HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-04-13, Page 4wumiii* < > ^mmiir M .LnmwH 1- W W I ^k. A few of the many specials at Cook's Rock Bottom Store J VST ARRIVED Large assortment Fancy Cakes 13c. alb.; 2 lbs. for 25c A LL ONE PRICE P. & G, SOAP 5 bars 16c Australian Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. for 23c 10c per lb QUALITY COCOA THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BIRTHS . CUDMORE'^-In Exeter, 011 Thursday‘ April 6th, to- " don Cud more, THOMSON—In pital, Loudon, Sth, to Mr. Thompson, a las). lUCW-To Mr of Greenway daughter (stillborn). KERBLAKE • - At Londesboro, March 20 th. to Mr. and Arthur Korslako, Exeter, a (Robert Harrison). Mr. and Mrs, a son. St. Joseph's on Saturday, _ . aand Mrs. Douglas! sou (William Doug-1 CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. B. Cook and family visited with friends in St. Thoma*Gor- IIos- 011 Suud!Dr- April mid Mrs. W. Hicks; on April 3rd, ai I on Mrs. son,a Special Blend TEA MARRIAGES ANDERSON -SQUIRE—At the tralia Mouse on Wednesday, 5th, Edna Mae, daughter of Air and Mrs. Harvey P. Squire, of Blanshard, to James Earl Ander­ son, son of Mr. James Anderson of Usborne, by Rev. A. V. Robb. Com Apri* M, SAN1FLUSH 27c a pound 25c per can CORN — PEAS TOMATOES 3 cans 25c Hot X Buns i Middleton’s Bakery for ■ Good Friday morning. Phone Phono your order tc Bakery for delivery 52. YOU CAN SPEND YOUR DOLLARS WISELY AT Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter Phone 58 We Deliver Free Drawing! Marshall Better Bedding Week <i 3 $25.00 Marshall Spring Mattresses being Given Away hardware merchant, a central ana very desirable business location. Terms of Sale Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance in 30 days thereaf­ ter without interest. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bi<4- Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day or sale or may be had upon application to the undersigned. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exetei and Hensall, Mortgagee’s Solici­ tors. Miss J. Spencer, of St Thomas, is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. Mr. Wm. Colwill left this ween for the West. He took with him Messrs. Bill Wells and Ivan Hodgins to work on his farms. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins visited with friends in West Lome on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. George Baynliam Jr., and family visited with friends in London on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Boyes is visiting het daughter, Mrs. Elm©:1 Wilson. Mrs. Wilson and young son were able to return to their home on Saturday of last week. Mr. Sam. Baskerville is visiting his brother, Mr. C. Baskerville, who is very seriously ill at his home here- On Tuesday afternoon of last weejc Mrs, Lloyd Hodgson's group of the Women's Association held a quilting in the basement of the church, a dainty supper was served and the proceeds went to Mrs. Hodgson’s group. On Wednesday evening the same group spent a. social evening at the home of Mrs. Ed. Walper. Lunch was served and a small fee charged j The proceeds went to Mrs. Hodg-| son’s group. O11 Tuesday evening the Sacred Drama grims of the Way” • the Auburn United hers of the Young of this church. The this church were the Auburn Young County Shield and were defeated by a small margin. On Friday evening of this week the Society will pre­ sent the same drama in t:lie Oredi- ton Evangelical Church. The April meeting of the Women’s Association was held in the school­ room of the church on Thursday ev­ ening, April 6th, with a large at­ tendance present. The president. Mrs. W. Bowden was in the ehair. The meeting was opened by the use of hymn 125 after which Mrs. Albert Mitchell led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read from Psalm 91 by Mrs. Ceeil Skinner. Hymn 232. a short business session then took place after which hymn 150 wa? s’.