. Salada Tea, special...........y. . . 1-2 lb. 23c. Aylmer Catsup per bottle.................... 12c. Choc. Mallow Biscuits .... 2 lbs. for 25c. Assorted Fancy Biscuits................2 lb. 25c. Aylmer Soups, except pure chicken 3 25c. Shinola Floor Wax..................... . 1 lb. 19c. ph... 32 Jones & May Phone 32 > I Commencing, April 27th, FOR 3 DAYS THE LARGEST SPECIAL PRICE WE HAVE EVER ACCIDENT Ulingsworth, son of Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Vivian, of Brantford, formerly o.f Exeter, met with a ser­ ious accident to his eye recently and it was at first feared lie might lose the sight of the eye. Their many freinds will be glad to know that he has recovered nicely however. TRANSFERRED TO TORONTO ■Mr. Wm. Birney, who is employed with the John Mansville Co,, of Win­ nipeg, spent a couple of days last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Birney. Mr. Birney expects a transfer to the Toronto branch and will assume his new position the middle of May. WATCH RETURNED about The gentleman’s wrist watch which was advertised in the Times-Advocate last week has been returned to its owner. The watch was brought to the office by Mrs. R. Moore, who stated that she had looked for a lost advt. the previous week but not seeing it she brought the watch into our Mr. one. office. The watch belonged' to V. Berdux and was a valuable PHEASANTS RECEIVED the Game and Mr. Rd. Welsh, secretary of Huron Game and Bird Association has received from t«ie Fisheries Department through ths Cordington Bird Farm, ten hens and ten cocks of the dark and cross bred pheasants which have already been released in .the Hay swamp. Forty pairs of pheasants have been received' during the past four years by the Association. The public are requested not to molest these birds in any shape or form. HURON PRESBYTERY Resolution Opposes Making Specula­ tive Investments The Presbytery of the Church of Huron County was sion Tuesday at Elimville. were 40 ministers present Wingham, Blyth, Goderich, field, Bayfield, Kippen, Grand Bend Centralia, Hensall, CJinton, Elim­ ville, Exeter, Thames Road, Brussels Seaforth, Ethel and other parishes. Lay members were also well repre­ sented. The Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of Hensall, who presided, and Mr. Malley, of Goderich, were aiipointed representatives to ference. A resolution was ing the Provincial its refusal to license the sale beer and wine by the glass. Another resolution urged all members of the United Church to refrain from gamb­ ling, including the making of pure­ ly speculative investments. Another resolution pledged called for con­ certed action in seeing that mission­ ary funds be adequate to meet the urgent calls made upon them. The call of Rev. James Anthony, of Thames Road, to Motherwell, and the exchange between the Revs. Tay­ lor, of Ethel, and Champion, of Goldsmith, were approved and sent on to the stationing committee. Sev­ eral requests for a change of par­ ishes were approved and sent on. The Rev. J. H.“ Stainton and B. W. F. Beavers, of Exeter, were ap­ pointed to a conference committee which has as its objective the aug­ mentation and subsidization of the stipends of clergy receiving less than the minimum of the church. Mr. G. W. Cook, B.A.. of Ford- wich, was licensed to preach and was recommended for ordination by the London conference Messrs Earl E. Christie, of Exeter and Howard Johnston, of Crediton, were received as students under the care of the Presbytery. The Presbyterial held a very fine convention at the Thames church. next United in ses- There from Bruce- the general con- passed commend- G-overnment for of Road A full report will be given week. BASEBALL baseball meeting was held in or presented with badges At a meeting of the Boy Scouts on Friday evening last a number of the boys were presented with their ten­ derfoot pins and badges. The pres­ entation was made by Mr. B. W. F. Beavers who in a few words emphas­ ized the importance of good training and of the Boy Scout motto to do a good turn every day. Those receiv­ ing the badges were: Robert Dinney, Chas. Snell, Gordon Brooks, Alvin Lindenfield, Jack Brintnell, Donald Winer, Harold Elliot and Ted son. Mr. W. G. the officers were elected: Mr. W. G. M'edd; vice­ Garnet Flynn; secretary- Frank Creech; Executive Wil-would The Cyclone League was the be will ONLY ON GRANITEWARE HAD A FEW OF THE SPECIALS ARE LISTED Wash Bowls................. 15c.Pudding Pans, 3 sizes .. 15c. Preserving Kettles . ... 15c.Milk Pans, 3 sizes ..... 15c. Lipped Sauce Pans . ... 15 c.Pie Plates....................... 