HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-03-09, Page 8THURSDAY, SIABCM 9th, 1933 rices Motor Oil Canada’s finest value. Acknow­ ledged to be one of the most per­ fect lubricating oil sold 18c. per quart or 2 for 35c. Special price on large quantities Car Batteries 6 months guarantee— II,Plate regular $4.75 13} /Plate regular $5.95 18 months guarantee—* 11 Plate Heavy Duty $7.50 13 Plate Heavy Duty $8.25 Exeter Markets Wheat 50c, Oats "30 c. Barley 35 c. Shorts 90c. Bran 85c. Manitoba's Best $2.25 Model Flour $2.00 Welcome Flour $i.T0 Feed Flour, $1.00 Creamery Butter 28, 29c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs Eggs, Hogs Butter 20c. extras 14 c, firsts 12 c. seconds 10 c, $3-50 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE < I I CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes,, M. A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—"The Living Presence" i( 7 p.m.-—"The Hallowing of Duty"I ' JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ■QOMI New Suntast Wallpapers We are offering new wallpapers at the lowest prices in years Brighten up the interior of your home with the new patterns we are showing. See our room lots at 99c..29 .49 .99 NORTH END SERVICE STATION „ ~1 Qi I—I II IHMI IH—II ■■111 MH I i1I LOCALS I 11 j j , 3 p.m- i , ’Keep March 16 open for the Pro-, Wednesday- gnessiv© Euchre and Crokinole to Thursday— be held in the Town Hall under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. LOCALS HOT ST. PATRICK’S SUPPER at Cavan Presbyterian Church, Wednes­ day, March 15tli from 6 to 8 o’clock. Irish concert. Admission 35c. and 25c. FOR SALE—-A motorcycle in Al condition; mahogany parlor and piano bench. Apply P. O. 116. Exeter. suite Box- CapFOR SALE—Beatty White Electrip Washing Machine; Colony- House 10x16. Apply R. E. Balk­ will. ltp. Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A..B.D., Pastor W. R. Gouidlng, A.T.Q.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The Minister -Sunday School ’"Mind Your Own Business” —Prayer .Service ■Y, P. S'. Sunday School Anniversary on Sunday, Feby. 19tli. Preacher, Rev. ™ xa • r !L- c- Harvey, M.A.. B.D, of Brant- Mi*, and Mrs. Clitton Davis, Lon- iord don, visited with relatives Sunday.} Kenneth C. *Stanbury, B.A., of- Law School, Toronto, was home for' the week-end. f Mr. Jos. Flynn, of Ailsa Craig, Is' visiting with his uncle, Garnet and Mrs. Flynn. Miss Dorothy Snell, of St. Thomas spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman, spent the week-end with their par­ ents at Norwich. I will pay le. each for any old Champion or A. C. S. Spark Plugs- Boys here is a chance to make some cash.—North End Service Station. WANTED—Will pay cash good used organ.—Martin’s Store. for a Music FARM FOR RENT—75 acres pas­ ture farm in Stephen Township. Property of Mrs. Geo. Snell, Exeter. WANTED—A load of second alfalfa. W. F. Abbott, Exeter crop ltp NEW WOOLLEN PULLOVERS Smart new Pullovers in variety of shades and styles, These are very popular Priced at $1.50 and $2.95 HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES A good quality bleached cotton, 42 in. hemmed pillow case. Extra value for the money EACH 25c. COLORED COTTON CREPES In five different shades. They come in small neat patterns, very suitable for underear, night gowns, etc. PER YARD 29c. NEW SILK HOSE Allen make. A beautiful full-fashioned semi-service silk hose in all the wanted shades. AT PER PAIR 79c. " New Stamped Mats - 25c«, 65c., 75c., 85c. NEW GINGHAMS These are the regular 25c. Ginghams. Just a few patterns to choose from. We bought these at a very low price. While they last at PER YARD 15c. CHATELAINE PATTERNS * New Chatelaine Patterns for Spring. Our customers like these new patterns. They sell at the popular price OF 15c. TURKISH TOWELS A good quality Turkish Towel in as­ sorted colorings. These arc . exceptional Dxxes 18 x 33 inches 20c. EACH 2 FOR 35c. NEW PATTERNS IN TABLE OILCLOTH You will like these new patterns. They are entirely different this season 1 1-4 yards 39c.; 1 1-4 yards 49c. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Tastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader , a.m.—"Jame>” th© Son of Zebe- dee The fifth Address in the Series of the Apostles. p.m.—Sunday. School. p.m.