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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-04-06, Page 5
IWW THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1933 Port Dov- with bls the week- and games were indudged in and a delicious lunch wa,s served, The Late Robert M. Bell The funeral of the late Robt M. Bell took place from his home a mile and a quarter west of Hensail on Monday afternoon and was large ly attended, interment taking place in the Hensall Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were all neighbours of the deceased. On Thursday Mr. Bell went to the bush with team to haul some wood and returning at his usual time in evening his brother became alarmed and went in search of him and found him lying dead in the woods. Dr. O’Dwyer, Coroner, was called and pronounced his death due to heart failure. Mr, Bell w,as the eldest son of the late Paul and Mrs. Bell and lived all his life on the farm just west of Hensall and was held in the highest esteem by the whole com munity. He was a prominent farmer owning a number of farms. He was never married and lived on the home farm with his brother John, and sister, Jean. He was in his 76th year. He leaves to - mourn his loss two brothers, John and Wm., of Hay Twp, and three sisters, Miss Jean at home, Miss Margaret, of Hensall and Mrs. Duncan .Stewart, of the’London Road, besides many of the Bell relatives district. The Oddfellows of the Lodge held a social evening day in honour of Mr. Lloyd Progressive euchre was for the first part of resulting as follows: prize, Mrs. Fred Manns Mr. Gordon Parker, Marion Detroit months attend- by the Hudson left for For- over his new duties as the C.N. R. station friends of Mr. Thomas to hear he is M'r. T, C. Joynt made a business trip to Toronto last week. Mr, Henry Horton has taken back his farm from the Robins estate, Mrs. E. S. Hudson spent the week-end with friends in London. Mr, Earnest Bates spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. Miss Helen Smith visited a day last week with friends in London. Rev. M. B. Parker spent a day last week with friends in London. Miss Thelma Hudson, of London visited on Sunday at her home here Mr. David Cantelon shipped out a carload of onion sets this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson spent the week-end with relatives in Tor onto. Miss Dorothy Thompson, of Lon don, spent the week-end at her home here. M'rs. O!rvil;le Beaver, of Exeter, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Rose", of London, was a Sun day visitor with the Misses Mc Ewan. Mr. Wm. Simpson, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives in town. Miss Hazel /Morenz visited over the week-end with her parents at Dashwood. Misses Gladys Passmoi’e and Dor othy McLean spent Wednesday in London. Mr. Harold Scruton, of er, spent the week-end mother here. Mrs. A. Foster spent end with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Hart, of Toronto'. Mrs. Mark Drysdale and Mrs. J. W. Peck spent a day last week with friends in London. Misses Mae Simpson and Prevost have returned to after spending the winter here. * Quite a number from here ed the euchre party put on Legion at Exeter on Wednesday ev ening. Mr. Lloyd rest to take assistant at there. The many Welsh will be sorry confined to his home with a severe attack of gall bladder trouble. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Young en tertained the choir of the Presby terian Church on Friday evening and a very pleasant time was spent. The Hensall Spring Show of hor ses and cattle will be held here on Tuesday April 11th. The directors are making every effort to make this show a success and a good prize list is assurred. The play put on by the Young People of Narin, was very success fully given in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. This play entitled "Mollie Baum” was a drama in three acts and was under the aus pices of the Welfare Youth’s Club of the 'Carmel Presbyterian church. Services in our local churches were well attended on (Sunday last, At the United Church -Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit and a solo was given by Miss Annie Smith in the morning and in the evening a quartette by Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs. Hess, Messrs. W. A. Goodwin and S. Rennie. At the Carmel Presbyter ian Church Rev. G. M. Young, of Nairn, delivered very inspiring dis courses and several fine anthems were rendered at both services. Owing to so much wet weather ■the roads are getting into a bad condition and will need a great deal of repair to put them into, shape again. Last year the County Engin eer spent $125,000’ on the County roads of which the Provincial High way Depar)tmen)t paid half. Th© Highway Department has instructed the Engineer to keep the expendi ture down to $7(5,00,0 so there will be little new work done