HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-03-02, Page 4THURSDxlY, MARCH 2, 1933 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE BIRTHS ■* ** MORE BARGAINS at Cook’s Rock Bottom Store Heinz Ketchup 2 bottles 23c. Windsor Salt 501b. bags 45 c Borden’s Eagle Brand Milk 19c per can Swft’s Jewel Shortening 2 lbs. for 19c HUNTER—-At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital on Wednesday, March 1st to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter, a daughter (Barbara Ruth.) DELVE—In Forest, on Wednesday February Sth, to Mr. and Mrs Arto Delve, a son (William Arto) RYAN—In Mt. Carmel, on Monday, February 20th, to Mr. and John A. Ryan a son. Mrs. Libby’s Sauer Kraut 2 cans 19c. Shoe Polish Nugget or 2 in 1 10c. a can DEATHS on EXTRA SPECIAL 500 bars P & G Naptha Soap 3c. a bar. STOCK UP WHILE THEY LAST HAVE YOU TRIED OUR SPECIAL FRESH GROUND COFFEE IT’S MAKING MORE FRIENDS EVERY DAY More Good News—We are bringing to town one of the highest grade teas money can buy. Ask for FLOWERDALE TEA. It’s got a rich full-bodied flavor. Try it once. You’ll drink no oilier. YOUR MONEY GOES FURTHER AT Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter WEBSTER—In Exeter North, Saturday, February 25th, Joseph Webster in his 61st year. LOVIE— In Stephen on Sunday, February 2 6th, iSelburn Oscar, little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lovie, aged S months and 17 days, ALLISON—-In Springfield, Ont., -on Monday, February 27th, 193,3, Verna Whitlock, beloved wife of John Allison, aged 3 6 years and 5 days. MORGAN—-In London on Friday, February 24th, Mary Canning, be­ loved wife of Joshua Morgan, for­ merly of McGillivray, in her 68th year. HALL—In Exeter North on Tuesday February 28th, Nancy Ruby, wi­ dow of the late Isaiah Hall, aged 69 years, 4 months and 4 days. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2.3 0, interment the Exeter cemetery. 68 lbs. Gone Altogether A woman writes:—"For nearly 3 years I have been taking Kruschen Salts every morning in hot water, and have lost 68 pounds of fat. My weight before- taking them was 196 pounds, and it is now 128 pounds. Compare the difference—it is mar­ vellous. My mother and sister are also taking Kruschen and lots of our friends, and think they are wonder­ ful. As regards diet, it is not neces­ sary to do one little bit of dieting; in my case I have never denied my­ self anything since I started taking Kruschen -Salts, and do not eat much sugar. I ever be grateful Salts for the great help they have been to me, and shall never stop tak­ ing them, or recommending them to people I think need them.”— (Miss) K. T. Taken every morning, T' ’ * effects a perfectly natural clearance of undigested food substances and all excessive watery vi-d-ste matter. Unless this wastage is regularly ex­ pelled. Nature will eventually store it ui> out of the way in the form of ugly fat. I walk, every day, many potatoes or don’t think I shall enough to Krusclien in HURONDALE The Hurondale Women’s Institute held a very interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Ben. Case on Wed­ nesday afternoon, February 22nd with over thirty ladies present. The president, Mrs. Rufus Kestle, was in chair. The meeting opened with th* Institute Ode followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. After the reading of the minutes, the Roll Call was well responded to by "Safety Rules for Motorists.” The correspondence consisted of several letters of thanks from members for fruit and flowers received and an appeal for relief for a needy family in Algoma. It was decided to make over clothing during the next week and have a bale packed as soon The main event of the was the answering of drawer on "Legislation” G, Stanbury, Barrister, the questions having was tendered a very hearty vote of thanks by the ladies. Miss Hannah Keddy then gave a humor­ ous ’reading from Nina Moore Jamieson’s book, "The Cattle in the Stall” which was much enjoyed Current Events were very ably tak­ en by Mrs. M. Bechler. After the singing of the National Anthem, a contest was enjoyed and refresh­ ments served, the assistant hostess­ es being Mrs. Clayton Frayne, Mrs M. Bechler and Mrs. Edgar Rundle The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. rfarvey Perkins when the topic, "Working your own Gold Mine.” will be taken by Arthur Rundle. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey desire express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and sympathy ex- teded during their recent bereave­ ment. CARD OF THANKS to Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Lovie and fam­ ily desire to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the many expressions - of sym­ pathy extended during their recent bereavement; also for the floral butes and loan of cars. tri- A Jap general warns us that never retreat. Except from a tion outlined in a treaty.