15c. Straight Mugs............. 15c.Drinking Cups ...........15c. Soup Bowls ................. 15c.Basting Spoons ............ 15c - SPRING NEEDS - SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS WIRE CLOTH ALL SIZES RAKES......................................................... * HOES ........................................................... SHOVELS .................................................... ROYAL PURPLE GARDEN SEEDS .. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD EXETER MERCHANT LEFT ESTATE WORTH 817,183 Application for probate of the will of the late John W. Taylor, for many years president of Ross-Taylor Com­ pany, Limited, lumber merchants, of Exeter, is being made by the Canada Trust Company, R. N. Taylor, Cap- pon, Alta., and Mrs. Emma Agnew, Winnipeg, executors. .Mr. Taylor died January 24. The estate, valued at ? 17,183, is made up of real estate, bonds and debentures of mortgage corporation, and under the terms of the will the 'widovf and children are the benefic- arles. Carling & Morley, Solicitors, Exo­ tery are acting for the estate. 50c. to $1.25 60c. to $1.15 75c. to $1.25 ... 7 for 25c. Members of the I. C. O. F. will at­ tend divine worship in Main street United Church on Sunday evening next April 30th. Members are re­ quested to be at the Lodge Room at 6.30 and parade in a body to the ■church. Visitors are welcome. The regular meeting of the Cana­ dian Legion will be held Friday April 28th at 8 p.m. A smoker and card party will follow the business session. Exeter has been in the limelight The following item was taken from the Toronto Star and has appeared in a number of papers: Exeter, Ontario, has accumulated a surplus, reduced its debt and cut its tax rate ten mills. A lucky place is Exeter, But other towns are vexed at her; Her feat they cannot emulate, Reduce the> debt and cut the rate, As folks have done in Exeter. —Toronto Star of the Bank of Exeter the place of is at present Branch Mr. re­ BANK STAFF CHANGES Mr. R. C. Bourne, of Grimsby has been transferred from the South Hampton branch Commerce to the where he is taking W. L. Kress, who lieving at Wellesley. Mr. W. W. Lawrence, teller the Bank of Montreal, who has been relieving at Drumbo, has received an appointment to the Blenheim branch and began his new duties on Monday, stay in and the him. at Mr. Lawrence, during his Exeter made many friends best of wishes will follow LEAVING THAMES ROAD for po- Road NEW H, S. TEACHER The many friends Beatrice Brain, who for several years has been a member of the Exeter H. S. staff were sorry to learn that on the ad­ vice of her physician she had been advised to resign her position here The Board of Education met Mon­ day and engaged Miss Marguerite Parker, B.A., Toronto, who as­ sumed her new duties Tuesday morn­ ing. Previous to the Easter vacation Miss Brain suffered with pneumonia B. A., of Miss A. of Toronto. Rogers’ dessert stainless knives and forks for $4.25 a set. Other sil­ verware in proportion at S. B. Tay­ lor’s. SPECIALS Men’s Work Shoes $1.98 to $2.49 Child’s Leather Slippers from 4 to 10 at 79c. Men’s Red-Back Overalls from 98c. to $1.49 Small Boy’s overalls at 48c. Ladies’ and Children’s Cotton Hoee at 19c. Pure Linen Hand Towelling 13c. yd. Black Tea 25c.; Mixed Tea 29c. Brooms 19c. H. Bierling LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY April 27, 28 and 29th “PROSPERITY” Mari,e Dressier and Polly Moran Positively their best comedy Pictures withdrawn for Monday, and Tuesday night WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd THE LONDON ORPHEOUS ' CHOIR ONE NIGHT ONLY 5 0 voices the direction of Clarence E. Gilmour London’s Instrumental Trio Pauline Fitzgerald violin; Mareel Ray, chello; C. E. Gilmour, pian« Hazel Taylor, Reader This is London’s finest choral or­ ganization and a packed house is assured them on their first visit to Exeter. This is the first of thfetr series of concerts. Admission 50c. including tax under THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY May 4, 5, and 6th “RACING YOUTH” SL.ini Somerville, Louise Fazenda LUCAN GAS STATION ROBBED A gas station at Lucan, owned by Harry Lankin was entered on. Sun­ day night for the fourth time. The thieves got away with more than $100' worth of tbbacco, cigarettes, cigars and chocolate bars. They emptied all the ice-cream cone con­ tainers breaking the cones and evid-' ently using the containers to pack the loot. Lankin had just renewed the stock On the previous Friday. The thieves gained entrance with the vise of a crow-bar stolen from a creamery next