—The Minister, for a' Monday—Y, P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting. IT 3 Miss Rose Jennings has returned t 7 to Goderich week at her Mr. John of London, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Wareing. A car-load of excellent heavy horses were shipped from Exeter to Woodstock on Thursday last, 'Miss Brain, of the Exeter High School staff was off duty Monday and part of Tuesday owing to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tuckey and son Donald, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawson on Sun­ day. Mrs. Wes. Armstrong, of Usbornp. is holding an auction sale of farm stock and implements today. (Thurs­ day.) Mr. and Mrs. Wray (nee Miss Ruth Lamport) of Chatham, spent Sunday at. the home of Mr. E. M. Dignan. Miss Jessie Hodgert has been in-! disposed and iv at present recuper-’ Friday—Bible Class (adults) ating at the home of her brother* Sunday Milton in London. , n a.m,—“Justification by Faith” Rev. J. W. Down and Miss J. Mur. 7 p m—“Besetting Sins” ray were delegates from Exeter to „ __.. . , 8.15 p.m.—Service of Songthe temperance convention held m Toronto last week. j Mrs. A. J. Blowes, Mrs. Ivan1 Pearce, Mrs. Arthur Blowes and. „ „ , ,,.Chas. Stillman, of Mitchell, attend-1 T31e I. O. O. F. are holding an- ed th© Blowes-Walter nuptials on other social evening on Friday even. F1,jday ing of this week, March 10th. Pro- ’T . „ , T gressive euchre. Ladies please pro.. Mr- ,Jotal>flow??'as,be.en„su"er-|vide lunch. mg pain m the right foot. He lias now had it placed in a plaster cast; and will be confined to his home for s^Op. a f©w weeks. Miss Carrie eph’s hospital, London, where she to give you a reading; after holidaying home here. Flynn and lady friend TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFauJ Choir-Leader, Mr, Middlemiss Second Sunday in Lent a.m.—'Morning Prayer j.S. S. and Re'ctor’s ( FOR SALE—We have a fine as­ sortment of good used cars, priced reasonably at the Ford Garage. We have inquiries for several farms between Centralia and Kippen on Highway. If you have a farm to sell see us. We have for sale the Moir farm North side Exeter and the Fairbairn farm North East of Hensail, 1& Both farms and priced Pickard. miles from highway 100 acres, well built to sell quickly.—R. on E. N. W. MILDER Issuer of Motor-Licenses Also Trailers up to 2,000 pounds Phone 62w CLINTON,ONT. BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks under Govern­ ment Approval. All floicks are cull­ ed and banded by government In­ spectors. We hatch Barred Rocks White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns. Anconas, Jersey Black Giants, White Indian Runner Ducks. Write for free catalogue. Custom hatching .03c per egg, by the tray of 128 eggs. We guarantee your own chicks back.—A.. H. Switzer, Gran­ ton, Ont. HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 184 Exeter, Ont Baby Chicks, Rocks $12.00; Leg­ horns $10.00 till of 300 or over, per chick more. Poultry Feeds, Shell, Grit, Cod Meal, Cello-Glass, )Sil-Lite, etc Bring us your market eggs or poul­ try. Custom Hatching. April 15th in lots less than 300, Ic r Beef Meal, Oyster Liver Oil, Alfalfa )Sil-Lite, FOR SALE with and first 1 top buggy, newly painted, good as new. A real buy. 1 Set Stock Scales, 2,000 pound capacity, National manufacture truck style. Hurry it’s a snap. 1 4-section Set Diamond Harrows complete, extra heavy. Make an of­ fer. 1 7-foot McCormick Binder tongue truck bundle carrier transport. This binder is in class shape. Canvas all good. Hurry it’s a real bargain. 1 Fordson Tractor, in Al shape Come and look this one over. 1 Oliver Tractor Plnw, two furrow We will guarantee this plow, and you can buy it right. 1 Quebec Sulky Plow, single fur­ row, foot left at $10.00. 1 set Oak Wagon Wheels. A snap Four wheels at $5.00. We still have a number of trade-in Cream Separators, come and get the parts you need free before We scrap them. All new farm equipment at greatly reduced prices. New Cream Separa­ tors as low as $50.00. Wanted — A good second-hand typewriter. International Harvester Co. Ltd.-, EXETER, ONTARIO NEW HOUSE DRESSES You will be surprised at the quality and style of these new house dresses They come in sizes 36 to 44 and are special at each 7 9c. 11 3 p.m — "Class. ,7 p.m.—Evensong Service each Wednesday evening during Lent at 7.45 A. Y. P. A. Monday evening at 8 Bible. I iI % THE SALVATION ARMY Every Thursday until further notice Special Praise Service ALL ARE WELCOME J •LOOK—AND READ’ j Arthur A’shbrook, clairvoyant, cry­ in (St. Jos- s(-a] reade,r is still at our store ready „ __„ ______w; and remem­ operation on Sunday ( ber there is no-set charge. You pay z. She is getting wjiat y0U (think it is worth. So i com© at once. .'Hours: a.m. 10-12;! afternoon 2 to 4;' evening 8 to 10.