HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-04-13, Page 8TRURSPAY, ABRIL 13, 1033 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE PIANO TUNING and repairing S. Boardman with will on Exeter Markets Mr. eleven years -Heintzman. Co. he in Exeter Thursday, April 20 Orders left with Martin’s Music (Store will receive prompt attention ever 20 years experience. NOTICE -— Pairties who harm­ standing orders at the Exeter ceme­ tery for flowers for the graves should notify me at once if they do not wish them this year. John Fora Wheat 60c Oats, 34c. Barley 40c Shorts $1.00 Bran $1.00 Manitoba’s Best $2.30 Model flour $2.10 Welcome floui* $1.90 Low Grade Flour $1.25 Rolled Oat Groats, $1.70 Creamery Butter, 30 and 32c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, Butter, 25c. extras, 13 c. firsts, lie. seconds, 9c. $4.75. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernardi Rhodes,, M. A. Minister i Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist IEaster Sunday 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—“The Evidence of Egstex” 7 p.m.-*-“Too Good to. be True.” Easter music at both services. 10.30 a.m.-—Good Friday—- Union Communion service in Caven Ghurclx under the auspices Minis­ terial Association. Everyone in­ vited. New Toggery for Easter.... New Spring Coats for Misses and Women Showing a number of styles tailored from the season’s newest cloths. Priced from $12.00 to $22.00 •••• TWO GRASS FARMS TO RENT— West thiee quarter lot No. 4 on 6th con. of Hay twp., 75 acres; west han lot 5 con. 5, 50 acres; good grass good fences and good supply m water. Apply to Wesley Dearing, R R. No. 1, Exeter. Telephone Crediton. 17-1’14 gener- for 2 adults for doctor’s house. No fam­ ily washing. Must be honest liable. Wages $15 monthly, box 116, Bayfield. WANTED—Girl, 20-30, for al housework and cooking, and re- Apply ltc. HOUSE TO RENT—Apply Cottle. Mrs. A It 100 acre, pasture farm in Stephen for. rent; or will take in cattle Apply to M. W. Pfaff. CATTLE WANTED—For pasture applv Mrs. Jno Penhale, Hay. 4-13-2tc For Rent—Six Room Apartment, newly decorated. Apply to Ernest C. Harvey .ltp GROW PEAS LOCALS T i i SH-« Order your Hot X Buns now at Middleton’s Bakery to be delivered Good Friday morning. EASTER EGGS-—Chocolate Bunnies Hen's eggs and novelties, lc. up at Grieve’s Drug Sitore. Grouii 2 of the James Street W. A. will hold a cooking sale in the sample room of the Central Hotel at 3 o’clock Saturday. Tuesday, April. 18,—'Easter Thank- ■ offering of W. M. S, at 8 p.m Mrs. D. J. Lane, of Goderich, will speak. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 11 7 NEW DRESSES FOR EASTER New shipment of Misses* and Womens’ dresses for Easter showing some last min­ ute styles at very popular prices. HEEL HUGGER SHOES FOR WOMEN A fit for every foot and a style for every eye. If you want foot comfort try a pair of Heel Huggers this, spring. ■n»0MlKM» LADIES’ CAPE AND KID GLOVES In the new slip-on styles. Colors: beige brown and black. NEW SHADES IN SILK HOSIERY Showing all the newest shades for Spring in chiffon and service weight in full fashioned hosiery. 79c. — 89c.PRICED AT $1.25 and $1.95 $1.00 MEN’S and YOUNG MEN’S SUITS You‘new suit is here for Easter. We are showing a beautiful range of blues, browns and greys in fine worsteds, tailored in the newest styles with two pants at very low prices. $16.95 $16.95 NEW SHIRTS Separate or Attached Collars Brand new .patterns for Easter in Arrow and Forsyth makes. PRICED FROM $1.00 TO $1.95 1 NEW BILTMORE HATS FOR MEN Showing the newest shapes and shades for Spring. At new lower prices. $2.95 and $3.50 NEW NECKWEAR FOR EASTER You will want a new cravat for Easter. See the bright new neckwear we are selling AT 50c., 75c. $1.00 ‘MEN’S FINE OXFORDS At any price to suit you pocketbook. Six new styles to choose from. Priced at $2.75, .$3.00, .$3.50 to $5.00 Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Golden Spray Cheese Forest city Baking powder Spreads like butter _2 1-2 lb. plcgs. 19c. 1 lk tm 19c- Chick Oatmeal Good for young chicks 10 lbs. 24c. Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A..B.D., Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The Minister Sacramental Service p.m.—An Illustrated Eastei* Service including illustrated song solos, address and a pantomine with an illuminated Cross Wednesday—8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thursday, April 20th—A debate j “Resolved that capital punishment ; should be abolished” under the auspices of the Y. P. S. to which are invited members of the Broth­ erhood, and members of the con- j gregatxon. Debaters—Dr. Weekes and J. A. Christie vs. Dr. Ronis- ] ton and J. M. Southcott. , I Good Friday will be observed this week as a public holiday. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers is adding an addition to his garage. Mr. N. J. Dore is still confined to his home through illness. Mrs. Wm. Pincombe is confined to her home through illness. The maple syrup season this year so far has proved disappointing. Mr. Hector Taylor, who has been ill for several weeks is improving. Mr. Seymour has improved the residence he is occupying on Mam Street by a fresh coat of paint. This is Holy Week and .special union services are being held in the various churches each evening. Mrs. Emily Siwenerton, of Clande- boye, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. J. Hogarth. Mr. Philip Madge is confined tc bed, at the home of his daughter Mrs. George Williams. Mrs. A. Brintnell returned home from Victoria Hospital on Saturday MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader con- fu r- If interested BROS. Phone FARMERS WANTED — To tract for growing Peas. Seed nished on contract, communicate with COOK MILLING CO., Hensall, Ont. 54. i teanx shape, l 11 FARMERS ! I We have a set of heavy traces, with hames in good cheap. A new set of team harness for as low as $25,00. jWe grind clipper plates 50c. per} pair for machine clippers and 25c.! pair for hand clippers.—W. J. Beer and is improving slowly. ------------------------ , I Mrs. J. S. Grant is at present in- HOUSE TO RENT—On Ann St. disposed at the home of her daugh.- Possession any time. Apply to Mrs. ter, Mrs. P. David, in London. Jas. Brintnell. | Mrs. Charles Birney, who has beer, ------------------------ ill fox' a numbei' of weeks, is —” FOR SALE OR RENT—Comfort- ually improving and is able able frame cottage, west side Mam up a little. Street, north of river, Exeter. Glad­ man & Stanbury. 3-30-tf grad- to he little 3 7 EASTER SERVICES Special Music . a.m.—Communion Reception of New Members p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—The Minister Monday—Y. P. ,S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting Mrs. Norman Stacey and daughter, of Willow Grove, are vis- ; iting with her mother, Mrs. J. S | Harvey. I Master (Malcolm Grant spent a, few days in London last week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs • Jos. Grant. I See the interesting exhibit of fancy quilts, old and new at tne i Town Hall on April 22nd. See notice j next week. 1 Mrs. Chas. Fisher, who recently met with an accident, when she ‘was1 ! struck with a car, is now able to oe ar-ound with the aid of crutches. IMrs. Robert Stevenson, her daughter, Rena ,and son Herbert, of Varna, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. | H. Johnston one day last week. I The roads this season have come Hatching Eggs 10c. per dozen over through in goodshape. Some of, them market price. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM Kenneth Wein, Dashwood PERMANENTS $3.50 and $5.00 Phone 245 for appointment L. Stackhouse N. W. MILLER Issuer of Motor-Licenses Also Traxlers up to 2,000 pounds Phone 62W CLINTON,ONT. S Communion and Ser- Axxthem” Resurrection Morn” 3 7 BABY CHICKS 8c. CHICKS 7c. Large bodied White Leghorns After April 15 th 8c. After May 1st 7 c. BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks under Govern­ ment Approval. All floicks are cull­ ed and banded by government In­ spectors. We hatch Barred Rocks. White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Anconas, Jersey Black Giants, White Indian Runner Ducks. Write for free catalogue. Custom hatching ,03c per egg, by the tray of 128 eggs. We guarantee your own chicks back.—A. H. Switzer, Gran­ ton, Ont. 21c.SPECIAL—I LB. TIN CRISCO (WITH TEA STRAINER) FOR Aylmer Catsup Large bottle 10c. each Challenge Corn Starch 2 pkgs. 17c. Princess Soap Flakes 2 large pkgs. 25c. EDUCATOR TOASTED CHEESE THINS (Very Nice) . ........................... per pkg. 15c. Choice Quality Corn McCormicks Crispy Sodas Gem Lye 4 cans 25c.2 lb. box 25c.Per tin 10c. Southcott Bros W. R GOULDING T. C. M. and Clioii'xnaster TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Bev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Sir. Middlemiss EASTER ^SUND AY a.m.—Holy Communion 11 a.m.—'Holy mon “The Easter Anthem—“The — (Rodney) p.m.—Children’s Service “The Easter Story.” p.m.—‘Evensong and Sermon “Christ the Resurrection” Anthem—“The Garden of the Lord” (Lacey) GOOD FRIDAY The Three Hour Service (12-3) “The Seven Words of Our Saviour from the Cross” p.m.