HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-03-02, Page 8THURSDAY, MARCH S, 1933 .. Keep March 16 open for the Pro­ gressive Euchre and Crokinole to be held in the Town Hall under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. Exeter Markets THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FOR SALE—We have a fine as­ sortment of good used cars, priced reasonably at the Ford Garage. FOR SALE — 80 rock yearlings. Reasonably priced, J. F. Taylor, Exeter. ltp. FOR SALE—Electric washing ma­ chine, laundry stove, leather rocker, chairs, sewing machine. Powell’s Exchange. FOR SALE—Two 2-year old steers 1 Durham cow. (fresh) 2 small pigs. Apply at Times-Advoeate ltp. Wheat 50c. Oats 27c. Barley :;5e. Shorts yue. Bran 85c. Malting Barley 35c. Midliugs 90c. Manitoba’s Best $2.25 Model Flour $2,00 Welcome Flour $1.60 Malting Barley 32e. Feed Flour, $1,00 Creamery butter 27e. Butter 17c. extras 15ic. firsts 13 c. seconds lie. $3.50 Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN I CHURCH , Her. J. Bernard Rhodes,, M. A. I Minister ■ Miss Lena Coates, A.L,O,M, Organist Preacher: Rev. F. H. -China Inland Mission, 10 a.m.■■•■-■'Sunday School 11 a.m.—“Hopeless yet Rhodes Toronto Confident” 7 p.m.—"The Challenge of the Christian Church through 19 Cen­ turies.” Monday, 8 Modern Rhodes. Everyone welcome. p.m. Lantern Lecture on China by Rev. F. H, No admission charge. New Suntast Wallpapers We are offering new wallpapers at the lowest prices in years Brighten up the interior of your home with the new patterns we are showing. See our room lots at 99c $1.29 $1.49 $1.99 NEW WOOLLEN PULLOVERS Smart new Pullovers in a variety of shades and styles. These are very popular Priced at $1.50 and $2.95 HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES A good quality bleached cotton, 42 in. hemmed pillow case. Extra value for the money EACH 25c. COLORED COTTON CREPES In five different shades. They come in small neat patterns, very suitable for underear, night gowns, etc. PER YARD 29c. NEW SILK HOSE Allen make. A beautiful full-fashioned semi-service silk hose in all the wanted shades. AT PER PAIR 79c. New Stamped Mats - 25c., 65c., 75c., 85c. NEW GINGHAMS These are the regular 25c. Ginghams. Just a few patterns to choose from. We bought these at a very low price. While they last at PER YARD 15c. CHATELAINE PATTERNS New Chatelaine Patterns for Spring. Our customers like these new patterns. They sell at the popular price OF 15c. TURKISH TOWELS A good quality Turkish Towel in as­ sorted colorings. These arc . exceptional v . K.T’r£s 18 x 36 inches ' 20c. EACH 2 FOR 35c. NEW PATTERNS IN TABLE OILCLOTH You will like these new patterns. They are entirely different this season 1 1-4 yards 39c.; 1 1-4 yards 49c. NEW HOUSE DRESSES You will be surprised at,the quality and style of these new house dresses They come in sizes 36 to 44 and are special at each *7 9c. SPECIALS IN GROCERIES LOCALS JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADAseveral Kippen a farm We farms on Highway, to sell see us. Moir the : Hensail, 11 Both farms and priced Pickard. have inquiries for between Centralia and If you have We have for sale the farm North side Exeter and Fairbairn farm North Ea^t of miles from highwav lOd acres, well built on to sell quickly.— R. E. NOTICE TO FARMERS—Sieves and screens rewired for any make cl fanning mill. William Mitchell, Exeter. 2-16-2 tp Also Phone N. W. MILLER Issuer of Motor-Licenses Trailers up to 2,000 pounds 62w CLINTON,ONT. BABY CHICKS Baby Chicks under Govern-A-l ment Approval. All floicks are cull­ ed and banded by government In­ spectors. We hatch Barred Rocks White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns Aneonas, Jersey Black Giants, White Indian Runner Ducks. Write for free catalogue. Custom hatching .03c per egg, by the tray of 128 eggs. We guarantee your own chicks back.