The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-03-30, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1033
last week
of Exeter
friends in
of Exeter
friends in
M. Young, of Nairn, will
the Carmel Presbtyerian
Sunday, April 2nd.
few‘farmers in this dis-
tapped their sugar trees
the run. has been poor.
Rennie returned home on
------.1-ST0REing pictures. ; L. Foster and A. G. McLean That
The Young People's League -of Herbert (Jerry) Drummond be mas-
the United chuiich held their regular ( cot, Carried,
meeting on Monday evening with Mr.
Jack Corbett having charge of the
meeting. After the opening exer
cises the Scripture Lesson was read
by Mrs. Geo. Hess and the following
program given piano solo, Grace
Brock; reading, Mildred iSmillie;
selection by the Hyde orchestra; so
lo, Bobbie Hess, accompanied by Mr.
Fred Hess on the guitar; violin solo
Miss Greta Lammie accompanied by
Miss Bella Smale on the piano; read
ing, Miss Elva Shaddock; piano solo
Irene Douglas; selection Hyde or
chestra. Miss Jennie Murray, or
Exeter, gave a very interesting talk
on “Hymns and theii’ writers.’’ The
meeting closed with a hymn and the
Mizpah benediction.
Quite a great deal of interest is
being taken in ISouth Huron as to
what will happen to the riding when
the re-distribution bill is brought
down in the parliaments at Toronto
and Ottawa. The riding of South
Huron is the same for both Legisla
ture and Dominion purposes. For
Legislature purposes there will still
be a South Huron. At the last census.
the population of South Huron was
between • 22,000 and 23,000 and as
each rural riding must contain at
least 25,000 it is very probable the
town of Goderich will be placed in
South Huron. The re-distribution
bill of Ontario will possibly come
up at Toronto this week. For Do
minion purposes the riding of South
Huron may disappear and a riding
formed, known at Huron-Perth out
of the greater parts of South Huron
and South Perth. As one guess is
as good as another, this is ours.
The Bean Grower’s Meeting
Another meeting of the Bean
Growers of this district was held
in the Town Hall on Friday evening
when several members of the Bean
Exchange at Chatham were presenx
to' answer some of the charges made
by the rival
Dealers and
here a week
The large
doors, a number having to stand.
Mr. Albert Kendrick, of the a.ux
Sable Line was chairman of the ev
ening. The Hyde orchestra was pres
ent and gave a number of selections
during the evening. Mr. Ball a bean
grower, of Chatham, was present and
made an address and refuted a
number of charges made at the oth
er meeting. He had been working
in this district for the past three '
| 9. Rennie and W.
executive consist of
president, manager,
selc’y.-treas. Carried.
«S. Rennie and H.
executive see to it that a captain be
appointed at the first game. Carried
R, Welsh and H. Fostei’ that the
team play O. B. A. A. Intermediate
baseball and players playing in same
refrain from playing in any indepen.
dent ball teams in Hensall. Carried
T. E. Drummond and W. Nichol
that the O. B. A. A. team help sup
ply equipment except oats and balls
to any independnet cyclone or other
teams in Hensall. Carried.
Considerable discussion took place
as regards getting a grouping and
arranging same.
T. E. Drummond and S. Rennie
that J. A. Patterson be appointed a
delegate to attend the annual O. B.-
A. A. meeting held in*" Hamilton on
April 1st representing Hensall
the Huron League. Carried.
S. Rennie introduced Mr. A.
McLean stating him a real ball
and player.
S. Walter and R. Welsh that
meeting adjourn. Carried.
Nichol that the
president, vice
coach and the
Foster that the
Choice Sweet Corn
Good Quality 3 for 25c.
Good Quality Peas
| No.'4, 3 for 25c.
Large tin 3 for 25c.
GOQD QUALITY BROOMS, 5-STRING........................................ each 25c.
Fresh Dates
4 lbs. for 25c.
Medium Prunes
2 lbs. for 21c. ,
Clark’s Tomato Juice
per tin 5c.
DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, ASSORTED.....................................6 for 25c.
P & G Soap
8 bars for 25c.