-nc. Air. .Toha icsserv was chairman evening. umbers were reiider- briV made :o Cha: Regan I will He give; months J from 227 g Kruschen and Walking Overweight men who want to lose a few pounds can have the benefit of this man’s experiences, them for publication:— "In a little over twelve have reduced my weight lbs. tp 164 lbs., by taking a dose of Kruschen Salts every morning fox- six mouths and taking walking ex­ ercise every day. This remarkable achievement is all the more inter­ esting when one considers that 1 did not resort to any form of diet­ ing,”—G. L. B. You can take off fat with Kruschen Salts if you will take one-half tea­ spoon in hot water every morning before breakfast, modify your diet and exercise regularly. While you are losing fat you will be gaining in energy- —-in ambition, won’t hold you want to be up and doin; enjoy work and i and you’ll sleep like a. top. You'll lose fat, and probably live ten year? longer. -in endurance The old arm chair any more—you’ll sr—you’ll | * MORTGAGE SALE --- of --- Under and by virtue of the pow­ ers of sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at time of sale, the undersigned will offer for sale at the offices Carling1 & Morley, Exeter, — ON — SATURDAY, APRIL 29tli, at 2 o’clock p.m. valuable residential property and being in the Vill- , in the County or Huron, and being composed of parts of Lots numbers 26 and 27 on the west side of Carlin, of .Sanders Street Lots numbers 5 00 ing to Municipal number 20). This property is and on the premises are situate a 2-storey brick residence and a com­ bination stable and garage (both buildings in good repair) hard and soft water; a good sized garden with fruit, small fruits and ornamental trees. Residence equipped with elec- ’tric light. TERMS OF SALE 10 Per cent, on day of sale and balance in thirty days. For further 'terms and particulars apply to MESSRS CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagee or to FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, Exe­ ter, Ontario. That I situate of Ontario 1933 IUU uumg-------yuu 14active recreation, ^ge oi Exeter, j TJ ti »♦ /-» -»a m ft 1-* m »■ ! ANDERSON—SQUIRE A quiet but pretty wedding ! place at Centralia manse on Wed- | nesday, April 5th when Rev. A. V. Robb united in marriage Edna Jfrae daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey P. Squire, of Blanshard, and James Earl Anderson, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. James Anderson, of Us- borno Township. The bride was prettily attired In beige silk lace gown over pink silk crepe and wore the groom’s gift, a lovely necklace and carried a shower bouquet of Sweetheart Roses. The bride's sister, Mrs, Arnold Hern wearing her wedding gown of orchlu chiffon was matron of honor wlitle Mr. Arnold Hern supported the groom. Dinner was served at the home of (lie bride by her two cousins. Misses Mary Morley and Gladys Squire. The table was prettily decorated and centred with a four-storey bride’s cake. Amid showers of good wishes and confetti the young couple left on aj motor trip to Brantford, Toronto and other places. The bride’s travel­ ling costume was in a becoming shade of blue. On their return they will reside on the groom's fine farm in Usborne Township. In loving memory, roses were placed on ho groom’s mother, 1 the bride’s Jean Hern in Exeter took i GET FREE ENTRY COUPONS HERE the the Mrs. little bride’s graver Ander- neice ceme*. ROAV1 ENTRIES MUST BE MADE ON OR BEFORE APRIL 22nd Alodein Homed need dttlacttoe Walid! ★noted fol it& Panelled, variously tinted walls are well within reach of the average pocket. You can modernize interiors with a little skill and S-W Flat- Tone __which, in a range of delicate shades, makes unusual decorative combinations for new walls and old. Flat-Tone is eeonomical-«as each quart covers a large surface; it stays clean and beautiful—being easy*to wash., And it has the durable body and pure Ingredients that identify ShenvinAX-Tlliams products. To see whatSAV Flat-Tone nviII do for the walls and ceilings of your home, come in and examine our tint folder on this re­ markable 'paint texture’ BESIDES THE BEST BRAND OF PAINT WE HAVE All House Cleaning Requisites DRY and TREATED MOPS . KINDS FLAXOAP in fact .everything * v..