—Key West Citizen. Japs posi-CARD OF THANKS as possible afternoon a question by Mr. J. of Exeter been submit­ ted at the last meeting. Mr. Stan- bury in his usual pleasing manner gave a very lucid anct painstaking explanation of every question and Never yet have statesmen saved country by opposing everything ^Water­ a favored by the other party.- bury American. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shapton wish to thank all those who kindly sent flowers and cards to Mr. Shap­ ton while at the hospital; also for the many other acts of kindness shown of them during his illness’. CARD OF THANKS SJ ■B 7(1 NOW on DISPLAY The Big, New FORD V-8 1 SEE IT AT OUR SHOWROOMS SANDY ELLIOT Phone 64 Exeter, Ont. ■ Mr. family cere thanks to the friends and neigh­ bors for the kindness and sympathy extended during their recent be­ reavement and especially to Rev. A- E. Elliott and to those who loaned cars. and Mrs. Samuel Bradt desire to express their and. sin- NEW JUDGE BANQUETED Justice Kerwin who was appointed to the High Court his first visit to Goderilch on Mr. cently made Mon’day to hold the Spring Assizes. In the evening the Bar Association of Huron County tendered him a complimentary banquet at the Hotel Bedford which was largely attended by the lawyers of the County and the officials. Mr. Loftus E. Dancey the President, was toastmaster. The Ex-'Sheriff Mr. R. G. Reynolds gave a very interesting talk on former days after which Mr. J. G. Stanbury of Exeter, was called upon to pro­ pose the toast of the evening to the Bench. In his address he extended his congratulations and good wishes of the County Bar the new Judge and number of matters community interest. tello of Huron 'County and His Lord­ ship Justice' Kerwin replied at length. re- and Officials to dealt with a of legal and Both Judge Cos- Exeter Lumber Co., Ltd. We have just unloaded a quantity of lumber which w,e were able to procure at a very low price and are passing this saving on to our customers. We are listing below a few specials at prices that have not been equalled in years. 1x6 V Match Pine & Spruce 30.00 1x6 Match Flooring 30.00 This stock is kiln dried and very suitable for colony houses, garages, etc. 2x4 and 2x6 - - 30.00 * 32.00 Roll Roofing 401b to 1OO sq. ft. $1.75 roll We have only a limited stock of the above items so you will do well to buy early. ii- Phone 48 Exeter Lumber Co., Ltd. linn landlord so he left the place in De­ cember with 10e. in his pocket and has been on the road ever since Chief Noory’s larder is well stocked and is gaining a wide reputation- one transient told him he had heard about Exeter 300 miles away. The Chief says that .some of the men are pretty decent fellows while there are oilier tough customers Which try a man’s patience. AUCTION SALE * ----. Of ---- F*AKM /STOCK & IiUPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 8, South Thames Road on TABLES INQUIRY A central press dispatch says: tario’s legislators are not going to find out how much it cost the Prov­ ince to change the color of the now- famous grey vest worn by former Premier G, Howard Ferguson in the life-sized .portrait which graces the main stairway of the parliament, buldings. The picture, painted by Kenneth Forbes, R. C. A., shows the former premier in characteristic pope—but wearing a black vest in place or the grey one revealed when the por­ trait was first shown. W. G. Medd, Prog. South Huron '• became rather curious about that tx , „ 1 vest. He asked iwo questions: Krusclien | 1 "On FREE TRIAL OFFER If you have never tried Kruschen—try it now at our expense. We have distributed a great many special “ GIANT ’’ paokages which make it easy for you to prove our claims for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new “ GIANT ” 75c. package. This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about one week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that Kruschen does everything we claim it to do, the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take it back. Your druggist is authorised to return your 75c. immediately and without question. You have tried Kruschen free, at our expense. What could be fairer ? Manufactured by E. ’Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., /Manchester, Eng. (Estab. 