HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-03-30, Page 4i THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1033 THE EXETER TIMES-A0VOCATE ELIMVILLE Food Savings — at — Cook's Rock Bottom Store Quart Sealers BAKING POWDER 33c. per jar Best Creamery BUTTER 27c. per lb. TEA-BISK Makes Perfect Biscuits 31c. per pkg GRANULATED SUGAR FREE WITH EVERY LB. SPECIAL FRESH GROUND COFFEE 1 POUND GRANULATED SUGAR FREE This Coffee makes more friends every day—Try a pound VERY SPECIAL 3 Tables Laye Bath Soap 2 Tables Palmolive Soap } All for 25c. Don’t forget you save money on every purchase at Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter Phone 58 Wanted, Fresh Eggs, best price given We Deliver BIRTHS WILSON—At Dr. Moir’s Hospital on . Monday, March 27th to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson, of Centralia a son (Douglas Boyce) KERNIGK — In Usborne, on Sun­ day, March 26th to Mr. and Mrs William Kerniick, a daughter. JEFFERY— On the Blue WateT Highway, on March 20th, to Mir. and Mrs. Gilbert Jeffery, a son. HAMEL—In Hay Township on Mar. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ham­ el, a daughter. REGIER—In Hay Township, on March 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ win Regier, a daughter. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Wm. Sims and family wish to thank their many friends, neigh­ bors and relatives for the kindness shown in their recent sad bereave­ ment and to those who so kindly loaned their cars. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John Welsh wish to thank the many neighbours and friends for. the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended during their sad bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes, the loan of cars and to Rev. Mr. Stain­ ton and Mr. Walter Cutbush. GRAND BEND Mrs. James Hannan, of Edmonton is spending a couple of weeks with friends, being called home to her brother's funeral, Mr. Ezra Brenner Mr. and Mrs. John Mousso visited friends in Hensall on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs, Mark Wild, whe spent the winter in Florida returned home Monday and report a real nice trip. They motored home through the mountain roads and report many beautiful scenes and experiences They just missed the tornado that passed through Nashville Ten. by half an hour but seen many build­ ings laid low and one large chunch which was flattened to the ground Mr. Bert Clinger is the first camp­ er to return to the Park this year. I-Ie expects to be here for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sitatton, Mr and Mrs, Henry Becker visited Mr and Mrs, Mark Wild Sunday. Miss Amos, of Parkhill, spent the week-end with Miss Beatrice Green A sad death occurred in Port Hur­ on Hospital on Tuesday, March 21st of Mrs. A. Armstrong, formerly Miss Hazel Green. Deceased was only ill a few days. She was born in McGil­ livray Township, 31 years ago. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and four small children also her mother, one sister and one brother. Interment took place in Grand Bend cemetery. The remains of the late Mrs. Mar­ garet Carriere, widow of the late Rev. S. A. Carriere, who for many years was the esteemed pastor of Grand Bend Presbyterian church were brought to Grand Bend for in­ terment, service being conducted by Rev. S. J. Mathers. The deceased was in her 73 rd year and was ill for only a couple'of weeks having suf­ fered a paralytic stroke. She wag born near Bayfield and for over forty years was an esteemed resident of Grand Bend. She is survived by three sons and one daughter: Emery of Caperol; Lawrence, Samuel and Marguerite, of Toronto. Mr. Carriere predeceased her about four years ago. The pallbearers: John Love, J B. Nichols, Lloyd Taylor, Thos. Love Andrew Turnbull and Sol. Pollock. MARRIAGES HERN—HUNTER—At the Elimville parsonage on Saturday, March 25 Mary Elva, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Sherwood Hunter and Mrs. Hunter, of Usborne, to Fran-J cis Ward Hern, eldest son of Mr and Mrs. John T. Hern, of Us­ borne by Rev. J. R. Peters. DEATHS SIMS—In Crediton on Friday, Mar. 24th, William Sims, aged 76 years 5 months and 26 days. ARMSTRONG—At Port Huron Hos­ pital, on March 21, 1933 Mrs. N. J. Armstrong (nee Hazel Green) of Grand Bend.- WELSH—In Usborne on Friday March. 