door. They broke In a panel of the front door reached through the opening rind turned the lock. The service station is almost opposite the home of County Magis­ trate Hawkshaw. * In the icolumn “A Little Bit of Everything” on the editorial page of the Toronto (Star, the following item appeared: „ Now is a good time to buy the odd shower present — Ad. in ExeteT Times-Advocate. We’ve seen some of those “odd showers.” In fact March specializes in them—half sleet, half rain, and (if there can be three halves) half snow. But why should anyone want to buy them a present. An absent would be much better. . This item was clipped and sent to us by an Exeter boy Mr. George Beavers, of Toronto. Miss L. M. Jeckell and Mrs. Rhodes are in Stratford attending a. meet­ ing of the W. M, S. Presbyterial. Miss Jeckell is president of the Hu­ ron Presbyterial. The members of the A. Y. P. A. of the Anglican Church, Olintoi, visit­ ed the A. Y. P. A. of the Trivitt Memorial Church On Monday even­ ing. The Clinton Young People pro­ vided an excellent program and at the close a number of games were enjoyed and refreshments served. Rev. Jas. Anthony, M.A., who the past five years has been the pular pastor of the Thames United Church, has received and ac­ cepted an invitation to the Mother- well charge succeeding Dr. Leckie, ek-president of the London confer­ ence. Rev. Mr. Anthony’s decision to move comes as a surprise to the members of his charge and to his many friends. During his ministry at Thames Road he has won a warm spot in the hearts of his people. He has been a neighborly man ever willing to assist in anything and everything that is for the further­ ance of the church and society. He has always been a welcome visitor to the Exeter pulpits bringing a vis­ ion and a message that is heart searching and full of interest. Mr Anthony is a well read man and In addition to being well versed in the international problems of the day he sees something of human inter­ est and importance in the humdrum of the common toiler. He has been a popular figure on the streets of Exeter and is highly esteemed among the business men arid the social or­ ders. He will be much missed in the community. Messrs. Sam’l Chambers and Jack Pryde will operate the new fituper- test gas station, formerly the Erie Gas. They will conduct a garage business in conjunction. Seo advt A the Central hotel on Wednesday last week and baseball for the com­ ing year was discussed. M'edd acted hs chairman and following President, president, treasurer, committee, Jas. Bowey, F. M. Boyle H. C. Rivers, Dr. Fletcher and R Sayers. Grounds committee W. J Smith, Hy. Carey and H. C. Rivers. The matter of entering a team in the O. B. A. was discussed but it decided that this was out of question and no action taken. again be organized with the same teams as last year being proposed to comprise the league. The ques­ tion of a manager was freely discuss­ ed with the following names being suggested, viz: H C. Rivers, F. M. > Boyle and Hy. Lewis. This, how­ ever, will be decided on at a later date. The question of securing the ball diamond from the. Fair Board was also dealt with and was left In the hands of the ground committee to interview the same. Mr. Wm. J i Smith of the International Harvest* er C'o„ donated a penant to the League. It was tought that this would add more zest to the games And make keener competition. It was also decided to have a junior team from town with the same ex­ ecutive but with a different mana-, ger. This however will be taken' up later on. Exeter has prospects | for a good team this year but the support of the public is needed tc help the boys along. OLD-TIME ORCHESTRA CONTEST AND DANCE AT KIPPEN FRIDAY, APRIL 28th Rules of Contest pieces or under5 There will be three judges. First prize $10.; Second $5. Prize orchestras will furnish the furnish the music for the dance. Admission 25c.; Ladies 10c. DANCING EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT EXETER OPERA HOUSE Admission 25c. ___________ ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF - CENTRAL - Supertest Service Station and Garage FEATURING SUPERTEST SUPER SERVICE GAS, OILS, TIRES & ACCESSORIES COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE SPECIAL OPENING DAY BARGAIN SATURDAY, APRIL 29th All day Saturday every customer purchasing five gallons of gasolene, or one oil change will receive free—complete grease job—good any time during May. A SHARE OF YOUR SERVICE IS SOLICITED SAM CHAMBERS, mechanic ......................... ................................1 JACK PRYDE, service « <