< 45c. to SI .50 The fcrcmt vomIc for cleaning paant, floors, •walls ®s?d where soap is needed BRING IN YOUR COLEMAN LAMP OR LANTERN ON FRIDAY, APRIL M AND HAVE IT REPAIRED BY AN EXPERT FROM' THE FACTORY. SEE 'LATER ANNOUNCEMENT g of last week i, entitled "Pil- was presented in Church by mem- People’s Society Young People or -contesting With : People for the WHALEN g Street, North (now known as and 501, accora- compiled4- plan Mr. aud Mrs. Melville Gunning were in Lucan Saturday. Messrs. Ernest Foster and George Lewis spent Saturday in London. Mr. Clark Sherville left Monday for his home in London Twp. Clark was engaged for the past season with Mr. Wilson Morley and will be greatly missed in this Mrs. Alice Gunning Mrs. Wm. To ok ye, of Sunday visitors of Mr. Earl, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer, of Lon­ don, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.; Tlws. -Morley on Sunday. I Master Raymond Hodgson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, has I been confined to his bed suffering; from bronchitis and pleurisy during; the ing centrally located :. Mr. John Essery was the remainder of the following •man's address, reading nedy, quartette by Mrs. Mrs. Penwarden. Mr. Reyes H. Buswell; piano duett Esserv and Mrs. Penwarden by Jean Thompson. Mrs. A. convenor of group No.l was Ke ;*y. Mr. A. ed: Chai: V;ss E>se: . nd • ending Mitehell then called on and reported that her group had raised $110.00. Mrs. T, Willis, convenor of group No. 2 rep­ orted that her group had raised $150.11. Mrs. L. Hodgson, convenor of group No. 3 reported that her group had raised $132. 25. making a total of $392.36. Mr. Elliott then moved a hearty vote of thanks tc the ladies. After several short speeches hymn 109 was sung and Mr. John Essery closed the meeting. Lunch was served by the Association SPECIAL— Beautiful bouquets spring flowers. 75c. and $1.00 Grieve’s Drug Scare. of at iI i community. ; and Mr. and i Lucan, were; and Mrs. Jas. past week. At the time of writ- his condition is much improved CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE of valuable fam property in. the Township of Tuckersmith Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale , the undersigned will offer for sale ar Commercial Hotel, Hensall ' on TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1933 at 3 o’clock p.m. The property known as Lot Number j SECTIONMEN LAID OFF j With a view to economy on ___ ,i part of the railroad half of the sec- j tionmen, -on the London. Huron and » Bruce Branch of the C. N. R. are be- 1 ing laid off. Formerly the seventy I mile track between London and ! Wingham was kept in repair by ten . section gangs of one foreman ana ‘ two helpers, each gang patrolling ’seven miles of track. Now the patrol ■ has been switched to fourteen mile? ;and every other gang has been latte, ‘.off. The Exeter gang will now hare joare of the track from the bridge ‘north of Exeter to Lucan crossing Mr. George Flynn, foreman at Clan- ■ deNoy e, is taking the place of Mr William Cutting here, the latter T?e- transferred to New Hamburg ' Thomas Flynn, of Clandeboye also move to Exeter. The Hen-i gang under Mr. Thomas Shad-- hare charge from th? Clinton, the Rrncefieiu gang having been cut out. Mr. Jos Addison, foreman at Rrucefield go­ es to the- Chatrr.-Godorich line and Mr. Grainger, of Fr:.:.ei;s-’.5 is being t-ans.fe-rred to HensoU. Denfield Londe shore or. 5 Belgrave gangs are- being dispensed with. ing ’Mr. will sail dork will bridge to the and C.C.F. OUTLINED ftvrs, race 2 * as as LLss MaFhml sf-vsrfly the Ssak Art. "All the stfah? stealrtg frtrt ‘h? t-ssvy:-' are " "Give h'e Rtrak Art srd 5 vc-nld r.rt h-eak a bntk, ‘ ttv speak**. The J* C. F. 1? ar. rtcrt.iy-.rt .rt Lae statSlts hat rt.-wd L't ertiUrtt art ae.svprtLitas. The speak* st smd theTt was ro ■rart4? ze f.gh: far the htead we eat. the Krtkiag we weay az3 the rente real yet heztes thnx there ts te Jight L’f the water we Stank. U-a-cpertvrtZj ts pas*. Ke hern ass- there ;s satf.r* iert fill The .ayrtnasti: syslers* is grttlfig as 2artk£r rtte 5eh.t The J F. TrtTtw th take ertttwi a. rreiit afcS issne a th a ■k:ter.U?Jr way They pre pres taking ever the sattirhl *e&r.arre? that have seetb st yen JrtiSti the $eajne With snth re&fffis the GT1F. WO ha.Id ewtanu: systea that is hxss&ii, ses Vutg the i-‘-? •Gsoda. — of — Farm Stock and Tmplenients der virtue e>f a Chattel Mortgage Zwicker by Matthew ell by Public Auction Thirteen (13) in the Third fSrdi - on — I.ots 17 and is Townline. Township McGillivray Two miles East of Mt. Carmel — ON — SATURDAY. APRIL 13. 