Handy Ammonia
2 pkgs, for 13c.
Palmolive Soap
4 cakes for 21c.
Pure Lard, 1 lb. carton
No. 1, Cooking Onions
Rex Vanilla.................
Cooking Figs...............
2 lbs. for 25c.
2 lbs. for 25c.
. . per lb. 15c.
.. . 2 lbs. for 25c.
. . , . 2 for 19c.
10 lbs. for 19c.
. 2 bottles 13c.
3 lbs. for 25c,
Ginger Nut Cookies...........
Chocolate Marsh. Cookies .
Fresh Frozen B. C. Salmon
Fillets of Haddie
The Adult Bible Class of the JJnit-
ed Church enjoyed a very pleasant
social evening at the church on the
evening of March 17. A short pro
gram was given by members of the
■class after which gam'es and contests
were enjoyed. The ladies then
served a bountiful lunch to which all
did justice.
.Mrs. Violet Cockwill’s many
friends will regret to learn that she
is on the sick list. We hope for her
speedy recovery..
Mrs. Mary Haist has returned
from the United States where sbe has
spent the past few month with rela
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holtzmann
Eleanor, Junior and Dolores Holtz
mann, of Bald Eagle Lake, Mich,
spent the week-end with Mrs. Leah
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, ot
London, visited on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hill, Mrs
Hill returning with them for a visit
The Late Win. Sims
The death took place at his home
a mile and a quarter south of Cred
iton on Friday of last week of Mr.
weeks and had signed up a great I William Sims, a lifelong resident of
many of the growers. Their object I this district. The deceased was aged
was to get 75 per cent, of the bean] 76 years, 5 months and 26 days and
growers of Western Ontario ■*i~ -------.
I their organization and up to
time of this meeting about 62! cent, had signed up.
Mr. Holmes, of Chatham,
salesman of the new organization his life within a mile and a half oi
He asked if his birthplace. He is survived by his
and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and
of the Beach O’ Pine were
visitors with relatives in Hen-
ancl Mrs. Andrew Christie
'Mrs. C. Dow, of Crom-
last week with friends
late Ezra
on Sunday
New Balti-
Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver
organization, the Bean
Growers, at their meet,
hall was filled to the
Mr, Harry Cook, of London, spent
the week-end at his home here.
Miss Jennie Murray, of Exeter
visited friends in town on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, J, W. Ronthron vis
ited friends in London op Saturday
Rev. and Mrs, W. A. Young, vis
ited relatives at Nairn on Monday.
Mr. Eldred Smith, of London
spent the week-end at his home here
Miss Katherine Drysdale spent the
week-end with friends" in Seaforth.
Mr. George Sutherland spent a
couple of days in London
Miss Elizabeth Murray,
.spent the week-end with
Miss Nellie Carmichael,
spent the week-end with
Miss Mona Miller has
home aftex’ visiting with friends in
Mr. George Merner, of Dashwood
was in town Friday calling on
Miss Marion Scott, of Toronto, is
spending a few days visiting rela
tives in town.
Mrs. Norman Harris, of Detroit,
is visiting this week with her motn-
er, Mrs. E. Rennie.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Howard and
family, of Goderich, visited friends
in town on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Davidson has returned
home after a pleasant visit with her
Quite a
trict have
but so far
Mr. ,Sam
Saturday from London where he had
been taking a militia-officer’s course
Mrs. Campbell and son, of Wind
sor, are visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Bell.
and Mr. and
arty, visited
in town.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the funeral of the
Brenner at Grand Bend
Miss Jennie Martz, of
more, Mich., is spending a couple of
weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy McLaren.
Mr. Nelson Blatchford, who has
been quite poorly this spring intends
undergoing an operation. His many
friends wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merner and son
Leonard, of Zurich, visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Merner and
Mr. and Mrs. Peo. Brock -on' ‘Sunday.
The Arnold Circle of the Carmel
Presbyterian Church held their reg
ular meeting at the home of Miss
Helen Smith on Tuesday evening
A very enjoyable evening was spent.
