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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-04-06, Page 8
THURSDAY, AVRIL 0, 1033 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ORDER NOW! EASTER LILIES “Choicest Quality” Extra large blooms Otir Easter Lilies are cool Grown stock, Short and Medium Height PRICE 20c. A BLOOM Grieve’s Drugstore “Flowers that Last” Of course there’s a icertain amount of luck in bridge—a good deal de pends on a good deal. Exeter Markets Wheat 60c Oats, 34c. Barley 40c Shorts $1.00 Bran $1.00 Manitoba’s Best $2.30 Model flour $2,10' Welcome flour $1.90 Low Grade Flour $1.25 Rolled Oat Groats, $1.70 Creamery butter 26, 28 and Dairy Butter 22c. Eggs, extra, 11c.. Eggs, firsts 9 c . Eggs, seconds 8c Hogs $5.50 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J. Bernard Rhodes,, M, A. I Minister j Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist 10 a.m.—iSunday School KHntra ofMrs. W. Stone was the winner the Bluenose Rug Contest conducted by Southcott Bros, and for her prize she received a beautiful china tea set. There were nineteen en tries in the contest and it was with some difficulty that the judges made their award. The judges were Miss Netta Keddy, Mrs. T. S. Woods Mrs. W. Martin, and the Es- Owing to numerous requests religious drama ‘‘The Dream of ther” will be reproduced in James Street United Church, Thursday ev ening of this week. FOR SALE—I team draft horses rising 4 and 6 years, good workers. Can be bought at terms of sale to responsible party.—Jas. Broadfoot, Hensall R. R. No. 1. tfc. Machinery reasonable machinery. Now is the time to look over your Seeding and Harvesting for repairs. Work at prices. All kinds of new farm New and second hand Cream Sep arators. Twine and rope at reduced prices. Also agents for Beatty Equipment International Harvester Co., Dash-j wood, Ont. 4-6-2tpJ An auction sale of household ef fects will be held at the home of the late Miss H. Kinsman, Tuesday, Ap ril 11th. See advt. on page 4. FARMERS I ! We have a set of heavy traces, with hames in good cheap. A new set of team harness for as low as $25.00. We grind clipper plates 50c. per pair for machine clippers and 25 c. pair for hand clippers.—W. J. Beer team shape, HOUSE TO RENT—On Ann St. Possession any time. Apply to Mrs. Jas. Brintnell. FOR SALE—-2 used hand wash ing machines; 2 used hand clothes wringers; 1 used typewriter; 1 used Norge electric refrigerator.— Beaver’s Hardware OLD TIME DANCING —At Wat son’s Hall, Kippen, every Friday night. Good Music. Admission 2>5c. 30c. j “ j LOCALS I i______________ I Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hind visited Wednesday in London. Mr. C. C. Pilon, of Windsor, the week-end with his family Mr. Reg. Beavers, spent the week-end here. Mr. Chas. ill foi* some vo r ably. Mr. Harry Yates visited on Sunday in Exeter and Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dinney, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. J. noil-jury Court at Mrs. J. LOCALS of Ft. at his spent here. Erie, home Pearce, time is beenwho has progressing fa- West and M'iss Evelyn attended the the County Tuesday. home 11 a.m.—Rev. John McNair D, D,, of London 7 p.m.—Dr. McNair Tuesday, April lltli, 8 p.m.—-Un-* ion Service, Rev. Mr. Peters, Elim-] vill© will preach. Everyone invited. Good Friday, April 14tli—Union Communion Service at 10.30 a.m,, conducted by Revs. Jas. Anthony M. A. Hunt and J. B. Rhodes. Every one invited. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A.,B.D„ Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader —The Minister. p.m.—'Sunday School. p.m.—Cantata by the Choir "From Olivet to Calvary” Thursday evening of this week, the pageant “‘Dream or Esther” is being repeated. Wednesday, April 12th, Union .service. Rev. Mr. Young, of Hen sall, as speaker. 11 3 ; 7 : a.m.- New Spring Coats for Ladies We are showing some very smart styles and materials in Ladies’ Spring Coats. You will be surprised at the lower prices. We invite you to see them. W. Winer. G. Stanbury session of Goderich on N. Hill returned Sunday after a pleasant visit with her sons in Hamilton and Toronto. Miss Catheryn Woods, of London, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Woods over the week end. Mrs. C .P. Harvey has moved from Huron Street into the residence re cently vacated by Mrs. J. T. Miners on Albert street. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. IJewell returned , to their home last week after spend- i ing the winter with their family at London and Mt. Bridges. Rev. Frances, Ont., spent a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones, -of McGillivray Township. Miss Beatrice Clark, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hind on Sunday and called on other friends here and at Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wildfong visited with Mr. and Mrs. Grassiick Holmesville one evening , Mrs. Wildfong remained days. Mr. Ed. Penhale has family from the 2nd concession of Usborne, to his former place of resi dence on the W. E. Sanders’ farm, Lake Road. Dr. Wm. Lawson and Mr. Robert Andrews, barrister, of Listowel, spent the week-end with the form er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Law- son. Little Miss Mary Kirk, who un derwent an operation last week in the Children’s Hospital, London, for MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—(Special service in connect ion with the W. M. S. Easter thankoffering. The address will be given by Mrs. A. E. Elliott, Ladies’ choir. The Mission Band will also sing. 11 3 7 p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—The Minister. Thursday—Union Service. Preacher, Rev. M. Parker, of Hen sail. J. Edward Jones, of Fort TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlenaiss PALM SUNDAY The Procession of Palms sick neai g gg a —,jjo]y Communion last week. I . , „for a few 11 a,m-—'Moniln£ Prayer and Ser- 1 mon. The Royal Progress of Kings, Palms in “Who is This.” Anthem—“The Palm (Fiaure) p.m.'—Sunday School tor’s Bible Class. p.m.—Evensong and “The coming of the King.” Solo—“Open the Gates of the moved his of the King their Hands, Tree”. 3 7 and the Rec- Sermon. FOR SALE OR RENT—Comfort- .able frame cottage, west side Main appendicitis is getting along splen- Street, north of river, Exeter. Glad- di£y and is expected home thm man & Stanbury. ..... .. home this 3-30-tf. PERMANENTS $3.50 and $5.00 Phone 245 for appointment L. Stackhouse FOR SALE OR RENT— Brick house on corner of Andrew and Hill Sts., east of Caven Church. Imine- diaet possession. Apply to Mrs. Fred Hogarth, R. 1, Exeter, phone Credi- ton 18rl5. SEED BARLEY FOR SiALE—Apply to Alvin Essery, Centralia. N. W. MILLER Issuer of Motor-Licenses Also Trailers up to 2,000 pounds Phone 62w CLINTON,ONT. BABY CHICKS 8c. CHICKS 7c. Large bodied White Leghorns After April 15th 8c. After May 1st 7c. Hatching Eggs 10c. per dozen over market price. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM Kenneth Wein, Dashwood BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks under Govern ment Approval. All flacks are cull ed and banded by government In spectors. We hatch Barred Rocks White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns. Anconas, Jersey Black Giants, White Indian Runner Ducks. Write for free catalogue. Custom hatching .03c per egg, by the tray of eggs. We guarantee your chicks back.—A. H. Switzer, Gran ton, Ont. 128 own NEW HEEL HUGGER SHOES FOR SPRING A fit for every foot and a style for ev ery eye. Regain the joy of youthful feet. All widths and sizes. NEW PRINTED RAYONS Showing some very up to date patterns and colorings at the new low price. PER YARD 35c. NEW CHIFFON SILK HOSE This is a new spring number and comes in the newest shades for spring. Made by Circle Bar Hosiery PER PAIR 79c. THISTLE BLOOM YARN This beautiful yarn comes in every wanted shade. Our customers like this yarn. Try it. PER BALL 15c. Display of Hooked Mats this Week. We invite you to, come and see^the beautiful hooked mats that were entered in our Bluenose Rug Contest. The judges awarded the beautiful prize, a China Tea Set to Mrs. W. Stone. MEN’S BILTMORE FELT HATS Showing the newest shapes and shades all at lower prices for this season $2.50 to $3.50 MEN’S PLAIN BLUE OVERALLS The best value we have seen in years. Well made, good and roomy SPECIAL AT $1.00 MEN’S FINE SHIRTS Separate or attached collars. This is our new spring line. The patterns are very pleasing $1.25 and $1.50 NEW OXFORDS FOR MEN Priced in keeping with the times. These smart oxfords are good fitters and are spec ial value at per pair $2.75 and $3.00 Special Offer for 10 Days Only We have arranged with a first class decorator to hang paper on any ordinary size bed room for $1.98. Come in and select paper from any of our Sunworthy patterns and as a special inducement for 10 days we offer you special prices on all good patterns from April 1st to April 10th. Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Golden Spray Cheese Spreads like butter 2 1-2 lb. pkgs. 19c. Forest City Baking Powder 1 lb. tin 19c. Chick Oatmeal , Good for young chicks 10 lbs. 24c. SPECIAL—I LB. TIN CRISCO (WITH TEA STRAINER)FOR ................................... 21c. Aylmer Catsup Large bottle 10c. each Challenge Corn Starch 2 pkgs. 17c. Princess Soap Flakes 2 large pkgs. 25c. EDUCATOR TOASTED CHEESE THINS (Very Nice) . ........................... per pkg. 15c. Choice Quality Corn 4 cans 25c. | McCormicks Crispy Sodas 2 lb. box 25c. Gem Lye Per tin 10c. Southcott Bros. W. R. Gouldsng A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ i Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. ‘ You may not believe in astrology, but THURSDAY, APRIL 13th is your lucky day. With every “Clothes .of Quality” order on that day we will givegave a week I Mr. W. W. Lawrence, teller at the Bank of Montreal, left Saturday for Drumbo where he will be re lieving Howey cash. At a Walkerton sponsored by the Tuxis Boys of the St. Paul’s United church we note that Dr. Geo. Hind