—Union Service,—‘Rev. Si. J Mathers . Duet—“When I Survey the Won- 1 drous Cross” (Jude) 8 A. Organist James Street United Church, Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. You may not believe in astrology, but THURSDAY, APRIL 13th is your lucky day. With every “Clothes of Quality” order on that day we will give Free of Charge Extra Trousers We have made arrangements to have MR. PARK Head Office representative of the Berger Tailoring Company at our store oix "the above date. Concurrent with his visit we are offer­ ing free, extra trousers with every “Clothes of Quality” suit or­ dered. The Bergex’ “Clothes of Quality” are famous throughout the outstanding qual- LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 , however are not in the best of con­ dition but are good for this time of year. Mr. Ben. Makins, who recently underwent axx operation at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, returned home Friday and is getting along nicely. Mrs. J. A. Wylie and Miss Lena Bennett, of Toronto, are visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart. The ladies are sisters Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Jno. Snell arrived home Monday after spending the winter in Windsor with her two, daughters Mrs. Smith and Mrs. McDonald She also visited in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. -N. Hannigan and little daughter Mary and Mr. Mac. Cornish, of Elimville, spent a few days visiting relatives in Niagara Falls last week. The sacred cantata, “The Dream of Queen Esther” which was repeat­ ed in James S<t. United Church on Thursday evening of last week drew a fair attendance, over $30.00 being realized. An auction sale of household ef­ fects was held at the home of the late Miss H. Kinsman on Tuesday Mr. C. Kestle, who is moving tc Exeter from Seaforth has rented the; residence. Mr. W. L. Kress, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is relieving at Wellesley for a few days. He left on Saturday, Mrs. Kress and chil- ‘ dren accompanied him and will vis­ it in Brantford. IMrs. George Griffith, of Toronto is visiting with her father, Mr. Id's Handford, Mr, Handford, who is In his 94th year has rot been enjoying # his accustomed health, although he[cUPied Pulp: is able to be up and around the] terian Church very, acceptably both house each day, ' ’ ’ Gerald Skinner was the lucky win­ ner of a chair given away at G. A. - - . .Hawkin's hardware store and drawn bourg cn special invitation, for on Saturday everting last at ill o'clock. The coupon was drawn by Wm. Wareing, night watchman. An­ other chair will be given away next Saturday night and another again on the 22nd. The chairs are being given away in connection with & paint and varnish display, with no obligation to those who register. FOR SALE—Pandora stove, ply A. Ryckman. Ap- ltp. her at A or on HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 184 Exeter, Baby Chicks, Rocks $12.00; April 15th in lots less than 300, lc Ont Leg- horns $10.00 till of 300 or over, per chick more. Poultry Feeds, Shell, Grit, Cod Meal, Cello-Glass, Bring us your market eggs or poul­ try. Custom Hatching. Beef Meal, Oyster Liver Oil, Alfalfa iSil-Lite, etc FARMERS ATTENTION Our new stock of farm equipment and implements have arrived. Come in and see the new low down all steel spreader, also the Deering New Ideal regular and the McCormick Deering Big Frame Mowers, Plows, Harrows, Cream Separators and all farm equipment. The Wheat Plan is in vogue again this year at 75c. per bushel. Many farmers have taken advantage of this remarkable offer during the past week, as we. have taken orders for Cultivators, Soil Pulvizers, Mowers, a Grain Binder and several Cream separators, applying the Wheat plan, W6 Will be glad to ex­ plain the plan in detail. At the present time the discount or price reduction is 20 to 3i5 per cent, If you need equipment it will pay you to investigate, WM. J. SMITH, Representative International Harvester (Co. Exeter, Ontario Mrs Hy. Jones is confined to bed through illness. Mrs. Rhodes spent the week-end at her home near Lucknow. Mrs. Thornton has been visiting for several days in Toronto. Mr. S. J. Hogarth, who has been indisposed at his home is again able to be out. Mrs. John Head and Miss Sally Witwer, of London, spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. Wm. Hatter. Mrs. O. M. Skelton, who has been confined to her home through ill­ ness is improving . Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lamport and Mrs. Marshall, of London, visit­ ed with relatives in Exeter on Sat­ urday. Mr. George Fairbairn, of Tucker­ smith, has rented the Ross farm south of Hensall recently vacated by Mr. I-Ierb Block. Mr. and infers. Launderyou, of Sar­ nia, motored up with Mr. W. J. Brooks on Sunday and visited at the home -of Mr. C. T. Brooks. Mr. R. E. Pickard thfe week sold the Porterfield farm in Tucker­ smith recently occupied by Mr. Geo. Fairbairn to Mr. Frank Rathburn, of Sombra, the purchase price be­ ing $4400.00. Mr. Rathburn takes possession immediately. Rev. Dr. McNairn, of London, oc- lpit of Caven, Presby- morning and evening on Sunday. Rev. (Mr. Rhodes, minister of the congregation, was preaching at Co- The schools close Thursday for the Easter holidays. On Monday evening Mrs, Thomas McCurdy vvas pleasantly surprised when about thirty relatives gathered at her hbme to extend congtatula? tions on the occasion of her birth* day. Mrs. McCurdy was presented with some beautiful flowers by the guests. The evening was then spent * | in playing cards. SACRED CANTATA A sacred cantata “From Olivet to Calvary” by J. H. Maunder was ably rendered by the choir in James Sit. United Church on Sunday evening under the direction of Mr. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. The cantata con­ sisted of choruses and solos and lasted for over an hour. The first part recalls simply and reverently the scenes which marked the last few days .of the Saviour’s life upon earth, and some of the reflections suggested thereby. The rejoicing of the multitude with hosannas and palms, the view of Jerusalem from the Steep of Olivet, the lament over the beautiful 'City, scene in the temple, and the lonely walk back over the mount at night. Part II opens with the supper of the Pass- over, at which Jesus washes His disciples’ feet and gives to His friends the new commandment of love for one another as the sign or true discipleship. From this the scene passes to the infinte pathos of the Garden .of Gethsemane, the sud­ den appearance of the hostile crowd Jesus forsaken by His disciples, His utter loneliness among ruthless foes the tumult before Pilate in the Judgment Hall, the Passage of the Cross, the tragedy and triumph of I Calvary. The solo work was taken I by Miss Pearl Wood, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. :Stainton and by Messrs. Harry Hoffman, Walter CUtbusk and Percy Vahey. 1’110 work of the choir and soloists was exceptionally well rendered and delighted the large audience present for the occasion. The pastor, Rev. J. H. iStainton gave a short address. Dominion. They ity and .value. We have the play in readiness $19.75 w. PHONE 81 have won their place through new .Spring and Summer range for his and your coming. Berger “Clothes EXCLUSVE DEALER of fabrics on dis- of Quality” W. TAMAN EXETER, ONT. -X Mr. Thomas Love, of Grand has taken over the position as ager of iFred Barrett’s coal lumber yards at Parkhill, the nership of Barrett & Young being dissolved a couple of weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Parker and two chil­ dren have moved from Toronto on­ to the farm they recently purchased on the 3rd concession of Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kleindfeldt, who have been living on the farm have moved back near Crediton. The .Swift iCanadian Packing Co. have opened up for business in the I SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY old post office building making this' a station for collection of eggs,, cream and poultry. All places ot business in Exeter are now occupied there being not a single vacant store, Mr. William Servent, of Stratford, is in charge branch. MisS L. M. Jeokell, president of the Huron was the guest speaker at the Easter tfhanfcofferlng meeting of the W. M S. auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presby­ terian church, Stratford, on Thurs­ day afternoon of last Week. A re­ port of her address states that it was full of Inspiration and practical suggestions for work as members of a missionary society and she Was extended a hearty vote of thanks. Bena niaii- and part- a single Servent, of the new of Exeter Presbyterial The regular monthly meeting of the Men’s Union of the Main Street United Church was held on Wednes­ day evening, Ap’il 5th.'The presi­ dent, Mr. George Layton, was chair­ man. The Scripture lesson was read by Mr. E. R. Hopper. A vocal solo was given by Mr. Harold Skinner accompanied on the piano by Rev. A. E. Elliott. The speaker for the evening was Rev. J. Anthony, who gave an excellent address on “Re­ serves.” _ On Friday evening, April 7th, eighteen girls gathered at the home of Miss Hilda Sims to give a birth­ day party, they taking her by sur­ prise. The evening was spent in com­ munity singing, contests and musi­ cal numbers, the program being in charge of Miss Evelyn Grainger and Dorothy Sims. Then Miss Violet Gambrill gave her many wishes and Congratulations on behalf of the girls, Hilda then opened her gifts and thanked the girls in. a pleasing way. At the close of the program a birthday table was set, in the centre of which was a birthday cake lit with Candles. After a dainty lunch was enjoyed the girls wished her many more hiijipy birthdays.