this year. It is probable that the County Council will just ask for one mill rate this year instead of one and a half for County Highways. The Welfare Youth Club, of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held their meeting on Monday evening, After the opening exercises Scripture Lesson was read by Bengough followed by a Scout ter’s address on Self Esteem by Young. The topic was given by Mr. Roy McLaren. The Mission Band of the United Church held their regular meeting on Thursday afternoon. After the exercises the (Scripture Lesson was given by Gladys Siaundercock after- which the following program was given: reading by, Norma Cook; solo, Billie Higgins; reading, Pearl Harpole; duet Kathei'yne Drysdale and Ruth Coles afterwhich the top< ic was given by Mrs. Ed. /McQueen and the meetng closed with the Miz pah Benediction. The C. G. L T. Glee Club held their .regular meeting on Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Gladys Passmore. The meeting was in the form of a social. After the opening exercises the, following program was givdn: reading, Alice Higgins; in strumental, Graice Brock; solo, Olive Brock; duet, Gladys PassmWe and Dorothy McLean; reading Margaret Johns; solo, Bella Smale; piano duet, Grace Brock and Gladys Pass-’ more; reading, instrumental, reading Olive the Jas Mas- Rev. Dorothy McLean; Gladys Passmore; Lemmon. Contests last the not the a great in this Hensail on Fri- I-Iudson CREDITON •On Thursday evening of last week the Living Links and Live Wires classes met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fahrner. T!he classes after re-electing their officers for the coming conference year, combin ed in games and contests. The W. M. S. of the Evangelical 'Church will hold a baking sale at F. W. Morlock’s store on Thursday April 13 th, Mr. Everett Haist, of Zurich spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haist. Mrs. Haist is at present on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Misses Alma, /Smith, Lyla Haist and Erma Fahner, of London, ^pent Sunday at their respective homes. Mrs. Mary Wenzel has returned home having spent the past weeks with her children in Detroit. Mrs. J. MacDonald and son, Fred and Paul Trask, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fahner. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Maclsaac and babe, of Detroit, spent Sunday with the formers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Maclsaac. Mrs. Maclsaac is re maining here for a week. A number from here motored to Arkona on Saturday and witnessed the blowing up of the "dam. Mrs. Richard Hill returned rfome from London on Siunday where spent the past few weeks with relatives. A great many will learn with gret of the death of a former Cred- iton lady, Henrietta Motz, wife of John Wurtz, of Pigeon, Mi/ch. She is survived by her bereaved husband 'four dren four S. J. D. D. G. M. indulged in the evening ladies’ first and gent’s, Lunch was served followed by a short program presided over by Mr. George Fee, Noble Grand. Addresses; were given by Ed. Dignan,. of Exe ter and Jas. Bowey, of Exeter, who we believe will be coming D. D. G. M. and Mr. G. C. Petty then pre sented Mr. Hudson with a lodge pin to which the ting reply, then called closed with ■Save the King.” Council latter made a very fit* G. J. (Sutherland was on the and the singing she her re- THE RED.&. BROKEN SODAS Extra Special {KETA SALMON, LARGE TINS...............................2>oipl9c. GOOD QUALITY BROOMS. 5-STRING................eac# 19c. = ■ ' 'x .....-ZZZ! Sweet Corn Tomatoes Good Quality .Peas EE: 3 tins for 25c.Large tin 3 for 25c.3 tins for 25c, OXYDOI large package........................ .M. . ......................................each 19c,EEE Blueberries Prizewinner Pineapple Clark’s Pork & Beans .mmmm Choice quality 10c. a tin No. 2 tin 2 for 21c.2 tins for 11c, DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, assorted flavors ..........................6 for 25c.1 Palmolive Soap Soap Chips Hillsdale Tea == 4 cakes for 21c.In bulk 3 lbs. 25c.per lb. 29c.n 3 lbs. for 25c. Golden Spray Cheese 1-2 lb. pkg. each 10c. Fresh Dates.............................4 lbs. for 25c. Sundryd Coffee........................ per lb. 43c. Peanut Butter in Bulk................per lb. 16c. Chocolate ’Mallow Biscuits .... 2 lb. 25c. Jumbo Salted Peanuts................per lb. 15c. Choice Cooking Figs.........3 lbs. for 25c. Fresh Herring .......................... per lb. 10c. FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.' Mrs. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of at office over the Post daughters, /sixteen, grandchil and one great-grandchild also brothers and one sister. Mr.! Motz, of London, is a brother and Mrs. Cecil Skinner, of Centralia a neice. S. S. Class Meeting Two S. S. Classes, the Living Links and Live Wires recently met at the Zurich, last three days of home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fah- ner to conduct their annual busi ness meetings and spend a few so- meeting J sial hours in this home. The elec-j of "God J’1*~ T ' Meeting The regular meeting of age Council was held Monday ev ening in the Council Chamber at 8 p.m. Councillors, Petty and Mick le absent. Minutes of the previous meetingi pinbeiner- were read. Jones and Spencer, that! the minutes be adopted as read. Car. | Mr. F. G. Bonthron, tax collector, • reported regarding unpaid taxes, | Same left to him to collect in the proper legal way. I - Communications read from Good. Roads Association, Ontario Town-1 ships’ Association and Co. Same filed. Bills and accounts lows: J. Passmore, hydro Paterson, license fire G. Hudson ,/charity, meals transients $17.50; T. C. Joynt, charity, Wolfe $9.60; Wesley Hayter, charity to Wolfe $3.9 0; W. J. White, charity, Moir $1.45; Scott’s Grocery, char ity, Wolfe $'3.17; T. E. Drmrtiond /charity, Wolfe, Moir, Hodge,rt $5.- 75; O. Twitchell, charity, Hodgert, 20c.; W. R. Davidson, charity, Coop er, Moir, Wolfe $12.20; S. Rannie charity, Wolfe and Hodgert $1.79; T. W. Parlmer, charity, Wolfe and Hodgert $5.68; G. F. Case. & Son, charity, Dougall, Hedden, Hodgert $34.75; G. F. Case & Son, cartage 75c.; coal, hall $2'5.015'; Bonthron & Drysdale, supplies $38.'55; J. Gang ster', adjusting a'ssesment $12.00; T. Welsh, ditto $12.00; C. McDonell ditto $12.00; total $2016.20. Jones and Spencer that accounts as read be paid except Bonthron & Drysdale’s and orders drawn on the treasurer for same. Carried. Spencer and Jones that the School Board, be charged $10.00,; the Hy dro Commission $10.00; and the Public Library $5.00 as their share of the auditing expenses. Carried. Spencer and Jones that we now adjourn. Jas. Paterson, Clerk the Vill- week and Office, in week. wjll beI Confirmation service held in the Lutheran Church on Sun- i day, April 9th. tion among the members of the Liv-I •R®v’ ,Jl Haugh conducted the ing Links resulted as follows: Pres. «erviae 111 the Evangelical church on Maurgreette Amy; vice-pres., Helen pu®s<^ay evening. Telfer; secretary, Gertrude Amy;] Mr. M. Anderson, of London', has ----- - - ■ /rented Mr. p. Mclsaac’s house andtreas. Norma Finkbeiner; plianist, 11 eatea Mr. Mcisaa>c s non Elva Wuerth; reporter and librarian Itake possession May 1st. (Evelyn Sippell. The covenors of 111 a meetmg of the voting committees are: Social, Carrie Fall- 2*er, of Lutiieian ■ c^u riRi" Plnwer a.nd Cheer. Norma -Dashwood, Ont. on Maich 231ner; Flower and Cheer, Norma ; decorating, M. Amy; missionary committee, Gladys Ratz; finance, Elva Wuerth. The girls were the invited guests to the poys’ class, and the rest of the evening was spent ( in very enjoyable games. The boys’ also conducted their annual election the result of which appears in an- ( | other item. A hearty vote of thanks* A. Murray & ( wag tendered to the host and hostess I and their son Clarence for the con-1 geniality of their home. Sacramental services will ducted at the Evangelical both morning and evening, invites all members and adherents to partake. Brief sermons will be de-i Iivered in order to give more spirit-! ual attention to the sacramental. part. j An interesting part of the1 Evan-! gelical S. S. .session the past Sunday/ was, the report of each organized Bible Class. The following are the class name and the members who reported:1 Rangers by Austin Fahn- er; Live Wires by Harold Wolfe; Living Links, by Evelyn /Sippell: Hustlers by Irvin Ratz; Wide Awake by Bernice Eilber; True Blues by Margaret McMaster; Stars by Eldon Smith; Dorcas Band by Mr,s. Wm. Smithland C.I.C. by Irvin Stahl. The Friendly Bible Class will report later. read as fol- $6.93; J. A. truck, $2.03; I CREDITON EAST Garfield Neil, of Centralia,Mr. spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Msr, Henry Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and two children, of Exeter, spent Sun day with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mrs. Isaac Sims and two sons, Of Exeter, have returned home after spending a week with relatives here Mr. and Mrs. (Stuart Kuhn, of Baden, spent Sunday with the form ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn. GREENWAY be con- church, Pastor In a meeting of the voting niem- of Zion Lutheran . church o'f Dashwood, Ont. on March 23rd. Rev. Ness tendered his resignation as pastor of the congregation on ac count of ill health, to be effective on April 17th and asked for a peace ful dismissal which the congrega tion granted him. Rev. Ljuift, of Pembroke, Ont. was chosen as his successor. Mr. L. Bender, of Zurich has pur chased the property and baking business from Mr. W. Schenk. The Ladies’ Aid of the Evangel ical church will give a play entitled Easter The next used and the Heralds reported Korea, Miss Bernice