—-A. H. Switzer, Gran­ ton, Qnt. HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Miss Beatrice Cooper, of Kippen rioted for several day with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Bowey. Mr. Wm. Musser, of Detroit, call­ ed on Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Davis the forepart of the week Miss Margaret Penhale, who teaching school near Belmont, spent the week-end at her home. Mrs. O’Connor and son Jack, of Detroit, spent the week-end visit­ ing with Mr and Mrs. Rd. Davis. Mrs. A. Gibson has rented her home and is holding an auction sale of household effects on March 4 th. Inspector Beacom, of Goderich, visited a number of the Ppblic Schools in this district during the past week. Mrs. E. Howald is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roul- Ston, who have moved to Windsor from Stratford. Mr. Nelson Kestle, spent several days in London where he attended the funeral of his sister the late Mrs. Geo. H. Broderick. Mrs. G. Ward and son Kenneth, of. Huntsville, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. McFalls the be­ ginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt and fam- ! ily, of London, were in town over the week-end owing to the death of the former’s uncle the late Joseph Web­ ster. Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday and Wednesday Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Good Friday will be on April 14th and Easter on* April 16 th. „ | The W. C. T. U. World’s Pay of Prayer for women will be held in James .Street United Church on Fri­ day afternoon at 3 p.m. An offer­ ing will be received. While felling a tree perty of Mrs. Witmer, the tree swung around the verandah of Mr. doing slight damage. Mrs. Chas. Birney, quite ill for the past slowly improving. Mrs. D. F. Ferguson, arriving on Saturday last. The Canadian Cowboys well-known J radio artists, of London, provided ’ the music at a dance in the Exeter Opera House on -Thursday last week at which there crowd. The automobile sold by the bailiff sale on Saturday after­ noon was bought by Mr. Earl Mit­ chell, of Usborne for $79.00. Mr. Mitchell lost his own car in a fire several weeks ago. A number of hockey fans were in Clinton on Monday evening to wit­ ness the play-off between Goderich and Clinton for league honors. In a fast game Clinton won from Go­ derich' by the score of 2-1. On Fri­ day evening Clinton played in Go­ derich and in a. game, which went six overtime periods resulted in a tie. A large crowd of rooters were present at Clinton from Goderich 'on Monday evening. 11 Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A..B.D., Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The Minister I 3 p.m.—Sunday School * 7 p.m.—“Who Cut That Man’s Hair” | Thursday is I solved that the Home” Friday at prayer. All Union girls meeting Board of Stewards 8.30 Tuesday at 8 p.m.— Violin and rchestra practice. ' Y. P. S.—Debate: Re- a Woman's place is in 3 p.m.—World’s Day of churches participating, at 7.30. or MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—Philip The fourth address in the series on the Apostles. p.m.—Sunday .School. p.m.—The Minister. 11 3 7 Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday—Prayer Meeting. Aylmer Pumpkin . . 2 1-2 lb. tins 2 for 22c. Brunswick Sardines.................. . per tin 5c. 39c. a dozen Special Sliced Pineapple 2 tins 23c. Special Angler Salmon 1 lb. tin 10c. each . Special Libby’s Sauer Kraut Large Tins 2 for 15c. Fresh Broken Sodas Granulated Sugar Brooms lbs9. 25c.10 lbs. 48c.5-string 25c. each LARGE SWEET JUICY ORANGES (grown in Palestine) TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Ont Leg- Phone 184 Exeter, Baby Chicks, Rocks $12.00; April 15th in lots less than 300, lc horns $10.00 till of 30 0 or over, per chick more. Poultry Feeds, Shell, Grit, Cod Meal, Bring try. Beef Meal, Oyster Liver Oil, Alfalfa Cello-Glass, JSil-Lite, etc us your market eggs or poul- Custom Hatching. FOR SALE with and first 1 top buggy, newly painted, good as new. A real buy. 1 set Stock Scales, 2.0u0 pound capacity, National manufacture truck style. Hurry it’s a snap. 1 4-section Set Diamond Harrows complete, extra heavy. Make an of­ fer. 1 7-foot McCormick Binder tongue truck bundle carrier transport. This binder is in class shape. Canvas all good. Hurry it’s a real bargain. 