Quite a number from here at
tended the pai;ty given in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fairburn. Mr
Fairburn is moving this week tmthe
farm he rented from the Ross Es
tate previously occupied by Mr. H
■Mr. Sam. Merner last week dis
posed of his threshing outfit to Mr.
Ed. McBride, of
ner was
The Welfare Youth Club of the
CarmeT Presbtyerian Church held
their regular meeting on Monday ev
ening. After the opening exercises
the Scripture lesson was read by
Hannah Murray followed by a Scout
Master’s address by Rev. Young.
The topic on “The Beale Missionary
Field’’ was given by Mary Huiser. |
Rev. Arthur Sinclair preached very
acceptably in the
Sunday last. At
vice a ,solo “Over
ered by Mr.s. Alf.
tette “The Church in the Wildwood”
was given by Miss Marion Sinclair
Mrs. A. Sinclair and
Woodwiu and Wilson
The Young People
wood and Nairn Dramatic Solciety in
tend putting on a play “Mollie
Baun”, a drama in foui- acts under,
the auspices of the Welfare Youth
Club of the Presbyterian Church
Hensall on Tuesday evening, April J
4th in the Town Hall. This play will
be undei’ the direction -of Mil’s. (Rev.)
G. M. Young, of Nairn. I
.Several young men from Bruce-1_______
field were up before Magistrate Reid‘balance as $31.51.
here Friday morning on a charge of j .................
disorderly conduct at a dance given' the financial statement
' in Brucefield. It seems that a young as read. Carried.
man from London was paying a) The officers for 193'2
great deal of attention to some of; ed their chairs,
the young ladies and his action was
resented by the local boys. Crown
Attorney Holmes, of Goderich, who
was prosecuting ask'ed for a week’s
adjournment bo get further evidence
A meeting of the Bible Societies
of the local churches was held in
the Town Hall oh Tuesday evening
last with the president, Mr. J. W
Ortwein acting as chairman, A very
delightful solo was rendered by Rev.
W. A. Young after which Mr, G. J.
Sutherland, treasurer, gave a report
on the splendid work of the Society.)
The Rev. Denny Bright of London
gave a very inspiring address ll-1
lustrated by lantern slides and mov‘>
one of
in this
will be
Stanley. Mr. Mer-
the best known
district and his re
regretted by the
United church on'
the morning ser-
There” was rend-'
Clark; and a quar-
of the
into. had been in poor health for several the J weeks. He was born on the town
per line between Stephen and McGilli
vray on the farm now occupied by
the Mr. Wm. Grieves and had lived al)
Mr. Thomas Harris who has been
on the sick’ list is slowly improving.
Mr. Charles Harris, of Lyndon
ville N. Y. visited over Sunday and
M'onday with his brother Thomas.
Mrs. Mary Ham, nlso of Lyndonville
accompanied Mr. Harris home to at
tend the funeral of her father, the
late John Welsh, Sr. They returned
home Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lippett, oi
near Bayfield, have moved onto Alex
Stewart’s farm near Chiselhurst. We
welcome them to our community.
Quite a number in this community
have tapped and are busy making
maple syrup. The season hasn’t been
the best for it yet.
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Black, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mclsaac and fam
ily, of Detroit, spent a few days with
his parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac.
Mr. John Hoffman, of London,
spent the week-end with relatives.
Miss Reid, of Bayfield,............."
at the home of
Reid this week.
Mrs. Mervyn
friends in Kitchener this
Quite a number from here attend
ed the funeral of the late Ezra Bren
ner at Grand Bend on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther were
called to Windsor on Sunday owing
to the serious illness of their daugh
Miss Edith Weber entertained the
choir of the Evangelical chprch to a
social evening last Thursday. The
evening was spent in games, contests
and singing a-tfer which a dainty
lunch was served.
The sale of the household effects of
the late Mrs. Baker was largely at
tended on Saturday. The sale was
held in the church shed owing to the
stormy weather.
Miss Elda Kraft returned to Lon-
after spending a few weeks
home here.