-— WILSON’S GROCERY Bieber is SPECIALS IN GROCERIES Special Aylmer Tomato Juice 12 oz. tin 5c. each Special Choice Lard 3 lbs. for 25c. Special Finest Singapore-Pineapples 2 tins 19c. EXTRA SPECIAL IN SUGAR.......................10 lbs. granulated or brown 45c. Choice Cooking Onions Boilers 5 lbs. 10c. Helmut Brand Corn Beef Very Choice-^ tins 25c. Bulk Macaroni 5c. per lb. COFFEE COFFEE Harry Horne’s Famous Sun Dryd Coffee. Try a pound and be convinced of the quality of this Coffee On Sale for this week.......................................... 1 lb. tin 47c.; 1-2 lb. tin 24c. Southcott Bros. W. R-GOUL.D8NG T. C. M. ami Choirmaster A. Organist James Street United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. News Flash !-- TIP TOP TAILORS Make another Sensational Announcement underwent an < for appendicitis. She along nicely. Mr. Harry Jennings Jr. of West­ ern University, spent th© week-end ht his home here. He assisted with the services in Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday evening. Rev. J. B. Rhodes M.A., of Caven Presbyterian Church has- declined the invitation to preach in West­ minster Church, Sault ’Ste the next two Sundays and cupy his own pulpit here. The auction sal© of part household effects of Mrs. Gibson was held Saturday, was a good attendance and ■prices were realized. Mrs. Gibson has rented part of the house to Mr, Fred and Miss Sutlieran. (Th© two tall maple trees- in of Mr. Geo. Etherington’p' Street __ ___ .. ...... . t _____ ....... ..... . . _____ _________ ..... ..w.^ ar© of the soft maple type and had'capably presided over the meeting. | next Monday evening, partners to grown " ----x ------ ------ 4'„.. ----- - . roots drains A debate was held at the Young} EOllick; ... _ People's meeting in James'St, United; Hunt; for India by Mrs1. A. Church on Thursday evening. "Re- Payne and for Russia by Miss L. M. solved that Women’s Place was En-'Jeckell that these countries might tirely in the home.’’ The affirma- be assisted in solving political and five was taken by Rowe Dinney and other difficulties. A vocal duet was Chas. Cox while th© negative was given by Mrs. A. Doupe and Mrs. G. Mr. John E. Dignan has returned to hijy home here after spending the winter with his daughter Mrs. W. Brown, of Kingsville, Ont. Guy Marie, will oc* of the Andrew There fair on have been cut down. DAY OF PRAYER LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 wasThe World’s Day of Prayer feelingly observed in James Street church on Friday afternoon last with a good representation of wo­ men from all th© churches in the} Club met on Monday evening and town participating. The program, are arranging to hold some special centred around the theme "Follow games at the club. The ladies of me” was prepared this year by Mrs., town are showing increased interest C. C. Chen, of China, and was used' and several new members have been A mixed be held BADMINTON The Executive of the Badminton Here’s "Stop Press is interested TIP News’’ that should interest evei’y Canadian who in economy quality and style In clothes. TOP CLOTHES now $19.50 And not a bit of quality lias been sacrificed— —same high-class British Woollens. —same expert hand-cut and individual tailoring. —same careful workmanship. ■—salne insistence upon the best of tailoring. Fit, finish and satisfaction guarfanteed. Call in to-day—-examine the new Spring line of Tweeds,’ Sedges, Worsteds, Cheviots and Flannels. You will be delighted with the new patterns and amazed at the values we are offering at this price. PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. front Main by Christian women throughout the added during th© week. They'world. Mrs. J, H. Stainton very1 doubles tournament will to a great height but their' Special prayers were offered for the were interfering with the study of the Scriptures by Mrs. J. T. and had to be sacjificied.I Miners, for Japan and by Mrs. A. E. ■ Follick; for China by Mrs. M. A. J. be drawn. Prizes given. ("AVEN LADIES’ AID At the regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid of Caven Presby­ terian church which was held at the home of the President, Mi's. F. L ~ ; Grieve on Tuesday evening. Thereupheld by Misses Berneice Delbridge; Williams and was much appreciated, j was a large attendance to hear Mrs. and Hazel Elliot. a nnllpntinn was taken nmniinthier tn w u a-p won. j$5.10. The negative side; A collection was taken amounting to f. h. Rhodes, of Toronto. Mrs, i $5.10. | Rhodes delighted the hearers with At 7.30 o’clocx cue i.