1750). Importers: McGillivray Bros., Ltd., Toronto. " C. G. I. T. 1—What did it cost the Province to have the portrait of Hon. G. H. Ferguson painted and hung? 21—.What was the cost of chang­ ing the vest from grey to black. But only the first question appear­ ed on the order paper, “It is a recognized principle ques­ tions must b©. serious,” said"'Alex C. Lewis, Clerk of the House. Mr. Ferguson poseef ror the por­ trait prior to his departure for Eng­ land as High Commissioner to Lon­ don. When the finished picture was exhibited, it was- noticed the figure in the portait was wearing a grey vest. Mr. Ferguson said he never wore a grey vest. So the vest was re-colored.” A few days previous Mr. Medd asked the following questions: “What is the total sum of money paid by the firm, Clarkson, Gordon, Dilworth, -Guilfoyle and Nasii, ac­ countants, or to any member or em­ ployee of the firm during each of the last fiscal years by (a) the gov­ ernment; (b) Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario; (c) any other outside public service depart­ ment of the government?” THURSDAY, MARCH 9th at one o'clock the following: FARM STOCK— 3 steers rising 2 yrs. old; 3 heifers rising 2 years old 2 heifers rising 1 yr, old; 6 pigs 150 pounds; 20 hens. IMPLEMENTS/—-M. H, binder 6 ft. cut; M, H. mower nearly new; 1 land roller nearly new; 1-furrow riding (plow; seed drill, cultivator, 1 walking plow, set harrows, set of scales, hay rack, -wagon box, wagon,- set sleighs, -cutter, wheel barrow, 1 sugar kettle, set double harness, 1 scuffler, forks, shovels, hoes, neck- yokes, whiffletrees, chains, pails, boxes, grind stone, crow bar, sling ropes. Quantity of hay and a quantity of wheat. • Extension -table, sideboard, dining room table, phonograph, heatei", coal heater, kitchen chairs, bed and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF $10.00 and under, amount 12 months’ given on furnishing notes or a discount of 5 per cent, off for cash. MRS. WESi| ARMSTRONG, Propriet­ ress FRANK FRANK SALE cash; over that credit will be approved joint COATES, Clerk TAYLOR, Auctioneer MORTGAGE SALE — of --- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY Under and by virtue of tne powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale the at undersigned will offer for sale The C. G. I. T. of the James Sit. United Church held their regular meeting at the home of Miss Jean Penhale on Wednesday, IF'ebruairy 22nd. The meeting was opened with a sing-song, followed by the- Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes were read and adopted. Roll call was answered with tlie name of a favor­ ite orchestra. An enjoyabe feature of Elimville, 'called of the program was the reading of town on Thursday while on ~ “ T. paper, which was way to Goderich to attend the funer- J ' Ruth Eras- ai ,Oif the former’s brother Mr. Fred er took charge and some games were: w. Whyte. Mr. Whyte passed away in Westminister Hospital, London, on Monday of last week from the effects of a long illness traceable to his war time experience. Besides his bereaved widow he is survived by his mother Mrs. S. F. Whyte, ot Chatham, six brothers and one sister / the C. G. I. gotten up by the girls. Rev. L. C. Whyte and Mrs. Whyte and family, of Woodslee, formerly on friends in their played. Lunch was served after which the meeting came to a iclose. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Wo- the the at on Tues- The president, Mrs The regular meeting of men’s Institute was held home of Mrs. J. Si. Grant day afternoon. G. Etherington occupied the. chair. Answer to roll call was an Irish story. The convenor of the Exeter •Relief committee reported the need of funds and $25.0 0 was voted for relief purposes. It was arranged to hold a progressive euchre and crok- inole party in the Town Hall on March 16th. The program consist­ ed of a reading “The Character of Robert Burns” by Mrs. Grant. One of Edgar Guests poems, “The Old Sitting Room” was read by Miss O. Lawson. The topic “Canadian Na­ tional Parks” was ably taken by Mrs. J. W. Powell who gave a vivid and descriptive outline of many of the parks which number IS in all. Two beautifully prepared salads, sent by Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, fully de­ monstrated her ability in home econ­ omics. All voiced praise® of the salads during the lunch that was served-. Miss L. M. Jeckell read an interesting paper -on “Salads and salad making.” 