Mr. and
is visiting
Mrs. J. C.
is visiting
in the Village
visited for a
with Mr. and
Hillsgreen, is
Mr. Samuel Smith, t/ondon, Road
South, is seriously ill at the home of
his son, Wm. J. Smith
Mrs. Robert Smith
couple days last week
Mrs. Miles McCabe in
Mrs. John Love, of
visiting her sister Mrs. E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. C. O’Brien and Mr,
Trueman Mills motored to Toronto
on Friday of last week. Mr. O’Brien
remained in the city for treatment;
his many friend,s wish him a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Miles M'cCabe ana
young son, of Clinton and Mr. and
Mrs. John Willis and family, of Ex
eter, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Thos
Willis on Sunday.
Mrs. Mcllhargey, of Lucan,, is vis
iting her sister Mrs. C. O’Brien.
Mrs. J.
Fteeve William Sweitzer attended
committee meeting in Goderich
Iasi Thursday.
Miss Mildred Lamport has accept
ed a position in London for a few
I weeks.
! Miss Lilia, Thompson .spent the-
; week-end at her home in Strathroy
Mr. and Mrs. C. McPherson and'
| family, of Parkhill, visited friends
'here on Saturday.
; A meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will ’ be held on Wednesday, April 5th at.
the home of Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner.
The Rev. Mr. Johnson is expected
to take the services here next Sun
Hazel Smith entertained a
of friends at her home on
evening of last week.
A. McGowan, of Blyth an*
Taylor, Mrs. Julia Scandrett
and daughter Miss Corinne, of Bel
grave, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ar. ]
thur Brooks for a few days
Miss Lillie Dobbs, who has
visiting with M'r. and Mrs.
Bowden for the past three weeks has
returned to her home in Stratford.
The ladies of
group invite all
congregation to
basement of the
afternoon April 4th. Gentlemen are
invited for tea.
A social evening will be held in
Fairfield School Friday evening
Miarch 3-lst at 8 p.m. Proceeds for
Mrs. L. Hodgson’s group. Everyone
Mr. Joe Wilson and Garnet Wil
son attended the funeral of the
Mr. Wm. Blake, of London, on
day last.
M'r. and Mrs. Albert McFalls
family attended the funeral of their
brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Blake, of
London on Friday last.
Mr. Thomas Foster, of
and his sister, Mrs. Reeder,
West, visited with Messi’s,
and Norman Mitchell on Wedneday
of last week.
On Sunday evening a religious
drama entitled “Pilgrims of tne
Way’’ was presented in the church
by the Young People’s Society. Last
year the Young people’s Societies of
Huron Presbytery held a debating
contest. Our Centralia young people
were successful in winning the
County Shield. This year instead
of the debating contest, the Presby
tery is conducting a religious
contest in which our Society
ticipating in defence of the
The cast of characters were
lows: Barnabas, first called
was taken by Truman Mills; Sahl, of
Tarsus, by George Thompson; John
Mark, cousin of Barnabas by Gar
field Thompson; Mary, mother of
John Mark, by Flossie Davey; Rho
da, a maidservant in Mary’s house
by Hazel Smith; a messenger, by
Donald Hicks. The characters are
to be congratulated on the
manner in which each played
was then called on.
there was anyone present in the in
terest of the bean dealers and if
there were to come forward to the
platform and discuss the contract
As no one responded he took up his
own contracts, clause by clause, and
answered a great many question. He
also explained his connection with
the Tobaclco
which failed
years ago.
He gave a
made at marketing beans,
was no reason in the world of farm
ers having to take 40 or '50 cents a
bushel for their beans when there
is a duty of $1.80 against foreign
beans coming in, not enough being
raised 'in Canada to supply the Can
adian market. If he could get 75
per cent, of the growers into his
organization he was confident that
he could start the market at" a dol
lar a bus. and 10c. a bus. a month
extra during the bean season. The
contract calls for at least one eleva
tor in ealch bean growing district.