1983 at o'clock the following: Heavy horse. 9 years old: heavy Bay horse. 9 years old: one Bay mare in foal: one Bay horse colt, b years old: two 2-year-oId steers. 2 McCormick binders. Frost & Wood cultivator. 6-piete diamond harrows, land roller. Bissel disc lumber wagon and rack. .M H. ier- and the balance in 30 days’thereaf- tiliaer drill, set bobsleighs. 2 sets ter without interest. The property harness. 2-furrow plow, walking will be offered for sale subject to a plow and other articles too numer-, reserved bid. cis to mention. This is surplus stock which required Concession, London Road Survey, oi the said Township, containing 100 acres of land more or less, and the South part of Lot Number Ten (10) in the Eleventh and Twelfth il2th> Concessions of the said Township containing 51 acres more or less. On the property is a bank barn brick house, new r dairyhouse, good about 10 acres, and property is said to and drained. Terms of drive shed ana hardwood bu^h good wells. The i be well fenceo Sale Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale is FRANK FRANK by Mr. Regan. TERMS—CASH COATES. Clerk. TAYLOR. Auctioneer. 1 Further terms and conditions of noi' sale will be made known on day or sale or may be had upon application to the undersigned. , GLADMAN & STANBURY, i and tors. Exeter Hensall, Mortgagee’s SolicL 3 MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Stephen. 3 Under and by virtue of the power, contained in a certain mortgage which will he produced at the the undersigned will -offer for — At — Fahner's Hotel, Cred icon — ON — SATURDAY. APRIL 22nd. 1983 al 11 a.m. The property known as the Wes:-, erly seventy acres of Lot Number and vacant lot being''also Twenty-one in the South Bonn-'same lot together with the dary Concession of the said Town-‘trade. ship of Stephen in the County of Huron. On the property is a bri.k house and frame hank barn and rock well with windmill. There are S acre? in fall wheat and id acres in alfalfa TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, cf the purchhs? money to be paid <n the day of sate and the balance in days thereaf­ ter with.-u: interest. The property will be effect d for sale subject to - reserved bid. Farther terms and conditions of sale well be made- kno'ftn on day er sale. may be bad upon app.uati.'n to the undersigned. GLADMAN STANBURY. Solicitors for Mortgagee. Exeter Ontario. TENDERS WANTED Estate of Thomas J. Hall,the Merchant in Bankruptcy. Tenders will be received by the Trustee in Bankruptcy of the Estate sale cf Thomas j. Hall, of Mt. Carmel, in sale,; the Township of Stephen, merchant, ; for the sale of the assets of the , Estate as follows: j PARCEL I-—The residence pre- ■perty being part of Lot 24, S. B. Stephen 35 ft by 24 ft. PARCEL II—-The store In property part of stock in for par-Tenders may be sent in eels 1 and 2 together and also sep­ arately and must be in the hands of the undersigned not later than April 22nd, The highest or any other tender not necessarily accept­ ed. C- G. MIDDLETON. Trustee in Bankruptcy. Court House, Goder­ ich. Out. GLADMAN \ STANBURY. Solceit* ors for Estate. Exeter. Ont. GEORGE HICKS. Inspector, Cen­ tralia. Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Xotice is hereby given that all per­ sons having claims against the estate ef JACOB FlNKBKtNER. late of the Township of Stephen in the County !(Of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the IfJth day of February ’ are required to forward their «.u,v pi’vwu io m. artjoer •& whrth“w^ be yrodnoea at the'lime Unh rl sa.t. the undersigned will offer A.D. I And notice is farther given that after the said date, the oxeenters wiR proceed to distribute the estate MORTGAGE SALE Of vakaablo property in the Village1 of HensaR ;he tafiSeysignM will offer/ J®*?" for sale at ' ........................ 'Tlie ComtnerohR HmoJ, lleaxsnll Tuesday. Am ism wma 4 to <r M OO o’clock p.m. The property krewr. as par; of Lm which they then shall have notice. NumberHundred nkd Worn A six -dSf® > on the South Side e! King- ; Street in ICrtr's. Survey in the mid .Village M Wnsa'l Jrt the prup-rtv is the store jffawts.rty wW by 5V. A. McJmrtm Mkhtiol Louida Fitikbemor teemtm, r.r. CrMttba. Fihkbeinot. FhYkheiner.