'This was of great interest to everyone. Lumch was served by the hostess and committee comprising Mrs. T. Rundle, Mrs. G. Jaques, Mrs.' A. E. Buswell and Mrs, J. M. iSouthcott. I Lakeview Poultry Farm Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs Famous Pennsylvania, Poultry Farm Strain, large type White Leghorn. All breeding stock culled by Govern­ ment Inspectors Buy chicks with the bred-in ability to lay a large number of big, chaulk white eggs. Along in December with prices at their eggs peak we gathered over 800 a day from 125 0' birds, 400 of them hens. extra chicks with orders for10 every 100' placed 4 weeks in adyance Baby Chicks 11c Hatching Eggs, 10c a dozen over market price A limited number of Barred Rock Chicks 13 c.. KENNETH WEIN. DASHWOOD BAILIFF’S SALE OF MILCH COWS An Auction Sale will be held o,n LOT 13, CONC'ElSSION 3, LRiS. TUCKERSMITH STRANGE STORIES ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH Sth zs Chief Norry was host to many = visitors from various 'dimes during = the past week and some of them tell some interesting stories. iQliief Norry does, not believe everything = that some of these transients tell EE him but he meets with some very ~~! interesting characters. On Friday EE i ten transients' taxed the capacity of EE. the sleeping accommodation at the = I town hall and on the previous., ev- 5=5! ening there was six. There is sel- ! dom a night passes but that free ac- =; commodation is given to some lodg­ es: ers at the hall. One fairly well sss I dressed man told the Chief he liac^j j been a mining prospector in North- ern Ontario and had brought in ==■ some of the gold mines. Before the ■■■-:» crash came in 1929 he was worth EE $48,000 and now all he owns is a EE few certificates for stock and some day lie hopes to have these framed sx He said he did not expect the Chief s=s to believe his story but that it was = true nevertheless. A gentleman from Holland was in town last week and told Mr. Norry .that at the begln- ~~ ning of last year he had a little mon­ EE ey and he rented a tobacco farm In EE Essex County. He had a splendid I of sale. = crop of No. 1 quality b’ut wlien the _ txs crop was harvested the price was ’ MRS. ANDREW CfiBiSON, Prop, lip so low that it did not even pay the1 FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 111 r | 1933, at two o’clock p.m. TEN MILKING COWS Tuberculin tested TERM.Sc CASH. F. E. WILLIS, Bailiff. AUCTION SALE --- of --- HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer been instructed to -sell by public auc­ tion has on Milt Street, Exeter on SATURDAY, MARCH 4th 19’33, at 2 o’clock the following 2 heaters, coal oil stove, parlor suit, bedroom suite, bed, mattress and Springs, centre table, chairs carpets, lounge, glass supboard, dish­ es, washing machine, 'churn, pails, pans, sugar kettle, driving horse, top buggy, 2 cutters, set light harness bar- and scuffler, forks, shovels, lihes, rels, boxes, milk can, bucksaw many other articles. Will rent one acre of land Oil w TERMiS-—-CASH day FAiniNER’S HOTEL Crediton, Ont., on SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1033 at 11 o’clock a.m. The property known as Lot Num­ ber Ten (10) in the Ninth (9) Con­ cession of the Township of McGilliv­ ray in the County of Middlesex, save and except a portion thereof hereto­ fore sold to the Municipality of the Township of McGillivray for a road allowance, the remaining property containing ninety-nine and one-half acres of land more or less. On the property is a house, barn and other outbuildings. The pro­ perty is well located west of High­ way No. 4, at Mooresville, and south of the Village of Crediton in prosperous farming district of Gillivray Township. The soil is to be fertile and well drained. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance in thirty days there­ after, without interest. The (pro­ perty will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of to the Mc- said sale, or may be had on application the undersigned. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensail Solicitors for Mortgagee NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of DANIEL BARRY late of the Township -of Stephen in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died onKor about the 24th day of March A. D. 193 2, are required to forward their Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or before the 6th day of March A.D. 1933. AND NOTICE is further given that after the said date the Admin­ istrator will proceed to dispose of the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated this 20th day of, February A. D. 1932. MARTIN O’ ROURKE, Administrator R. R. i3, Dashwood, Ont. claims duly proven to Hto NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of HANNAH KENT late of the Village “of Centralia in the County of Huron, a married woman who died on or about the 19th day of January A. D. 1933, are required to forward their claims duly proven to II. Eilber & Bon, Crediton, before the 6th day of March 1933. AND NOTICE is further that after the said date the ........ tor will proceed to dispose of the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated this 20th day of February A. D. 1933. on or A. D given execu- NELSON BAKER Executor R. R. No. 2, Centralia V^ife—-"So you think my new ball goWn looks- like the deuce?” Hubby——"In the card sense, my dear, The deuce, you know, is the- lowest possible cut.”