I Mr. MIcDurmont another large bean
grower of Kent County was the third
' speaker and gave a history of the
I bean growing business also- its mar-
I keting and was quite confident that
by reorganization the bean business
would be greatly improved. The
bean growing business is a vital im
portance to this district, Hensail
being its main shipping point. Quite
a number of ’the bean growers’ wives
and daughters were present. At the
close of the meeting the bulk of the
growers present who' had not sign
ed up, signed the contract.
Baseball Meeting
A meeting of the Hensall
' ball Club and fans was held
Town Hall on Monday evening with
a good crowd in attendance.
The secretary-treasurer read the
Financial report stating the bank
W. O
in the
Growers Association
in Kent County some
history o'f the attempts
in the
W. Drummond and L. Foster that
be adopted
then vacat-
Foster thatW. Drummond and L
Stanley Walters be chairman for the
evening, Carried.
iS. Rennie annd R. Welsh, that J
A. Patterson be
for 1933. Carried.
R. Webber and
E. Drummond be
ary Presidents appointed as follows:
W. H. Golding, J. W. OftWein, Wm.
Consitt, W. Kerslake, W. O'Brien
S. Rennie and L. E. Drummond
that Ernest Shaddock be vice-pres.
H, Foster and R. Welsh that E. L.
Mickle be manager. Carried.
R. Welsh and D. Hoggarth that
R. Webber be coach, Carried.
H. Foster that L,
president; Honor-
Eli and
bereaved widow, whose
name was Rachael Rollins, also two
sons and four daughters:
Everett, of Crediton; Mrs. Murray
Neil, Centralia; Mrs. Percy Cave, of
North Battleford, .Sask.; Mrs. Gor
don Hunter, of Exeter and Mrs
Frank Hunter, of Stratford. He is
also survived by ten grandchildren, 2
great grandchildren and by four
brothers and four sisters: John, of
Exeter; Joab and Matthew, of Cred
iton East; Joseph, of the West; Mrs
Jonathan I<ydd, of Exeter; Mrs
Robt. Flynn, Mrs. Albert McFalls
of Lucan and Mrs. G. Tuckey, of Mt
Brydges. The funeral took place on
Monday afternon with Rev. W. J
Johnson, of Crediton officiating, in
terment taking place in the Exeter
cemetery. The pall bearers were:
Messrs. Eli King, Albert King, Ezra
■Lamport, Wm. .Rollins, John Rollins
and Samuel Rollins. Relatives and
friends were present at the funera-
from London, Lucan, Mt. Brydges
and Stratford.
Meeting of the Workers’ Council
The Workers’ Council of the Evan
gelical Sunday ‘School met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fink
beiner, Monday evening to complete
the roll of officers. The leading of
ficers had already been elected Sun
day morning as follows: Supt., Art
'Amy; Assistant, Chester Mawhinney;
treasurer, Ezra Faist; secretary, G.
Ratz. The supt. occupied the chair
at the Mtonday evening session and
a program'of business was transact
ed in election by ballot and some by
acclamation; Assistant secretary, H.
Hirtzel; choristers, Wm. Schwartz
and Clayton Sims; pianists, navlna
Smith and Ruby Finkbeiner, these
last four officers have equal rights
and responsibilities in their respect
ive offices regardless of who hap
pens to be mentioned first. Librar
ians, Elva Wuertli for the S.S. Lit
erature and Arthur Gaiser for the
S. S. Libraryt with Roy Morlock as
assistant. Convenors were also ap
pointed: Missionary committee, Em
mery Fahner; Temperance commit
tee, Chester Mawhinney; Mother’s
Day Mrs. H. K. Eilber. Arrangements
were made for a Good Friday even
ing sacred concert to be given in the
church auditorium by a group of
young people from Centralia assist
ed by home musical talent. The pro
ceeds to flow into the local budget
treasury. A new teacher was
pointed for the junior boys’
definite consent has not as yet
given. Minutes were approved
Workers’ Council and their friends
numbered thirty present, An excel
lent lunch was served. A vote of
thanks was tendered the host and
hostess, Zheir daughter Ruby and son
Alvin for opening the hospitality of
their home for this important ses
sion. Mrs. Finkbeiner responded
nicely with, a few excellent senti
Quite a number of the members
of the Men’s Brotherhood of Elim-
ville church attended a social even
ing as the guests of the Mten’s
Brotherhood of Colborne St. United
church, London, on Tuesday even
ing.Mr. E. Alexander, of Lumley, vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher
visited with Mrs. W. J. Davis at
Saintsbury on Friday of last week.