24th, John Welsh, of Tor­ onto, aged 82 years. BRENNER—At the family residence Brenner House, Grand Bend, on Friday, M’arich 24th, Ezra Bren­ ner’in his 52nd year. MACE—At Guelph Ont., on March 22nd, Florence Carling Mace, ie- lict of the late William D. Mace and'the third daughter of the late Isaac and Ann. Carling in her 77th year. BLAKE)—At 200 Horton street, Lon. dan, on Wednesday, March 22. William George Blake, in his 74tli year. DIED IN GODERICH The death of a native of Huron and a former L. O. L. county mas­ ter, Henry Horney, occurred Satur­ day at his home in Goderich in his 73rd year. Although he had been a sufferer from arthritis for years, death came unexpectedly. Deceased was born in Usborne Township and with the exception of two years spent in Manitoba in the early 80’s, he resided in this county all his life, living at Blyth, Westfield and Brucefield, following the occu­ pation of a storekeeper. He retired to Goderich 10 years ago,. In 1880 he married Hannah Jane Johnston, of Downey, Perth County, who died in 1906. Surviving are Ernest Horney, a son, of Expanse, Sask., and Mrs. A. M. Harris, a daughter of Traynor, Sask. His mother, Mrs. James Horney, of Goderich, and Ro­ bert, an adopted son. Mr. Horney was twice married, his widow, formerly Miss Margaret Walmsley, of Holstein, Grey County, also survives him, as do foui’ broth­ ers, two sisters, nine grandchildren and two great-grandichildren. De­ ceased was a class leader in the Methodist Church before union and in latter years an active member of the .Salvation Army. MT. CARMEL Mrs. Morrel Miller, of Detroit visited her mother, Mrs. John Walk­ er last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynch, of Detroit has returned to his home after vis­ iting with the Misses Carey. Mr. Jos. Guinan* has completed his assessing and will be now busy filling in the roll. Miss Marie Regan, R. N., has re­ turned home after nursing; the late Mr. E. Brenner, of Grand Bend. Mr. H. Carey has purchased a team from Mr. P. McCarthy. Mrs. M. Doyle is visiting cousins in London. Mr. and Mrs. M. Regan, Jos. and Marjorie attended the funeral of Mr. Brenner on Sunday last at Grand Bend. GRIEVE’S DRUG STORE SPECIAL SALE New Equalizer Kotex 25;c.: 3 for 74c 7'5 c. Noxzema 59c. 2 tubes of Dr. West Tooth Paste 39 c. 75c. Russian Oil 59c. 250. Acelyl Sal Tab­ lets (Aspirin) 24 in box 19c. Day Dream Toilet Articles $1.00 value for 59c. Buy a 5 0c. box of Day Dream Face Powder and you can have your own selection of any 5 0c. Day Dream Article Both for i59'c. Day Dream Cold Cream Day Dream Rouge Day Dream Almond Cream Day Dream Brilliantine Day Dream Glycerin and Rose Water Any of these above 5 0c. Articles for only 9c. AMBROSIA SPECIAL $2.50 value for $1.50 $1.00 Ambrosia Powder $1.00 Ambrosia 5 0c. Ambrosia Cream $2.50 ALL FOR $1.50 Modess 25c. $1.00 value 49c 2 tubes Colgates tooth paste and 150c. tooth brush All for 49c. 50c. English Health Salts 39c. -------------------L 50c. Milk of Magnesia 39c. 25c. A. B. S. & C. Tablets 19c. 25c. Tooth Paste 190. 25c. Talcums 19c. $2.00 H. water Bottles 79c. 1 lb. Boomers fine Candles 5010. Cutflowers — Flowering Plants Another Special TALISMAN ROSES Reg. $3.00 a doz. for $1.50 We received 2 shipments of Cut Flowers every week. That is why our Cut Flowers last: FLOWERING PLANTS 25c. up Please place your order for Easter lilies and cut flowers early. Flowers are always far scarcer at Easter. Save’ money and disappointment by order­ ing now-— We are now equipped to de funeral work— Flowers for all occasions 35c. Shaving Cream 23c. 50te. La Barbara Face Powder To introduce 2 for 50c. 50c. Boxed Stationery 35c. Fresh Salted Peanuts, 15c. lb. F. L. Grieve, Phm. B. THE DRUGSTORE THAT APPRECI ATES YOUR BUSINESS VP KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, of Lucan visited at the home of Mir. and Mrs. R. Humphreys on Saturday. Mr. Wilbur Cluff, one of our star hockey players played with Granton team against Mitches, of London, on Wednesday evening. Wib. scored three goals in the first period and an assist in the last. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lankin and daughter, Dorothy, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall. Don’t forget the Ladies’ Aid pro­ gram next Friday evening in the United Church. , Mr. Clifton Moore, of Elimville spent the week-end with his sister Mrs. R. Morrison. Miss Muriel Robinson spent the week-end with Miss Reta Mollard of Thorndale. Miss Viola Moore, of St. ’Marys spent the week-end with friends in the village. Mr. Ernest Allen, of Cromarty was a guest at the home of Mrs. M. Rout- ly on Sunday. Rev. F. Rutherford, of Woodham preached to a good .congregation on Spnday evening; Mr. Bell taking his services for the day. The home of Mr. and Mrs. P Murch was the scene of another "spring” shower on Wednesday ev­ ening of last week when Miss Mary Hunter (bride of last week) was tendered a miscellaneous shower of useful kitchen necessities by a large gathering of ladies who expressed their best wishes in this approved manner. Mrs. W- Skinner played the