was chairman filling the position in a happy and efficient manner. Rev. Dr. Smart, of Ailsa Craig, was the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Young People’s Guild of Caven Pjresbyterian Church on Monday evening. His address was on his visit to Egypt and was most interesting. We are pleased to state that Mrs. Ann Collingwood, who has been nineteen weeks in the Hamilton Hospital recovering from a serious operation is able to be up a each day. Her many friends for heir speedy recovery. Mr. C. W. Kestle, who has with the Supertest Seaforth is moving to he will have charge of ing station here. The have taken over the Erie Gas station and the Erie Gas tanks at the depot. Two car loads of brethren from the Mhsonic Order were at Seaforth on Monday evening attending an ev ening of Masonic Education in the iSeaforth Lodge room. Rt. Wor. Bro. Gregory D.D.G.M. of Stratford, and Rt. Wor. Bro. Myers, of Mit chell, took part in the proceedings. Several rains have visited section during the past few April showers being much in ence. On Sunday evening 6.30 a very beautiful rainbow adorn ed the eastern sky, “The roads around town and throughout the country have been in a bad condi tion owing to the frost coming out and in a few piaces have broken through. A few automobiles have boon mlrod and had to be pulled out. .. .... An auction sale of household fects will he hAH at the homo of fh< j late Miss H. Kinsman, Tuesday, Ap* 1 rll 11th, See advt. on page 4. for three weeks. Mr. is taking his plaice on re- M. the Father and Son Banquet in little hope been Company at Exeter where the distribut- Supertest Co. At the regular meeting of the James St. Young People’s Society on Thursday evening Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Tfivitt Memorial Church very inspirational talk on “The Ro mance of Religion” which was very earnest and sincere and much ap preciated by the Young People. ' A reading was. given by Miss Lily Hunter and an instrumental by Miss 'Laurene Beavers. CHECKER TOURNAMENT LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 Free of Charge Extra Trousers We have made arrangements to have MR. PARK Head Office representative of the Berger Tailoring Company at our store on the above date. Concurrent with his visit we are offer ing free, extra trousers with every “Clothes of Quality” suit or dered. The Berger “Clothes of Quality” Dominion. They have won their place through ity and value. We have the new .Spring and Summer range play in readiness are famous throughout the outstanding qual- Four checker players from town visited Hensail Thursday evening of last week and enjoyed a friendly tournament with the Hensall play ers. Four games were played with each of the other players.Exeter players were successful in icarry- ing off the honors. The results were as follows; Hensall W D Total J. Zuefle ........... 3 6 12 J. Robertson ...... ‘7 1 15 Dr. 'Mbir ........... 4 6 14 W. iSangster ...... 4 4 12 Total .............. 53 Exeter W D Total A. Brintnell ....12 0 24 Jas. Sweet .......10 3 23 I. Hirtzel .......2 7 11 J. M. Southcott 5 6 16 Total ........................... 74 A class of fifty will graduate next month from the Victoria Hospital training school, graduation to be on May 29th. Among the graduates are Misses Avis Lindenfield and Annie iSiimmons, of town, Miss Mar jorie Hunter, of Usborne, Miss O. Walker, of R.R. No. 1, Hensall, Miss M. Chcwn and Miss T. Blair, of Lu- $24.00 w. this days, evid- about HOGARTH BABY CHICK hatchery Phone 184 Eketer, Ont Baby Chicks, Rocks $12.00; Leg horns $10.00 till ............... Of 300 or over, per chick more. Poultry Feeds, Shell, GHt, God Meal, 2“ , Bring us your market eggs or poul- j late Miss H« Kinsman, Tuesday, Ap- try. Custom Hatching. April 15th Ifi lots less than 300, 1c Beef Meal, oyster Liver Oil, Alfalfa Cello-Glass, iSU-Lite, etc for his and your coming. z> , Berger “Clothes EXGLUSVE DEALER of fabrics on dis- of Quality” W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT.PHONE 81 FRESH FROM THE COB EASTER CAND.Yt— Boomer’s Chocolates 50c. and $1.00; Easter novelties, Aylmer Choice quality Corn Good quality Corn Aylmer Aylmef 3 for Sauerkraut, 2 large t. Soups .. 10c. or 3 for Aylmer Apple butter in your own con tainers $1.00 per gal. Peanut Butter 11-oz. jars 15c. Jumbo Sweet Peas 15ic Grieves’ Drugstore EASTER FLOWERS— Lilies j flowering plants and cut flowers. Order now. GENUINE IMPORTED CANARIES— make a wonderful Easter gift— guaranteed singers $6.50 each. $1.00 VAWE FOR 59c.—Buy a 50d. box of Day Dream face powder and get another 50 c. Day Dream toilet article for 9 c, FARMERS—Treat your grain with *'u>l*strehgth Formaldehyde. GRIEVES' DRUGSTORE Assorted Yarns 15c. to 19c. a skein Try a pound of Fig Biscuits at li5c. lb. You will want more Prove our reputation for quality, service and price. WE DELIVER Special for Lenten Season, Smoked Fillets, large 10c. a pound for one wfeek High Grade Soap, cellophane of 4 for 9c. wrapped, pkg. Cann’s Union Stores PHONE 115