1 Fordson Tractor, in Al shape Come and look this one^over. 1 Oliver Tractor Plow, two,furrow We will guarantee this plow, and you can buy it right. 1 Quebec Sulky Plow, single fur­ row, foot left at $10.00. 1 set Oak Wagon Wheels. A snap Four wheels at $5.00. We still have a number of trade-in Cream Separators, uome and get the parts you need free before we scrap them. All new farm equipment at greatly reduced prices. New cream Separa­ tors as low as $50.00. Wanted — A good second-hand typewriter. International Harvester Co. Ltd., EXETER, ONTARIO IF YOU EVER WANTED II on the pro­ Andrew St. and struck ( Jas. O’Brien ; who few Her of Winnipeg,! I I i lias been weeks is daughter First Sunday in Lent a.m,—Morning Prayer and Cor­ porate Communion for A. Y. P. A. “Call of Lent.” Junior congregation p.m—S. S. and Rector’s Bible Class' (Slides—“The Organized Sunday School Work of the Chunch in Canada” p.m.—Evensong!—Young People’s Service, “Getting in Touch with God” Ash Wednesday .Service 7.45 ,p.m. “The Divine Call” Service each Wednesday evening during Lent at 7.45 A. Y. P. A. Monday evening at 8 ■ Slides—“The Cathedrals of England and Wales” 11 3 7 W. R evening of was a big auction at I THE SALVATION ARMY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Marcli 2-3 The last of the Gospel Revival Meeting 7.45 p.m. SUNDAY<2 11 a.m.—“The King’s Highway” 7 p.m.—“The Last Will and Testa­ ment of Judas Iscariot” 8.30 p.m.—Old Time Song Service ALL WELCOME REDUCED RATES FOR CLEANING AND PRESSING MEN’S SUITS HALF PRICE 50c. All other clothing reduced proportion EXETER LAUNDRY Opposite Post Office in Weston’s Sodas . . . Choice Quality Corn lb. pkg. 15c. . 4 cans 25c. Southcott Bros. GOULDING T. C. M. and Choirmaster —'.J - A CANARY OR LOVE BIRDS DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY4 REASON-—The largest aviary in Canada, is overstocked birds. This is the sole reason for these exceptional prices. GENUINE HARTZ MOUNTAIN OR ST. ANDREASBERG IMPORTED SINGING CANARIES REGULAR PRICE $7.50 OUR PRICE $4.95 LOVE BIRDS—GREEN SHELL $5.95 a pair —BLUE SHELL $9.95 a pair —YELLOW SHELL $6.95 a pair —MAUVE SHELL $10.25 a pair IMPORTED HEN CANARIES (for mating) $1.50 each THUSDAY on Cl’T FLOWERS Reg. $1.50 CARNATIONS 79c. a dozen Reg. 75c. TULIPS (Double Early) 59e. a dozen Reg. 75c. DAFFODILS 49c. a dozen REGULAR 50c. PRIMULA POTTED PLANTS BLOOM 29c. EACH EXCEPTIONAL F. L. Grieve, Phni.BMagazines Daily Papers Lending Library "The Drug Store that Appreciates Your Jig-Saw Puzzle? 4 new ones every week 15 and 25c Rusin ess” A. Organist James Street United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal . Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. ( LET US HELP YOU PROVIDE FOR Your Children’s Education Your Family Needs Your Retirement Income Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 p WITH THE SICK Quite a number of people took ad-1 vantage of the special (Song Servifte Neu)s Flash !— TIP TOP TAILORS Make another Sensational Announcement Here’s "Stop Press News” that should interest evei-y Canadian who is interested in economy quality and style in clothes. TIP TOP CLOTHES now $19.50 And not a bit of quality has been sacrificed— —saane high-class British Woollens. —same expert liand-cnt and individual tailoring. —same careful wollananship. —same insistence upon the best of tailoring. Fit, finish and satisfaction guaranteed. Call in to-day—-examine the new Spring line of Tweeds, Serges, Worsteds, Cheviots and Flannels. You will be delighted with the new patterns and amazed at the values we are offering at this price. home- of his son William North of Exeter, M. L. Beavers was able to be church Sunday the first time PHONE 81 4 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. Mrs. Wm. Warren, -of Usborne, is seriously'ill at her home. Mr. John Welsh, of Toronto, is ill at the Welsh, Mrs. out to for a number of weeks. ____ _ __ ______ ___ ____ ___ Mrs. Earl Whiting, who was ill at the Salvation Army on Sunday, f with pneumonia, is slowly recuper- after the regular