Murch; /China, Peters. M'isses Wilhelmenia Ferguson and Ethel Coward gave a two-part reading “Contrasts.” Mrs. Peters gave a reading "Young Dr. Dzao.” The extract from the Situdy Book was given by. Miss Bernice Murch, "Work of the W. M. Society Hymn 168 was sung and the meet ing closed with Mizpah Benedict ion. The Y. P. S. met on Monday ev ening. Mr. Horace Delbridge occu pied the chair for opening exercis es after which Miss Bernice Murch presided. M'r. Howard Johns intro duced the topic "Our reformed tasks of the Christian Church.” The Scripture lesson was read by Mr. Lloyd Bell. Comments on the lesson were given by Miss Marjorie Delbridge. A poem entitled "Christ” was given by Miss Gladys Johns. Mrs. John Brock led in prayer and after the singing of hymn 191 the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. WOODHAM with pro- Sit. with Mrs. The W. M. S.. meets this week in the basement of the church group No. 2 in charge of the gramme. Mr. Leonard Thacker, of Marys, spent Sunday here friends. We are pleased to' know that Lawrence Mills, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, will be able to return to her home here this week. Quite a number around Kirkton have the measels, we hope don’t visit our village. The Misses Netta Shier and trude Glass, of London, spent day with friends here. Airs. Patterson, of formerly Mrs. Thacker, successful sale of her rnents on Wednesday afternoon last. The Y. P. S. will meet in the Sunday School Monday night of this week with Marion Switzer in charge As this is missionary night Miss Cook will address the meeting. they Ger- Sun- St. Marys, had quite a farm imple- KIRKTON THAMES ROAD j Attend the play in the United Church on Thursday night by a cast from Beechwood under the auspices of the Y. P. S. Admission 2i5c., 15c. /Next Sunday Rev. ,S. J. Mathers completes the series of sermons on the “Fruits of the Spirit” subject will be Temperance (self-control.) Mr. Geo. Bullock has been suffer ing from time. We covery. Mr. Rob visited his son, who is somewhat improved in health. Mr. John McGregor, who has ill for some time is visiting daughter Mrs. Frank Steeper. Mrs. Thos. Stewardson and Gordon Woodburn have with the flu. Mr. Albert Smithers is proving from a severe rheumatism. Mrs. Roy Sheppard parents Mr. and Mrs. last week. .Recent rains have have been eye trouble for some wish him a speedy re “Sothronia’s Wedding” on Monday evening, April 17th. play will be given by 17 of the members and one small boy. ladies are expecting a good crowd and extend a hearty invitation to all. Annual Meeting The congregation of Dashwood ' Evangelical Church held their an nual. meeting on Monday evening with the pastor Rev. A. W. Sauer presiding. Mr. L. Morenz was ap pointed as secretary. The following .; are the officers for the year: Trus tee Board, Joseph Wildfong, Adam Birk and John Bender (re-elected;; Auditors, Mervyn Tieman, Vernon Schatz; Evening Ushers, Kenneth Wein, Vernon Schatz; Reuben Goetz, Mervyn Morning Ushers, Joseph Wildfong, Daniel Weber; assistants, Dav. Tie man, Ezra Bender; organ pumpers, Walter Weber, Alvin Willert; drap ing committee, Mrs. R. Willert, Miss C. Finbeiner, Miss Marie Kraft; jan itor, Mrs. R. Willert. The cemetery committee reported new fences con structed and 30 trees planted. Lunch was served by the ladies at the close. Mr. Vernon Schatz has purchased the property of the late Mrs. Baker opposite the church and Mr. Adam Birk Tlie assistants, Tiernan; purchased her lot on Main St. McPherson, of Buffalo, father Mr. E. MoPhcr- ELIMVILLE have John and Mrs. Ira Bessie and son home of Mrs. I. last week. Shier spent the and Mrs. Walter school children Mr. and Mrs. A. McCurdy moved up with Mr. and Mrs. McNichol for a while. Mr. Fred Doupe McCurdy, daughter Roy visited at the Marshall’s one day Mrs. Silas (Shier is spending this week with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross have moved to Mount Pleasant to live with their son Earl. Mr. and Mrs. S. week-end with Mr. Hazelwood.' A number of around this vicinity have the meas les. We hope they wil(l soon be out again. Dr. Campbell with his choir paid a visit to Mt. Pleasant United church Sunday evening at the Young People’s meeting, where they pro vided a splendid musical program and the doctor gave a splendid talk on the New Hymnary, the life the composers and the history music. WINCHELSEA of of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Madge, and Miss Pearl McNicol and friend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McNicol. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, of London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jeffries. iSyrup making is quite the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pollen visited Monday with Mr. Harvey Pollen, who at time of writing is in toria hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Len. Harris family spent /Saturday with Mr. Mrs. Howard Fanson at Munro. and Mrs. Smale have moved village again. Mr. to the Vic- and and MT. CARMEL Joseph Regan after spending been been his Mrs. ill sloWly attack visited R. im- of her EnglishHARPLEY Mrs. Joseph Hodgins, of Corbett, spent the past week with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. David Eagleson. Mrs. Mark Miller and Miss Lillian Hayter, of Detroit, are visiting with their parents Mr. and Mrs. William Hayter, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gill, of Grand Bend, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love. Mi’, and 'Mrs. Hugh Love visited on iSuhday evening With Mies S. C. Hodgins. Mr, and M’rs. Newton Hayter, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday evening with his parents Mr, and Mrs, Win.! don’t believe it ask Goodhand and Hayter. Kirkby!!! packed in bad the con-roads which dition. Miss Ella icousin Cleve /Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson were in London last week. Miss Weatherhead has recovered from her recent illness. The Stewards of the United church will meet on Friday evening to re port the result of the annual can vass. Each season has its fun—Suck er fishin’ is good fun, If you visitedBrophey Brophey last week. her The W. M. S. ladies had a ing at Mrs. Alvin Pym’s on Friday last and the Women’s Association had a quilting and sewing in the basement of the church on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Tollfree, Master Tommy and Miss Connie Raveney, of London, are visiting friends in this community this week. Mr. Chas. Brown left last Satur day for his home in England. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brock moved recently to the home of Miss Nancy Hunter south of the village, having sold their property to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Batten, who moved in last week. The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Circle was held on Wed nesday of last week at Miss Lavona Cooper. Ford presided. Meeting hymn 30 followed by Prayer repeated in members responded to the roll call subject, a quotation on “Promise”, Minutes of last meeting were read dnd adopted. 23rd Psalm, Miss Margaret tional Leaflet, of no importance. quilt- the home of Miss Laura opened with the Lord’s unison. Ten The Sctiptuto lesson was read in unison. Johns read the Devo- “Hagai, the woman Hymn 196 was Mrs. H. Bailey spent a few the past week with her Mrs. Alf. Collier at Kirkton. We are sorry to report that Mr. Henry Delbridge still continues very poorly. We hope for covery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred family, of Saintsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coieman were to Clifford on Friday owing illness of Mrs. Coleman’s Mr. Wightman, and Mrs. days daughter a speedy re- Dobbs and visited with Clarke on 1 Mr. his vacation at his home left for Simcoe to resume his duties as tell er at the bank. Mr. William is visiting his land. Miss Winnie spent the week-end at here. Mr. Simon Smith attended the funeral of his father last week at Zurich. Mr. Joseph McKeever is recover ing from an attack of bronchitis and pleurisy. Mr. John Rowland has rented his 100-hcre grass farm to Mr. Thomas Ryan of Corbett. Mrs. Tresia Rowland is able to be out again after a severe attack of sciatica. Rowland, of London, sister Mrs. T. Row Madden, of London, her home called to the father Mr. Dashwood visited John Prance one Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prance, of with Mr. and Airs, day last week. R. E. Pooley and family visited with chell on Sunday. Miss Ella Francis friends at Monroe last week. friends at Mit- visited with her for a few days SHIPKA Cyrus Vincent sufferedMr, paralytic /Stroke bn Saturday and at present in a very critical com dition. Mr. N. Mr. gaged of Usborne, to work on his farm. The congregation of the tthited church, were pleased to have Rev. Mr. Johnson taking charge of the service on Sunday last after being abseht for the past three months, through illness. a is He is living with his son. Vincent. Wilfred Adams has been en- with Mr. Albert Eltherlngton. GRAND BEND of Isenbaeh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, Shipka, visited^ Mr. Peter on Sunday. Catching suckers is the the day. Mr. Art Pickering and Elsie are going into the order of Mr. Wm. ’ chicken game, erecting a nice new large hen house. Mr. Earl Craig, the barber of the village, has fitted up an outfit and is making some very fine jig-saw puzzles, some with over three hun dred pieces. Mr. Wm. Johnston, of Woodstock, is visiting his father, who is work ing at Mr. Roy Holt’s. Miss Mary Walker, who has been visiting friends returned week. Miss Millie Webb, who toria Hospital, London, improving. Mr. John Moussou is the Oakland House with a hew ver anda. home last ls in Vic* is Slowly improving