-ame evening the telling of some of her experiencesThe first degree team of the Bxe-' At *>“<> even mg ne te.ung or some of her experiences ter lodge of Oddfellows together a sarTloe ot w.°rsblI> [or. g.'s ? ,.U‘e « ,»»« a with a number of the brethren paid various organisations of the differ- St. Patrick's pepper on Wednesday a visit to Clinton lodge on Tuesday. MH churches of the town was held March 15th. evening and exemplified the work of, the degree on five candidates ,one' from the Exeter lodge. A number, of short speeches followed. Refresh.} ments were served at the close by. the 'Clinton lodge. Considerable interest is being taken in the hooked mat contest be­ ing put on by Southcott Bros. X tea . et is being given away for the best mat hooked last year or this on a Bluenose pattern purchased their store. Workmanship and era! appearance is being taken consideration. The contest oleum March 31st, Hom gem. into wvt in the James Street United church I ■ at which there was a good represen-1 lation from all churches, Miss Mil-' MAIN j dred Rowe, president of the James, Street Willing Worker’s Auxiliary- was in charge of the service and Miss Verna Coates presided at the piano. Among those taking part in th© program were: Misses Doreen Campbell, Rosa Dearing, Ruth Balk, will and Miss Pridham. The pro* gram was prepared by the National Girls Work Board and comprised various responsive readings, hymns and prayers for the great family of nations. The collection amounted to*Rev. I $1.90. and ST. MEN’S UNION Main Street United churchThe Men’s Union met in the church par­ lour on Wednesday evening March 1st with the president, Geo. Layton as Chairman. The speaker for the evening was Reeve- B. M. Francis, who spoke on the subject "The Dis­ tribution of Relief?* A lively dis­ cussion regarding the proper solu­ tion ed. of this difficult problem follow. A piano duet Was given by A. E. Elliott and G. C. Koch Francis Abbott gave a reading. Th© regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of Main St. United church was held in the class, room on Thursday, March 2nd. Mrs. Mooney had charge of the devotion­ al p&rt of the meeting. Mrs. Doerr, the president, then took charge. The visiting Committee and me flower committee for March were then appointed. 55 calls were made during the month of February. It was decided to purchase a portable communion set for the minister in charge. Mr. Elliott then gave an interesting' talk on books. The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction. The James Street United church Woman’s Association held their March meeting on Thursday after* noon of last week and it was Well attended. Aftei' business matters were discussed Mrs. Earl Shapton, convenor of group three, presided. Devotional exercises Were in charge of Mrs. J. Hubert Jones and Mrs. (Rev.) Down’. A most interesting paper oh. St, Patrick, the- Apostle of Ireland, was given by Miss Hannah Keddy. Mrs, Stainton delighted the audience with a solo and the mem­ bers of the group fhang "My Wild Irish Rose/’ Mrs. Gouidlng then took charge of an Irish contest. Mrs, Albert Traquair’s group will conduct the April meeting JAMES ST. WILLING WORKERS The regular meeting of the Will­ ing Workers Auxiliary of James St. Church was held on Monday evening at the home of Miss May Jones with the president, Mildred Rowe in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn 361 followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. A short business meeting was held. Roll was called to which twenty-eight girls' respon­ ded. The devotional leaflet was read by Alice Handford. After singing hymn 372, Grace Creech gave a short account of the work of Miss Louise Scott, nurse in India, which was followed by prayer for our mis­ sionaries by Mrs. Amy. Celia Christie sang a pleasing solo accompanied on her guitar, ' A very instructive talk on India was given by Mrs. J. H, Jones, Reba Rowe favored the meeting with a splendid reading; Enola Buswell then read an inter­ esting chapter of "Korea Calls*’ which was enjoyed by all. Donations for three layettes were handed in by girls and will be sent to the West. Meeting closed with hymn 382 and Mispah benediction. LUhcn was serv­ ed by group three convened by Reta Rowe. Mr. A, E. Fuke, Of London, visit­ ed in Exeter on Tuesday,