Mrs. W.alker Kerslake and Miss Genevieve'Kerslake spent Monday of
last week with Mfr. and Mrs. M.
Fletcher in Exeter.
Miss Inez Creery, of Forest, spent
the week-end with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Creery.
Mrs. Wes. Heywood and Miss E.
Heywood, of Farquhar, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. John Heywood on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ‘Coleman and
Bobbie spent Sunday with friends at
Mr. and Mrs. George Parkinson
of Blanshard, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Foster on Sunday.
daysMr. Sam Merner spent a few
the past week at Dr. Moir’s hospital
near Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and
children, of Fairfield, spent Sunday
with the former’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. John ^chroeder and Mrs
Schroeder’s mother Mrs. Wilson An-
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of
London, spent ‘Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Motz.
Mr. Henry Motz and Mfr. and Mrs.
Wm. Mbtz and Mr. and Mrs. William
Heatherley, of London, visited Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz
in Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Esli Heywood, north
of town, visited Saturday with Mr
and Mrs. Eli Lawson.
Miss Clara Lewis spent a few days
with her aunt and uncle Mr, and Mrs.
Isaac Sims, in Exeter.
Mrs, Henry Motz is confined tc
her homo with the' flu. Mr. Motz
who also had the flu Is able to bo
Out again.
*j?he relatives and friends from
hero attended the funeral of the late
Mfr. Sims which was held Monday tc
the Exeter cemetery,
Mrs. I. Hodgson's
the ladies of the
a quilting in the
church on Tuesday
of the
is par
as fol-
Mr. Richard Hodgins, of Granton
spent the week-end with his brother
Mr. J. C. Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson
Gordon visited on Sunday with
mother, Mrs. Austin Hayter.
Mr. and Mfrs. Pfile, of Zurich,
ited with Mrs. Hugh Love on Wed
A nupiber ffofti here attended the
funeral of Ezra Brenner, of
Bend, on Sunday.
Mr. J. C. Hodgins and Miss
visited in Granton this week.
Messrs. A. Sherritt and L.
called on Mr. Mansell Hodgins.
A number from here attenaea the
funeral of the late R. Smith at Zur
ich on Saturday morning and also- of
the late E. Brenner, at Grand
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Lippert, of
bourne, spent a few days this
with their son Harry.
Mr. J. Hartman, of Kitchener, is
visiting with friends in this neigh
Mr. and Mrs. S. Adamson and son
Ernest, of London, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Kraft.
Mr. Alex Voison moved on Mon
day to the farm of G. Thompson, of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ratz entertain
ed the young people of Shipka one
evening last week.
Next Sunday Rev. S. J. Mathers
will speak on “The Fruit of the
Spirit Is Meekness.’’
Mr. R. Belling was in. London last
week serving on the jury.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner
of Shipka, visited Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. McGregor on Saturday.
Mr. Harold Bloomfield is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey.
Miss Dorothy Belling had a. suc
cessful quilting bee last Thursday.
Mr. and Mfrs. Lawrence Curts
in London on Saturday.
Morley Pollock is busy these
attending to his maple syrup,
turns from
very fast.
Mr. and
iiounce the
24 th.
Mr. Dawson Woodburn,
to spent the week-end at
Mr. R. Carruthers, of
was in oufr burg on Saturday.
Mr. Dean Brown is sporting a new
Mr. Elton Curts reports seeing
several deer on his farm recently.
'The Y. P. S. was held at the home
of Mfr. apd Mrs. W. Young on Mon
day night with Manuel Curts in
was “t
With a
one tree don’t count up
Mrs. Harry Isaac
birth of a .son
on March
of Toron-
his home
The theme for the program
.ove”. Roll call was answered
verse containing the word
' Air. Mathers gave an ad-