church hour. Some ating. ; of the old-time hymns were chosen ] ; and sung most heartily; it being * quite evident that the old hymns are ‘.still the more popular. The meeting the* closed with^the hymn “Hold Fort” and benediction. ' Miss Utah Clarke, who underwent an operation for appendicitis in Vic­ toria Hospital is expected home’ any day. Clarence Boyle, whowas off duty for a 'couple of weeks with a sprain­ ed ankle has resumed his position with Southcott Bfos, Mr. Wilfred Shapton, who under­ went an operation for appendicitis at Dr. Fletcher's Hospital was able to no-which ft will passes ' EXETER WINS In a game arranged on short tice the local team defeated * the Northern Life team form London on Thursday night of last week by thelre3'uln t° riis home bn Monday, score of 7 to 1. The ice was not in' Mr. Rd. Coates, who underwent the best of condition and the Loh- an operation for appendicitis in Vic- don team found the going quite hard toria Hospital, London, was brought I however they were outplayed by the to his home on Thursday and is re>- locals. The teams were; ■ Northern Life—-Goal, Norris; de­ fense, Lazier and Gauld; centre, Dal- lard; wings, Owl and Hergott; subs Fawcet and Thomas. Exeter—Goal, Ford; Wells, N. Wells; centre, wings, Creech and Willard; Pryde, Cochrane, Hockey and Berdux. Refei’ee—Wm. Balkwill, Jun. On Tuesday night the Orange Crush team of the London CityLeague outscored a team of local'311 the Westminster Hospital at Lon-rare visiting with their brother Mr. ^{Puckehasors by the score of 6 to 2. d™ where he was under treatment, [and Mrs, Frank Taylor. defence. E. R. Snell; subs. V. icuperating nicely. I Mr. Wm, Rivers, who met with an unfortunate accident when lie had the first two’ fingers blown off the right hand when his shotgun ex-| ploded, was able to leave Dr. Flet-i cher’s hospital on Thursday. I Mr. Archie Sterling, a veteran of* the Great War and who represented the Metropolitan' Insurance Company In Exeter, retTirned to his homo last week after spending several months yLOCAL NEWS March. Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Taylor visited, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hey, of Zurich. Miss Irene Flynn is visiting with her sister Mrs. Wm. Wareing for a week or two. Miss Rose Jennings, of Goderich, is spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Jennings. March came in Hke a lamb would lead us to believe that be kicking up dog before it out. Rev, H. E, and Mfa, Goutheott and son Jack, of Bayhaw, visited with the former's mother on Monday and Tuesday, Mrs, Pat, Piewmdng, of McGilliv­ ray, who has been in fir, Fletcher's Hospital, able to return home on Tuesday. Mrs, H, H, Waiter, who confined to her room for eleven weeks, was able to stairs for the first time on Mrs, Chas, Holtzmann Morris, of Pontiac, Mich., Albert Elliott, of Mt. Clemens, Mich. has been the past bo down Tuesday and son and Mr.a ladies provided a and it was fairly Samuel Pearce, of Friday at tlie home W. C. Pearce. They Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, of Toronto, motored up on Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates and to take back with them Miss. Ila Westcott, who has been visiting here. A pancake supper was served m Trivitt Memorial parish hall on Shrove Tuesday by the Women’s As­ sociation. The splendid supper well patronized. ■Mr. arid Mrs. Iona, visited on of Mr, and Mrs. camo up to see their nephew Mr. C. Pearce, who has been ill for several weeks. l\lr. and Mrs. A. J. Blowes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blowes, Mrs. Ivan Pearce and Mrs. Wesley Rhinehart, all oif Mitchell; Mrs. W. A. McLaren and Miss M. A. Ellis, of Hensall, visited in Exeter on Tuesday and at­ tended the trousseau tea at the home of Mr. and Mra 11. S. Walter. At the James St. Young People’s meeting on Thursday evening of last week an illustrated lecture was given on the life: of St. Paul, the manu­ scripts being road by Misses G. Fran­ cis and R. Creech, There was a good attendance. Musical numbers wore given by Messrs. Frank and Cyril strange,