wedding march as Miss Hunter entered the room where the guests were assembled. After the gifts had been opened and admired the bride­ elect expressed her thanks and appre- ciation^jn a few well-chosen words A short program was given consist­ ing of readings by Mrs. (Rev.) Pet­ ers, Misses Ruth Skinner, Thelma Jaques and Bernice M'ur’ch; Mrs. W Skinner, a piano solo; violin solo1 by Miss Maizie O’Reilly and Mrs. J. H Brock accompanying her on the piano. Miss Layona Cooper ably acted in the capacity of chairman. Several interesting' and novel con­ tests were enjoyed after which an appetizing lunch was served. Mrs. Will Routly spent a few days of last week in London, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne return­ ed home the beginning of last week after visiting with Rev. and Mrs. White at South Woodslee. Mr. and M|rs. Will Bradshaw and babe visited relatives in Exeter on Sunday. Miss Catherine Peters, of London spent the week-end at her home. Mr. John Allison, Marjorie, Mar­ ion, Margaret and baby, of Spring­ field; Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas were week-end visitors in the vicinity. Mr. Wm. Wells visited his friend Mr. Wm. Bradshaw recently. Mr Wells has recently returned from a trip to his home in England and in­ tends going to the West before long, The Elimville Tigers played the Woodham Wildcats another game of hockey at the Exeter rink last Fri­ day night winning again with a score at 5-3. Mr. Ivor Morgan was indisposed for a few days last week. Members of the Brotherhood went to London on Tuesday night to the Colborne St. United Ghurch where they were entertained to tea and prei. sented the Biblical drama “Where are the Nine” to an appreciative audience and also ga've musical numbers. The Y. P. S. met on Monday ev­ ening with Mr. Squire Herdman pre. siding. The meeting opened with usual proceedings. After reading and adoption of minutes Miss Flor­ ence Bell took the chair. A very in­ teresting debate was given "Resolv­ ed that Moving Pictures have done more harm than good.” The affirm, ative side was taken by Miss Mar­ garet Johns, Philip Hern and Lloyd Hern, Miss . Maizie O’Reilly, Ken­ neth Johns and Walter Lidston had the negative side. The judges were Rev. Peters, Mrs. Will Elford and Miss M. McGugan decided in favor of the affirmative side, winning by a narrow margin. Both slides present­ ed some splendid arguments which made it very interesting to those present. The topic, "Hymns and. Their Writers” was taken by Mr. L Elford. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Laura Ford. Miss Lil­ lian Murch read the discussion. Mi's. (Rev.) Peters led in prayer and af­ ter a hymn the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. Sidney Wilson returned to her home on Friday night alter vis­ iting a few days in London. Lakeview Poultry Farm Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs Famous Pennsylvania Poultry Farm Strain, large type White Leghorn, All breeding stock culled by Govern­ ment Inspectors * Buy chicks with the bred-in ability to lay a large number of big, chaulk white eggs. Along in December with prices at their peak we gathered over $00 eggs a day from 1250' birds, 400 of them hens. 10 extra chicks with orders for every 100' placed 4 weeks in advance Baby Chicks 11c Hatching Eggs, 10c a dozen over market price A limited number of Barred Rock Chicks 13 c. KENNETH WEIN, DASHWOOD AUCTION SALE — of — HORSES, BUGGIES AND KITCHEN RANGE Mr. Frank Taylor has been in­ structed to sell by public auction in the Village of Hensall, on Number 4 Highway, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1933 at 2 o’clock the following: HORSES—Little Tip, trotter, foal­ ed in 1920, 3905 C. R. 132852 A. T. R. Vol. 23, race record, half-mile track 2:14 1-4, bred to Orcus Grat­ ton 360,4 c. R. 67802, A. T. R. Au­ gust 115, 1932; Black Roadster Geld­ ing age 10 years; colt, .standard bred foaled July 16, 1932, sire Orcus Gratton, dam, Little Tip. Black open buggy, Stanhope body rubber tires; show buggy open, pneu­ matic tires. Stable contents, small tools, one chicken house. Kitchen range, Masterpiece, near­ ly new. TERMS—CASH ESTATE LATE ROBERT MoLAREN FRANK. TAYLOR, Auctioneer MORTGAGE SALE — of --- Valuable Farm property in the Townslrip of Stephen Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage., which will ,be produced at the sale, the undersigned will offer for saie at the offices of GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter, on. SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1933 at 11 o’clock a.m. The property known as Lot Num­ ber Seven (7) in the Eleventh Con­ cession of the Townhip of Stephen, in the County of Huron. On the property is a brick house good bank barn and strawbarn and hog-pen with rock well and windmill. Fences are drains are said to be in good condition of repair, and the soil very productive. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance in thirty days there­ after, without interest. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale, or may be had upon appli­ cation to the undersigned. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for Mortgagee. WHALEN Wedding bells will soon be ring- : ing. I Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie, of Tor- . onto, spent last week at Mrs. Baillie’s ! home, returning to Toronto on Sun- ; day. I Mr. Frank Bragg, of iSt. Marys, vis. ; ited several days last week with Mr ; and Mrs. J. Hazelwood. J Miss Mabel Elliott was in the hos­ pital in London last week and had • her tonsils and adenoids removed. ! Miss Mabel Kemp, of Kirkton,'is | holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Roy : Switzer and Mrs. John Hazelwood. i Mr. Ray Parkinson, of Devizes spent the week-end with her parents ’Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson. Mr. Harry Wells was in London on ’Sunday. A very successful supper was held in the basement of the church on Friday evening, March 24th. Follow, ing the supper a splendid program was provided including a two act play “Home Cured”; readings by Miss Rita Hartwick, of Byranston; duets by the Mills Bros., of Wood­ ham and mouthorgan music by John­ ston Bros., Miss Mary Morley gave a selection on the accordion. A kitchen orchestra provided music and Mrs Foster a solo. ‘Mr. J. Hazelwood act. ed as chairman. Proceeds were In the interests of the Ladies’ Assooia- ' tion. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the authorized assignment of FLORENCE HIL- ” LIARY ROBINS, of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Widow, Executrix of anil the sole legatee and devisee un­ der the last will and testament of RICHARD ROBINS, late of said Township of Tuckersmith, Farm­ er, deceased, debtor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said Florence Hillary Robins of the I Township of Tuckersmith, made an authorized assignment on the 21st day of March, 193 3, and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on Friday the thirty-first day of March, 1933, at ten o’clock In the forenoon in the office of Messrs. Carling & M’orley, Barristers, Exeter Ontario. TO VOTE THEREAT, proofs of claims and proxies must be filed with me prior thereto. . 'Those having claims against the estate must file the same with the Custodian or the Trustee when ap­ pointed before distribution is made otherwise the proceeds of the estate will be distributed among the part­ ies entitled thereto, without regard to such claims. DATED at Goderich this 23rd day of March, 19 313. C. G. MIDDLETON, Custodian Court House, Goderich WOODHAM The regular meeting of the Miss­ ion 'Circle met on Friday evening last at 8 p.m. in the basement of tne church, with the president, Miss Marion Shier in the chair. The meet, ing opened with a hymn followed by all repeating the 23rd Psalm. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Marion Switzer after Which Mrs. F Rutherford, very ably explained the Study Book and made it very inter­ esting. This was followed by an in­ strumental by Miss Hilda Rundle A beautiful pqem was given by Miss Myrtle Brethour and the Misses Nina McNaughton and Maryland Wynn rendered a piano duett. A interesting part of the program was the lantern slides of the different hospitals and school homes in North Western (Canada. Miss Pearl Bre­ thour gave a prayer and a beautiful solo was given by Mrs. Cecil Camm A hymn was next sung and the presi dent closed the .meeting. Lunch was served and a social time was spent together. The president of the W M. S. then thanked the Mission Circle girls for their kind invitations ano the evening’s entertainment, which was enjoyed by all, and wishing them God speed in their work. We are pleased to know that Mrs Lawrence Mills, who is in the hos­ pital in London is getting along as well as can be expected. Nurse Rhea Mills, of this place is at present in a London Hospital nursing Mrs. Mills. Miss Ethel Copeland, of London spent the week-end at her home here, Miss Beatrice Doupe and her mother Mrs, Doupe, of Kirkton, vis­ ited Thursday at the Misses Aman­ da and Sarah Shier. Mrs, James Squire spent the week­ end in London. MORTGAGE SALE — of --- FARM PROPERTY in the Township of Stephen Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain, mortgage which will be produced at the sale the undersigned will offer for sale at the office of Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter, Ont. SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1933 at 2 o’clock p.m. The property known as Lot 8, Gon. 11, Stephen Township On the property is a bank barn and frame driving shed and pig pen. The well, fencing and drains are said to be in good condition. Soil good. TERMS OF S ALE Ten per cent, on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Subject to re­ served bid. For further terms and particulars apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter, Ontario Soicitors for Mortgagee AUCTION SALE — of --- OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 26, Boundary Line Between Huron and Perth 4 miles east of I-Iensall, on FRIDAY, MARCH 31st at 1 o’clock sharp HORSES — 3 z good farm work horses; 1 driver. CATTLE—Pure-bred Durham heif- er "Bonnie Belle” No. 252,782, two- year-old bred in January; purebred Durham heifer "Cloverleaf” No 246,409, bred in Nov.; purebred Durham cow "Seaforth Lassie” No 2015,142, with twin calves at foot; purebred Durham cow "Carrie” No 175,993 with calf at foot; purebred Durham cow due in October eligible for registration; Durham grade heif. er 2 years old, due in March; Polled Angus cow 5 years old, due In April; Durham grade cow due in December 2 Durham grade cows due in Octo­ ber; 7 baby beeves; 5 Durham calves. HOGS—4 young sows due in May 2 sows just bred; 3 0 chunks about 75 lbs each. About 40 liens. IMPLEMEETS—M. H. binder, 6- ft. cut; M. H. mower, 6-ft. cut; M H. seed drill, 13 hoe; M. H. fertiliz­ er drill, 11 hoe; M. H. manure spreader, nearly new; M. H. cutting box, steel roller, hay rake, scuffler 4-section diamond harrows, 16 foot hay rack, good farm wagon, light wagon, gravel box, Cockshutt riding plow, Beaver gang plow; set sleighs with flat rack; Portland cutter, road cart, top buggy, 2000 lb. scales; stock rack, fanning mill with bag­ ger, outthrow disc, wheel barrow, 1 feed cooker, sap pan and heater, 75 hand-made buckets, set double har­ ness, set single harness, third horse harness, chime bells, 18.5 ft. rope set slings, quantity of dressed cedar lumber; quantity of 2x4 scantling; quantity of white ash suitable for tongues and reaches; about 50 0' bus oats; 75 bus. barley: quantity ot millet seed; quantity of hay; forks chains, whiffletrees, 3-section tract­ or harrows and numerous other ar­ ticles. Daisy churn, stoves and quantity of household effects. TERMS OF SALE Hogs, baby beef, grain, hens and all sums of $10.00 and under cash; ovei’ that amount 7 months’ credit Will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 6 per cent, per annum off for cash on credit amounts. Everyting is to be sold as the pro­ prietor has rented his farm. JAMES BROADFOOT, Proprietor GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer i ■ ZION% The congregational meeting which was postponed Some time ago on ac­ count of unfavourable weather was held in the Zion United Church on Tuesday evening of last week. There was a good attendance. By the re­ ports the .church had a very success­ ful yqar. After the meeting the la­ dies served lunch when all enjoyed a very sociable time together. On Wednesday evening of last week the Brotherhood held a com­ mittee meeting at the home of Mr. Ross Hern to arrange for a social evening to be held in Elimville Unit­ ed Church on Thursday evening April 6tli. M;r, and Mrs. Wilbur Batten are moving this week to their new home near Elimville, which they purchas­ ed from Mrs. Samuel Brock. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs, Batten from our community. The W. M, S. ladies quilted two missionary quilts; they were quilt­ ed at the homes of Mrs. John Johns and Mrs. Warren Brock. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of tlie Authorized Assignment of THOMAS JOSEPH HALL of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Merchant. NOTICE is hereby given that the said THOMAS JOSEPH HALL made an Authorized Assignment on the fifteenth day of March, 1933, and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on Friday the 31st day of March, 1933 at 2 p.m. in the of­ fice ot Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury in the Town of Exeter in said Coun­ ty of Huron. TO vote thereat, proofs of claims and proxies must be filed with me prior thereto. Those having claims against the estate must file the same with the Custodian or the Trustee when ap­ pointed before distribution, is made, otherwise the proceeds of the estate­ will Im distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, without re­ gard to such claims, DATED at Goderich this seven* teenth day of March, 1933. 0. G. MIDDLETON, Custodian Court House, Goderich, Ont. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitor for Custodian- f f